Which is better, an exercise bike or an elliptical? Which is better, an exercise bike or an elliptical trainer?

Having a beautiful and healthy body is not just a desire for external reasons. First of all, it is maintaining health and your healthy image life. There are many diets and medications for this. But the most the best remedy This is physical activity! The most popular are exercise classes.

This simulator is easy to learn and has a simple interface. This a good choice for people who want to study at home rather than go to special Sport halls or fitness centers.

The basic equipment of such a simulator is a device with fixed handles and a pair of foot pedals. Some models may have a seat. Several modes are combined here - walking and running. The difference from other simulators is that here the legs move along an ellipsoidal trajectory.

The muscles of the thighs and calf muscles are well worked out. There is no stress on the knees here. This is good because the risk of injury or sprain is almost zero. Thanks to this, people with painful joints will be able to exercise on an elliptical trainer.

When moving backwards they work gluteal muscles. Tendons also work; this is very difficult to achieve with other simulators. With the help of special handles you can pump up your arms. With simultaneous and equal work of arms and legs, in a short period of time you can pump up almost all muscle groups, even passive ones, because they hold the body on the simulator and also tense up. The speed of blood flow increases sharply.


  1. Multifunctionality. During training, almost all muscle groups work.
  2. Lack of preliminary preparation. Both completely unprepared people and those who have significant physical training can train here.
  3. Versatility. People of all ages can practice.
  4. Minimum time. A daily half-hour workout will help keep your body toned and strengthen not only your muscles, but also your blood vessels.
  5. Safety. There is almost no impact on the knees and joints, which significantly reduces the risk of injury.
  6. Mode selection. A great opportunity to choose running, walking, imitation swimming, skiing.

The disadvantage of the elliptical trainer is quite banal. This is a total load on the entire body. You should always consider your capabilities, but strive for more. Do not neglect your feelings and well-being.

The unconditional benefit of the simulator is already a scientifically proven fact; there can be no doubt about it. The best confirmation is statistics and numbers. This is one of the most popular home exercise machines.

Maximum weight per exercise bike – 100 kg, but models have already appeared in which this figure is increased. It is very important to consider the braking system when choosing an exercise bike. There are magnetic, electromagnetic and mechanical.

The mechanical system has a belt that tensions and regulates the load. Since this is the simplest system, it is also the cheapest. But noisy and not very durable.

The magnetic system is more modern, better quality and more reliable. It is based on magnets. The load depends on their location between each other and the flywheels.

There is a computer in the electromagnetic system, and it monitors all changes and the program.

It is also necessary to evaluate the remaining parts of the simulator. Seat, frame, pedals, steering wheel. After all, classes should be comfortable and beneficial. Be sure to adjust the seat to your height and check its comfort before purchasing.

A simple simulator computer can display time, speed, calorie consumption, and distance. On more complex models, the steering wheel may show the heart rate.


  1. Development of leg muscles.
  2. Improving the mobility of ligaments and joints.
  3. Improved endurance.
  4. Figure correction.
  5. Improved proportions.
  6. Elimination of cellulite.

But the exercise bike will also have a longer list of disadvantages.


  • Takes up a lot of space.
  • A lot of time. To achieve results, you need to practice more than half an hour a day.
  • Sometimes it spoils my posture.
  • Risk of clothing getting caught in the machine mechanism.
  • Lack of effectiveness without a coach.

What common

The common feature of these exercise machines is that they almost equally allow you to keep your body in good shape at home. They also have the same contraindications.


There is a fact that the amount of calories burned on exercise machines is different. You can lose weight on an exercise bike 400 to 450 calories, and on an elliptical trainer you can up to 800 calories per hour.

They also differ in size. An elliptical trainer will require more space, while an exercise bike is quite compact. But an exercise bike is much noisier than an elliptical. It may depend on the flywheel. The cost of an aerial trainer can range from just one thousand rubles to hundreds of thousands if they are professional models.

The elliptical trainer is more expensive, its starting price about 10 thousand rubles and up to hundreds of thousands. While exercising on the Exercise Bike, you can read a book or watch a movie, as special concentration is not required here. But for training on the elliptical trainer it is very necessary. It is also much more difficult to fall from an exercise bike, although falling from any exercise bike is very problematic, but still. It is also believed that thanks to the elliptical trainer you can better “pump up” the tone of the heart and improve the functioning of blood vessels.

The main thing is to proceed from personal preferences, from personal comfort. Before buying, you need to carefully examine all parts of the simulator, adjust the seat to suit you, try to sit, if possible, then work a little. And only then draw conclusions about what will be better and more effective.

What is better for whom?

The exercise bike is great for children, teenagers, the elderly, pregnant women or people with heart disease. More precisely for those who have heart failure and who want to strengthen their heart.

An elliptical trainer is more suitable for people who are serious about changing and improving their body and health. It will be problematic for children and teenagers to exercise on such a simulator. If I can say so, then elliptical trainer more “professional” and “more complex”.

Also, if your tailbone starts to hurt after exercise, this is a sign of some kind of spinal disease. In this case, it is better to switch to a horizontal simulator.

The most popular fitness equipment for home are and. They provide effective aerobic exercise, develop endurance, and help to acquire a healthy and beautiful body. Computerization of the most modern models allows you to accurately adjust the level of difficulty of exercises and control the frequency heart rate and track basic training parameters.

What is the difference between exercise bikes and ellipsoids?

Despite the apparent similarity of the two types of cardio equipment, each of them has its own specifics both in its effect on the body and in its technical parameters. Let's compare the main characteristics of these types of fitness equipment:

Exercises on an exercise bike work the calves, glutes, thigh muscles And lower press. When exercising on an orbit track, due to the vertical position of the body, all muscles are actively involved.
  • Impact on joints. Both types of cardio equipment place weight on the spine and joints. The most gentle option in this regard would be a horizontal exercise machine, which provides back support and relieves pressure from the knees.
  • Workout. Exercises on an ellipsoid require some skill and are quite monotonous. The exercise bike is easier to use. In addition to selecting difficulty modes, it provides a range training programs, helping to diversify classes.
  • Effective for weight loss. In an hour of intense training, more than 800 kcal are burned on an elliptical, and about 600 on a bicycle simulator, but...
  • Injury hazard. Both types have a strong and stable construction, do not loosen or tip over. At the same time, it is more difficult to maintain balance on the orbit track, especially for overweight users.
  • Dimensions and weight. Elliptical trainers are larger than stationary trainers mini bikes, and require a lot of space for activities and storage. But there are also folding models of both types of sports equipment, suitable for small apartments.
  • Price. Even the most primitive orbitrek model will cost more than a fully functional bicycle simulator from an inexpensive brand or even.
  • What to choose: exercise bike or elliptical

    To do right choice between a bicycle simulator and an elliptical, it is important to understand their features and focus on your goal of playing sports:

    • Orbitrek is suitable for those who are ready for serious physical activity and do not have problems with the spine and joints.
    • For beginners and those who want to keep their body in good shape, it is preferable to choose an exercise bike that is easier to use.
    • It will also be useful for users with musculoskeletal diseases, including for rehabilitation purposes. Exercises on an ellipsoid are more energy-consuming and contribute to fast weight loss
    • . However, it is better for severely obese users to start training on a stationary bike, and only gradually move on to more complex exercises.
    • By freeing your hands, you can combine exercises on an exercise bike with another activity.

    There are exercise bikes Nowadays, many people are seriously thinking about their health and lifestyle. It has become not only fashionable to visit gyms, but also a necessity, to maintain yourself in sports uniform

    and look after your health. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to find time for the gym; home exercise machines, of which there are a huge variety in sports stores today, can be a good alternative.

    Treadmill Each type of simulator has its own advantages and disadvantages. When choosing, many people ask the question, which is better? or an elliptical trainer? The treadmill was developed at the end of the 19th century and since then it has been an indispensable tool for cardio exercise. I also advise you to read about, another ideal option for studying at home.

    Today they are universal, there are many modes of fast and easy walking, up to the mode of climbing uphill. Different speeds, incline and additional programs will help make your workout more effective. The ability to do interval training, and a great cardio workout is guaranteed.

    In addition, the treadmill accurately imitates the natural movement of running, does not require special skills and is suitable for beginner athletes with weak physical training. Also ideal for those who want to strengthen their cardiovascular and respiratory systems. To avoid injury, take care of it in advance.

    The device will fit into a small room – when folded, it does not take up much space. It can be folded and put away when not needed. It is very comfortable to exercise; you can run and listen to music or watch a movie at the same time.

    All exercise machines have a display that displays information about the distance covered, at what speed, what is your heart rate and how many calories have been burned.

    In addition, according to the results of many studies, it turned out that burning calories on a treadmill occurs several times faster than on an elliptical or exercise bike.

    Despite all the advantages of the treadmill, there are also small difficulties.

    Firstly, the surface of the track is perfectly flat, with natural running There are both sandy and stone roads, the rhythm and width of the step changes. With the same surface, our body relaxes, and the effectiveness of training decreases.

    Secondly, any sports aid, be it a treadmill or an elliptical trainer, will not provide the same sensations that can be experienced when training outdoors.

    Thirdly, the treadmill can be noisy.

    Fourthly, a small running space makes the exercise less comfortable.

    It is not advisable to use a treadmill if you have arthritis; even a short workout can cause very painful sensations in the joints.

    The elliptical trainer appeared relatively recently, but has already won the sympathy of many workout enthusiasts. Anyone who doesn’t know that a treadmill or an elliptical trainer is better should turn their attention to the latter option, because it combines almost all types of exercise equipment: from a treadmill to an exercise bike.

    There are several types of ellipse:

    Mechanical, the simplest, safest and inexpensive, the athlete himself sets it in motion.

    Magnetic ones have a magnetic brake system that makes movements smoother.

    Electromagnetic ones are the most expensive. Computer controlled and durable.

    An elliptical trainer strengthens the heart muscles and the vascular system as a whole. Today, with its help, it is possible to work out absolutely all muscle groups. Models with a tilt function allow, models with a steering wheel will help strengthen the muscles of the chest and arms. The elliptical trainer does not ignore the back muscles - it makes your posture straight and your movements smoother. It affects all muscle groups equally - the muscles of the legs, chest or back.

    It helps to develop muscles that are not always amenable to fitness, and also replaces running and eliminates the annoying pedaling on an exercise bike. Suitable for keeping fit at any age.

    Another advantage is that it works without electricity (but on the other hand, there are also mechanical treadmills).

    Great for people suffering overweight– regular workouts will help you get rid of a couple of unnecessary kilograms. In addition, an exercise bike or elliptical trainer helps get rid of stress, stabilize your emotional state, and increase the body's immunity. There is also no need to regularly go to the gym and buy special equipment. You can exercise in the comfort of your home while enjoying your favorite TV shows.

    Despite the fact that the elliptical trainer can replace all other exercise machines, it does have some inconveniences. While on a treadmill you can change the incline angle, on an ellipse this function is not available on most models. Almost does not touch the abdominal and waist muscles. It is too huge for small rooms and takes up a lot of space - so you should carefully choose a place in the house before purchasing. You can purchase folding models, but they can be hazardous to humans.

    Let's look a little at the question, which is better: an exercise bike or an elliptical trainer? Basically, the main difference between an exercise bike and its other “brothers” is that it puts the load primarily on the leg muscles. Of course, the back muscles are also involved, but less. 20 minutes of exercise a day is enough to feel how your lower legs are strengthened and your gluteal muscles are tightened.

    An exercise bike helps you lose weight and get rid of cellulite, but it does not put stress on all muscle groups. It can be quite boring to pedal and you have to hold on to the steering wheel all the time so as not to lose your balance. It is also better to replace the exercise bike if there is heart failure, asthma or tachycardia.

    From personal experience I can say that due to the fact that only your legs work on an exercise bike, you burn much fewer calories than on a treadmill or elliptical. But this great option for practicing at home, as it does not take up much space and does not require heavy loads. You can pedal for several hours a day.

    And if you prefer training while riding a bicycle, then I recommend that you read the article.

    What to choose?

    In general, choosing a simulator is quite a difficult task. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which is better: an exercise bike, a treadmill or an elliptical trainer. It is necessary to choose solely from the preferences of the person and his goals from training.

    The elliptical trainer is more suitable for those who want to lose weight, improve their cardiovascular condition vascular system, get total load on the muscles. And if a person does not have pain in his knees and joints.

    The treadmill is more suitable for lovers of running and walking. Like an elliptical trainer, it puts stress on all muscles, but the emphasis is on the leg muscles and joints, and strengthens the respiratory system. When running, a person breathes more often, thereby consuming more energy and burning extra pounds.

    An exercise bike is suitable for people who find it difficult to go to gyms and would like to exercise at home. Also for older people who are not able to run 40-60 minutes a day. It’s easier to exercise on an exercise bike and easier to get yourself ready for training.

    It is also not wise to choose based on prices. Today in stores you can find a trainer at any price, with many functions. However, if we consider the dimensions, then the exercise bike comes first, then the treadmill and only then the ellipse.

    It doesn’t matter whether it’s a treadmill, an exercise bike or an elliptical trainer - the main thing is that playing sports brings not only benefits, but also joy.

    What do you prefer for your workouts?

    Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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    Which is better, an elliptical trainer or an exercise bike?

    Before the advent of the elliptical trainer (orbitrack), exercise bikes were perhaps the most purchased devices for training the body at home. With the creation of projectiles that are fundamentally different in their trajectory and effect on the body, many are asking a reasonable question: what is better, the “new” thing - an ellipsoid, or a good old bicycle?

    What muscle groups are worked out in exercise bike classes?

    Most of all during training stationary bike The leg muscles are involved, especially the calf muscles.

    Diligent exercise helps to lose weight in the lower extremities and gain an easy gait. The muscles of the thighs and buttocks also actively work during exercise, so both the superficial and deep layers muscle tissue are strengthened, their tone and elasticity increase, and fat breaks down and melts. Beautiful posture You can also achieve this by exercising on an exercise bike, because the exercises help develop and strengthen the muscles of the lower back (lumbar region).

    The abs are also involved during training, which is why many athletes note the pumping of their abdominal muscles, especially their lower muscles.

    Pros of an exercise bike

    The exercise bike firmly holds its position among beginners and experienced athletes, among women and men. What is the secret of his popularity? Users and sports instructors The following positive aspects of an exercise bike are highlighted:

    • Any, even the simplest mechanical simulator leads to a very active flow of oxygen in the lung tissue, so the heart and blood vessels are strengthened, and the metabolism is accelerated, therefore, the body loses weight.
    • Enough a large muscle group is perfectly toned and is pumped up thanks to exercises on the simulator, skin turgor increases, the “orange peel” disappears.
    • The number of calories burned is about 600 per hour. which is much more than during training with a stepper.
    • Exercise on an exercise bike is very interesting and exciting, which means it helps produce endorphins and reduce the level of stress hormones.
    • The resistance system of any exercise bike is built in such a way that any user can choose the desired and comfortable load. That is, having purchased such a device, you can train on it with your whole family.
    • The number of models in stores is very diverse: There are mechanical, magnetic, electromagnetic simulators, as well as horizontal and vertical devices. Therefore, everyone can buy a trainer according to their needs and budget.
    • Exercise bikes are inexpensive compared to the price of some other body workout devices.
    • Even if exercise on other devices is contraindicated, your doctor may allow exercise on an exercise bike. For example, horizontal simulators They support the back well and can be used even by people with spinal diseases.

    Thus, there are many good reasons to buy an exercise bike. Moreover, this choice has been tested over the years, because an exercise bike is a rather “old” sports device, and its modifications have been used by different generations.

    Disadvantages of an exercise bike

    There are few “disadvantages” in using an exercise bike, but they exist.

    Among these, users identify:

    • no impact on the muscles of the upper body - arms, back, shoulders, neck, chest;
    • if you want to have a proportionally “tailored” figure, you will have to train on other machines;
    • Many people quickly get bored with cycling because it is not possible to diversify them;
    • Some doctors note that the loads received by the knees can have a harmful effect on the condition of the joints.

    Advantages of an exercise bike over an elliptical

    In some characteristics, exercise bikes are superior to ellipsoids:

    • they are smaller in size and occupy a small area in a small apartment;
    • price for good exercise bikes an order of magnitude lower than the cost of ellipsoids, since fewer parts and structural units are used to create them. The exception is bicycle ergometers, although among devices with an elliptical trajectory there are also very expensive models;
    • during classes, you can use an interval load system, which is not possible when training with an orbit track;
    • When training, it is convenient to read a book or watch TV. Ellipsoids require more concentration;
    • less risk of injury: falling from an exercise bike is more problematic than falling from an ellipsoid.

    What muscles work during exercise on an elliptical trainer?

    The main moving part of the ellipsoid (orbitrack) is pedals rotating along an elliptical path, similar to skiing.

    A person’s legs describe an oval, while moving softly and smoothly. Like an exercise bike, the orbitrek uses all muscle groups of the legs, hips, and buttocks. But, thanks to the available handles, the muscles of the upper body are also worked out - arms, shoulders, back, chest, while the whole body is evenly loaded.

    Due to the loads distributed in this way, the muscles and the entire skeleton are perfectly strengthened, and the body's endurance quickly increases.

    "Pros" of the elliptical trainer

    The elliptical trainer is the leader among cardio machines for burning calories.

    He is significantly ahead of his rivals - in one hour of training you can “destroy” up to 780 calories at an average pace, over 800 at a fast pace.

    All cardio equipment promote healthy body health and weight loss by enhancing metabolism. The loads received by the body during exercises on the orbit track are characterized by high intensity (even at the lowest level of resistance), therefore, they bring more more benefit health and figure.

    The ellipsoid is an excellent solution not only for beginner athletes, but also for experienced trainees. You can change the load and speed on the simulator, so it can be suitable for the whole family. Even the most “advanced” users who have tried many sports speak positively about elliptical trainers. Another plus: not all activities are suitable for people with severe obesity, but for Orbitrek there are no such restrictions.

    Also, many doctors recommend elliptical trainers for those who have suffered an injury - they are ideal for the late recovery period, helping to quickly warm up ligaments and muscles. Another positive “property” of ellipsoids is that they offer interesting activities; according to reviews, they are more varied than on a treadmill or exercise bike.

    Disadvantages of Elliptical Trainers

    Among the disadvantages of orbitreks:

    • high cost (even simple models cost from 10-15 thousand rubles);
    • inability to read a book during class(for some users this point may also be important);
    • elliptical trainers require constant care. lubricating parts. Otherwise, they often begin to creak.

    Advantages of ellipsoids over exercise bikes

    On some points, the elliptical trainer is a clear favorite. if you compare it with an exercise bike:

    1. The ability to evenly train the entire body, including the upper body (arms, back, shoulders, chest).
    2. Smoothness, softness of movements.
    3. Absence of any harmful effects on the spine or knees and ankle joints, a gentle effect on bones (low-impact load), as a result - fewer contraindications, a wider range of ages for using the simulator.
    4. It is believed that ellipsoids are more effective for increasing the tone of the heart and blood vessels, since they “pump” a larger volume of muscles and can provide significant loads.
    5. Ellipsoids of medium and high price categories often have a folding system, so they are convenient to store.
    6. Almost all models of elliptical trainers have low level noise. Exercise bikes with magnetic and mechanical resistance systems can be quite loud.


    Having assessed the technical capabilities and the main advantages and disadvantages of both groups of exercise machines, we can say that ellipsoids are ideal for those who want to increase the tone of the heart and blood vessels, and also make all muscles elastic and toned in a short time and lose weight.

    If you don’t have enough money to buy an expensive device, and there are no problems with joints and you need to pump up your legs, buttocks, and stomach, you can buy an exercise bike. Both projectiles are suitable for healing the body and combating overweight. Therefore, the choice is a matter of individual preferences, body characteristics and health status.