How actor Jason Momoa trains. Jason Momoa's real barbaric workout

At tall and bulky muscle mass, Momoa is quite fast and agile. This allowed him to play Conan, the leader of the nomadic Khal Drogo (Game of Thrones), the main antagonist in Unstoppable. This stunning form is the result of serious effort and an almost scientific approach.

Jason Momoa follows 6 rules - they relate to training and nutrition.

Training - maximum functionality

Working out in the gym is not for Momoa. According to him, he likes natural stress - fixing something in the house, lifting weights.

If we take training in the gym, then Aquaman gives preference to functional training: boxing, weights and medicine ball.


Meals - flexible

While preparing for the role of Conan the Barbarian, Jason ate one chicken breast every two hours, sometimes diversifying it with sweet potatoes.

Less strict is the diet at normal times - lots of lean meat and vegetables. Sometimes the actor allows himself a glass of beer.

Not enough time to train? Work your feet

If you're short on time, Momoa recommends barbell squats, an exercise that raises testosterone levels and strengthens your core muscles. Always warm up before performing any strength exercise.


If you want to gain weight, starve yourself

On the one hand, the absence of carbohydrates strengthens character, and on the other hand, scientists have found that fasting for 24 hours increases growth hormone by 2000%.

And even after hunger, you feel satisfied with yourself - after all, you deserve a hearty dinner.

Thoughts and muscles

While training, don't think about work or relationships, because then you won't give your best. According to Momoa, to avoid repeating his mistake, imagine how your muscles work during training.

The last time he skillfully swung a blade worth 10 thousand dollars. In 2011, the legendary Arnold was replaced by a new Cimmerian barbarian, a native of Hawaii - Jason Namakeaha Momoa, who is best known as Ronon Dex from Stargate Atlantis and Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones. With a height of 193 cm and a weight of almost 100 kg, Jason was ideal for the role of the barbarian, presenting himself to the audience with an amazing physique.

“If a Cimmerian feels thirst, it is thirst for blood. If he feels cold, then it is the cold of the steel of the blade.”

“I've never pumped iron before. - says Jason Momoa. - But the most difficult thing, perhaps, was to gain 11 kg muscle mass by the time filming begins. I only had 6 weeks left to create the muscular physique of an ancient rogue warrior. After all, Conan's muscles are the main focus of the film, or at least because that's what the previous Conan film did."

Ask anyone their idea of ​​a mythological barbarian, and their answer will likely be: a tall, taciturn warrior with huge biceps who relies heavily on brute strength to defeat his enemies and get the girl. Since Jason Momoa was far from the once huge and perfect proportions Schwarzenegger, he hoped to create a slightly different image of the Cimmerian hero.

“Conan is like a big cat - a lion or a tiger. A truly massive physique would only slow him down. He is fast and agile, always ready for action,” says Jason.

Jason has always led an active lifestyle and still enjoys surfing, rock climbing and skateboarding. But even this athletic training and athletic figure were not enough for filming in the upcoming film. Jason Momoa had to gain as much as 11 kg of muscle in a month and a half. Many believed that he would not cope with the test. Even Jason himself had doubts. Workout Jason Momoa started at 5 am with sword training. He then spent 1 to 2 hours doing strength training before diving into 2 hours of cardio. And so every day, six days a week.

“It was relentless and grueling, but I gave it 100 percent so I could relax a little at the end of the day. - Oddly enough, this “relaxation” was none other than the Saison Dupont beer, which Jason prefers - When you are covered in sweat, blood and dirt after a hard and long day of filming, a cold can of beer is the most wonderful thing in the world!

By the time Jason Momoa arrived in Bulgaria to begin filming, he was down to single digits. He transformed himself from a slender surfer into a hulking, 100-pound warrior - lithe and agile.

“It was difficult, but I have completely changed. I started to feel completely different. I have become much stronger - physically and spiritually!”

Jason Momoa Workout Program

Years of surfing and rock climbing have strengthened Jason's body, but to transform himself into a barbarian giant, the 33-year-old actor had to make friends with the barbell. But Jason Momoa's training was not entirely traditional. In order to gain such a huge amount of muscle mass in such a short amount of time, it was necessary to come up with something completely new. Jason Momoa tried out the Accelerated Results 7 training method, which focuses on doing more sets with fewer exercises and minimal rest to get more work done in less time.

For 30 minutes, Jason Momoa performed 3 exercises that consisted of 330 repetitions, which is 2-3 times more than in strength training old school. But since these exercises are grouped into sets of no more than seven repetitions, the program is still aimed at. Jason did 2 of these workouts a day to pump up his entire body.

Follow Jason Momoa's example if you decide to try out these incredibly intense workouts for yourself. The idea is to choose a weight that will allow you to handle this incredible load in each exercise.

First, we perform seven sets of seven-rep barbell squats, with seven seconds of rest between sets. Then rest for one minute and perform six sets of the same squats, each consisting of six repetitions and six seconds of rest between sets. We rest again for one minute. The final set of squats will consist of five sets, five reps, and five seconds of rest. Once you complete the 7-6-5 series with one exercise, rest for one minute and repeat with the other two exercises.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is about to hit theaters, and one of its features is the presence of Aquaman, the barbaric king of the deep sea, played by Jason Momoa. To achieve Momoa's shape, you don't have to spend months at the gym. The Conan the Barbarian star pumped up his muscles with this simple 30-minute workout with big amount replays from coach Eric Lacist. “You gain muscle mass quickly and burn a lot of fat,” Momoa says. If you're ready to test your limits, try gradually increasing your weight day by day. Fat is defeated. The muscle plateau has been overcome. Are you happy".


Each workout should take 30 minutes. Choose three of the five exercises below and take a day off between workouts. Aim for about two-thirds of your one-rep maximum.

Sets, reps and rest

In the first exercise, do 7 repetitions. Rest 7 seconds. Do 7 more repetitions. Rest another 7 seconds. And so on until you have done 7 sets of 7 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds. Then do a set of 6 reps: 6 sets of 6 reps with 6 seconds rest between sets. Finish with a set of 5 reps to total repetitions amounted to 110. Take a short break. And then repeat all over again with the other two exercises. Battle cry and trident swings are optional.

1. Barbell Squats

Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, hold the barbell with an overhand grip on your shoulders ( trapezius muscles), but not on the neck to engage top part backs. Slowly lower yourself into a squat, keeping your head and back straight and your butt out. Lower yourself until your hips are level with your knees, legs bent at right angles. The lower the squat, the better, but work on strength and flexibility first. Push your heels into the floor to explode back up. Keep your posture straight until you are fully stretched. This is one repeat

2. Army bench press

Sets: 7, 6, 5 / Reps: 7, 6, 5 / Rest: 30 seconds between sets

Place your feet together and lift the barbell toward your shoulders, palms forward. Press the barbell overhead with an explosive movement until your arms are fully extended, then lower it back down in a controlled movement.

3. Incline Bench Press

Sets: 7, 6, 5 / Reps: 7, 6, 5 / Rest: 30 seconds between sets

Lie down on an incline bench and lift the barbell to shoulder level, palms facing away from you. As you exhale, press the barbell with both hands. Extend your arms fully and tighten your chest before slowly returning to the starting position.

4. Reduction of arms in the simulator (“Butterfly”)

Sets: 7, 6, 5 / Reps: 7, 6, 5 / Rest: 30 seconds between sets

Use rope handles and top cables of the machine. Grasp the handles, your arms should be extended and slightly bent at the elbows. Place one leg slightly forward, tighten your core and pull your arms slightly down and across your body until your arms touch each other, then return to the starting position.

5. Pull-ups

Sets: 7, 6, 5 / Reps: 7, 6, 5 / Rest: 30 seconds between sets

Grab the handles of the pull-up machine, palms facing away from you, arms fully extended, approximately shoulder-width apart. Squeeze your shoulder blades, exhale, and move your elbows toward your hips as you lift your chin over the bar. Lower yourself back down in a controlled movement.

Jason Momoa is a large representative of his species(height - 196 cm, weight - 112 kg, biceps - 44 cm). Where do these physical data come from? He got his height of 2 m from his parents (Jason’s father, by the way, is a native Hawaiian), and the guy achieved everything else himself.

Childhood, adolescence, youth are surfing and rock climbing, and then hard work in the gym. For example, Momoa made his Conan not only very strong, but also fast (Momoa himself compares his hero to a big cat like a lion). And this is a problem with an asterisk, which requires an almost scientific approach to training.

It seems that such learned barbarians are in demand in Hollywood. After “Conan,” the guy was offered to lead the Dothraki horde in the series “Game of Thrones” (Momoa plays the nomadic leader Khal Drogo). And from there it was not far to the action movie “Unstoppable,” where he had the opportunity to play the main villain, with whom Sylvester Stallone himself fights.

Here are 6 rules that Momoa follows when he trains (to get into the shape of a real warrior), eats to gain muscle mass, and celebrates his victories.

1. Pulling iron is boring - throwing is fun

“I'm not a big fan of working exclusively with hardware,” Momoa says. “I enjoy more natural challenges: lugging around heavy things to fix things around the house, or just swinging a pickaxe in my yard.” IN gym Jason also prefers functional training. His favorite things to do are lift weights, throw medicine balls, and slam punches on a punching bag.

2. Eat flexibly

When Momoa was preparing to try on Konon's boots, he ate only chicken breast (one every 2 hours). In addition to this, the coach allowed the guy to snack on sweet potato, but only when he no longer had enough carbohydrates for full mental activity. But the role was done, and Jason switched to a more gentle version of the diet: “More lean meat and vegetables, and in the evening you can have a glass of Guinness so as not to go crazy from stress.”

3. Are you in a hurry? Work your feet

“Only have time for one exercise? Then squat with a barbell, Momoa advises. - Squats don’t just increase testosterone secretion and strengthen your core. If you do this exercise consistently, you will feel your whole body gaining strength.” After warming up, do 5 sets of 5 repetitions each, trying to reach your maximum weight in the last approach.

4. Fasting and growth

Sometimes when you're trying to gain weight, it's a good idea to fast for a while. First, Momoa says he loves carbs, but cutting them out for a few days or even weeks builds character. Secondly, researchers from Intermountain Medical Center Hospital, Utah, found that fasting for 24 hours increases the secretion of growth hormone by 2000%. In addition, after fasting, it is always nice to sit down at a table that is bursting with food and properly unwind. You deserved it.

5. Think about one thing

“If you're working out and worrying about things at the office at the same time, you won't be able to give it your all,” says Momoa. “Believe me, I myself constantly step on this rake.” To avoid repeating Jason's mistake, when doing exercises, imagine how the muscles involved work. This way you will not only get work issues out of your head, but also force your muscles to work harder.

6. You have to pay for your sins

Sometimes Momoa's day starts like this: He gets up at 5:30 a.m. to run 2.5 km uphill before breakfast. The actor makes up for the mistakes of last night: “I love cigars and booze. But since you allow yourself alcohol, you must do everything so that this weakness does not affect your body.” Did you break your sports regime? Set the treadmill to a 15% incline and run as fast as possible for 30 seconds. Now set the slope to 0% and go to at a relaxed pace 60 sec. This is one repetition - and you have to do 10 of them.

Khal Drogo is one of the most colorful characters in Game of Thrones. True, we didn’t have to enjoy his toned torso for long - he was killed at the end of the first season. However, in the seventh season, Khal will most likely return to the series! Actor Jason Momoa, which is Drogo’s name in real life, has already hinted at this several times on his social networks. In this regard, we tell all fans of “Game of Thrones” and not only how to get the same body as the leader of the Dethracians.

Jason Momoa is famous not only as Khal Drogo, but also as the heir to Arnold Schwarzenegger himself in the remake of Conan the Barbarian. The film failed at the box office, but Momoa's amazing form and resemblance to the young Arnold were noted by everyone. With a height of 193 cm, Momoa weighed about 100 kg, a whole centner of well-dried muscles - one can only dream of such a body!

But few people know that the actor was not always such a thug. Before being cast as Conon the Barbarian, he was an ordinary slender guy weighing about 85 kg. Momoa loved surfing, skateboarding, rock climbing and others extreme species sports, so he was quite fit, but he never trained with hardware. He managed to create the form in which he shone in “Konon” and “Game of Thrones” in just a month and a half of hard training. So don't think that it will necessarily take you years to build a muscular body from scratch - it all depends on genetics and perseverance.

Training program

During the pre-production period, Jason Momoa trained 6 days a week, but only two days were reserved for strength training, the rest of the time was spent on cardio, which was necessary so that along with kilograms of muscle, he did not also gain kilograms of fat. We will focus on strength training actors who were distinguished by incredible intensity.

The main rule that Momoa followed to gain 11 kg in a month and a half was as many repetitions as possible in as little time as possible. Yes, Khal Drogo did not focus on heavy weight rods. In each exercise, the working weight did not exceed 60% of the maximum possible. At the same time, he preferred to perform the exercise not with classical approaches, but with entire sets, each of which combined several approaches at once with a short rest of 7-10 seconds between them. With each exercise, the actor did three such sets, after which he switched to next exercise. Moreover, there were only three exercises per workout.

Such an intense workout took only 30-40 minutes. However, this type of load is not suitable for everyone - to perform such a volume of work, and even practically without rest, requires very good endurance, as well as an absolutely healthy heart and respiratory system.

Workout #1

Squats: 3 sets - each set consists of 5 sets of 5 reps with 7-10 seconds rest between sets.

Deadlift: 3 sets (5 x 5)

Leg press: 3 sets (5 x 5)

Workout #2

Bench press: 3 sets (5 x 5)

Pull-ups: 3 sets (5 x 5)

Seated dumbbell press: 3 sets (5 x 5)

As you can see, the actor divided all muscle groups into two days - a bottom day and a top day. In the first workout, the largest muscle group was pumped - the legs, and in the second, all the rest - the chest, back, shoulders. Momoa did not use arm exercises because the biceps already get enough work during the back workout, and the triceps are used during the chest exercises.

The most effective exercise To gain muscle mass, Jason Momoa calls barbell squats. They strengthen not only the legs, as many beginners believe, but also the entire body, and also enhance the secretion of testosterone, and muscle growth depends on the level of this hormone.