City Olympics. International distance competitions and olympiads

All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren are held under the auspices of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science after official confirmation of the calendar of their dates. Such events cover almost all disciplines and subjects included in the compulsory curriculum of secondary schools.

By participating in such competitions, students are given the opportunity to gain experience answering questions intellectual competitions, as well as expand and demonstrate your knowledge. Schoolchildren begin to calmly respond to various forms of knowledge testing, and are responsible for representing and defending the level of their school or region, which develops a sense of duty and discipline. In addition, a good result can bring a well-deserved cash bonus or advantages during admission to the country's leading universities.

Olympics for schoolchildren 2017-2018 school year take place in 4 stages, subdivided according to the territorial aspect. These stages in all cities and regions are carried out within the general calendar periods established by the regional leadership of educational municipal departments.

Schoolchildren taking part in the competition gradually go through four levels of competition:

  • Level 1 (school). In September-October 2017, competitions will be held within each individual school. All parallels of students are tested independently of each other, starting from the 5th grade and ending with graduates. Assignments for this level are prepared by methodological commissions at the city level, and they also provide assignments for district and rural secondary schools.
  • Level 2 (regional). In December 2017 - January 2018, the next level will be held, in which the winners of the city and district - students in grades 7-11 - will take part. Tests and tasks at this stage are developed by the organizers of the regional (third) stage, and all questions regarding preparation and locations for conducting are assigned to local authorities.
  • Level 3 (regional). Duration: from January to February 2018. Participants are the winners of the Olympiads of the current and completed year of study.
  • Level 4 (All-Russian). Organized by the Ministry of Education and runs from March to April 2018. Prize-winners take part in it regional stages and last year's winners. However, not all winners of the current year can take part in the All-Russian Olympiads. The exception is children who took 1st place in the region, but are significantly behind the other winners in points.

Winners All-Russian level If desired, they can take part in international competitions taking place during the summer holidays.

List of disciplines

In the 2017-2018 academic season, Russian schoolchildren can test their strength in the following areas:

  • exact sciences – analytical and physical and mathematical direction;
  • natural sciences - biology, ecology, geography, chemistry, etc.;
  • philological sector – various foreign languages, native languages ​​and literature;
  • humanitarian direction - economics, law, historical sciences, etc.;
  • other subjects - art and, BJD.

This year, the Ministry of Education officially announced the holding of 97 Olympiads, which will be held in all regions of Russia from 2017 to 2018 (9 more than last year).

Benefits for winners and runners-up

Each Olympiad has its own level: I, II or III. Level I is the most difficult, but it gives its graduates and prize-winners the most advantages when entering many prestigious universities in the country.

Benefits for winners and runners-up come in two categories:

  • admission without exams to the chosen university;
  • awarding the highest Unified State Exam score in the discipline in which the student received a prize.

The most famous level I state competitions include the following Olympiads:

  • St. Petersburg Astronomical Institute;
  • "Lomonosov";
  • St. Petersburg State Institute;
  • "Young Talents";
  • Moscow school;
  • "Highest standard";
  • "Information Technology";
  • “Culture and art”, etc.

Level II Olympics 2017-2018:

  • Hertsenovskaya;
  • Moscow;
  • "Eurasian linguistic";
  • "Teacher of the school of the future";
  • Lomonosov Tournament;
  • "TechnoCup" etc.

Level III competitions 2017-2018 include the following:

  • "Star";
  • "Young Talents";
  • Competition of scientific works "Junior";
  • "Hope of Energy";
  • "Step into the Future";
  • “Ocean of Knowledge”, etc.

According to the Order “On Amendments to the Procedure for Admission to Universities”, winners or prize-winners final stage have the right to admission without entrance examinations to any university in a field corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad. At the same time, the correlation between the direction of training and the profile of the Olympiad is determined by the university itself and without fail publishes this information on its official website.

The right to use the benefit is retained by the winner for 4 years, after which it is canceled and admission occurs on a general basis.

Preparation for the Olympics

The standard structure of Olympiad tasks is divided into 2 types:

  • testing theoretical knowledge;
  • the ability to translate theory into practice or demonstrate practical skills.

A decent level of preparation can be achieved using the official website of the Russian state Olympiads, which contains tasks from past rounds. They can be used both to test your knowledge and to identify problem areas in preparation. There, on the website you can check the dates of the rounds and get acquainted with the official results.

Video: assignments for the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren appeared online

Every year, many different Olympiads are held for schoolchildren from any school in the Russian Federation, allowing students to show their knowledge and skills in subjects included in the program list educational institutions countries. Participation in such events is considered a very prestigious and responsible task, in which schoolchildren demonstrate the knowledge accumulated over the years of study and defend the honor of their own school. If you win, you have the opportunity to earn some privilege for further admission to Russian universities and receive a small monetary reward.

Historical summary

For the first time, Russian educational authorities provided the opportunity for competition between young students back in 1886. During the prosperity of the Soviet Union, a similar movement received additional incentive To further development. In the 60s of the last century, school Olympiads began to be held in almost every discipline related to the general education program of compulsory education. Initially, such competitions were more of an all-Russian scale, which in the future became all-Union.

To find out exactly what subjects such a competition will consist of in the future, all school Olympiads for 2017-2018 should be announced.

Present time

Next academic year, the best schoolchildren will be able to test their knowledge in competitions in several categories of disciplines.

1. Natural sciences: geography, physics, biology, chemistry, ecology and astronomy.
2. Humanities: history, social studies, economics and law.
3. Exact sciences: mathematics, computer science.
4. Philology: English, French, Chinese, Italian and Russian, as well as Russian literature.
5. Other disciplines: physical education, life safety, technology and world artistic culture.

In each of the listed disciplines, there are two blocks of tasks: a part aimed at finding practical skills and a part testing the theoretical basis of each participant.

The main stages of the Russian Olympiads

All-Russian Olympiad consists of organizing and further conducting 4 stages of intellectual competition held at different levels. Representatives of regional educational institutions and schools determine the final schedule of each Olympiad and its location. Of course, the exact list of each competition on next year has not yet been compiled, but current applicants for participation should be guided by the following deadlines.

1. School stage. Competitions between competitors from the same educational application start almost at the beginning of the school year - September-October 2017. The Olympiads will affect students of the same parallel, starting from the fifth grade. Members of the city-level methodological commission are responsible for developing tasks.

2. Municipal stage. The next stage at which competitions are held between the winners of the previous level of grades 7-11 from the same city. The duration of the Olympiad is December 2017-January 2018. The organizers of such an event are representatives of the educational sphere at the regional level, while officials are responsible for the place, time and procedure of the competition itself.

3. Regional stage. The next level of the All-Russian Olympiad, held in January-February. It is attended by schoolchildren who took leading places in similar competitions at the city level, as well as the winners of the regional selection of the past year.

4. All-Russian stage. Highest level subject Olympiad organized by representatives of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in March-April 2018. The winners will be able to take part in it regional Olympiad and last year's winners. The exception is schoolchildren who took 1st place, but are behind participants from other cities. The winners of this stage receive the right to participate in a similar competition at the international level, scheduled for next summer.

List of school Olympiads with their main features

Any of school competitions consists of 3 main stages, each of which is characterized by distinctive properties. For example, the winners have a number of privileges over their opponents from the other two groups - the opportunity to enroll in the university on the basis of which the Olympiad itself was held. In this case, entrance exams for enrollment in the first year are canceled automatically. The winners or prize-winners of the 3rd stage in this sense do not have any concessions.

Today it is already known that the list of school Olympiads of the 1st level consists of the following areas and disciplines.

1. Lomonosov Olympiad, consisting of a huge number of different items.
2. “Nanotechnologies - a breakthrough into the future” - an all-Russian Olympiad for every interested student.
3. All-Siberian Chemistry Olympiad.
4. “Young talents” – geography.
5. Open Olympiad in programming.
6. Astronomy Olympiad for schoolchildren from St. Petersburg.
7. Open Olympiad “culture and art”.
8. All-Russian Economic Olympiad for schoolchildren named after N. D. Kondratiev in economics.
9. Moscow Olympiad in physics, mathematics, computer science.

The list of Level II Olympiads consists of the following areas.

1. Herzen Olympiad foreign language.
2. South Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren “Architecture and Art” in the following subjects: painting, drawing, composition and drawing.
3. Interregional Olympiad MPGU by right.
4. All-Siberian open olympiad in computer science, mathematics, biology.
5. Interregional Olympiad “Highest Standard” in computer science, literature, history of world civilization and oriental studies.
6. Interregional Olympiad “Future Researchers – Future of Science” in Biology.
7. City Competition open type in physics.
8. Interdisciplinary Olympiad named after V.I. Vernadsky in social studies and history.
9. Engineering Olympiad in physics.
10. Eurasian Linguistic Olympiad in a foreign language at the interregional level.

The 2017-2018 Level III Olympics are represented by the following list of competitions.

1. “Mission accomplished. Your calling is a financier!” from economics.
2. Herzen Olympiad in geography, biology and pedagogy.
3. “In the beginning was the Word...” in history and literature.
4. All-Russian tournament of young physicists.
5. All-Russian Sechenov Olympiad in chemistry and biology.
6. All-Russian chemical tournament.
7. “Learn to build the future” from urban planning and architectural graphics.
8. All-Russian Tolstoy Olympiad in history, literature and social studies.
9. All-Russian Olympiad of representatives of musical institutions of the Russian Federation on string instruments, music pedagogy, folk orchestra instruments, choral conducting and performance.
10. All-Russian competition scientific works "Junior" in engineering and natural sciences.

The noted list of the most current Olympiads in Russia has been in effect for the past few years. True, having familiarized yourself with all the competitions, a completely logical question arises: what is the difference between the tasks of all levels? First of all, we are talking about the level of preparation of schoolchildren.

To become not only an ordinary representative of the Olympiad, but even to take a prize place, you should have enough high level preparation. On some Internet portals you can find Olympiad tasks from previous years to check your own level using ready-made answers, find out the approximate start time of the competition and some organizational issues.

  • Contest
  • Olympics
  • Competition-game
  • Subject week
  • Family competition
  • Children with disabilities
  • Control test
  • Summer camp
  • Tests online
Distance Olympics of the Snail Center

Goals and objectives of distance Olympiads of the Snail Center:

  • checking students' knowledge level
  • developing the skill of self-appropriation of knowledge
  • formation and development of skills for independent search and analysis of information
  • formation and development of skills in using Internet services in education
  • increasing motivation to study the subject

They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen their knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one section of it. All tasks of distance olympiads are divided by age groups and comply with school programs and Federal State Educational Standards requirements.


They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen their knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one section of it. All tasks of distance Olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Subject week

They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen their knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one section of it. All tasks of distance Olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Family competition

They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen their knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one section of it. All tasks of distance Olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Specialist. competitions

They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen their knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one section of it. All tasks of distance Olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky", Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region, Department of Education of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, Department of Education, Youth Policy and Sports of the Administration of the Shelekhov Municipal District of the Irkutsk Region, Federal State Autonomous educational institution higher education"South Ural State University (national research university )", Budgetary institution of higher education of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra "Surgut State University", State budgetary educational institution of higher education of the Moscow region "Dubna University", Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Tolyatti State University", Federal State Autonomous educational institution of higher education "North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov", Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Far Eastern Federal University", Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev ", Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Sevastopol State University", Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Technological University "MISiS", Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" named after. IN AND. Ulyanov (Lenin)", Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University", Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Southern Federal University", Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M V. Lomonosov", Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Altai State University", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Amur State University", Federal State budgetary educational institution of higher education "Volgograd State Technical University", Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Voronezh State University", Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Don State Technical University", Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Izhevsk State Technical University named after M. T. Kalashnikov", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kovrov State Technological Academy named after V.A. Degtyarev", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kuban State Technological University", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Technological University "STANKIN", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Technological University", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Technological University" institution of higher education "Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.E. Alekseev", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Novosibirsk State Technical University", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Oryol State University named after I.S. Turgenev", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Perm National Research Polytechnic University", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) named after I.M. Gubkin", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Samara State Technical University", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "St. Petersburg Mining University", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "St. Petersburg State Forestry University named after S.M. . Kirov", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A.", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "North Caucasus Mining and Metallurgical Institute (State Technological University)", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution higher education "Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Sochi State University", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Pacific State University", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Transport University", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Education "Southwestern State University", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "South Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M. I. Platov", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Yaroslavl State Technical University", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Transbaikal State University", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Omsk State Technical University", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Omsk State Technical University" institution of higher education "Ulyanovsk State University", Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University)", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Belgorod State Technological University named after. V.G. Shukhov", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Technological University", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tver State University", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tula State University", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Irkutsk National Research Technical University", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Yuzhno" -Ural State Agrarian University"