What family does the carp fish belong to? Photo of carp fish, composition and calorie content; how to select and store; using the product in cooking with video; benefit and harm; how to catch correctly

Carp - freshwater fish carp family. The fish is widespread in the rivers of Russia, in European reservoirs and in Southeast Asia.

Description of carp fish

A strong fish with a powerful, somewhat elongated body and slightly pressed sides. She has up to 38 vertebrae. The carp is distinguished by its large, golden, dense scales, interspersed with dark color at the base and a black border. On the high back of the fish there is an elongated gray fin with a notch and sharp rays; there are two dozen of them. The lateral fins and tail are brick-colored, and the anal fin is brighter. The lifespan of carp reaches three decades.

Features of the view

On the large head of the carp there are small and mobile eyes with large pupils and a golden iris. But what is especially remarkable about this fish is its mouth with convex lips, which it pulls forward while feeding. The carp has a mustache at the corners of its lips on both sides, with which it, like a sapper, probes the sandy bottom, looking for food. The pharyngeal teeth growing in three rows help the fish crush and grind its prey.

Color and size

The carp is very beautiful. With a seemingly solid golden color, its back always has a darker shade than its sides, and its belly is light, cream-colored.

Often the fish grows to half a meter in length, while its weight ranges from 2 to 3 kg. But it happens that a carp, which grows up to the age of eight, reaches a meter in length, and its weight turns out to be more than 20 kg. There have been isolated cases of catching this fish weighing over 40 kg.

Known species

Large Russian rivers and reservoirs in Europe are the favorite habitats of European carp. From the wild European carp came such wonderful species of fish as the mirror or

King carp, known for its few and surprisingly large scales on almost bare skin. And also leathery, which has no scales at all.

In the Aral Sea - in the Syr Darya and Amudarya - the Aral carp is known.

In the Far East, in China, there is an Amur carp with slightly smaller scales. This species allowed breeders to develop amazingly beautiful ornamental fish - koi carp (brocade carp), distinguished by their unusually bright scarlet color.

A subspecies of the Vietnamese lake carp has become widespread in Indochina.

Where does the carp live?

This fish is found over vast areas, the common carp is found in the basins of the Aral, Mediterranean, Azov, Black, Caspian, Baltic and North seas, as well as in Lake Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan. The introduced Amur carp lives in the Kamchatka region, in Siberian and Far Eastern rivers, in China and the countries of Southeast Asia.

For carp, the brackish water of the Black Sea rivers is not a problem. It thrives in reservoirs, ponds, rivers and lakes. The sedentary form of these fish does not leave one body of water, living there permanently. The semi-anadromous carp migrates from lakes and lagoons during the breeding season; this is observed in the tributaries of such rivers as the Kura, Dnieper, Kuban, Don, and Volga.

Its habitat is reservoirs with stagnant water and an uneven muddy bottom. The fish is very thermophilic, feels good in well-warmed water surfaces of reservoirs, the optimal water temperature for carp is +25 degrees. North wind and this fish does not like lowering the temperature. Carp does not like rocky bottoms; it is more attracted to silty areas with snags and depressions. During the daytime, the fish are usually found in holes at the bottom; in the evening they head to the shore, where they find food among aquatic vegetation.

Carp is very sensitive to weather changes. It is a kind of barometer. As soon as it changes Atmosphere pressure, the weather worsens, the fish go to the bottom in the pits and remain there without food until the weather changes. In favorable weather, carp calmly feeds near the shore.

What does carp eat?

Due to the absence of a stomach, the carp is able to absorb food constantly. In the spring, after winter fasting, the fish’s diet consists of aquatic vegetation; in the summer, it already includes living organisms. The carp eats most often:

  • seeds of aquatic plants;
  • reed shoots;
  • algae;
  • duckweed;
  • ciliates;
  • zooplankton;
  • rotifers;
  • larvae;
  • fish caviar;
  • leeches;
  • frog caviar;
  • worms;
  • caddisflies;
  • shellfish;
  • snails;
  • crustaceans;
  • water striders;
  • beetles;
  • daphnia;
  • bloodworm.

Carp's menu changes in different seasons. The spring food of this fish is usually plant-based - aquatic and terrestrial plants, their leaves, stems, seeds. Summer heat forces the carp to combine animal and plant foods; in addition to plants, it feeds on small inhabitants of reservoirs. The autumn food of carp is characterized exclusively by animal organisms - crustaceans, beetles, daphnia.

Late autumn When the water in reservoirs becomes cool, carp descend into bottom holes, bury themselves in the silt and sleep until spring. During the winter they do not eat anything.

How does carp reproduce?

Male carp reach sexual maturity by the age of 3, when they grow over 30 cm in length. Females mature not so quickly - at the age of 3 to 5 years. At the same time, they become longer than males by about 10-15 cm. The fertility of carp is known; the female is capable of laying up to one and a half million eggs during spawning. This happens when the water temperature reaches 15-20 degrees.

The spawning of carp is an unusual sight. They spawn in groups, in which there are three males per female. Everything happens near the shore, at shallow depths, among aquatic plants; carp chooses evening and night time for reproduction. In this place, continuous splashes are heard on the water; often males jump out of the water and then noisily fall into the pond. In shallow water, near the shore, the golden backs of carp, their tail and sharp dorsal fins are often glimpsed.

Fish continue to spawn from May until the end of June, depending on the degree of water heating. Females, in accordance with temperature fluctuations, often spawn in two stages. Carp eggs are yellow, one and a half millimeters in diameter. They attach to plants underwater.

Larvae usually appear on the fifth day. First, their source of nutrition is the yolk sac. A few days after saturation, they turn into fry, already capable of absorbing small microorganisms. As the fry grow older, they begin to eat larvae and plankton.

Carp come to the spawning area in advance, about a month before the start of spawning, and stay at a depth of two meters. They stay there while the water in the reservoir is still cool; as soon as it warms up enough, the carp begins the process of throwing and fertilizing eggs.

Dangerous enemies of carp fish

The first enemy of the carp is considered to be frogs, which sometimes swallow thousands of fry of this fish. Water birds, terns and gulls, which hunt fish from the air and snatch them from the water, are also dangerous for juvenile carp. Predators cause no less harm - they eat carp fry en masse, causing significant damage to its population.

And although the carp is a cautious and fast fish, it is actively caught by fishermen, considering it an excellent catch; it is one of the most popular fish among lovers of river and lake fishing. For this they use float rod with a strong rod or bottom fishing rod with strong fishing line. The bait is usually earthworms, maggots, bloodworms, and the faces of May beetles. Fishermen also use dough, bread crumb, steamed peas or boiled potatoes as bait.

Catching a carp requires some skill. The fish often does not immediately swallow the bait; first it touches it and eats it in pieces. Even if you managed to hook a carp, it begins to desperately rush about and can suddenly go to the shore or under the boat. Sometimes this large fish resists with such force that it can tear the rod out of your hands or break the fishing line. Therefore, it is usually removed from the water using a landing net, otherwise the carp may break loose and leave.

The carp has an excellent reaction to sharp sounds, be it loud voices, the grinding of rowlocks of a boat or another sounding source. The fish’s reaction will be instantaneous; the carp will immediately leave this place and go to depth. Therefore, it is important for the fisherman not to scare him.

Population and species status

It is customary to roughly divide the carp population into two groups. One of them is the carp, which lives in the Caspian Sea and in the rivers of the Aral Sea. Another more common group is found in Asian waters, in China, Burma and our Far East. The Amur carp was successfully brought to Siberian lakes and rivers, to Kamchatka and to the reservoirs of Central Asia.

Spawning grounds for carp have become significantly smaller due to fluctuations in water levels associated with the operation of hydraulic structures. This negatively affects the reproduction of carp as a commercial fish. This is especially clear in the rivers of the southern regions of Russia. In those reservoirs where the flood begins earlier, the population of carp is higher. Carp actively crosses with other individuals representing its varieties, with the same carp. This often happens in carp even with other types of carp.

Commercial value

Carp has always been considered a valuable commercial fish. At the beginning of the 20th century, in the Azov basin (water area of ​​the Taganrog Bay), its fishing accounted for up to 11 percent of the annual catch of all valuable fish. At that time, in the basins of the Azov and Black Seas, the commercial catch of carp reached 8 thousand tons.

In the 60s of the last century in the Aral Sea, carp was one of the main objects of commercial fishing. Its catch accounted for up to 30 percent of the total fish production in this sea.

By the end of the last century, catches of this valuable fish fell sharply. This was facilitated by pollution of water bodies, insufficient fish conservation measures, unsuitable conditions for the reproduction of this species, and the spread of infectious fish diseases.

Subsequently, they practically did not engage in the reproduction of the carp population in the same Azov, so water bodies that were once rich in carp stock, for example, in the Kuban, ended up with a very small number of fish of this species.

Today carp is an important commercial fishery object. Its extraction is carried out using cast seines or nets. At the mouths of the Dnieper, Volga, Kura, Kuban, and Don, there are spawning farms where conditions are created for the natural spawning of carp; here the young animals are raised for a month and a half until they reach marketable weight.

Taste qualities of carp fish

Carp meat is classified as a dietary product. It is useful, first of all, due to its high protein content - up to 20 percent and a small amount of fat. This fish is an excellent source of iron, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium. Carp meat contains high levels of vitamins A, B, C, and E. Fatty acids and Omega 3 are of particular value. It is distinguished by juiciness, tenderness, pleasant sweetness, low calorie content, absence of small bones and rapid digestibility. Carp caviar and milt are also useful. This fish is indicated for reduced immunity, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, and problems with excess weight.

Cooks love to prepare dishes from carp; they always turn out quite juicy and appetizing. This fish is baked, stewed, stuffed. What a delicious carp stuffed with buckwheat porridge!

Its boneless meat makes delicious fish cutlets and meatballs. And what a delicious filling this is for pies and fishmongers! Carp is also good for first courses, fish soup or fish soup. It produces excellent taste.

Cooking carp meat does not require the use of spices common to fish; it is so tasty that there is no point in supplementing it with anything. Carp caviar is also a wonderful dish. After salting, it becomes an excellent snack and delicacy for sandwiches.

People prone to allergies, as well as nursing and pregnant women, should eat carp dishes with caution, because carp sometimes lives in polluted water bodies.

He's the same common carp (Cyprinus carpio) - a species of freshwater fish of the class ray-finned, order Cypriniformes, family Cyprinidae, genus Carp.

Carp is one of the favorite objects of amateur fishing, which is why it is affectionately called “river boar” by fishermen. Although the carp was nicknamed “river pig” for its omnivorous nature.

Carp fry, two weeks old, eat bloodworms and various microorganisms that can be found on the muddy bottom (ciliates, cyclops, small rotifers, then plankton and tendipedid larvae).

Carp grows quite quickly. The growth rate depends on the feeding conditions, the richness of the food supply and the duration of the warm period with water temperatures above + 20 degrees. The carp feeds most intensively at temperatures of 25-29 degrees and stops feeding at temperatures below 8-10 degrees.

Hibernation of carp

In autumn, when the water temperature drops below +8 degrees, carp are one of the first fish species to leave for the winter. For hibernation The carp chooses deep bottom depressions with an impressive layer of silt. The body of the fish becomes covered with a dense layer of mucus, breathing slows down, and feeding stops until spring. Common carp remain in this state all winter, and emerge from torpor after the ice melts, with the first floods, although they begin to show activity only before the start of spawning.

Male carp are ready to reproduce at the age of 3 years with a body length of 29-36 cm. Females become sexually mature by 3-5 years, growing in length to 34-45 cm.

Spawning grounds are always located near the shore, among last year's vegetation. Carp come to the breeding grounds a month before the start of spawning, while the water is warmed up by no more than 10 degrees, and remain at a depth of 1.5-2 m. Spawning of carp begins when the water warms up to 13-15 degrees and above, and is of a group nature and it proceeds very violently. The most intense spawning is observed at water temperatures of 18-20 degrees and above. For breeding fish, they choose shallow water areas near the shore, with a depth of no more than 0.5 m. A school of fish goes out to spawn in the evening, at sunset, and the process can last until 10 am, accompanied by noise and frequent splashes when males jump out of the water and fall back . The dorsal fins, as well as the backs and upper lobes of the caudal fins of fish, constantly emerge from the water. One group usually consists of a female and 2-3 (sometimes 5) males.

Carp are one of the most prolific fish; each female is capable of laying up to 1.5 million eggs. In the deltas of the rivers of the southern seas, spawning begins in early May, reaches a peak in mid-May and ends in June. As they move north, the breeding time of carp shifts to a later time, and spawning can occur in July and even August. Carp caviar is yellowish in color and has a diameter of about 1.5 mm.

Female carp do not spawn all their eggs; some of the unfertilized eggs remain in the ovaries of the fish. In unfavorable years, these eggs are reabsorbed; in years with prolonged flooding, repeated spawning occurs.

Fertilized carp eggs stick to the branches of underwater vegetation. 3-6 days after fertilization, the embryos fully mature, and larvae emerge from the eggs, which are attached to the plants by special glands. They hang almost motionless, occasionally making oscillatory movements to bring in fresh water rich in oxygen. At first, carp larvae feed on the reserves of the yolk sac. After a couple of days, when the yolk reserves run out, they begin to feed on various microorganisms (small rotifers, ciliates, cyclops), and then find larger food (plankton, tendipedid larvae). Benthic organisms predominate in the diet of fry 18 mm and larger. With a sufficient food supply, a young carp by the 2nd year of life can gain a weight of about 200 g.

Carp is a favorite object sport fishing. It is caught well with a worm, steamed cake, peas and specially prepared dumplings. Once hooked, the carp tries to break the fishing line as quickly as possible. If this fails, then the carp tries to cut the line with its serrated dorsal ray. There is a very interesting way of catching carp, based on its habit of passing inedible objects caught with food through the gill slit. Fishermen attach a small brass hook without any barbs next to a dumpling or a piece of cake attached to a leash. The carp begins to suck the dumpling, the hook tickles the head, throat, the front part of the belly, and in order to get rid of it, the carp swallows it and passes it through the gill slit to the outside. As a result, he is caught on a hook and becomes the prey of the fisherman.

Carp - beneficial properties

Carp meat is low-fat, tasty, easily digestible and contains only 95 kcal per 100 g. A number of vitamins (A, E, B, PP), minerals (phosphorus, iron, calcium) and unsaturated fatty acids, which are very beneficial for the human body, are found in meat.

  • Despite its high commercial importance, carp is included in the top 100 most dangerous invasive species. For example, in Australia, carp have proliferated so much that they account for over 80% of the total mass of fish living in the Murray River, the largest Australian waterway.
  • According to fishermen, carp is one of the most life-loving fish species that will fiercely fight for its life, doing everything possible and impossible to get off the hook.

Carp or common carp (lat. Cyprinus carpio) is a freshwater fish of the ray-finned class, order Cyprinidae, family Cyprinidae, genus carps.

The Russian name "sazan" has Kazakh roots and is made up of two words: "saz", ​​meaning "dirt" and "an" - animal. This is how they began to call fish that lives on the muddy bottom in Rus'.

What does carp look like?

In appearance, the carp resembles a carp, but differs in a more powerful body and small scales. The average length of adult individuals is 50-60 cm, although rare specimens grow in length by more than 1 m with a body weight of over 20 kg.

The body of the carp is as tall and thick as that of a carp, and moderately elongated.

The scales are smooth, tightly fitting; the lateral line consists of 32 to 41 scales. The back of most individuals is dark olive in color with a golden tint, the sides are light golden.

The large head is distinguished by a semi-lower retractable mouth, which extends into a tube, like a bream. The lips are fleshy, well developed, with 2 pairs of short whiskers located at the corners of the upper lip. The eyes are small and golden in color.

The long dorsal fin is gray in color and has a small notch. The caudal fin is dark brown, with a reddish tint. The anal and pelvic fins are gray-violet. Moreover, the dorsal and anal fins are distinguished by characteristic jagged bony rays that perfectly perform a protective function.

Where does the carp live?

The general population of carp consists of 2 main groups. One is widespread in the reservoirs of the Far East and Southeast Asia from China to Burma. The other inhabits rivers flowing into the Caspian and Aral seas. The carp was also introduced and adapted to living in the rivers and lakes of Central Asia, Siberia and the Kamchatka region.

Most carp lead a sedentary lifestyle in low-flowing waters with a clayey and silty bottom. It tolerates brackish water well and is often found in desalinated sea bays and large reservoirs.

During the day, the carp prefers to sit in bottom holes, and at dusk it goes to the shore in search of food, trying to stay in the reeds and thickets of aquatic flora.

What does carp eat?

Carp are omnivores and, like all stomachless fish, they can feed almost non-stop. In spring, the basis of the diet is plant food: young reeds, cattails, pondweed; on occasion, the carp will not refuse the eggs of early spawning fish species.

In summer, vegetation recedes into the background, and the main menu consists of worms, aquatic insects and their larvae, snails, leeches, mollusks and molting crayfish. In autumn, the diet consists entirely of animal food - insects, worms and other invertebrates.

With the onset of winter, carp lie down in deep, muddy holes, become covered with mucus and stop feeding until spring.

Reproduction of carp

Males become sexually mature at the 3rd year of life, when the body length reaches 30-36 cm. Females mature at 3-5 years, growing to 35-45 cm.

Depending on the habitat, spawning takes place in fresh or brackish water, close to the shore, at a depth of about half a meter. Group spawning occurs when the water warms up to 18-20 degrees and is accompanied by noise and splashing.

Each female is accompanied by 2 to 5 males; spawning begins at sunset and can continue until 10 a.m. the next day.

Spawning is portioned and lasts from April to mid-summer. Each female lays up to 1.5 million yellow eggs per season, which settle on dense aquatic vegetation. The maturation of fertilized eggs lasts 3-4 days, after which the larvae are born.

After 2 weeks, carp fry begin to consume bloodworms and various microorganisms that live in the thickness of the sludge.

The carp gains most of its weight until it is 7-8 years old, then the growth of the fish stops. Under favorable conditions, carp can live up to 30-35 years.

Using the method of selection from carp, several cultural forms were bred, including mirror carp with an almost naked body and limited rows of large scales, as well as completely naked leathery carp.

One of the most coveted trophies for most floaters and bottom fish is the carp fish. Not everyone can cope with it, which creates even greater interest among the fishing fraternity. To purposefully hunt for trophy prey, one cannot do without a deep knowledge of this species. Only by studying the habits, understanding the place in nature, can one hope for good fishing. And first of all, you should find the answer to the age-old question about the difference between cultivated carp and carp.

Ichthyologists classify carp as a member of the carp family; scientists often mention another name for the fish - common carp. It was thanks to the wild relative that several cultivated forms of carp appeared, which are successfully grown in fish farms. There are two subspecies of this large fish. The European carp is found in the fresh waters of Europe, the Amur subspecies lives in the waters of the Far East.

  • Fishermen value carp for its strength and power. Under favorable conditions, this fish can reach a weight of 20 kg, and the length often exceeds 1 m. One of the differences between cultivated carp and carp is the body length with the same weight. The difference is that wild fish have a more elongated shape. The fish has a golden-bronze color, slightly darker on top, and a light shade on the belly.
  • What is the difference between carp and carp? This is the habitat. The natural habitat of common carp remains rivers and large reservoirs. There are a residential form that lives in the waters of one river or reservoir, and a semi-anadromous form that migrates to rivers for spawning. For sea carp, salty sea waters are their usual habitat. Neither scaly nor mirror carp can live in such conditions.
  • Among the characteristic features of the carp are a large head and short antennae. The fish's main weapon against fishing lines is the jagged ray on the dorsal fin.
  • The spawning period is of particular interest to anglers. Spawning takes place in fairly warm water (18-20ºС) at a depth of up to 0.5 m. Usually, after sunset, a whole group of sexually mature individuals arrange violent “orgies”. Noise and powerful splashes are observed in the coastal zone until 10 am. The ancestor of the carp can reproduce already in the 3rd year of life, reaching a body length of 30-45 cm.
  • Carp adheres to a gregarious lifestyle. Each family is headed by a leader who is responsible for security. When it detects an enemy, it makes a series of cracking sounds.

Photo 1. Carp is a strong and beautiful fish.


Anglers pay increased attention to fish nutrition. If you know what carp eat in natural conditions, it will be easier to choose a catchable bait. In this regard, fishing enthusiasts have quite a wide choice.

  • The list of dishes for this large fish includes both plant and animal components. Carp tries to stay in areas of the river or reservoir where there is a rich food supply. This is explained by the fact that the most intensive weight gain occurs in the first 7-8 years of life, after which the fish gains very little.
  • Juvenile common carp begin to feed on insect larvae, gradually moving on to larger benthic organisms. They live mainly in silt deposits, which is why the fish learn to get food by digging in the bottom soil.
  • To replenish nutrients in spring and summer, carp eats the eggs of spawned species of fish and reptiles. As green shoots appear on aquatic plants, the fish switch to reeds, pondweed, cattails and egg capsules. By mid-summer, animal food appears in the form of insects, snails, leeches and molting crayfish. Closer to autumn, the menu for carp includes barley shells, pond snails, zebra mussels, and reels. The autumn diet is dominated by aquatic insects and various invertebrates.
  • Since the common carp is a stomachless fish, evidence of which is the insides of the caught trophy, it has to feed constantly. Therefore, it is inappropriate to apply the concept of lack of bite in relation to carp.

Behavior of fish in different seasons of the year

You can catch carp only during the season open water. This is explained by the behavior of fish at different times of the year.

  1. In winter, the carp becomes like a bear, the fish occupies deep holes, slows down the respiratory rhythm, becomes overgrown with a mucous coating and falls into suspended animation. Hibernation ends during the spring flood, wild carp emerges from the pits and begins to restore lost calories. You can imagine what carp looks like after wintering.
  2. Carp begins to exhibit properties useful for fishermen in the spring. The closer the spawning time, the more active the fish are biting. The most promising places for fishing are shallow waters adjacent to wintering pits. Before spawning, korops are not particularly picky about their diet, intensively absorbing any food. In addition, the fish prepares for spawning while in large schools; this moment is the most best time for catching trophy carp.
  3. the schools break up, the fish are distributed throughout the entire water area of ​​the reservoir. To wait for a bite in the summer, the fisherman has to for a long time attract fish, carefully select bait and bait. In warm water, an ordinary carp has enough food, so the fish does not accept all the fisherman’s offers.
  4. The autumn feeding of carp is most often observed at the end of September or October. The ichthyofauna senses the approach of winter, and fish begin to create reserves of nutrients in the body. You should look for carp on the path that leads to wintering areas. In late autumn, fish are occasionally caught in deep parts of the reservoir.

Basic fishing methods

Depending on where the carp lives, it is selected suitable way catching him. Successful fishing possible for both traditional and modern gear. The main emphasis is on bottom methods, which allow one to hope for a targeted rather than random capture of a trophy.


The most common method of fishing among amateur fishermen is the feeder. It allows you to accurately cast bait and keep the fish at the bait fishing point for a long time. To defeat carp when fishing, it is important to make a reliable fishing rod. Each element of the gear must be given close attention.

A rod with a length of 3.6-4.1 m is selected from the heavy or extra heavy class.

Important! Spinning reel with a 4000-6000 spool it should have a baitrunner.

The bite of the carp is sharp and powerful, even a small fish manages to steal the fishing rod of a careless fisherman. A monofilament thread with a diameter of 0.30-0.35 mm or 0.12-0.15 mm is suitable for the role of the main fishing line. For a leash, it is better to choose a monofilament or a thickness of 0.22-0.25 mm. There is no need to grind it, you should choose it according to the bait you are using from No. 6-8.

Photo 2. It is almost impossible to pull out a carp without a landing net.

Traditional donks

Provincial fishermen continue to catch townspeople with expensive fishing rods, using. The description of gear that is suitable includes:

  • springs;

The principle of operation of these fishing rods, which have different names, is approximately the same. The rod used is a spinning rod 2.4-3.0 m long, equipped with a Nevskaya or a modern meat grinder. Monofilament fishing line with a diameter of 0.4-0.5 mm serves as the base; for the leash, anglers use monofilament 0.25-0.30 mm. The hook size can reach No. 4-6. Differences between traditional donks should be found in the equipment.

  • Casting baits use a heavy flat sinker, thanks to which the bait is thrown to the desired distance and held at the selected point.
  • Springs are the gear on which it is installed. Appearance it resembles a spring.
  • The nipple or smoktuha is equipped with a special concave plate or a stopper from a plastic bottle. It is filled with viscous dough-like food in which there are hooks.
  • The makukha equipment resembles a pacifier, only the lead plate used is flat. A cube of pressed sunflower cake is tied to it. Fishing hooks are hidden in it.

Fishing from a boat

In the vast waters of reservoirs and large rivers, it is possible to catch fish such as carp only from a boat. The description of the gear is clear even to novice fishermen.

For comfortable fishing from a boat, a short but stiff rod is required. Its length does not exceed 2.1 m, and the test load should be approximately 10-20 g. The tackle can be equipped with an inexpensive inertial reel with a large drum and brake. The main monofilament line is 0.35-0.40 mm, a sliding sinker weighing 10-15 g is mounted on it. The leash consists of a fishing line 0.25-0.30 mm and a hook No. 6-8.

After identifying a promising location, it is necessary to attach the fish within 3-4 days.

Carp– one of the most cautious and powerful river fish, which causes a lot of trouble and vivid experiences when fishing. Makes daily and seasonal migrations. Good knowledge of the reservoir and the ability to determine where and when this fish feeds largely ensures fishing success, which also greatly depends on the correct choice of tackle and bait. For the most part, fishermen have to catch this fish on medium and large rivers with fairly strong currents, and here various modifications of donks are indispensable gear. Although some other types of gear are well applicable when fishing for carp.


Carp (Cyprinus carpio) is a freshwater fish of the order Cypriniformes, family Cyprinidae. The forms of carp are semi-anadromous and residential. The first lives in lakes or desalinated areas of the sea, migrating to rivers to spawn, the second constantly lives in one body of water. Although rare, specimens weighing over 20 kg and a length of more than a meter are found. The carp lives a long time - up to 35 years, but growth stops by the age of 8, so the main weight gain occurs in the first quarter of life. The diet of the carp in spring and early summer consists mainly of young shoots of pondweed, egg capsules, cattails, reeds and other aquatic plants, although it is not averse to profiting from the eggs of early frogs and spawning fish.