Yoga for quick weight loss in the lower abdomen. Losing weight with yoga diet for a flat stomach

Yoga is very effective method to cope with this problem, this will be confirmed by any person who has dealt with it at least a little. Of course, exercise alone cannot solve everything: doing yoga will help you visually reduce your belly fat, but 70% of success depends on proper nutrition.

1. Cobra pose (bhujangasana)

This pose not only helps to reduce belly fat, but also strengthens the abdominal muscles. The exercise generally strengthens top part torso, and the back becomes stronger and more flexible.

  • Lie on your stomach, stretch your legs and rest on your palms (they should be located directly under your shoulders).
  • Your chin and toes should touch the floor.
  • Inhaling slowly, raise your body on your arms. Arch your back as far as you can.
  • Depending on how you feel, hold this position for 15–30 seconds.
  • Exhaling slowly, return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise five times with short breaks of 15 seconds.

2. Bow pose (dhanurasana)

The pose strengthens the central part of the abdomen. To achieve good results, try slowly swinging back and forth while performing the exercise. This improves digestion and trains flexibility throughout the body.

  • Lie on your stomach, bend your knees, lift your shins up, place your hands behind your back and grab the outside of your ankles.
  • Inhale, and exhale, bend as much as possible, lifting your pelvis and chest from the floor. The head should be moved back as far as possible.
  • Try to hold this pose for 15-30 seconds and watch your breathing.
  • As you exhale, return to the starting position, stretching your arms and legs.
  • Repeat the exercise five times with 15-second breaks.

3. Boat pose (naukasana)


A wonderful pose to remove fat from the waist. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on appetite and strengthens leg muscles.

  • Lie on your back, stretch your legs, place your hands next to your body, palms up.
  • Inhale and slowly lift your legs, try to keep them straight and do not bend your knees.
  • Point your toes and try to raise your legs as high as possible.
  • Stretch your arms and try to reach your toes; keep your body at a 45 degree angle.
  • Breathe evenly and hold the position for 15 seconds.
  • Exhale deeply.
  • Repeat the exercise five times with breaks of 15 seconds.

4. Plank (kumbhakasana)

Kumbhakasana is one of the easiest poses in yoga, but at the same time very effective for burning fat. tones and strengthens the shoulders, arms, back and buttocks.


The exercise is contraindicated for people with high blood pressure and those who have back or shoulder pain.

  • Get on your knees, place your hands in front of you.
  • Walk your legs back and rise on your toes, as if you were doing a push-up; raise yourself up on your hands.
  • Take a deep breath, stretch your neck and look straight ahead; your back should be straight, you will feel a slight tension in the abdominal area.
  • From head to toe, your body should be like a straight line.
  • Hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds; If you feel strong, try to do this for as long as possible.
  • Repeat five times with short breaks.

5. Wind Release Pose (Pavanamuktasana)

In addition to the fact that this asana reduces lower back pain and strengthens the abdominal and hip areas, it has many more benefits. For example, the wind release pose improves intestinal function, normalizes acidity levels, and speeds up metabolism.

  • Lie on your back, stretch your legs, stretch your arms parallel.
  • Stretch your legs, keeping your heels together.
  • As you exhale, bend your knees and slowly lift them towards your chest.
  • To maintain the correct position, clasp your knees with your hands.
  • Breathe deeply and hold this pose for 1–1.5 minutes.
  • As you exhale, lower your legs and arms to the floor.
  • Repeat this exercise five times with breaks.

Waist and hips, many are beginning to doubt their results. It's amazing what you can do without running around the stadium until you're exhausted, or without exhausting yourself for hours. Nevertheless, it is true. The fact is that in yoga classes not only the body is trained, but also the brain along with.

Did you know? In 2005, research by Alan Crystal and scientists from the Cancer Research Center, during which 15.5 thousand people were examined, showed that people with overweight who did yoga for at least 30 minutes once a week for 4 years lost weight; and those whose weight was normal did not gain weight.

Although science has not yet sufficiently studied the connection between yoga and yoga, the fact remains: there is a result. It is quite possible that a person’s internal harmony and psychological health helps improve metabolism and breaks the connection between mental instability and food consumption.

In other words, yoga can be used for weight loss, for flat stomach And thin waist, because:

  • Yoga allows a person to relax, free his thoughts from constant worries and problems, the body and mind become one and are balanced, so metabolic processes in the body are normalized.
  • Yoga makes it possible to improve your work internal organs. Various poses make you better tense the muscles around the internal organs, stimulate blood circulation, work of tendons, joints, and the digestive system. As a result, various harmful substances are removed from the body and metabolism improves.
  • Yoga classes include not only physical training, but also mental. Yoga teaches you to distract yourself from everyday problems that cause a person to feel a lack of happiness. Trying to find it again, the brain forces a person to fill the void with pleasure from. Freed from negative ones, the body ceases to need to muffle them with food.


It is better to avoid yoga if you have:

  • Mental illnesses.
  • Damage to the heart muscles (diseases that cause them to change).
  • Infection of the motor system.
  • skull, brain, spine.
  • Infection of the central nervous system.
  • Cancerous tumors.
  • Gallstones.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Peptic ulcer, acute gastritis.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs.
  • Increased or decreased temperature.
  • You feel unwell, you are very tired, you have been doing heavy lifting physical work, ate heavily.
  • After surgical interventions.
  • Less than 6 hours after the sauna or less than 4 hours before it.

The presence of various diseases does not mean that you need to give up yoga completely. It’s just that intense training is contraindicated for such people, and modern yoga offers a lot of different options that do not require performing rigid asanas.

Important! During menstruation, it is better to reduce the intensity of training, do not strain your abdominal muscles, and do not bend too much. If there is pain or excessive discharge, it is better to stop exercising.

Which yoga is better and more effective for overweight people?

Choosing a type of yoga is a difficult task and it is best to focus on your own preferences: whether you like to move or not, want to relieve tension, reveal your inner energy, like to practice alone or with company. You should also consider whether you are new to yoga or whether you have health problems.
Basically, people trying to lose weight choose:

  • - an ancient type of yoga aimed at relieving tension, focusing attention, balancing and breathing, and working the internal organs. Suitable for people with musculoskeletal diseases.
  • - in this type of yoga, asanas (postures) are performed slowly, using various types supports
  • Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga- hatha yoga is performed without stopping, connectedly, this technique is called vinyasa. The effectiveness of exercise depends on proper breathing.
Any type of yoga can contribute to weight loss, they all contain asanas for training the abdomen and sides, the main thing is to follow the technique and regularity of training, doing less, but more often. Sometimes, to make a final choice, you need to try different types yoga

Did you know? In an interview, Madonna stated that she was truly addicted to yoga, doing it 7 days a week. According to the singer, she became so flexible that she could perform in Cirque du Solei.

Preparing to study at home

Before starting the exercises, you need to prepare:

  1. Choose a time and place for classes.
  2. Prepare free .
  3. Study the instructions for performing the exercises.
  4. Ventilate the room, but not to the point of frost.
  5. Remove decorations.
  6. Prepare the mat.
  7. Do not eat.
Don't imagine your future appearance- this leads to denial of today's appearance and does not allow you to have fun.

Warm up - perform self-massage

It is important for training that muscles that are not warmed up will not be able to stretch properly and may be injured. To warm up before yoga you need:

  1. Stretch your palms, fingers, hands.
  2. Rub your neck.
  3. Massage your head with your fingertips.
  4. Stretch your ears.
  5. Rotate your neck.
  6. Rotate your hand joints.
  7. Stretch your arm muscles by folding them behind your back.
  8. Stretch out with your whole body.
  9. Rotate your leg joints.
  10. Rotate your pelvis.

Yoga for weight loss for beginners - 15 minutes a day

For those who value their time highly, we offer yoga exercises for a flat stomach, designed for 15 minutes a day, and involving a smooth transition from one asana to another, that is, vinyasa (flow), and calm breathing.

  • Pose. Stand freely, do not tense, keep your hands down. Inhaling, raise your arms up; exhaling, bend forward and press your palms to the floor, you can bend your legs slightly. Inhaling, lift your head up, directing your gaze to the ceiling (you can just forward). Exhaling, tilt your head and jump back (you can simply put your legs back one at a time). Do not relax or bend your arms, legs or torso. Place your palms and toes on the floor, spread your arms and legs shoulder-width apart. This exercise will remind you of a push-up when you just rise up from the floor. Fix the position, tense your muscles, breathe calmly. Mentally focus on the abdominal muscles, imagine how they tense. This is the starting position for the following exercises.

  • Continuing to be in the outgoing position, move your left hand close to your right, lean on it, exhaling, throw your right hand up, rotating your torso along with your legs behind it so that you find yourself on your side. The emphasis is on the left palm and the edge of the left foot. The head is directed upward, look at the fingers of the right hand, the back is straight, slowly stretch it out. Fix the position, breathing calmly. Mentally fixate on the muscles of the abdomen and thighs. Exhaling, return to the outgoing position and do the exercise, resting on your right hand, and again turn around to the outgoing position.

  • Staff Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana). While in the starting position, bend your elbows, maintaining a right angle, and go down to the floor, without touching it with anything other than your palms and toes. The body and head are stretched out, nothing bends anywhere, the elbows are pressed to the body, the shoulders are pulled back, the head is in line with the body, the gaze is directed to the floor or in front of oneself. It will feel like you're doing a push-up and you're going down. Record the condition. Breathe evenly, focus your thoughts on the muscles of the abdomen and thighs. Exhaling, straighten your arms as you rise and resume the starting position.

  • Inhaling, bend your arms elbow joint, press your forearms to the floor (the part of your arm between the elbow and wrist), place your palms on the floor. Keep your torso straight, do not bend, pull your shoulders back, point your toes on the floor, look down or straight, point your head straight, breathe slowly. Fix the position, mentally target the muscles of the abdomen and thighs. Exhaling, resume the outgoing position (extend your arms).

  • Boat pose (Navasana). While in the starting state of the plank pose, exhaling, move your legs one at a time, placing them between your hands, and point your buttocks up. This way you will find yourself in the position from which you moved to the plank pose at the very beginning of the workout. Inhale the air and, as you exhale, sit your buttocks on the floor. Align your legs in front of you, bringing them together, bury your palms on the floor near your buttocks. Legs, arms and back must be kept stretched, gaze fixed in front of you. Inhale again, exhale, and as you inhale, gradually lower your back a little while raising your legs until your gaze is level with your toes. In this case, you need to raise your hands so that the tips of your fingers are slightly above your knees. Your arms should be parallel to the ground, do not spread your legs to the sides, do not hunch your back, keep your muscles tense, and fix your posture. The time spent in position is not limited.
    Remember to breathe calmly and mentally fixate on the muscles of your abdomen and thighs. Then, exhaling, lower your arms, legs, straighten your back.
  • Half-boat pose (Ardha Navasana or Naukasana). This position differs from the previous one in that the back is more inclined to the ground and the legs are raised less. Inhaling, move your back lower until your lower back touches the mat. Raise your legs a little. The muscles are tense, the legs are connected, the breath can be held, the arms are parallel to the ground.
    The time spent in a position is not limited. For beginners, entering the pose is possible from a lying position. Think about your back and abdominal muscles.
  • Locust pose (Salabhasana). Performed in the same way as the half-boat pose, but from the “lying on your stomach” position. Exhaling, raise your legs, arms and head.

After finishing the exercises, exhaling, lie down on the floor, free your muscles and thoughts for a few minutes, breathe calmly.

Yoga video tutorials for quick weight loss at home

For those who do not believe that you can lose weight with the help of yoga, we invite you to see with your own eyes what effect you can achieve.

Hatha yoga poses

Hatha yoga is suitable for beginners and those who want to learn to feel their own muscles. We offer you instructions for performing hatha yoga asanas for losing belly fat in pictures:

Ashtanga Yoga with Denise Austin for Fat Burning

The Yoga Body Burn video was released by Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga instructor Denise Austin in 2007 and contains several exercises from aerobics, leg training, abdominal and side fat loss, and asanas for relaxation.

Before you start exercising, you need to carefully review the footage, preferably more than once, so that you don’t fall behind while doing the workout, since Denise adheres to a brisk rhythm, which may appeal to those who like intensity.

Yoga with Katerina Buida

The peculiarity of the exercises offered by Katerina Buida in the video is that they are aimed at working all muscles. They are designed for 20 minutes. At the same time, you must remember to breathe correctly and focus on the muscles.

Thai yoga for weight loss

Thai yoga or Rusi Daton (the monk stretches on his own) originated several thousand years ago in the monasteries of Thailand, its advantage is its simplicity, which makes it attractive to beginners, and at the same time it is extremely effective. It includes breathing exercises, self-massage and a number of exercises.

The purpose of such classes is to achieve balance of body, spirit and mind. By exercising regularly, you can not only lose weight and make your body flexible, but also get rid of stress and a number of problems with the respiratory, cardiovascular, lymphatic, digestive, nervous, endocrine, and musculoskeletal systems. Also, as a result of exercise, blood circulation and sleep improve, immunity strengthens, and irritability decreases.

is a complex reminiscent of Chinese breathing exercises. It includes fitness exercises combined with correct breathing, and is aimed at balancing the soul and body.

This complex was compiled by Joseph Pilates at the beginning of the twentieth century, but became widespread in the late 90s.

In order to achieve maximum effect from training, you need to breathe correctly, focus on training, exercise from an imaginary center under the control of the mind, accurately follow instructions, train and move the whole body, maintain rhythm, smoothly transition from one exercise to another, and do not overexert yourself.

What is better for losing weight at home - fitness or yoga?

The answer to this question cannot be specific, because it is individual for each person. Fitness involves active, fast movements. As a rule, overweight people are accompanied by various diseases - problems with blood pressure, spine. In this case, yoga is more indicated than fitness.

Fitness is well suited for young and active people who love dynamism. You can do yoga even at a very old age.

IN last years a new direction is actively developing - fitness yoga, in which more calm pace exercise helps to train various muscle groups accompanied by calm music and incense sticks.

In order to achieve the greatest effect from yoga, performing exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and hips, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • Do not exercise immediately after eating.
  • Do not exercise immediately before bed, but if no other option is possible, exercise should be done slowly.
  • The best time to do exercises is in the morning.
  • Do not exercise if you feel very tired.
  • Exercise daily.
  • Don't rush to complicate the exercises.
  • Remember to breathe properly and focus your thoughts on the tension in your abdominal and thigh muscles.
  • Relax before you begin the exercises.
  • Tighten your muscles correctly during exercises, do not overexert yourself.
  • Do a warm-up.
  • Don’t set yourself unattainable goals: rapid weight loss and health are incompatible.

Important! The most optimal weight loss is considered to be no more than 5 kg per month.

Yoga is perfect for fat people, because it does not overload the heart and blood vessels, it allows you to relax, get rid of negative thoughts, love yourself, which eliminates the need to eat stress and leads to weight loss.

For those who want to put their waist in order, improve the functioning of the body, and increase muscle tone, you can use yoga exercises to lose weight in the abdomen and sides - a complex of asanas, breathing techniques, and meditation. Several thousand years of practice have helped people make their bodies flexible, elastic, and get rid of excess weight. Systematic exercises lead not only to weight loss of the sides, abdomen, thighs, but also to rejuvenation of the body as a whole.

Does yoga help you lose weight and get rid of belly fat?

Numerous studies confirm that yoga exercises for losing belly fat and sides are more effective than traditional gym workouts. Just half an hour a day of performing certain asanas can save you from 2.5 kg of excess weight per week. Exercises and meditation lead to a connection between the mind and body, which allows you to intuitively move to healthy eating, refuse harmful products.

Benefits for the body

The exercise system helps to cope with excess weight in several ways:

  • getting physical activity;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • formation of healthy eating habits.

As a result, you will certainly lose weight, although the desired goal will not be achieved as quickly as with fitness classes. There are other benefits to these workouts. Classes will bring great benefit for the body:

  • your posture will be straightened and your spine will be strengthened;
  • heart function will improve;
  • the immune system and lymphatic system will be strengthened;
  • Digestion and intestinal function are normalized;
  • pressure will decrease;
  • muscle tension will be relieved.

Which yoga is best for weight loss?

The principle of losing weight with yoga exercises is based on the isometric effect on the muscles. Unlike power loads, muscle tissue tense, but their length does not change. There are many practices that promote weight loss. You can choose any direction:

  1. Hatha. Classic variations of exercises based on a leisurely pace and calm performance of asanas. The load is comparable to strength training. IN base complex 4 exercises. Learning asanas on your own from photos or videos from the Internet can be dangerous, so seek professional help from a trainer.
  2. Iyengar. For comfort and high efficiency of this system, various devices are used: rollers, belts, supports. All loads are static; when developing the complex, the individual characteristics of the student are taken into account.
  3. Ashtanga. During exercises from this system, it is important to achieve synchronization of breathing with movements. The result is internal heat and profuse sweating of the body. Increased oxygen supply ensures the accumulation of vital energy. The practitioner gains strength and lightness.
  4. Kundalini. The system includes meditations combined with movements. The classes have no contraindications, after regular training the body will gain flexibility, mobility, and endurance. Additional benefits are increased resistance to stress, improved body function, increased awareness and self-discipline.

Yoga at home

Yoga does not involve dynamic movements. In some asanas you need to move, in others you just need to stay in a certain position. It is important to follow all the rules of execution and monitor your breathing. For beginners, it can be difficult to independently assess the correctness of performing asanas, so it is recommended to contact a specialist who will teach the technique and select a complex based on the state of the beginner’s body.

For the abs and waist

To form perfect figure, beautiful belly and sides, maintaining shape, you don’t have to exhaust yourself with strength training, adopt yoga asanas. Static exercises will help you form graceful body curves and strong abs:

  • bar;
  • Downward Facing Dog asana;
  • Eagle pose;
  • Twisted stomach;
  • Setu Bandha Sarvangasana;
  • Walking turtle.

For a flat stomach

This type of workout will help remove excess fat around your belly. One of the effective practices is healing self-massage. Warm up your hands by rubbing them together, then in a circular motion Knead your sides and stomach in a clockwise direction. Massage 2-3 times a day to increase blood flow and speed up the fat burning process. Some of the current yoga exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides include the following:

  • Cobra pose;
  • Pavanmuktasana;
  • Bow pose;
  • Uddiyana bandha.

For beginners

Overweight people who have never exercised will find it difficult to lose weight through cardio or strength training. Yoga will help strengthen your muscles even with the most simple exercises, accessible to beginners. The main task is to focus on the correct execution technique, as well as breathing, in this case you can count on a good result.


A common problem for women is big belly. Certain exercises from Indian practices will help you make your figure slim and flexible. With daily training, the results will be visible within two weeks. Before starting your workout, be sure to warm up. Fixation in the asana is needed for 1 minute, but for beginners this period can be shortened. Perform each exercise at least 2 times.

Starting position – lying on your stomach:

  • Legs straight, brought together, feet extended.
  • The arms are bent at the elbows, pointing upward, the hands are located under the shoulders.
  • While inhaling, lift your body without resting on your palms, using your back muscles to move.
  • Halfway up, inhale and exhale slowly twice.
  • At the end of the lift, your arms should be straight. Pull your head and neck up, your chin should be directed towards your chest, and your buttock muscles should be tense.
  • After two breathing cycles, exit the asana.

Downward facing dog

One of the popular yoga exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides is Downward Facing Dog asana. First you should do a warm-up, the end of which will be the child’s pose - Balasana. To perform Downward Facing Dog asana, after warming up, take a kneeling position as follows:

  • Place your palms at shoulder level, open your fingers, and focus on their pads.
  • keep your back straight, hips perpendicular to the floor;
  • fix your feet, bend your toes, and your heels should look up, the outer ribs of your feet are parallel to each other;
  • Point your face down, between your hands; your neck should not bend, continuing the line of your back.

From the position you need to move to the plank. To do this, bend your knees and pull your pelvis towards your heels. Keep your neck parallel to your spine. Place your fingertips on the floor with your fingertips apart. Take 1-2 steps forward. You should feel the tendons under your knees stretch. Relax your head between your hands and your body. Extend your legs as much as possible, placing your feet firmly on the floor and keeping your arms straight. The pelvic bones are directed upward. You need to stay in the asana for 30 seconds - 1 minute, breathe regularly.

Warrior Pose

Yoga for the abdomen, buttocks and thighs suggests the Warrior Pose exercise:

  • To perform the asana, stand straight, then take a wide step back.
  • When performing, the feet are firmly on the floor. You need to straighten your lower back, raise your arms up.
  • Breathing remains even and calm all the time.
  • Maintain the position for as long as you can stand it.
  • You can make the task more difficult by turning your body to the left or right.

Dhanurasana – bow pose

To perform the exercise, you need to lie on your stomach and relax:

  • Stretch your arms along your body.
  • Inhale deeply, bend your knees, lift them and clasp your ankles with your hands.
  • The pose resembles a drawn bow. Raise your head, chest and hips as high as possible, tense your back, leave your arms straight.
  • You can hold your breath in this position or take slow and deep breaths. Maintain the asana for as long as possible.
  • While exhaling, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5 times.


Stand up straight, draw in your stomach, tense your legs, and then:

  • Inhale, spread your legs 1 meter wide, spread your arms to the sides parallel to the floor surface.
  • Exhale, embrace right hand right shin.
  • Inhale and draw in your sides.
  • Stretch your left arm up, while turning your head to the left. Hands are located on the same line.
  • Turn your legs out: the right one completely, and the left one 45 degrees. Concentrate your gaze on your left palm.
  • Stretch your spine and neck as much as possible. Hold the position for 30-60 seconds, then repeat on the other side.


Classic yoga for the abs and waist includes plank pose or Kumbhakasana. To perform it, you need to press your palms to the floor shoulder-width apart and transfer your body weight to them. Stretch your legs, press your socks tightly to the surface. This position resembles a plank or standard push-up position. The body should be in the same plane, the back and legs straight.

Exercise technique

To give classes excellent results in the form of losing weight, improving the functioning of systems and organs, improving mood, you should adhere to certain rules:

  • training is carried out in a well-ventilated area;
  • the best time is early morning or late evening;
  • breathing is carried out through the nose;
  • The exercises are performed on an empty stomach.


Learn correct execution Asanas can be practiced not only under the guidance of a trainer, but also at home, using videos from professionals. Experts will show you when to lower or raise your arm, how to breathe during an exercise, what position to put your foot in, how to stand up or lie down correctly. Choose the most comfortable and effective exercises for yourself.

Stomach retraction exercise

Simple exercises

Hatha yoga exercises

IN modern world The practice of mind and body – yoga – has become widespread and widely used. Yoga for weight loss is especially popular, as it helps to achieve the desired shape without harming your health, but strengthening it. In this article we will take a closer look at yoga for losing belly fat.

Features of poses for the abs and waist

Yoga for the abdomen has certain features and rules that must be followed to achieve the desired result. Please pay attention to the following:

    conduct classes in the morning on an empty stomach or two hours after eating;

    Before class, do a warm-up to prepare your body for the stress;

    start with the basics and don’t overexert yourself, increase the load and time gradually;

    repeat each exercise three to four times, no more;

    create your own training regimen and strictly adhere to it;

    try to comply proper nutrition and drink 1.5 liters of water daily;

Losing weight in the abdominal area is slow and unnoticeable, so be patient.

Poses for a flat stomach

Yoga exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides involve taking certain poses - asanas, which must be performed strictly while holding inhalation. Thus, the diaphragm is used in the breathing process. When you inhale (through the nose), the stomach inflates, when you exhale (through the mouth), it retracts.

Important, to rib cage remained motionless.

When breathing technique will be sharpened, start doing the exercises. Pay attention to their names and main functions:

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)

7 Mar 2017


Hatha yoga is an ancient Indian science that helps achieve physical and mental balance. A set of exercises improves metabolism in the body and allows you to keep the body in good shape. Girls who dream of making their figure slim should definitely try several popular asanas for weight loss.

Is it possible to lose weight with yoga?

Looking at people who regularly perform these exercises, many sincerely admire the results. Yoga for losing belly fat is really very effective. According to the observations of doctors whose patients began to study according to the system, a significant decrease in body weight is observed after just a few weeks regular classes. This happens due to the fact that the functioning of all body systems improves:

  • metabolism is restored;
  • appetite decreases;
  • general condition improves;
  • swelling disappears;
  • skin tightens;
  • muscles are strengthened;
  • blood pressure and sleep are normalized.

Yoga exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides

Starting to do the exercises that yoga offers for the waist and abdomen is not enough. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to follow simple rules:

  1. Start practicing with a few minutes a day, gradually increasing the complexity.
  2. Adhere to the principle of regularity, do not miss a single day.
  3. Repeat each exercise 3-4 times.
  4. Do a short warm-up before class.
  5. Perform asanas on an empty stomach or 2 hours after eating.
  6. Drink more water, about 1.5 liters per day.
  7. Do not judge the results until 2-3 weeks have passed.
  8. Try to eat less sweets and fatty foods, and more vegetables.

Yoga poses for losing weight on the stomach and sides are varied. Each of them is aimed at working individual muscles, and together they lead to excellent results. The asanas are named after the animals, people or objects they resemble in the photo. The following poses are used for slimming:

  • Cobras;
  • Dogs;
  • Warrior;
  • Crescent;
  • Boats;
  • Camel.

A prerequisite before starting classes is to consult a doctor. In some diseases, increased physical exercise contraindicated. Exercises cannot be performed if:

  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • pneumonia;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • oncology.

Dog Pose

Adho Mukha Svanasana is translated as Dog Pose. The exercise strengthens the leg muscles and makes the abs flat. To perform, you need to get on all fours with your arms stretched forward. As you exhale, straighten your legs, lifting your pelvis up. Heels and palms should be pressed firmly to the floor, head tilted down, neck relaxed. The body should resemble a slide, in which the legs act as a ramp.

Cobra Pose

Reviews of Bhujangasana, or Cobra pose, say that it helps to work out deep muscles abs and backs. It is good for strengthening the spine and improving the functioning of the digestive tract. Instructions:

  • Starting position: lying face down on the floor. Place your hands at chest level.
  • After inhaling, lift your torso up with straight arms.
  • Pull your shoulders back, pull your stomach in as much as possible.
  • Hold for a few seconds, relax and repeat the exercise.

Warrior Pose

Virabhadrasana - Warrior pose tightens the muscles in the sides and back, improves the shape of the legs. This exercise has several variations. To perform the first, you need to take the starting position, standing straight and placing your legs at a distance of about 80 cm from each other. Raise your arms up, place your palms together. Without lifting your feet off the floor, bend your right knee and turn your body in the same direction. Stay in this position for 1 minute. Repeat with a twist in the other direction.

To perform Virabhadrasana 2, the same position is adopted. Place your legs on one line, bend your left knee at an angle of 90 degrees. Extend your arms to the sides parallel to the floor, turn your head to the side bent leg. Freeze, tensing your abs, for 30-60 seconds. Do the exercise in both directions. This static pose is good for strengthening your arms and side muscles.

The third variation of Virabhadrasana is suitable for people who have been practicing yoga for several months. She demands special training and excerpts. You need to stand straight, raise your knee to your chest, hold it and lunge back with your leg, tilting your body forward. The torso and leg should form a straight line parallel to the floor. Stretch your arms along your hips or spread them to the sides for balance.

Camel Pose

Another effective asana that quickly tones the sides, back and stomach is the Camel pose, Ushtrasana. It is indicated for people with frequent colds because it develops flexibility of the spine and strengthens the respiratory system. People with many years of practice advise laying a mat. You need to sit on your knees with your hands on your hips. Then rise so that your feet and knees remain pressed to the floor. Bend your body back, touching your heels with your palms. Beginners can perform half Camel pose by moving their arms back one at a time.