Why do you need cardio training? Cardio workout to burn fat, video

When it comes to excess weight and burning it, the first thing that comes to mind is the idea of ​​running or other active sports, and these are the same cardio workouts that promise to get our body in shape. Let's gradually figure out what's what, how to turn these same cardio loads into the process of fat breakdown and how not to harm your own body, in particular your cardiovascular system. vascular systems e.

What is cardio training?

Cardio training- This is a workout aimed at intensive work of the heart and lungs. Increase in heart rate during cardio exercise heart rate, due to more intensive work of the lungs, the body is saturated with oxygen, strengthening occurs of cardio-vascular system, metabolism increases, cholesterol levels in the blood decrease, and cardio training actively burns subcutaneous body fat.

The main element in any cardio workout is oxygen, the effectiveness of the load depends on it, without a sufficient amount of oxygen it is simply impossible to achieve fat burning, which is why special attention should be paid to breathing during exercise.

Initially, these loads were used only to improve heart function, increase endurance and stabilize general condition, but over time, cardio began to be used to burn fat, and as a result, more defined muscle relief.

Types of cardio exercises

The most common and effective types of cardio training are running, step aerobics, cycling or exercise bike, training on an elliptical trainer or stepper, and of course swimming.

IN Lately in fitness centers they often use yoga as cardio, as well as the tai-bo or different kinds martial arts There are also less common ones, but no less effective types Cardio exercises, such as rowing, brisk walking, active species sports such as badminton or tennis. As you can see, the variety of types is quite large and implementation will not become less effective.

During effective cardio exercise, in addition to correct breathing there are no less important factor, which is responsible for the effectiveness of classes - this is intensity. It is determined by the pulse rate during certain physical activity, in particular cardio.

The simplest and most common, however, not the most accurate formula for calculating optimal heart rate during cardio exercise:

220 – age = maximum heart rate

Thus, if you are 28 years old, then 220 – 28 = 192. It is 192 beats per minute that is your maximum heart rate during cardio training.

Based on this, training can be divided into degree of intensity, namely:

  • low intensity (65% or lower of your maximum heart rate);
  • medium intensity (65-70% of your maximum heart rate);
  • high intensity (70-85% of your maximum heart rate).

Considering the above example, we calculate number of beats per minute at different load intensities:

  • low intensity: 192 x 0.60 = 115.2 beats per minute;
  • average intensity: 192 x 0.70 = 134.4 beats per minute;
  • high intensity: 192 x 0.85 = 163.4 beats per minute.

For the calculation, you must use your maximum heart rate calculated above for cardio exercise.

Of course, at the initial stage of cardio training, it is better to stick to low intensity and gradually increase it.

When is the best time to do cardio workouts?

  • morning time, preferably on an empty stomach;
  • after strength training;
  • evening time.

I would like to keep your attention on cardio training AFTER strength exercises. Including cardio before strength training is one of the most common mistakes, let's figure out why. Muscles are filled with a substance called glycogen, which blocks the breakdown of fat deposits, and until the glycogen is burned in our muscles, trying to burn fat is simply pointless. This substance is burned in at least 30-40 minutes, so running on a treadmill before training will be a waste of time that could be spent usefully. Namely, during strength training, glycogen is perfectly broken down, so a 45-minute strength workout will engage the muscles and prepare them for intense, and most importantly, effective cardio exercise, during which you can instantly begin to burn accumulated excess fat.

Please note that this aspect does not at all apply to the cool-down in the general structure of training. And if you are used to warming up using a treadmill or elliptical trainer, Continue in the same spirit. However, remember that for targeted cardio training it will be more effective to use these machines only after strength exercises, using various schemes for cardio exercises.

How often do you do cardio?

This aspect of training is very individual and depends on your goals.

  • 1-2 times a week. This system is perfect for strengthening the cardiovascular system and maintaining the general condition of the body;
  • 1-3 times a week. This system of cardio training can be used in the case of muscle building, that is, during the “mass-gaining” period.
  • 3-6 times a week. . The system is excellent during the so-called “drying”, and as a result, a decrease in kilograms occurs.

However, you should understand that the above figures are very approximate and depend on many factors. At the initial stage of training, it is better not to go overboard with the amount of cardio, it is better to focus on quality, thereby preparing your body, and in particular the cardiovascular system, for a further increase in cardio training. And for greater efficiency you need to choose cardio program type workouts and subsequently alternate them with each other.

Duration of cardio training

The most optimal time for cardio training, 30 - 60 minutes are considered, but the opposite opinion is that maximum time for cardio training should not exceed 45 minutes, otherwise you risk burning not only adipose tissue, but also muscular.

In any case, you are not preparing for a sprint race, so 45 minutes is enough to get rid of excess fat. And at the initial stage, you shouldn’t set the bar too high and run for 45-60 minutes, this can be fraught with a deterioration in the cardiovascular system. Start cardio exercises with 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing the time.

How to breathe correctly during cardio?

The breathing rhythm directly depends on the intensity of training and the speed of exercise, so it is selected purely individually. The most convenient option is to select the breathing rhythm for cyclic movements (steps, pedaling, etc.). For example, inhale for 3 steps, exhale for 3 steps, and it is recommended to exhale in 2 counts.

For interval and short-term cardio exercises, breathing should be frequent, but shallow, as if superficial. During long and intense cardio, breathing, on the contrary, should be infrequent but deep. In this case, try to inhale fully and exhale as fully.

In the initial stages, pay special attention to your breathing, because improper breathing is the biggest mistake of all beginners, believe me, after some time you will not have to pay so much attention to this aspect.

The benefits of cardio training

  • more intense burning of fat deposits;
  • reducing the appearance of cellulite;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • strengthening the muscles of the whole body;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • increased lung volume;
  • reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Cons of cardio exercise

  • excessive load on the cardiovascular system;
  • load on the joints (in some types of cardio exercises);
  • load on ligaments (in some types of cardio exercises).

Contraindications to cardio training

Of course, contraindications to training depend on the type of cardio exercise chosen, but there are general contraindications that exclude cardio training:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • presence of cancer;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious diseases;
  • postoperative or postpartum periods.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!

Beginners who are just starting to train on cardio equipment have questions: why are there no coveted abs on the stomach, even if the exercises are constant? How to properly perform workouts on cardio equipment to get maximum effect at home? Why doesn't cardio training help you lose extra pounds? Let's figure it out.

Why do you need cardio training?

The main goal of cardio training is to strengthen the heart muscle. Due to the loads, the lungs are actively ventilated, accelerating the metabolism. Experts advise not only to exercise on cardio equipment for weight loss, but also to carry out other types of intense exercise, because after training, metabolism continues for some time, promoting the breakdown of fat.

Cardio training includes:

  • step aerobics;
  • gymnastics;
  • interval training in the gym;
  • exercise on an exercise bike or on an orbit track;
  • rollers;
  • skiing;
  • jumping rope;
  • swimming and much more.

It doesn’t matter what load is chosen, the main thing is that physical activity affects all major muscle groups. Any workout that will lead to a prolonged increase in the rhythm of breathing and contraction of the heart muscle can be called a cardio load. Cardio workouts love consistency, so to maintain muscle tone and strengthening the body as a whole is needed regular classes. To quickly achieve the goal, each person needs to be able to determine the intensity of training that is safe for health.

Constant cardio exercise is a great workout respiratory system, increase endurance of the whole body and strengthen muscles. Although you won’t be able to gain a lot of muscle with cardio training, bodybuilders shouldn’t discount it. High-quality muscle growth can only be achieved with a combination of different types training and loads.

Types of cardio workouts to burn fat

Anyone who wants to get rid of extra pounds should find a cardio workout to their liking. You shouldn't look at others and chase fashion. If you like jumping rope, then such training will be much more effective than any other intense exercise in the gym. Some people don't like running in the morning - it's boring and uninteresting, while others simply don't have the money to go to the gym all the time, but they can train perfectly well at home. There are many weight loss programs, so choosing them is not a problem.

Five affordable and popular cardio programs

  1. Long training. This is the same load for 20-60 minutes without rest, for example, a long street run or running on a treadmill. This is a simple and safe activity, which makes it popular among those who want to lose weight.
  2. Interval training. This program is used for different levels physical training, because it involves a short workout with an increased heart rate and a short rest period. For example, first an intense jog for 3 minutes at a speed of 11 km/h, then a slow jog for 3 minutes, and then a recovery period of 3 minutes. The total sequence of intervals averages 30 minutes.
  3. Fartlek. This is one of the varieties interval training, but less structured and not suitable for beginners. Fartlek is an alternation of intense training and recovery periods that oscillate between high and low intensity training.
  4. Super circuit training. This is an aerobic exercise that includes aerobic weight training. Classes according to the super scheme are considered especially effective when you need to remove unnecessary kilograms in short term. In addition to reducing volume, the super circuit provides support for muscle tone.
  5. Cross training. Cardio training alternates here, varying in intensity and time. For example, a person exercises on an exercise bike for 20 minutes, then on a treadmill for 10 minutes, and then on an elliptical trainer for 10 minutes. Loads may change every day. A cross program is often compiled depending on the changing seasons. In winter they choose skiing, in autumn - rock climbing, in summer - swimming, and in spring - jogging. With such programs it is unlikely that you will get bored. In the photo below, see the types of cardio equipment.

How to choose a load

The intensity of cardio training depends on the level of endurance and physical fitness of the person. A cardio session includes three levels of intensity, differing in the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle. Beginners need to start training with a light load, which is calculated using the formula: “220 – person’s age.” For example, if a woman is 35 years old, then the permissible maximum heart rate will be 185 beats per minute.

According to experts, more effective method for weight loss - running on a machine or stadium. Regular jogging before breakfast or after strength training will help you quickly get rid of those annoying pounds. Before jogging, you should not eat any heavy foods for three hours; it is advisable not to load your stomach with anything at all.

If the jogging duration is less than 40 minutes, then you will not be able to burn fat. It is better to devote about 60 minutes of your time to this daily on an empty stomach. Intense jogging outdoors is considered more effective, but in some cities the air is so polluted that it would be much more beneficial to exercise on a treadmill in the gym or at home.

Cycling includes useful cardio training and enjoyable entertainment, which is why it is loved by many. For effective and fast fat burning, you should ride it at least three times a week for one hour, gradually increasing the distance. Step aerobics differs from regular aerobic exercises active exercises and stress on the legs. Girls love these workouts because they never get boring. An hour of intense aerobic exercise burns as many calories as an hour on the treadmill.

Jumping rope is also effective for extra pounds. Although this type of training is simple, it provides the necessary intense load on the heart, blood vessels, and leg muscles. You need to jump for 15 minutes without breaks, increasing the time every day. After two weeks, you can increase your training time to 40 minutes, with short recovery periods. The advantages of a jump rope are its accessibility.

What time to train

As for training time, the athletes have not yet come to a clear decision. Some say that training better evening, when the body has already woken up and the person is mentally prepared for intense exercise. Others believe that training is perceived better in the morning, and the evening should be devoted to relaxation. The training time also depends on what biorhythm the athlete has: whether he is a morning person or a night owl.

After 10 hours of sleep, glycogen is almost completely depleted, so during morning training the body uses fat deposits as an energy source. A similar evening workout burns much less fat, and the level of insulin in the blood is higher. That's why morning workouts more effective.

Training immediately after sleep increases metabolism and the effect lasts throughout the day. And in the evening, after exercise, the athlete goes to bed, and during sleep, as is known, metabolism drops. The higher the metabolism, the faster man dials muscle mass and loses weight, depending on the task assigned to him. The benefit of morning training is that a person not only loses excess weight faster, but remains active and cheerful throughout the day.

All of the above is only suitable for cardio training. Performing exercise at low or higher intensity, and strength training– will not give the athlete a cheerful mood in the morning, but will rather cause lethargy and reduce performance throughout the day. It is better to postpone such training to the evening.

How much to train

Cardio exercise lasting less than 30 minutes is ineffective. The human body, during any exercise, consumes energy from reserves contained in glycogen - carbon, which is located in the muscles and liver. Only after the complete production of glycogen does the consumption of fat cells begin. If the loads take little time, the body will not have time to develop reserves, and the person will not get what he wants, only increasing his appetite during training.

The average intensity of the load should be about 60 minutes, only in this way over time you will be able to notice a positive result on your figure. There are three intensity levels:

  • Low intensity is suitable for those people who have health limitations, as well as those recovering from injuries or beginner athletes. In this case, the loads should be 65% less than the maximum.
  • The average intensity is 70% of the maximum. It is equivalent for most people to jogging leisurely for an hour, with the heart rate averaging 130 beats per minute. During such a load, stored fats are used if glycogen reserves have already been used before.
  • High intensity is 85% of maximum. This is the optimal type of load used by experienced athletes, changing intervals from low to high intensity. As the body strengthens and improves physical fitness It will become increasingly difficult to achieve the desired level of load.

The intensity of exercise should correspond to the amount of carbohydrates consumed. If the diet includes a large number of carbohydrates, then you need highly effective training at least three times a week for one hour. If the body is undergoing a low-carbohydrate diet, then it is advisable to train at low intensity and drink plenty of water, balancing the water balance.

How to determine your optimal heart rate

To effectively achieve your goals, the duration of the workout and the degree of load must be properly planned. This will determine your heart rate, which should be closely monitored throughout the workout. The safety formula, which was mentioned below, allows you to calculate the maximum heart rate for each age category, which will be safe for human health, but during any training you do not need to bring your heart rate to this limit.

Maximum weight loss is achieved when the heart rate (HR) is no more than 70% of the permissible heart rate. For example, for a 40-year-old woman, in order to lose extra pounds, you need to have a heart rate during training of 126, and if classic cardio training is required, then the heart rate will be about 80% of the permissible heart rate - 143 beats per minute. All the figures indicated are general recommendations and are suitable for people who do not have heart or vascular diseases.

In order for exercise to be beneficial, you must first consult with your doctor and find out about your health status. You also need to determine the pulse that occurs at rest. Measure your pulse immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. The pulse is ideal if it is less than 60/min. If the pulse is above 75, then it is advisable to consult a doctor, as this means that the heart is not working well.

During cardio training, the pulse is monitored using sports heart rate monitor, which is sold at the pharmacy. Some cardio equipment is already equipped with heart rate monitors, pace meters, speed meters and other indicators. The pulse depends not only on how healthy the heart is. It is directly related to the general condition of the body, so you need to check your resting pulse at least once a month and adjust the intensity and duration of your workouts as necessary.


Sometimes, to increase the effectiveness of training, a competent assistant is not enough. If you are in this situation now, watch a video with a professional fitness trainer, in which the entire process is broken down and the main points of cardio classes are emphasized.

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In the article, I will tell you why to do cardio training (why is it needed, what does it give, what are the benefits).

Who doesn't know cardio- this is any AEROBIC ACTIVITY. For example, tennis, basketball, volleyball, cycling, jumping, training on various machines (, etc.), step aerobics and much, much more.

Most often, in bodybuilding and fitness, CARDIO TRAINING means either walking-running or working on an elliptical trainer (by the way, it’s different for everyone, who likes what).

So, why is all this needed? Why do athletes do cardio? What does it give them?

First of all, let me clarify. CARDIO - done when the goal is to BURN FAT. Those. on DRYING (at the stage of fat burning (weight loss)). And they do it because AEROBIC LOAD (CARDIO) is very energy-intensive and fat is purposefully used as fuel during training (i.e., fat is purposefully burned). Do you understand? That's actually the whole secret)).

Why is cardio training most often done after strength training, in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed?

Because during these time periods the body contains a minimum amount of ENERGY (CARBOHYDRATES). And cardio training should be carried out exactly when there is a minimum of ENERGY in the body (or when it is completely absent) because this is the only way fat will be burned to the maximum.

Is cardio necessary AT ALL?

The question is individual.

P.s. I had experience burning fat (i.e. losing weight) without CARDIO LOADING (aerobics), i.e. I didn’t walk, run, swim, ride a bike, etc.)) I had purely strength training + proper diet, and the drying went with a bang. And there have been cases when you couldn’t do without cardio AT ALL... many people can’t imagine cutting at all - without cardio, in general, the question is individual. But the fact that cardio is extremely effective remedy(in capable hands, of course) = indisputably.

Cardio...The root itself implies that we are talking about the heart. What is moderate-intensity exercise to improve cardiovascular capacity? As a rule, cardio means dancing, walking, running at moderate intensity or lower, and swimming.

Reserves of active longevity

What is cardio training and why should it be aerobic? In order for the cardiovascular system to increase its reserves, it needs a long-term, uniform load. Strength training on one muscle group cannot last long enough to train that body system. Proper cardio is an excellent prevention of heart disease, a disease that kills a huge number of people and is comparable to cancer in terms of the number of victims. So, by starting to train today, you add 10-15 years to your life, and not just life, but a healthy, vigorous and active state.

Bypass the insulin barrier

Cardio also reduces the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes. The fact is that muscle cells are able to take sugar from the blood directly, bypassing the insulin system. Therefore, low-intensity exercise is very useful for those who suffer. There are cases when it was completely restored, and drugs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes became unnecessary for the person. But only the second one, attention! Type 1 diabetes is a completely different disease and completely different recommendations are given for it.

12 hours before training

Cardio for weight loss is especially effective on an empty stomach. It's good if you limit the amount of carbohydrates you eat per day. The greatest effect is achieved after a 12-hour fast. That is, if you don’t eat after 18.00 and run at 6.00, then this will be extremely effective.

Fats go to waste

What is cardio training in terms of the body's consumption of nutrients? When carbohydrates are limited, the body has to turn almost entirely to fat as a source of nutrition. Power training in this situation will not be effective, because for high tension the muscle needs carbohydrates. Cardio burns fat successfully, unless you eat sweets before training.

In the rhythm of vivacity

Cardio for weight loss on an empty stomach also helps improve sleep, and the circadian rhythm becomes more consistent. That is, if a person gets used to running in the morning, then after 1-2 weeks he will not have problems getting up in the morning. And in the evening he will fall asleep within 10-15 minutes. Excellent And if you also add a short (20-30 minutes) workout in the evening, you will feel pleasantly tired and fall asleep as soon as you touch the pillow.

What is it? This is an opportunity to live long and actively, remaining healthy for many years. This is likely to reduce the need for diabetic medications. This is the path to a cheerful state of health and an excellent ability to get up in the morning. Therefore, choose good clothes and shoes - and go to the fresh air! Changes will not keep you waiting.

Cardio exercises are exercises that increase endurance and improve the cardiovascular system. In other words, these are workouts that make you lose your breath at first, and you may even feel short of breath. For example, the simplest cardio workout that is available to everyone without any special equipment is running. There are other types sports activities. There are also balanced workouts that contain a variety of exercises that are performed at a fast pace and provide cardio benefits.

Types of Cardio Training

Running is the most popular cardio exercise. Almost everyone can run; this sport has very few contraindications. But if you can’t run, you can start exercising. brisk walking. In general, even if you don’t do any sports at all and don’t plan to start in the near future, still don’t give up walking. A daily half-hour walk will not only help you improve your cardiovascular system, but will also significantly increase your body tone.

Cycling or cycling is also a great form of cardio and quite fun too.

There are special exercise machines that provide just such a load. These are various steppers, treadmills, elliptical trainers.

Another type of cardio that is extremely enjoyable and loved by many is swimming. You can do it both in natural reservoirs and swimming pools. It should be noted that cardio training is natural for humans, since several thousand years ago all our distant ones had to do this quite a lot. Believe me, your body remembers this very well, it will be happy with such a load.

Step aerobics is very effective training. You can exercise in the gym, or you can buy a disc and do the exercises at home.

How to lose weight with cardio

To practice correctly, it is recommended to adhere to a number of rules. First, choose a load that you like. If you like to swim, purchase a pool membership. If you like walking with a player, this is perfect race walking. For those who love to dance, we can recommend aerobics.

Do exercises based on your level of training. Don't try to do the maximum number of repetitions right away. But over time, increase the duration of your workouts. Exercise as often as possible. Every day is best, but 5-6 times a week is also good.

Take care of your nutrition and the process will go much faster! This doesn't mean you have to starve yourself of your favorite diet again. Just add protein foods to your diet and reduce carbohydrates and fats.

If you are unable to do anything or feel unwell after cardio exercise, consult your doctor or to a good coach. You can do both at once.

The main goal of cardio training is to strengthen the cardiovascular system. As a result of systematically performing certain exercises, the heart muscle is strengthened. This allows the heart to work in a more economical mode. However, the choice of certain cardio exercises depends on your goals.


Cardio exercises, in addition to having a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, strengthening the musculoskeletal system, normalizing the activity of the digestive and endocrine systems, reducing cholesterol in the blood, and increasing immunity. Naturally, such loads require large energy costs. That is why cardio exercises are included in various weight loss complexes.

Cardio exercises can be considered any movements that are repeated cyclically. At this moment the muscles get necessary energy due to the oxidation of fats and carbohydrates with the help of oxygen. Essentially, cardio exercises are simple aerobic movements, rowing, swimming, skating and skiing, cycling, running, vigorous walking, jumping rope.

Recently, special cardio exercise machines have become increasingly popular. Such sports equipment includes an exercise bike and a treadmill. All of the listed cardio equipment and exercises mainly load the lower body. Therefore, if the goal of the workout is to tighten the buttocks and reduce the volume of the hips, you need to choose these cardio exercises.

Rowing machine perfect if, as a result of training, it is necessary to involve the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, abdominals and backs. In addition, there are models of elliptical trainers with special handles that allow you to perform movements reminiscent of those of a skier. In this case, a huge number of muscles are involved in the work, which results in a greater amount of energy being burned.

Which cardio exercises to choose for training depends entirely on individual preferences. There are general recommendations from specialists. For example, if a person’s excess weight exceeds 20 kg, it is recommended to perform exercises on an exercise bike. In this case, it is better to avoid using a treadmill. It is worth noting that exercise bikes are also horizontal. Wherein total load from this lesson sports equipment nothing less.

For those who have problems with excess weight in the lower body, a stepper is perfect. He's the one who makes it work big muscles thighs, where excess fat deposits are usually concentrated. Cadio training can be compiled independently and be only an addition to the usual strength training. For example, many athletes use part of the exercise as a warm-up, such as jumping rope.

Video on the topic

Training in the cardio room helps you achieve excellent results. The figure becomes more beautiful and fit, the functioning of the heart and lungs improves.

Classes in the cardio room are welcomed by both doctors and trainers. But there are still restrictions for training:

  • diseases of the spine;
  • flat feet;
  • various injuries.

For these problems, running should be replaced by walking or working on an elliptical trainer. At varicose veins ven classes are better suited recumbent exercise bike. If you feel discomfort in your muscles and joints, you should take a break for 3 days.

Loads should be increased gradually. You cannot do a high speed and degree of resistance in one workout, as this will become stressful for the body. The training load is calculated based on your heart rate. If the pulse is below your norm, then the load is insufficient; when it is higher, the cardio load is too high, and the training will not bring the desired results. When exercising on cardio equipment, you can accurately control your heart rate, load and intensity of your workout.

The cardio room has the following equipment:

  • exercise bike;
  • treadmill;
  • elliptical trainer;
  • stepper

When practicing it, you can get the following results:

  1. Strengthen the heart and improve oxygen metabolism.
  2. Reduce body fat.
  3. Strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

On the computer of the cardio machine you can adjust the duration of the workout, its pace and find out the amount of energy spent.


When exercising on a stepper:

  • Aerobic capacity increases;
  • the heart muscle is strengthened;
  • energy level increases;
  • the amount of fat in the body decreases;
  • muscle strength increases.

Exercises on this simulator improve the functioning of the circulatory and cardiac systems. Weight loss occurs. During the training, the muscles of the buttocks and legs are worked out.

This is the most affordable simulator to use and manage. On it you can choose programs aimed at losing weight or strengthening the cardiac and vascular systems. The monitor of the simulator will report changes in the body during exercise. With systematic use, your figure will noticeably improve and your health will improve.

Exercising in the cardio room improves the body's metabolism, which leads to weight loss and improved skin condition. A properly designed individual cardio training program will help you achieve perfect shape and improve your health.

Video on the topic

Tip 4: Take care of your figure and health with home cardio equipment

Cardio machines are machines that increase your heart rate. They perform some monotonous action for a long time. As a result, it burns subcutaneous fat and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Purchasing exercise equipment is an excellent solution for those who do not have time to engage in physical activity outside the home. For example, go to Gym or outside. If your priorities are health and beautiful figure, rather than muscle growth, cardio equipment is ideal for you. Active movements on them are often physiologically natural: running, walking, rowing. You need to exercise on a cardio machine for at least half an hour, monitoring your breathing. Under this condition, subcutaneous fat will burn. The benefits for the cardiovascular system will be for any duration of exercise, even ten minutes.

Cardio equipment includes the following: treadmill, elliptical trainer, rowing machine, bicycle, stepper. Choose the one whose movement is closest to you. Working out should be enjoyable. You can consider each simulator separately. A stepper is a simulator of climbing stairs. Therefore, in addition to losing weight, it will contribute to the development of the muscles of the lower extremities. Climbing stairs is recognized as the most energy-consuming activity among daily movements. Running or cycling can't compare. There are no contraindications for using the stepper. An exercise bike is a simulator of cycling. This simulator develops leg muscles to a lesser extent, and promotes endurance and weight loss to a greater extent.

If you don't have the energy left to train, don't force yourself. Exercising through force develops a persistent dislike for sports in principle.

The exercise bike has functions for selecting the “riding” terrain, according to which the pedal resistance automatically changes. As a result, driving downhill, on a flat road and uphill is simulated. All this allows you to get the maximum benefit from the “trip”. It is known that a bicycle gives positive results faster than other cardio equipment because it is less tiring.

Treadmill– a movable belt for walking or running, depending on the selected speed. But there are many contraindications for running. First of all, problems with the musculoskeletal system. Running puts quite a lot of stress on the spine. Therefore, if you have health problems, it is better to walk at a feasible pace.

Elliptical trainers combine the movements of the arms and legs and are equipped with levers and pedals. Exercising on them is somewhat reminiscent of exercising on a treadmill, only with more active participation of the upper half of the body. It should be noted that the load is applied to all muscle sections. So the elliptical trainer is a great way to always keep your body in good shape. The rowing machine is more specific and not as popular. It imitates the movements of swimming. But the load on the spine is too great, as well as on the muscles of the arms and shoulders. Therefore, not everyone may like such a simulator; most often it is chosen by men, not housewives.

Don't forget to combine exercises with proper nutrition. Do not eat 2 hours before training and 1 hour after, otherwise you will burn calories from food, not fat.

In order for cardio exercises to produce the desired effect, you need to do them correctly. Before training, be sure to warm up your muscles. Do basic movements with your arms, legs and body for 5 minutes. Remember the school warm-up: swings, rotations, bends. Then start your cardio workout. Soberly assess your time capabilities. If you are out of breath and fall off your feet after 10 minutes, there is no need to force yourself. In 1-2 weeks it will be 15 minutes, and in a month – 20. The main thing is that the classes are feasible. They should charge you with energy. Exercise at least 4 times a week.