And what a kingfisher he is. Nosov "Kingfisher"

Ishim, Tyumen region

It all starts from childhood

Extracurricular reading lesson based on Yuri Yakovlev’s story “Kingfisher” in 6th grade


  1. during a conversation on the content of the story, show students the courage, will, boldness, and determination of the main character;
  2. the feat in the name of our happiness is alive in the memory of the heroes of the story and in our memory;
  3. help students hear the moral sound of the story, its worldly wisdom.


  1. portrait of the writer Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev;
  2. exhibition of the writer's books;
  3. Students’ drawings for various episodes of the story “Kingfisher”.

Epigraphs for the lesson:

When soldiers went to war, they had a first and last name. Why, when they died for their Motherland, did they become unknown? It's not fair!
Yu. Yakovlev. "Kingfisher".)

I try to see tomorrow’s adult in children. But for me, an adult also begins in childhood.
(Yu. Yakovlev. “A little about myself.”)

Individual and group assignments before the lesson:

  1. drawings for the story “Kingfisher”;
  2. Reading the story, find answers to questions.

Group No. 1

  1. What event was the impetus for Marat and his friends to begin searching for a person unknown to them?
  2. Why did Marat turn to the museum?

Group No. 2

  1. Why did Marat go to Reka station and what did he manage to find out there (chapter 6)?
  2. What words end chapter 6 and how do you understand them?

Group No. 3

  1. “He (Marat) was impatient to win another piece of Kingfisher’s life from oblivion.” What “piece of life” of Kingfisher did Marat learn about from investigator Pavlov (chapter 7)?
  2. Prepare a reading based on the roles of the dialogue between Marat and Kingfisher. What did Kingfisher believe?
  3. What decision does Marat come to after his conversation with investigator Pavlov? (“I must find out his name. A person who did such a thing cannot remain without a name.”)

Group No. 4

  1. Why did the guys go to the village of Zhukovka and what interesting things did they learn there?
  2. Who is Pyotr Ilyich Luchin? What is the main idea of ​​his speech delivered at the mass grave?

(“We will tell our children to remember you. You will teach our children how to love the Motherland.”)

  1. Group No. 5
  2. What new did the guys learn about Kingfisher from the widow of Pyotr Ilyich Luchin?
  3. Words: “A person gets used to everything. But he will never be able to get used to the loss of friends” - they seemed familiar to the guys. Why?

Group No. 6

  1. How did Kingfisher get to Doctor Stroilo?
  2. What instructive words did Dr. Stroilo say to the children about life, oblivion, and human memory?
  3. How do you understand the words with which Dr. Stroilo addresses the young explorers: “Look for the person in yourself”? In connection with what and why is their doctor speaking?

On the board is a poster depicting the artistic space of the story (against the background of a question mark are drawings depicting the main points of the story and quotes to them).

As the lesson progresses, the teacher refers to the students' drawings and this poster.

  1. I give group and individual assignments in order to:
  2. Students' reading of the story was more focused;
  3. During the lesson it was possible to work with the largest number of children, asking questions that were already familiar to them.

During the classes

Last year, our country and all the people celebrated a great date. Which one? (55 years since the Victory over Nazi Germany.)

Our extracurricular reading lesson is dedicated to this glorious date.

In the story by Yu.Ya. Yakovlev “Kingfisher” has such words. Listen to them and tell me if you agree with them? (I read the 1st epigraph, the students speak out.)

The writer Yu.Ya. Yakovlev has many stories for children: “Boy with Skates”, “Relic”, “Son of a Pilot”, “Knight Vasya”, “Ledum” and others.

The main characters of these works are children. (I read the 2nd epigraph.) How do you understand these words?

Today, turning over the pages of the story “Kingfisher,” we will once again learn to understand the work by reading it carefully.

Let's try to hear the moral sound of the story, which is based on concepts such as:

  • connection between generations
  • human memory,
  • person's name,
  • oblivion,
  • hope.

Let's find out what worldly wisdom the guys understood while searching for the name of the unknown soldier.

– Let's start the conversation with this question.

(Students' answers.)

The story is structured in an unusual way. It has 15 chapters.

Inside almost every chapter we read about the lives of modern boys and girls and at the same time learn about the events of the Great Patriotic War.

– Why is the story called “Kingfisher”? What does this word mean?

(This is a nickname for a person. This is the name of a fearless bird.)

– How are the heroes of the story similar to ordinary boys and girls of our time?

(They study at school, dress fashionably, make noise in class, complete the teacher’s assignments, etc.)

(They tell their classmates what they learned about their zoology teacher (chapter 15).

He fought in a partisan detachment. He blew up the bridge.

He himself told the Germans about this so that they would not shoot the residents of the station.) “How many soldiers’ lives did you save? New bridge delaying death. Many are still alive...”

(Chapter 7).

How did the search for the guys end?

Did they manage to find out Kingfisher's name? How did this happen? (Yes. At the meeting of veterans at the obelisk, chapter 14.)

How does the story end?

(Students' answer.)

This is how Yu. Yakovlev’s story about inquisitive and inquisitive boy explorers ends.

Conclusions from the lesson

What did we learn by reading the story “Kingfisher”?

What worldly wisdom did you understand?

(About the work of the pathfinders. They are a tireless people. They return the names of nameless heroes. Pathfinders fight oblivion as they fight evil.)

Children continue the work of their fathers.

“...When a person stops learning, he stops living.”
“Everything that people did in the war can be restored.” Everything depends on us. We must fight oblivion. To live an interesting life, you need to look for a good, fair, interesting person in yourself).
A student reads V. Orlov’s poem “Boys of 1945”:
The soldiers fell asleep

Among the silence
But boys dream
Father's dreams.
On mass graves

“...When a person stops learning, he stops living.”
“Everything that people did in the war can be restored.” Everything depends on us. We must fight oblivion. To live an interesting life, you need to look for a good, fair, interesting person in yourself).
A student reads V. Orlov’s poem “Boys of 1945”:
The soldiers fell asleep

The grass is rising
And in children the father's
The memory is alive.
They dream of attacks

“...When a person stops learning, he stops living.”
“Everything that people did in the war can be restored.” Everything depends on us. We must fight oblivion. To live an interesting life, you need to look for a good, fair, interesting person in yourself).
A student reads V. Orlov’s poem “Boys of 1945”:
The soldiers fell asleep

Regimental banners.
Father's Wounds
My sons are hurting.
Victory trumpets

There is a trumpet above them,

Father's glory

He looks at the guys. The compact head, long, tetrahedral beak, short tail, and most importantly bright plumage make the kingfisher recognizable from many birds. It can be mistaken for a bird, although it does not live in the tropics., It is slightly smaller in size than, and when the kingfisher flies over the river, its green-blue color makes it look like a small flying spark. Despite its exotic color, it is very rare to see it in the wild. There are many legends about the name of the bird,

why is it called that

kingfisher . One of them says that people could not find its nest for a long time and decided that the chicks hatch in winter, so they named the pichuga that way. Features and habitat of the kingfisher In the world of birds, there are not many that need three elements at once. Kingfisher

one of them.

The most common species of this bird, common kingfisher. Belongs to the kingfisher family, order Coraciiformes. It has a spectacular and original coloring; the male and female are almost the same color.

Settles exclusively near bodies of water with running and clean water. And since there is less and less ecologically clean water, the kingfisher chooses remote habitats, away from the proximity of humans. Due to environmental pollution, this bird is becoming extinct.

The kingfisher is an excellent fisherman. In England they call him that, the fish king. It has the amazing ability to fly very low over the water without its wings touching it. He is also able to sit motionless on a branch above the water for hours and wait for prey.

And as soon as the small fish shows its silvery back, It is slightly smaller in size than, and when the kingfisher flies over the river, its green-blue color makes it look like a small flying spark. Despite its exotic color, it is very rare to see it in the wild. doesn't yawn. Looking at bird you never cease to be amazed at her agility and dexterity in catching fish.

Character and lifestyle of the kingfisher

A kingfisher's burrow is easy to distinguish from other burrows. She is always dirty and has a stench. And all because in the hole the bird eats the caught fish and feeds it to its brood. All bones, scales, and wings of insects remain in the nest and are mixed with the excrement of the chicks. It all starts to smell bad, and fly larvae simply swarm in the litter.

The bird prefers to settle away from its relatives. The distance between burrows reaches 1 km, and the closest one is 300 m. It is not afraid of humans, but does not like water bodies trampled and polluted by livestock, therefore It is slightly smaller in size than, and when the kingfisher flies over the river, its green-blue color makes it look like a small flying spark. Despite its exotic color, it is very rare to see it in the wild. bird who prefers solitude.

The kingfisher is called a burrower because of the location of its nests in the ground.

Before the mating season, the female and male live separately, only during mating do they unite. The male brings a small fish to the female, she accepts it as a sign of consent. If not, he is looking for another girlfriend.

The nest is used for several years in a row. But young couples are forced to dig new holes for their offspring. The breeding season is extended. You can find holes with eggs, chicks, and some chicks are already flying and feeding on their own.

Pictured is a giant kingfisher

The forest kingfisher is also distinguished by its bright plumage.

Kingfisher feeding

The bird is very voracious. She eats up to 20% of her body weight in food per day. There are also chicks and cubs on the side. And everyone needs to be fed. So he sits, motionless above the water, patiently waiting for prey.

Having caught a fish, the kingfisher rushes like an arrow into its hole, until predators larger than itself take it away. Rushing through the bushes and roots that hide the hole from prying eyes, he manages not to drop the fish. But it can be heavier than the kingfisher itself.

Now you need to turn it over so that it enters your mouth only with your head. After these manipulations, the kingfisher, after sitting in the hole for some time and having rested, starts fishing again. This continues until sunset.

But he does not always manage to catch a fish; often he misses and the prey goes to the depths, and the hunter takes his original place.

Well, if fishing is difficult, the kingfisher begins hunting for small river bugs and does not disdain tadpoles and dragonflies. And even small frogs fall into the bird’s field of vision.

Piebald kingfisher also catches fish with ease

Reproduction and lifespan

One of the few birds that dig holes to incubate eggs and raise chicks there. The place is chosen above the river, on a steep bank, inaccessible to predators and people. The hole is dug by both the female and the male, in turn.

They dig with their beaks and scrape the earth out of the hole with their paws. At the end of the tunnel, a small circular chamber is made for the eggs. The depth of the tunnel varies from 50 cm to 1 measure.

The hole is not lined with anything, but if it is used for more than one year, a bedding of fish bones and... Egg shells are also partly used for bedding. In this gloomy and damp nest, the kingfisher will hatch eggs and raise helpless chicks.

The clutch consists of 5-8 eggs, which are incubated in turn by a male and a female. The chicks emerge after 3 weeks, naked and blind. They are very voracious and feed exclusively on fish.

Parents have to spend all their time on the pond, patiently waiting for prey. After a month, the chicks emerge from the hole, learn to fly and catch small fish.

Feeding occurs in order of priority. The parent knows exactly which chick he fed before. The small fish is sent head first into the offspring's mouth. Sometimes the fish is larger than the chick itself and one tail protrudes from its mouth. As the fish is digested, it sinks lower and the tail disappears.

In addition to its chicks, the kingfisher can have two or three more broods. And he feeds everyone, like a decent dad. Females have no idea about the male’s polygyny.

But if for some reason the hole is disturbed while the chicks are incubating or feeding, he will not return there. The female with the brood will be left to the mercy of fate.

Under favorable conditions, a pair of kingfishers can make one or even two more clutches. While the father feeds the chicks, the female incubates a new clutch of eggs. All chicks grow up by mid-August and are capable of flying.

Blue kingfisher bird

Kingfishers live 12-15 years. But many do not live to such a respectable age. Some die as fledgling chicks if the male abandons the nest; some become prey to large predators.

A large number of kingfishers die during long flights, unable to withstand the difficulties of long distances.

The kingfisher is a beautiful bird with its appearance more similar to the inhabitants of the tropics, parrots, in fact it is more related to ours, although seeing both is considered great luck. The Germans, for example, consider the kingfisher to be a symbol of wealth and prosperity and keep stuffed animals of them in the house, the British gave it a name as a description, the fisherman king, and the Italians and French call it a photo of the kingfisher and always hang it in the house as a talisman.

Kingfisher photo bird, why is it called that

This is what a kingfisher bird looks like

I'm intrigued, now let's look at the photo and we'll try to give description of kingfisher, this most mysterious bird for humans, it is not for nothing that he was given an equally mysterious name - kingfisher. Why is it called that? The main legend of the origin of the name kingfisher says that this is a distorted name for a bird that lives and gives birth (hatches) its chicks in the ground, in burrows - shrew!

But in our area there is another legend: take any bird in your hands, it is warm, but the kingfisher is always cold, the winter genus is cold. Apparently the bird has adapted to burrow life and the cold water of reservoirs where it finds food. Try to sit for hours above the surface of the water on a twig or reed, looking out for prey, and you will inevitably become cold, and this is exactly what the kingfisher does when getting food for itself.

The kingfisher settles exclusively near rivers with clean and running water. If conditions permit, the river has ice-free sections or channels, and remains for the winter in the same place where it was born. IN Lately The kingfisher in Russia can often be seen in the North Caucasus.

In Russia, the kingfisher is found in the forest-steppe and steppe parts of Siberia, near the cities of Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk, in the upper reaches of the Yenisei. It is found in Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine along the Desna River, Zaporozhye and in the Rivne region. Recently, kingfishers have begun to be seen in the southwest of Crimea; I myself saw one in Balaklava, while serving in the Navy.

In fact, representatives of the kingfisher genus live in Africa, southern Asia and Europe, Australia and New Guinea. We have The common or blue kingfisher lives in Russia.

What does the kingfisher bird look like - photo.

But let’s return to the description of the kingfisher; in the photo, of course, it looks like a giant; in fact, the kingfisher is slightly larger than a starling. A compact head with small light specks, a long, thin tetrahedral beak gradually tapering towards the end, an unusually short tail for a bird, bright red plumage with a bluish-green tint, a stripe through the eye to the back of the head, all this taken together makes the kingfisher the most recognizable of the avian class . The female kingfisher is colored the same as the male, only smaller in size.

Kingfishers skillfully hide their home; humans rarely see it. The kingfisher’s only voice is a sharp, intermittent “teep-teep-teep.” The lifespan of a kingfisher reaches 15 years.

Where does the kingfisher live?

The kingfisher lives on the steep banks of reservoirs, in burrows that are built by the male and female in turn, prefers to settle away not only from people, but also from its relatives, choosing the cleanest places, but it itself is not particularly clean.

A kingfisher's burrow can be easily distinguished from other birds living in burrows, such as swallows, by the stench emanating from it, but this is not surprising. The kingfisher feeds its chicks, its bones remain right there in the nest and naturally the remains of food rot on them.

The chicks are incubated by the female and the male in turn. A month after birth, kingfisher chicks can already fly and catch small fish. And in just the summer season, a pair of kingfishers can have up to three broods.

Kingfisher is a migratory bird or not.

Kingfisher. For the winter it flies to Southern Europe and North Africa, from the European part of Russia to South Asia. The kingfishers living in our Northern Caucasus do not fly away for the winter. Another interesting feature of kingfishers is that, after flying away separately for the winter, a pair of kingfishers that return home are reunited.

Enemies of the kingfisher bird, why its numbers are constantly declining.

The kingfisher has no enemies. It is true that sometimes young, immature kingfishers are caught by falcons and hawks. People also rarely hunt this bird, at least in our country; it is known that in some countries they are used to make stuffed animals.

But, despite this, recently the number of kingfishers has greatly decreased, which is due to irresponsible human economic activity, which is destroying the natural habitat of this beautiful bird.

The closest relative of the kingfisher is the hoopoe.

2. Read the text.

Where there is water, there is life. You can live on land and feed in the water. The long-legged heron does just that. Every day he flies to the river to catch frogs. He's completely legless, but an excellent swimmer. Green frogs fear him like fire. The kingfisher is an avid fisherman. He can't live without water. The brown dipper is a real diver. It does not swim, does not dive, but walks along the river bottom, as if along a bank, and collects small animals. Doesn't freeze even in cold water. Life is in full swing on land and in water.

(77 words)
(A. Tikhonov)

3. Choose the most appropriate title for the text.

How good it is to live in water!
V Life in water and on land.
About the dipper and others.

4. Write down what animals are discussed in the text.

About the heron, already, green frogs, kingfisher, brown dipper.

6. Write down what the author calls the kingfisher.

The kingfisher is an avid fisherman.

7. Who is shown in the illustrations? Write captions under the illustrations.

8. Based on the content of the text, insert the missing letters into the cells so that the sentences make sense.

a) Flies to the river



B) Walks along the river bottom


c) Green frogs are afraid


Test 1

(1) “What is he like, kingfisher?” I thought when my friend had already left. - (2) How will I recognize him? (3) I once read about this bird, but I didn’t remember the description, and I never saw it alive. (4) I didn’t think to ask my friend what she looked like.

(5) But soon she herself showed up. (6) I was sitting by the hut. (7) The morning bite is over. (8) The floats stood motionless white among the dark green burdocks of the water lilies. (9) The sultry afternoon was approaching - a time of rest for both the fish and the fishermen.

(10) Suddenly, a large bright butterfly flashed over the coastal thickets of reeds, often flapping its wings. (11) At the same instant, the butterfly landed on the outermost rod, slowly folded its wings and turned out to be a bird. (12) The thin tip of the rod swayed under her, throwing the bird up and down, causing it to flinch its wings or spread its tail.

(13) And exactly the same bird, reflected in the water, then flew towards it, then again fell into the blue of the overturned sky.

(14) I hid and began to look at the stranger. (15) She was amazingly beautiful. (16) Olive-orange breast, dark, light-flecked wings and a bright, sky-colored back. (17) It’s not surprising that I mistook the bird for a strange butterfly.

(18) But the magnificent outfit did not suit the bird. (19) There was something mournful and sad in her appearance. (20) Now the fishing rod stopped swinging, and the bird froze on it like a motionless lump: it chillily pulled its head into its shoulders and lowered its long beak onto its chest. (21) No matter how much I watched her, she never moved, did not make a single sound. (22) The bird kept looking and looking down at the flowing crystal waters of the river shimmering in the sun. (23) It seemed that she had dropped something to the bottom and was now flying, saddened, over the river and looking for her loss.

(24) And I began to formulate a fairy tale about the beautiful princess. (25) About how the evil woman-yaga bewitched her and turned her into a kingfisher bird. (26) The clothes on the bird remained royal: made of gold brocade and blue satin. (27) And the sad princess is a bird because Baba Yaga threw into the river a silver key that opens a forged chest. (28) At the very bottom of the chest there is a magic word. (29) Having mastered this word, the princess-bird will again become the princess-girl. (30) So she flies over the river, sad and mournful, looking for and unable to find the treasured key.

(31) The princess sat and sat on the fishing rod, squeaked thinly, as if she had sobbed, and flew along the shore, often flapping her wings.

(32) I really liked this bird. (33) Such a hand would not rise to offend.

(34) A kingfisher flew in almost every day. (35) One day my birdie flew in to bait, as before, sat down on the fishing rod and began to think her bitter thoughts. (36) How it will splash into the water! (37) I even shuddered in surprise.

(38) And she immediately took off, flashing something silver in her beak. (39) As if this was the very key that she had been looking for for so long.

(40) But it turned out that my fairy tale did not end there. (41) The kingfisher flew and flew and was still silent and sad. (42) From time to time he dived into the water, but instead of the treasured key he came across small fish, which he carried into his deep hole-dungeon dug in the cliff.

(43) The end of my vacation was approaching, and I was getting ready to go home. (44) In the evening, as if nothing had happened, my sad princess flew in and trustingly sat down on a twig.

(45) “And I’m going home!” I said out loud. (46) - I’ll go to the city, to work. (47) What will you do here alone? (48) Be careful not to catch the hawk's eye! (49) Your blue feathers will fly over the river. (50) And no one will know about them!

(51) The kingfisher, ruffled, sat motionless on a vine. (52) He seemed to listen carefully to my words.

(53) - Well, goodbye! - I took off my cap, waved to my princess and with all my heart wished to find the magic key.

(According to E.I. Nosov)

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “Why, in the author’s opinion, did the magnificent outfit not suit the bird?”

    The end of my vacation was approaching, and I was getting ready to go home.

    And the sad princess is a bird because Baba Yaga threw a silver key into the river, which opens a forged chest.

    There was something mournful and sad in her appearance.

3. Specify a sentence in which the means of speech expression is epithet.

1) The kingfisher, ruffled, sat motionless on a vine

2) Olive-orange breast, dark, light-flecked wings and a bright, sky-colored back.

3) The bird kept looking and looking down at the flowing crystal waters of the river shimmering in the sun.

4) The princess sat and sat on the fishing rod, squeaked thinly, as if she had sobbed, and flew along the shore, often flapping her wings.

4 . From sentences 38-41, write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the subsequent consonant sound.

5 . From sentences 21-23, write down a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the fact that the verb from which it is formed belongs to the first conjugation.

6 . Replace spoken word will plump from sentence 36 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase reed thickets(sentence 10), built on the basis of management, is a synonymous phrase with the connection coordination. Write the resulting phrase.

8 . Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 50.

9. Among sentences 10-13, find a sentence with a separate definition

10. introductory word.

No matter how much I followed her, 1 she never moved 2 , didn't make a single sound. The bird kept looking and looking down at the flowing 3 The crystal waters of the river shimmer in the sun. It seemed 4 , she dropped something to the bottom and is now flying 5 , saddened, 6 over the river and is looking for his loss.

11. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in the sentence 30.

12. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) indicating the comma(s) between the parts of a complex sentence connected subordinating communication

There was something mournful in her appearance 1 , sad. The fishing rod has stopped swinging 2 , and the bird froze on it as a motionless lump 3 : She chillily pulled her head into her shoulders 4 , lowered her long beak onto her chest. How long have I been following her? 5 , she never moved 6 , didn't make a single sound.

13. Among sentences 24-28, find a complex sentence

With consistent submission. Write the number of this offer.

14 .Among sentences 20-23, find complex offer with creative writing And non-union

Part 3

15.1. Write an essay - a reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of Alexander Alexandrovich Zelenetsky “Giving imagery to words is constantly being improved in modern speech through epithets” two

You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of A.A. Zelenetsky. The essay must be at least 70 words.

15.2. “But the magnificent outfit did not suit the bird. There was something mournful and sad in her appearance». Bring it in your essay two

15.3. BEAUTY? "What is beauty" one example- second - from your life experience.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Test 2

(1) This happened at the junction of winter and spring, at a time of anarchy in nature. (2) During the night, the frozen sky rose high, giving room to the sun. (3) Fly, warm people from the winter cold! (4) But God’s light rose lazily and uncertainly. (5) The sun confused the people, so not everyone decided to walk from the station to the village. (6) The local people know that at such a time, lying down in the ravines, the blizzard chooses its hour to lead the traveler off the road. (7) Like a cunning she-wolf, the blizzard will pounce on a person.

(8) And the wind is already blowing from one side and the other, then it breaks out onto the road, then it beckons and does not let you in. (9) And it is not clear what he sings: whether he is saying goodbye to winter or is already welcoming spring.

(10) It would be better, of course, to wait for passing horses at the station when the teacher got off the morning train. (11) However, Elizaveta Petrovna, a fresh person here, had not yet learned to decipher the local sun, and was far from village wisdom. (12) In weather conditions, she knew a shorter road, which she walked along more than once. (13) She hurried along it in light ankle boots. (14) In hands are a travel bag and a basket with book gifts for the children. (15) She went to Moscow itself for them. (16) She walked easily and briskly, without fear or worry about the road or the weather.

(17) As if this was all that was needed to awaken the field blizzard. (18) Before the young teacher had time to daydream, a big wind blew in, cold and heavy, somehow alien. (19) Suddenly the sun sank in the bottomless sky. (20) The frozen crust of the snow-covered plain was now seen as the sky, overturned to the ground. (21) The path slipped away from under our feet, the willows scattered and hid in the distance. (22) These trees always met her, showing her the way, seeing her off further. (23) The teacher was taken aback as soon as the snowfall drove the willows off the road. (24) And there is no one to bow to... (25) She ran, flew faster than the wind. (26) And God knows in what direction it would have skidded, if not for a familiar thorn bush on the way.

(According to P.S. Salnikov)

2. Which sentence contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “Why, according to the author, not everyone decided to walk from the station to the village?”

    The frozen crust of the snow-covered plain was now seen as the sky overturned to the ground.

    At such a time, lying down in the ravines, the blizzard chooses its hour to throw the traveler off the road.

    The villagers noticed that overnight the sun sank in the bottomless sky.

    The path slipped away from under our feet, the willows scattered and hid in the distance.

3. comparison.

    Before the young teacher had time to daydream, a big wind blew in, thick and heavy, somehow alien.

    The teacher was taken aback as soon as the snowfall drove the willows off the road.

    Like a cunning she-wolf, a blizzard will pounce on a person.

    This happened at the junction of winter and spring, at a time of anarchy in nature.

4. From sentences 24-26, write down the word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the stress.

5 . From sentences 18-20, write down a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: “In adjectives formed with the suffix –N- from a stem ending in –N-, it is written -NN-.”

6 . Replace the colloquial word STILLY from sentence 20 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase travel bag(sentence 14), built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

8 . Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 17.

9. Among sentences 20-22, find a sentence with a separate circumstance. Write the number of this offer.

10 .In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) indicating the comma(s) when introductory word.

Better 1 , of course 2 , it would be to wait for passing horses at the station 3 when the teacher got off the morning train. However, Elizaveta Petrovna 4 , a fresh person here 5 , I have not yet learned to decipher the local sun 6 , was far from village wisdom. In weather she knew the shortest way 7 , along which I walked more than once.

11 . Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 5.

12. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) indicating the comma(s) between the parts of a complex sentence connected creative writing communication

The man here knows 1 that at such a time 2 , lying down in the ravines 3 , the blizzard chooses its hour, 4 to lead a traveler off the road. How a cunning she-wolf will pounce 5 , will spin a person. And the wind is already blowing and from one 6 , and on the other hand 7 , then he will break out onto the road, 8 it beckons and doesn’t let you in.

13. Among sentences 5-8, find a complex sentence with sequential subordination. Write the number of this offer.

14. Find among sentences 8-11 complex offer with subordinating And non-union communication Write the number of this offer.

Part 3

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the linguist’s statement Vladimir Georgievich Vetvitsky: “A noun is like the conductor of a grammatical orchestra. Keep a watchful eye on himthe orchestra members follow - dependent words and are likened to it in form, consistent with it" To justify your answer, give two example from the text read. When giving examples, indicate sentence numbers or use citations.

15.2. Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the phrase in the text: « It would, of course, be better to wait for passing horses at the station when the teacher got off the morning train.” two Bring it in your essay arguments from the text you read that support your reasoning. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use

The essay must be at least 70 words.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word CHOICE? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic: "What is choice", taking the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: one example- give an argument from the text you read, and second - from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Test 3

(1) A forest could be seen from afar. (2) Its dark edge was outlined in a whitish-cloudy haze, and the thick, lingering smell of oak bark was already felt. (3) Company commander Alexei Ryumin peered intently at three scouts walking not far ahead, ready to run into an obstacle at any second.

(4) The forest ended in a convex semicircle into a field. (5) On the northwestern edge it went into a hill, and on the eastern edge it slid into a lowland, and there were several huts, and behind them stretched some red overgrown growth. (6) Nothing further was visible, because the day was stuck at half-dawn: the sky began right above the tops of the trees. (7) The company sat down at the edge of the forest, and Ryumin began to look enchanted at the huts and at what was behind them. (8) It was there that they had to go, and the wounded kept asking for water, but Alexey never stopped on the way.

(9) All these five or six kilometers that separated the company from the place of the night battle, the company passed along the eastern edge of the forest, and in the darkness it seemed endless, wide and unknown, like the taiga. (10) It seemed that, as if playing along with the enemy, he was constantly turning to the northeast. (11) Mentally, Ryumin more than once crossed in the forest with the cadets that invisible and mysterious line, beyond which the unbearable environment immediately disappeared and where the last night’s battle ended with the daring victory of the Kremlin men. (12) But only night, and not this gray day, could lead the company to this final victory.

(13) Ryumin led his company into the depths of the forest, which was no longer the same. (14) It was much denser, and every now and then there were neatly stacked piles of dead wood, neatly tidied clearings and clearings. (15) Tits were frightened in the tree branches, in the hazel and thorn bushes.

(16) The commander walked in front of the formation, for some reason high and insinuatingly, as if on a mine strip, raising his legs. (17) In the tense silence, for some reason the cadets were breathing noisily and rapidly. (18) It was as if Ryumin saw his company for the first time, and the fate of each cadet suddenly appeared before him as the focus of everything that a war could end for the Motherland - victory or death.

2 . Which sentence contains the information necessary to justify the answer to the question: “Why, according to the author, is Ryumin’s company forced to spend the entire day in the forest?”

3) The company was surrounded and could not go out into the open.

4) The cadets were exhausted from the night battle, so they needed rest.

3. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expression is comparison.

1) The tits were frightened in the branches of the trees and in the hazel bushes.

2) Every now and then there were neatly stacked piles of dead wood, cleanly tidied clearings and clearings.

3) Ryumin led his company into the depths of the forest, which was no longer the same

4) The commander walked in front of the formation, for some reason high and insinuatingly, as if on a mine strip, raising his legs.

4. From sentences 4-7, write down a word whose prefix meaning is “incompleteness of action”

5 .From sentences 16-18, write down a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: “In adjectives formed with the suffix –N- from a stem ending in –N-, it is written -NN-.

6. Replace spoken word aunties from sentence 15 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase about forest cannon(sentence 9), built on the basis of management, is a synonymous phrase with the connection coordination. Write the resulting phrase.

8 . Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 10.

9. Among sentences 1-4, find a sentence with isolated homogeneous definitions. Write the number of this offer.

10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) indicating the comma(s) when introductory word.

All these five or six kilometers 1 that separated the company from the scene of the night battle 2 , the company walked along the eastern edge of the forest 3 , and in the darkness it seemed endless 4 , wide and unknown 5 like taiga. It seemed 6 , He 7 , as if playing along with the enemy 8 , all the time turning to the northeast.

11. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 8.

12 .In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) indicating the comma(s) between the parts of a complex sentence connected creative writing communication

Ryumin led his company into the depths of the forest 1 who was no longer the same. It was much thicker 2 , and every now and then there were neatly folded piles of dead wood 3 , cleanly tidied clearings and clearings. In tree branches 4 , in the hazel and thorn bushes the tits were frightened.

13. Among sentences 11-13, find a complex sentence with uniform subordination m. Write the number of this proposal.

14. Find among sentences 4-7 complex offer with subordinating And non-union communication Write the number of this offer.

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of philologist Grigory Yakovlevich Solganik: “Just as a sentence is constructed according to certain syntactic models, in the same way sentences in the text are connected according to certain rules.” . .Give reasons for your answer: two example from the text read. When giving examples, indicate sentence numbers or use citations.

You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of V.G. Vetvitsky. The essay must be at least 70 words. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.2. Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the phrase in the text: « It was as if Ryumin saw his company for the first time, and the fate of each cadet suddenly appeared before him as the focus of everything that a war could end for the Motherland - victory or death.” two Bring it in your essay arguments from the text you read that support your reasoning. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use

The essay must be at least 70 words.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word Bring it in your essay? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic: RESPONSIBILITY, taking the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: one example- give an argument from the text you read, and second - from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

"What is responsibility"

Test 4

(1) The huge stadium seemed silent. (2) The stands gradually thinned out...

(3) “Petyushka,” said a quiet voice nearby. (4) Peter looked around. (5) A man in a checkered shirt was looking at him from the barrier. (6) Peter nodded to him and wanted to pass by, but the man walked along the barrier, repeating: “Petyushka, don’t you recognize it?”

(7) Petya took a closer look: gray cropped hair, a thin neck. (8) He looks about sixty years old, no less. (9) Peter threw tiredly over his shoulder: “I don’t remember, my dear...”

(10) At night he woke up suddenly, as if from a blow. (11) I wonder why at night thoughts always seem clear, why is it so good to think about the past?

(19) In early spring, together with the guys, Uncle Kostya planted acacia, bird cherry, and lilac around the site (20) And in May frosts hit and the seedlings died. (21) “Nothing,” Uncle Kostya said then, “we will plant acacia, apple trees, and maples again.”

(22) He spent every free minute with the surrounding kids.

(23) One day Uncle Kostya hung a homemade tin sign on the gate of the site: “Wind Rose Stadium.” (24) Peter ran to this stadium after school and spent his evenings there. (25) The guys did the long jump, and Uncle Kostya, as a permanent judge, announced who jumped the farthest.

(26) Peter continued to remember: he mentally imagined a narrow fence, behind which lay the “Stadium young pioneers", and myself, small, timid. (27) Uncle Kostya brought him there... (28) He found a man at the stadium and persistently told him something. (29) Cockerel heard: “You know how capable he is! Just look!”

(30) And Petyushka began to engage in athletics...

(31) No one knows how Peter’s life would have turned out if not for Uncle Kostya with his warm, ageless heart.

(32) Peter walked around the room in excitement and decided: “I’ll find it. (33) But how to do this, who can I find out the address from? (34) The houses there were all demolished, and then I forgot his last name. (35) But still, I’ll find out through the guys, because they probably know and will tell me. (36) He was my best friend, whom I could trust with a lot.”

(37) But the days filled with various events passed, and Peter remembered Uncle Kostya less and less. (38) Sometimes the memory of an old man in a checkered shirt, which had become deaf, tingled. (39) For a while he looked around the rows of spectators at the stadium, searching with his eyes for gray, beaver-cropped hair, but then he stopped looking, forgot...

(40) More Peter, master of sports in athletics, I never met Uncle Kostya again.

(According to L.Z. Uvarova)

2 . Which sentence contains the information necessary to justify the answer to the question: “At night, Petya woke up suddenly, as if from a blow?”

1) Sometimes the memory of the old man in a checkered shirt tingled, which had become dull.

2) “Petyushka,” said a quiet voice nearby.

3) He found a man at the stadium and persistently told him something.

4) Peter remembered him: it was Uncle Kostya.

3. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expression is epithet.

1) The guys did the long jump, and Uncle Kostya, as a permanent judge, announced who jumped the furthest.

2) Peter ran to this stadium after school and spent his evenings there.

3) Petya looked closely: gray cropped hair, a thin neck.

4) No one knows how Peter’s life would have turned out if not for Uncle Kostya with his warm, ageless heart.

4. From sentences 17-19, write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the subsequent consonant sound.

5 .From sentences 24-26, write down a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: “In adverbs formed from adjectives, as many -N- are written as in the adjective from which it is formed.

6. Replace the colloquial word forgot from sentence 34 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase tin sign(sentence 23), built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

8 . Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 28.

9. Among offers 37-40, find an offer with a separate application. Write the number of this offer.

10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) indicating the comma(s) when introductory word.

Life seemed smooth to him 1 , durable. In the spring he trained in the south 2 , but yesterday 3 running ten thousand meters 4 , set a record. All, 5 in fact 6 , it was just great 7 , however, something was stopping him.

11. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 31.

12 . In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) indicating the comma(s) between the parts of a complex sentence connected creative writing communication

Just how to do it 1 Who can I get the address from? (34) The houses there have all been demolished 2 ,

and then I forgot his last name. (35) Still, I find out through the guys 3 ,

because they probably know 4 , and they will tell you. (36) He was my best

friend 5 , who could be trusted with a lot.

13. Among sentences 10-14, find a complex sentence with uniform subordination m. Write the number of this proposal.

14. Find among sentences 23-26 complex offer with subordinating And non-union communication Write the number of this offer.

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement philologist L. Sukhorukova: “Our speech is the most important part not only of our behavior, but also of our personality, our soul, our mind”. To justify your answer, give two example from the text read. When giving examples, indicate sentence numbers or use citations.

You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of L. Sukhorukov. The essay must be at least 70 words. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.2. Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the phrase in the text: « But the days filled with various events passed, and Peter remembered Uncle Kostya less and less. Sometimes the dull memory of the old man in the checkered shirt tingled ». Bring it in your essay two Bring it in your essay arguments from the text you read that support your reasoning. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use

The essay must be at least 70 words.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word MEMORY? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic: "What is memory" taking the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: one example- give an argument from the text you read, and second - from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


Test 1

4. took off

5. pearly

6.dives or rushes

7. reed thickets one will know

Test 2


6. cold bag

8.not enough

Test 3


6. squeaked or squeaked

7. forest edge

8.he was wrapping

"What is responsibility"

4. got hold of


7.tin sign

8.he found, spoke