How famous nutritionists lose weight: secrets of professionals. Diet from the most famous nutritionist in Russia

Frenchman Pierre Dukan is the most famous nutritionist in the world. His books have been translated into 14 languages ​​and are published in millions of copies. He has a lot of fans, but many doctors hate him. Doctors are outraged by the fact that Dukan prescribes completely eliminating carbohydrates and fats from the diet for two months, and this is dangerous for health. Dukan treats nutrition like a business, they say. The Gazeta.Ru correspondent also thought so, until she talked to the doctor and realized: he’s not that scary at all. It's just that Dr. Dukan doesn't like to say no. Do you want to eat as much as you want and lose weight? Please! But no carbohydrates. Do you want to lose weight without exercising? No problem. You just need to walk more. How can you be angry with such a person?

— Why do you think your diet is so popular in Russia?

— It is popular not only in Russia, but also in many other countries. I don’t know why, but in every country they follow my diet differently. I love coming to Russia, the audience here is wonderful. The passion with which people here immerse themselves in this system is of great importance.

The nutrition system itself is the same in Russia, Italy, France, and the USA, but everyone follows the diet very, very differently. In Russia great importance have social media- all these groups, connections, Facebook, where everyone helps each other. This is where my diet works better because everyone always has some kind of mentor who will say, “Do this. I did that and it worked.” They push each other and that's very, very important.

When I meet such people, they amaze me with their enthusiasm and charge me with energy. They thank me so warmly - and it’s very nice - that it gives me the feeling that we are doing some common cause together.

— So in Russia support is more important than in other countries?

“I can’t explain why, but women create a special world for themselves: they love to gather in groups and be together. And as a team they create their own microclimate. In other countries, men follow my diet just like women, and there are quite a lot of men in support groups. Everything is different here.

In Russia, men also follow a diet: I met two or three who lost a lot of weight, lost a lot - 70, 20 kg - but they do it on their own, alone.

So in Russia, support groups are exclusively female, with their own special atmosphere.

- Why are there so many people in the world? overweight?

- Yes, now there are approximately... Let me think... A billion.

- Billion? But why is that?

— I think because we decided to live in a world of consumption. After 1945, that is, after the war, the world became new - consumer. The ability to buy more things began to excite people. Now consumption brings joy and pleasure. But this is a far from natural way to get pleasure.

The human brain has a reward system built into it, but it doesn't work naturally when shopping. You buy something - you feel joy, you like it, but the buying process does not cause a release of serotonin. Unlike other things like love, good job, poetry, music, thanks to which the production of pleasure hormones occurs.

You see, when a person is born, nothing exists. There is no consumption. There is sex, family, power, nature, the body.

But not things you can buy. This means that we are not created to receive real, true pleasure from our acquisitions. But we are programmed to enjoy food. Food and love are what the possibility of human happiness has always been based on.

Now men and women have forgotten how to love and have forgotten how to eat. Now they love less and less and this makes them eat more and more. Simply because they are unhappy! When you are unhappy, you eat to become happy. When you eat, you get your dose of serotonin. If you don't have a loved one, or you're getting a divorce, or you're having an affair (there are a lot of things), you're sad, you don't have enough serotonin, and you start eating to get it. Serotonin is the most important food.

— It’s good that you started talking about serotonin. One of the complaints that is often made about your diet is that you suggest cutting down on carbohydrates and, accordingly, reducing the level of serotonin, the release of which is precisely what carbohydrates provoke.

- And how to live without this hormone of joy?

— Carbohydrates are not the only source of serotonin. When you eat good cheese, you enjoy it, right? Well, we get serotonin not only from sugar, but also from any other food that we like. Maybe you don't like sweets, maybe you like smoked salmon? Then you will enjoy it! Or dark chocolate. It has a lot of fat, but not a lot of sugar.

Eat whatever you love. But not sugar! This is not pleasure, but addiction. Sugar triggers the reward mechanism in the brain in the same way as cocaine, heroin and other drugs.

And what does not provide serotonin at all is malnutrition. You can't go out hungry. Hunger is terrible. This is an antiserotonin. Typically we can eat no more than 2000 calories per day. These 2000 are over - that’s it, you can’t eat anymore, and you feel stressed. My diet allows me to eat as much as I want. Carbohydrates are not allowed, but only while you are on a diet. And when you're done, you can have carbs and sweets.

In addition, there are many sweeteners now available, such as stevia, a plant that produces a sweet taste. In a word, on my diet you will not be completely deprived of sweets.

— There are quite a lot of women who, impressed by your diet, give up carbohydrates forever.

- Forever?!

- Yes unfortunately. What will you tell them?

- Oh-oh-oh, well, you can’t do it forever. I must tell you that during the first phases of the diet - “Attack” and “Cruise” - you still get carbohydrates from oat bran and dairy products, since lactose is also carbohydrates. That is, they exist, although they are few.

You feel better, you look better, you are more attractive, you look in the mirror, notice positive changes, and this is very nice! The joy of losing weight compensates for the lack of pleasure from sweets and baked goods. You change your life, you change yourself, you gain pride in yourself, and your self-esteem increases. I think this is more important than getting serotonin from sugar. And besides, this is for one or two months, not for life! A whole life without carbohydrates is c"est impossible. It's unrealistic. You simply won't succeed.

— How do you explain the fact that other diets that prescribe a radical rejection of one element, but at the same time leaving two others, also work? For example, there is a diet that is based on a high amount of fat and protein, but a complete absence of carbohydrates.

- Do you mean the Atkins diet?

- Atkins too, but there are others, where there are a lot of fats and proteins, but no carbohydrates.

— Yes, there is also “Yes protein, Yes fat.” The difference between these diets and mine is that I introduce a lot of vegetables into my diet. I say: “Squirrels - as much as you want. Vegetables - as much as you can." But the authors of these diets exclude vegetables. Only protein and fats. That is, you can have pork, mayonnaise, and much more, but you can’t eat plant foods. In my opinion, this is wrong: vegetables are vitamins and fiber necessary for normal digestion. This diet works, but it is difficult to tolerate precisely because of the lack of vegetables. I believe that this is unnatural for a person: a hunter gets meat, that is, protein, a woman collects plants. This is the diet we are programmed for - protein and vegetables.

- Reminds me of the “Caveman Diet”, very popular in the USA.

- Paleo? This is absolutely the same as mine! The first name of my diet from 1975 to 1980 was the Hunter and Gatherer Diet. But the title was too long. The Paleo diet is a variation of my system, which is named differently for marketing reasons. This is a good diet, of course, but there is one point. The Paleolithic era was 2.5 million years ago. And you and I, modern people, - Cro-Magnons, who appeared 100-200 thousand years ago. The difference between us and Paleolithic people is that those people did not have fire and they ate all their food raw. They didn't know how to cook. And it's not very good to eat raw food. But paleo is a good marketing ploy.

— Doctors also say that excess protein is harmful to the kidneys.

- It is not true. There are quite a few important studies that disprove this. For example, the work of an author whose last name is Poplovsky is similar to a Russian name, but he lives in the USA. He did a lot of research on the health of diabetics, whose kidneys were the most damaged, and suggested that they completely eliminate carbohydrates from their diet and eat only proteins and fats. The condition of the kidneys began to improve - slowly, slowly.

The real enemy of the kidneys is sugar. Sugar destroys the kidneys, heart, and internal secretion organs. Sugar is the enemy. But he has many friends. It has a great lobby. When a woman becomes pregnant, doctors prohibit her from drinking alcohol and tobacco. But they should ban sugar too. I hope they start doing this someday.

- Do you eat sweets?

- Sometimes.

— How do you generally eat? Are you following your diet?

— I love fish, especially salmon and sturgeon. I love meat. Well, not that I love it, but I like it, I eat it twice a week, and fish almost every day. I love vegetables, I eat them several times a day.

Fruits, especially apples. Couscous twice a month. Chocolate - dark. I also run every day for 25 minutes. Even in Moscow.

— It’s quite strange for a Frenchman to refuse croissants and baguettes.

— Actually, it’s a myth that the French cannot live without croissants and baguettes. The French only eat croissants on weekends. No, of course, there are those who eat more: we also have quite a lot of people who are obese. But not as much as in other places, of course.

French women are very attentive to themselves and incredibly demanding. They worry about how they look, don't like being overweight, and know how to cook. They also really don’t like to eat when they don’t have company. For example, Americans eat alone - on the go, on the way to work. We - never. You won't see a man or woman eating on the go.

We also love to eat with those we like. There are even studies that confirm that when you eat with someone you like, you eat less. And in a different way. Funny, right?

When I eat with my children, with my wife, I feel completely different than here in Moscow, when I sit alone in a restaurant in the evening. Here I eat more and not that.

“The key to happiness is eating with those you love?”

— There are ten foundations of happiness: food, sexuality, family, position in society, home, movement - sports, dancing, whatever - nature, games, beauty, spiritual experiences. Everything else may be very interesting, but it won’t give you any serotonin. Of these ten points, you may have something more, something less, but the most important thing is family and position in society, work. If any of these things are wrong, you will eat more.

— Last question: is it possible to lose weight without exercising?

- Yes. But you just need to walk a lot. Walking is not a sport. But you definitely need to walk for 20-25 minutes every day. Sometimes walking is even better than running because when you run, you expend more energy, burn more calories, and are hungrier after your workout. When you get home, you eat more. And you can walk as much as you like, and you won’t get too hungry.

Most women from all over the world have encountered such an unpleasant situation as extra pounds: a favorite dress won’t fasten, a skirt is bursting at the seams - how many worries a person experiences at such moments! The first thought is immediately related to diet, and the woman begins to frantically search for information on how to effectively lose body fat in a short time.

Few people think that sudden weight loss sometimes has a detrimental effect on the vital systems of the body, causing the development of many diseases. Diet food is aimed mainly at gradually getting rid of excess “accumulations” without causing harm to the immune system and the functioning of internal organs.

Before exhausting yourself with quick express methods consisting of apples and water, it is worth paying some attention to studying the long years of work of famous nutritionists who have compiled competent nutrition systems that allow you to maintain optimal weight without harm to yourself and smoothly get rid of excess fat. It is worth considering the fact that dietetics is a complex science that deals not only with weight adjustment, but also influences a person who has extra pounds to learn how to eat healthy foods.

Healthy food should supply not only the nutrients necessary for the body, but also carry a full range of vitamins, macroelements, minerals and other valuable substances that are the key to human health. Dietetics teaches a person to eat properly, in accordance with his energy expenditure and the needs of the body - dividing meals into 5-7 times, a person eats small portions of food, each of which carries the nutrients necessary for human life.

A nutritionist is a doctor, under whose strict guidance a person uses a specific nutritional system developed by an experienced professional specifically for him, taking into account his health indicators, existing contraindications and energy costs. An experienced nutritionist will help a person not only lose excess weight, but will also teach him how to eat properly in the future, so that unnecessary kilograms do not return to the person who has lost so much weight.

If the desire to lose weight has completely taken over a person’s consciousness, and he wants to bring his figure closer to the parameters of world celebrities, you can take advantage of the experience of world-famous nutritionists, according to whose systems many people lose weight. In this article you can get useful information about diets that are among the top popularity - they are used all over the world.

Famous world-famous nutritionists have developed special weight loss systems that are popular all over the world.

Dukan protein diet

Pierre Dukan and his famous “protein diet” - most people have at least once heard about this famous French doctor, who devoted more than forty years of his activity to studying the effects of certain foods and their combinations on human body weight. Many celebrities use his diet: actress and singer Jennifer Lopez, Penelope Cruz, top model Gisele Bundchen.

The Dukan protein diet is as follows: eat a large number of protein products, and carbohydrates in the diet are reduced to a minimum. The diet is divided into several important stages: attack, alternation, consolidation and stabilization - the author of this development himself calls his achievement: “Eat and lose weight.” The diet has gained popularity for the reason that a person should not starve - reducing carbohydrate foods, which turns into body fat, helps not to gain excess weight.

Doctor Koroleva's diet

Dr. Koroleva is a famous Russian nutritionist. The queen stands at the head of her own center aesthetic medicine, is the author of popular bestsellers about proper nutrition, works as the host of many television shows about healthy way life. Using her methods, many Russian pop stars lose weight: Andrei Malakhov, Valeria, Alexander Baskov, Philip Kirkorov, Nadezhda Babkina, Natasha Koroleva and Zhanna Friske.

Dr. Koroleva is famous for her individual approach to any client and talks about the key points about her work: her task is to teach healthy and rational eating, taking into account work schedule, physical activity, health characteristics and taste preferences. First, she conducts a full examination, after which she selects a diet that the client himself does not want to give up - motivation to be slim does its job!

Robert Atkins Diet

Robert Atkins himself was faced with excess body weight, so he developed his own your own diet, which is based on such important point, like eating foods that contain as few carbohydrates as possible, which he calls the “bad guys.” Atkins believes the problem is excess weight is hidden not in how much food a person has eaten, but in an imbalance of metabolism - for the most part this concerns a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. The Atkins diet is divided into two cycles: the first phase takes place over two weeks and aims to rebuild the metabolism. The body learns to burn fat, not carbohydrates - as a result, the extra pounds melt away before our eyes. The second cycle of the diet should ideally last a lifetime in order to maintain optimal weight at the desired level on the scale. The Atkins diet is a protein diet, it has its fans: Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie.

"Five Factors" - the popular diet of Harley Pasternak

The author of this diet is a popular fitness trainer for many Hollywood celebrities - among his clients are Alice Kish, Lady Gaga, Hilary Duff. Over the past few years, his weight loss method has been at the top of the popularity ratings, although according to experts, nothing new has been discovered in it.

The principle on which the “Five Factors” diet is based is a combination of regular sports loads with a well-chosen diet proper nutrition. This method makes it possible to lose up to 10 kilograms of excess weight in a month. Harley convinces her clients that they don’t need to “sweat in the gym for days”, torturing themselves physical activity, and then stand for hours in the kitchen, preparing healthy food. A person needs to devote half an hour a day to training and eat healthy, light food.

When a person seriously decides to take care of his excess weight, he must take into account this important point: without the help of a nutritionist, he can significantly undermine his health. Without harm, you can lose only 5-10 kilograms using the systems of famous nutritionists, which are used by a lot of people from all over the world.

The most common cause of excess weight is overeating and it is very important to understand the very reason for this human behavior. Bormenthal's weight loss method is a course of dietary restrictions, as well as an understanding of the causes of weight loss and excess weight. In order to use such a diet, you should first understand how it works and what you need to do with it. In this article we will look at everything related to the concept of Dr. Bormenthal's diet.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is impossible to talk about specific advice and recipes for everyone without exception - this is pointless and even harmful from the point of view of professional nutritionists. After all, for a properly organized diet, it is important to know how physically or mentally difficult the work of the person who decided to go on a diet is, what means he has, how much free time he has and other factors influencing the formation of the diet. Ignore advice to fast for several weeks if you are doing heavy exercise or are unsure how this advice will affect your health. We noted only the most important tips nutritionists, which must be followed for proper, gradual and healthy weight loss.

On the eve of the New Year, many strive to get rid of extra pounds and centimeters at any cost in order to shine slim figure in a festive outfit at New Year's celebrations. We interviewed well-known nutritionists to find out which diets their patients most often choose when trying to get in shape.

As you know, the best diet is the one you can follow throughout your life. Alas, not everyone is guided by this postulate, rushing to urgently lose weight before the holiday.

Malysheva's diet

(193 thousand requests per month in the Yandex system)

Elena Malysheva's diet is a set of ready-made food for weight loss, designed for 4 meals daily. The effect of the diet is due to the low calorie content of foods (800-1200 kcal), a minimum of fat, salt and sugar. Every week you also need to have a carbohydrate fasting day, on which you can eat only cereals.

PROS: No need to waste time preparing food. Eating frequently relieves hunger. Weight loss occurs gradually, at a safe pace (up to 6 kg per month), preventing health risks due to rapid weight loss. Since the diet is balanced in nutrients, it can be followed for a long time.

CONS: Many people complain about the “tidy sum” that they have to pay for ready-made kits, consisting of the most simple products - cereals, eggs, vegetables, chicken, fish, cereal bars and the like. After all, cooking eggs, cereals and chicken soups on your own is not expensive either in terms of money or time. And counting calories with a minimum of practice will not cause any trouble.

Ducan's diet

(115 thousand requests)

The Dukan diet refers to high-protein or low-carbohydrate diets. The basis of the diet is protein products, but carbohydrates and fats are reduced to a minimum. Protein nutrition in conditions of severe deficiency of other nutrients forces the body to intensively use up its fat reserves.

PROS: The diet imposes virtually no restrictions on the amount of food - only on the choice of products. Weight decreases at a rapid pace - up to 3-5 kg ​​per week.

CONS: The diet is not balanced in nutrients, is poor in vitamins and minerals, and therefore carries high health risks. The first of them is the development of ketosis (carbohydrate starvation), expressed in loss of strength, decreased immunity, increased cholesterol in the blood, swelling and headaches. This diet has an impressive list of contraindications and poses a serious threat to the body - especially to the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

(51 thousand requests)

The buckwheat diet refers to mono-diets based on the consumption of one product. The food consists of small portions of steamed buckwheat without salt, oil or other additives. Weight loss due to a poor and monotonous diet.

PROS: Simplicity and low cost of the diet, normalization of blood cholesterol levels, rapid weight loss (up to 5 kg per week).

MINUSES: Tasteless, monotonous food poses a big psychological and physiological problem: irritability, weakness, dizziness develops, headache and other malfunctions in the body. Due to nutritional deficiencies, this diet should not be followed for more than two weeks. There is a large list of contraindications. At the end of the diet, the lost weight comes back, and, as a rule, with excess.

(34 thousand requests)

The kefir diet is also a mono-diet based on the consumption of low-fat kefir. In more gentle options, a minimum amount of other dietary products is acceptable: apples, vegetables, lean meat. Weight loss is explained by the low calorie diet and the diuretic effect of kefir.

PROS: Simplicity and affordability of the product, accelerated rate of weight loss - up to 5 kg per week.

CONS: This diet is designed for short term, since if it is followed for a long time, disorders of the digestive system develop: gastritis, intestinal upset, flatulence. There is a fairly extensive list of contraindications. Due to the ban on many foods, the diet is difficult to maintain psychologically. After finishing the diet, the weight quickly returns.

Diet "Doctor Bormental"

(33 thousand requests)

The nutrition system according to “Doctor Bormenthal” is not a diet in the classical sense. Rather, it is a healthy, balanced and varied diet plus psychological support and motivation that helps patients follow dietary recommendations with pleasure and enthusiasm.

PROS: This method, unlike others, includes long-term customer support from experienced specialists. A professional approach ensures effectiveness, safety and reliable prevention of relapse of extra pounds. Clients are taught in practice how to create the right diet, rich in all nutrients, focusing on their individual taste preferences. There are no bans on products: only their quantity is regulated. The physiological nature of nutrition and psychological comfort make it easy to adhere to this system throughout your life.

CONS: Group psychotherapeutic trainings, personal supervision, individual consultations, diet analysis and constant psychological support are not a cheap pleasure. As a rule, this method is resorted to by people who have unsuccessfully tried many diets and are desperate to lose weight on their own.

(32 thousand requests)

The Kremlin diet, like the Dukan diet, is low-carbohydrate - with the difference that fats are not limited. Its operating principle is to minimize the saturation of the body with carbohydrates by replacing them with proteins and fats. Thus, the cause of weight loss is artificially created carbohydrate starvation of the body.

PROS: No feeling of hunger, rapid rate of weight loss - up to 5-6 kg per week.

MINUSES: A complete ban not only on sweets, but even on cereals, potatoes and bread - not everyone can endure such deprivations. Being saturated with fats and poor in vitamins, microelements and fiber, Kremlin diet creates risks for of cardio-vascular system, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and has a huge number of contraindications.

(31 thousand requests)

The “6 petals” diet is based on the principles of mono-diet and separate nutrition. The essence of its action is the daily separate consumption of foods according to the main nutritional components - proteins, carbohydrates and fiber, as a result of which the body finds itself in conditions of shortage of certain necessary substances. There is also a limit on the volume of foods to create a calorie deficit.

PROS: Short-term and quick effect: in six days of the diet you lose 4-5 kg.

MINUSES: Feeling of hunger, complete refusal of sweets and starchy foods, boring, monotonous diet (you can only eat one product every day of the diet). Due to a poor diet, there are many contraindications. After returning to the regular menu, the lost kilograms, as a rule, return.

(15 thousand requests)

The name speaks for itself: we are talking about a diet, following which you need to consume only one permitted product or a small group of products. We have already touched on this topic, talking about buckwheat and kefir diets. There are also a great many mono-diets in various variations: rice, fish, vegetable, fruit, cottage cheese and even chocolate.
PROS: Obvious advantages include simplicity and low budget. Usually mono-diets do not last more than 2-3 days, so they are unlikely to have time to cause damage physical health and psyche.

DISADVANTAGES: Mono-diets do not provide any dietary variety. No matter how healthy a product is, it will not be able to meet the need for the entire spectrum of nutrients. The body needs fats, proteins, and carbohydrates - therefore any long-term mono-diets are harmful to health. In addition, the results of mono-diets are usually unstable: as soon as you return to a normal diet, the kilograms you lost will return.

(7.5 thousand requests per month in the Yandex system)

The Mediterranean diet is a nutritional system that corresponds to the food traditions of the peoples of the Mediterranean countries. The diet is based on unrefined cereals, flour products from durum wheat, vegetables and fruits, supplemented with dairy products, eggs, nuts, olive oil, fish and lean meat. Only store-bought sweets, sausages, animal fats, snacks and other fatty, high-calorie foods are excluded from the diet.

PROS: An undeniable advantage is the balance and variety of the menu. Eating 5 times a day in sufficient portions promotes satiety and good health. Weight loss is happening at a slow pace, but its results are relatively stable.

CONS: Products on the Mediterranean diet must be natural, high quality and freshly prepared, which requires a significant investment of time and money. Lovers of sweets, pastries, sausages and smoked meats will find it psychologically difficult to give up these dishes.

(6.2 thousand requests per month in the Yandex system)

The apple-based diet is an express diet. Its options are represented by a mono-diet or a combination of apples with a small amount of other dietary products: kefir, cottage cheese, buckwheat, eggs, etc.

PROS: Easy to use and quick results. The diet is suitable for those who love apples, but for others it will be difficult to adhere to due to dietary monotony.

DISADVANTAGES: The diet does not provide a lasting feeling of fullness and provokes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The results of weight loss are very unstable.


As you can see, there is a great variety of diets - there is plenty to choose from! But, in any case, before following any strict diet, we recommend that you consult a doctor, since chronic diseases, allergic reactions and other health problems can be a good reason for abandoning the diet.

And one more important warning. Following the popular belief “the faster the weight is lost, the better,” when compiling the rating, we included rapid weight loss with a particular diet as a “plus.” However, from a medical point of view, this is an absolute minus. No matter how attractive the short-term prospects of diets may seem to you, remember that if the weight goes away too quickly, it comes back even faster.

The main principle that should be followed in the pursuit of beauty is not to harm your body. And if on the eve of the holidays you are faced with an alternative: to maintain your health or to squeeze into an elegant dress one size smaller for a couple of evenings, then the choice is obvious, isn’t it?

Add it to the wall!

Do you want to lose a couple of extra pounds gained over the long winter? Especially for you, the author of “Lady Mail.Ru” found out how the gurus of proper nutrition - famous metropolitan nutritionists - part with “winter surpluses”. Their advice will help you quickly lose weight at home and fit into your favorite “summer” jeans.

What foods should you include in your diet in the spring to lose weight? How to properly arrange fasting days? Do you need snacks during the day and what kind? Our experts - famous metropolitan nutritionists - tested all these secrets on themselves. Choose from a variety of recommendations those that suit you personally, get inspired and get slimmer!

“I try to eat right, so I hardly gain any weight. Of course, in the spring you want to put yourself in order to look better, slimmer, lighter. To do this, I usually use several proven methods.

1. I keep a fast

I give up animal products for a while: this allows me to unload and remove toxins from my body. Usually during this period I eat like this: in the morning I eat porridge cooked in water - oatmeal, buckwheat, quinoa. The latter is rich in plant proteins, which is especially valuable during the period of fasting, when we give up meat products. You can add seeds or nuts to the dish. After 2-3 hours, I definitely snack on apple slices or carrots, which I take with me in my lunchbox. I eat soup for lunch. I prefer pumpkin - it’s filling, tasty and low in calories. It's easy to prepare: boil the pumpkin, grind it in a blender - and the soup is ready! You can add some pumpkin seeds to this soup and garnish with herbs. After 2-2.5 hours - an apple or orange slices (orange juice). For dinner - couscous with vegetables (you can add a couple of Brazil nuts) or fish with a vegetable side dish.

2. On Monday I have a rice fasting day.

Recipe for this fasting day I recommend to my clients. Rice is an excellent enterosorbent that removes excess water and toxins from the body. For unloading, it is better to take steamed rice. Before peeling, it is subjected to heat treatment, as a result of which some of the beneficial substances are transferred from the shell to the grain itself. Before cooking, I advise you to soak a glass of rice in cold water overnight, rinse it in plenty of water in the morning, add boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. During the day you need to eat only rice (until 20.00 in the evening), dividing it into six servings. You need to drink up to 2.5 liters of clean water. During the day you can eat 2-3 tablespoons of honey.

3. I walk as much as possible

This is the most accessible form of fitness. In order to keep fit, you need to walk at least an hour a day. I also use vacuum fitness: I exercise on an exercise bike or elliptical in a special suit, which uses a method of targeted exposure to increased and decreased atmospheric pressure. This provides a lymphatic drainage effect and improves blood supply to tissues.

4. I take vitamin supplements

I advise everyone in the spring to definitely consume B vitamins, calcium, potassium, D 3 - they help increase metabolic processes, improve immunity, are responsible for the beauty of the skin and nails, and provide an anti-aging effect.

5. I drink water and tea without sugar

Marina Studenikina, nutritionist, deputy chief physician of the Weight Factor clinic

"After cold winter Your body has gained a few extra pounds, and you can feel it in your clothes. In addition, due to nutritional disorders, the skin shows signs of redness, dryness, and peeling. Therefore, it is urgent to put yourself in order and return to a healthy lifestyle. To do this I usually do this:

1. Be sure to improve your drinking regime

I make sure I drink clean water without gas, for me daily norm 1.5 liters of water. It is important to drink 200 ml of clean water on an empty stomach in the morning to “start” digestion. I exclude black tea, I haven’t drunk coffee for a long time, green tea strictly two cups a day. The rest is in the form of herbal teas. This ensures absolute absorption of fluid and its correct redistribution. The skin immediately becomes elastic and smooth. Acidity of the internal environment is eliminated, metabolism improves. Yes, and metabolic products are removed more actively.

2. I switch to soups

At the very beginning I use vegetable broth, then I can cook the soup in secondary meat broth (I use chicken or turkey fillet for it). Soups help fill you up with their volume and are low in calories. In addition, the intestines work like clockwork.

3. Be sure to eat a large bowl of lettuce dressed with vegetable oil twice a day

I use loose greens because they contain a lot of microelements that are beneficial for my body. I add sesame seeds, which contain calcium. And I take several types of oils for refilling. The most favorite: cedar, flaxseed, hemp - they contain a large amount of Omega-3 fatty acids (which are known for their very beneficial properties).

4. I use “my” beauty products

This is butter (5 g per day, in the morning - as a source of vitamin A), low-fat cottage cheese, fermented milk products - for the intestines, low-fat fish, vegetable oils, bran in products as a good intestinal cleanser, fruit desserts with agar-agar ( for example, jelly), which restore skin elasticity, eggs (as a source of lecithin and vitamin A).

5. Eat at regular intervals, without snacking

Instead of snacking, I drink water. My dinner is light and includes fish or cottage cheese. At night - kefir for the intestines.

In conclusion, I would like to add that I definitely practice yoga twice a week and walk in the fresh air. I also try to smile more often and not be upset about troubles.

Elena Tikhomirova, nutritionist at SM-Clinic, member of the National Association of Dietetics and Nutritionists

“Of course, I also sometimes gain weight plus 3-4 kg easily! And this extra burden becomes the cause of my unprecedented irritation and bad mood. It seems to me that everything in my life is starting to go wrong and go at random, because I have become fat! And I begin a desperate struggle. And this is what I do:

1. I definitely analyze the situation

The first one - I visited my mother, and I chalked everything on both cheeks. Because mom's is delicious. Mom's house. And I'm so relaxed. I think that many will agree with me - mothers and grandmothers love us endlessly and endlessly strive to “spoil” us: “Well, eat another small piece of cake, you’ll become completely blue and skinny. In your own Moscow you will lose weight, but with me, eat like a man.” I obey my mother. And I eat.

The second reason is that I simply overeat. This is where analysis needs to be done. I put on a tracksuit, but I don’t go to my favorite fitness club, but to the park, where I run kilometers in the fresh air and think. In nature, you think well, everything in your head falls into place. Many great thoughts come to mind - why and when I eat my problems. After a couple of hours of running, the problem solving plan is ready! Then I run home, take off my wet suit, fall into a hot bath to remove lactate swelling of the muscles, and the next point in my weight loss plan is emotional exercise. I call a cheerful friend, we chat for a couple of hours, laugh, and I feel how her energy simply permeates me. I fall in love with the world again and am ready to move mountains!

2. I go on a diet of no more than 1200 kcal

So, during the period of losing weight, I stick to 900-1200 kcal per day. And I start counting calories and weighing food. Very disciplined! I ate an omelette with tomatoes in the morning, calculated the calories and wrote down the protein separately. I swallowed a couple of chocolates on the go - I wrote down plus 100 kcal. I grabbed 5 nuts from a bowl from a colleague at work - get plus 40 kcal. I am sure that such self-control is very disciplined, because we grab almost half of the calories from our daily diet on the go, without thinking. And when this is reflected on paper, you are simply amazed at how many unnecessary calories are swallowed in vain! Sometimes I manage to eat my entire calorie allowance before dinner. Therefore, my advice to you is not to be lazy, start a diary - it helps a lot!

3. Eat three times a day - with snacks

For breakfast, mainly protein - cottage cheese 0.5% gram 100 with a jar of natural milk yoghurt and a teaspoon of honey or an omelette of two eggs with any vegetables. For lunch - chicken breast or fish 100 grams with vegetables. For dinner - cottage cheese, as in the morning, or boiled shrimp or squid, 150 grams. Well, 0% kefir, a glass, of course! Moreover, dinner is at 7 o’clock, no later. For snacks I eat an apple or a quarter of an avocado - terrible Lately I fell in love with him, I can’t live without him. I drink two liters of water. My little secret is the dining room mineral water Great for reducing appetite in the evening!

4. I suppress my hunger with coffee and milk.

I love coffee very much, I drink it in any form, and during the period of weight loss, coffee with milk without sugar, I must say, perfectly reduces appetite. Therefore, I drink it as soon as I want to eat. I definitely try to go to bed early; sleeping on an empty stomach is an excellent fat-burning agent!

5. Changing the training format

I temporarily stop visiting the strength zone of the fitness club and start jogging for an hour every other day in my favorite park, often instead of dinner. AND required condition- I don’t eat anything 2 hours before a run in order to maximize fat burning, but after the run there’s no talk of any food, it’s evening. Before jogging, I always drink an ampoule of L-carnitine, it increases endurance and fat burning.

And further. I'm definitely falling in love! To spring, to the sun, to my dear patients, to every handsome man I meet. Because you “lose weight” only when you have butterflies in your soul!”

Yulia Chekhonina, researcher at the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, candidate medical sciences, expert nutritionist of the “Give Yourself Life” program

“I try to eat right, but life is different. In general, weight gain of 2-3 kilograms during winter is normal: this is how our body reacts to the cold. Naturally, in the spring and summer they are completely useless, so on the eve of the new season I follow my healthy weight loss strategy:

2. I eat soup twice a day.

Soup, if prepared correctly, is a very light dish that copes well with hunger. I cook it in clear broth, without salt or spices. As a base, I add low-calorie vegetables - tomatoes, celery, cabbage, carrots. For lunch, I often make soup in advance - then I just heat it up. If at work it is not possible to have a full lunch with soup, it can be successfully replaced with 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese and a glass of kefir.

3. I limit sweets

My sweets during this period are 1 teaspoon of honey in my morning hot tea (so as not to fall from hypoglycemia at work) and 3-4 fruits for snacking during the day: apples, grapefruit, tangerine oranges, kiwi.

4. I try to drink more

At this time I drink only still water and my favorite rosehip decoction. It gives an excellent tonic effect and removes excess fluid. If I'm hungry, I drink water with fiber. It has several beneficial properties. Firstly, it dulls hunger, and secondly, it binds and removes fats obtained from food from the body.

5. I carefully follow my nutrition plan, excluding excess fat, salt and spices, and alcohol.

My menu for this period looks like this. Breakfast: omelet and tea with 1 teaspoon of honey. Snack: apple and rose hip decoction. Lunch - vegetable soup, half a boiled chicken breast and any unsweetened drink (tomato juice). For afternoon snack and fruit. And I have soup and seafood for dinner.”