Children's physical education lessons for preschoolers. Methodology for conducting physical education sessions in the middle group of kindergarten

Dear moms and dads!

I would like to talk once again about the importance of physical education minutes for preschoolers. How often do you and your child or yourself do physical exercise? I think not often, if we are honest first of all with ourselves. A physical education minute helps the child take a break from static tension, mental activity, and switch from an educational task to movement. Physical education sessions are fun, useful and interesting! Performing the movements is very simple, and the funny pictures accompanying our material will help you learn the words with your child and he will recite the text with you. IN last years Unfortunately, the number of children suffering from musculoskeletal disorders and speech pathologies has increased. Children with speech impairments have problems with motor skills, coordination of movements, and are poorly oriented in space. All this affects the overall physical development and health status and can lead to physical inactivity. Various games help eliminate movement disorders, as well as finger gymnastics and physical education sessions in combination with speech material.

Pronouncing poetry simultaneously with movements makes children's speech more rhythmic, louder, clearer, more emotional, and also develops auditory perception well.

Physical education minutes are an excellent way to switch children to another type of activity, to increase their performance not only in speech therapy classes, but also in classes with a psychologist, speech pathologist or other specialists.

We wish you success!

Card index of physical education minutes for children of the middle group No. 11.

1. Our rest is a physical education minute.

Our rest is a physical education minute.

Take your seats:

Step in place left, right, We walk in place.

One and two, one and two!

Keep your back straight,

One and two, one and two!

And don't look at your feet, Hand movements: to the sides,

One and two, one and two! up, sideways, down.

2. Leaf fall.

Leaves are falling, falling, Wave your arms.

Leaf fall in our garden

Yellow, red leaves Turn around yourself.

They curl and fly in the wind.

3. Kindergarten.

Kindergarten, kindergarten, Claps for every word

He is always happy for children.Brush spreads V

I'll play in the kindergarten differentsides,

AND assemble constructor, the fingers of the hands touch.

And clean up your toys after yourself. The hand moves right left.

I will dance briskly Squat. Dancingemovements.

And sculpt and draw, Imitate modeling and drawing.

I will sing songs every day.Hands “locked” in front of you.

4 . Fruits.

We will cook compote. March in place

You need a lot of fruit. Here. Show with your hands “A lot.”

Let's chop apples imitatehow they crumble,

We will chop the pear, they chop down squeeze out

Squeeze the lemon juice

We'll put in some drainage and sand. They put, pour sand.

We cook, we cook compote, Turn around yourself.

Let's treat honest people. Clap.

5. Clock.

Tick-tock, tick-tock

Who in the house can do this?

This is the pendulum in the clock

Beats every beat Tilts left and right.

And there is a cuckoo sitting in the clock,

She has her own hut. Children sit in a deep squat.

The bird will crow for time,

He will hide behind the door again. Squats.

The arrows move in a circle,

They don't touch each other. Torso rotation to the right

You and I will turn around

Counterclockwise. Rotation of the body to the left.

And the clock goes, goes, Walking in place

Sometimes they suddenly fall behind. Slow down your walking pace.

And sometimes they are in a hurry,

It's like they want to run away! Run in place.

If they don't get started,

Then they completely stand up. The children stop.

6. Berries

And blueberries grow in the forest, Rising on your toes, hands

Strawberries, blueberries. Tlift up, then lower smoothly,

To pick a berry, stand on your entire foot.

You need to squat deeper.Squats.

I took a walk in the forest,

I'm carrying a basket of berries.Walking in place.

7. Days of the week

On Monday I swam We depict swimming.

And on Tuesday I painted. We depict drawing.

On Wednesday I took a long time to wash my face, Let's wash ourselves.

And on Thursday I played football. Run in place.

On Friday I jumped, ran, Let's jump. We spin around in place.

I danced for a very long time. Clap your hands. And on Saturday, Sunday Children sit down squatting, hands

I rested all day. Pone cheekfall asleep.

8 . Truck

The truck is carrying sand. They go in circlesdepicting the steering wheel in your hands.

People are surprised: StopI, turn around

facing each other, throwing up their hands,

make a surprised face.

“That’s a miracle - miracles, 2 times tilt their head to the right - to the left.

There is sand in it to the heavens." Stretch on tiptoes, raising arms up.


Up hand and down hand.One right hand up, the other down,

They pulled them lightly. Change hands with a jerk.

We quickly changed hands!

We're not bored today.

Squats with clapping: Squats, clapping hands above your head.

Down - clap and up - clap.

We stretch our legs and arms,

We know for sure - it will be good!

We turn our heads Rotate your head right and left.

We stretch our neck. Stop! OstApoured in.

10. Airplane

We're flying under the clouds

And the earth floats beneath us:

Grove, field, garden and river,Maflutter your arms like wings.

Both houses and people.

We're tired of flying,

We landed in a swamp.Several deep squats.

We are tired, we have stayed too long, ABOUTbottom hand up, the other down,

We wanted to warm up. Change hands jerkily.

Then they looked at the wall,

Then they looked out the window.

Right, left turn, Body turns.

And then vice versa.

Let's start squats Squats.

We bend our legs completely.

Up and down, up and down,

Don't rush to squat!

And we sat down for the last time,

And now they sat down.The children sit down.

12 . Bogatyrs

They stood up together.

Once! Two! Three!

We are now heroes! Hands to the side.

We'll put our palms to our eyes,

Let's spread our strong legs.

Turning to the right Turn right.

Let's look around majestically,

And you need to go left too Turn left.

Look from under your palms.

And to the right, and again Turn right.

Over the left shoulder. Turn left.

13 .Bear

The bear crawled out of the den,

I looked around on the threshold. Turns left and right.

He stretched out of sleep:Stretch, arms up.

Spring has come to us again.

To quickly gain strength,

The bear's head was twisting. Head rotation.

Leaned back and forth Tilts forward and backward.

Here he is walking through the forest.

The bear is looking for roots Tilts: right hand touch

And rotten stumps. leva foot, then vice versa.

They contain edible larvae -

Vitamins for the bear.

Finally the bear had his fill

And he sat down on a log.The children sit down.

14 . Flowers

Our scarlet flowers Rfingers hide,brushes

The petals are blooming. Ruk turn left and right.

The breeze breathes a little, Slowly move your fingers.

The petals are swaying.

Our scarlet flowers

The petals close Close your fingers together (“into a bud”).

They fall asleep quietly. Lower your hands down.

They shake their heads. Circular movements hands.

15 .

We pressed our hands to our shoulders, Hands to shoulders, rotation forward and

Let's start rotating them. nback.

Away with fatigue, laziness and bitch,

Let's flex our muscles!

Now let's twist our necks, Squats.

We can do this easily.

How stubborn all children are,

Let's say "No!" for everything in the world.

And now we squat

And we stretch our knees.

Bend your legs all the way!

One two three four five!

Finally, let's take a step,Walking in place.

Raise your legs higher!

16 . In the meadow

We walked through the meadow

And we were a little out of breath. We walk in place.

Let's stand up, take a deep breath,

Let's start the exercises.

Hands to the sides, forward, Spread your arms to the sides, forward.

And then vice versa.

Miracles in our world:

Children became dwarfs Sit down.

And then everyone stood up together,

We have become giants.

This is how we clap together Xlet's gobble it upclap.

And we stomp our feet! We stomp our feet.

Well we had a walk

And not at all tired!We walk in place.

It will bend

It will arch its back,

The leg will be pulled forward -

It does exercise

Our Marquis -

Fluffy cat.

He scratches himself behind his ear,

He closes his eyes and purrs.

Everything is fine with Marquis:

Claws, fur and appetite.

Fluffy lumps

Wash your cheeks with your paw,

Wash your nose with your paw,

Wash your eyes with your paw -

Right eye, left eye.

GBDOU No. 6 City of St. Petersburg

Prepared by: Smirnova Anastasia Andreevna

To relax and relieve tension, small exercise minutes are appropriate and necessary. It's better if physical. the minutes will not be repeated. Here are some of them:

Big small

First I'll be small

I'll press myself to my knees.

Then I'll grow up big

I can reach the lamp.

Children perform movements according to the text of the poem.

On a flat path

On a smooth path,

Children walk at a pace

On a flat path

Our feet are walking

One-two, one-two,

By pebbles, by pebbles,

jump on two legs

By pebbles, by pebbles...

Into the pit - bang!

squat down


We're getting higher

We reach the roofs with our hands.

One-two - got up,

One-two - hands down.


The wind quietly shakes the maple tree,

Tilts left, right.

Once - tilt

And two tilt.

The maple leaves rustled.

Hands raised up, movements along the text.

Three Bears

Three bears were walking home

Children waddle in place

Dad was big, big.

Raise your arms above your head, pull up.

Mom is shorter with him,

Hands at chest level.
And my son is just a little baby.

Sit down.
He was very small

Crouching and swinging like a bear.
He walked around with rattles.

Stand up with your hands clenched into fists in front of your chest.

Ding-ding, ding-ding.

Children imitate playing with rattles.


This finger wants to sleep

This finger went to bed.

This little finger took a little nap.

This little finger is already asleep.

This one is fast, sound asleep.

Hush, hush, don't make noise!

The red sun will rise,

The red morning will come

The birds will chirp

Fingers will stand up.

Children alternately bend the fingers of the opposite hand with one hand and hold them in a fist. In response to the words “the fingers will rise,” the children raise their hand up and straighten their fingers.


Skok-skok, skok-skok,

The bunny jumped onto a stump.

It's cold for the hare to sit

I need to warm my paws,

Paws up, paws down,

Pull yourself up on your toes,

We put our paws on the side,

Jump and jump on your toes.

And then squat down,

So that your paws don't freeze.

Movements in the text of the poem.


Fingers fell asleep

Curled into a fist.






Wanted to play!

On the count of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, open your fingers one by one from the fist. In response to the words “wanted to play,” the fingers move freely.

One two three four five

One, two, three, four, five - we stomp our feet,

One, two, three, four, five - clap our hands,

One, two, three, four, five - we do it again.

And blueberries grow in the forest

And blueberries grow in the forest,

Strawberries, blueberries.

To pick a berry,

You need to squat deeper.


I took a walk in the forest.

I'm carrying a basket of berries.

(Walk in place.)


(Back straight, hands on waist. Children smoothly and slowly raise their right hand, then left leg, bent at the knee, and also smoothly lowered. Watch your back.)

Stork, long-legged stork,
Show me the way home.

(The stork answers.)

Stomp your right foot
Stomp your left foot
Again - with the right foot,
Again - with the left foot.
After - with the right foot,
Then - with the left foot.
And then you will come home.

And above the sea - you and I!

Seagulls circle above the waves,

Let's fly after them together.

Splashes of foam, sound of the surf,

And above the sea - you and I!

(Children wave their arms like wings.)

We are now sailing on the sea

And we frolic in the open space.

Have fun raking

And catch up with the dolphins.

(Children make swimming movements with their hands.)

And now we are with you, children

And now we are with you, children,

We're flying away on a rocket.

Get up on your toes,

And then hands down...

One two three four -

Here's a rocket flying up!

(1-2 - stand on your toes, arms up, palms forming a “rocket dome”; 3-4 - main stand.)

All the guys stood up together

All the guys stood up together Will straighten up.

And they walked on the spot. Walking in place.

They stretched on their toes,Raise your hands up.

And now they’ve bent over backwards.Bend over, armsput it behind your head.

We sat down like springs Sit down.

And they sat down quietly at once.Straighten up and sit down.

Matryoshka dolls

Clap your handsClap your hands in front of you,

Friendly nesting dolls.Repeat the claps again.

Boots on my feet,Right foot forward to heel, left foot

Matryoshka dolls are stomping.Forward on the heel, hands on the belt, then in I.P.

Lean left, right,Tilts right - left.

Bow to everyone you know.Head tilt forward with torso rotation

The girls are naughtyHead tilts left and right.

Painted dolls.Bend back, arms to the sides, lean back in the chair.

In our colorful sundressesTurn the torso from right to left, hands to the shoulders, repeat the turns of the torso again

You look like sisters.

Okay, okay,Clap your hands in front of you.

Funny nesting dolls.Clap the desk, repeat again.

And now the step is in place

And now the step is in place.

Legs up! Stop, one, two!

(Walk in place.)

Raise our shoulders higher

And then we lower them.(Raise and lower your shoulders.)

Place your hands in front of your chest

And we perform jerks.(Hands in front of chest, jerks with arms.)

You need to jump ten times

Let's jump higher, let's jump together!(Jumping in place.)

We raise our knees -

We perform the step on the spot.(Walk in place.)

We reached out from the heart,(Stretching - arms up and to the sides.)

And they returned to the place again.(Children sit down.)

And the clock goes on and on

Tick-tock, tick-tock

Who in the house can do this?

This is the pendulum in the clock,

Beats every beat(Tilts left and right.)

And there is a cuckoo sitting in the clock,

She has her own hut.(Children sit in a deep squat.)

The bird will crow for time,

He'll hide behind the door again,(Squats.)

The arrows move in a circle.

They don't touch each other.(Rotate your body to the right.)

You and I will turn around

Counterclockwise.(Rotate your body to the left.)

And the clock goes, goes,(Walk in place.)

Sometimes they suddenly fall behind.(Slow down your walking pace.)

And sometimes they are in a hurry,

It's like they want to run away! (Running in place.)

If they don't get started,

Then they completely stand up. (Children stop.)


The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up,(Torso to the right, to the left.)

I didn't want to sleep anymore(torso forward, backward.)

He moved, stretched,(Hands up, stretch.)

Soared up and flew. (Hands up, right, left.)

The sun will just wake up in the morning,

The butterfly circles and curls.(Spin around.)

They are running, running from the yard

They are running, running from the yard(We walk in place.)

Walk, walk in the meadows:(Jumping in place.)

Trigger-garaburka-whatever,(Clap our hands.)

Duck-floater-quack-quack,(We stomp our feet.)

Goose-pond-eider-wagi,(We squat.)

Indkzh-khripindyuk-shulty-buldy,(Clap our hands.)

Pig-fat-backed-chakhi-ryakhi,(We stomp our feet.)

Goat-deribose-mehe-beke,(We squat.)

Ram - kicks - kicks,(Clap our hands.)

Cow-komol-ttruki-torment,(We stomp our feet.)

Horse-kick-igi-vigi.(We walk in place.)


Squirrels jump on branches.

Jump and jump, jump and jump!

They are often taken

High, high! (Jumping in place.)

Let's play hopscotch

Let's play hopscotch

Jump on one leg.

And now a little more

Let's jump on the other leg.(Jumping on one leg.)

Let's jump and gallop!

One two three four five!

Let's jump and gallop!(Jumping in place.)

Right side bent.

One two Three.

Left side bent.

One two Three.

Now let's raise our hands(Hands up.)

And we will reach the cloud.

Let's sit on the path(Sit down on the floor.)

Let's stretch our legs.

Let's bend our right leg,(Bend our legs at the knee.)

One two Three!

Let's bend the left leg,

One two Three.

Legs raised high(Raise your legs up.)

And they held it for a while.

They shook their heads(Head movements.)

And everyone stood up together.(Stand up.)

Let's jump like a frog

We'll jump like a frog

Champion jumper.

After a jump - another jump,

Let's jump higher, my friend!(Jumping.)


Vanka-Vstanka,(Jumping in place.)

Sit down. (Squats.)

How naughty you are!

We can't handle you!(Clap your hands.)

Up hand and down hand

Up hand and down hand.

They pulled them lightly.

We quickly changed hands!

We're not bored today.

(One straight arm up, the other down, change hands with a jerk.)

Squat with clapping:

Down - clap and up - clap.

We stretch our legs and arms,

We know for sure that it will be good.

(Squats, clapping hands above your head.)

We twist and turn our heads,

We stretch our neck. Stop!

(Rotate your head right and left.)

Funny geese

(Musical physical education minute)

(Children sing and perform various movements following the teacher.)

Lived with grandma

Two cheerful geese:

One gray

Another white one

Two cheerful geese.

Stretched their necks

- Who has it longer?

One is gray, the other is white,

Who has it longer?

Washing the geese's feet

In a puddle near a ditch.

One is gray, the other is white,

They hid in a ditch.

Here's grandma screaming:

Oh, the geese are gone!

One gray

Other white

  1. My geese, my geese!

The geese came out

Bowed to grandma

  1. One is gray, the other is white,

They bowed to grandma.

Fun jumping

One, two - there is a rocket.

Three, four - an airplane.

One, two - clap your hands,(Jumping on one and two legs.)

And then on every count.

One two three four -

Arms higher, shoulders wider.

One two three four -

And they walked around on the spot.(Walk in place.)


The wind blows in our faces

The tree swayed.

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.

The tree is getting higher and higher.

(Children imitate the blow of the wind, swinging their torso in one direction or the other. When they hear the words “quieter, quieter,” the children squat, and when they say “higher, higher,” they straighten up.)

The wind blows over the fields

The wind blows over the fields,

And the grass sways.(Children smoothly swing their arms above their heads.)

A cloud floats above us

Like a white mountain.(Stretching - arms up.)

The wind carries dust over the field.

The ears are leaning -

Right, left, back and forth,

And then vice versa.(Tilts left and right, forward and backward.)

We're climbing the hill(Walk in place.)

We'll rest there for a while.(Children sit down.)

The wind quietly shakes the maple tree

The wind quietly shakes the maple tree,

Tilts right, left:

One - tilt and two - tilt,

The maple leaves rustled.

(Feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head. Torso tilts to the right and left.)

In the evening

In the evening, girl Mila(We walk in place.)

I planted a flowerbed in the garden,(Jumping in place.)

Her brother is a boy Ivan(Squats.)

He also broke... a glass!(Clap our hands.)

See, the butterfly is flying

See, the butterfly is flying,(We wave our winged hands.)

Counting flowers in the meadow.(Count with your finger.)

One two three four five.(Clap your hands.)

In a day, in two and in a month...(We walk in place.)

Six seven eight nine ten.(Clap your hands.)

Even the wise bee(We wave our winged hands.)

Let's walk through the forest together

Let's walk through the forest together,

We are not in a hurry, we are not lagging behind.

Here we go out into the meadow.(Walk in place.)

A thousand flowers around!(Stretching - arms to the sides.)

Here is a chamomile, a cornflower,

Lungwort, porridge, clover.

The carpet is being laid out.

Both right and left.(Bend over and touch your left foot with your right hand, then vice versa - touch your right foot with your left hand.)

Hands stretched to the sky,

The spine was stretched.(Stretching - arms up.)

We all had time to rest

And they sat down again.(Children sit down.)

A sunflower grows in the yard

There is a sunflower growing in the yard,

In the morning he reaches for the sun.(Children stand on one leg and stretch their arms up.)

Next to him is a second one, similar,

He is also drawn to the sun.(Children stand on the other leg and raise their arms up again.)

We turn the handles in a circle.

Don't accidentally hit your friend!

A few laps forward

And then vice versa.(Rotation of straight arms forward and backward.)

We had a wonderful rest

And it's time for us to sit down.(Children sit down.)

There is a pine tree in the yard

There is a pine tree in the yard,

She reaches for the sky.

Poplar grew up next to her,

He wants to be more authentic.(Standing on one leg, stretch with your arms up, then do the same while standing on the other leg.)

The wind was blowing strong,

All the trees shook.(Body tilts forward and backward.)

The branches bend back and forth,

The wind shakes them, bends them.(Jerks with arms in front of chest.)

Let's squat together -

One two three four five.(Squats.)

We warmed up from the heart

And we rush to the place again.(Children go to their seats.)

Here comes a big bird

Here's a big bird flying

Smoothly circles over the river.(Movements with hands imitating flapping of wings.)

Finally she sits down

On a snag above the water.(Children sit in a deep squat for a few seconds.)

Here under the Christmas tree

Here under the green Christmas tree

(Stand up.)

The crows are jumping merrily:

(We jump.)


They screamed all day long

(Turns the body left and right.)

The boys were not allowed to sleep:

(Tilts the body left and right.)


(Loudly.) (Clap your hands above your head.)

Only at night they fall silent

(They flap their arms like wings.)

And everyone falls asleep together:

(They squat down, hands under their cheeks, and fall asleep.)



(Clap your hands above your head.)

Raise your shoulders

Jump grasshoppers.

Jump-jump, jump-jump.

(Energetic shoulder movements).

Stop! We sat down.

We ate some grass.

They listened to the silence.


Higher, higher, higher

Jump on your toes with ease!

(Jumping in place)

Cabbage! (for fingers)

We chop and chop the cabbage,

(swinging movements with hands, like an ax)

We crush and crush the cabbage,

(“crushing the cabbage”)

We salt and salt the cabbage,

(“take” a pinch of salt and “salt”)

We squeeze and squeeze cabbage.

(flexion and extension of the hands)

Oh, how long we wrote (for the eyes)

Oh, how long have we been writing?

The guys' eyes are tired.

(Blink your eyes.)

Look all out the window

(Look left - right.)

Oh, how high the sun is.

(Look up.)

We'll close our eyes now,

(Close your eyes with your palms.)

Let's build a rainbow in class

Let's go up the rainbow,

(Look in an arc up to the right and up to the left.)

Let's turn right, left,

And then we'll slide down

(Look down.)

Squint your eyes hard, but hold on.

(Close your eyes, open them and blink them.)


Bent over first

Down is our head

(lean forward)

Right and left you and I

Let's shake our heads.

(tilts to the sides)

Hands behind your head, together

We start running on the spot.

(simulation of running)

We'll remove both you and me

Hands behind the head.

I want to become an athlete
I'm jumping rope
I'll go to the bike.
And I’ll go faster than anyone else.
I'll bend, bend, bend,
I'll reach the floor
I can touch the floor easily
I straighten myself carefully.
I will raise my hands up.
I don’t understand where the sky is!
I'll close my eyes and hands
I'll play with the clouds.
I'll sit down, back straight.
Let my mother praise me!
After all, exercise every day.
I'm not at all lazy to do it.

Hands to the sides, in a fist,
Unclench it to the side.
Left up!
Right up!
To the sides, crosswise,
To the sides, down.
Knock-knock, knock-knock-knock! (knock fist on fist)
Let's make a big circle. (“draw” a circle with your hands)

We stomp our feet, Top-top-top!
We clap our hands, Clap-clap-clap!
Shaking our heads
And we turn our heads.
We raise our hands
We give up
We shake hands.
And we run around.

Hey! Jumped on the spot. (jumping)
Eh! We wave our hands together. (scissoring motion with hands)
Ehe-he! Bend your backs (lean forward, hands on your belt, bend your back)
We looked at the pictures. (bending over and raising your head as high as possible)
Hey-hey! Bent down lower. (deep forward bend, hands on waist)
We leaned closer to the floor. (touch the floor with your hands)
Uh-uh! What a lazy person you are! (straighten up, shake a finger at each other)
Stretch, but don't yawn! (stretch your arms up, rising on your toes)
Turn around in place deftly. (spin around)
We need skill in this.
What did you like, my friend? (stopped, arms to the sides, shoulders raised)
Tomorrow there will be another lesson! (hands on the belt, turned the body to the right, right
hand to the side, then to the left and left hand to the side)

Show all your palms(raising your arms above your head, rotate your hands, “flashlights”)
And clap a little
Clap-clap-clap, Clap-clap-clap.
Look at me now (make any movement)
You will repeat everything exactly.
One-two-three, one-two-three.
Now let's show the legs
And we'll drown a little.
Top-top-top, Top-top-top.
Show me your arms, legs,
Play with them a little (voluntary movements with your arms and legs)
One-two-three, one-two-three.

Eyes see everything around,
I'll circle them.
It is possible to see everything with the eye -
Where is the window and where is the cinema?
I'll draw a circle with them,
I'll look at the world around me.

There is a forest on the mountain
circular movements with hands
He's neither short nor tall
sit down, stand up, hands up
An amazing bird gives us a voice
eyes and hands up, stretch
Two tourists along the path
We walked home from afar
walking in place
They say: “We have never heard such a whistle before.”
raise your shoulders

It’s dark in the forest, everyone has been sleeping for a long time.
(Children pretend to be sleeping.)
All the birds are sleeping...
One owl doesn't sleep
He flies and screams.
(Children wave their arms.)
Owl - owl,
Big head.
Sits on a branch
He turns his head.
(Draw a large circle with your hands. Sit down, turn your head to the right and left.)
Looks in all directions
Yes, suddenly it will fly.

We have a physical education session again
Once again we have a physical education session,
Let's bend over, come on, come on!
Straightened up, stretched,
And now they’ve bent over backwards.
We stretch our arms, shoulders,
To make it easier for us to sit,
To write, read, count
And don’t get tired at all.
My head is tired too.
So let's help her!
Right and left, one and two.
Think, think, head.
Even though the charge is short,
We rested a little.

So we threw up our hands,
So we threw up our hands,
As if they were surprised
And to each other to the ground
They bowed at the waist.
(Bent over, straightened up)
Below, children, don’t be lazy,
Bow, smile.
(Exhale, inhale)
We'll put our palms to our eyes,
Let's spread our strong legs.
Turning to the right
Let's look around majestically.
And you need to go left too
Look from under your palms.
And - to the right! And further
Over your left shoulder!

One two three four five
One two three four five -
We all know how to count.
Once! Get up and stretch.
Two! Bend over, straighten up.
Three! Three claps of your hands,
Three nods of the head.
Four means wider hands.
Five - wave your arms.
Six - sit quietly at your desk.


The flower was sleeping

(Close your eyes, relax, massage your eyelids, pressing lightly on them clockwise and counterclockwise.)

And suddenly I woke up

(Blink your eyes.)

I didn't want to sleep anymore

(Raise your hands up (inhale). Look at your hands.)

He perked up, stretched,

(Arms bent to the sides (exhale))

He soared up and flew.

(Shake your brushes, look left and right.)

Hands behind your back, heads back.

(Close your eyes, relax.)

Let your eyes look at the ceiling.

(Open your eyes, look up.)

Let's lower our heads and look at the desk.


And again up - where is the fly flying?


Let's turn our eyes and look for her.

(On both sides.)

And we read again. A little more.


Pinocchio draws with his curious pancake nose. All exercises are accompanied by eye movements.

The eyes see everything around

The eyes see everything around
I'll circle them.
It is possible to see everything with the eye -
Where is the window and where is the cinema?
I'll draw a circle with them,
I'll look at the world around me.

It's me

These are the eyes. Exactly.
These are ears. Exactly.
This is the nose. This is the mouth.
The back is there, the belly is there.
These are pens. Clap clap.
These are the legs. Top, top.
Oh, tired! Let's wipe our brow.

The left eye is shown first, then the right. They first take the left earlobe, then the right.
The left hand shows the mouth, the right hand shows the nose. The left palm is placed on the back, the right palm on the stomach.
They extend both hands, then clap twice. Place your palms on your hips, then stomp twice. The right palm is passed over the forehead.

We'll put our palms to our eyes

We'll put our palms to our eyes,
Let's spread our strong legs.
Turning to the right
Let's look around majestically.
And you need to go left too

Look from under your palms.
And - to the right! And further
Over your left shoulder!
The text of the poem is accompanied by the movements of an adult and a child.


It's dark in the forest

Everyone has been sleeping for a long time.

(Children pretend to be sleeping.)

All the birds are sleeping...

One owl doesn't sleep

He flies and screams.

(Children wave their arms.)

Owl - owl,

Big head.

Sits on a branch

He turns his head.

(Draw a large circle with your hands. Sit down, turn your head to the right and left.)

Looks in all directions

Yes, suddenly it will fly.

(Stand up, wave your arms, run in place.)

Masha is confused

Masha is looking for things,

(turn one way)

Masha is confused

(turn in the other direction, to the starting position)

And not on the chair,

(arms forward, to the sides)

And not under the chair,

(sit down, spread your arms to the sides)

Not on the bed

(hands dropped)

Not under the bed.

That's what Masha is like,

(tilt the head left and right, “threaten” the index finger)

Masha is confused!


That's what a dragonfly is

Like pea eyes.

Left - right, back - forward.

Well, just like a helicopter.

(Stand up. Show the dragonfly's eyes at eye level with your thumb and forefinger. Turn your head to the right, left. Hands on your waist, turn your body to the right, left. Starting position. Hands to the sides, lower your head down, lift it up. Perform 3-4 times) .


Get up girls

Get up, boys!

Jump like bunnies!

Bounce like balls!

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Let's sit down on the grass:

Let's listen to the silence

Let's eat carrots

Let's rest a little and

Higher, higher

Jump high!

Don't be lazy, jump

Easy on your toes!

Jump high!

(Movements are performed as the poem progresses)


Every day in the morning

Let's do exercises

We really like it

Do everything in order:

It's fun to walk, it's fun to play,

Hands up, hands down,

Jump and gallop.

(Movements are performed as the poem progresses).


It's cold for the bunny to sit

Need to warm up my paws.

Paws up, paws down.

Pull yourself up on your toes,

We put our paws on the side,

On your toes, hop-hop-hop.

And then squat down,

So that your paws don't get cold.

The bunny is good at jumping,

He jumped ten times.

(Movements are performed along the text of the poem)


Pinocchio - stretched,

Once - bent over,

Two - bent over,

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently I didn't find the key.

To get us the key,

We need to stand on our toes.


Tick-tock, tick-tock

All clocks go like this.

Tick-tock, tick-tock.

(tilts head to shoulders)

Look quickly what time it is.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

(body rocking)

Left - once, right - once,

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

(torso tilts left - right)

We can do this too.

Three Bears

Three bears were walking home:

(children walk like a bear)

Dad was big, big.

(raise hands up)

Mom with him is shorter,

(arms at chest level, extended forward)

And my son is just a baby,

(squat down)

He was very small

He walked around with rattles.

(stand up and imitate playing with rattles, raise their hands up and say the words: ding-ding-ding)


Swans are flying

They flap their wings.

(smooth hand movements with large amplitude)

Bent over the water

They shake their heads.

(bending forward, bending over)

They know how to stand straight and proud,

Quietly they sit on the water



Raise your shoulders

(vigorous shoulder movements)

Jump, grasshoppers,

Jump-jump, jump-jump.

Stop! Sit down,

We ate some grass,

They listened to the silence.


Higher, higher, higher

Jump on your toes easily.

(jumping in place)


In a fairytale palace,
On the high porch
The decree sounds loudly -
A message to good fellows:

"Who can dance
Just as the harp tells us,
He will help
Rule our kingdom!"

They sing the song everywhere.
Once you are ready, friends,
It's time for us all to dance.

Here comes the music
And the people are still waiting, standing there.
Oh, my shoulders started dancing,
Have fun, just one more time.

Fingers and elbows jump together,
And the people stand still.
The dancing began to fade away,
Quiet the music...

My legs began to wake up
Wake up, get up,
Heels, toes and knees
They danced as they wanted.

How fun they are to dance!
They just started to get tired.
Glad to exercise my stomach
I learned to tense up.

Inhale and exhale, spin around,
Sloth, hey, wake up!
Our shoulders rose again.
Higher, higher, sharper, sharper!

The shoulders began to calm down,
Quiet and fall asleep...
The cheeks and nose began to dance.
Raise your eyebrows gently.

The lips stretched out into a tube.
Dance just a minute longer.
Once again the people stand and wait:
What will the music sing to us?

Hey assistant, come out!
Show me the general dance!


Here's a hedgehog curled up into a ball
Because he was cold.
The ray touched the hedgehog.
The hedgehog stood up and stretched.
Raise your shoulders
Jump grasshoppers.
Higher, higher, higher.
Jumping on your toes is easy.
So we stood up, took a breath,
The lesson continued.


Let's work, guys.
Now let's all charge up!
We will all stand together now,
We'll rest at the rest stop.
Turn left, turn right,
Bend over, rise up.
Hands up and hands to the side,
And jump and jump on the spot!
And now we're skipping,
Well done, guys!
Let's slow down, children, step,
And stand still! Like this!
And now we will sit together,
We still need to work.


Rise up, stretch.
Two - bend over, straighten up.
Three - three claps of your hands,
One two Three.
Three nods of the head
One two Three.
Four arms wider.
Wave five arms.
Six - sit down quietly at your desk.
Seven, eight, let’s discard laziness.


Raise your paws bear
Bear's paws down
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, spin around
And then touch the ground
And rub your tummy - one, two, three!

IN preschool age kids can’t live without movement: the kids get tired, violate discipline, and don’t absorb information in class. When attention decreases, children need a change in activity. Psychologists write that the body becomes tired after 12-16 minutes of a monotonous activity. Physical education minutes come to the rescue.

Physical education minute– physical exercises carried out to restore mental activity of the brain and prevent fatigue.

Exercise minutes relieve muscle fatigue and tone nervous system and bring mental processes into a state of activity. Physical exercise help to diffuse the situation and evoke positive emotions.

The duration of physical exercises is 1-2 minutes.

Medical contraindications

Consult a healthcare professional preschool: are there any children with contraindications to physical activity, what diseases do preschoolers suffer from? For example, if the guys in the group are prone to poor posture, select exercises to strengthen the back and cervical spine. If children have vision problems, do not forget to include eye relaxation exercises in your classes. Don't overdo it: a physical minute is not the same as a physical education lesson. Children should participate in physical education sessions with pleasure; feel energized rather than tired. You cannot force a child to do an exercise if he refuses.

Exercises for physical education sessions are also chosen based on the lesson being conducted. If this is a writing class, do mindfulness exercises and stretch your back and limb muscles. When reading or drawing - movements that regulate the functioning of the brain.

Physical exercises are used in working with children starting from middle preschool age.

Types of physical training

There are 6 main types of warm-ups:

  1. Gymnastics for the hands;
  2. Gymnastics to relieve fatigue;
  3. Exercises that correct posture;
  4. Eye exercises;
  5. Gymnastics for the prevention of flat feet;
  6. Gymnastics to improve hearing and breathing exercises.

The classic physical training complex consists of exercises for different groups muscles and ends with relaxation. When breathing is restored, children continue their studies.

To participate in physical education, preschoolers stand at the tables or find free space. The main thing is that no one interferes with each other, and there is no accumulation of objects nearby.

Card index of physical education minutes in PDF format

You can copy the physical education lessons you need or download the entire collection.

Musical physical education minutes

Musical accompaniment is a winning option when conducting physical exercises. Recordings on discs with active and cheerful music or playing the piano are suitable. Kids perform dance steps to the music or sing 1-2 verses of a song, which is accompanied by improvised movements (circling, bending, squats).

Some physical minutes, in addition to the background music, include the pronunciation of the text. Pick up tongue twisters and short poems. When pronouncing a text with children, make sure that you inhale when pronouncing the words of one line, and before the next line begins, exhale deeply and calmly, then after the physical education session the child’s breathing remains calm and rhythmic.

Anna Rubinstein
Card index of physical education minutes by topic (middle group)

Theme: “Goodbye, summer”


Kindergarten, kindergarten, Claps for every word

He is always happy for children. Brush spreads in

I’ll play different sides in kindergarten,

And assemble the designer, the fingers of the hands touch.

And clean up your toys after yourself. The hand moves left and right.

I will briskly dance Squat. Dance moves.

And sculpt and draw, Imitate sculpting and drawing.

I will sing songs every day. Hands “locked” in front of you.

Theme: “Colors of Autumn”

"Leaf Fall"

Leaves are falling, falling, Waving your arms.

Leaf fall in our garden

Yellow, red leaves Turn around themselves.

They curl and fly in the wind.

Topic: “Animal world”

It will bend, standing on all fours, bend your back

Then he will arch his back, arch his back

The leg will be pulled forward - stretch one leg back, return it back

It makes charging pull another

Our Marquis - sit on your knees

Fluffy cat. stroke your hands

He scratches himself behind his ear, imitation of “scratching” with his hand

He closes his eyes and purrs. Close your eyes, purr

Everything is fine with Marquis: clench your palms into fists, b. thumbs up

Claws, fur and appetite. imitation

Topic: “Folk culture and traditions”

"Days of the week"

On Monday I swam, pretending to be swimming.

And on Tuesday I painted. We depict drawing.

On Wednesday I took a long time to wash my face. Let’s wash.

And on Thursday I played football. Run in place.

On Friday I jumped, ran, Jumping. We spin around in place.

I danced for a very long time. Clap your hands. And on Saturday and Sunday Children squat, hands

I rested the whole day. under the cheek - they fall asleep.

Topic: "Friendship"

“All the guys stood up together”

All the guys stood up together and straightened up.

And they walked on the spot. Walking in place.

Stretch on your toes, raise your arms up.

And now they’ve bent over backwards. Bend back, hands behind your head.

Like springs we squatted down.

And they sat down quietly at once.

Topic: “Get Healthy”

Up hand and down hand. One right hand up, the other down

They pulled them lightly. Change hands with a jerk.

We quickly changed hands!

We're not bored today.

Squats with clapping: Squats, clapping

Down - clap and up - clap.

We stretch our legs and arms,

We know for sure - it will be good!

Rotate your head, Rotate your head left and right.

We stretch our neck. Stop! Stop

Topic: “Hello, Zimushka-winter!”


Come on, buddy, be brave, buddy, show me how to make snowballs

Roll your snowball in the snow -

It turned into a thick lump. show hands com

And the lump will become a snowman. hands on belt, shake head

His smile is so bright! smile

Two eyes...hat...nose...broom...point to eyes with hands,

head, nose, raise one

hand up, fingers spread

But the sun will burn slightly - put your palm to your forehead and

look up

Alas, there is no snowman. spread your arms to the sides

Topic: “New Year’s Kaleidoscope”

From a snowdrift at the edge of the forest (Children are squatting)

Someone's ears peeked out, (Hands pressed to head)

And he rushed, skok-skok-skok, (Easy run)

White little animal. (“paws” folded in front of the chest)

So he jumped nimbly (Light jumps with advancement)

Along bleached paths. (forward and turns around)

The wind is swirling around the birch trees, (perform swinging movements with your arms)

Moves the bunny's ears. (raising your hands up in front of you)

Wind-wind, play a game, (Clap your hands)

Don't catch up with the dashing bunny! (Run)

Topic: "Etiquette"

"Polite Bunny"

Give me another head of cabbage! (wave both hands towards you)

Is that really asking? Think about it, oblique. (turns to the side)

Give me, please, - the Bunny remembered, - (bends arms forward)

And, if possible, with a large stalk. (show big circle)

Well done, they shook his paw (shake palms)

And they gave me the most delicious heads of cabbage... (pat belly)

Topic: “The ABCs of Safety”

"I once got lost"

I once got lost, pretend to be scared

I just quickly guessed, lightly hit myself on the forehead,

Looked here and there, turns

If you don’t have a mother, that’s the problem: spread your arms out to the sides below

I ran to the right, I ran in place

Mom didn’t find my hand “visor”

I ran to the left, I ran in place,

Mom didn’t find my hand “visor”

I turned around, turned around myself

Maybe I’ll suddenly see a hand “visor”

No. I decided to stand with my arms crossed on my chest

And wait for mom there. hands on belt, stamp foot

Topic: “Little Explorers”

Hands raised and waved -

These are trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, hands shaken -

The wind blows away the dew.

Let's wave our hands smoothly -

These are the birds flying towards us.

We'll show you how they sit down -

We will fold our wings back.

(Children perform movements according to the text)

Topic: “Kindness rules the world”

“In the meadow” We walked through the meadow

And we were a little out of breath. We walk in place.

Let's stand up, take a deep breath,

Let's start the exercises.

Arms to the sides, forward. Arms spread to the sides, forward.

And then vice versa.

Miracles in our world:

The children became dwarfs and sat down.

And then everyone stood up together,

We have become giants.

This is how we clap together. Clap your hands.

And we stomp our feet! We stomp our feet.

Well we had a walk

And not at all tired! We walk in place.

Topic: “Spring is walking across the planet”

The bear crawled out of the den,

I looked around on the threshold. turns left and right

He stretched out of sleep: stretching, arms up

Spring has come to us again.

To quickly gain strength,

The bear's head was twisting. head rotation

Bent back and forth, bending forward and back

Here he is walking through the forest.

The bear is looking for roots, tilts: touch with your right hand

And rotten stumps. left foot, then vice versa.

They contain edible larvae -

Vitamins for the bear.

Finally the bear had his fill

And he sat down on a log. children sit down

Topic: “Meeting the birds”

There lived a parrot in the world. arms to the sides, left, right

Spread your wings wider.

He loved to fly everyone higher, waving his arms

Taller than palm trees, taller than giraffes. Stretch on your toes, arms up

I flew to visit the kids to do squats

Resting with them, head tilted forward

Jumped, bowed, played pranks, jumped in place, leaned forward

I talked to the kids.

Topic: “Water Sorceress”

We quickly went down to the river, step in place

They bent down and washed. forward bends

One two three four.

What a wonderful refreshment! wipe your face with your hands

Now let’s swim together, imitation of swimming

You need to do this manually:

Together - once, this is breaststroke imitation of breaststroke

One, the other is a rabbit. imitation crawl

All as one, we swim like a dolphin. imitation

Came ashore steep walking in place

And we went home!

Topic: “Victory Day”


We're flying under the clouds, wave our arms above

And the earth floats beneath us: Wave below

Grove, field, garden and river, Waving your arms like wings.

Both houses and people. Show the roof, walk around

We're tired of flying, something to wipe our brow

We landed in a swamp. Sit on the floor.

Topic: We've become so big"


We are getting higher, Children raise their hands up.

We reach the roofs with our hands. They stand on their toes.

One-two - they stood up, they stretch their hands up,

One-two - hands down. They lower their hands down.

Topic: “The ABCs of Safety”

"On our street"

On our street, spread your arms to the sides

Cars, cars. "turn the steering wheel"

Little cars, sit down

The cars are big. stand up hands up

Trucks are in a hurry, walking in place

Cars snort, hands to shoulders, up and down

Hurrying, rushing, jumping on the spot

As if alive. stop shake your head

Topic: “My Home”

We are walking along the road.

The path is long, our home is far. (children walk in place)

It's a hot day, let's sit in the shade.

We'll sit under the oak tree (squat down)

We'll lie under the oak tree. (put head on palms)

Topic: "Harvest"


We will cook compote. March in place

You need a lot of fruit. Here. Show with your hands “A lot.”

We will chop apples, imitate how they chop,

We will chop the pear, chop it, squeeze it out,

Squeeze the lemon juice

We'll put in some drainage and sand. They lay it down and pour in sand.

We cook, we cook compote, Turn around yourself.

Let's treat honest people. Clap.

Topic: “I am a man”


We kick, stomp, stomp! They stomp their feet.

We clap, clap, clap our hands! They clap their hands.

With our eyes, moment, moment, moment. They blink their eyes.

We hang our shoulders chick, chick, chick. Raises and lowers shoulders.

One - here, two - there, turns to the sides.

Turn around yourself. They're spinning.

Once they sat down, twice they stood up. Squat.

Everyone raised their hands up. We raised our hands up.

One - two, one - two, clap

It's time for us to get busy. fold your arms

Topic: “Our life”


Here is a large glass teapot, “inflate” your belly, one hand on your belt,

Very important, like a boss. the other is curved like a nose

Here are the porcelain cups, squat

Very fragile, poor things. hands on the belt

Here are the porcelain saucers, spinning,

Just knock and they will break. drawing a circle with your hands

Here are the silver spoons, stretch, clasp your hands above your head

Here's a plastic tray -

He brought us the dishes. make a big circle

Topic: "Transport"

"We are drivers"

We're going, we're driving a car, we're turning the steering wheel with our hands.

We press the pedal. We bend and unbend the leg

We turn on the gas, turn it off. Move your hand back and forth.

We look intently into the distance. Palm to forehead, we peer into the distance.

Courtyards wash away drops Arms bent at elbows movements

Right and left - clean! Left - right.

The wind ruffled my hair. Tousle your hair.

We are drivers – no matter where you go! We stick out our thumb.

Topic: “Who and how to prepare for winter”

"For mushrooms"

We went into the forest to pick mushrooms. Walking in circles

We found a lot of mushrooms there, Hands describe a circle in the air

We met a sideways bunny. Showing ears with hands

The little bunny ran away from us. Jumping forward

The bear was eating raspberries in the bushes. Movements of the bear.

And he gave us half.

The woodpecker knocked here and there. Tapping the palm with a bent finger

There was a loud knock. Clap your hands

Topic: “City of Masters”


Or-or-or, we are holding an ax in our hands.

Om-om-oh, we chop wood with an axe.

Tok-tok-tok, we picked up a hammer.

Tok-tok-tok, the hammer hits the hat.

Often - often, not by, but accurately.

(children accompany words with movements)

Topic: “Visiting a fairy tale”

"Cat house"

Tili-bom! Tili-bom! jumping on two legs

The cat's house is on fire, shake your hands up

There's a column of smoke coming out! “like an airplane engine”

The cat jumped out, jump your arms to the sides

Eyes bulging, show eyes

A chicken runs with a bucket, running in place

Fill the cat's house, hands up and down alternately

And the horse is with a lantern, “lanterns”

And the dog is with a broom, “imitation sweeping”

Gray bunny - with a leaf. two hands up, down

Once! Once! Once! Once! 4 claps

And the fire went out! Sit down

Topic: “My family”

"Three Bears"

Three bears were walking home. Children walk in place, waddle.

Dad was big, big. Raise your arms above your head, pull up.

Mom is shorter with him, hands at chest level.

And my son is just a little baby. Sit down.

He was very small, crouching and swaying like a bear.

He walked around with rattles. Stand up, hands in front

Ding-ding, ding-ding. chest clenched into fists

Topic: “Our Defenders”


They stood up together. walking in place

Once! Two! Three!

We are now heroes! hands to the side

We will put our palm to our eyes, we will put our hand to our forehead

Let's spread our strong legs. spread your legs

Turning right, turning right

Let's look around majestically, head turns

And to the left you also need to turn left

Look from under your palms. make a “visor”

And to the right, and also look to the right

Over the left shoulder. look left

Topic: "Women's Day"

I love my mom

(make a heart with their hands and bring it to their chest)

I will always help her:

I shake the water off my hands,

I'll sweep the floor clean

And I’ll chop firewood for her.

Mom needs to rest

Mom wants to sleep.

I'm walking on tiptoes

And not once, not even once, not a word

I will not say.

Topic: “We want to be healthy”


There are two frogs in the swamp. Arms are bent at the elbows and raised up.

Two green girlfriends Tilt left and right.

In the morning they washed themselves early, and they showed how to wash.

They dried themselves with a towel. They show how they wipe themselves.

They stomped their feet, they stomped their feet.

Hands were clapping. They clap their hands.

Hands on the belt, leaning to the right, to the left.

And they returned back.

That's the secret of health.

Hello everyone, friends! Hands forward and to the sides.

Topic: "April Fool's Day"


Let's grunt loudly, children!

Oink oink oink! twist the heel

And how cats meow: show cat paws

Meow meow meow!

Let's clap our hands loudly. clapping hands

Clap - clap - clap.

And we bark everything a little: paws in front of the chest,

Woof woof woof! "wag the tail"

Let's whistle, knock, the children make corresponding sounds. sounds

Let's growl and be silent. Put your finger to your lips

Theme: "Space"


The sun is shining in a clear sky, raise your hands up and wave

An astronaut flies in a rocket. stretching - arms up

And below the forests, fields - put up the visor and look down

The ground is spreading. low bend forward, arms spread to the sides.

spread apart.

Topic: “Spring and Labor Festival”


This is how the sun rises, Raise your hands up.

Higher, higher, higher. Stretch

By night the sun will go down. Squat down.

Below, below, below. Put your hands on the floor

Okay, okay, clap your hands.

The sun laughs. Smile while shaking your head

And under the sun we can wave our hands

Life is fun. Jumping in place.

Topic: "Natural World"

And blueberries grow in the forest, rising on tiptoes, hands

Strawberries, blueberries. pull up, lower smoothly

To pick a berry, stand on your entire foot.

You need to squat deeper. squats

I took a walk in the forest,

I'm carrying a basket of berries. walking in place

Card index of physical education minutes for preschoolers

Physical education minute. And blueberries grow in the forest
And blueberries grow in the forest,
Strawberries, blueberries.
To pick a berry,
You need to squat deeper. (Squats.)
I took a walk in the forest.
I'm carrying a basket of berries. (Walk in place.)

Physical education minute. And the clock goes on and on
Tick-tock, tick-tock
Who in the house can do this?
This is the pendulum in the clock,
Beats every beat (Tilts left and right.)
And there is a cuckoo sitting in the clock,
She has her own hut. (Children sit in a deep squat.)
The bird will crow for time,
He will hide behind the door again, (Squats.)
The arrows move in a circle.
They don't touch each other. (Rotate your body to the right.)
You and I will turn around
Counterclockwise. (Rotate your body to the left.)
And the clock goes and goes (Walking in place.)
Sometimes they suddenly fall behind. (Slow down your walking pace.)
And sometimes they are in a hurry,
It's like they want to run away! (Running in place.)
If they don't get started,
Then they completely stand up. (Children stop.)

They are running, running from the yard
They are running, running from the yard (We walk in place.)
Walk, walk in the meadows: (Jumping in place.)
Kurka-garaburka-kaki-ka-ki-ka, (We clap our hands.)
Duck-floater-quack-quack, (We stomp our feet.)
Goose-water-gagi-wagi, (We squat.)
Turkey-khripindyuk-shulty-buldy, (We clap our hands.)
Piggy-top hundred-backed-chakhi-ryakhi, (We stomp our feet.)
Goat-deribose-mehe-beke, (We squat.)
Ram-krutorog-chick-kick, (Clap our hands.)
Cow-komol a-tpruki-torment, (We stomp our feet.)
Horse-kick-igi-vigi. (We walk in place.)

Physical education minute. Let's jump and gallop!
One two three four five!
Let's jump and gallop! (Jumping in place.)
Right side bent. (Tilts the body left and right.)
One two Three.
Left side bent.
One two Three.
Now let’s raise our hands (Hands up.)
And we will reach the cloud.
Let's sit on the path, (Sit down on the floor.)
Let's stretch our legs.
Bend your right leg (Bend your legs at the knee.)
One two Three!
Let's bend the left leg,
One two Three.
Legs raised high (Legs raised up.)
And they held it for a while.
They shook their heads (Head movements.)
And everyone stood up together. (Stand up.)

Physical education minute. Funny geese
(Musical physical education minute)
(Children sing and perform various movements following the teacher.)
Lived with grandma
Two cheerful geese:
One gray
Another white one
Two cheerful geese.
Stretched their necks -
Who has it longer?
One is gray, the other is white,
Who has it longer?
Washing the geese's feet
In a puddle near a ditch.
One is gray, the other is white,
They hid in a ditch.
Here's grandma screaming:
Oh, the geese are gone!
One gray
Another white one -
My geese, my geese!
The geese came out
They bowed to grandma -
One is gray, the other is white,
They bowed to grandma.

Physical education minute. Stop sleeping!
It's morning! Stop sleeping!
Before you take off,
You need to stretch your wings.
Up wing, down wing,
And now it’s the other way around! (One straight arm is raised, the other is lowered, the arms change with a jerk.)
We spread our wings to the sides,
And we bring the shoulder blades together. (Hands in front of the chest, jerking your arms to the sides.)
They leaned left and right,
And they bent back and forth. (Tilts left-right, forward-backward.)
On command we squat -
One two three four five.
Let's do the exercise.
Chur, friends, don't lag behind! (Squats.)
To wake up completely
To wake up completely
Need to stretch! (Hands down in front of the body, fingers intertwined. Place hands on the back of the head, elbows out, straighten the torso.)
Straightened up, stretched,
And now they’ve bent over backwards. (Bends forward and backward.)
We also stretch our back,
We bend it back and forth. (Bends forward and backward.)
Turn after turn
Either to the window, or to the wall.
Let's do the exercise
To give your back rest. (Rotate the body to the right and left.)
We had a wonderful rest
And it's time for us to take our place. (Children sit down.)

To become strong and agile
To become strong and agile, (Bending-extension of arms to the shoulders to the sides.)
Let's start training. (We walk in place.)
Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. (Hands on the belt, inhale and exhale.)
Breathe deeper (Hands up, inhale; arms down, exhale.)
And then step on the spot, slowly. (We walk in place.)
How nice the weather is! (Jumping in place.)
We are not afraid of powder, (We walk in place.)
Catching snow - clap your hands. (Clap our hands.)
Hands to the sides, at the seams, (Arms to the sides.)
Enough snow for us and you. (Clap our hands.)
We are now throwers, (We pretend to throw with our left hand.)
We hit the enemy. (We pretend to throw with our right hand.)
Swing your arm - throw! (We represent throwing with the left (right) hand.
A snowball flies straight towards the target. (Clap our hands.)

Come on, don't be lazy!
Hands up and hands down.
Come on, don't be lazy!
Make your swings clearer, sharper,
Train better shoulders. (Both straight arms are raised up, jerk your arms down and put them behind your back, then jerk them up and back.)
Body to the right, body to the left -
We need to stretch our backs.
We will make turns
And help with your hands. (Rotate the body to the sides.)
I stand on one leg
And I’ll fit the other one.
And now alternately
I'll raise my knees. (Take turns raising your legs bent at the knees as high as possible.)
Relaxed and refreshed
And they sat down again. (Children sit down.)

We are surprised by nature
We are standing in the garden
We are surprised by nature. (Stretching arms to the sides.)
Here is the salad, and here is the dill.
We grow carrots there. (Touch your left foot with your right hand, then vice versa.)
We will work with you
Let's declare a fight against the weeds -
We'll tear it out by the roots
Yes, squat lower. (Squats.)
Everyone is amazed at the fence
Nettles grew luxuriantly. (Stretching - arms to the sides.)
We won't touch her -
We've already been burned a little. (Stretching - arms forward.)
We watered everything from a watering can
And we sit on the benches. (Children sit down.)

The little frog is jumping
The little frog jumps, (Clap our hands.)
Kwa-kwa-kwa! (Jumping in place.)
A duckling swims (Clap our hands.)
Quack-quack-quack! (Hands to the chest - to the sides.)
The kid jumps, (Clap our hands.)
Me-me-me! (Hands on the belt, bend forward, turn the head left and right.)
And behind him is the lamb, (Clap our hands.)
Be-be-be! (We squat.)
Here we are exercising, (Clap our hands.)
One two Three! (Jumping in place.)
In the morning on the playground, (Clap our hands.)
One two Three! (Walk in place.)
Everyone around is trying, (Clap our hands.)
Playing sports! (Jumping in place.)

Skok-skok, skok-skok, (Jumping in place on two legs.)
The bunny jumped onto a stump. (Jumping in place on two legs.)
He beats the drum loudly, (We walk in place.)
He invites you to play leapfrog. (Clap our hands.)
It’s cold for the hare to sit, (Sit down.)
Need to warm up my paws. (Clap our hands.)
Paws up, paws down, (Hands up and down.)
Pull yourself up onto your toes. (Stretched, raised their hands up.)
We put our paws on the side, (Hands on the waist.)
On your toes, hop-hop-hop. (Jumping in place on two legs.)
And then squat, (We squat.)
So that your paws don't freeze. (We stomp our feet.)

Snowflakes are falling from the sky
Snowflakes are falling from the sky,
Like in a fairy tale picture.
We'll catch them with our hands
And we'll show mom at home. (Children raise their hands above their heads and make grasping movements, as if catching snowflakes.)
And there are snowdrifts around,
The roads were covered with snow. (Stretching - arms to the sides.)
Don't get stuck in the field so that
Raise your legs higher. (Walk in place, knees raised high.)
There's a fox jumping in the field,
Like a soft red ball. (Jumping in place.)
Well, we go, we go (Walking in place.)
And we come to our house. (Children sit down.)

The sun is sleeping and the sky is sleeping
The sun is sleeping and the sky is sleeping, (Folded palms to the left cheek, to the right cheek.)
Even the wind doesn't make any noise. (We swing our arms up.)
Early in the morning the sun rose, (They raised their hands up and stretched.)
Sent all its rays. (We swing our arms up.)
Suddenly a breeze blew, (We swing our arms open in the air.)
The sky was covered with a cloud, (They covered their face with their hands.)
And shook the trees. (Swinging the body left and right.)
The rain pounded on the roofs, (Jumping on the spot.)
The rain is drumming on the roofs, (We clap our hands.)
The sun is sinking lower. (Bends forward.)
So it hid behind the clouds, (We crouch.)
Not a single ray is visible. (They stood up and hid their hands behind their backs.)

Physical education minute. Warm-up
We put our hands on our shoulders,
Let's start rotating them.
So we will correct the posture.
One two three four five! (Hands to shoulders, rotate shoulders forward and backward.)
We place our hands in front of our chests,
We separate them to the sides.
We'll do a warm-up
In any weather. (Hands in front of the chest, jerking your arms to the sides.)
Let's raise our right hand,
And we'll lower the other one down.
We swap them around
We move our hands smoothly. (One straight arm up, the other down, with a smooth movement one arm lowers and the other simultaneously rises.)
Now let's get together
Let's walk everything in place. (Walk in place.)

Raise the handles higher
Raise your arms higher
We lower our hands down.
Get the roof first
Then touch the floor. (Pull your arms up, then sit down and touch the floor with your hands.)
We perform three tilts,
Bend over to the floor (Bend forward.)
And then we’ll bend right away
Deep back three times. (Bends back.)
Let's do hand jerks -
One two three four five. (Jerks with hands.)
And now we squat,
To become stronger and stronger. (Squats.)
We'll stretch up, then.
Let's spread our arms wider. (Stretching - arms up, forward, to the sides.)
We warmed up from the heart
And we rush to the place again. (Children sit down.)

Let's get started
Let's get started. To start
We only rotate the body.
We repeat the exercise,
All familiar movements. (Rotate your body to the right and left.)
Let's stretch our shoulders
We move our hands towards:
One hand flies up
And the other one is down for now. (One hand up, the other down, hands change with jerks.)
One two Three,
Turn the body to the left.
And help with your hands,
Stretch your lower back. (Turns the torso to the sides.)
And now we have jumping.
The whole class is jumping together.
After a jump - another jump,
Jump and jump, jump and jump. (Jumping.)

On the lawn in the morning
On the lawn in the morning
We started a game.
You are a daisy, I am a bindweed.
Stand in our wreath. (Hold hands and form a circle.)
One two three four,
Spread the circle wider. (Walking in a circle.)
And now we are streams,
Let's run a race, (Running in a circle.)
We hurry straight to the lake,
The lake will become big. (Walking in a circle.)
One two three four,
Spread the circle wider.
Stand in a circle to play.
We are the cheerful rays.
We are frisky and hot. (Jumping in place.)
One two three four,
Spread the circle wider.
One, two - bend forward! (Bends forward.)
Three, four - a little faster!
Rise up, pull yourself up, (Bend over, arms up.)
Then take a deep breath.
One, two - bend back,
Don't bend your knees at all.
One two three four,
Swing your arms, spread your legs! (Waving your arms.)
One two three four five! (Jumping in place.)
They started running and jumping!
We can't sit still
We can't sit still,
Stretch your lower back.
We twist the body left and right -
So we will have a great rest. (Rotation of the body.)
Well we had a rest
And we returned to classes. (Children sit down.)

Physical education minute. We stand on one leg
We stand on one leg,
We want to keep it that way.
We raise the handles up
And we calmly lower it. (Children stand on one leg, raise straight arms through the sides, then lower them through the sides and repeat the same on the other leg.)
Everyone is tired of sitting.
We want to turn
The body back and forth.
Both useful and pleasant! (Rotate the body to the right and left.)
And then with my head
You and I will spin to our heart's content. (Rotate head.)
And they sat down again,
Let's get down to business. (Children sit down.)

Green oak in the clearing
There is a green oak in the clearing,
He reached out to the sky with his crown. (Stretching - arms up.)
He is on the branches in the forest
He hung the acorns generously. (Stretching - arms to the sides.)
And mushrooms grow below,
There are so many of them here now!
Don't be lazy and don't be shy,
Lean over for mushrooms! (Bends forward.)
Here the frog jumped,
She apparently doesn't have enough water here.
And the frog jumps cheerfully
Straight to the pond, no less. (Jumping in place.)
Well, we'll walk a little.
Raise your leg higher! (Walk in place.)
We walked around, frolicked,
And they landed on the grass!

The bear crawled out of the den
The bear crawled out of the den,
I looked around on the threshold. (Turns left and right.)
He stretched out of sleep: (Stretching - arms up.)
Spring has come to us again.
To quickly gain strength,
The bear's head was twisting. (Rotate your head.)
Bent back and forth, (Bends forward and back.)
Here he is walking through the forest.
The bear is looking for roots
And rotten stumps.
They contain edible larvae -
Vitamins for the bear. (Tilts: touch your left foot with your right hand, then vice versa.)
Finally the bear had his fill
And he sat down on a log. (Children sit down.)

We are funny nesting dolls
We are funny nesting dolls -
Okay, okay.
We have boots on our feet,
Okay, okay.
In our colorful sundresses,
Okay, okay,
We look alike, like sisters
Okay, okay. (Arms are bent at the elbows, the index finger of the right hand rests on the right cheek. When pronouncing the words “okay, okay,” children clap their hands each time, show the “boots” on their feet, alternately place each foot on the toe, on the heel and click their heels. Then on the count of “one-two-three” they spin around, hands on the belt.)

Physical education minute. We have an active holiday
We place our hands in front of our chests,
We will separate them sharply
With a turn - one-two-three.
Don't be idle, watch! (Hands in front of chest, jerks with arms.)
We squat - once, twice, once,
Let's stretch our legs now.
They sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up. (Squats.)
And a little tired.
We'll start walking
Let's sit down and take a break. (Sit down.)
We are actively relaxing -
Now we stand up, now we squat -
One two three four five,
This is how you should rest. (Squats.)
Now let's turn our heads -
The brain will work better. (Rotate your head.)
We twist our body cheerfully -
This is also a nice holiday. (Rotation of the body.)
We're ready to go
We're ready to go.
Raise your legs higher. (Walk in place.)
Birds learn to fly
Flutter your wings smoothly.
Let's fly, fly,
We sat down and sat. (Arms straight in front of the chest, then jerked to the sides.)
Leaning forward
We bend back.
Who gets the socks? (Bends forward and backward.)

We're going skiing into the forest
We're going skiing into the forest,
We climb the hill.
Sticks will help us walk,
The road will be easy for us. (Children wave their arms as if using ski poles.)
Suddenly a strong wind rose,
He twists and turns trees
And there is a noise among the branches.
The snow flies, flies, flies. (Rotate your body to the right and left.)
A bunny jumps along the edge of the forest,
Like a white soft ball.
One jump and two jumps -
So our friend disappeared! (Jumping.)
At least it's nice to ride here,
We need to study again. (Children sit at their desks.)
We turn our heads
As if we firmly answer:
“No, I won’t, I don’t want to!”
Children can handle this. (Rotate your head right and left.)