Cardio twister how to do it correctly. Exercise machine Cardio Twister (Stepper Cardio Twister)

Just the desire to lose weight and make your body beautiful is not enough; you need to work on it. Muscle definition cannot be achieved through diets; physical activity is necessary for a beautiful body.

Cardio equipment is popular now. They have a large number of varieties. Unlike strength training equipment, which develop muscle strength, volume and flexibility, cardio equipment is needed to perform aerobic cardio exercise.

The peculiarity is that they promote fat burning and weight loss, strengthen and stimulate cardiovascular and respiratory system, increase the body's endurance. Which one is better to choose?

Cardio twister is sold in sports stores and on the Internet.

  • Treadmill. It is a unique simulator that simulates walking and running.
  • Elliptical cross trainer. Combines exercise on the track, bicycle and stepper.
  • Exercise bike. Exercising on an exercise bike enhances the metabolic process, which allows you to lose weight. excess weight. Don't forget that an exercise bike is comparable to real cycling and uses the same muscles (legs, hips, buttocks).
  • Cardio Twister exercise machine (Cardio slim, Twister or stepper).

Types of cardio equipment - treadmills, staplers, exercise bikes

Lesson on this sports equipment imitates walking on stairs.

Cardio slim

Slim is a modern exercise machine for people who lead sedentary lifestyle life. And this is the problem of the century, and in order not to waste time and money on fitness rooms, you can buy a cardio slim at an affordable price and work out at home. After all, a healthy body and heart are the main thing in a person’s life.

During the lesson, the main load is distributed between gluteal muscles, muscles of the front of the thigh. Slim allows you to strengthen your abdominal, back and shoulder muscles. We can say that in it more benefits than an exercise bike. If on an exercise bike it is mainly the legs that work, then when exercising on the Cardio Slim they also work. upper muscles. Accordingly, the weight will go away faster.

The cardio slim exercise machine takes up little space in the house.

What's your choice? Thanks to the user reviews below, it is better to choose Twister.

Its structure

The bottom is presented in the form of a stepper, which allows you to load the muscles of the lower body during exercise. The top of the machine is a rotating handle that helps develop the muscles of the upper body. It is by twisting and fixing the body that your waist will acquire beautiful shape. The simulator has an electric display that helps regulate the intensity and duration of the workout and will indicate the number of calories burned, steps and turns taken.

Cardio twister exercise machine - top view

Doctor's review

Andrey, 45 years old, therapist:

"Cardio Slim", and indeed all cardio equipment - great choice rehabilitation after heart disease. There is one thing: every patient must consult a specialist after an illness or in the presence of even minimal chronic pathologies. For example, after a course of therapy, I advised one patient to exercise on such a simulator and walk about 4 km a day. with a measured step, she had mild attacks of angina pectoris. The woman's condition improved due to increased blood supply to the myocardium. I also advise you to consult a doctor if you have inflammatory or degenerative diseases of the joints and spine; these pathologies may progress more quickly, and you will have to change the type of exercise machine.”

Cardio twister simulator panel

Advantages of twister slim

  • compactness;
  • ease of use;
  • differentiated load levels;
  • training different groups muscles;
  • acceptable price;
  • synthesis of a treadmill and an exercise bike into one.


  • limited user weight (up to 100 kg);
  • The cardio twister is not suitable for people in good physical shape.

What are the results of training on cardio slim?

Let us remind you that in order to see results you need to exercise regularly. This is confirmed by user reviews about the cardio twister simulator.

Cardio twister is supplied unassembled

With the right lifestyle, following the instructions and regular training, the following results will be achieved:

  • significant weight loss;
  • improvement of appearance;
  • coordination improves;
  • joint mobility develops;
  • allows you to remove excess salts;
  • endurance increases;
  • the heart and blood vessels are strengthened.

But there are contraindications

You can’t do cardio if you have chronic heart disease. vascular system, problems with joints and spine, viral infections, pregnancy.

Adjusting the difficulty of classes

Instructions for use

Instructions for using the simulator. We remind you that a warm-up is required before each workout. And during exercise, do not forget to breathe correctly; this also helps to lose excess weight.

  1. Place the machine on a flat, level surface. To prevent it from slipping, it is better to place it on a thin rubber mat. Make sure the machine does not wobble during exercise.
  2. Stand in front of the machine and place your right foot on the right pedal.
  3. Hold the handles of the machine approximately shoulder-width apart.
  4. Put left leg on the left pedal and slowly start your workout, taking slow steps. Feel how the handle gently turns left and right, following it, carefully turn your body. To make your movements smooth, synchronize your steps and body rotation.
  5. At the end of the workout, slowly step off the machine, stepping with your feet one at a time.

Slim suggests regular classes. For visible results and strengthening the cardiovascular system, devote 30 minutes to training 3-4 times a week.

Price. According to user reviews, the price ranges from 1800 rubles to 8000.

I regularly have promotions on slim, so purchasing this exercise machine is affordable. Everyone must understand that in order for the simulator to be of high quality, it must be chosen and purchased in trusted stores.

Caring for the simulator is simple, unlike other types.

The desire of every person to stand out among the people around him forces him to monitor his image and body. If you can buy a beautiful thing without much difficulty in any store, then bring the body to such a state that it stands out in better side among others and pleasing to one’s own eye, much more difficult.

To give a more sculpted body and a slim figure, many people visit fitness clubs and gyms. But what should people do who do not have such an opportunity due to lack of time or for some other reason? Then all that remains is to set up a gym at home.

Going into sport Club, the first thing that will catch your eye is the wide variety of training equipment and equipment. They differ not only in size, but also in the functional load on certain muscle groups. Exercise machines do not necessarily help pump up muscles; with their help, you can simply maintain toned muscles throughout the body.

But in gym There are a lot of exercise machines. How can you fit them all in your home, especially if the apartment is very small? Special compact home exercise machines have been created specifically to solve such problems.

Benefits of home exercise equipment

In terms of their functional properties, home exercise equipment is practically no different from professional exercise equipment. They can even surpass them in some ways, for example, in their functionality. If in the gym, in order to pump up different muscle groups, they use several different exercise machines, then one home exercise machine can accommodate several functions at the same time.

Exercise machines that are installed at home are mainly aimed at burning fat and keeping the body in athletic shape.

Benefits of using home exercise equipment:

  • no need to waste time and money visiting the gym;
  • You can study at any convenient time;
  • the amount of training time is not limited by anyone;
  • All family members can exercise on one simulator;
  • During class, you can listen to your favorite music or watch TV.

Today the most popular home exercise machine is the twister machine. It has won a huge number of fans thanks to its compactness and versatility. With this exercise machine you can lose weight in a short time and keep your body in the desired shape every day.

Video about the correct use and results of losing weight thanks to the twister simulator

The difference between the twister exercise machine and other home exercise equipment

This exercise machine compares favorably with other home exercise machines in several important ways. To prove this we compare two simulators. For comparison, let's take the most common exercise bike and cardio machine Twister.

Let's compare using several parameters

Weight and dimensions in working order:

  • exercise bike: occupies an area of ​​up to 2 sq.m. and weighs 30 kg;
  • twister: occupied area 1.5 sq.m., weight 16 kg.
  • exercise bike: thigh and pelvic muscles, calf muscles, feet, gives positive loads on the spine;
  • twister: absolutely all leg muscles, rectus dorsi muscles, arm muscles, foot muscles shoulder girdle And main feature- strengthening and development of abdominal muscles and abs.

Assembly and preparation of the installation site:

  1. Exercise bike. It is mainly sold assembled, or assembled by two specialists, an assembler and an adjuster; installation time can take from half an hour to an hour. Installed on a flat and level surface, preferably not smooth; if you install the exercise bike on parquet, then it is better to lay a rubber mat on the floor.
  2. Twister. Sold unassembled, the kit includes the main parts and mounting devices. Assembly takes 20 minutes; over time, you will need to tighten the clamps so that the machine does not lose stability. It is installed on a flat, rough surface so that the machine does not slip or tip over.
  1. Exercise bike. The price can range from $150 to $2,700 depending on the manufacturer, model, available functions and method of operation (mechanical or magnetic drives).
  2. Twister: costs an average of $150.

Additional features:

  1. Exercise bike: Cheap models only include a function that indicates the number of kilometers traveled and speed. On more expensive models starting at $500, there is a function that calculates the number of calories burned, heart rate, and it is possible to change the load of the simulator, but this is only on models with a magnetic operating mechanism.
  2. The twister simulator on all devices has the ability to change the type of load. From an easier level to a difficult level and vice versa stepwise principle. Therefore, with regular training, you can gradually move to the most difficult level.

It also has a special sensor and a display that displays the number of calories burned.

As can be seen from the comparison, the differences between these two simulators are quite significant.

The Twister is significantly superior to an exercise bike in its functionality. And why spend extra money on purchasing another exercise machine for the muscles of the arms and abdomen, if the twister includes these functions.

Due to its versatility, the twister simulator has positive reviews and recommendations from professionals.

Design of the simulator and principle of operation

A twister is a design that looks very similar to a regular stepper. It also has special pedals and a steering wheel, but the operating principle is a little different. Although this “little” gives big results.

When working on a regular stepper, only the leg muscles are used, but on a twister, thanks to the pedals and steering wheel moving sideways, they are also used lateral muscles body and shoulder muscles. This is the main feature of the simulator, which allows it to compete even with professional sports equipment.

The principle of operation is simple: thanks to simple movements of the legs and body, the muscles of the whole body quickly warm up and begin to work more intensely. As a result, the muscles begin to consume the fats that are in the body, and a smooth loss of excess weight occurs.

How to use the trainer

To start working on the simulator, you must perform the following steps:

  • alternately place your feet on the pedals;
  • comfortable grip on the steering wheel;
  • take a normal step with your foot, your arms and body will automatically move behind the wheel;
  • then take a step with the other foot.

So, at first, slowly, and then faster and faster, the exercise on the simulator occurs. Within a minute after starting work, the body gets used to the load.

For beginners, the first lesson for 15 minutes at an easy difficulty level will be enough. With each workout, the load and time spent on the machine should be increased to half an hour.

The twister simulator takes its rightful place among home exercise equipment, this is confirmed by numerous positive reviews about working with it. But it’s better to try once than to read a hundred times!

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


It has become even easier to train endurance, coordination and strength at home, and make your figure more beautiful. Increasingly, rave reviews about Cardio Twister are appearing online, the use of which helps you quickly get rid of excess weight, you just need to regularly follow the instructions for use. The compact device has won the love of many novice athletes because it is affordable and multifunctional.

Stepper, Cardio Slim - these are a few more names for this mechanism. The design is a stable base with pedals that slide up and down. A rotary control lever is provided to maintain balance and develop the muscles of the upper body. The Cardio Twister exercise machine is made of durable materials, thanks to which it can withstand loads of up to 110 kg. The device is designed for different levels of training - it has seven operating modes. A microcomputer keeps track of time, calories burned, steps and repetitions.

The Cardio Twister exercise machine has the following advantages:

  • Makes body contours attractive: tightens the hips, buttocks, abdomen, biceps and triceps, models the shoulder muscles.
  • Improves flexibility, adds strength and endurance. Twister strengthens the heart and develops the lungs.
  • Stepper Cardio Slim allows you to develop complex training with a good load on the body, which includes turns and bends with a narrow, wide grip, squats, crunches.

How to exercise on Cardio Twister

The advantages of this simulator were appreciated by many buyers. Attractive price, small size and ease of use conquer thousands of users. The stepper has few disadvantages:

  • The Twister exercise machine is not designed for too much excess weight.
  • Users note the awkward placement of the screen.

If these disadvantages of the simulator do not bother you, you can look through the manufacturers’ catalog at any time and buy a suitable mechanism in the online store. To lose weight effectively and not injure yourself, you need to warm up before exercise. Pay special attention to the ankles, inner and front thighs, oblique abdominal muscles, and lower back. It is advisable to conduct Cardio Twister classes every day, lasting at least 30 minutes, beginners should start with 10-15 minutes. Move at a low intensity, gradually increasing it to the limit.

Exercises on Cardio Twister

Having unpacked the simulator, you will find a pleasant surprise - two disks with a set of exercises. True, they are English language, so not everyone will be able to understand some of the subtleties of the task. To get a toned, athletic figure, follow these steps: the following exercises on Cardio Twister:

  • The basic task is steps with turns. Stand on the Twister trainer and start walking - press your feet on the pedals. With each step, turn your body to the right and left.
  • Depending on what muscle you want to train, tense it as you move. If it's your abs, engage them as you rotate your torso. Do you want to tighten your arms? Then use your biceps or triceps to rotate the lever of the Twister machine.
  • To burn fat, you need to set the “Fast” mode. You will walk easily and quickly, without feeling too much resistance from the pedals of the exercise machine. At this speed, running with parallel work of the upper body is easily simulated.
  • Cardio training in the “Slow” mode is aimed at pumping the muscles of the whole body, with the main emphasis on the legs. To diversify your workout, perform deep squats, straight and cross body crunches, wide-amplitude body turns, and arm swings.

Regular fitness on a simulator in combination with a diet, constant proper nutrition, will help achieve excellent results. The first modifications will be visible after a week of training, and after a month, pleasant changes will become obvious to others. Photos of your toned figure will please the eye and support your enthusiasm for further perfection.


The cardio stepper machine is not equally useful for everyone. Before ordering a mechanism, you should consult your family doctor. If this is not possible, study the following contraindications for exercising on the Cardio Twister:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, heart failure, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, etc.);
  • pathologies of joints, musculoskeletal system;
  • severe curvature of the spine;
  • recent injuries, fractures.

This post is sponsored by the We On Sport sports store, where you can buy a parallel bars press bar.

The Cardio Twister sports machine has a well-deserved popularity due to its ability to not only quickly remove extra pounds, but also strengthen the muscles of the hips, back and abs. Regular 30-minute workouts allow you to noticeably correct figure imperfections in a short time and significantly improve your overall well-being. However, in order to get the desired result, you need to not only exercise regularly, but also perform the exercises correctly. To do this, you need to know which exercises are optimal and most effective.

Sports simulator Cardio Twister: how to train correctly

If you have already decided that you should buy a cardio twister exercise machine, the price of which will suit almost everyone, you need to know how to properly train on this sports equipment.

For beginners, it is recommended to train on the Cardio Twister simulator every other day. In this case, you can start with 5 minutes and gradually reach 15 minutes, and then you can train for 30 minutes or do 3 sets of 10 minutes. If the level physical training If you are training high enough, you can train every day, but you need to monitor the condition of your body.

Depending on the purpose of the exercise, the appropriate resistance setting for the Cardio Twister sports simulator is selected.

To train the cardiovascular system, burn excess fat and increase endurance, it is recommended to set the speed-resistance control lever to the “FAST” position, which will allow you to walk quickly and easily, since in this case the resistance of the pedals will be insignificant.

To strengthen the muscles, you need to move the lever towards the “SLOW” position, fixing it so that the muscles can withstand the increased pressure of the pedals.

Having decided on the price of the cardio twister machine, having learned all the features of training on it, you can start training.

1. Exercise “Free swinging step”. Stand on the Cardio Twister machine and hold the handlebars so that your hands are shoulder-width apart. As you move your right foot down, the handlebars will move to the left, putting your body in the ideal position to train all your major muscles. Then, when moving down with your left foot, the steering wheel moves to the right. You must be careful to press the pedals with your heels every time you move and turn.

2. Exercise “Deep squat”. Stand on sports simulator Cardio Twister, grab the handlebars from below, place your hands shoulder-width apart. The hips and knees should be bent so that the student is in a half-squat position. Start moving and turning while keeping your knees bent. Press the pedals with your heels. When driving, keep one hand on the steering wheel and the other at your side. With each step, raise your other arm toward the ceiling, being careful not to point your elbows out to the sides. As you press your other foot into the pedal, slowly lower your hand to the starting position. Then repeat the exercise for the other arm and leg.

3. Exercise “Triceps training”. When starting to move, place one hand on the handlebars and hold the other hand along your body. With each step, bend your other arm at the elbow and push your lower arm up. Repeat the exercise with the other hand.

4. Exercise “Twisting with a narrow grip.” Place both hands near the center of the steering wheel and start driving. As you move, the handlebars will turn your body to the side, and thus keeping the handlebars centered helps to give a good workout to your central chest.

5. Exercise “Cross oblique twist.” Place your right hand in the center of the left side of the steering wheel while left hand secure it at your waist. Start walking and twisting, actively working your oblique muscles. Then change the position of your hands. Make sure your elbows are pressed to your sides.

6. Exercise “Chest rotation”. Place both hands on the steering wheel so that they are shoulder-width apart. Place your palms on the steering wheel. When stepping and pushing away from the steering wheel, it will turn the exerciser to the side, providing intense training to the chest muscles.

7. Exercise “Turn back”. Place both hands on the steering wheel so that they are shoulder-width apart. Press your palms against the steering wheel. Pull the steering wheel towards you - this will intensively train your back muscles.

After finishing a set of exercises, it is important to do a cool-down in order to lower your body temperature to normal. When you cool down, you need to do stretching exercises.

So, the Cardio Twister sports machine is an excellent choice at an affordable price. This simulator allows you to perform a variety of exercises in a simple, but at the same time very effective program. During the classes, almost all muscle groups will be involved - legs, arms, shoulders, chest and abdomen. So, regular exercise on the cardio twister machine will help you sufficiently short term make your body fit, athletic and attractive.

To organize a full-fledged fitness complex no longer requires a lot of money and space; it is enough to purchase one universal Cardio exercise machine Twister, which will help you forget about extra pounds forever. In this article we will look at what the Cardio Twister exercise machine is, what reviews there are about it and how to use it correctly.

What is the Cardio Twister?

Cardio Twister– one of the most effective stepper exercise machines designed for home use.

This simulator compares favorably with most analogues in that it solves several problems at once: it eliminates excess fat, trains all muscle groups, strengthens the cardiac system and models the contours of the body.

The exercise machine is mounted on a solid base, equipped with large anti-slip pedals and has convenient control levers. The load mode is selected independently, depending on physical fitness and varies from the first to the seventh level. Cardio Twister allows you to evenly distribute the load between all muscle groups.

The training complex is aimed at solving the following problems:

  • improves the figure, modeling the contours of the body;
  • helps increase muscle mass;
  • develops body flexibility;
  • increases endurance and strength;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • develops dexterity;
  • improves coordination, making movements clearer;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • gets rid of extra pounds.


The simulator is designed in such a way that you can train the muscles of different parts of the body. Cardio Twister is equipped with a rotating mechanism, making it easy to pump up abdominal Press and tighten the side abdominal muscles.

In addition, it allows you to pump up the external and inner surface thighs and strengthen the buttocks.

The effect obtained through training on Cardio Twister is many times greater than the results from monotonous exercises, stupid bends and squats.


In terms of its technical capabilities, Cardio Twister is quite comparable to professional exercise machines, as it allows you to:

  • regulate speed and control resistance;
  • use a step with free oscillation;
  • strengthen shoulder muscles;
  • work out the triceps;
  • make turns and bends with a narrow grip;
  • tighten the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and chest;
  • burn and sculpt the midsection.


The exercise machine is made of durable, high-quality steel and is designed for weights up to 110 kilograms. The Cardio Twister dimensions do not exceed half a meter in width, which allows it to be used even in a small apartment, and its light weight makes the exercise machine mobile.

The Cardio Twister exercise machine is equipped with a microcomputer designed to count the number of steps, exercise time, calories burned and number of repetitions.

In addition to the assembly instructions, the Cardio Twister kit includes:

  • specially designed diet plan;
  • disk with video recordings of classes;
  • training plan.

Thus, this is not just a machine, it is your personal trainer.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the simulator:

  • complex effect on all muscle groups, thanks to which there is no need to buy several exercise machines, one Cardio Twister is enough;
  • compactness of the simulator and ease of use;
  • increasing endurance and improving body coordination;
  • opportunity to achieve results a short time use, by doing just half an hour a day, after a few weeks you can feel a significant surge of strength and notice weight loss;
  • the presence of a DVD with an exercise program compiled by professionals;
  • affordable price, low cost makes the simulator accessible even to people with little income.

Of the disadvantages of the simulator You can note the somewhat inconvenient location of the screen

Opinions about the simulator

Doctors have proven that regular workouts using the Cardio Twister simulator significantly improves the quality of life, strengthens cardiovascular system, and help to acquire the desired body shape.

In addition, due to the fact that during classes all muscle groups work simultaneously, they are simultaneously strengthened and muscle mass increases equally in all parts of the body.

Buyers characterize the simulator as great alternative fitness club. People who have purchased Cardio Twister unanimously note its convenience and effectiveness in shaping body contours. In their opinion, the simulator is especially effective on the muscles of the legs, thighs and buttocks.

The effectiveness of the simulator is confirmed by numerous positive reviews satisfied customers.


Mironova Olesya Viktorovna, 32 years old:

Advantages: Gives a high-quality load on the muscles, easy to assemble and use.

Disadvantages, in my opinion, simply not.

I purchased this simulator three months ago for 5,500 rubles. Immediately about the advantages of the unit:

  • small size;
  • easy and quick to assemble;
  • shakes legs and buttocks well;
  • Attached are instructions written in Russian with an English video course;
  • a book with diets as a bonus.

I don’t like that you hear an unpleasant squeaking sound during classes, and it’s also uncomfortable to look at the screen.

But these are too small flaws to spoil the overall impression of the simulator. Within a couple of weeks after classes, a beautiful silhouette of the hips and buttocks began to appear. In addition, the sides gradually disappear and the stomach tightens. I study every day for half an hour, often in the evening. According to the counter, I spend 150 calories per workout. As for nutrition, I eat everything as usual, several times a day.

It looks like very soon I will have the figure of my dreams.

Savchenko Natalya Leonidovna, 26 years old:

So I decided to leave a review about “Cardio Twister”, in the hope that it will help someone.

After the birth of my son, the issue of losing weight became especially acute. Although, to be more precise, it was not the extra pounds that tormented me, I immediately returned to my size, but the hanging belly and shapeless hips. And if it somehow helped me with my stomach, it was impossible to look at my thighs without tears. And the most annoying thing is that there was absolutely no time for fitness clubs.

Thus, the question of a simulator has arisen. I chose it according to several criteria: compactness, acting on certain muscles and preferably no more than 4,000 rubles.

It was my birthday in the summer, and I decided to coincide with the purchase of the exercise machine to coincide with this holiday. After visiting all the stores, I settled on the Magic stepper, since the Cardio Twister was a little expensive for me. But, in the TV store, I managed to buy Cardio Twister for 2 times cheaper.

Now about the simulator:

The box is bulky and quite heavy, although the exercise machine itself is easy to move around the apartment. I assembled it myself, without any male help. The kit included a screwdriver with a key and clear instructions, so assembly did not cause any problems. In the box I found 2 discs with video lessons in English.

Yesterday I studied for about an hour. The feeling is pleasant, the arms also swing during training, unlike the usual step. There are different levels of difficulty and a calorie counter that keeps track of the number of exercises done. All results are displayed on an electronic scoreboard. It seemed to me that the main load goes to the legs, which is exactly what I need. In general, I was pleased with the purchase and hope for quick results.

Smirnov Dmitry Vladimirovich, 40 years old:

Advantages: small, cheap, gives the required load, has a counter.

Flaws: Constantly trying to spin up, uncomfortable screen.

I also decided to leave my review about this simulator.

Pros: gives a load to the whole body, is equipped with indicators that display how many calories have been burned and how many times the exercise has been performed, and pumps up the legs and torso well. Very easy to assemble, even a 5 year old can do it. Quite compact and very cheap, only 3000 rubles.

Minuses: after a while it began to unwind, I had to reassemble it so as not to fall. To see the scoreboard readings, you need to stop the workout, as the counter is located at the bottom.

This simulator is the cheapest among similar units. All analogs cost from 8,000 to 10,000 rubles, while not differing much in functionality from this simulator. Therefore, I consider his purchase a great success.

I assembled it very quickly and immediately began to use it. The feeling was simply amazing, the stepper perfectly pumps up the leg muscles, burns calories and helps keep you in shape. The only thing was that I had to twist it a couple of times. I can’t say that this is a direct minus, but, nevertheless, I consider it necessary to pay attention to it. Overall, I am very pleased with the machine and if I had to choose again, I would choose this one without hesitation. In my opinion, this is the best ratio of price, quality and efficiency.

To summarize, we can conclude that the Cardio Twister exercise machine is truly worthy of attention, as it is the best in its price segment. For little money, you will get not just a machine, but a full-fledged personal trainer.

All you have to do is follow the instructions and devote 20-30 minutes a day to exercise, so that in a few months you will catch admiring glances and feel like a truly cheerful and healthy person.