Elite horse breeds names. The most expensive horses in the world

The ranking of the most beautiful horses includes at least 25 breeds. Some breeds are the result of selection. Others were created by nature itself. In addition to their visual attractiveness, these horses are distinguished by many other qualities for which their owners love them.

The formation of the breed was influenced by the civil strife of Arab tribes. The Bedouins used horses for military purposes. For armed conflicts, it was not just the most beautiful horses that were needed. The animals had to be very hardy.

The formation of the breed was influenced by the civil strife of Arab tribes

Arab nomadic tribes moved from one place to another, and therefore considered horses their main wealth. Animals could be easily moved during the move. The wealth of the family was determined by the number of individuals in the herd. The fine horses were to remain national treasures. It was forbidden to sell them to neighboring peoples under penalty of death. In addition, they could not be crossed with other breeds. Thanks to this approach, it was possible to achieve blood purity.

In Europe, Arabian horses appeared during the Crusades. When preparing for a long journey to liberate the Holy Sepulcher, Europeans looked for animals that could survive in the climate of the country to which they were heading. One of the main advantages of Arabian horses was that these animals required much less feed than horse breeds common in European countries. During the Crusades, representatives of the Arabian breed were smaller in size compared to their modern descendants.

Thanks to the Arabian purebreds, such breeds as the Lusitano (bred in Portugal), Shagia (bred in Hungary), and Andalusian (bred in Spain) arose. In Russia, the Streltsy breed, from which the Terek breed originated, came from Arabian horses.

The most incredible and beautiful horses in the world (video)


Looking at the Knabstrupper horse, many people can agree that this is the most beautiful horse in the world. The color of this animal resembles the color of a Dalmatian dog: black spots on a white background.

Denmark is considered the birthplace of the knabstruppers. According to legend, a butcher named Klebe bought a horse, which he brought to a small town called Knabstrup. The animal was distinguished by its agility and endurance. The offspring that the mare gave birth to were endowed with the same qualities. Thus a new breed of horse arose, named after the village in which the butcher Klebe lived.

The Knabstrupper is considered a rare breed not only because of its color. When the village that gave it its name fell into disrepair, the number of knabstruppers fell sharply. They were saved from complete extinction by an ordinary veterinarian from Denmark, who founded the Spotted Horse Association. A series of experiments aimed at improving the breed led to the fact that Knabstruppers not only survived, but began to look much more attractive.

Today, not all representatives of the breed look like Dalmatians. Among them there are individuals with a leopard color (red spots on a light background). Horses with trout and merle colors (admixture of white hair and small spots on the main background) are popular.

Marwar horse

Otherwise, this beautiful breed is called Malani. You can find out its representatives by unusual shape ears that can rotate 180º. The beautiful horse appeared in India and was named after one of the regions of this country. Legend has it that one day an Arabian ship was wrecked off the coast of India, with 7 Arabian purebred horses on board. The animals left the site of the shipwreck and were discovered in the Marwar region. Arabian horses mixed with Indian ponies. There is a high probability that the Malani also mixed with horses from Mongolia.

It is believed that Marwari breeding began in the 12th century. Traditionally, the breed was used in agriculture and for riding. To obtain universal horses, suitable for working in the fields and for transporting people, Marwaris are often crossed with purebred horses. The breed is suitable for playing polo. Several centuries ago, Malanis were used as war horses.

In the 30s of the last century, the number of Marwar horses decreased sharply. However, by the end of the 20th century the population was restored. Export of representatives of the breed outside of India for a long time was banned. However, in the early 2000s, an exception was made for US citizen F. Kelly. Since 2008, the export of Marwaris has been placed under strict control.

Friesian horse

Friesians are among the most beautiful horses in the world. The breed originated in Friesland (northern province of the Netherlands). You can recognize a Frieze by the long hair on its hooves. The breed was developed during the occupation of the Netherlands by Spain. Local horses were crossed with Spanish horses. The Frisians were repeatedly on the verge of extinction. However, horse breeders have always managed to save endangered livestock.

Friesians are among the most beautiful horses in the world.

The first mention of representatives of the breed dates back to the 13th century. In honor of the Frisians, the Frisian races were established at the beginning of the 19th century. The winner of the competition received a golden whip as a reward. Currently, Friesians are used as an ornamental breed. They are often used for royal carriages, which must be harnessed to the most beautiful horses in the world. The use of friezes in sports is limited. Horses are allowed to participate in driving. Attractive appearance forces photographers to use friezes for photo shoots. Only the most beautiful individual should be in the frame next to the top model.

Friezes are human-oriented. Their ease of learning makes them easy to train. Horses are trained in the so-called carriage ride. Animals must move gracefully and beautifully when pulling a carriage or rider.

Norwegian fjords

Fjords are not only the most attractive places for tourists in Norway, they are also the name of the most beautiful horses in the world. An individual of this breed is considered the oldest heavy truck on the planet. The fjords are peaceful in nature, which did not stop the Vikings from using them during hostilities. But then representatives of the breed began to be exploited exclusively for peaceful purposes - for riding and in agriculture. In modern Norway, fjords are used for certain sports.

There is speculation that some horse breeds in Iceland and England have their origins in the Norwegian fjords. The Vikings brought their horses to foreign lands, which crossed with local horses. Norwegian horses are unpretentious, and their thick coat allows them to withstand cold weather. Due to their compact size, Fjords are often referred to as ponies rather than horses. The harsh Norwegian nature does not provide herbivores with enough food. Fjords do not need a lot of hay or grains. You can even feed them dried fish.

Presumably, the fjords originate from wild horses, which were domesticated 2 thousand years ago. Animals have retained a considerable number of features in appearance and character from their wild ancestors. Main feature The breed has a mane with black hair in the middle and white on the sides. The mane is usually cut very short to highlight the unusual coloring.

The rarest and most beautiful horses in the world (video)

Iberian breed

Some Spanish horse breeders are inclined to believe that the Iberian horse breed formed independently on the territory of modern Spain. The animals are completely purebred because they were constantly isolated. However, it is very difficult to believe in such a version.

In the 8th century, the Moors came to Spain with conquests. They brought with them Barbary and Arabian horses, which mixed with Spanish horses. The modern Spanish riding school was influenced by the style of the Moorish occupiers. After the liberation of the country from the conquerors, Spanish horse breeding began to flourish. The Iberian breed was valued no less than Arabian and Barbary horses. Representatives of this breed are beginning to replace the heavy friezes on which the knights rode. After the discovery of the Americas, Spanish horses set off to conquer new continents. On the northern continent today you can meet the descendants of English and Arabian horses. IN South America Iberians are much more common.

In the 18th century, Baroque came into fashion. During this period, tastes change dramatically. Obese horses with heavy croup are beginning to be in great demand. Representatives of the Iberian breed looked too graceful and did not fit into the idea of ​​an ideal horse. In the 19th century, the Spanish riding school gradually declined. They are no longer interested in Iberians, since English purebreds have gained recognition.

Until the end of the twentieth century, Iberians preferred to use it for agricultural purposes. However, by the end of the century, the Spaniards began to show interest in the breed, which was popular with their ancestors. Equestrian sport is becoming fashionable. It is preferred by many residents of the country. In the early 1970s, the Royal Andalusian Riding School was created.

The Iberian breed was able to win the hearts of modern Spaniards thanks to horse bullfighting. The skill demonstrated by the rider is no less spectacular than playing with an angry bull.

Gallery: the most beautiful horses in the world (25 photos)

Falabella Horses

Falabella horses became popular in the 1970s. These horses are often confused with ponies due to their compact size. However, Falabella is an independent breed of horse, which has significant differences from ponies. One of the main ones is that Falabella has a physique ordinary horse: massive croup, graceful limbs, elongated muzzle, etc. The pony has dense short limbs. The croup is not as massive as that of an ordinary horse, and the muzzle is not elongated.

The breed got its name from the names of Argentine horse breeders who were the first to breed mini-horses. There are several versions of the origin of Falabella:

  1. The ancestors of small horses were found in one of the remote valleys of the Andes. All animals and plants in this valley were miniature in size due to the local climate.
  2. Wild horses were isolated in one of the canyons by a landslide. The animals were unable to return to the habitat to which they were accustomed. Cacti became the only food available. Due to a lack of mineral components, each subsequent generation of horses became smaller in size in relation to the previous one. As a result, serious genetic changes occurred. The herd of mini-horses was discovered by farmer Jose Falabella. He freed the animals and drove the herd to his farm. Despite adequate nutrition, new generations of horses were never able to regain the height of their ancestors.
  3. Great-grandfather Jose Falabella, for unknown reasons, moved his horses to land unsuitable for pasture and left them there forever. He bequeathed to his descendants to return the herd. When Jose and his family went in search of horses, he was able to find small specimens. It is likely that these animals managed to survive in harsh conditions. Little horses didn't need a large number of food.
  4. The Irish settler Newton, who was distinguished by his love of horses, saw a small horse in someone else's herd. Despite its size, the animal did not look sick or defective. Newton stole the horse and then gave it to his daughter as a wedding gift. Miss Newton was going to become the wife of one of the representatives of the Falabella family, whose surname gave the name to the breed.

An elegant horse is not the result of a genetic mutation alone or a successful experiment by a breeder. The beauty of an animal largely depends on care, a balanced diet and a good attitude of the owner towards his pet.

Attention, TODAY only!

Horses are considered one of the most beautiful and graceful representatives of the animal world. True connoisseurs of these beautiful animals often prefer to purchase rare breeds of horses for fabulous money. There are not many particularly beautiful representatives of noble individuals, and their cost depends on many components: rare breed, color, age of the animal and its physical state. Today, the most beautiful horse breeds are considered to be Friesian, Akhal-Teke and Arabian. If you provide the noble creatures with proper and high-quality care, they will delight their owners with grace and elegance for many years.

The most beautiful and rare horses


The breed first appeared in the northern regions of the Netherlands. The only breed represented by one color is the black. Beautiful animals of rich black color throughout their lives have a chic long mane and the same tail. Unusual horses perfectly combine energy and playful disposition with a calm character and good nature.


These beautiful and graceful creatures received their name from the two rivers Sor and Raya, flowing in their habitat - in distant Portugal. Since ancient times, the marshy area has been the main pasture where the Sorraia horse obtained its food. The animals have a rather modest appearance, gray in color, and short stature. Currently, they are on the verge of extinction, so many breeders are breeding and preserving this unique breed.

Arabian purebred

It is known that the first Arabian horses appeared on the Arabian Peninsula. The Bedouin Arabs needed strong and hardy horses, and they developed this breed. The rarest color is considered to be crow, and the most common is gray and its shades. Arabian horses of red and bay colors are quite common.

Additional Information. There are more than 20 varieties of Arabian horses, and each of them has distinctive characteristics: appearance, character and behavior.

American Paint Horse

This type of thoroughbred horse appeared thanks to the Spanish conquistadors. In the territory North America Paint horses were used by cowboys and local Indians to work cattle. The small, muscular horse has two colors of opposite shades. Dark spots have a clear shape and look harmonious against a light background. Representatives of this breed are used not only for working on the ranch or for traveling, but also participate in equestrian sports.

American Paint Horse

English thoroughbred

A unique breed appeared in England by crossing representatives of the local breed with the best mares from European and eastern countries. The colonial country needed hardy and fast animals for various equestrian competitions, hunting and military operations.

Important! The fastest English stallion managed to reach a speed of 69.69 km/h.

The body of a purebred stallion is long and muscular, its behavior can be called calm, but there are representatives with temper and not always obedient. Beginners are not always able to immediately cope with a horse in open areas. The color can be bay, red, black and gray.

Oryol trotter

This breed is named after its creator and first owner, Count Alexei Orlov. It was he who, during the era of Tsarist Russia, bred a unique representative of the horse family, capable of running at a brisk trot. The breed is in great demand during exhibitions and racing.

Note! Oryol trotters are actively used in racing with light harness; they bend their necks beautifully and gracefully, attracting the attention of lovers of beautiful horse breeds.

Trotters are represented mainly by gray coats of all shades, but there are also other colors - bay, black. The most beautiful horse colors are dapple gray. The large breed, with a height at the withers of up to 170 cm, looks graceful and elegant thanks to the small size of the head and elongated neck.

Cream Akhal-Teke

Horses of this rare and beautiful breed were bred by Turkmen tribes more than 5,000 years ago. The name itself speaks of the nobility and purebred of the Akhal-Teke. Their appearance is significantly different from other breeds. Horses have thin skin, through which a network of blood vessels appears. The hair also has a fine and silky structure. The mane is very sparse, and during life it is completely cut off. Common colors of this breed are gray, red, black and bay. Dun and brown coat colors are less common. A distinctive feature is the silvery or golden sheen of the coat.

Cream Akhal-Teke

Rare varieties of suits

Horses can show their admirers several dozen variants of coat color. Since ancient times, the color of a horse served only a protective function. The color helped to hide from predators, masquerading as the habitat. The process of domestication and breeding of new breeds has endowed these beautiful animals with a variety of shades of fur. Our ancestors believed that breeds with dark coat color were more hardy and viable. White color can affect infertility, and animals with gray coat color are susceptible to certain diseases.

Note! A horse's color cannot influence its character, trainability or performance.

The rarest and beautiful breeds horses often have bright and unusual colors. Usually, when breeding new breeds, light shades are suppressed by darker ones, so white and light colored horses are considered rare. Unusual horse colors are obtained artificially from four basic colors:

  • black;
  • redhead;
  • bay;
  • gray

Now it’s worth giving a description of the most popular and beautiful colors of rare horse breeds:

The rare colors of horses attract connoisseurs of these noble animals. Modern wealthy people spend a lot of money on purchasing rare specimens for their stable to emphasize their status. Many participate in exhibitions and sporting events. Ordinary villagers use horses as good helpers for hard work. All horse breeds have individual beauty and grace.

20. Donskaya.
The Don Horse is a riding and draft horse breed bred in the 18th-19th centuries on the territory of what is now Rostov region Don Cossacks. Along with the Oryol Trotter, it is one of the most distinctive factory breeds in Russia.

19. Yakut horse.
The Yakut horse is an indigenous breed of horse, common in Yakutia. The breed was bred by folk selection under the strong influence of natural selection. These horses are interesting because they have an undercoat (8-15 cm), making them very frost-resistant.

The Vladimir draft horse is rightfully considered one of the most valuable and prestigious for breeding. heavy draft breeds. Looking at the photo of this handsome man, it’s hard to imagine the amount of work he can do. And this horse really has a lot of strength. Currently, it is used as draft power in villages and villages, as well as as a utility animal in small, medium and even large farms.

17. Percheron.
The height at the withers of these horses is up to 175 cm; The typical color is gray, but black is also found. Designed for work that requires special strength and endurance, they are also very widely used for horseback riding due to their particularly soft ride.

16. Tennessee Walking Horse.
The Tennessee Walking Breed was bred for riding on horseback or in light carriages and light farm work. They also became very popular among Southern plantation owners, who nicknamed them “plantation mounts.” These people needed horses with comfortable gaits that could carry their masters for many miles while inspecting their properties. Since a whole day in the saddle tired them, they valued horses that were hardy and the softest under saddle.

The Orlov Trotter, or Orlov Trotter, is a famous Russian breed of light draft horses with a hereditary ability to trot quickly.

14. Hanoverian.
Nowadays, the Hanoverian half-breed is the most popular sporting breed in the world. It can be seen on most international competitions in show jumping and dressage. This is the result of German meticulousness: the Hanoverian breed was carefully created over the course of approximately 300 years - for different but specific purposes. This breed was developed from unsightly stock, improved by crossing with suitable thoroughbred Saddlebreds, Arabian and Trakehner horses.

13. Arabic.
The Arabian horse (today also called the Arabian thoroughbred horse) is an ancient breed of riding horse, bred on the territory of the Arabian Peninsula in the 4th-7th centuries AD. Colors are mostly gray of all shades, bay and red are often found, less often black. Gray Arabian horses, for the most part, acquire “buckwheat” with age.

12. Knabstrupper.
Knabstrub horses are a very rare breed of horse. The Knabstrupper is a Danish brown horse breed. The Danish Knabstrupper's blood originates in Spain and dates back to the ancient times of Napoleon. The history of this breed is very confusing. These horses are famous for their unusual color.

Horses that tasted freedom often ran away and formed wild herds that roamed the great plains of the New World. Captured, trained, and carefully raised by the warlike horsemen of the prairies - the Indians, piebald horses became excellent horses, distinguished by endurance and agility. The American Indians revered Pints ​​as sacred animals endowed with magical powers by Mother Nature. Horses with natural camouflage were ideally suited for hunting and forays. Subsequently, these horses became popular among Western cowboys and became an unofficial symbol of the Wild West.

Shire horses came to England thanks to King William the Conqueror in 1066. During the 16th and 17th centuries, local stock were crossed with Flanders horses brought to England by the Dutch. Also in the veins of Shire horses flows the blood of Friesians. The ancestor of the Shire breed is considered to be a stallion named Blind Horse (1755) from Peckinton.

The Camargue is one of the oldest horse breeds in the whole world. Semi-wild light gray Camargue horses are native to the marshy area of ​​the Rhone River delta on the Mediterranean coast of France. As an independent breed, the Camargue was recognized in 1968, but in fact its history goes back centuries, to prehistoric times.

8. Falabella.
The unique feature of these miniature horses(this is not a pony, as some are used to arguing) is that each new generation produces smaller and smaller horses. Moreover, when a Falabella stallion is crossed with a regular breed mare, their foals are very short in stature.

7. Polish Konik.
This breed was indeed close to the Tarpan. When the loss of the species was realized, as a result of special selection work through absorption crossing, it was possible to develop an animal very similar to the surviving descriptions of the tarpan and adapted to the conditions of European forest-steppes.

6. Bashkir horse.
This breed has a beautiful mane reminiscent of a poodle, which is especially beautiful in winter. The Bashkir horse comes in different colors. Some scientists claim that this breed is hypoallergenic and that most people with allergies can handle this breed.

5. Black Forest horse.
The luxuriant mane and tail perfectly complement the muscular body of the Black Forest Horse. The breed is known for its dark chestnut color and light mane.

4. Norwegian Fjord.
The Norwegian Fjord horse is one of the most ancient breeds that now exist on the entire planet! And it must be said that this is definitely the most ancient heavy truck in the world that exists. Once upon a time, this strong horse, with a good-natured disposition and a unique appearance, belonged to the warlike Vikings and was their war horse!

3. Marwar.
It's graceful and strong horse, was used for traveling long distances, due to its strong legs. The history of the horse is difficult to trace, but undoubtedly, the blood of Arabian stallions, and possibly Turkmen ones, flows in its blood.

2. Frizzy.
The Friesian breed of horses (Friesian) is a large horse (158 - 165 cm and above), massive, very bony, but elegant, somewhat high-legged, with a pronounced harness style. The body is wide and deep, but slightly stretched, the back is long and often soft. The looseness of the constitution is concealed by high growth and elongated forms.
The frieze's neck has a beautiful slight curve, set very high, and the head is large, long, with an almost straight profile and long, strict ears. The most memorable feature of the Friesian horse is the very long and thick brushes covering the bony powerful legs from the hock to the carpal joint and flowing down to the large black hooves (the so-called frieze). In addition, an indispensable attribute of the frieze is a lush and very long mane and tail, as well as a black color without markings, which has become a unique business card breeds

1. Akhal-Teke.
The first place in our top was given to the Akhal-Teke horse not in vain, because:
The centuries-old history of the existence of the Akhal-Teke breed has numerous evidence of the superiority of this horse over others. High growth, amazing beauty, amazing endurance, lightness, speed, dexterity of movements - all these advantages distinguished the Akhal-Teke breed from others. In an effort to take possession of this impeccable horse, Turkmenistan was attacked more than once with wars. Chinese emperors, Russian tsars and Mongol khans alike coveted this horse. Almost all modern light draft breeds are descended from the ancient, purebred Akhal-Teke breed, which, according to V. Witt, is the source of pure blood, thanks to which the entire horse breeding of the world was created.

Our top featured several amazing breeds of such a beautiful animal as a horse. But do not forget that each horse is beautiful in its own way.

The rarest breed of horse in the world is called the Sorraia. Today there are about 200 heads of such horses. The breed has a long and very interesting history.

Sorraya horses were first explored and studied by a zoologist named Ruy d'Andrade in 1920. He saw a herd of these horses near the Sorraya River. The animals were completely untamed by people, which greatly interested the scientist. It turned out that the Spanish aborigines knew about this breed and they called it marismeno. Translated, this word means “swamp horse.” Sorraia horses lived in places inaccessible to people, which is why they were not domesticated.

The zoologist began to study wild horses in more detail. He found references to Sorraia dating back to the 4th millennium BC. e. Images of the ancestors of these horses were found in the Escurial Cave in Portugal. Sorraia are also the ancestors of Andalusian and Lusitanian horses. Ruy d'Andrade decided to restore this rare breed and began collecting wild individuals. In 1930-1942, he collected 11 Sorraia horses.

The rarest horse breed on earth is still in danger of extinction, although today painstaking work is underway to restore it. The largest number of heads can be found at the Alter do Chau stud farm. Here the selection of born foals takes place. Those individuals that are suitable for breeding become breeding stock. Those that do not suit the breeders for any qualities become simple riding horses. But out of the entire population, usually only a few foals are suitable for breeding, so the Sorraia is still a rare breed.

The appearance of a horse is related to its habitat. They are not very tall - about 145 centimeters, with a long neck and thin bones. Horses have medium sized heads. There are individuals of the mouse or savras color, but the latter is more rare. Sorraia horses can be recognized by the specific dark stripes on their legs.

IN modern world horses can be seen at hippodromes, in riding schools, on city streets, pulling a carriage, etc. Thoroughbred horses have always been most valued. They are considered the most expensive.

Expensive horse breeds

The high price of a horse is determined by its victories in sports competitions and purebred. However, there are stallions that have never participated in any competition in their lives, but their price is truly fabulous. These are those whose parents are famous sporting achievements and those whose ancestry is exceptionally pure.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which breeds are the most expensive. The price is largely influenced not only by the breed, but also by a number of other characteristics. One of the expensive ones is friesian horse. IN Lately, it is especially popular in America. One foal of this breed costs at least ten thousand dollars. The maximum price remains at twenty-five thousand. The horse of the Friesian breed, which passed good preparation, could be valued at a million. This breed is characterized by a massive build. The height can reach one hundred and sixty-five centimeters.

The breed can also be expensive due to its rarity. One such species is the critically endangered Sorraia. There are only two hundred heads. The breed has been preserved only thanks to the work of breeders. In 1920, zoologist Ruy d'Andrade, not far from the Sorraia River in Spain, met a wild herd of horses. The breed remained perfectly pure only because few people knew about this wild herd. Having studied their habits, the zoologist found out that these the horses are the ancestors of the Lusitanians and Andalusians. The number of this breed was increased due to the fact that more than a dozen heads were carefully selected for the stud farm. Today, the foals of this breed are carefully selected. the rarest breed, among which only a few become breeding stallions in the future.

The most expensive breed is the English purebred. This breed is also called the English Racehorse. Foals cost from a million dollars. They are sold through auction. The Arabian horse breed, which is distinguished by its very good health and extreme endurance, is also considered expensive.

The Oryol trotter is rare and expensive. This unique breed has no analogues. Previously, stallions were used in Russian troikas. The breed is recognizable at auctions. These trotters are used in equestrian sports. The breed was obtained by Count Orlov as a result of crossing, where Arabian horses were also used.. A detailed article about the most beautiful horses Can: .

The American trotting horse is considered the noblest and fastest trotter in the world. The breed was developed in America thanks to the complex crossing of several purebred representatives of such breeds as Arabian, thoroughbred horse, Norfolk and some others. The selection was made based on agility, and as a result, representatives of the breed are clearly prize horses.

The most expensive horse in Russia

It is known that horses of the fifth price category are sold at the highest prices, that is, those that are expected to sporting victories. According to officially registered sales in Russia, the most expensive horse was the one owned by Ramzan Kadyrov. We are talking about the horse Established Gold, presented for sale by the Volgogradsky stud farm. Its price is three hundred thousand dollars.

The stallion Sweet Duckling was purchased by Kadyrov in 2011 for a considerable sum, as the trainer of this horse said. She is exactly unknown. There is information that the previous owner of the Duckling cost one hundred thirty-five thousand dollars. The most expensive horse in the stable of the President of Chechnya and in Russia as a whole is the stallion Gitano Hernando. According to some sources, the price of the horse was about four million dollars.

The most expensive horse in the world

A horse named Frenkel is considered the most expensive in the world today. It is not for sale, but is valued at a fabulously high amount. This “champion,” who has already won fourteen victories and has not known a single defeat in competitions, is a thoroughbred of the English racing breed. This breed is recognized as the most expensive in the world.

English thoroughbreds, as they are also called, are endowed with ideal speed characteristics, they have an amazing build and fantastic endurance. More than a million dollars are being asked for an English racing foal at auction.

Frenkel is already five years old. Since his last victory, which took place in 2012 at Ascot, his estimated value has doubled. Now he's worth two hundred million dollars.

Khalil Abdullah, as the owner of this expensive stallion, said that he does not plan to part with his champion. He is not going to show the stallion in competitions anymore, most likely the stallion will be used as an elite sire.

Henry Cecil, the trainer of the handsome horse, said that he does not know that there is a more perfect horse in the world than Frenkel.
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