How to speed up your brain's reaction time. How to develop a reaction

Hello, dear friends!

The speed at which our brain processes information plays a huge role, both in decision-making and in life in general. Our success and well-being depends on how efficiently and quickly we respond to external factors and stimuli.

How to speed up the brain's reaction? After all, he is a supercomputer weighing only a few pounds! But a person’s movement depends on his ability to correctly send signals to the body.

The center of control and issuance of commands that control life is also responsible for relationships with other people, perception and emotional assessment of what is happening.

Optimizing your brain's response is an opportunity to be better! That is why for today’s article I have selected some tips that will help you increase your mental abilities.

1. Physical activity

Californian scientists have proven that with systematic physical activity, a person’s convolutions begin to move better, producing so-called “gray” cells in the body.

So, for example, in battle, an individual must concentrate at lightning speed and make informed decisions. Coordination of body movements, assessment of threat or distance to the enemy is similarly carried out using brain signals.

The life of an individual sometimes depends on how effectively the reaction to the signal given by the computer is structured. Therefore, to develop the speed of thought and the entire body, I definitely advise you.

2. Thinking training

When it comes to skill development, it is important not only physical exercise. You can independently develop the desired area of ​​the brain and make it work more productively.

How to do it? Firstly, it is worth understanding in advance what type of thinking prevails over you? Secondly, earlier in my materials I wrote about how to develop logical thinking or improve the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for feelings and creativity.

However, I would like to note that the thought process itself and independent analysis greatly helps to develop inactive parts of the brain. I invite you to discover new sensations.

Try unknown smells or dishes, experiment in food, take up a craft previously unfamiliar to you. And necessarily, to open new horizons.

3. A simple question “Why?”

Start a new and useful habit for yourself. Did you probably know that gray matter is predisposed to undisguised curiosity? So that’s why I suggest you develop the piquant skill of asking a question “ Why?»

Ask yourself this question at least 10 times a day. Compare findings, conclusions, study new information and develop. You will be surprised how many prospects and opportunities will open up for you when you introduce such a small question into your speech routine!

4. Eat more nuts

Nuts contain oil. Starting from cedar to walnut. Previously, it was considered useful only for the treatment of heart disease. But now research has found that it works great in increasing the speed of brain function.

Thanks to nuts, the amount of oxygen that enters the head increases and its proper circulation is ensured. In addition, it promotes more efficient functioning of membranes in the body's cells.

That is why people who are not lazy and add a lot of nuts and plant foods to their diet are less susceptible to nervous disorders, attention problems and memory problems.

Also, for the sake of successful digestion, it is worth noting that nuts are rich in proteins, which means it is better not to mix them with carbohydrates (honey, raisins, ...)! This is one of the rules of balanced nutrition, which will help you digest and assimilate food much more efficiently.

5. Train your memory

Techniques that help strengthen memorization skills have a beneficial effect not only on thinking, but also on the memory of body physics. Practice and exercise are the recipe for a positive implementation of a new habit.

Dancing, aerobics, gymnastics, as well as meditation help our body establish all vital regulatory systems. By memorizing movements, exercises and poses, you strengthen the connection between the body and the brain signal.

And the chemical reactions themselves that occur during activity train muscle memory and strengthen the entire body, and this increases the level of movement speed.

Reading, problem solving and training visual memory along with logical puzzles, they perfectly recommend themselves in the development of a person.

6. Proper nutrition

Can unhealthy fats make you stupid? You won't believe it, but it's true! Researchers at the University of Toronto have proven the fact that fat has a negative effect on the mental capabilities of experimental subjects - that is, rats.

Why is this happening? When you give up junk food, a person’s brain begins to work easier and faster. When harmful animal foods with huge amounts of fat are replaced with foods of plant origin, the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the brain increases in the body.

And this in turn increases the indicators of the thought process and reaction speed.

7. Improving acquired skills

Of course, our lives are full of familiar and ordinary activities. Among them you can find sewing, drawing, and cooking. But I will advise you to diversify your leisure time by complicating household chores and acquired skills.

This will help stimulate neural connections to additional load. Start reading literature that, in addition to theory, has practical implementation. Get acquainted with drawing styles unknown to you, master a different type of cutting or sewing. Discover the world of raw food cooking and put what you learn into practice!

This approach obliges you to achieve higher performance, and your brain to be healthy and productive.

8. Games

An active lifestyle and the desire to move, rather than lie on the couch, helps keep gray matter in good shape. You managed to highlight free time? Be sure to spend it outdoors in the company of children or friends!

Games of tennis, football, basketball, frisbee and any strength training are perfect for you! Go hiking, reach the top and don’t be too lazy to buy a gadget that measures the number of steps per day

A new-fangled lotion can be very useful for those people who spend most of their time sitting. And with the help of the application, you can always understand whether you walk home or can you afford to take public transport?

9. Train your concentration level

This is a panacea for increasing brain performance! But you should understand that its “eaters” are not always noticeable and perceptible. Learning to see exactly when you got distracted? What was the reason to do this?

By doing one thing after another and being in the “here and now” state, you will be able to achieve high marks for your work in reality.

10. Aromatherapy and relaxation

In order not to burn out all the cells in your head from too much effort, you should pay due attention to rest. I will advise you to resort to aromatherapy to tone up or, conversely, relax.

Substances that stimulate the body may contain notes of cypress and mint. But in case of calm, use a rose. A geranium scent might also work.

Friends, I’ll put an end to this.

Subscribe to my blog updates and recommend it to your friends to read. In the comments, tell us how you speed up brain reactions and what proven exercises do you recommend?

See you on the blog, bye-bye!

Reaction speed

in the discipline "Technology of perception of symbolic texts"


Timchenko K.A.

5th year student

gr. WORLD - 103

Barnaul 2014


1. Reaction speed 3

2. What is the limitation of human reaction speed 3

3. How to increase reaction speed 4

4. Game of firecrackers 5


6. References 11

Speed ​​reaction

Reaction speed is one of the main qualities of a living organism. It is very important to quickly respond to external irritants, because some of them can be dangerous or even fatal.

From the onset of the stimulus to the moment of reaction there always passes certain time, after which the muscular response mechanisms are activated, the speed of which already depends on the speed of body movements. The delay time is called “reaction latency time.” It is determined by the metabolic rate and is an individual feature of each organism. Reaction latency cannot be trained because it is impossible to increase the speed of transmission of nerve impulses.

What is the limitation on human reaction speed?

In humans, the average reaction time to a visual signal is 0.1-0.3 seconds.

The speed of a person's reaction is determined by work nervous system. When a person reacts to a very strong irritation that is life-threatening, for example, when he withdraws his hand from a hot object, a simple reflex comes into play, in which the brain does not take part. From the receptor, the signal travels along the nerve fiber to the spinal cord and then directly to the muscle, passing through only three nerve cells - a sensory neuron, an interneuron in the spinal cord and a motor neuron. The speed of the nerve impulse along the processes of nerve cells here is several tens of meters/sec. The determining factor is the time of synaptic transmission - about 0.1 sec.

First, the person withdraws his hand, and then feels pain. This is due to the fact that the signal from pain receptors to the brain travels along a different type of nerve fiber at a lower speed.

If we're talking about about a person’s reaction to a stone flying at him, then here is also a reflex reaction: the eye transmits a signal about rapid movement not only to the parts of the brain where they are processed (and we understand: “a stone is flying”), but also along special nerve pathways - to muscles, which provides a quick avoidance reaction - moving to the side, jumping away, etc.

If we are talking about the reaction when playing tennis, then a gradual improvement in the reaction is associated with the formation of stereotypical reflexes that allow you to react without the participation of the cerebral cortex (without thinking), and, most importantly, such reactions are carried out without feedback, that is, there is no constant adjustment of movement . And when we are just learning to make a new movement, a complex interaction occurs: a signal about the action is given to the muscle, a signal about the result of the action is sent back from it, and an adjustment occurs, i.e. the muscle moves under constant control, which takes a lot of time. All these processes involve different areas of the cerebellum and some other brain structures.

How to increase your reaction speed

The speed of human reaction can be increased. For example, professor Jocelyn Faubert and doctoral student David Tinjust decided to teach athletes - football, hockey and tennis players - to concentrate their attention on several objects at once. As a result, it turned out that athletes are able to simultaneously “absorb” more information and, accordingly, use it more productively – progress is on average 53%.

Reaction speed is one of the most important qualities that determines the outcome of a battle. If your victory depends on it in the ring or in the hall, then on the street life and health are often at stake. It is very important to react correctly and quickly to the enemy’s actions, because among them there are often actions that are crippling or associated with a threat to life.

You can learn to respond to stimuli that precede a dangerous action. For example, you should react not to the blow itself, but to the preparation for it - after all, before striking, the enemy will definitely look at the target, change his position, tense his muscles, inhale... There is more than enough time. You just need to develop a conditioned reflex, plant a new stimulus and response to it in the subconscious.

It can help you with this next exercise:

Game of firecrackers. The first partner stands and positions his open palm so that it is convenient for the second to hit it. For example, he stands sideways to the second person, holding his open palm in front of him. The second partner hits the palm of the first at random times. The task of the first is to remove the palm, the task of the second is to hit. You can keep score. Then the partners change. The principle inherent in this game can be transferred to other technical actions, for example, cutting and avoiding kicks at the lower level.

It is known that the subconscious reaction associated with the right hemisphere of the brain is much faster than the conscious reaction associated with the left hemisphere. It is logical to assume that it is in the subconscious that responses to a certain stimulus should be laid down. And this is achieved through repeated repetition of movements during training. In total, you need to score about 5-10 thousand repetitions, and it makes no sense to do more than 300 repetitions at a time. The 300 figure is quite large; in general, no more than 200 movements per workout are obtained, then it turns out that the subconscious assimilation of a motor pattern ideally requires about two months.

Motor reactions must be carried out at the level of conditioned reflexes, and this requires serious training.

The process of learning new motor skills can be accelerated. This will help you:

Exercises to develop speed:

· Jerks and accelerations from various starting positions (sitting, lying, kneeling, etc.) according to a visual signal.

· Jumping rope (maximum rotation frequency).

· Jerks with sudden changes of direction and instant stops.

· Jerks for short periods with sharp changes in direction of movement and sudden stops contribute to the development of speed of movement.

· Imitation exercises with accentuated fast execution of a particular movement.

· Various combinations of simulation exercises performed in different sequences contribute to the development of this type of speed, such as the speed of switching from one action to another.

The development of speed should begin by performing exercises in a uniform manner, with medium intensity: as soon as the ability to control movements develops, use the method of variable and repeated-variable exercises; the highest speed (intensity) of movements at this stage is 80-85% of maximum capabilities.

How often can you catch a ball flying towards you? When was the last time boiled-over soup filled you with gas? How many times have you lost in a game of agility and speed? All this is controlled by one important component of human life - reaction. Good reactions allow you to quickly and accurately deal with surprises - from everyday to professional. However, not everyone has a developed reaction: some quickly process their life experiences and do not specifically train their reactions, while others, on the contrary, need long and hard training to learn how to react in a split second.

Reaction: what, why, how?
What is a reaction, and why does the body need it, and even trained? So, a reaction is the body’s ability to immediately act in response to an external stimulus. Such an irritant can be anything: a ball flying at your head, borscht “popping” out of a pan on the stove, a phone ringing. Reaction is important not only in sports or in self-defense, it also helps in everyday life, because... prevents you from being caught off guard.

It is interesting that the reaction can be right and wrong. So, the instinct of self-preservation tells you to close your eyes when a strong wind rises, and dust can get on the mucous membrane. This is the correct reaction, which, in fact, does not need to be trained; it has been developed over the years and experience. However, the same closing of the eyes will be the wrong reaction when a ball or stone flies into the face. Here you need to either intercept the flying object with your hand, or shield yourself from it, or jump to the side. These actions require quick response, and therefore training!

Is it difficult to train a reaction?
How difficult is it to train a reaction and is it possible to do it? Of course, it is possible and necessary, and besides, it does not present any particular difficulties. How long did it take you to learn how to catch a ball in physical education lessons at school? Those who were not afraid of it learned this simple science very quickly, while those who ran from the ball as if from a nuclear attack still do not know how to catch it. The main rule in reaction training is: don’t be afraid. Fear blocks logic, so instead of calmly catching the ball, you will run away, put your fingers up, or, at best, dodge. In physical education lessons it’s not so scary: you didn’t catch the ball, you didn’t become a master of sports in your class, and that’s okay. Besides, dodging is also a reaction, it’s still better than getting hit in the face with a ball.

You can develop any of the senses, not just vision, which was discussed here. Hearing, smell, touch - all this can be trained. Determine for yourself what you will train first, because... you need to start with one feeling, then add the rest and combine. For example, start training the visual or auditory response (these senses are the easiest to train), then connect the sense of touch.

The second thing to consider is the purpose of your reaction training. Why did you need to develop a reaction: to win in sports, for self-defense, to improve professional skills? A clearly defined goal guarantees you faster and more obvious results, because when you don’t understand why you are doing it, the desire disappears.

Let's move on to training
It is best to train with a partner, because if you ask yourself an exercise and do it yourself, there will be no effect. In reaction training, speed, speed of action, unpredictability and uncontrollability of the stimulus are important. However, you can train the reaction at home yourself: throw a ball against the wall and catch it, toss a coin. In addition, there are special computer programs for developing reactions, which will help you conduct training alone.

In reaction training, it is important that the tasks are as varied as possible and involve different muscles. At first, make all movements slowly and measuredly, even thoughtfully. This way you will develop a movement algorithm, which will then be reproduced “automatically”. Not only training for the development of reactions is based on this principle, but in general everything that requires speed from the body (dancing, playing musical instruments).

If you decide to train with a friend (father, wife, child, neighbor), think through the set of tasks that you will perform. However, you don't have to know their sequence to maintain the surprise effect.

Examples of tasks for training the speed of visual reaction:

  • There are several lamps on the table, their switches are hidden under the table. The assistant lights one of the lamps, the task of the trainee is to perform a certain action. If the exercise is carried out at the initial stage of reaction training, there is no need to give instructions to turn on each lamp - this is very difficult. Let only a certain lamp be an indicator that something needs to be done. Over time, the task can be complicated, for example, when you turn on the red (or left) lamp, clap above your head, when you turn on the green (or middle) lamp, sit down, etc.
  • An assistant stands behind a screen and shows you objects one by one. You only need to react to one agreed upon object.
Examples of tasks for training the speed of auditory reaction:
  • When you hear a clap (or a special signal), move a certain object to another place. Before performing the exercise, you need to agree on what exactly you must do. For example, one clap - move the object forward, two clap - move it to the left, three - to the right, etc. You can use beep sounds on your computer. The main thing is that you have your back turned to your partner, and do not see how he is about to slam.
  • If self-defense exercises are being conducted, you can pull out a weapon by clapping or clicking or imitate this action.
  • While studying with someone else, you can do the following exercise: two people sit opposite each other, with some object lying on the table between them. At the sound signal, you must be the first to grab the object. An excellent exercise that also includes a competitive aspect.
Examples of tasks for training the speed of tactile reaction:
  • You are blindfolded. Your partner touches your hands one by one. You need to clap your hands as quickly as possible after touching.
  • A similar exercise: the partner is behind the trainee, alternately placing his hand on his shoulders and head. You need to do the same thing - clap very quickly.
These exercises are very useful for those who practice self-defense, because they will allow you to quickly react in a critical situation.

In the same way, you can train your reaction in sports. The main exercise is, of course, with the ball, but don't limit yourself to that. Use moves from judo, boxing, fencing, even regular badminton is an excellent way to train your reactions.

A good way to train reactions is to use a special ball. Due to its shape, it has a completely unpredictable rebound direction after hitting any surface. With its help, you can train your reaction, for example, in the following way. Stand with your partner opposite each other at a short distance and throw the ball on the floor. After the rebound, try to catch the ball. Look for a similar ball in sports stores in your city. Some balls come with a CD with descriptions in various ways training with the ball.

You can find a lot of reaction training exercises, you can come up with them yourself. However, remember that you can’t overload either, the body may not like it!

Reaction speed is of great importance in modern world. Speed ​​and energy are necessary in many life situations; without them it is impossible to achieve success in business and sports. Advice from psychologists and trainers will help you develop a good reaction.

How to develop a good reaction

What is a reaction

Reaction is the ability to respond to external stimuli received by the senses. Most of all, the speed of the reaction depends on the characteristics of the human nervous system. The speed of life also affects the speed of reaction - a person living in a rural area has a slightly lower reaction than a city resident.

How to develop good reaction speed

Many sports help develop reactions. Classes are especially useful table tennis. If you don't have a partner, hit a tennis ball off the wall. And to increase the effectiveness of your training, hit the ball off the wall carpet. In this case, the reaction intensifies due to the fact that more physical effort has to be applied.

Helps develop reactions and many computer games– racing, shooters and various simulators. However, don’t get too carried away with them – computer toys should only be part of your training

To increase reaction speed, the following are well suited: - boxing with a sparring partner, - cross-country running, - push-ups with cotton, - football, - volleyball, - ping-pong, - badminton, - baseball.

Great for your purpose and children's games. “Dodgeball”, snowball fights and all entertainment with moving objects help the brain quickly analyze the situation and make the right decisions.

You can develop a reaction using special exercises aimed at training various senses. You should start training from the very simple exercises requiring a simple response to a specific stimulus. Then try more complex combinations. Such exercises help bring the desired reaction almost to the level of a reflex.

Reaction training is best done with competitors - the spirit of competition will significantly increase the effectiveness of training

Let's try to figure out how to increase reaction speed using an example practical exercises. But first, let's say a little about the theoretical side of the issue.

There is a myth that everyone has the same reaction speed, but this is not true. You can easily verify this. It is enough to take a reaction speed test with friends or family. You will notice that it varies. Even one person shows different reaction rates throughout the day.

Another myth says that reaction speed cannot be improved. This is also not true. Numerous studies confirm that responsiveness improves significantly with exercise.

What is a reaction

So, first let's figure out what a reaction is. It acts as a serious element of self-defense. The higher the reaction, the faster you cope with surprises and the more difficult it is to take a person by surprise. Reaction refers to established actions in response to external influences - stimuli. A simple reaction, or rather a reflex, goes like this:

the irritant affects the receptors of the organ;
from there the signal comes to the brain;
the brain gives orders to the body;
it causes the muscles to move, and they contract and perform the task.

The body's reaction to stimuli is a reflex inherent in nature. It is important to be able to develop it to increase the speed of action.

This is how blinking functions in response to certain sudden irritants of the eyes (for example, if a speck hits), the knee-jerk reflex, and also withdrawing fingers from something hot, etc.

In reality, most often, this path is more difficult. Often, not only the spinal cord, but also the brain is involved. The reaction speed slows down if a person himself interferes in the chain. For this reason, it is important to develop and enhance it in order to avoid interference from oneself.

How to improve your reaction speed

Are you interested in the answer to the question of how to improve your reaction speed? It is quite simple: constant training. If 3-4 times a week, then to train the reaction you will need to make an effort every day.

The key secret to increased reaction is the ability to respond at the right moment. But, unfortunately, our body is not capable of being in a state of high concentration for a long time. Therefore, the first task is to develop the ability to alternate periods of concentration and rest.

As a true athlete, you need to be able to move into a state of extreme concentration in a split second. And after that you need to relax as much as possible so that the body can rest.

Reaction speed is important in many life situations, and developing it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Special online tests teach exactly this: maximum concentration and maximum relaxation at the right moment. To improve your reaction speed, you will need to concentrate your attention only on a specific object. You need to forget about everything else that surrounds you. It's difficult, but you can really learn it.

If a question arises regarding increasing the reaction speed, then you immediately need to answer another question: what exactly are you going to develop the reaction to? People react to:

visible stimuli.

Thus, if you want to develop a reaction, then you will have to do this to one of these stimuli. In the future you can mix them, but at first proceed gradually, train them one at a time.


Regardless of what type of reaction is developing: visual, auditory or tactile, it is necessary to understand exactly what acts as a response reflex during classes, that is, what is the established action. It is more correct to train a specific sensitive receptor for various types of activities. You can develop a reaction even to the most ridiculous signals, but it is important to achieve a variety of activities during training; you must use as many muscles as possible.

Such actions are required to be simple, and it is important to perform them with one touch or movement. These actions are different, they require a wide variety of efforts: from performing the command “lie down” to push-ups or pull-ups. It is important that these movements are simple.

It is important for you to determine what kind of reaction you are developing: auditory, visual or tactile. You won't be able to train everything at once.

In addition, the meaning of the exercise also plays a role; it should not be devoid of this, i.e. it is required to carry a specific meaning. In other words, the exercise should be useful in everyday life. The key emphasis when choosing here needs to be on safety and acquiring various skills: sports, special. It is important to adequately select the stimulus. For example, simulating a shot trains a jump to the side, a fall, but not nonsense.

You need to train little by little, starting with simple exercises. This includes “get the javara” or moving objects. Another distinctive feature of the process is the inevitable presence of a completely sudden and uncontrollable source of irritation. Training with orders to yourself is meaningless and useless, and you quickly get bored. Truly unexpected sources of assignments are required.

The ideal choice would be another person, that is, a partner or coach. Participation in exercises by two people immediately introduces a competitive element into them. Each one tries to win against the other, making efforts to complicate the opponent’s task. Take a friend, relative, etc. as a coach. Few people will refuse to develop the action of the reaction.

Of course, if you are capable of this, then organize similar conditions yourself, where there are a lot of surprises. But now let's look at some exercises that are designed to increase reaction speed. Of course, they are not considered the ultimate truth, but an ordinary sample, on the basis of which you will create various, more appropriate, tasks.

Increased hearing response

In order to develop a reaction to hearing, sound is used as an influence. It requires a clear beginning. An example is the sound of music, ringing, clicking, knocking, etc. Even the doorbell. When developing a reaction to sounds, it is necessary to interrupt the visible connection between the one who is training and the cause of the sound. In other words, the trainee should not predict the moment of sound appearance by the activity of the partner trainer. You can create sound behind your back or use special program for PC.

If the auditory response is developing for safety, then tasks are directed to established actions (lying down, jumping, bending, etc.). Here are examples of useful tasks:

the coach needs to go out the door. After the signal, the participant is required to move a specific object (this must be clearly indicated). Or take an object (from a shelf, from a pocket, from a drawer, etc.);
the coach stands behind him and sharply hits the surface of something with a ruler. The trainee is required to make the same blow;
during safety tasks, it is required to train the process of taking away a weapon or what is used instead of it, upon a sound signal (stomping, screaming, knocking, etc.);

The exercises are simple but effective. You can change them or complicate them to your liking.

partners sit opposite each other, and an object is placed in front of them. The trainer moves around them and suddenly a sound appears (clap, whistle). The partners are required to take the lying object based on the sound - who is the fastest. To make the task more difficult, the coach can not only clap, but also say something like “bang”, “boom”, etc. Don't forget that partners can't bump heads.

Increased response to touch

Now the reaction to touch is being developed, i.e. touch that is not controlled by looking, for example, from behind. This is a key safety element. During training, you need to blindfold yourself if you are working on the tactility of your hands. And if safety tasks are performed, the trainer is located behind. Here are some examples for training:

the person is on a chair, blindfolded, his hands must be placed shoulder-width apart on the table. The trainer touches the participant's hands suddenly and at indefinite intervals. The latter, when touched, should clap his palms. It is important that a minimum of time passes from the moment of touch to the execution of the action;
the coach stands behind at arm's length. It touches the trainee's shoulder. The latter needs to suddenly crouch down, jump to one side, turn around and get into a fighting position.

Increased vision response

The reaction to vision is very important, because it is the main sense. People receive almost all data through their eyes, so the development of reactions from a “visible” stimulus requires maximum time.

By the way, it’s not difficult to develop it. When performing tasks, it is important to pay attention not only to the response to a set event, but also to the person’s choice of a specific event. There is no need to turn on one lamp, turn on one of two or three. In such a situation, the brain needs to evaluate the situation and discard unnecessary stimuli. Here are some useful tasks to improve your visual response:

A ruler is pressed against the wall. The participant is required to place thumb 1 cm from the ruler at 10-15 cm from its edge. The moment the ruler is lowered, it falls. The goal is to catch it with your finger and press it against the wall. The shorter the time the ruler “flies”, the higher the reaction;
the trainer randomly turns on one of the 2 lamps (the switch is invisible to the participant). When a specific lamp is turned on, it is required to move an object or perform a specified action;
things are shown from behind the screen. You need to react to a specific subject.

Effective training is provided by finger games: rock-paper-scissors and even-odd:

In the even-odd game, the leading number 1-5 is shown on the fingers. The second participant needs to show his own number, but with a different meaning. If the first participant shows an odd number, then it is important for the second to show an even number;

Many children's games develop visual reactions. It’s enough to remember your favorite childhood pastimes and start training.

The game rock-paper-scissors is familiar to us since childhood. The fist acts as a stone and breaks the scissors (two fingers). The latter defeat paper (palm), and it is capable of covering stone. In a simple type of game, participants “create” an item at one point. In this situation, the coach gives time to the trainee so that he has time to understand and choose the subject that wins;
okay. In this game, participants sit at a table facing each other. Hands are also on the table. One tries to cover the other’s with his palm, and it is important for the other to remove it before that.

There are other trainings for developing a reaction to visible stimuli:

a game for children in which people stand in a circle. They jump in a clockwise motion, trying to jump on their neighbor's leg. The latter moves his leg with a jump. If a participant jumped while attacking, then it is important for him to freeze in place. If a participant jumps, jumping away, he must step on his neighbor’s foot. The one who was stepped on leaves the circle;
easy fun called “catch a piece of paper”. One participant holds paper in his hands, and the second puts his palm on his hand holding this paper. The first throws, and the second must catch with his hand the paper that was on the first’s hand. If the game is for money (if you catch a piece of money, you get it), then the process of reaction development takes place as quickly as possible;
juggling. You start learning to juggle. In this situation, the goal is not only to develop a reaction, but one cannot do without it.

To develop the body's reaction speed, a game is used where you need to catch a tennis ball with your hand. Everyone saw the tennis players training. They stand against the wall and practice punches. The ball bounces off the wall and comes back again.

Take a tennis ball too, stand opposite the wall and start throwing it, applying force. The actions are similar to the training of tennis players: hand-ground-wall-hand. First, one arm is trained, then the other, then all at once. Alternatively, you can throw with your left hand and catch only with your right. This will make things more difficult. It’s even better to do the exercise with a partner, so you can catch the ball in order.

24 January 2014, 15:28