Bream biting and fishing in December, January and February. Winter fishing for bream What to use to catch bream in December

Bream fishing in winter is rightfully considered one of the most difficult, but at the same time exciting and rewarding pastimes. The success of fishing depends not only on correctly selected gear, groundbait and bait, but also on where and at what time you plan to fish. And if an experienced bream fisherman already knows all the secrets of winter bream fishing, then a novice fisherman, before going out on the ice in search of the coveted trophy, first of all needs to master basic knowledge about all the components of winter bream fishing - from choosing a place and time to fishing techniques and feeding.

Specifics of catching bream in winter

Fishing for bream in winter from ice has a number of features:

  • Bream can be caught all winter– unlike carp, crucian carp and carp, bream is actively caught throughout the winter period. At the same time, its high activity is observed in the first ice and the last ice, low - in the wilderness.
  • Bream are quite active in winter both in rivers and reservoirs with stagnant water - in winter you can fish in various reservoirs from medium-sized flowing lakes to large reservoirs and rivers.
  • You should look for this fish at depths of at least 5-6 meters– in winter, bream mostly move in schools at great depths in search of food. Outcrops of medium and small undergrowth can be observed at the beginning of freeze-up or during mild winters, when water bodies for a long time not covered with ice
  • Actively feeds and is caught at night– throughout the winter, large bream actively feed in the dead of night, when most other fish do not bite.

These features of catching bream in winter contributed to the fact that among fishermen who are keen on ice fishing, a whole caste has emerged, specializing in this fish - “bream fishermen”. You can learn a lot from these people useful information, accumulated by them on the basis personal experience. For beginners in this type of fishing, the advice of such experienced people helps them get on the right path and join the ranks of adherents this method catching

Video: winter bream fishing - underwater photography

Where and when to catch bream in winter

For effective bream fishing, you need to know when and where to catch bream in winter.

Fishing place

In winter, most of the time bream stays in deep places with a hard bottom covered with a small layer of silt.

As for the concentration density of bream depending on the bottom topography, the best place for fishing will be the so-called “tables”.

The main habitats of bream on the river are:

  • deep holes near steep banks at river bends;
  • reaches;
  • upper edges of channel ditches.

On large flowing lakes or reservoirs, the most suitable places for bream fishing are:

  • the deepest places of the reservoir (from 6-7 meters) with a bottom covered with a small layer of silt on which there are snags, lonely stones, pits, and mounds;
  • deep-water irrigation with depths of 5-6 meters, gradually moving into the riverbed part of the river blocked by a dam.

Month and time of day

During freeze-up, bream is active during the following periods:

  • On the first ice (in December) after the ice has completely frozen the reservoir.
  • Late winter - early spring (late February - early March) when meltwater penetrating under the ice saturates the habitat with oxygen, and the fish become more active.
  • In January-February– due to the lack of oxygen under water and insufficient lighting, the fish is passive.

During the day, the following patterns were observed in the activity of fish:


The weather significantly influences the behavior of bream in winter:

Peculiarities of catching bream in winter by month


December is the first month of freeze-up. This month, as a rule, a reliable ice shell is established, which greatly affects the behavior of the bream. Among the main features of bream fishing at this time are:

  • As water bodies freeze, bream tends to go to deeper places, where the temperature in the bottom layer at this time is 3-4 0 C. After the fish adapts to the new conditions, it begins to actively bite.
  • They catch bream on the first ice on deep-sea reaches, underwater plateaus, and on the upper edges of the riverbed.
  • On reservoirs and lakes, bream are caught using nodding and float gear, and on rivers - using a winter feeder.
  • When the bite is active, bream are caught in December using winter float gear or a feeder appropriate for the season; when the bite is more passive, they practice running fishing with jig tackle.
  • The jigs used at this time are large, golden lead jigs.
  • Small bloodworms are used as bait.
  • The main bait at this time is a large bloodworm, 3-4 pieces per hook or jig.
  • The bream is most active during the day at this time; trophy bream are more often caught during night fishing.


In January, there is low oxygen content and lack of light under the ice. All this affects the behavior of bream at this time:

  • In the dead of winter, bream prefers to stand in deep places - channel ditches, wintering pits, deep-water irrigation reservoirs.
  • They catch fish at this time using a winter feeder and winter float gear. Nodding tackle is used for passive stand-up fishing.
  • In the wilderness, dark or brown groundbait is used with the obligatory addition of food bloodworms and a small amount of flavorings.
  • During the day, small and medium-sized bream bite. In January, bream fishing is at its best at night.
  • In the wilderness, jigs use small tungsten ones.
  • For bait, bloodworms, maggots, and burdock moth larva are used.

Video: winter bream fishing in January


In the last month of winter, the fish become noticeably more active. Fishing at this time is characterized by the following features:

  • Bream and white bream are caught not at the very bottom as in the middle of nowhere, but about 1-1.5 meters from it.
  • It is better to feed at this time, opening the feeder 2-3 meters above the bottom, so that the gradually falling mixture attracts the bream standing below.
  • At this time, the bream comes out of holes and channel ditches to water with depths of 4-6 meters near the places where small streams and fast rivers flow into the reservoir.
  • During prolonged thaws, bream bite not only at night, but also during the day.
  • Feed with a homemade or purchased mixture with the obligatory addition of bloodworms
  • Bream is caught at this time, as on the first ice, using jig tackle; when a promising place is found, they move from running search fishing to stationary fishing using 2-3 float tackle.

Video: winter fishing for bream in February

What to use to catch bream in winter: basic gear

A variety of gear is used for catching bream in winter - from an active jig (nod), to a stationary float and a winter feeder.

Winter float rod

To catch bream in winter, use float gear consisting of:

Fishing technique

Fishing for bream in the winter float rod somewhat different from the summer counterpart. The entire fishing process consists of the following stages:

  • The process of fishing with float tackle consists of drilling two holes at a distance of 60-70 cm from each other, feeding them with a dump feeder, casting the baited tackle and waiting for a bite.
  • When biting, the angler can clearly see it by the movement of the nod or float “up” or “down.”
  • The hook is performed with a short sharp jerk on the line.
  • When fishing for a lively bream or large bream, the entire process is controlled by holding the line between the index and thumb right hand. With strong jerks, the fish is not “surrendered” a large number of fishing line, keeping it constantly taut.
  • If there is no bite for a long time, supplementary feeding is done with a pinch of food bloodworms or balls of bait mixture the size of a chicken egg.

Mormuscular (nodding) tackle

The jig is used for catching bream throughout the entire freeze-up season. This tackle consists of the following parts:

Fishing technique

The fishing technique differs from the usual one used for small roach. It consists of the following sequential operations:

  • When fishing for bream with a jig, the amplitude of oscillations (the stroke of the nod when playing) should be greater and the frequency less than for perch, ruffe, and roach.
  • The rise of the bait from the bottom is accompanied by 2-3 second pauses every 15-20 cm.
  • The lifting height depends on the activity of the fish and weather conditions: with low pressure and active fish it is less, with a weak bite and high blood pressure- more.
  • When fishing, a “tandem” is used, consisting of two baits of this type - one at the end of the fishing line, the other 20-30 cm above.
  • The fishing technique is similar to trolling - the bait is smoothly raised 15-20 cm above the bottom, then allowed to fall to its original position under its weight. The bait of bloodworms on such a jig is hooked only when there is a weak bite or uncertain bites and frequent departures.

Winter feeder

This winter tackle for bream is similar in fishing principle and composition to its summer counterpart. The winter feeder consists of the following parts:

  • Rod - for the winter feeder, special carbon-fiber rods up to 70-80 cm long are used with durable and flexible whips, equipped with guide rings, a cork handle with a reel mount.
  • Reel - used in this gear spinning reels size up to 1500.
  • Line – monofilament with a cross-section of 0.16-0.18 mm for the main line; 0.12 mm – for a leash.
  • Equipment – ​​“Paternoster”, “Gardner loop”, asymmetrical loop.

Fishing technique

When fishing with this tackle, it is necessary to take into account the strength and direction of the current. The process of fishing with this gear, although similar in structure and equipment, differs from the summer feeder.

  • Fishing with a winter feeder is carried out in places with weak or medium currents.
  • To install the gear, two holes are drilled at a distance of 1-1.5 meters, so that they are oriented along the flow line.
  • The holes are fed with a “dump truck” feeder, dropping 2-3 portions of the mixture into each of them.
  • As supplementary feeding, tightly molded balls of groundbait with ballast - clay or loam - are used.
  • A tackle with a feeder is installed in a hole installed upstream.
  • In the feeder rig installed in the adjacent hole, the feeder is replaced with a drop-shaped sinker of equal weight.
  • Bites in this gear are signaled by the bend of the tip of the rod whip.
  • Hooking and landing fish is done using a fishing rod and reel.

But, in general, winter fishing for bream on a feeder from the shore is considered more effective.

How to feed bream in winter

In addition to everything described above, when winter fishing for bream during any freeze-up period, experienced bream fishermen try to be as noisy as possible - even at great depths, bream are often alarmed by loud steps on the ice, frequent drilling, as well as blows from the drill auger when “pumping” ready holes.

Also, for bream fishing, in addition to gear, at this time of year it is important to have equipment such as a tent, portable flashlight, warm clothes, camping gas stove - fishing for bream in winter at night in an open area without these things is not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous to health.

Video: catching bream in winter - tips from experienced fishermen

In contact with

About 10 days after the reservoirs are covered with ice, bream fishing begins in December using various winter gear. The effectiveness of fishing at this time is associated with the search for promising areas - various edges, hillocks and tables, as well as pits rich in food, in which bream often accumulates in significant quantities.

Fishing for bream in December with the right gear and a well-chosen place can be very effective.

In December, bream is caught using various winter gear - a winter float rod, a jig with a nozzle, a reelless bait and a rocker. In order to increase the chances of success, you can attach the bream to the fishing point for several days. To do this, in the selected fishing location, bait is dropped into prepared holes every 1-2 days. If the place is chosen correctly, then after a few days you can go fishing.

If you do not have the opportunity to introduce bream in advance, then you need to start feeding several holes immediately before fishing. After waiting some time after feeding, you can start fishing.

When fishing for bream with a reelless bait, many fishermen do not feed the bream, relying on an active search for fish.

Baits for catching bream in December

In December, bream switches to protein-rich food. At this time, to catch it, it is best to use bloodworms, maggots, worms, caddis fly larvae and burdock moths.

There is no need to put too many larvae on the hook - 3-5 larvae are enough for large bream and 2-3 larvae for bream.

Despite the obvious priority of animal attachments, one should not completely ignore plant attachments. Even in winter, there are situations when bream responds well to semolina, dough, pearl barley, and rolled oats.

When going bream fishing in December, take with you the most diverse set of baits and try to offer different options to the bream.

Bait for catching bream in December

When stationary fishing with a float rod, a jig with a nozzle and a rocker, you cannot do without bait.

You can feed bream in December with bloodworms, but you can use ready-made or homemade bait mixtures as a bait base. You can and should add bloodworms to them as an animal component - about 30%.

When using ready-made bait, you need to choose those mixtures that are intended for winter fishing. If you prefer to make your own bait, you can use ground crackers, cookies, rolled oats, or sunflower cake as a basis. You can also add ground sunflower and hemp seeds, millet, and dry peas.

You need to add flavors to your bait in December with a sense of proportion, focusing on the most natural flavors possible - anise, cinnamon, vanilla. There is no need to use too strong odors - this can scare off the bream.

As a rule, 1 to 3 kilograms of bait is enough for one fishing trip. However, you need to understand that feeding in large quantities may require significantly more feed.

In shallow places, bait balls can be lowered directly into the hole. If fishing is carried out at great depths, it is better to deliver bait to the bottom using a winter feeder, which is opened at the very bottom.

Catching bream in December with a float rod

Stationary bream fishing in December is usually carried out using. They usually fish on 2-3 holes; often a winter tent is placed over the holes for greater comfort.

Tackle for catching bream in December using a float rod

You can choose any fishing rod for catching bream with a winter float rod that is convenient for you - a “filly”, a “balalaika”, a winter fishing rod with an open reel. The fishing rod should have legs for convenient placement on the ice.

The fishing line for catching bream on a float rod is winter monofilament. Its diameter is about 0.1 - 0.12 mm for white bream, 0.14-0.16 mm for bream.

The choice of float depends on the fishing conditions. At great depths and in areas with a current, floats with a greater load-carrying capacity are used; in shallower irrigation areas, a lighter float can be installed - with a load-carrying capacity of 1-2 g.

The weight of the sinker depends on the carrying capacity of the float. The weight of the pad installed on the leash usually ranges from 0.3 to 0.5 g.

The optimal hook size is No. 14-12 according to the international classification. The hook should be made of thin, high-strength steel - such hooks allow you to carefully attach the bloodworm and ensure reliable hooking.

Technique for catching bream with a winter float rod

Usually in December bream is caught with 2-3 float rods on holes located close to each other. After the starting feeding has been done, you need to wait 20-40 minutes so as not to scare away the fish that are going to the fishing point.

Then the equipment is sent into the water. The float should be in the center of the hole, 2-3 centimeters below the surface of the water. When a bream bites, the float will float to the surface of the water. At the moment the float rises, you need to make a hook.

If there are no bites for several minutes, the equipment can be raised about half a meter and smoothly lowered back to the bottom to provoke the fish to bite.

Catching bream in December with a jig is possible both with and without bait. Fishing with bait is usually carried out on baited holes, and fishing with a “reelless” bait involves actively searching for bream sites, moving around the reservoir and drilling a large number of holes.

Tackle for catching bream with a jig

Most often, a “balalaika” type fishing rod is chosen for catching bream with a jig, but you can also use a fishing rod with an open reel and a “filly”.

When fishing with a jig, a nod must be used, which is a bite signal and gives the jig the correct action. For catching bream with a jig, a lavsan nod 8-10 cm long is well suited. You need to adjust the nod so that under the load with the jig it bends by about 30 degrees.

It is better to use winter monofilament fishing line, 0.1-0.16 mm thick, depending on the size of the intended prey.

It is better to use a tungsten jig, since with the same mass they are smaller in size than lead jigs. You can start fishing with traditional models - “droplets”, “pellets” or “uralka”. But it is better to have other types of jigs with you, since bream preferences may differ depending on many factors.

The rocker is a wire or tubular frame in which a leash with two hooks slides. You can use either a float rod or a fishing rod with a nod.

Tackle for catching bream on a rocker

The rod chosen is the same as for winter float fishing - a “filly”, “balalaika”, or a winter fishing rod with an open reel are suitable.

For catching bream on a rocker, you can use a winter monofilament line 0.14-0.16 mm or thin braid 0.06-0.08 mm. We use monofilament fishing line for the leashes; the diameter depends on how large the bream we are going to catch.

You can choose either a float or a nod as a bite alarm. Hooks are chosen depending on the bait - as a rule, these are hooks No. 14-12 according to the international classification made of thin wire. It is best to use bloodworms as bait for fishing with a rocker. Or you can use different baits on different hooks.

Technique for catching bream on a rocker

Catching bream with a rocker is technically not much different from fishing with a winter float rod. First you need to feed the selected holes. After the starting feeding, we wait 30-40 minutes so as not to spook the fish. Then the equipment is sent into the water.

When fishing with a float, when a bream bites, the float will float to the surface of the water. At the moment the float rises, you need to make a hook.

If you are using a rod with a nod for fishing, you need to tighten the line so that the nod is curved appropriately in order to register the most careful bite.

Choosing a place to catch bream in December

In December, bream sticks to the edges; you should also look for it in the turns of the riverbed, on plateaus and mounds surrounded by deep areas. It is imperative to check places with uneven topography such as holes, mounds, ridges in the middle of a monotonous topography not far from the riverbed.

Find out in which bodies of water in your region it is possible to catch bream in December:

Among all the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom in all fishing seasons, one of the most long-awaited trophies among amateurs fishing is His Majesty the bream. Catching bream in winter with a jig can be an extremely exciting activity, you just have to approach it thoroughly and with knowledge of many nuances, which we will talk about in this article.

Choosing a fishing spot

In winter, bream prefers to stay in areas with running water and deep water. The main winter sites for this fish are:

  • Channel pits on reaches, in bays;
  • Deep and elongated ditches (“troughs”) under steep banks;
  • Upper edges of channel ditches;
  • Level platforms (“steps”) separating the upper edge of one slope from the lower edge of another;

Most often, bream in winter is found in places with a muddy, clayey or pebble bottom - such a variety of the nature of the bottom preferred by fish at a given time is associated with the presence of such food items as bloodworms in muddy sediments or zebra mussels that live on stones and other solid objects.

When is the best time to catch bream in winter?

The activity of fish in winter is very dependent on the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water. And since this indicator, as aquatic vegetation dies off, decomposes with the absorption of a large amount of this element and the release of destructive carbon dioxide, and the growth of the ice shell, first decreases, and then, as spring approaches and the ice melts, it begins to increase again, the activity also changes fish.


On the first ice, bream should be looked for near deep wintering holes, under steep banks, on dumps and upper edges of the riverbed, on “tables” surrounded on all sides by great depths.

At the same time, bream and small bream in search of food at this time often visit shallow water areas with depths of up to 2-3 meters. Most often this happens in the morning.

Bream is caught at this time using large or medium lead or tin jigs, while experimenting with the color of the bait. A bunch of 3-5 bloodworms is used as a nozzle.

Compulsory feeding, both this month and in subsequent months, is complementary feeding. The mixture is thrown into the hole in small portions - at this time the main thing is to attract the bream to the hole and hold it, and not overfeed.

Video on catching bream with a jig in winter:


In the dead of winter, bream is little active. Almost all the time it stays at depths of more than 4-6 meters, looking for food on the “tables” and “navels” adjacent to them. It feeds most actively in January at night - from 10-11 o'clock at night until 4-5 o'clock in the morning. At this time he is caught with small but heavy tungsten jigs 2-3 mm long with replanting of bloodworms and mandatory feeding using dump feeders.


In the first half of the month, when severe frosts persist, bream behaves quite passively. However, by the beginning of the third decade, with gradual warming and the beginning of the destruction of the ice cover, the flow of melt water saturated with oxygen under the ice, the fish begin to show greater activity than in the deep winter. At this time, it feeds more intensively and moves around the reservoir, leaving deep holes, often entering relatively shallow areas with shallow depths near the confluence of streams and small rivers.

With a warm spring and rapid warming towards the end of the month, schools of bream leave deep wintering holes and move to the mouths of small rivers.

Bream is caught in February using jigs of various sizes and weights. As in other months, the main bait is bloodworms. They feed him at this time not as actively and plentifully as in January. At shallow depths they feed by throwing the bait mixture directly into the hole; dump truck feeders are used in the pits.

The best tackle for catching bream in winter

Fishing rod

The most convenient when catching bream with a jig are balalaika-type fishing rods made of dense foam, lightweight frost-resistant plastic, and cork. The whip of such a fishing rod and the reel should be painted in bright contrasting colors, allowing, if necessary, to throw the fishing rod away from the hole and quickly find it against a white background of snow.

fishing line

In winter bream fishing, only monofilament fishing line is used. Braided cords are not used due to their excessive rigidity and rapid freezing.

The thickness of the fishing line used depends on the experience of the fisherman and the expected weight of the fish that will have to be fished:

  • Beginners in this kind of fishing are advised to use a fishing line with a cross-section of 0.10-0.12 mm;
  • Experienced fishermen Most often they are caught on thin and strong fishing lines with a cross-section of 0.08-0.10 mm;

In order to quickly find it on the ice when landing fish and removing the fishing line from the hole, it is recommended to use dark-colored monofilament.


Nods for jig tackle for bream use lavsan 8-10 cm long with such a rigidity that, under the influence of gravity of a jig tied to the fishing line, it bent relative to the unloaded state by about 30 0 .

As practice has shown, the most sensitive and best transmit vibrations of the fisherman’s hand to the jig are nods, in which, instead of a separate large and often made from a piece of insulation, a through-ring has a small hole at the end.

How to increase your fish catch?

Over 7 years of active fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Bite activator. This pheromone additive attracts fish most strongly in cold and warm water. .
  2. Promotion gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for your specific type of gear.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

How to choose a jig for bream

Bream are caught using both baited and reelless (sports) jigs.

The difference between the first baits and the second is that the jigs, which use bloodworms, hang vertically in the water column; baitless ones, or as they are often called “reelless” ones, are located in the water at a slight angle and when playing, thanks to this arrangement, they create additional nodding movements that attract fish.
Catching models of jigs

Among the baits used for catching bream in winter, the most catchy jigs are:

  • "A drop"- a bait that has a shape corresponding to its name with a hook soldered into the tapering part. There are such jigs in silver, golden or, less commonly, black. The bait is attached to the fishing line using a hook eye protruding from the body or a hole in it.
  • "Nymph"- an elongated bait with a convex outer surface and an almost flat inner surface adjacent to the hook with small ribs on the surface. The outer surface is usually dark in color, the inner surface is golden or silver. The bait is attached to the fishing line by the hook eye protruding from its body.
  • "Devil"- an elongated and sometimes stick-shaped bait with a treble hook soldered into the narrow part. It is most often tied to the fishing line using a through hole in the body of the bait, less often by the tee eye protruding from the jig.
  • "Ant"- a jig shaped like the insect of the same name. The bait is attached to the fishing line exclusively through the axial hole. The jig is available in various colors and sizes.

Types of jigs

How to tie a jig

There are several ways to attach a jig to a fishing line:

  • When tying a jig, a fishing line equipped with an eyelet is passed through it, then it is made 5-8 turns around the main thread and the end is passed into the resulting ring of the resulting twist near the eyelet and the knot is tightened.
  • In baits without an eye, the line is passed through a thin hole in the middle of the body of the jig, made 5-6 turns around the shank of the hook, then passed through the hole again, but in the opposite direction. A simple knot is tied on the elongated tip as close to the edge as possible, after which, by pulling the main thread, it is locked in the hole in the body of the jig, thus fixing the bait on the fishing line.
  • The most versatile and simple knot, which also has great strength is a connection that is knitted in the following sequence: the fishing line is passed with a reserve into the ring or hole in the body of the jig, then it is folded in half, the resulting loop is placed between the thumb and index finger of the right hand and their movements in opposite directions form a kind of twist, which is put on under the hook hook. The knot is tightened by pulling the tip of the fishing line protruding from the twist. A similar operation with the formation of a twist and its fixation on the underwear is repeated 2-3 times. The remaining tip must be carefully trimmed.

Three ways to tie a jig to a fishing line, watch:

Bait of bream

Many fishermen prefer purchased bait mixtures to those that they make themselves according to recipes that have been proven over the years.

Among the huge variety of such recipes, the following recipes are characterized by the greatest effectiveness in attracting bream and at the same time ease of preparation:

Recipe No. 1

4 main ingredients
  • Peas – 320 grams;
  • Oatmeal (“Hercules”) – 120 grams;
  • Sunflower seeds – 120 grams;
  • Breadcrumbs – 400 grams;

Cooking method

Soak the peas for 4-5 hours and boil until mushy. Grind oatmeal and seeds in a coffee grinder or meat grinder, add breadcrumbs and mix thoroughly.

After a fairly homogeneous granular mass has been obtained, boiled peas are added to it and, again, thoroughly mixed, the finished bait is obtained. Store this mixture in a simple plastic bag or large container.

Recipe No. 2

  • Sunflower seeds – 400-450 grams;
  • Brown bread crackers – 400 grams;
  • Semolina – 200 grams;

Cooking method

Crackers are made from scraps of black rye bread - for this, it is cut into small slices and dried near a radiator or at low temperature in the oven. Rusks are ground in a meat grinder, seeds - in a household coffee grinder. All components are poured into a large spacious container and mixed thoroughly. Store dry in plastic bags or special containers. In winter, water from the hole is added to this bait to give it weight and viscosity.

Recipe No. 3

  • Barley groats – 400 grams;
  • Sunflower seeds – 200 grams;
  • Hemp seeds – 200 grams;
  • Wheat flour – 100 grams
  • Coconut flakes – 100 grams;

Cooking method

Barley groats are boiled in a small amount of water and allowed to settle and thicken. Roasted sunflower and hemp seeds are thoroughly ground in a meat grinder or coffee grinder, the resulting powdered compositions are mixed together, and a small amount of coconut is added to the settled barley porridge. In order to add viscosity and density to the bait when diluting it with water, add a little wheat flour.

Watch a video on catching bream with a jig in winter:

Fishing technique

Fishing technique winter bream involves using the most suitable bait and using the correct bait action.

The technique of playing with a jig when fishing for bream is somewhat different from that used for perch or roach

  • The jig is slowly lowered to the bottom;
  • Before starting the main game, it is recommended to lift the jig 3-5 cm above the bottom and release it sharply - this technique is called “knocking” on the bottom. In areas where there is a small silt or fine sandstone at the bottom, with the help of such manipulations you can create a small cloud of turbidity that is attractive to fish.
  • After several hits have been made on the bottom, they begin a slow rise to a height of 1-1.5 above the bottom, giving the bait smooth and low-amplitude vibrations. Every 20-30 cm of such a rise, as a rule, they take a fairly long 3-5 second pause, during which bites very often occur.
  • After the jig is raised to a sufficiently high height above the bottom, they begin to lower the bait just as smoothly, performing the same oscillations and pauses as when lifting.

When catching bream with a jig, you should not perform very high-speed movements with a high frequency of oscillation of the jig and short pauses. This game will attract small and medium-sized perch, ruff, and small bream. Large bream - cautious and vigilant - will not be tempted by bait moving at such a pace very often.

Features of catching bream with a jig

Winter fishing bream using a jig has a number of features, without which fishing for this fish in the cold season is unlikely to be productive and interesting:

  • It is necessary to arrive for bream fishing long before dawn - bream fishing grounds are, as a rule, very popular among fishermen, and those who like to sleep may simply not “stick” in the treasured place, which is very tightly drilled by more efficient colleagues.
  • At the selected location, about 15-20 holes are made with a distance of about 15-20 meters between them.
  • Each hole is fed - the main part of the bait is delivered to the bottom using a large winter feeder-dump truck. It is not recommended to feed the hole by throwing the mixture into it by hand, since in this case it will sink to the bottom and attract a large number of small fish.
  • After the bait has been thrown into all the holes, fishing begins with the one that was drilled and fed first.
  • 10-15 lifts are performed on each hole. If there are no bites, the tackle is placed in a stationary state for some time (10-15 minutes), raising the jig with bloodworms 5-7 cm above the bottom and placing the fishing rod on a stand next to the hole.
  • If there are no bites and there is a “stand”, they move to the next hole.
  • If the bite in the holes where large specimens were caught weakens, additional feeding is done - for this, a small amount of bait is rolled into balls of loose consistency and thrown directly into the hole. This is done in order not to frighten the bream located nearby or directly under the hole by the knock of a large feeder on the bottom.
  • When fishing, you should not rush and unceremoniously drag the fish to the hole - when fishing, you need to keep the line clamped between two fingers of one hand, and with the other, smoothly select the line and throw it on one side of the fishing spot. With sharp pulls and jerks, this positioning of the hands and laying of the fishing line will allow it to be handed over without the formation of all kinds of tangles and “beards” under some tension, squeezing the thread more tightly between the fingers.
  • Particularly large specimens are removed from the hole by hand, carefully inserting it under the gills of the fish.

In December, bream does not go into suspended animation and continues to feed. The basis of the food consists of bottom larvae and insects, which the bream extracts from the silt using retractable tube lips. With the onset of winter, this fish becomes less active, but when proper preparation for fishing, possible successful catch bream in December. It is important to take into account the characteristics of the reservoir and weather conditions. For example, fishing for bream on a river in winter differs from fishing in a body of standing water.

Winter fishing is significantly influenced by weather conditions. In the southern regions, with the onset of winter, river bays and reservoirs with standing water are covered with ice, and on large rivers bream fishing continues in December open water. On calm days, many anglers organize fishing trips on large rivers using a boat. It is also possible to effectively catch bream using a ring.

When fishing from the shore, you should conduct a reconnaissance of the bottom topography and measure the depth. It should be taken into account that bream is not found in shallow water in December. Signs of a promising place:

Sandy or clayey bottom with a coating of silt;

Depth of at least 4 meters;

No snags or rotting wood;

The presence of edges and protrusions on the slopes;

Slow flow. More often found at the bend of the river.

After casting bait and tackle, you don’t need to count on a quick bite. Slaps on the water usually scare away cautious fish, but insufficient food forces the bream to return to the feeding area. With a successful choice of fishing location, a bite can be expected after 20-30 minutes. Frequent recasting does not contribute to successful fishing.

If a promising place is found in the coastal zone, then fishing with a float rod is possible. A Bolognese fishing rod, equipped with inconspicuous equipment, is excellent. Bream in clear water is unlikely to suit bulky equipment. When fishing from the shore in December, camouflage plays a vital role.

More often, promising places are located at a distance from the water's edge. In this case, to perform long casts, feeder fishing is used. It is better to install feeders on the feeder - springs made of thin (up to 1 mm) wire.

In most regions, bream fishing is carried out in December from the ice. At the beginning of winter, exciting bream fishing begins on the first ice. Before going out on the ice, it is important to make sure it is safe. One person can withstand ice cover that has reached a thickness of 7 cm. But it is better not to take risks and wait for the ice thickness to increase above 10 cm. It should be remembered that the thickness of the ice may vary in different parts of the reservoir. It is usually thinner in the coastal zone, as well as above the channel current, in reed thickets and near obstacles protruding to the surface.

When choosing a site for drilling holes, the signs of promising places are taken into account. They are the same as when fishing in open water. On short winter days, to quickly determine the bottom topography, it is better to use a fishing echo sounder.

After determining the fishing location(s), holes are drilled. To avoid scaring away wary fish with the noise of an ice drill while fishing, you need to make holes in advance over all certain promising places. After moving to another fishing spot, all that remains is to carefully remove the ice crust that appears.

“Working” holes are located at a distance from each other, providing convenient observation of bite alarms. Typically this distance does not exceed 1.00 meters. When fishing in the current, additional holes are made for bait. The distance from the “working” holes depends on the flow speed and depth. The main thing is that the complementary food carried away by the current remains in the place of fishing. If there is no current, then winter bait for bream is lowered into the “working” hole.

To catch bream from ice, use a winter fishing rod with a nod or a winter float fishing rod. You can increase the catchability of a fishing rod using a rocker tackle. It is important that the equipment does not alarm fish in clear water. It is better to install a high-quality thin fishing line, the carrying capacity of which will allow you to extract the expected catch onto the ice. It is incorrect to indicate a specific diameter of the fishing line, since everything depends on its quality. High-quality fishing lines with the same diameter budget option equipment can withstand greater tensile load.

Starting in December, winter baits and bream baits are used. Although it is more accurate to say that these baits and lures should be given preference in winter period. They are also applicable when fishing in the summer.

With the onset of cold weather, the diet of this fish changes. The main food is animal bottom organisms, so the likelihood of a bite on bait is higher compared to plant baits. But you shouldn’t completely discard vegetable baits when winter fishing, since it is unknown what the fish will like at a particular time.

Winter bait for bream

Bloodworm. Bloodworms enjoy deserved popularity among winter fishermen. Starting from December, it perfectly provokes bream to bite. It can be purchased at a fishing store, and if you wish, you can wash the bloodworms yourself in the winter. The only problem when fishing with bloodworms is its rapid leakage, even with proper attachment under the second link. This problem is eliminated by tying the bloodworm or using a jig-clamp. Bunches of bloodworms should be prepared in advance;

Silicone baits. Production fishing lures is constantly being improved. Nowadays it is not difficult to purchase analogues of animal baits made from silicone or edible rubber. In terms of catchability, they are not inferior to, and sometimes even superior to, bait of animal origin.

So, with a successful choice of fishing location, the correct selection of gear, bait and lures, you can count on a good catch of bream in December, in open water and from ice.


Bream fishing in December. At the right approach to catch bream in December, your fishing will be successful and catchy. You just need to know the right approach to catching bream in December.

To do this, you need to know the places to catch bream, the gear you should choose and the bait that bream readily bites on in December.

Now we will discuss all this with you.

Bream fishing in December. Where to look for bream in December?

As with catching almost any fish in winter, successful bream fishing in December depends on the right location. And for this you need to know the reservoir.

After the ice appears and gets stronger, you need to look for bream near riverbeds, near deep ravines and dumps.

You need to look for bream near the edges. In December, you can find many types of fish there.

You should also find out the type of bottom of the reservoir where you are going to catch bream in December. Bream can only be found in muddy or sandy muddy bottoms. On other types of bottom, the bream practically does not stop.

Bream fishing in December. Gear selection

  • Line 0.12 - 0.13 millimeters.
  • The reel on which the fishing line will be at least thirty meters.
  • Any fishing rod can be used.
  • The nod is 6 to 8 centimeters long.

Bream fishing in December. Which jig to choose?

It is impossible to say for sure which jig is better for catching bream in December. But here are some tips for choosing a jig I will give you.

You need to experiment with color. It depends on the body of water. Try bright colors first and gradually move on to duller ones.

Also avoid gliding jigs. This is due to their low weight and unsuitable hook setting for winter fishing.

From the practice of many fishermen, be sure to acquire jigs such as “Kapelka” and “Ural”. They perform very well in winter.

Bream fishing in December. Nozzle

The main bait for catching bream in December is a bloodworm. Usually it is placed on a hook in the amount of 4-6 pieces. We plant the last bloodworm in a crescent shape. This will reduce idle bites.

Bloodworms need to be constantly checked, since they are not corn or foam and fly off from bites quite often.

Nozzle supply.

The bream usually takes the bait when the angler plays with it. But very often bream also takes from the bottom.

If you are playing with a bait and there is no bite, try placing the bait on the bottom and then periodically lifting it slightly. Such a game should attract bream.

Bream fishing in December. Lure

The bait does not fit in winter either. And with the right approach, it will increase your chances.

Ground bloodworm with cake is also suitable for bait. But the bait should be of a very fine consistency so that the fish does not become oversaturated, but only whets the appetite.

When preparing complementary foods, strain it through a sieve.

No tail, no scales...

Smoking small perch

Previously, for some reason, I smoked only sane-sized perches, considering small ones to be suitable only for fish soup. And it was possible to get a sane-sized perch once a year in the Lower Volga. And smoked perch is a delicious delicacy that cannot be put off for a year.

That’s why I once smoked small perch in winter. It turned out that size does not matter in this case. And the smoked winter caviar turned out to be very good. Therefore, having caught small perch in winter, we boldly go for the smokehouse!

Bon appetit and watching!


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