Qigong for beginners classes. Qigong - ancient energy gymnastics

Many have heard about the miraculous effect of the ancient on the human body. Those who want to join this art often do not know where to start or what set of exercises to choose. Health-improving gymnastics Qigong is exactly that universal solution that includes everything positive points ancient Chinese healing art and helps to always stay in good shape, excellent physical fitness and good spirits.

What is Qigong

Understanding what Qigong is, on the one hand, is simple, but, on the other hand, it will require enough time and concentration. It's ancient chinese art Quite multifaceted, it includes both a breathing exercise and a whole range of exercises aimed at improving the health of the body and mind. Qigong represents internal, health-oriented, concentration and external manifestations in the form of exercises. “Qi” is the vital energy in the Universe, “gong” is the development of skill. Simpler is to be able to create energy.

A little history

A set of ancient Chinese exercises, consisting of eight stages, was created more than 2000 years ago by a commander from China. He set the task of creating an ideally designed systemic set of exercises for effective preparation warriors

Did you know? This technique was supposed to help keep soldiers in excellent physical shape while high level fighting spirit so that they can go into battle at any time.

The developed system proved to be so productive and effective that it earned the attention of the ancient Taoists and began to be used by them. They adopted it when training martial artists, tightening it up a little.

Basic principles

Chinese Qigong gymnastics for beginners has a number of principles, they are not complicated:

  • You need to move in class smoothly, in unison;
  • the tongue is slightly raised during movements;
  • eyes remain narrowed;
  • clothes are not restrictive, loose, comfortable;
  • the room needs to be ventilated, or even better, classes need to be conducted outdoors;
  • attention is concentrated entirely on the exercise being performed;
  • When moving, there should be no sweat, only light perspiration. If you still have to sweat, then you need to change clothes so as not to get too cold and reduce the speed of performing the complex;
  • after the end of classes is not allowed;
  • after finishing, you cannot eat for at least another half hour;
  • Qigong exercises are designed to be performed every day.

Important! You need to start exercising immediately after you get out of bed and warm up a little.

Benefits of exercise

A set of Qigong exercises is extremely useful, it reduces the overall sensation, helps strengthen and. This system does not guarantee complete relief from health problems, and the effect, of course, will not come overnight, but the improvement of the body, its resistance to diseases, and the ability to remain in excellent physical and moral shape will certainly manifest itself with regular exercise.

Each of the eight exercises has its own beneficial effect on the human body:

  1. Normalization of breathing - has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, helps to avoid stagnation in the blood. People with heart and liver problems and those suffering from high blood pressure experience particular benefits from this exercise.
  2. Exercise to expand chest- has a beneficial effect in case of shortness of breath, problems with the heart, lungs, neurotic manifestations, heartbeat above normal.
  3. Rocking is a positive result for problems with the spine; it reduces the level of fat in the lumbar region.
  4. Circular movements - help strengthen the lower back and hips, heart and shoulder joints.
  5. Swimming movements have a beneficial effect on the hands, joints (shoulder and elbow), asthma and diseases of the upper respiratory organs.
  6. Movements reminiscent of oar rowing help strengthen the nervous and digestive systems, and heart muscles.
  7. Exercises similar to tossing a ball tone up the functioning of all human organs.
  8. Wave-like movements with a scope - help stimulate the functioning of the spleen, kidneys, reduce muscle tension and fat deposits at the waist.

Important!The ancient Chinese practice of Qigong can help overcome significant psychological problems in a person by simply relaxing muscle tension.engaged.

8 simple exercises

First, a light warm-up is carried out, after which you can begin classes. It is recommended to get acquainted with the exercises two or three per day, which helps easy and productive memorization. After a few lessons, they will be systematized and can be done quite easily, bringing pleasure. It is recommended to do them all six times. Next exercise- this is a continuation of the previous one.

When performing Qigong practice for beginners, it is better to first master each exercise two or three times to avoid muscle pain. A gradual increase in load will relieve painful and uncomfortable sensations.

Qigong exercises for beginners are presented in pictures and video lessons and are carried out in a certain order:

  1. "Stabilization of breathing": standing, arms down, relax, focus on hands. Inhale - raise your upper limbs in front of you at approximately shoulder level (palms down). Exhaling, we bend our lower limbs so that our knees are at the level of our toes (“quarter squat”). The back is straight, the chest is not displaced, the head is tilted. At the same time, the upper limbs slowly lower, approaching the knees, and the lower limbs straighten. Upward movements are carried out when inhaling, downwards - when exhaling.

  2. "Chest expansion": when inhaling, the legs straighten, the upper limbs simultaneously go up to the shoulders (palms facing each other), then move apart with palms up. Focus on the chest. Exhale - we bring our palms in front of us, facing one another, our arms are lowered, turning our palms down, the practitioner takes the “quarter squat” position. Palms at the knees, lower limbs need to be straightened.

  3. "Rocking the Rainbow": inhale - straight arms rise, palms facing one another. We exhale, the body is transferred to the slightly bent right lower limb, the foot does not come off the surface, left leg in a straight position, touching the surface with the toe. The body and left upper limb lean to the left, the right hand moves above the head with the palm facing downwards. Similar movements are made in the opposite direction. You need to monitor your breathing processes.

  4. "Parting the Clouds": The upper limbs are lowered, crossing at the bottom of the body, transitioning into a “quarter squat”. Inhaling, we straighten our knees; The lower limbs, crossing, rise, turning with palms up above the head. The lower limbs are straightened with palms to the sides; exhaling, we lower them. We return to the “quarter squat” and cross our upper limbs in front of us. You need to focus on the thoracic region.

  5. "Shoulder abduction": Continuing to be in a “quarter squat,” we align the left upper limb forward with the palm facing up. The right upper limb is bent and turned with the palm up, then it moves towards the thigh. The right upper limb near the hip - the body turns to the right side, and the arm rises with a swing (slowly) to the ear. You need to focus on your right palm. Next, the right upper limb is bent and the hand is pushed forward (as if with force) to the level of the ear. The left upper limb bends, makes an arcuate movement with the hand and lowers to the thigh. After which all stages are repeated in the opposite direction. You need to focus on your shoulders and arms.

  6. "Boat Riding": legs bend a little more than before, you need to bend forward with your arms down. Then the upper limbs go straight back, palms up, arms raised as much as possible, knees straightened. The lower limbs move in a circle and lower, the legs bend. You need to focus on your back and arms.

  7. "Ball Game": we straighten up, the body is directed to the left side, the upper limb (left) is in its original position, the right one is up to the left, palm up. The right upper limb is at the level of the left shoulder, the “tossing the ball” movement occurs, all the weight is on the left leg. The right hand is lowered and the repetition occurs in the other direction. You need to follow the imaginary ball with your eyes, focusing on your lower limbs. Exercise should be fun.

  8. "Admiring the Moon": in the “quarter squat” position, the upper limbs are lowered further to the left, the knees come to a straight position, left hand raises palm up. Bend your right arm in front of the thoracic region, turn your head to the left, and look at the left upper limb. We exhale, lower our arms, and return to their original position. The movements are repeated in the other direction. Upper limbs must move in sync thoracic region both the head and the body need to stretch as much as possible, the heels do not come off the floor, focus on the hands.

  9. All movements are made smoothly and slowly, it is constantly necessary to control breathing, upward movements - inhale, downwards - exhale.

    Video lessons


    Qigong technique is not suitable for everyone. When implementing it, you need to take into account contraindications for its use for people suffering from:

  • diseases internal organs with a chronic course;
  • mental disorders;
  • pathological heart diseases;
  • spinal injuries;
  • consequences of traumatic brain injuries;
  • blood diseases;
  • infectious diseases of the organs of support and movement;
  • oncological diseases;
  • neuroinfections.

Important! Women should exercise with caution during critical days, implementation of some of them is not advisable. Pregnant women and people with eye diseases are allowed to conduct classes only under supervision.

Temporary contraindications:

  • taking medications in significant doses;
  • rehabilitation after surgery;
  • state of chronic fatigue;
  • worsened illnesses;
  • state of overheating or hypothermia;
  • indicators of elevated body temperature;
  • heavy physical and sports activities;
  • after eating.

The main goal of the Qigong complex is to benefit the health of the human body. Anyone who decides to take up this system will not only be flexible and better physically developed, but will also become much more resilient both physically and mentally. Regular classes According to the Qigong method, they can also solve some psychological problems of a particular person who has begun to master the system.

They do not always lead to the desired result. allows you not only to lose weight, but also to find peace of mind, recharge your batteries and improve your body’s health.

Qigong is an ancient Chinese system aimed at improvement of human capabilities by performing special gymnastic exercises.

These exercises form a beautiful, flexible body and teach you how to breathe correctly. A person gains the opportunity to control his internal energy (the so-called “Qi” energy), which has a beneficial effect on his health.

Qigong gymnastics for weight loss

This system has significant advantages over other methods of losing weight. Unlike diets, which are usually not beneficial to human health, the practice of qigong for weight loss is aimed, on the contrary, at the general improvement of the body, its strengthening and normalization of the functioning of internal organs.

How exactly does qigong help you lose weight?

  • Performing exercises allows you to normalize the functioning of internal organs, in particular the gastrointestinal tract. It's no secret that often the cause of weight problems is a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. This technique solves this problem with the help of exercises.
  • Qigong helps reduce appetite.
  • Thanks to breathing exercises, blood circulation significantly improves, so more oxygen enters the human blood. This leads to the fact that fat deposits begin to be burned more actively.
  • During exercise, energy is consumed, as with any type of physical activity.
  • The system includes special nutritional rules that also promote healthy weight loss.

Classes are available to everyone - there are no restrictions on age, weight or level of physical fitness. But It’s better to give up classes for those who have worsened chronic diseases, pustular wounds on the skin or bleeding.

In order for the exercises to bring the long-awaited results, it is necessary exact compliance below rules.

  • It is necessary to include in your life the whole range of activities of the qigong system - gymnastics, exercises to improve respiratory system, self-massage. All this must be accompanied by a change in eating habits.
  • Good results are only possible with regular exercise - at least 6-7 times in Week. One lesson can last from 10 to 40 minutes.
  • Exercises can be performed at any time of the day, but preference is given to morning exercises.
  • There should be a calm environment while performing the exercises. Peace internal and external - important factor to get a noticeable effect.
  • For exercise, it is better to choose clothes made from natural materials, loose ones that do not restrict movement. In this case, it is worth considering the place of classes - outdoors (you need to choose warmer clothes) or indoors.
  • You need to exercise in the fresh air or in a ventilated room. Mobile phone and TV must be turned off. They shouldn't be distracting.
  • You cannot perform exercises on a full stomach. This is an important condition. At least 40 minutes should pass after the last meal. A couple of minutes before class, you can drink warm water.
  • The basic rule in nutrition is the exclusion of smoked meats, baked goods and products with chemical additives from the diet. At first, difficulties may arise, but after several lessons these restrictions will be perceived much easier. You should also ensure that your last meal is no later than 4 hours before bedtime, and that your daily diet includes fresh and. It is better to refuse in favor.

We have prepared several for you videos with lessons on qigong gymnastics, and also provided them with expert feedback. Qigong teacher Ekaterina Zvyagintseva, who has been teaching the qigong system for 10 years, agreed to comment on the lessons.

Qigong gymnastics for beginners - video

Classic health-improving set of qigong exercises. Suitable for both beginners and those who have already become acquainted with this wonderful system. In just over ten minutes you can energize your body for a long time.

By doing the workout every day, you can not only get rid of many health problems (due to blood circulation), but also reduce your size. The main thing is to follow the breathing technique. The right mental attitude will also greatly help in achieving a positive result.

An excellent video for those who do not want (or cannot) spend more than 10 minutes a day studying. It takes no more than one minute to complete one exercise, but this does not reduce its effectiveness. The video tutorial contains comments and subtitles that indicate how to breathe correctly.

This set of exercises should be performed every day. Only in this case is a good result guaranteed in the form of weight loss and improvement of the body. This set of qigong exercises is great for beginners.

This video presents qigong exercises that need to be done daily. The most important thing is that there is no need to perform the entire complex, you can simply choose about 10 exercises for yourself and simply alternate them

Each exercise has a directed action. It is better to select them based on what health problems concern you. Moreover, each exercise also promotes healthy weight loss.

By performing this twenty-minute complex once a day, you can achieve good results in the shortest possible time. Such group classes are highly motivating, and the background music creates a favorable atmosphere. It is important to choose comfortable clothes in which you can freely perform each of the given exercises.

Qigong for weight loss is highly effective, which is confirmed by the reviews of many people who regularly practice and do it with pleasure. Proper breathing combined with smooth, directed movements can work wonders on a person’s body and soul.

Have you tried to practice qigong, for example? What successes have you achieved? Did it help you lose weight? Share your experiences and impressions in the comments.

Qigong gymnastics is one of the oldest techniques aimed at healing the body and restoring vitality.. This practice uses the most effective methods, used about 5 thousand years BC in China. Thanks to the careful preservation of knowledge, these secrets of health and longevity have reached our time. The qigong complex includes breathing practices and gymnastics as such.

Qigong: fundamentals of philosophy

According to Qigong philosophers, the world is filled with Qi energy. It continuously flows in living and inanimate objects: in trees, in the air, in stones and, of course, in humans.

According to the teaching, in the human body the movement of energy occurs along certain meridians. It tends to accumulate; the places of greatest accumulation are called dantani.

The main task of qigong gymnastics is the correct distribution of Qi flows in the human body. Special exercises allow you to strengthen the flow of vital energy and fill it with the three main dantani, which are located in the following areas:

  • head;
  • breast;
  • abdomen.

A set of exercises with these areas allows you to use the body's natural forces for treatment and recovery.

Qigong: basic exercises

The basis of qigong health activities is the complex physical exercise And breathing exercises. It is better to conduct classes to relaxing, pleasant-to-hear music, making smooth, measured movements.

The goal of Chinese qigong practice is to harmonize the body on three levels:

  • intellectual;
  • physical;
  • spiritual.

Qigong exercises help to achieve normalization of all physiological processes, cleanse blood vessels, and increase overall immunity. Qigong restores the body's strength and helps slow down the aging process. Chinese gymnastics includes a number of different events:

  • tension followed by relaxation of the body - concentrates internal energy;
  • fixing the body in a certain position - strengthens the muscle corset;
  • Stretching and sipping – increase muscle elasticity and range of motion of joints;
  • hangs - stretch the spine;
  • breathing exercises - saturate the body tissues with oxygen.

By performing this complex, you are for short term You will feel incredible changes in your well-being. Qigong gymnastics is available to people of any age and body type.

Breathing Qigong

Qigong masters claim that the vast majority of people breathe incorrectly, using no more than 1/3 of their lung capacity. Complex breathing exercises will help to significantly increase this volume, ensuring complete oxygen exchange, which will significantly support physical state person. Saturation of blood with oxygen helps improve thinking by supplying the brain with oxygen.

Qigong gymnastics for beginners should also be accompanied by deep breathing. This has its own peculiarities: you need to breathe not with your chest, as most people do, but with your stomach or diaphragm. During this action, the chest is motionless, and the stomach protrudes when inhaling, as if filling with air, falling when exhaling. In this case, the head must be kept straight, the neck, back and spine must be in one straight line.

Each exercise is performed with a special type of breathing:

  • two-phase breathing - inhalation is carried out through the nose, followed by a sharp exhalation through the mouth. In this case, the sound “ha” should be produced;
  • breathing of fire - inhalation and exhalation are performed by rhythmic and sharp contractions of the diaphragm. Typically, it is practiced in dynamic exercises to eliminate oxygen deficiency;
  • slow deep breathing- with this breathing, inhalation and exhalation have the same intensity. This technique is used for cleansing and relaxation.

Correct breathing techniques when performing exercises will increase their effectiveness and fill the body with energy.

Exercises for the spine

This qigong complex includes special exercises, aimed at developing energy zones located in the spine area.

Such exercises are accessible to absolutely everyone, since they do not require special training. physical training, so even weakened people can perform them.

All movements are performed smoothly and unhurriedly, jerking is unacceptable. Each complex must be repeated at least 8-10 times. To achieve the maximum effect from the training, all actions should be performed in a clear sequence.

Kite exercise

While standing or sitting, it is necessary to contract the back muscles, similar to the movement of a snake. Perform twisting movements from the tailbone to the crown area 30 times. The movements provoke a powerful surge of internal energy, so the exercise is highly effective.

Exercise sea dragon

Allows you to eliminate congestion in muscles and tendons. All movements are performed from a standing position, while trying not to bend your knees. Twist your torso downward, pressing your chin to your chest. Get down as low as possible, ideally if you touch your feet with your hands. Next, raise your head and, trying to bend as much as possible, emerge from the bent position, like a dragon from the water. You only need to “surface” with your head, while your arms are pressed to your body.

Attracting the flow of Qi

Creating the flow of Qi helps treat many diseases. Great doctors of the past recommended this exercise as the best remedy treatment and prevention of diseases.

To perform, you need to wear comfortable clothes and find a comfortable place to train.

Take a standing position, try to relax. You need to place the middle finger of your right hand on the navel area and press 10 times. Put your hand down. Then raise your other hand and massage the crown area five times. Return your hand to the starting position. Perform these actions 15-20 times, taking intervals between them, feeling how the energy flows along the body. This exercise should be performed before and after any qigong training.

Losing weight with qigong

The qigong complex aimed at losing weight is fundamentally different from European weight loss methods. In Chinese medicine, forced reduction of calories from food and burning them through exercise are not part of the concept of a healthy lifestyle. In general, it’s not about the concept as such healthy image life. The goal of all Chinese health activities is to achieve harmony, for which it is necessary to take care of the body and spirit. Qigong gymnastics is based on a number of exercises aimed at losing weight.


Exercise has a powerful stimulating effect on the body and significantly speeds up metabolism. Take the “lotus” position and practice deep diaphragmatic breathing for 5 minutes. The exercise is carried out at intervals of 1 minute. Complete 3-4 approaches.


Bend your knees, lie on your back and press your feet firmly to the floor. Place one hand on your chest, place the other on your stomach. As you inhale, draw in your chest, inflating your stomach as much as possible, and as you exhale, make the mirror opposite movement. Repeating 20-30 times will help get rid of the most severe hunger.


Sitting on a chair, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Wrap the fingers of your right hand around your left hand. Place your elbows on your knees and tilt your body forward slightly. Keep your back straight while doing this. Place your head on your hands, start breathing, tensing your abdominal muscles as much as possible. This complex will help significantly reduce appetite.

The qigong complex allows you to overcome the yin-yang imbalance; the restoration of these energy flows will lead not only to a decrease in overall weight, but also to a complete restoration of health.

Chinese gymnastics with centuries-old traditions has worldwide recognition. Qigong exercises with viscous, smooth movements, when practiced regularly, benefit the physical body by improving the functioning of the body. At the same time, they are spiritual practices that help a person expand his consciousness. For whom the Qigong technique is intended, how to lose weight with the help of exercises, where to start exercising and how not to harm yourself - information about everything can be found in this review.

What are Qigong exercises

In oriental medicine, Chinese health system exercise has been practiced for hundreds of years. The simplicity and accessibility with which it is distinguished make it possible to practice at any age. Qigong exercises are a system with its own philosophy, including gymnastics and breathing techniques. It is believed that there is Qi energy in the air. Charging Qigong with exercises:

  • helps to inhale it;
  • with conscious control, distribute energy within the body;
  • direct to areas with problems;
  • harmonize the energy in them;
  • eliminate diseases;
  • improve condition.

Through exercise, using controlled muscle relaxation and mental effort, you can regulate the flow of energy through the body. This helps to activate all body processes, starting from the cellular level, accelerates metabolism, and strengthens the immune system. Improved health occurs when there is a harmonious movement of energy through:

  • blood vessels;
  • nerves;
  • energy channels.

Benefits of Qigong for the body

Proper execution exercise can greatly affect the functioning of the entire body. Daily practice of Qigong under the supervision of an experienced master helps improve health and develop the ability to manage energy. The benefits of the exercises are noted:

  • is being formed correct posture;
  • joint mobility improves;
  • there is no negative effect on the heart or blood vessels;
  • breathing is regulated;
  • blood circulation increases;
  • pain is relieved;
  • waste is removed;
  • weight decreases.

The benefits of Qigong for the body in its overall health. Thanks to the practice of performing exercises, a healing effect occurs:

  • waste is removed;
  • blood pressure normalizes;
  • calm emotions appear;
  • sleep is restored;
  • overwork goes away;
  • depression disappears;
  • the menstrual cycle improves;
  • fears cease;
  • anxiety decreases;
  • self-control improves;
  • the symptoms of menopause are eliminated.

Qigong for older women

Those wishing to slow down aging, prevent skin aging, and maintain joint mobility will benefit from Qigong exercises. Regular classes, simple exercises will prevent diseases, stop the formation of wrinkles, and maintain mental clarity. Benefits of Qigong for older women:

  • alleviates the condition after menopause;
  • improves heart function;
  • maintains body tone;
  • activates metabolic processes;
  • calms down nervous system;
  • improves concentration;
  • normalizes coordination of movements;
  • creates an optimistic attitude in life.

Qigong for weight loss

Why, having chosen to practice Qigong, after a short period of time can you weigh within the normal range for your age? Daily exercise even for beginners it can produce amazing results. There are several practices for losing weight, their effect is determined by the following factors:

  • appetite decreases;
  • eliminates stress that causes overeating;
  • internal organs are massaged.

The benefits of Qigong for losing weight and activating metabolic processes. Besides:

  • the blood is enriched with oxygen;
  • diseases that cause are cured excess weight;
  • fat burning begins;
  • blood circulation increases;
  • muscles are strengthened;
  • cravings for unhealthy food decrease;
  • signs of cellulite are eliminated;
  • the figure is tightened;
  • self-confidence returns;
  • vitality increases.

Basic principles of Qigong

To have maximum effect from conducting Qigong classes, you are required to perform them daily. It is very important to pay attention to the main tenets of practice. Compliance with them will help achieve serious results. Basic principles of Qigong:

  • when performing exercises, have a state of serenity and peace;
  • perform all movements smoothly, fluidly, relaxed;
  • breathe deeply, slowly, calmly;
  • maintain correct body positions;
  • adhere to the sequence and duration of exercises.

Even beginners can perform healing practices if they adhere to certain postulates:

  • exercise after waking up;
  • warm up;
  • ventilate the room;
  • wear loose, breathable clothing;
  • touch the palate with your tongue all the time;
  • half-close your eyes;
  • focus on the exercise;
  • after completing the complex, do not overcool;
  • do not take cold showers.

Breathing Qigong

The main aspect of the Qigong technique is proper breathing. Physiological changes, state of consciousness, and energy circulation depend on it. Qigong breathing can be performed in several ways:

  • Breast. The abdomen remains motionless, air enters the chest, expanding it top part.
  • Average. The ribs move apart and the diaphragm rises. The middle part of the chest cavity increases.
  • Diaphragmatic. With inhalation, the stomach inflates, lowering the diaphragm. With a sigh, she pulls herself up, her shoulders and chest motionless.
  • Complete, combining all the previous ones.

Qigong exercises

Breathing exercises Qigong combines the art of body control and energy management. There are a huge number of practices that solve diverse problems. You can choose Qigong exercises:

  • basic – for general health;
  • for the purpose of losing weight;
  • for beginners;
  • helping to normalize blood pressure;
  • improving the functioning of all organs;
  • prolonging youth;
  • increasing the flexibility of joints and spine.

8 Qigong exercises for every day

By performing a simple complex in the morning, you can restore strength and improve your body’s health. 8 Qigong exercises for every day will help you stay in harmony. They are performed smoothly 10 times. Starting position (IP) – back straight, feet shoulder-width apart, and hands hanging near the hips. Execution sequence:

  • Stabilization of breathing. As you inhale, raise your shoulders and arms up, and as you exhale, do a half-squat, lowering them down.
  • The circle of heaven is large. Inhale - raise your arms forward, then up, exhale - lower them through the sides, describing a circle.

Continuation of the set of 8 exercises:

  • A bear twisting its torso. Bend your elbows, placing them in front of your chest, clench your fists. Perform turns: to the right - inhale, to the left - exhale.
  • Small circle of heaven. Hands on the waist, rotate the pelvis in one direction, repeat in the other.
  • Conducting Qi through internal organs. With bent knees, take quick breaths and exhales with your stomach.
  • Phoenix spreads its wings. Hands with palms pressed together. Inhale – half squat, arms to the sides, exhale and straighten your legs.
  • The archer releases an arrow. Feet together, hands with folded palms in front of the chest. Inhale – rise on your toes, with clasped hands, stretch strongly upward. Exhale - IP.
  • Bamboo sways in the wind. IP, as in the previous task. Inhale – raise your arms, hold your breath, bend to the sides. Exit - IP.

Qigong "Games of 5 animals"

This Chinese gymnastics complex is based on imitation of animal movements. When performing Qigong “Games of 5 Animals”, each exercise has its own sequence of movements and effect:

  • Bear. Increases joint flexibility, improves digestion, activates the functioning of the stomach and spleen.
  • Tiger. Helps increase physical strength.
  • Monkey. Increases dexterity, relaxes ligaments, muscles, improves blood circulation.
  • Crane. Normalizes heart function and makes breathing easier.
  • Deer. Stretches and relaxes ligaments and muscles.

15-minute complex for weight loss Qigong

Chinese breathing exercises have several weight loss techniques. One of them takes a quarter of an hour. Important point– do the exercises relaxed, smoothly, 5 times. 15-minute Qigong weight loss complex:

  • Inhale through your nose, inflating your stomach, exhale through your mouth, pulling your stomach towards your back;
  • Keep your arms bent at the elbows at shoulder level. As you inhale, spread them apart, trying to close your shoulder blades and expand your chest. As you exhale, round your back and touch your chest with your chin.
  • Hands with palms down to the sides, fingers spread. Inhale – tilt your head to your left shoulder, back, forward. Exhale – starting position. Repeat to the right side.
  • Raise your arms in front of you, palms up. Lightly hit each other with your hands.
  • Bend your arms as if you were holding a ball. Close eyes. Try to feel the energy between your palms. Slowly bring your arms together and spread them apart.
  • Channel this energy through the body. As you inhale, smoothly raise your arms up through the sides, and as you exhale, lower them in front of your face.

The improvement of the main organ of movement, which can withstand enormous loads, should be treated with attention. It will take a few minutes each day for this skeletal support to begin functioning without problems. To increase flexibility and eliminate pain, Qigong for the spine is used. When performing, you will need a starting position:

  • legs along the border of the shoulders;
  • knees are bent;
  • body straight;
  • arms and chin down;
  • the top of the head extends upward.

The complex contains four exercises that should be performed slowly, relaxed, smoothly. The names of each reflect the essence of the ongoing process. Qigong practice begins with cleansing breathing. You need to inhale through your nose, inflating your stomach, exhale through your mouth, pulling your stomach towards your back. Practice for the spine includes exercises:

  • "Neck of the Crane";
  • "Turtle Neck";
  • "The dragon chases the clouds."

Qigong exercise for beginners

Health complexes differ in the complexity of execution. You can improve your skills throughout your life, starting with easy exercises. Chinese Qigong gymnastics for beginners helps to understand the principles of their implementation and master the technique. Gradual complication and slow mastery of energy keeps the body healthy and flexible. Perform each Qigong exercise for beginners 10 times.

An accessible set of exercises for beginners:

  • legs wider than shoulders, roll from toes to heels;
  • perform rolls to the right and left.
  • repeat in a circle in both directions;
  • squat shallowly and straighten your knees;
  • in a half-squat, perform semicircles in each direction;
  • legs together, arms folded behind the head, rotate the pelvis;
  • bring your shoulders together in front, lift them up, and pull them back.

Contraindications to Qigong

To avoid problems when performing the exercises, you need to take into account that the practice of Qigong is not suitable for everyone. Masters categorically do not allow people who have:

  • chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • mental disorders;
  • heart pathologies;
  • spinal injuries;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • blood diseases;
  • infections of the musculoskeletal system;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • neuroinfections.

Women during menstruation should perform Qigong practices with caution; some exercises have restrictions. In agreement with the master, it is possible to do the exercises for pregnant women and those with eye diseases. There are temporary contraindications to Qigong:

  • taking medications in large quantities;
  • postoperative period;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • overheat;
  • exacerbation of diseases;
  • hypothermia;
  • heat;
  • heavy physical overload;
  • full stomach;
  • professional sports loads.

Video: Qigong gymnastics for beginners

Health Qigong is a Chinese system aimed at strengthening the entire body. It is suitable for losing weight, maintaining a healthy back, and normalizing the functioning of one or another organ. All in all, Chinese gymnastics Qigong can solve many problems. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the simplest set of qigong exercises for beginners is aimed at strengthening and maintaining.

Qigong exercises are slow and smooth, and can be done by people of any age.

The idea of ​​gymnastics is the movement of the energy “Qi” (biological energy) along the channels or meridians that permeate the entire human body. At external influence on them, the flow of qi improves, which affects the functioning of the whole organism. Provided that classes are held regularly.

The basic principle of qigong is the sequence of muscle loading and movement from the legs to the head and back. Important rule: work all parts of the body with the same intensity. This helps balance the energy in the upper and lower body.

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The most stagnant zone of the body is hip joint. It is constantly pinched, which means blood does not circulate well enough throughout the body. As a result, problems with blood vessels and all kinds of diseases appear. Second problem area is the spine, especially if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle. Even qigong for beginners will help solve these problems and avoid their occurrence.

Taiji Qigong

One of the varieties of qigong is taiji qigong, or qigong breathing exercises. This is a gentle set of breathing exercises and moderate physical activity. Carrying out necessary exercises, all parts of the body are comprehensively trained. Those who have poor health or serious illnesses are not able to perform the entire complex, choose for themselves those sections of Taiji Qigong that can be performed. In addition, such a qigong complex for beginners will be the most suitable. By exercising even 15 minutes a day, you can achieve good results.

Practicing a set of exercises means mastering the important basic principles of qigong, which are also fundamental.

Basically Taiji Qigong is morning exercises, reminiscent of smooth dancing or swimming. But it can be done at any time of the day. And it doesn’t even have to be every day, you can practice qigong once a week. However, it is necessary to strictly follow the rule: if you decide on Wednesday, then you must perform health qigong every Wednesday. Qigong for beginners must have a clear training system.

The practice of the complex includes four parts:

  • preparatory exercises;
  • static work - zhang zhuang (“standing up as a pillar”);
  • a set of exercises in the main static position;
  • a set of exercises in motion.

Standing allows you to create the correct structure of the body, strengthening and relaxing at the same time. It immerses you in a deep state of peace, a kind of meditation. This state of rest can then be translated into movement, which is how qi is detected and felt in the body.

The key point of qigong is the idea of ​​the opposite of tension and subsequent relaxation.

The effectiveness of the exercises lies in their accessibility for all ages. This art quickly produces results, calms and heals the nervous system. Tai Chi Qigong for beginners is very simple, because you can practice at home on your own.

The set of exercises has rhythmic movements, like those of ancient warriors, capable of imparting internal strength and balancing and controlling internal energy. Qigong for beginners will quickly help you acquire all this.

The benefits of gymnastics

Besides Have a good mood, raising your tone, Taiji Qigong will give you inner peace, train your will and determination.

Regular classes will give you:

  • maintaining physical and moral well-being;
  • assistance in self-development;
  • the beginning of spiritual awakening;
  • understanding of true human values;
  • release from energy blocks;
  • love of life;
  • increasing immunity;
  • excellent functioning of internal organs;
  • cure without doctors and medications.


Qigong technique primarily consists of breathing correctly which needs to be constantly monitored. This way the load on the heart becomes even, and the blood is fully enriched with oxygen.

There are many types of breathing in Qigong, but one of them is definitely worth mentioning.

Starting position: standing, arms in front of you, palms down. Inhale quickly and deeply, raising your arms up, moving them back and to the sides. The head should tilt back slightly. Next, lower your hands to the level of the navel, exhaling quickly, bending your knees slightly. The exercise is performed at least 10 times. Key aspects:

  • When inhaling, do not bend your back;
  • You should not make sudden jerks, especially throwing your head back;
  • The average pace of the exercise is required.

Qigong exercises for beginners

Qigong for beginners is easy to perform. The main thing is to monitor the correct breathing and body position.

For the neck

For the neck, qigong offers two exercises. The head makes circular relaxed rotations. The circle starts from the chest (the chin is pressed to the chest). Remain as calm as possible when performing this. The head draws semicircles from shoulder to shoulder. Only the head moves.

For shoulders

The arms are extended in front of you, the fingers are half-locked. Raise your arms up, trying not to bend your arms or tear your fingers away from each other. In this position, we turn at the waist slowly to the left and to the right. Then we return to the starting position. Afterwards, with your hands still at the top, bend alternately in both directions. Next, you bend back, your arms do not move, your head bends along with your back. Return to the starting position. Do you do circular movements pelvis clockwise, then counter. Then fix the pelvis and perform circular movements with the upper part.

Then bend your arms forward so that your back is parallel to the floor, lower yourself down (arms and back). Make 5 touches with your hands to the floor without getting up. Without straightening, turn to the left and also reach for the floor 5 times, then do the same to the right. Slowly sit down, raise your hands to face level and lower your hands to the floor. Rise up, hands still touching the floor, body lowered. Unclasp your arms and rise up, lowering your arms along your body.