How to do crunches correctly. Technique for performing abdominal crunches

Hey, hey, honest people, take the faces out of your beards)! Tea, we are not having a funeral service, but quite the opposite! Wednesday on the calendar 18 February, and as usual on this day we pay attention to the technical side of the training. In particular, today we will talk about the most favorite exercise of many people who attend Gym, namely, about abdominal crunches. After reading, you will learn everything about the technique of its implementation, advantages, muscle atlas and, of course, effectiveness and feasibility.

So, take your seats, let's get enlightened.

Ab crunch exercise: what, why and why?

If you ask me to name the top 3 most popular exercises for beginners in the gym, then without hesitation I will answer - bench press, dumbbell biceps curl and abdominal crunches. It is they who “fall for” the majority of novice workers and it is they who first try to include in their training program. We have already discussed the first two exercises, so it came down to the last one, the press exercise, and this is what our article is dedicated to.

Actually, let's dig a little theory and then move on to the practical part.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscle atlas

When performing abdominal crunches or, as they are also called, abdominal crunches, the rectus abdominis muscle works. She is the one responsible for creating the notorious 6 abs that so many people want to get instead of their one ball :). Crunches also strengthen the entire abdominal muscle corset and core muscles, making them stronger. act as stabilizers for your body and help maintain good health.

The rectus abdominis muscle allows you to “wind up” (bring/bring together) Your upper body with your lower body while twisting. In addition to it, they work:

  • pectoral (large chest);
  • external/internal oblique;
  • transverse muscles abdominals.

IN picture version muscle atlas looks like that:

Essentially, abdominal crunches are a rounding of the spine, a movement in which the chest moves (closers) towards the pelvis. At the same time, the lower and middle part of the back remains completely pressed to the floor. This minimizes the work of the hip flexors/spine, and the abdominal muscles receive an isolated load.

Let's take a closer look at each abdominal muscle involved in crunches:

Rectus abdominis muscle (Rectus abdominis)

A long, thin muscle that extends from the middle of the chest to the pubic area. This is one “whole” muscle, and not two, as is commonly believed, dividing it into upper cubes and lower cubes. We use the rectus muscle when we bend the spine forward, causing the rib cage and pelvis to meet. The rectus muscle is the main muscle involved in abdominal crunches.

Internal and external obliques

If we want a narrow and thin waist, then it is necessary to work on the oblique abdominal muscles. Adding a trunk rotation to the basic crunch movement strengthens these muscles. Every time we train the internal oblique, the external oblique on the opposite side of the waist is automatically involved in the work.

Transverse abdominal muscles

Many fibers of this muscle are “scattered” throughout the lower abdomen. You can feel the transverse muscles by taking a deep breath. This is a muscle that allows for forced exhalation and keeps the lower abdomen flat during any twisting exercise.


By performing abdominal crunches, you will receive the following benefits:

  • increasing the strength of the abdominal muscles;
  • strengthening the entire muscular corset of the abdominal muscles (core);
  • increasing rigidity and stability in basic exercises;
  • improved posture;
  • greater variability of the exercise;
  • you can conduct home workouts without using additional equipment.

Agree, quite an impressive list for such a harmless exercise.

Execution technique

Despite the fact that the exercise is common, this does not prevent mistakes from being made in it everywhere. Many people believe that there is nothing difficult about abdominal crunches, lie down on the floor and do it, but this is not so. As practice shows, many people do it incorrectly, so let's master it step by step technique crunches on the press.

Step #0.

Lie on your back, place your feet on the floor (knees bent at an angle 90 degrees) or throw it on the bench. Put your hands behind your head (without locking your fingers) and spread your elbows to the sides. Firmly fix your lower back on the floor. This is your starting position.

Step #1.

Keeping your lower and middle back still, inhale and exhale, bringing your upper back toward your pelvis. The movement is a rounding of the back, rather than lifting the back off the floor and bringing it towards the knees. At the end point of the trajectory, pause for 1-2 bills while holding down the cut. Slowly (while inhaling) return to the starting position.

Step #2.

Repeat the specified number of times. Use weights in the form of a pancake as needed.

In the picture version, abdominal crunches look like this:

In motion so...

Secrets and subtleties of implementation

Any exercise has its secrets, crunches are no exception, remember:

  • do not clasp your hands behind your head and do not pull yourself by the neck, helping your body rise from a lying position;
  • try not to straighten/bend your back, but to bring two imaginary points above and below your abdomen closer together;
  • do not perform crunches if you are in an interesting (or not so interesting) position;
  • do not hold your breath while exhaling with effort/contraction;
  • keep a range of approaches 3-4 , and repetitions up to 20 ;
  • perform the exercise slowly and without jerking;
  • correctness can be monitored by a burning sensation in the abdominal muscles after the first approach;
  • don't use other muscles (legs, back, neck) for performing twists;
  • at the end point of the trajectory, pause for 1-2 count and hold tension in your abdominal muscles;
  • do not let your chin touch your chest;
  • do not throw your body on the floor when performing negative phase, and lower under control;
  • remember that when you throw your legs onto the surface or hold them in weight, the hip flexor muscles are activated, and the load begins to “smear.”


As noted earlier, crunches are a very variable exercise, judge for yourself, they can be performed:

  • on a Roman chair;
  • with legs raised up;
  • on fitball;
  • on a block with a rope handle;
  • your option...

Now let's touch on some scientific and practical aspects.

Press crunches - best exercise for the press?

The Biomechanics Laboratory at the University of San Diego found that exercise ball crunches, vertical crunches, and crunches with arm raises are the most progressive for pumping the rectus abdominis muscle. The electrical activity of the muscles was measured and the following values ​​were obtained - 139, 129 And 119% compared to 100% standard crunches on the floor. Regarding the obliques, reverse crunches with EMG value 240% have been recognized as the most effective exercise for this area of ​​the abdomen.

It turns out that abdominal crunches are far from the best abdominal exercise. Then the question arises: why is everyone so obsessed with him? The answer is simply out of habit, because we all remember this exercise from school physical education lessons, it is familiar to us and we are drawn to it. In addition, the total dominance of Roman benches in gyms also contributes to the popularity of crunches.

Thus, we can conclude that abdominal training should not be limited to just doing crunches while lying down; use a variety of exercises/simulators to pump up your abs.

Is crunching on the floor dangerous?

To a certain extent, one can say so. After all, when the spine falls to the floor, the upper edges of the vertebrae are compressed against each other, fixing the spinal column and preventing the abdominal muscles from being bent. In other words, the abdominal muscles experience static pressure, but they do not contract. In turn, excess pressure is not good for the intervertebral discs, and this can lead to back injuries.

Therefore, the solution for people with back problems and constant sedentary work, but who want to do crunches without compromising their health, is a regular cushion under their back.

It allows you to maintain the natural curve of the spine, as a result of which the latter gains a certain flexibility, and the exercise provides a greater range of motion and, as a result, the abdominal muscles receive better stretching and contraction.

Well, that’s all that I would like to report on, all that remains is to sum it up and say goodbye.


Another technical note has come to an end; today we looked at the ab crunch exercise. Now you know how to pump up your tummy and you can safely blow into the gym to try out the theory in practice. Go ahead, be brave!

PS. Do you pump up your abs with crunches?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points towards karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Handsome and relief press requires regular classes and effective exercises. One of the most popular abdominal exercises is floor crunches. To perform it, you do not need any specialized equipment, so it is available both in the gym and at home. This exercise is presented in different variations, each of which focuses on a specific part of the abdominal muscles. The correct execution technique plays a role in its effectiveness, so you need to learn how to properly do crunches while lying on the floor.

The press can be trained quite easily, the main thing in this matter is regularity. Lying crunches are a popular exercise that has many variations. It is recommended for absolutely everyone from beginners to professionals. This is a basic exercise that allows you to pump up your abdominal muscles, develop strength and endurance.

Although several joints are not involved in the work, all parts of the abs receive stress during crunches. In addition to direct muscle training, exercise helps maintain the health of the spine and the beauty of posture. In addition, the abdominal muscles form a strong muscular corset, which increases the endurance necessary to perform more difficult exercises - bench press, deadlift, squats. The exercise is simple and accessible, and can be performed anywhere and anytime, which is an important advantage for those who exercise at home.

What muscles work?

Lying crunches allow you to work the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, the muscles of the middle and lower back, as well as partially the buttocks, inner and outer thighs.

To notice the coveted abdominal definition, you need not only to do exercises, but also to follow a diet, since if you have a layer of fat, it will still not be visible, no matter how hard you train.

Technique: classic version

First you need to learn how to perform crunches on the floor in the classic variation. First accept initial position:

  • Lie down on the floor, preferably on a gymnastics mat.
  • Place your hands behind your head.
  • Bend your knees, place your feet on the floor.
  • Arch your lower back, inhale and stretch your abdominal muscles.

Directly movement is done as follows:

  • Exhaling, lift your upper body towards your legs, while contracting your abdominal muscles.
  • Keep your lower back motionless on the floor.
  • Inhaling, lean back, stretching your abdominal muscles to the maximum. Repeat the exercise as many times as necessary, keeping your abdominal muscles tense throughout the entire approach.

While performing the exercise, try not to swing or twist your torso with a jerk. This is a gross violation of the correct technique, due to which the effectiveness of the exercise is reduced.

Ab crunches on the floor: variations

Crunches lying on the floor, the technique of which you already know, have many variations, differing in level of difficulty. Having learned to easily perform the exercise 20 or more times, you can include more complex variations in your training. Let's look at what other types of twists exist.

By hand position:

  • You can keep your hands along your body or support your buttocks with them. This option is considered very easy and is suitable for beginners, but in the future it is better to move on to more difficult options.
  • Cross your arms over your chest. This will add weight to your upper body, making the exercise a little more challenging.
  • You can also perform crunches lying down with weights. Its size can be selected individually, but keep in mind that it should not provoke discomfort. You can use, for example, pancakes. You can hold the pancake on your chest with your hands crosswise or hold it with your hands behind your head.

According to the position of the legs, the exercise can be as follows:

  • You can place your shins on a bed, on a bench, or on a chair. In this way the counterweight of the legs is reduced.
  • Legs can be raised vertically. This will ensure constant stress on the stomach.
  • You can also keep your legs at an angle. This is a difficult option that puts a lot of stress on the abdominal muscles, so it requires a certain level of preparation.

You can vary these options. So, having studied them all, you can perform crunches with and without a weight plate, change the position of your arms and legs. This will help diversify your workouts and increase their effectiveness.

You can also consider the following exercise options:

  • Reverse crunches on the floor. From a lying position, you need to understand that your legs are bent at the knees towards the chest, lifting the lower part of the lower back.
  • Side crunches. Exercise to work the oblique abdominal muscles. You need to lie with your back on the floor, put your legs bent at the knees on your side, and place your hips at a right angle to the body. The hand that is closest to the floor will fix the legs. The other is behind the head. Such twisting must be done first on one side, and then on the other.
  • Diagonal crunches, also known as "Bike". You need to support your upper back and legs. Hands are behind the head. Twisting is done on one side, with the elbow facing the direction of the opposite leg. This leg simultaneously bends at the knee.

Contraindications and precautions

Ab crunch training on the floor can be very effective, but before you start, it is recommended to study possible contraindications. These include herniated intervertebral discs (in certain cases), osteoporosis and late stages of osteochondrosis, pregnancy. But there are exceptions to any rule, so it makes sense to consult a specialist.

In addition, it is very important to do abdominal crunches while lying on your back, avoiding mistakes that can reduce the effectiveness of the exercise, calling into question its safety.

The most common mistake when performing the exercise, which beginners often make, is lifting the body instead of twisting. If the body seems to be hunched over during the exercise, with the body close to the groin, then when lifting, the back will remain straight and the shoulders will be directed at the knees. With this technique, everything can work, but not the press. Doing crunches in this manner, even for a long time, will not achieve results.

Also, when doing crunches, many people tend to strain their neck and press their chin to their chest. This also does not need to be done, since this is what not recommended.

One more point - this is Hanging. While twisting the body, you need to exhale sharply and powerfully, as this helps to ensure maximum stress on the rectus abdominis muscle. There is no need to be afraid to breathe loudly - this directly affects the effectiveness of your workouts.

Also consider the following points:

  • Do not put your head on the floor or throw your shoulders there so that the load in the abdominal muscles is maintained correctly.
  • Do not lift your lower back from the floor, working your torso through a large amplitude, which will ensure the work of your back muscles.
  • Don't pull the back of your head with your hands. To avoid this, you can keep your hands at your temples or simply not clasp them.
  • There is no need to swing, twisting your body with a jerk - this is a serious violation of technique.
  • To determine if you are doing the exercise correctly, place one finger on the bottom of your chest and the other on the point below your navel. Then curl the press. If you do everything correctly, your fingers should be as close to each other as possible.
  • An indicator of the quality of work is a burning sensation in the abdominal muscles.
  • Having reached the top point of the exercise, take a short break - this will increase its effectiveness.

When performing crunches while lying on your abs, select the number of repetitions and level of load based on your goals. If you want to get noticeable abs on your stomach, it is recommended to do 3-4 sets of 8-15 times. Most likely you will need additional burden. A pancake is good for this, but it can also be replaced with a dumbbell. In the gym, to increase the load, you can do exercises on a special simulator. If you want to speed up the process of burning fat in the abdominal area and tighten it, do a lot of repetitions - from 25. It is also recommended to increase the number of approaches. Perform the exercise at an intense pace.

Opinions are divided on when to perform this and other abdominal exercises. Some recommend working out your abs at the beginning of a workout to speed up blood circulation and prepare the body for basic exercises. Others believe that before starting to perform difficult basic exercises the muscles should not be tired, so it is better to complete the workout with abs. Both of these opinions are equally true, so the abdominal muscles can be trained both separately and as part of general training when it's convenient for you.

Photos of crunches lying on the floor will help you understand them better correct technique.

Twisting while lying on the floor: useful video

Crunches are a simple exercise, but they involve many nuances, and you need to know them in order to avoid mistakes and achieve maximum efficiency. We invite you to watch a video of crunches on the floor, which will explain in detail everything important about this exercise.

In general, twisting - effective exercise for working out the abdominal muscles, which allows you to both gain relief and simply tighten this area. Don't be lazy to do it regularly, and soon you will notice the results.

Myofascial health

Many suffer from incorrect posture - scoliosis, stoop, and excessive arching in the lower back. In the formation of incorrect posture, not only muscles that are accustomed to being in the wrong position take part, but also fascia - the connective membranes.

Fascia collagen fibers not only cover the muscles, but also penetrate dense muscle fibers, forming an inextricable connection - myofascia.

Unlike muscles, fascia cannot contract and relax. They are elastic and can stretch, but after that they do not return to their original shape. This property enhances the body's rigidity in an incorrect position, such as stooping or scoliosis.

Let's look at it with an example. Let’s say that due to depression, myopia, or a person begins to stoop. The back muscles are constantly in an unnatural position - they are stretched, and pectoral muscles, on the contrary, are reduced.

To maintain these muscles in this position and relieve some of the tension, more collagen is produced around and inside the muscle - the fascia becomes denser. As a result, the collagen matrix fixes the muscle, maintaining a distortion that will now not be so easy to get rid of.

However, muscle tightness can cause pain and tension not only in the area of ​​the clamp, but also in other seemingly unrelated places. The fact is that there are no separately working elements in the body. All organs and systems are interconnected, and myofascia is no exception. There are myofascial meridians - interconnected structures of muscles and tendons that transfer tension and movement throughout the skeleton.

The concept of myofascial meridians is described in the book Anatomy Trains by Thomas Myers, a massage therapist, chiropractor for 40 years, physician and lecturer.

Tension in one part of the myofascial meridian can cause pain in another part. Twisting poses partially or fully engage one of the myofascial pathways - the spiral meridian, responsible for body rotation. It passes through the human body in a double helix, connecting one side of the skull to the opposite shoulder, passes through the abdomen to the opposite hip, knee and ball of the foot, and rises along the back of the body, reconnecting with the fascia of the skull.

Various twisting exercises stretch at least half of this line, including the splenius muscles of the head and neck, major and minor rhomboid muscles, front serratus muscle, external and internal oblique muscles of the abdomen, and in some poses (for example, in parivritta parsvakonasana) most of it, including the tibialis anterior muscle, peroneus longus muscle, biceps muscle hips.

Stretching the myofascial meridian returns the fascia to the desired position and liberates the muscles, allowing you to correct some postural problems.

However, muscle stretching is only one side of the coin. A distortion in the body is always accompanied by excessive compression of some muscles and stretching of others. Stretching of some muscles should be carried out together with increased compression of others. For example, if you want to, you need to stretch the pectoral muscles located in compressed position, and work on strengthening your back muscles.

Nutrition of intervertebral discs

Intervertebral discs, which provide cushioning of the spine, its flexibility and mobility, do not have blood vessels. Nutrients reach them, depending on the age of the person, in one of two ways: through peripheral circulation and through diffusion.

Nutrition through the peripheral circulation ends on average by the age of 22. After this, only diffusion remains - the penetration of nutrients through the hyaline plate (hyaline cartilage).

During compression of the intervertebral disc, fluid with decay products flows out, and when pressure is removed, nutrients enter the disc. When performing crunches, you first compress the intervertebral discs, causing them to get rid of processed substances, and then release them, giving an influx of nutrients.

It turns out that twisting allows you to maintain the health of the intervertebral discs and maintain the flexibility and mobility of the spine longer.

Stimulation of internal organs

Twisting is beneficial for internal organs: liver and spleen, stomach and intestines.

In the book “Physiological Aspects of Yoga,” Dietrich Ebert points out that the effect of asanas on internal organs is partly due to the skin-visceral reflexes of the body.

The cutaneous-visceral reflex is changes in internal organs provoked by effects on the skin, such as, for example, during acupressure.

By performing asanas, you influence certain areas of the body, improving blood circulation and stimulating the muscles of the internal organs.

Also in " Physiological aspects yoga" there is a mention of positive impact asanas for intestinal motility. During the performance of poses, intra-abdominal pressure increases, due to which the motility of the gastrointestinal tract is stimulated. Changes in pressure and twisting of the body stretch the muscles of the intestinal wall, which causes a reflex contraction of the smooth muscles involved.

In addition, asanas with abdominal stretching have a positive effect on the absorption of nutrients. Such postures cause the renewal of pancreatic cells, due to which the metabolism of glucose in peripheral tissues, liver and fatty tissues increases through an enzymatic process Physiological Effects of Yogic Practices and Transcendental Meditation in Health and Disease.


What to remember when performing asanas

Spinal traction. In all twisting asanas, the spine is first stretched and then twisted. If you cannot perform an asana with an elongated spine, then it is too early for you to do it. In any case, the wrong posture will not bring any benefit. In some asanas, you can use a support for your arms to make your task easier and stretch your spine.

Exercise without pain. If you feel pain while performing asanas, stop immediately and move on to an easier option.

Breath. Follow the sequence of inhalations and exhalations when performing asanas. In the asana itself, breathe evenly and deeply, ideally from your stomach. Don't hold your breath.

Contraindications. Twisted poses are contraindicated for people with spinal diseases, inguinal hernia, intestinal neurosis, exacerbation of stomach or liver diseases.

Now you can start performing twisted asanas. Let's start with the simplest pose, which is sure to be possible for people with any level of training.

Execution technique

1. Lie on the floor, spread your arms to the sides.

2. Move your pelvis to the right.

3. Bend your right knee and lift it.

4. Move your right knee to the left and touch the floor. If that doesn't work, keep it suspended.

5. Turn your head to the right.

6. Stay in the pose for 30-60 seconds and then repeat on the other side.

This exercise is more difficult than the previous one, it requires a good stretch of the hamstring muscles and back surface hips.

1. Place your feet a meter apart from each other, extend your arms to the sides.

3. Turn your pelvis and body to the right, and inhale, stretch your spine upward.

4. Exhale and bend toward your right leg, simultaneously turning your body so that it is completely in a vertical plane, while your pelvis remains in place.

5. Place left hand on the floor at the outer edge of the right foot. If it doesn’t work (there’s a strong pull under the knee or the back of the thigh, you can’t keep your spine straight - your back is rounded), place your hand on your shin or on a block.

6. Stretch your right arm up, turn your head towards the ceiling, look at your right palm.

7. Hold the pose for 20-30 seconds, then perform it on the other side. It is important that while holding the asana, the back is straight and the stomach is relaxed. The body, arms and head should be in the same vertical plane. At the same time, the knees do not bend, and the feet do not come off the floor.

Parivrtta Parsvakonasana (Twisted Side Angle Pose)

This is an even more challenging pose that requires some practice and good stretching, particularly a well-stretched spiral meridian.

To understand what the asana should look like and how it is most often performed by beginners with insufficient stretching, we will give three illustrations from Myers’ book “Anatomy Trains”. In the picture below you can see a yoga instructor, an advanced student and a beginner performing this exercise.

On the left is a yoga instructor, in the center is an advanced student, on the right is a beginner

A stretched spiral meridian running from the right hip through the left shoulder to the right side of the head allows the instructor to place his hand on the floor and fix his gaze on the ceiling.

Students with worse stretch marks cannot do this. They are hampered by the shortened parts of the meridian. For example, short hip flexors prevent students from straightening their torso in a straight line.

The beginner's hip rotators and hamstrings are tight, preventing him from fully flexing his hip to achieve a 90-degree knee angle. Therefore, the back cannot fully straighten, and the head remains pulled into the shoulders.

Let's look at how this asana is performed.

1. Place your feet at a distance approximately equal to the length of your leg, extend your arms to the sides.

2. Turn your feet to the right: right - 90 degrees, left - 45 degrees.

3. Bend your right leg at the knee so that the angle between your shin and thigh is 90 degrees. Left leg remains straight.

4. Inhale and extend your spine upward.

5. Exhale, turn your body to the right (your left foot rises onto the ball of your foot) and move your left hand behind your right knee. If stretching allows, place your palm on the floor; if not, place your left hand bent at the elbow on your right knee or on a block.

6. Stretch your right arm up and forward, direct your gaze past your arm to the ceiling.

7. Make sure that the knee of your left leg does not bend. The chest is unfolded and maximally open, the stomach is relaxed.

From the foot to the tips of the fingers, the body should be a straight line. It is better to perform the asana in front of a mirror to notice incorrect deflections and correct them. For example, if your pelvis is raised too high and disrupts the straight line, try to lower it. If this doesn’t work, then you have short hip flexors and it’s time for you to go to.

Parivritta stambhasana (spiral pose)

This incredible-looking crunch is actually not that difficult to do. Moreover, stretching in this way is very pleasant.

1. Stand with your feet wide and your toes turned outward.

2. Bend your knees so that a 90-degree angle is formed between your shin and thigh.

3. Place your palms on your knees on the inside of your legs and press with your hands, as if pushing your legs further to the sides.

4. Stretch your spine and exhale, tilt your body so that it is parallel to the floor.

5. Turn one arm with your elbow down and your fingers up.

6. As you rotate your arm, rotate your body at least 90 degrees. Stretch it parallel to the ground, do not round your back.

7. Follow the turn of the body with your head, direct your gaze towards the upper shoulder.

The main twisting occurs in thoracic region, the lower back remains fixed and straight. The hips should be parallel to the floor, the body should be exactly in the center, without distortion.

These poses are designed to promote health and restore the correct alignment of bones, muscles and fascia. Do not exercise if you have severe muscle tightness. Listen to your feelings and consider the capabilities of your own body so as not to get the opposite effect.

Fitness trainers distinguish three types of abdominal muscles. These are the upper, lower, and also oblique abs (oblique abdominal muscles). It is noteworthy that classic crunches and their derivatives can pump up abdominal muscles in just a few weeks. However, the main factor for success is still “drying” immediately before starting classes.

Speaking about abdominal exercises, it is impossible to ignore preliminary “drying” or, more simply put, strict protein diet, which allows you to remove excess fat from the abdomen. This is done without fail in order to be visually noticeable.

It’s amazing, but even working on the abs for days and months on end, a person may continue to not see results. The abs will be strong and pumped up, but under the fat “pillow” it will simply not be visible.

Crunches for upper, lower and oblique abs

Classic crunches are performed from the starting position lying on your back. You can put your hands behind your head, bend them and hold them with your palms at your temples or fold them over your chest. As you exhale, the twisted (hence the name) back should be raised towards straight or bent knees. The main thing is to do the exercise rhythmically, do not lower yourself all the way, and maintain a fist-sized distance between your chin and chest.

Thus, it is pumped upper press. In order to make the exercise more effective, loads such as kettlebells and body bars are often used. Sports equipment can be replaced with simple bottles of water or sand.

Crunches for lower press are performed from the same lying position, only this time the arms are positioned along the body and the legs are raised along with the pelvis. It is not recommended to raise the pelvis too far; it is enough to raise the legs and the buttocks a little. Holding this position with your feet on top, count to three and slowly lower your feet. It is recommended to lower your legs not completely and raise them again.

In order to multiply the load, it is advised to hold any object with straight legs closer to the toes. Most often, fitballs or large rubber balls are used for such purposes. This creates additional tension.

Crunches for the oblique abdominal muscles are performed from the same position, lying on your back, arms behind your head, legs straight. This time, when raising the body, they try to touch the raised knee diagonally with their elbow. The result is twisting and turning. Left knee to right elbow and vice versa.

In order to increase the load, you can hold a bodybar or fitball, including a barbell, behind your back. If the exercise is carried out in

Looking for a way to get six-pack abs of steel? Crunches are best suited for these purposes. Almost all variations of this exercise are isolation exercises, and your abs will be on fire after the third set.

During the exercises, the entire abs work, but different parts of it give in different loads. Depending on what exercise the athlete is doing, one or another part of the abs is worked out with greater or less intensity. Therefore, in order for the entire muscle to develop evenly and quickly, it is necessary to train it using different techniques.

Depending on the twist option, the rectus, oblique or transverse abdominal muscles are worked. In addition, in some exercises the hips, arms, shoulders, etc. are involved in the work. Despite this, it is the abdominal muscles that are pumped best, since crunches are aimed at ensuring that the abs are 100% involved in the work. The participation of all other muscles should be minimal.

Twisting technique

In order for the exercises performed to produce results, and the spent energy not to fly into the air, it is necessary to follow the correct technique. In addition, with high-quality performance of all movements, the risk of injury is significantly reduced. Otherwise, the athlete may take a long unplanned break between workouts.

Straight crunches

This type of twisting is considered the easiest, so it is recommended to be done primarily by beginners.

Take starting position:

  1. Lie down on the floor.
  2. Press your lower back to the floor surface.
  3. Bend your knees so that a right angle is formed between your shin and thigh, and place your feet on the floor.
  4. Choose one of the options for hand position (extend in front of you, fold on your chest or place on the back of your head).
  5. Next, you need to raise your torso, tensing your abdominal muscles. Only the shoulders lift off the surface of the floor; the lower back remains pressed against it.


  • The distance between the chest and chin should be such that a fist can fit between them. You can't press your chin to your chest.
  • When lifting, the back is rounded, rather than the entire torso rising.
  • The feet stand firmly on the floor and do not come off.
  • At the highest point, you need to pause for a second and inhale as you lower down. The muscles remain tense.
  • Without allowing the press to relax, twisting is repeated in a similar way.
  • The required number of twists is performed.

Reverse crunches

Unlike straight crunches, this variation lifts the legs rather than the torso.

Execution algorithm:

  1. We lie down on a bench or on the floor.
  2. We bend our legs at the knees and raise them. Your shins should be parallel to the floor and your thighs should be perpendicular.
  3. Hands are placed behind the head or holding the edge of the bench.
  4. Straining the abdominal muscles, we pull our knees towards chest. When the legs reach the extreme point, the pelvis should be raised above the bench or floor.
  5. We pause for a second.
  6. Lower your legs and repeat the twist the required number of times.

When performing the exercise, you need to ensure that your legs are lifted only by the force of your abs. They cannot be extended, as the thigh muscles will also be involved in the work.

Lateral (oblique) twists

This exercise allows you to pump up your oblique muscles well.

Execution order:

  1. We lie down on the floor, bend our legs and turn to the left.
  2. We place our right hand behind our head.
    We place our left hand on the stomach closer to the right side.
  3. We exhale and, tensing the right oblique muscles, try to reach the right elbow to the right knee.
  4. At the extreme point, we pause for a second and return to the starting position.

This type of exercise is similar to straight crunches, but there are a few differences.

Execution order:

  1. We lie down on the floor, press our lower back to it, bend our knees to a right angle. You can also sit next to a bed or bench and put your feet on it.
  2. We place our right hand behind our head, and place our left hand on the floor along the body.
  3. At the next stage, we lift our shoulder off the floor and try to touch our left knee with our right elbow.
  4. After contact we return to the starting position.

After this, we perform a similar exercise, working the other side.
It is necessary to remember that it is necessary to rise, straining the muscles, while exhaling, and to lower, on the contrary, while inhaling.

Double crunches

The advantage of this exercise over straight crunches is that here the load is evenly distributed throughout the entire abs. As a result, the lower and top part muscles.

Execution order:

  1. We lie on our backs, press our lower back to the surface of the floor, bend our knees to a right angle, and place our feet on the floor.
  2. We place our hands behind our heads, but do not cross our fingers.
  3. As you exhale, pull your chest and pelvis towards each other.
  4. At the extreme point, we pause for a second and while inhaling we lower ourselves, without lowering our shoulders to the floor.

Do not pull your head with your hands while doing the exercise. This can cause injury cervical region spine. The load on the press is also reduced.

This exercise pumps up the abdominal muscles well, but in addition, the rectus femoris muscles also lend themselves to stress.

Execution order:

  1. We adjust the inclination of the bench so that the angle is from 30 to 50 degrees. The load level will depend on this.
  2. We sit on the exercise machine, secure our legs under the bolsters, and fold our arms across our chests.
  3. We lie down on the bench, lowering ourselves back.
  4. We take a deep breath, tense our abs and begin to lift our torso. The head and shoulders rise first, and then the torso.
  5. When the angle between the hips and the torso is 90 degrees, we stop the lift. This will be the highest point.
  6. We pause for a second and tense our abdominal muscles.
  7. Slowly lower your torso until it is parallel to the floor. This will be the lowest point.

You should not completely lower yourself onto the bench until the end of the set. It is necessary that the abdominal muscles are in constant tension.

Standing cable crunches

Crunches performed using a block simulator work well on the upper and internal muscle groups. At the same time, the exercise is completely safe for the lumbar region.

The exercise is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. We fix the rope handle on the simulator.
  2. We stand with our back to the projectile and pull the handle to the top of our chest.
  3. Exhale and bend your back, trying to pull the handle lower.
  4. We inhale and return to the starting position.

Crunches on a block machine while standing on your knees

With this exercise you will draw the upper cubes and obliques.

Execution order:

  1. We set the required weight.
  2. We stand facing the machine and take the handle so that our palms are turned inward.
  3. We take two steps back and kneel down.
  4. We tilt our torso down so that it is almost parallel to the floor.
  5. Raise your arms above your head so that the angle at your elbows becomes straight.
  6. We bend a little at the lower back and, as we exhale, lower our torso to the floor.
  7. At the bottom point, we try to tense our abs strongly and hold for a second.
  8. We go back and repeat the twisting the required number of times.

This type of crunch is more suitable for athletes with average training.

The exercise is performed in this order:

  1. We sit on the fitball and spread our legs to the sides.
  2. We roll down a little so that our back rests on the ball.
  3. We put our hands behind our heads.
  4. As you exhale, perform a twist, lifting your torso up.
  5. We pause for a second and tense our abdominal muscles.
  6. Let's go back.

During twisting, it is necessary to constantly keep the press under load. You also need to bend your back to abdominal muscles strained as hard as possible.

Not every gym has a Roman chair, so if an athlete manages to find this machine, then he can be considered lucky.

Exercise technique:

  1. We sit on the simulator. The buttocks should not protrude beyond the edges of the seat. We fold our arms over our chests and place our legs behind the support.
  2. We take a breath and lower ourselves back. We stop when the torso is slightly higher than the hips.
  3. From the lowest point we do a twist. When the most difficult section of the amplitude is passed, we exhale and stop. We pause for a second and lower ourselves.
  4. We do the required number of repetitions.
  5. Don't go too low while doing crunches. This can injure your lower back.

Using this version of the exercise, you can draw out the oblique abdominal muscles, achieve a flat stomach, and reduce the volume of the abdominal cavity.

Classically, the option is performed in this order:

  1. We sit on the floor, bend our knees and lean back a little.
  2. We lift our feet off the floor.
  3. We turn the body in one direction or the other. The legs remain motionless.
  4. Perform the required number of repetitions.

The benefits of crunches

The benefits of crunches for the abdominal muscles cannot be disputed. When performing a set of exercises, you can achieve stunning results. The main thing is to follow the correct techniques.

These exercises also have benefits for the spine. By doing various types twisting improves its flexibility, and as a result, its general condition. Blood flow increases, which delivers beneficial nutrients to the spinal discs.

Such exercises strengthen the tissues and prepare them for heavy loads. As a result, the risk of future injury is significantly reduced.

In addition, blood flow to the internal organs, the functioning of the digestive system is stabilized, memory improves.

Also, a strong abs keeps the spine healthy, because the stronger the muscle corset, the less load the skeleton receives.


Despite all the advantages of crunches, not everyone can do them. People with problems are at risk of cardio-vascular system, respiratory organs, kidneys. For rheumatism, diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract and gall bladder, it is not recommended to do exercises that increase intra-abdominal pressure.

The one who walks can conquer the mountain!

Crunches bring a lot great benefit not only to the muscles, but to the entire body. For a beginning athlete, the main thing is to figure out whether he can do such exercises before going to the gym or exercising at home. In the presence of dangerous diseases, an innocent desire to get in good shape can end very badly.

Don’t forget that abdominal exercises alone won’t do it. To avoid imbalance, it is necessary to work out other muscle groups. First of all, together with the abdominal muscles, you need to pump your back so that your torso develops harmoniously.

All types of twisting must be done smoothly and without jerking, tensing the abs as much as possible. Only in this case will you soon be able to see the result.

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