Fisherman's Day is a holiday for all people who love to sit with a fishing rod. Fisherman's Day

Hoping to find a rich storehouse of food, people very often turned their gaze to the seas, rivers, and lakes. This is how a small group of fishermen was formed, who at first fished as amateurs, and over the course of several years, perhaps even centuries, ordinary fishermen turned into real professionals who still supply the population of the earth with fresh, tasty fish. And you shouldn’t be surprised that on the second Sunday of July everyone celebrates Fisherman’s Day. This is a real professional holiday.

When is Fisherman's Day celebrated?

According to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days,” every second Sunday in July (July 13 in 2014) is a professional fisherman’s day, which is celebrated by every person who is interested in fishing. This day is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine. Back in the USSR, Fisherman's Day was celebrated only in coastal cities and was celebrated as a major professional holiday.

Fisherman's Day is considered to be one of the most beloved summer holidays, which unites both fishermen themselves and other people of different ages and occupations, even those who have never held a fishing rod in their hands. It’s not difficult to say what date Fisherman’s Day is celebrated, since in 2014 the holiday falls on the 13th.

Who's celebrating

The Fisherman's Holiday does not limit people by gender, age, interests, activities or any other parameters. Absolutely everyone can participate in it, the main thing is desire. On this day, it is customary to hold competitions among fishing teams. They are conducted on the basis of recreational fishing, the winner is the one who can catch the biggest fish, the smallest or the one who catches the most fish.

All fishermen come to this holiday from various places to the banks of rivers, lakes and reservoirs to get a lot of pleasure from active fishing. On this day, fishermen are congratulated with poems, songs, and jokes. Celebrations are held in stadiums and squares, where central stage performers gather and costume performances are held.

A little about the profession

Fishing is a profession that includes not only fishing sea ​​fish, as well as river ones. Fishermen catch all sorts of aquatic animals that are edible. Over the course of several years, fishing was formed and gradually reached a professional level. Now fishing has become a real industry, which is one of the main exports. Fish are caught for food and to obtain fish oil. After all, fish contains one of the important elements necessary for our vision - phosphorus. Fish also contains many nutrients and beneficial substances.

Fisherman's Day began to be celebrated in 1980.

Hello again, friends! Every year all fishermen in Russia happily celebrate the fishing holiday. In this article I would like to talk about what Fisherman’s Day is and what date it is celebrated in 2019 and 2020, as well as give examples of gifts that would be appropriate to give to the heroes of this holiday. More interesting information later in the article.

History of the holiday and fishing as a trade

Fisherman's Day is not a young holiday; it began to be celebrated back in the USSR. It was an official celebration; it was first celebrated on October 1, 1980; in subsequent years, the fishing holiday was celebrated only on this day. By making the celebration official, the authorities noted the importance of this fishery in the country’s economy and thereby made the fishing profession more in demand and prestigious.

Nowadays, the holiday has been successfully moved from autumn to summer. In the warm season, it is much more convenient to celebrate the occasion: swim, fish and have fun to the fullest. By the way, on Fisherman’s Day all bans on catching aquatic life are lifted.

Fisherman's Day is celebrated not only by fishery inspection workers and commercial fishermen, free time They also happily “walk” with a fishing rod on this special day.

Fishing is considered one of the most ancient professions. Moreover, for many tribes, fishing was one of the main means of subsistence. Of course, this was not enough to survive, so people also had to hunt and farm. A little later, trade arose, and fishing became a trade. IN modern world This area of ​​activity acquired an industrial character.

In Russia, as in some other countries that are lucky enough to be located near rivers, lakes and seas, fishing plays a very important role. Thanks to the sale of the product in its original or processed form (fish oil and flour, agar agar, etc.) the country receives considerable profit.

What date and how is Fisherman's Day celebrated?

Can't wait to find out when Fisherman's Day is celebrated this year? Well, I’m ready to lift the veil of this secret: it is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of July, in 2019 it falls on the 14th, in 2020 on July 12th.

International Fisherman's Day and World Fisheries Day should not be confused; these are different holidays and are celebrated on different days. The date of the first is already known to you, but the second is always celebrated on the same day - June 27.

Celebrations of Fisherman's Day often take place outdoors. Fishermen, together with their families and friends, go out of town and do what they love - catching aquatic life.

It also happens that a group of amateurs or professionals organize a competition, the essence of which is to catch as many more fish and surprise everyone present. If the competition is organized by government officials, then the winners will be given valuable themed gifts and souvenirs. Otherwise, everyone sits down at the festive table and celebrates in the folk way.

Well, where would a fishing festival be without fish soup? They cook it in huge quantities, and sometimes they even compete to see who has the best soup. According to tradition, relatives and friends of fishermen give them small gifts and cards, and the heroes of the occasion tell incredible stories from their fishing biography. Often, most of the stories have nothing to do with the truth, but this does not matter, the main thing is that everyone is interested and having fun.

These days, congratulations and theme songs are heard on the radio. And television devotes entire hours of airtime to films and programs about fishing. Famous masters of their craft share secrets and tell entertaining tales.

Some fishing stores offer discounts on some goods so that relatives of fishermen, and even the heroes of the occasion themselves, can buy a few new things for their favorite hobby/work.

Most of all, Fisherman's Day is celebrated in coastal villages and towns; for them this day is truly special, because every resident there is in one way or another connected with fishing. But people who are several hundred kilometers from lakes, seas and rivers also do not lag behind and happily celebrate Fisherman's Day. This date is especially important for men, but the fair sex is also happy to accompany their husbands, boyfriends and fathers, and some ladies themselves are not averse to fishing.

What to give for Fisherman's Day

In the end, I would like to talk a little about gifts, because the first thing you will think about when you find out the date of the special event is gifts. And this is what I propose to give to fishermen:

  • Photo album “My fishing”. What could be better than a colorful album with a picturesque fish on the title page? You can put the most memorable photographs of your catches in it and then show it off to your friends and relatives. You can even photoshop it a little, but shh... In general, the prize is excellent, the fisherman will definitely like it. You can buy the album in many stores or spend a couple of evenings and make it yourself, the decision, of course, is yours.
  • Fishing set. There are so many fishing kits in online stores that it’s dizzying. Which to choose? It depends on your taste, the needs of the recipient and the finances that you are willing to give for the prize. If the hero of the occasion does not have travel dishes, then take a closer look at the appropriate set. You can also buy a set with baits or knives for cleaning and cutting fish.
  • Beer belt. I suggest giving a young man a special beer belt as a gift. He reveals himself wide belt camouflage pattern with several compartments for beer cans. This belt will allow you to always have a jar (and more than one!) of your favorite drink with you. There is no need to break away from fishing and run to the car, everything is nearby. Convenient, isn't it?
  • Backpack. Durable backpack with big amount departments is one of best options gift for a fisherman. The main thing is to choose it correctly. Firstly, the product must be large, because there are quite a lot of fishing accessories, and carrying several bags with you is not very convenient. Secondly, durability: the backpack should serve the recipient for more than one year, and this is subject to constant wear and not too careful treatment of the item. Regarding color, you definitely shouldn’t buy a light backpack; opt for a black or at least dark blue product.
  • Slippers "Pisces". A cool prize will be slippers in the shape of two realistic fish. There are two variations of these slippers: regular and flip-flops. Both the first and second ones look great, so choose those that are more convenient for the hero of the occasion. Such slippers are available on popular Chinese sites. Their price is not high, but the view is simply gorgeous. Of course, it will be inconvenient to fish in them, but it’s quite possible to amuse yourself and your family at home.
  • Cloth. First of all, I would like to offer special clothing for fishermen. It varies in both quality and appearance. You need to choose what suits the recipient in the summer, taking into account his needs and method of fishing. This option is the most practical. But there is another more interesting, but less useful one - clothes with thematic drawings or photographs. You can order a fun T-shirt, socks or even a cap with designs that match the theme. Any of the ideas has the right to exist, just choose what you think is the best or buy everything together.
  • Tent. Some lovers of underwater creatures prefer to go fishing overnight and there is no way to do this without a tent. Which one to choose? Well, of course, high-quality and as comfortable as possible, preferably 2- or 4-seater. Also pay attention to the strength of the lock. The color is at your discretion, but it’s still better not to buy light models.

That's all, you know all the secrets of the fishing holiday, and the gifts have been chosen. All that remains is to wholeheartedly congratulate the fishermen of Russia! And I, as always, advise you to recommend the blog to your friends in in social networks. Be happy! See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

The professional holiday “Fisherman’s Day” 2018 is celebrated by all involved on July 8th. The principle of calculating the date is simple - it is always the 2nd Sunday of July. It is celebrated both by those for whom fisherman is a profession, and by those who just like to sit with a fishing rod on their day off. The latter are usually called amateurs or avid fishermen (when a hobby literally becomes the meaning of life). Sometimes the hobby captures the whole family, and therefore they spend almost every weekend watching the float. But at home there is always fresh fish soup, and the freezer is literally filled with semi-finished fish products. Such lucky people simply ignore Ocean stores and the fish departments of supermarkets, because they always have a fresh catch, which they often share with friends.

history of the holiday

In 1984, the “Conference on the Development and Regulation of Fisheries” was held in Rome, where it was decided to establish a new holiday - International Fisheries Day. Our country supported a wonderful initiative. But Fisherman's Day is completely different. It became a national holiday much earlier - back in 1965, when by decree of the USSR PVS, both the holiday itself and the date of its celebration were established. What date is celebrated? Floating date – second Sunday of the second summer month. Since then, amateurs and professionals have accepted mid-summer congratulations. This day is for those for whom a fisherman is both a profession and a passion for fishing.

How Fisherman's Day was celebrated in the USSR

The scale of the holiday was pleasing: competitions between fishing teams and single fishermen were held. They were awarded both for a large catch and for dubious achievements, for example, for the smallest fish. The pleasure of fishing, the communication of like-minded people, the excitement of competition, congratulations, fishing tales - the “culprits” themselves, as well as their families and friends, rested on this day.

And in coastal cities the holiday was considered a professional-family holiday, and therefore was celebrated on a special scale. So, in Murmansk it could compete in scale with the city day.

Celebrations included:

  • celebrations in the squares;
  • concerts at venues, stadiums;
  • costume performances.

Festive events in modern times

On this day it is customary to organize fishing competitions. Often on such days, records are set for the number of catches or the weight/size of individual specimens. Usually the events are interesting, because like-minded people who are passionate about fishing gather, share secrets and little tricks, show off their catch, and tell stories. Aromatic fish soup is also cooked here, which is a pleasure to taste. Gradually the event turns into a festive feast on the shore of the reservoir. The fire is smoking, the fish is frying, you can have a wonderful rest. Fishermen tell interesting stories and incidents while fishing, share their experiences and places with a good bite. Toasts in honor of amateur fishermen and members of their families are interspersed with another raising of hands according to the size of a huge fish that was once caught.

What is fishing?

According to dictionaries, “fishing” is a colloquial option fishing, and carried out by amateur fishermen.

Types of fishing:

By time of year: winter and summer
According to the gear used by fishermen: bottom, spinning, float
By reservoirs: freshwater, sea
Local: from the shore, from a boat, underwater, entering the water, from ice
According to principle: catch-and-release, fish removal
By fishing object: predatory, semi-predatory, non-predatory species

It is more common to catch predatory fish using spinning rods - artificial or natural bait. If the bait is carried behind a moving boat, then this type is called trolling. Stepped wiring is called a jig. Fishermen also use twitching, when the bait is jerked, fly fishing: a fly (bait) - an imitation of an insect, and other methods.

The theme of fishing was often played out in Soviet and Russian comedies, and the term “fishing” became synonymous with drinking in nature.

Fisherman's Day is a professional holiday for fishermen. Amateur fishermen and those for whom such activity is a profession take part in the celebrations. The fish inspection staff, students and teachers consider this holiday educational institutions, specializing in water management. Their friends, relatives, acquaintances and close people also take part in the events.

In Russia, Fisherman's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of July. In 2020, the holiday falls on July 12 and is officially celebrated 40 times.

The purpose of the holiday: to show the importance of fishing for the country's economy and to honor the work of fishermen.

Fishing competitions and fish soup preparation are timed to coincide with the celebration. Thematic programs and reports are broadcast on television.

The content of the article

history of the holiday

The event is officially set in Soviet times. In 1980, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days” was adopted, which included Fisherman’s Day in the list memorable dates. The document emphasized the importance of fishing and its impact on the country's economy. For many people it was the only source of income. The tradition has been preserved in the Russian Federation.

Holiday traditions

The events involve field trips to water bodies and holding competitions to catch the inhabitants of the deep waters. Participants of the competition compete in the number of prey caught on a hook, its weight and size. The winners are awarded with valuable gifts, souvenirs, fishing rods or themed postcards.

Fisherman's Day 2019 is marked by festive feasts. Colleagues and lovers gather along the banks of rivers, lakes and seas. They are joined by friends, relatives, and close people. Dishes are cooked over a fire in the open air, and fish soup is made from the catch.

Traditionally, congratulations, wishes for health and success are heard on this day. At the end of each toast, those present drink strong drinks. Fishermen discuss news, share experiences and tell stories from their lives, demonstrate gear and talk about places where there is a good bite.

Television often broadcasts programs about fishing rod masters. Fishing footage recorded in picturesque places is shown. News reports sometimes mention a memorable event.

The holiday is celebrated not only by professionals whose tasks include maintaining and supporting the fishery, but also by amateurs who treat the activity as a leisure hobby. In many localities of the Russian Federation, the date in honor of fishermen is no less significant than the city day. Most countries have similar celebrations.

Daily task

Celebrate this holiday by the pond. Gather together family members and buddies who enjoy fishing. Don't forget to prepare a traditional dish - fish soup.

  • Classic Russian fish soup is made from three or four types of fish. The meat most often used to prepare this dish is pike perch, perch, ruff and whitefish.
  • Another common fish dish in Russia is kalya - a thick soup with spices and a thick broth. Its main ingredients are fish, caviar, beets, cucumbers and cucumber pickle. In the 13th - 18th centuries, kalia was a festive dish, and the masters of its preparation were called kalschiki.
  • The largest fish caught on the line was a man-eating white shark. Its weight was 1.2 tons and its length was 5.13 meters. This catch was taken by Clive Green from Australia on April 26, 1976.
  • The world's first amateur fishing club was created in Great Britain in 1829 and was called the Elem Fishing Club.
  • Residents of some African countries go fishing with a shovel, with which they dig up protoptera fish. With the onset of drought, when reservoirs dry up, these fish bury themselves in the ground and hibernate. They can remain in this state for about 4 years.


“Congratulations on Fisherman’s Day and I want to wish you to catch big fish both from the shore and from the boat, to have unfailing success in business and in your interests, to remain a happy person in sunny and cloudy weather.”

“We would like to congratulate all fishermen - professionals, amateurs, everyone who loves fishing, who gets pleasure and enjoyment from this activity! We wish you that the weather is always good whenever you go fishing, so that big fish she was hooked and swam into your net! In addition, we wish that when fishing you will be surrounded only by your beloved friends and kind people! Let every fishing trip be a real holiday for you: with fun, with good mood, and most importantly - with a good catch!

“To everyone whose heart trembles and whose soul is in awe even at the mention of fishing, who is looking forward to the weekend and neither light nor dawn, carefully hugging spinning rods and gear as they go, rushing to meet nature, we congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - Fisherman’s Day "!


Fishing gear. Fishing gear will be an excellent gift that will delight the fisherman. Before choosing such a gift, it is better to find out from the hero of the occasion what he is missing in his fishing arsenal.

Tackle case. Special storage case fishing gear, will serve as a practical gift that will allow you to conveniently carry the necessary fishing equipment and keep them in order.

Gift Certificate. A gift certificate to a specialized store will allow the fisherman to choose his own gift.


Best fishing joke
All guests of the holiday can take part in the competition. The presenter offers to tell an anecdote on the topic of fishing or a fishing tale from your life. The best storyteller wins.

Participants of the competition are given props - masks, snorkels, fins for scuba diving. Having put on their equipment, the competitors stand on the starting line. At the command of the leader, they must run a given distance. The participant who reaches the finish line the fastest wins.

Who will catch the fish first
To hold the competition, you need to prepare a thick thread or rope 5-7 meters long, in the middle of which a toy in the shape of a fish is attached. Two participants stand at the ends of the rope. They are given a pencil. At the leader’s command, they begin to wind the thread around the pencil. The participant who gets to the fish first wins.

About the profession

Catching the inhabitants of the sea and river depths is not only a form of leisure, but also a trade. Fishing specialists provide the state economy with the flow of funds into the budget. It is replenished by international and domestic trade in products caught in the deep waters. Fishermen often work in the fleet, which is engaged in industrial production of the inhabitants of the seas and oceans. It involves the use of mechanization in the form of various equipment and radar equipment.

The current level of development of the industry requires significant training, including in the field of compliance with regulations. Depending on the position held, it is necessary to have a certain amount of knowledge and skills that are acquired during work or preliminary training. A profession that requires conducting activities in the vastness of the seas and oceans is classified as dangerous to life and health.

This holiday in other countries

In Ukraine, like Russia, Fisherman's Day is held at the state level on the second Sunday of July. This holiday is also celebrated in the countries of the former USSR, but has an unofficial status.

In Russia, on Sunday, July 8, 2018, Fisherman's Day is celebrated. When the celebrations usually take place, experts also talk about the history and traditions of the holiday.

In Russia there is no exact date for Fisherman's Day: it is celebrated on the second Sunday of July. In 2018, the holiday of fishing professionals, as well as everyone who cannot imagine relaxing without fishing, falls on July 8th. On Fisherman's Day, Russians tend to spend time near rivers or lakes with their families and friends; people go out into nature to chat with each other, taste freshly prepared fish soup, and just spend time near the water.

history of the holiday

Fisherman's Day in Russia began to be celebrated in the 80s of the last century on the initiative of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The date - the second Sunday of July - was not chosen by chance. The fact is that by this time restrictions on fishing are lifted throughout the country, in addition, good weather sets in throughout the entire territory of the huge state, and many people want to spend the weekend near water bodies.

Fisherman's Day, we note, should not be confused with World Fisheries Day on June 27. This holiday was established at the International Conference on the Development and Regulation of Fisheries in Rome in 1984, is considered a professional holiday for workers in the fishing industry and is celebrated throughout the world. Russian professionals, however, are happy to congratulate each other once again on Fisherman’s Day.

Holiday traditions

Fisherman's Day in Russia is especially widely celebrated in cities, the citizens of which in most cases are professional fishermen, and for the rest, fishing is the main form of leisure. Local authorities organize various competitions, one way or another related to fishing, organize concerts and folk festivals. At the festival sites, master classes are held, souvenir products are sold, and, of course, chefs are invited to prepare fish soup according to traditional recipes for a particular region. Everyone then tries the fish soup.