How to properly meet a girl in a gym or fitness club: useful tips. How to properly meet a girl in a gym or fitness club: useful tips Where to start a conversation

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1. First, set a goal

We take on any task with a purpose.- the same with training. You need to clearly define for yourself what results the gym sessions will bring. Things to remember about your athletic goal:

  1. It should be measurable (for example, lose so many kilograms or reduce the size of your arms by so many centimeters).
  2. Having set a goal, you need to determine a reasonable time frame for achieving it.
  3. Shouldn't bet new goal, if you have not reached the previous one.

2. Record the results

A small notepad is suitable for this, in which you can record:

  • initial weight and volumes;
  • weight and volumes we strive for;
  • training scheme (all exercises with number of repetitions and approaches);
  • the number of repetitions that were actually done, and so on.

In addition, such recordings are an excellent motivation not to miss classes.

3. Eat right

To prevent the body from “pleasing” us in the future with its “soft” reserves, we need to eat right: every 2-3 hours in small portions. This will keep you full even if you only eat 400-500 kcal per meal (this is better than 2 meals of 1000-1500 kcal).

4. Be sure to warm up

Warm-up is very important because it:

  • Helps avoid injuries and muscle pain;
  • warms up the joints;
  • prepares the body to perform more serious exercises;
  • normalizes breathing;
  • improves the flexibility of our body.

“Not enough time to train” is not an excuse: it’s better to warm up well during training and do a few fitness exercises than to walk like an inflexible log later.

5. We train all parts of the body

Otherwise, if you only pump up your abs and forget about your back, muscle imbalance will occur, which will negatively affect your figure. Therefore, you need to create a balanced program that will include:

  • first, exercises aimed at strengthening all the muscles of the body;
  • Further exercises for problem areas.

6. Gradualism is our friend

At sports training gradualness - very important factor. After all, first we need to accustom the body to training so that it first gets used to the load. And only then can we increase (again gradually) the intensity and load.

7. For help, go to a coach

If you don’t have any practical knowledge in the field of fitness (theory after reading all sorts of literature doesn’t count), then in order to plan your classes well, taking into account all our characteristics and goals, you should contact a professional trainer. He will appreciate the general physical state and determine the further load, the order of exercises, and the duration of classes.

8. Don’t train on an empty stomach

Otherwise, you may faint during training. Ideally, within an hour or an hour and a half, eat not protein, but carbohydrate food (for example, baked potatoes, grain bread). Why you don’t need protein (fish, meat) before training: the human body takes 3–4 hours to digest it, so training will be difficult. Well, if you didn’t manage to eat at all, then before the lesson itself you can eat a banana or drink a glass of juice.

9. Drink while working out

If you do not drink during exercise, dehydration may occur, and then the effectiveness of the exercise will be zero. Therefore, we take a couple of sips of water every 15–20 minutes.

Gyms and sports clubs are very popular in our city. Everything is jam-packed, people walk every day, exercise, run, jump, lift while lying down, sitting, upside down. I haven't been to the gym for a year. I returned - and there were all the same familiar faces - male and female.

And what? Of course, I cannot immediately determine whether that young man is now pressing a hundred pounds from his chest, but I see that visually nothing has changed in him. Of course, maybe there is progress, and good progress, but for me, an outsider, appearance, nothing has changed, except that I no longer see next to him that cheerful married couple who was frankly far from sports uniform. That is, they simply merged without seeing the results of the training on their bodies.

Why is this so? Why do we go to the gym but don’t see any drastic changes? Why do we put stress on our body, but it doesn’t get prettier, more beautiful and doesn’t lose weight?

There are two reasons.

The first reason is that we are visiting the wrong gym. In what sense is it not the same? And in the sense that amateur visits to yoga, stretching, body ballet and calanetics will not give a noticeable visual transformation. But I returned to Gym? Yes, power training Both male and female bodies can be radically transformed, but only through competent training. If you sat there, dreamed there, listened to this track, and took a selfie here, it’s very naive to expect transformation.

I’m not advocating for you to hire a trainer so that he throws a ball at you and teaches you how to pump up your abs with a double roll and a half-twist. For beginners, the usual standard is enough basic training for the entire muscle group. But you need to train correctly.

Firstly, we need consistency. This mandatory conditions for transformation. Muscles grow systemically, and the body also transforms systemically. That is, it must be strictly observed.

You should feel your muscles. Every one. If you don't feel them, then you trained in vain. We just had a good time.

And thirdly, correct execution exercises. If the exercise is performed correctly, then in addition to general security when working with weights, it loads the muscle group that is needed. That is, if we press, then we press with our hands, and not with our whole body, wriggling like a caterpillar on a bench. This is the sin of male beginners who feel that they can take on some significant weight for them.

And the second reason why we work out but there is no result is that we have lost control over. Simply put, additional physical exercise affected our appetite. We work out well - we eat well, and even do something more energetic - after all, we worked out at full strength.

So we get weight gain. And as the weight increases, the relief does not appear, and the figure floats. It's nothing you can do. You will press a hundred pounds from your chest, your muscles will grow, but your figure will also be a hundred thousand. And if this is not so critical for men, it is very upsetting for women. So much effort - and in vain.

Therefore, nutrition control is the main point of transformation. The amount of energy expended must be greater than the energy received.

Of course, we can say that I have toned my muscles, I have energy, I enjoy training - and how else do the girls justify their lack of results? However, how long will you last? Will pleasure motivate you if, after visiting the gym four times for two hours along with the journey, in six months you will see the same blurry sides and the same fat figure in the mirror? I give a 95% guarantee that no! This is what gyms rely on when they sell more memberships than they can accommodate. And the remaining 5% will be persistent and come up with another excuse.

Therefore, take these two postulates on faith and work only for visual results!

Do you always get results in the gym?

Would you like to meet beautiful girl? The gym is the best place for this. We will tell you how to do this in every detail: how to choose a girl, how to approach her, what to say.

Why the gym is the perfect place to meet someone

The gym is a great place to meet people. Here are some of the most obvious benefits:

  • Beautiful girls. Girls who care about their beauty and health come here.
  • Time to choose. You have time to take a closer look at everyone and choose the right candidate.
  • Common interests. If she came to the gym, it means she is interested in sports and in a healthy way life. This is an inexhaustible source of topics for conversation.
  • Girls themselves come here to meet each other. The gym is a great place to meet people and women know this too. They don’t mind finding themselves a slim, athletic guy without bad habits.

Let's start with the appearance

If you came to the gym not to train, but to get acquainted, you need to follow several rules.

Clothes should be:

  1. sports
  2. new (worn, elongated T-shirts are best left for home)
  3. comfortable
  4. correctly sized

Also, don't forget to use antiperspirant. You can also indulge in a little perfume.

You should also avoid strenuous cardio workouts. When you approach a woman sweating, she is unlikely to appreciate it.

Choosing the right girl

Girls in the gym are divided into two categories: “athletes” and “visitors”.

“Athletes” come to the gym solely to exercise. They clearly stand out from the rest:

  • in excellent athletic shape
  • fully focused on classes and practically not distracted
  • do many different exercises

It is more difficult to get to know this type of woman, because... they are not in the mood for making acquaintances and are already accustomed to the fact that someone is constantly trying to “make a move” on them.

Your main goal is “visitors”. These are girls who just came to the gym to lose a little weight before the beach season, move around, improve their physical fitness. form and get to know each other.

They differ from others:

  • light perfume and makeup
  • sociable and positive
  • perform exercises unprofessionally
  • often take other people's advice
  • often come to the gym with friends

Before approaching a girl, make sure she is not wearing a wedding ring.

The easiest targets are girls who specifically came to the fitness club in order to pick up someone. A woman who wants to meet will always give signs. Here are a few tricks they use to hint at this:

  • Preening. The girl often straightens her hair, clothes, runs her hand over her body or neck, as if stroking herself.
  • Sight. She seeks eye contact on her own
  • Smile. She easily returns smile to smile.
  • Candid exercises in plain sight.

More details about the types of girls who go to the gym:

Where to start the conversation

If a girl herself wants to get acquainted, then she can easily find a reason on her own, for example, ask something, ask for help or advice.

You can take the initiative into your own hands. For example, offer to adjust the machine or make comments regarding her exercises or praise her results.

Here are some examples:

“And you are resilient! How long have you been pumping your abs?

"Great! How do you do it? Please tell me. I always have problems with this."

“You cannot bend your back in this exercise. Try to straighten up and bring your shoulders together.”

“I see you are having difficulty with the treadmill. Let me help you set the speed."

After you have “exchanged” 2-3 remarks, you can safely invite the girl to meet after training and sit in the nearest cafe or restaurant and eat a diet dessert.

Free book

Do you want to learn a lot more interesting things about where and how to meet beautiful girls, what to talk to them about, how to invite them on dates so as not to be refused? Then we strongly advise you to read new free book by Yegor Sheremetev. To download the book and leave your e-mail. An email will be sent to you with a link to the pdf file.

Meeting people in the gym is no more difficult than in other public places. There is big choice beautiful girls who don’t mind chatting and meeting a sporty young man.