Interesting facts about vegetables. Project work "All about onions"

IN modern world Vegetables such as onions are very popular. Although it is considered a common food product, praises and odes are not dedicated to it.

At Yale University, located in the United States, there are small clay tablets - the world's first cookbooks. They could not be deciphered until 1985, when the famous French chef Jean Botter, who is generally an Assyriologist, took up the matter. It was Botter who established that in the territory of ancient Mesopotamia, onions were simply adored.

Onions are considered the most common product in the world and are grown in more than 175 countries. Its massive plantings are several times higher than those of wheat, the main record holder in terms of harvest volume.

Onions have already become an integral component of any modern kitchen.

  1. The onion received its Latin name “Allium” thanks to the famous naturalist Karl Lineus, who associated the vegetable by analogy with the Celtic word “all” - burning.
  2. Today you can find about 900 types of onions; they grow not only in the gardens of housewives, but also in forests, meadows and the steppe. Of this huge number of species, only 228 units are considered vegetable crops.
  3. Researchers cannot establish for certain the homeland of onions: many of them believe that this vegetable could first appear in South-West Asia.
  4. In Europe, onions began to be used in the Bronze Age.
  5. Information about onions can also be found in ancient Egyptian chronicles; along with garlic, it was famous 30,000 years BC. The famous ancient historian Herodotus wrote in his works that during the construction of the famous pyramid of Cheops it was spent a large number of Money to buy onions, garlic and radishes for the slaves.
  6. One of the oldest images of an onion can be found in the tomb of the youngest Egyptian pharaoh, Tutankhamun. The date of creation of the drawing is 1352 BC.
  7. 5000 years ago they learned to grow onions in countries such as India and China.
  8. In the Middle Ages, during the great crusades, onions were considered a product included in the daily diet of every knight. Onions were so popular in those days that for just 8 onions, Christians could exchange one of their captive comrades with the Saracens.
  9. Onions appeared in America thanks to the expedition of Christopher Columbus. The sailors first planted the vegetable on the island of Isabella, and then began to actively grow it on the continent.
  10. According to statistics compiled by UN specialists, the first place in onion consumption per capita can be considered a country such as Libya. The average resident of this article consumes about 33 kg of onions per year, and they add the root vegetable to almost all dishes. Second place can be given to Senegal, where people consume up to 22 kg per year. Next on the list are the British - 9.3 kg and the French - 5.6 kg.
  11. In modern India, not a single meal is served without onions. The price of this vegetable constantly varies, this is directly related to the popularity of the root vegetable.
  12. Your name onion received due to similarity in appearance with turnips.
  13. The leek is considered the national symbol of Wales in the UK. According to legend, a bishop and educator named David of Wales, in a battle with the Saxons, ordered his army to attach leeks to their helmets, which served as a distinctive sign from the enemy in the battle. Since then, March 1, the day of the Battle of the Onion Field, has been a national holiday in Wales.
  14. Onions contain more sugar than fruits such as apples and pears. One onion clove contains approximately 6% sugar. During its preparation, volatile substances evaporate from the vegetable, as a result of which the onion becomes sweet.
  15. Nutritionists have found that onions are inherently an excellent fat burner. Based on it, a diet has been developed, which is based on onion soup.
  16. There is an opinion that people who grow onions in greenhouses are less susceptible to ARVI and influenza.
  17. In the cold season, to strengthen the immune system, you only need to eat half an onion a day.
  18. Onion juice is an excellent pain reliever for bumblebee, wasp and bee stings.
  19. Researchers have proven that the smell of onions, their taste, as well as the tears caused by this vegetable can fight the occurrence of cancer cells in the body.
  20. Every person knows that when peeling onions, tears appear in the eyes. Tear production is directly related to the content of a special substance in onions - lachrymator. As soon as a person cuts the head of an onion, a lachrymator begins to be actively released into the air, which can dissolve in water, including human tears. The sulfuric acid formed during the chemical reaction begins to irritate the mucous membrane of the eye, which causes tears to appear. Experienced chefs advise moistening the knife with water before peeling the onion, or freezing it.

The most popular vegetable in the world

In the kitchen of any modern housewife you can certainly find several heads of onions, without which almost no dish, except dessert, is complete.

Onions are considered popular in almost every country. The peak popularity of onions occurs on many religious holidays, the traditional dishes of which are not complete without this vegetable.

  • The Latin scientific name - allium - was given by Carl Linnaeus and comes from the Latin name for garlic, and it, in turn, according to one version, is associated with the Celtic word all - burning; another version derives the name from the Latin halare - to smell.

  • There are more than 900 species in the Onion genus that grow naturally in the Northern Hemisphere. Representatives of the genus grow in the steppe, meadows, and forests.
  • 228 types of onions are vegetable crops.

  • It is difficult to establish the homeland of onions. Most researchers believe that onions originate in Southwest Asia.
  • There is very ancient - from the Bronze Age - evidence of the use of onions in Europe.

  • In the Babylonian collection at Yale University are three small clay tablets that are the first cookbooks known to us. They describe a “culinary tradition of astounding richness, elegance and skill,” with many aromas and flavors still familiar to us today. It turned out that in Ancient Mesopotamia the entire onion family was simply adored. The Mesopotamians widely used not only regular onions, but also leeks, garlic and shallots.

  • In Ancient Egypt, onions and garlic were known back to 3000 BC. e. The historian Herodotus, who lived in Ancient Greece 2500 years ago, he noted that on the Cheops pyramid there was an inscription about how much garlic and onions were spent as food for the workers. It read: “1,600 talents of silver were spent on onions and food for slaves.”

  • Scientists archaeologists discovered an image of a bow on the tomb of Tutankhamun, dating back to 1352 BC. e.
  • It is known that 5000 years ago onions were grown in China and India.

  • Onions were necessarily included in the provisions of noble knights in the Middle Ages, during the Crusades. The French exchanged their captured compatriots with the Saracens, paying eight onions per person.
  • Onions came to America thanks to the expedition of Christopher Columbus; first they were planted on the island of Isabella, and then spread throughout the continent.

  • If we calculate onion consumption per capita, Libya becomes the world champion, where, according to the UN, the average citizen eats more than 33 kg of onions per year. “We add onions to everything,” say the Libyans. In second place is Senegal, whose residents on average consume about 22 kg of onions per year. People in Britain eat around 9.3kg per person per year. But residents of France, whom the British traditionally consider “onion eaters,” actually get by on a modest 5.6 kg per person.
  • In India, not a single meal is complete without onions. Fluctuations in the cost of onions are noticeable to everyone to the common man. The political weight of onions comes from the fact that this vegetable is an integral part of life in almost every Indian home. Perhaps the most significant case of this kind was in 1998, when analysts attributed the defeat of the ruling BJP party in the Delhi elections to the rise in onion prices.
  • The widespread onion got its name from its external resemblance to.
  • Leeks are one of the national symbols Wales. In the 6th century, according to legend, the bishop and educator David of Wales, during the battle against the Saxons, which took place in an onion field, called on his soldiers to attach a leek to their helmet to distinguish their comrades from their enemies. Therefore, on March 1 every year, the people of Wales celebrate a national holiday - St. David's Day.
  • Onions contain more natural sugar than apples and pears. Onion slices contain 6% sugar. When fried, when the caustic substances evaporate, the onion becomes sweet.

  • Onions are an excellent fat burner. There is even a special onion diet, during which you need to consume onion soup.
  • People say that onions cure seven ailments.
  • It has been noticed that people working in the greenhouse where green onions are grown do not get the flu even during the most severe epidemics.
  • To strengthen your immune system and avoid getting sick during the cold season, it is recommended to eat half an onion a day.

  • Onions serve as a pain reliever for bites, and. To do this, you need to immediately rub onion juice into the bite site.
  • It has been scientifically proven that substances that cause the taste, smell and tears from onion processing can fight cancer cells.
  • Riddle: “The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats, whoever undresses him sheds tears.”
  • The reason for such tear-producing onions lies in a special substance - lachrymator (from the Latin lacrima - tear). When the bulb is cut, the lachrymator is released and dissolves in water and, in particular, in human tears. This produces sulfuric acid, which irritates the mucous membrane of the eye. And now it is clear why onions are peeled by wetting it or a knife with water - the lachrymator dissolves in water and is practically not released into the air. If onions are frozen before peeling, the activity of the lachrymator also decreases sharply.

  • Onions improve appetite, food absorption, and increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases.
  • Onions have bactericidal and antiseptic properties, fight viruses and accumulate the life-giving energy of the earth.
  • Onions can be used to treat bites. To do this, simply apply chopped onion to the bite site. It will draw out the poison, reduce swelling and speed up the healing of the skin.

  • Onion juice is a highly effective cough syrup, but it is quite unpleasant to consume in this form. Therefore, when you cough, it is better to put a piece of onion in your ear. This way, the onion juice will enter the bloodstream and relieve an unpleasant cough.
  • Onions bring down the temperature. If a child has a high temperature, you need to cut the onion into rings and soak it in apple cider vinegar. Then, using socks, we apply the bow to the feet. It is worth putting pieces of onion in your ears. The fever from this medicine subsides very quickly.

Decorative bow photo

Golden bulb

Round, cast.

She has one secret -

She will save us from troubles:

Can cure illness

Delicious and fragrant onions!

Of course, you know what an onion looks like. Onions we call small golden yellow bulbs with a round shape. If you cut the onion with a knife, you will notice thick, juicy white scales - these are onion leaves.

The golden film covering them on top does not allow water to pass through and protects the leaves from drying out. Succulent scaly leaves emerge from a pyramid-shaped stem. At the bottom of this stem, small dried roots are visible. Between the scales, buds are visible - the embryos of future bulbs.

If you sow an onion seed, a root and stem will grow from it, which forms a loop on the surface of the earth, somewhat reminiscent in shape of a stretched bow. Maybe that’s why this vegetable began to be called onions.

After some time, green tubular onion leaves, called feathers, appear in the garden bed. Green onion feathers resemble sharp arrows, they are very fragrant and contain many useful vitamins. They are put in salads, vinaigrettes and soups, and eaten with black bread and salt.

Small golden bulbs form in the ground. By autumn they become large and juicy. They are stored all winter, and in the spring they are planted in beds to obtain seeds.

A tall, dense stem rises from the bulbs, decorated with small umbrella-shaped inflorescences. Collected all together, they form a small ball. Each flower in this inflorescence resembles a tiny lily, which is why onions belong to the lily family.

Other plants also have underground bulbs: tulips, daffodils, lilies, garlic, goose onions.

In the first year of life, the onion stores nutrients in its shortened stem - the bulb, and in the second year it uses them for growth and flowering.

From what lands did onions come to us?

Wild onions are found in Eastern and Western Siberia, the Far East, the Caucasus, Afghanistan and China. In this country there are mountains completely overgrown with wild onions. That's what they call them - onion mountains.

Afghanistan and Central Asia are considered the birthplace of onions.

About 6 - 7 thousand years ago, onions began to be cultivated in China, and then in India and Egypt. Archaeologists find images of bulbs on the walls of ancient Egyptian tombs.

In Ancient Greece, onions were considered a sacred plant. It was presented as a gift to the gods. On festival days, everyone tried to bring the largest onion to the temple, and the one who succeeded received an honorary gift.

From Ancient Greece, onions came to the Romans. In Ancient Rome, this vegetable was universally loved. Every Roman ate his portion of onions every year. It was believed that this vegetable gives energy and protects against disease.

In the army Ancient Rome They put a lot of onions in soldiers' food to give the soldiers strength and courage.

And in medieval Europe, people attributed miraculous properties to onions. Knights wore it as a talisman that protected them from arrows and swords. When they wanted to praise or exalt a person, he was compared to an onion. Maybe that’s why one of the onion varieties is called “victorious onion.”

Among the Slavic peoples, onions appeared in the 12th-13th centuries. In Rus', the following sayings were made about him: “Onions, bread and water are good food”; “The onion is good both in battle and in cabbage soup.”

Why do you think?

Right! Because onions make a person stronger, healthier, stronger!

Onions are one of the main products, it is considered a universal remedy that protects and cures all diseases.

Russian peasants said: “He who eats onions is freed from torment”; “Onion and bath rule everything.” The healing properties of onions are explained by the fact that they contain special substances - phytoncides, which have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria. When a saucer with finely chopped onions is placed at the bedside of a patient, he recovers faster. Onion juice diluted with water can cure a runny nose if it is dropped into the nose.

In addition, onions contain minerals and vitamins.

People came up with the following riddle about onions: “Grandfather is sitting, wearing a hundred fur coats. Whoever undresses him sheds tears.” In fact, when you peel and cut onions, tears flow naturally from your eyes. This happens because the onion begins to release volatile substances that irritate the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes.

Usually we cry when we or our loved ones have trouble or grief. But here we can cry simply from the pain in our eyes. In a figurative sense, by “onion grief” we mean minor sorrows, troubles or disappointments that do not deserve tears. “Onion grief” is also called an unlucky person for whom everything goes wrong.

What dishes are prepared with onions?

Fresh onions put in vinaigrettes and salads. Onions fried in a frying pan until golden brown are added to soups and stews.

Listen to the poems.

Acrid onion

If you chop the onion finely,

On the board with a knife: “knock-knock!”

It will sting our eyes -

A tear will come to them.

Tears will flow in a stream,

We'll pay. But about what?

We will not cry from pain,

Not out of grief, especially.

It was not the illness that caused the tears,

And the usual caustic onion!

Onion burnt

They offended Vanechka -

They didn't give him gingerbread.

Our Vanyushka rubs his eyes,

Sheds tears in vain.

Let's calm down Vanechka -

Let's give him some gingerbread.

- This is your grief -

Onion grief!

This place is empty

Not worth a tear!

Listen to a fairy tale.

Magic bulb

In the morning, Nastya was sitting at the kitchen table and was about to drink sweet tea and a pie. The pie was incredibly delicious! Yesterday my grandmother baked a whole dish of these - with meat, cabbage, rice and jam.

In the evening, the parents returned home tired, hungry and instantly devoured the delicious pies. There was only one left on the dish - with meat. This is where the girl was going to have breakfast. No such luck! As soon as Nastya brought the pie to her mouth and was about to take a bite, the phone rang. The girl dropped the pie on the floor in surprise. I must tell you that at that time the puppy Roller was sleeping under the table on the rug. He didn’t ask Nastya for a handout, but still hoped that maybe he would get something too. When the puppy saw that a pie appeared right under his nose, out of nowhere, he immediately, without a moment’s hesitation, swallowed it!

- A-ah-ah! - Nastya roared loudly, and tears as round as peas flowed from her eyes. “I dropped the pie, and Roller ate it.” What will I drink tea with now? — the girl muttered sobbing.

In the kitchen, a large wicker basket full of golden onions hung on a nail. One, the largest, Bulb heard Nastya crying and quietly asked the girl:

- What happened, baby? Why are you crying?

“I, I...” Nastya was stunned for a moment from surprise. - I’m crying because... Who are you? she asked.

- I am a magic onion. If you want to get a better look at me, go to the basket with onions and you will immediately notice me,” said the Onion.

Nastya immediately stopped crying, climbed onto the stool and looked into the basket.

The girl recognized the Magic Onion immediately: she was completely round, wearing a golden cloak pinned with an emerald hairpin, and with a cheerful, smiling face. The girl took the Bulb in her hand and felt how warm it was.

- Well, why were you crying? - Onion asked again.

Nastya explained to her.

- Nonsense! — the magic Onion said importantly. - Is it worth being upset about such little things? And shedding tears in vain! Your grief is not real, but an onion one! Trust me, old Onion the sorceress!

— Why “onion grief”? - Nastya was surprised. She had never heard such an expression.

- Yes, because when onions are cut, people’s tears flow. Not from grief, sadness, sadness, but simply from the smell of onions. So they say - onion grief, which means it is trivial, nonsense, unreal. Instead of crying, be glad that Roller got a tasty morsel!

“Yes, I’m happy,” the girl said hesitantly.

And the magic Onion continued:

— Make yourself a cheese sandwich, drink some tea and go for a walk. And put me in my place, in the basket with onions. I'll still be useful to you!

Answer the questions

Who baked delicious pies?

Who ate the last pie?

Why did Nastya cry?

What did the magic Onion that was lying in the basket tell her?

How do you understand the expression “onion grief”?

Listen to the poem.

Onion braid

Red girls

Knit onions into braids.

The braid will come out golden,

Very thick, thick.

We'll hang onions in the kitchen -

He will drive away flies.

As soon as the bird cherry tree is enveloped in a white cloud of petals and the cuckoo crows in the forest, it’s time to sow onions.

Onions are harvested in September. It is braided and stored all winter until spring. No wonder they say: “It’s bare, bare, but there’s an onion in the cabbage soup.”

Answer the questions

What does an onion look like?

Where do onions come from?

Why were onions valued in ancient times?

Why do onions have healing properties?

What beneficial substances are contained in onions?

What dishes are prepared with onions?

What day is popularly called “Onion Day”?

Onions come from the mountainous regions of Central Asia, from where, thanks to their valuable qualities, they quickly spread and are cultivated in many countries. The first information about onions reaches us since the fourth millennium BC. Onions have long been valued for their healing and nutritional properties among all peoples and were the first remedy for diseases, epidemics, and on long journeys. In some countries, magical powers were attributed to the onion, in others it was deified and monuments were erected, it was written about on the walls of the pyramids and in medical treatises. The bow was well known to the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, medieval feudal lords and conquerors of the New World. European countries especially valued onions and included them in their daily diet.

No one can say exactly when onions appeared in Rus'. But already in the XII-XIII centuries our ancestors knew it. Onions were one of the few vegetables that retained vitamins and other beneficial substances during the long Russian winters. The Slavs experienced its healing powers themselves. Perhaps already in those years a proverb arose that has come down to us: “Onions of seven ailments.” Presumably, onions came to Russia from the banks of the Danube along with trading people. The first centers of onion cultivation arose near trade centers. Gradually, they began to be created near other cities and villages with climatic conditions suitable for growing onions. Such centers of onion sowing began to be called “nests”. The entire local population was engaged in growing onions. Onion sets were obtained from seeds, next year pick onions and finally, mother onions. Over the centuries, local varieties of onions have been improved, the names of which were often given according to the settlements where they were created. To this day, many of these varieties remain very reliable and tasty, with a stable harvest in any year, resistant to diseases and pests, and unsurpassed storage. Among such onion pearls of folk selection are the varieties Rostov onion, Arzamas (Nizhny Novgorod), Myachkovsky (Moscow region), Strigunovsky (Kursk region), Bessonovsky (Penza region), Mstera local and etc.

Russian onions were valued throughout the world and were the subject of trade with other countries. Over time, breeders became involved in the creation of its varieties. In their work they used the best domestic and world breeding achievements. Now onions are grown everywhere. Its modern assortment is huge. Old Russian varieties joined new domestic And foreign varieties of onions , including hybrids. IN last years Many heterotic F1 hybrids have been created that have excellent yield, uniformity of bulbs, early ripening and at the same time keeping quality, resistant to many diseases and pests. At the same time, these hybrids also have disadvantages. They cannot be propagated by their own seeds, so you have to buy new planting material every year. F 1's own seeds do not transmit maternal characteristics to the offspring. What varieties of onions are there?

Varieties of onions (onions).

One of the indicators of a variety is its precocity. According to early ripening, onion varieties are divided into early (early ripening), medium (mid-ripening) and late (late-ripening). The growing season of these varieties is 80-90, 90-120 and more than 120 days, respectively. Onion varieties also differ in form(round, flat, elongated, etc.) and bulb size: small onions do not exceed 50 g, medium ones up to 120 g, large ones more than 120 g. Varied coloring of dry and fleshy scales different varieties of onions. Depending on the ability of one plant to form one, three to four or five or more onion bulbs, onion varieties are divided, respectively, into small-, medium- and multi-cluster. Multi-celled (multi-primed) varieties have small bulbs. As a rule, these are varieties of northern latitudes with a short growing season and a long period of dormancy, or storage. These varieties are noted for their excellent keeping quality. Their small size of bulbs is convenient to use in home cooking, and their quantity on one plant allows for high yields. Multi-cavity varieties of onions are very good for forcing onto greens (feathers) in protected ground.

Onions vary by taste and smell(spicy, semi-sharp and sweet). Hot varieties of onions contain a lot of dry matter, essential oils, sugar, their fleshy scales are thinner and denser, so these onions are stored well and for a long time. Russian sharp and semi-sharp varieties are more common in the middle and northern latitudes of Russia (Central Russian subspecies of onion). Spicy onion varieties often have multiple buds. Sweet onion varieties (southern subspecies) contain little essential oils and sugar, their scales are juicy and sweet in taste, and are often used for salads. Sweet onion varieties have a relatively short dormant (storage) period. The bulbs of these varieties quickly begin to grow. Their usual storage period is no more than 3 months. As a rule, these are small-growing varieties. Semi-sharp varieties occupy an intermediate position between spicy and sweet.

There are different types of onions by growing method. Some of them reproduce vegetatively and are grown only from sets (although they can reproduce by seeds). These are mainly multi-cavity onion varieties. Some onion varieties can be grown both from sets and from seeds in an annual crop. When grown from sets, they produce a larger bulb. Another group of varieties is propagated only by seeds by direct sowing in the ground or through seedlings. Among amateur vegetable growers, the most popular way to grow onions (onions) is to grow them from store-bought sets, the choice of varieties of which is now huge.

Project work

All about onions


1A class students

MKOU "Zalininskaya Secondary School".

Project Manager:

primary school teacher

Davydova N.A.



    Preparatory stage.

    Identifying the problem. Setting goals and objectives.


    Planned result.

    Main stages of work:

    Main stage. (research)

    Basic information about onions.

  1. Where did he come to us from?onion

  2. Variety of onions

    Medicinal properties of onions

    About the onion.

    Proverbs, sayings, riddles, poems, fairy tales.

    The final stage.

    Conclusion. Summarizing.




Folder "Onion dishes."

Folder “Medicines from onions”

I .1.Identification of the problem. Setting goals and objectives.

In winter and spring, people often suffer from colds. In February of this year, we had a quarantine at school: our class did not study for more than a week due to the fact that most of the children got sick. How could this have been avoided? Prevention could be done, for example, eating green onions.

This winter we wanted to grow green onions in our classroom. For our work, we chose a goal: to try to grow green onions ourselves, to learn and collect information about this plant, to collect interesting facts, proverbs, sayings and much more about onions. We took the bulbs and planted them in boxes filled with sawdust. The boxes were placed closer to daylight. The very next day, small green feathers began to appear. They have grown up. This is how we managed to grow green onions in our class for the first time.

We became interested in the benefits of onions and why people love them so much. To answer these questions, we looked for information on the Internet and encyclopedias, and asked adults. We have compiled thiswork plan .

    Collect information about the origin of onions and their diversity.

    Learn about the healing properties of onions.

    Collect riddles, proverbs, sayings, poems, and tales about onions.

    Collect recipes for onion dishes.

Find out what diseases and how can be cured with onions.


The project is aimed at expanding and generalizing knowledge about cultivated garden plants, how to care for plants, and awareness of the importance of vegetables in human life. Every year, many children see their parents plant onions, harvest them in the fall, and use them for for various purposes. But have you ever thought about how onions grow, what conditions are necessary for their growth? And how is it useful? When carrying out a joint activity - planting onions, all the children showed a desire to help and plant them themselves. The idea arose to implement the “All About Onions” project and invite the children, together with the teacher, to plant an onion and observe how and how quickly it grows into a feather.

3. Planned result.

1.Children will learn to plant and care for onions and get acquainted with the conditions for their cultivation, learn about the benefits of onions.

2.Children will get acquainted with literary works about onions, how onions are used in cooking and medicine.

4.Main stages of work:

STAGE 1 – preparatory.

Plant onions in containers. Collect riddles, proverbs, sayings, poems, and tales about onions. Collect culinary and medical recipes with onions.

STAGE 2 – main (research).

Observe the growth of onions and conduct experiments. Establish connections: plants - earth, plants - water, plants - people. In the process of research, introduce children to fiction about onions: sayings, poems, fairy tales, riddles. Conduct classes and conversations.

STAGE 3 – final.

Analyze and summarize the results obtained in the process of children's research activities.

Organize an exhibition of drawings about onions and crafts made from onions.

II .Main stage. (research)

1. Basic information about onions.

Onion- And herbaceous plants belonging to the subfamily . The scientific Latin name was given , comes from the Latin name , and this, in turn, is probably related to the Celtic word- burning ; another version - comes fromLatin word-smell .

There are more than 900 species in the genus , which grow in . Representatives of the genus grow in meadows, steppes, and forests.

Representatives of the genus have a large oblate-spherical structure, covered with reddish, white or purple shells. Perennial (cultivated species, sometimes biennial), bulbous or herbaceous plants with almost undeveloped bulbs, have a pungent onion (or garlic) smell and taste

Blooms in June-August.

The seeds are angular or round. Fruits in August-September.

Chemical composition.

Bulbs contain nitrogenous substances (up to 2.5%), various(10-11%) ( , , , ), , , and its , , various , salts and , , and , A (3.75 mg%), (60 mg%), (50 mg%), (0. 20 mg%), (10.5-33 mg%), and with a pungent odor that is irritating and nose. Home integral part essential oil are disulfide and other sulfides, the main part of which is en C 6 H 12 S 2, contains a lot.

2. Where did it come to us from? onion

Onion - one of the most ancient vegetable plants. It has been cultivated for five thousand years. Onions are known all over the world, and they came to us from Asia, where ordinary shepherds were the first to eat onions. At first it was believed that only green shoots could be eaten, but over time they began to eat the bulbs of the vegetable.Onion cultivation began in ancient China and then moved to India. At that time, trade was actively developing, so onions migrated to Egypt, where they became simply a cult plant, as evidenced by numerous frescoes and sculptures.Archaeologists found remains of onions inEgyptian pyramids, and on sarcophagi and walls of buildings - various images of it. Since ancient times, onions have found their way to Greece, where they are considered a means of getting rid of all diseases. Warriors of Ancient Greece smeared their muscles with onions before important competitions, believing that the onion would become their reliable assistant. In Rome, onions were actively used for intestinal problems.

Onions have long been grown and cultivated in Rus'.Old Russian cuisine widely used onions for preparing dishes and seasonings from them. Foreign travelers and diplomats who visited Rus' noted that most Rusyns eat dishes so spicy that they are impossible to eat. Onions became the staple food of common people in Rus'. Bread and kvass, and raw onions - these are the main foodstuffs of peasants, artisans, and soldiers. People, naturally, could not know in those days about the phytoncidal properties of onions, which have a beneficial effect on increasing the body’s immunity and its resistance to diseases. In one old Russian herbalist there is the following description of the healing properties of onions: “It softens the womb pleasantly, but it induces thirst and destroys the stinking spirit from the mouth... when used internally, it has an excellent effect on a weak stomach and poor digestion, convulsions of hysterical women, mucous and convulsive shortness of breath, water and stone disease. During prevailing infectious diseases, it is very useful to add onions to breakfast food, to make onion soups with the addition of salt, pepper, and a little vinegar.”

3. Variety of onions.

There are also sweeter types, for example, Spanish

and red onions are great to use in



Shallot has a delicate sweetish aroma and

is a source of the same vitamins as onion



Garlic heads have a white, almost papery appearance.

husk, sometimes with a pinkish or purple tint.


Leek has a more delicate taste thanonion

and garlic


Green onions or salad onions are unripe onion

onion with an underdeveloped bulb, it is harvested when

the green feathers are still quite fresh.


Chives or chives are an aromatic herb with

tiny bulbs, eaten only

green feathers. Their purple-pink flowers too

They are edible and decorate salads nicely.

4.Healing properties of onions

Onions have long been considered a powerful remedy against diseases.In Ancient Greece, according to the ancient Roman physician Pedanius Dioscorides, onions were recommended to stimulate the appetite and “as a cleanser.” The Romans and Greeks attributed to the onion the ability to excite inexhaustible vitality, energy, courage and large quantities used it in the food of warriors.

The healing properties of onions were also known in the countries of the Ancient East., where they said: “Luk, in your arms every illness passes.” Ancient Slavsthey used it for many diseases, and during the years of severe epidemics, they hung bunches of onions in the huts. “The onion cures seven diseases,” said the Russian proverb.

During the Middle Ages, the bow was so popular and people believed in its healing and protective power that they used it as a talisman capable of protecting against the evil eye, the spell of a witch, being hit by arrows, and being wounded by a sword, spear, or halberd. Knights, clad in impenetrable metal armor, wore an onion on their chest.In the Middle Ages, people believed in the ability of the bow to protect against arrows and swords. Medieval knights a simple onion was worn on the chest as a talisman.

Nowadays, scientists have discovered that volatile substances in onions - phytoncides - destructive for many pathogenic and putrefactive bacteria.The discovery of phytoncides belongs to the famous researcher Academician B. N. Tokin. It was he who first noticed that the volatile substances of mashed onions have a detrimental effect on yeast cells. Many scientists are now working to develop a type of onion that does not cause tears. But the fact is that this special taste and smell of onions has a beneficial effect on the human body. So onions that do not cause tears will have a completely different taste and smell. It has been noticed that people working in greenhouses where all year round grow green onions, rarely get colds and flu, even during the most severe epidemics.

It is known that chewing an onion for three minutes is enough to kill all bacteria in the mouth. It is also recommended to eat raw onions for vitamin deficiencies and to prevent influenza. Green onions contain many useful substances, especially vitamin C. 100 g of green onions will satisfy a person’s daily need for this vitamin. Fresh onions improve digestion and promote better absorption of nutrients. Two centuries ago, onions were used to treat typhoid, flu, scurvy, decreased vision, impotence and other diseases, as well as wounds, burns, and hair loss.

5. about onions.

    Onion (Allium) is a genus of biennial and perennial plants belonging to the subfamily


    The Latin scientific name - allium - was given by Carl Linnaeus and comes from the Latin name for garlic, and it, in turn, according to one version, is associated with the Celtic word all - burning; another version derives the name from the Latin halare - to smell.

    There are more than 900 species in the Onion genus that grow in the Northern Hemisphere.

    Representatives of the genus grow in the steppe, meadows, and forests.

    228 types of onions are vegetable crops.

    It is difficult to establish the homeland of onions. Most researchers believe that onions

comes from southwest Asia.

    There is very ancient - from the Bronze Age - evidence of the use of onions in Europe.

    In the Babylonian collection at Yale University are three small clay tablets that are the first cookbooks known to us. They describe a “culinary tradition of astounding richness, elegance and skill,” with many aromas and flavors still familiar to us today. It turned out that in Ancient Mesopotamia the entire onion family was simply adored. Mesopotamians widely used not only regular onions, but also leeks, garlic and shallots.

    The onions and garlic were known as early as 3000 BC. e. The historian Herodotus, who lived in Ancient Greece 2,500 years ago, noted that there was an inscription on how much garlic and onions were consumed as food by workers. It read: “1,600 talents of silver were spent on onions and food for slaves.”

    Scientists archaeologists discovered an image of a bow on the tomb of Tutankhamun, dating back to 1352 BC. e.

    It is known that 5000 years ago onions were grown in,.

    Onions were necessarily included in the provisions of noble knights in the Middle Ages, during the Crusades. The French exchanged their captured compatriots with the Saracens, paying eight onions per person.

    Onions came to America thanks to the expedition of Christopher Columbus; first they were planted on the island of Isabella, and then spread throughout the continent.

    If we calculate onion consumption per capita, Libya becomes the world champion, where, according to the UN, the average citizen eats more than 33 kg of onions per year. “We add onions to everything,” say the Libyans. In second place is Senegal, whose residents on average consume about 22 kg of onions per year. Residents eat somewhere around 9.3 kg per person per year. But the residents, whom the British traditionally consider “onion eaters,” actually get by on a modest 5.6 kg per person.

    In India, not a single meal is complete without onions. Fluctuations in the cost of onions are noticeable to every common person. The political weight of onions comes from the fact that this vegetable is an integral part of life in almost every Indian home. Perhaps the most significant case of this kind was in 1998, when analysts attributed the defeat of the ruling BJP party in the Delhi elections to the rise in onion prices.

    The widespread onion got its name from its external resemblance to.

    The leek is one of the national symbols of Wales. In the 6th century, according to legend, the bishop and educator David of Wales, during the battle against the Saxons, which took place in an onion field, called on his soldiers to attach a leek to their helmet to distinguish their comrades from their enemies. Therefore, on March 1 every year, the people of Wales celebrate a national holiday - St. David's Day.

    Onions contain more natural sugar than apples and pears. Onion slices contain 6% sugar. When fried, when the caustic substances evaporate, the onion becomes sweet.

    Onions are an excellent fat burner. There is even a special onion diet, during which you need to consume onion soup.

    People say that onions cure seven ailments. It has been noticed that people working in the greenhouse where green onions are grown do not get the flu even during the most severe epidemics.

    Onions serve as a pain reliever for bites, and. To do this, you need to immediately rub onion juice into the bite site.

    It has been scientifically proven that substances that cause the taste, smell and tears from onion processing can fight cancer cells.

    Riddle: “The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats, whoever undresses him sheds tears.” The reason for such tear-producing onions lies in a special substance - lachrymator (from the Latin lacrima - tear). When the bulb is cut, the lachrymator is released and dissolves in water and, in particular, in human tears. This produces sulfuric acid, which irritates the mucous membrane of the eye. And now it is clear why onions are peeled by wetting it or a knife with water - the lachrymator dissolves in water and is practically not released into the air. If onions are frozen before peeling, the activity of the lachrymator also decreases sharply.

    Onions improve appetite, food absorption, and increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

    Onions have bactericidal and antiseptic properties, fight viruses and accumulate the life-giving energy of the earth.

    Onions can be used to treat bites. To do this, simply apply chopped onion to the bite site. It will draw out the poison, reduce swelling and speed up the healing of the skin.

    Onion juice is a highly effective cough syrup, but it is quite unpleasant to consume in this form. Therefore, when you cough, it is better to put a piece of onion in your ear. This way, the onion juice will enter the bloodstream and relieve an unpleasant cough.

    Onions bring down the temperature. If your child has a high fever, cut the onion into rings and soak it in apple cider vinegar. Then, using socks, we apply the bow to the feet. It is worth putting pieces of onion in your ears. The fever from this medicine subsides very quickly.

6. Proverbs and sayings about onions

III .The final stage

1. Conclusion.

Our experiment showed that green onions grow well in a bright and warm place from small bulbs. The children enjoyed growing green onions. This is a useful and exciting activity. Several children continued to grow green onions at home in order to make tasty, healthy dishes with them and not get sick.

The children got acquainted with the history of onions, their diversity, and what significance they have for people. We learned how to plant onions “on greens” and care for them. Using a microscope, we examined onion cells and found out why onions make your eyes water. We collected proverbs, sayings, and riddles about onions. We found out that there are many fairy tales about this vegetable.

Green onions helps fight winter and spring ailments: colds and flu, and other diseases. If you use onions constantly, and especially in the cold season, you will not be afraid of any diseases!

The work was completed

students of class 1 A of MKOU Zalininskaya secondary school:

    Agarkov Vladislav

    Agarkova Ksenia

    Biryukova Angelina

    Biryukov Rodion

    Grebennikov Ivan

    Drozdov David

    Evglevsky Ian

    Karnaukhova Anastasia

    Kolenchukov Daniil

    Lebedko Arseniy

    Mishin Alexander

    Pashkova Anna

    Bad Arina

    Bad Olga

    Sadirova Jasmina

    Simonenkova Sofia

    Sogachev Dmitry

    Sogachev Ilya

    Timokhin Ivan

    Tkachuk Ekaterina

Project Manager : primary school teacher

Davydova Natalya Alexandrovna.