Which sport should I choose for my child? International Gym offers developmental gymnastics! Gymnastics in Krylatskoye for children.

Every child needs active movement for full growth and it’s great when physical development your child is formed with the help and under the supervision of professionals. Almost the entire coaching and teaching staff of the schools listed below consists of people who have proven their worth in sports and have experience in training new athletes. Even if your child does not choose gymnastics as his life’s calling, in any case he will be grateful to you for his athletic figure and harmonious development. For children younger age classes are conducted in a playful way and, if desired, in the presence of parents. You can practice sports and rhythmic gymnastics in Krylatskoye at the Krylatskoye basketball palace, the Moscow Gymnastics Center, the Istochnik cultural and sports center and other sports educational institutions. Choose a sports organization that is convenient for you, which your child could attend (and perhaps you will also have a desire to take up gymnastics), according to the following list.

Basketball Palace "Krylatskoye"

t. (499) 726-37-04, (499)726-37-23

Website: www.baskethall.ru

The palace hosts classes in various martial arts, game types sports, and rhythmic gymnastics with both adults and children.

Moscow Gymnastics Center

Located at the station. m Krylatskoye, on Rublevskoe highway, 52A


Your baby needs to move. WITH early age it is important to strengthen the baby’s body, accustom him to physical activity and tune to healthy image life. And if in infancy you could do gymnastics with him yourself, then the older the child gets, the more professional approach to classes he needs.

Gymnastics is important for children as they grow and develop. Endurance, immunity, plasticity, correct breathing and activation of the functions of all organs of the young body is not full list the benefits that regular exercise will provide. And we know this because we are professional trainers with many years of experience.

We also know that keeping a child’s attention during a lesson is only possible by using a game-based lesson format. This method of implementation ensures the psychological comfort of the child (especially toddlers). If it is necessary for parents to be present during class, so be it. The main thing for us is that little gymnasts enjoy their classes, because only good impressions can form a healthy habit of playing sports!

We are a team of trainers at the International Gym center, working in the format of developmental gymnastics. Each of us is a qualified athlete who knows how to work with children.

Along with many other areas of sports, in the NeoFit sports complex, there is an opportunity to start practicing one of the types of gymnastics.

We can talk about its positive effect on the body for a long time and thoroughly. It’s worth just listing its main advantages:

  • strengthening the musculoskeletal system;
  • expanding the range and freedom of movement;
  • improved coordination;
  • vestibular apparatus training;
  • increasing immunity;
  • development of such vital qualities as responsibility, organization, endurance and much more.

The NeoFit sports club in Krylatskoye has all the necessary professional equipment, equipment, equipment for sports and rhythmic gymnastics. Clean and well-maintained halls are equipped with modern split systems that provide comfortable temperature conditions and the desired humidity.

Those wishing to join big family For sports lovers, experienced, certified coaches and mentors are always welcome.

Rhythmic gymnastics in Krylatskoye

One of the most elegant sports where exercises are combined with musical accompaniment is gymnastics. Its various elements can be performed with or without objects (hoop, ribbon, ball, etc.).

The NeoFit club hosts group and individual sessions for this sport. It is more difficult to be able to work shoulder to shoulder with other group members. Here it is important not only to technically perform elements of a certain complexity, but also to synchronize them with the actions of others.

The result of long-term and systematic training can be an artistic performance of the program to music. In this case, it is estimated:

  • flexibility;
  • exceptionally precise mastery of the subject;
  • coordination abilities;
  • sustainability;
  • jumping ability and a number of other parameters.

In addition to all the advantages of playing this sport, there is a wide circle of contacts: coach, team members, opponents, fans, etc.

Artistic gymnastics in Krylatskoye

In addition to artistic gymnastics, where female participants predominate, you can attend gymnastics training.

This direction includes actions on various sports equipment, For example:

  • bars:
  • rings;
  • log;
  • horse.

And also vaults and floor exercises.

Sports instructors of our club pay special attention to an individual approach to everyone involved in this sport, both in women's and men's groups. The performance and personal performance of athletes often depends on their work.