Beautiful phrases about horses.


It is not yet known which of us are humans - horses, or we
1. It is not difficult to lead a horse to water. But if you make her swim on
back - this means that you have achieved something!

Arthur Bloch, MURPHY'S LAWS
2. A horseshoe brings happiness. Unless, of course, you are a horse.

Sylvia Cheese
3. Circus horses don't dance to the beat of the music. It is the conductor who adapts to their step.

Yanina Ipohorskaya
4. A rider can be headless, but not a horse.

Danil Rudy
5. Talking to a politician about elections is like talking to a horse about racing.

Maxim Zvonarev
6. Everyone likes a beautiful horse, but for some reason there is absolutely no one who wants to become one.

Aurelius Augustine
7. The thirst to fall off a horse must certainly be accompanied by the thirst to ride it.

Boris Andreev
8. The whole burden falls on a diligent horse.

Thomas Fuller
9. Horses are like women: just as beautiful and just as hardy.

Boris Trushkin

10. A drop of nicotine kills a horse in a person, and a drop of alcohol kills a hare in a person.
11. Labor made a man out of a monkey, and he turned him into a horse.

12. Even a drop of water can kill a horse if you constantly drip on its brains.

Stas Yankovsky

13. Hay smells different to lovers and horses.
14. If wishes were horses, then beggars could ride.

English proverb
14. If wishes were horses, then beggars could ride.

15. The mare works for money
14. If wishes were horses, then beggars could ride.

16. When a horse is stolen, it is too late to lock the stable doors.

17. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

18. And the mosquito will knock down the horse if the wolf helps.

19. And the horse stumbles, but recovers.

20. You recognize a horse while riding; you get to know a person when you meet.

21. A big horse is not suitable for the owner: there is not enough grass.

22. Wasting food in a thin horse is like pouring water into a thin tub.

23. Money can’t buy a horse (but luck can)

24. A good horse, and shakes off its hooves.

25. Beat a good horse with one hand and wipe away tears with the other.

26. A good horse is under me, the Lord is above me.

27. Without grain feed, the horse rides on a whip.

28. The Cossack is hungry, but his horse is full.

29. A Kalmyk horse can only be over-stubborn by a Kalmyk.

30. The horse gives change with its hoof.

31. The horse will not betray you, and the enemy will not eat you.

32. Buy a young horse, but don’t lose money on an old one.

33. A horse gives wings to a man.

34. They don’t buy a whip for a horse, but oats.

35. Drive the horse not with a whip, but with sheep.

36. What a horse is bought with is not removed from it.

38. “Where there is a horse, there is no evil spirit”
Kazakh proverb

39. “Gold will buy four wives, but a dashing horse has no price. He will not lag behind a whirlwind in the steppe. He will not betray, he will not deceive...”
Mikhail Lermontov

40. “...On the whole earth one can count on one’s fingers those in whose lives and
memory, in the trials of fate and personal preferences, the horse is not at all
would take up space."
W. Faulkner

41. “It is not yet known which of us are people - horses, or us.”
"Look for the Wind"

42. "The stable is a temple, and the horse is the deity in it."
the English say

43. "A groomed horse is a healthy horse."
the Germans think

44. “In a house without a horse, need rules.”

45. “Without a horse, a Cossack is an orphan all around.”

46. ​​“Like the rider, so is the horse.”

47. “And a blind horse is lucky if a sighted person sits on the cart.”

48. “When a rider loses heart, his horse cannot gallop.”

49. “The dignity of a horse is not in the saddle, the beauty of a man is not in his clothes.”

50. “Without legs there is no horse.”
old proverb

51. "A horse sees the road with its feet."
Turkmen proverb

52. “The horse’s back should be such that a saddle can be placed on it.”
Arabic proverb

53. "Before you buy a horse, build a stable."

54. “Take a freckled wife and a maned mare: no one will take the wife away, and no one will steal the mare.”
people's advice-proverb

55. “Whoever seeks horses and women without faults will never have a horse in the stable, nor a wife in the house.”

56. “The flaws of a horse are from the outside, the flaws of a person are from the inside.”

57. “Never buy a red horse, sell a black one, take care of the white one, and ride the bay one yourself.”
Arabic proverb

58. “You can’t buy a horse for eyes.”

59 "Good horses are never of a bad color."
old Yorkshire proverb

60. “Prize horses are recognized at the races.”

61. “The strength of a horse is learned on a long journey, the heart of a man is learned over time.”

62. "Fat and rest are a horse's worst enemies."

63. “A horse with a hesitation and a man with a hesitation will not overstrain themselves.”

64. “Care and punishment are the basis of horse training, but caress, as well as punishment, must be used skillfully.”

65. “Contrary to popular belief, the horse’s mental abilities are very limited, and it is gifted mainly with memory.”

66. “The hardest thing about dressage is getting a horse to understand what is required of it.”

67. “The main advantage of a horse is frankness and the disposition to go forward.”

68. “A real rider has a leg and a rein, a bad one has a whip.”
James Phillis

69. “Look at a horse like a friend, but ride it like an enemy.”

70. “You shouldn’t be too strict in your work so as not to cause
resistance, but sometimes you need to anger the horse - increase confidence in

71. A horseshoe is held on a nail, a horse is kept on a horseshoe, on a horse
the horseman rests, the fortress rests on the horseman, the fortress holds

72. Think about the horse before, and then about yourself.

73. “The master’s eye makes a horse grow kinder.”

74. “You walk around, stroke, and then sit on a strict horse.”

75. “He who hits a horse can also hit a friend.”

76. “You can’t go far with a whip.”
folk wisdom

77. “Don’t rush to go, hurry to feed.”

78. “Do not drive a horse with a whip, but drive it with oats.”

80. Fear the woman in front, and the mare in back.

81. “Fear the horse from behind, the goat from before, and the bad man from all sides.”

82. Great riders are born in small arenas.

83. “Even a good rider needs to remember that you can fall off your horse.”

84. “Hold the horse by the mane, you can’t hold it by the tail.”

85. Hold on to the mane, hold on to the air, hold on to the ground. If you can't hold on, hold on anyway.

86. Only those who really want to can learn to ride a horse.

87. “There is nothing more beautiful in the world than a galloping horse, a dancing woman and a ship under sail.”

88. "Heaven on earth is on the horse's back."

89. “Earthly paradise can be found in the books of wisdom, on the back of a horse and above the heart of a woman.”
Arabic proverb

90. The Lord, having created a horse, said to it: “Nothing can compare with you.
animal; all earthly treasures lie between your eyes. You will
trample my enemies and carry my friends around. They will come from your back
say my prayers. You will be happy throughout the whole earth and you will be
value more than all beings, because love will belong to you
lord of the earth. You will fly without wings and hit without a ball...”
Arabian legend

91. “A cat makes a horse dry, a dog makes it healthier.”

92. “Perhaps only horse racing allows you, without leaving the ground,
feel the happiness of flying... Excellent emotional exercise - fatigue
as if it never happened."
V.V.Gorbatko, pilot-cosmonaut


“A cat can make you look clumsy, a dog can make you look stupid, but only a horse can do both at the same time.”
Gregory David Roberts.

"When the last horse dies, the world will collapse,
because the best people are horses."
V. Shukshin.

“A horse is much more generously endowed with instincts and feelings than a person. A horse hears better than a cat, its sense of smell is finer than that of a dog, it is sensitive to the passage of time, to changes in weather... There is no animal equal to it on Earth.”
A. I. Kuprin

“He laughs at a horse who does not dare to laugh at its owner!”
M. Uspensky (“Where we are not”).

“...Across the entire earth you can count on one hand those in whose life and memory, in the trials of fate and personal passions, the horse would not occupy a place at all.”
W. Faulkner.

“Perhaps, only horseback riding allows you to feel the happiness of flying without leaving the ground... An excellent emotional charge - you will never be tired.”
V.V.Gorbatko, pilot-cosmonaut.

"You know, there is an amazing mutual sympathy, a kind of brotherhood between everyone who deals with horses..."
Sherlock Holmes, "A Scandal in Bohemia."

“If someone truly loves our equestrian business, then this will be forever, forever and ever. You can't leave it. You can give up wine, tobacco, gambling; But a true lover will always be excited and disturbed by the beautiful appearance of the horse, its mighty neighing, its swift running, its pure breath, its good smell, until old age, until death, and I even believe that even after it.”
A. Kuprin.

“Not a single hour of life spent in the saddle is wasted.”
Winston Churchill. State British activist, writer.

“Gypsy gold does not ring or shine, but shines in the sun and neighs in the night.”
(Gypsy proverb).

"Heavenly air is the air you breathe between the ears of a horse."
(Arabic proverb).

“When we ride a horse, we borrow freedom.”
(G. Thomson).

“There is nothing more beautiful than a frigate under full sail, a dancing woman and a horse in full gallop.”
P. Merimee.

"What is more intoxicating than wine? -
Horses, women, power and war!
R. Kipling

Everyone likes a beautiful horse, but for some reason there is absolutely no one who wants to become one. Aurelius Augustine

I can't stand horses: they are uncomfortable in the middle and dangerous at the edges. Winston Churchill

Dreamy horses wait their whole lives white horse under the prince

A cat can make you look clumsy, a dog can make you look stupid, but only a horse can do both at the same time.

The horse is poetry in motion.

Horses better than people: At least they don't lie.

He who hits a horse can also hit a friend.

It's always the rider's fault. Horse - never.

When the last horse dies, the world will collapse, because the best people are horses.

Przewalski's horse became very jealous when Mr. Przewalski looked at other horses.

As soon as people see a horse, they immediately strive to saddle it, but has anyone heard of a horse asking for this?

White horse, which you see in the park, could be a zebra synchronized with the fence.

The more women I got to know, the more attached I became to horses.

And I love the eyes of horses. You can see your entire reflection in them.

Not a single hour of life spent in the saddle is wasted.

Everyone is looking for a horseshoe for luck, but not a horse.

Everyone likes a beautiful horse, but for some reason there is absolutely no one who wants to become one.

Statuses about horses

The performances of the Ukrainian team at equestrian competitions ended with a stunning collapse. If the horse showed itself worthy, then the cart and jockey demolished everything in its path!

Arabian wisdom says that you need to sell a black horse, not buy a red one, take care of a white one, and ride only a bay horse.

Few people know that every horse as a girl dreams of a horse riding a white prince.

A father and his little son are passing by a cage at the zoo when the son shouts: “Dad, dad, look, the horse is streaked!” The father, not surprised, says: “The streaked horse is your mother, and this, son, is a zebra!”

Best status: Whoever needs horses and women without defects will have an empty house and an empty stable.

There is an ax hanging on the wall, a horse approached it... washing down the bread with kefir...

If you smile when you meet me, then don’t be surprised if I run away. I've been afraid of horses since childhood.

Man is a higher being. He must understand that words are needed to confuse people and mislead them. If he can't imagine a horse dancing on a cucumber, then he's an idiot!

Fat and rest are a horse's worst enemies.

They don't buy a whip for a horse, but oats.

I was on horseback and under horseback.

You can't go far on someone else's horse.

And the golden bits are not nice to the horse.

Today is a holiday, probably the most important in the life of Russia.. Guys, let’s at least on this day not drink like horses, huh? Well, this is not the future our grandfathers died for...

The horses are shoeing, and the toad is putting his foot down.

and then she comes to our class... I thought that horses couldn’t talk..)))

In a house without a horse, need rules.

Think about the horse before then about yourself.

A drop of nicotine kills a horse, and a drop of FAIRY kills a fat horse! Read also: Statuses about meanness

When a horse is stolen, it is too late to lock the stable doors.

The horse gives change with its hoof.

Money can't buy a horse but luck

It's better to fall off a good horse than to ride a bad one.

The white horse you see in the park could be a zebra synchronized with the fence.

For money and the mare worksEnglish.

Without grain feed, the horse rides on a whip.

May dew is better than oats for a horse.

The strength of a horse is learned over a long journey, the heart of a person is learned over time.

The horse sees the road with its feet.

Stroke the horse with oats, not with a whip.

Hay smells different for lovers and horses.

It may not be funny to some, but I neigh like a regimental horse.

You don't mind falling off a good horse.

A horseshoe is supported by a nail, a horse is supported by a horseshoe, a horse is supported by a rider, a fortress is supported by a rider, and the state is supported by a fortress.

Beat a good horse with one hand and wipe away your tears with the other.

The mare was chasing a wolf and got caught in the wolf's teeth.

Even a drop of water can kill a horse if you constantly drip on its brains

He who hits a horse can also hit a friend.

If wishes were horses, then beggars could ride on horseback.

Before you buy a horse, build a stable.

Prize horses are recognized at the races.

The flaws of a horse are from the outside, the flaws of a person are from the inside.

What a horse is bought with is not removed from it.

He laughs well who laughs like a horse

The horse is on four legs and then stumbles.

Don't drive the horse with a whip, but drive it with oats.

You cannot ride two horses at the same time.

I don’t like princes, they smell like horses...

You will walk around, stroke, and sit on a strict horse.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than a galloping horse, a dancing woman and a ship under sail.

And the horse stumbles, but recovers.

The blonde climbed onto the horse for the first time. The horse suddenly took off, galloping, kicking. The blonde fell out of the saddle, her hair was tangled in the reins, her legs were dangling. She would have died if the administrator had not come and stopped the carousel. Read also: Statuses about princesses

Oats are not heavy for horses.

The inscription on the KAMAZ: 400 horses and one donkey work here...!)))

He jumped on his horse and rushed madly in different directions.

Like the rider, like the horse.

Even a good rider needs to remember that you can fall off your horse.

From the master's eye the horse becomes kinder.

The mare knows that she broke the cart.

A horse is poetry in motion.

The stable is a temple, and the horse is the deity in it.

Don't buy whips for your horse, but buy oats.

Doctor! My wife has gone crazy! - Why do you think so? - Horses walk around the room, but she doesn’t see them!

Without a horse, a Cossack is an orphan.

Whoever looks for horses and women without faults will never have a horse in the stable or a wife in the house.

The horseshoe brings happiness. Unless, of course, you are a horse :)

Hay smells different for horses and lovers (c)

I can be so different, sometimes capricious, sometimes beautiful, sometimes a creepy monster, sometimes a beautiful Miss Universe, sometimes easy-going, sometimes with character, sometimes silent, sometimes swearing obscenely, sometimes into burning huts on horseback, sometimes desperately demanding help, slamming the door - I’ll open it all the dots, now I am caressed by a fluffy ball, now I love and immediately hate, now I am afraid of heights, but I go out on the roof for a walk in the dark night, now my wife, now my exemplary daughter, now I laugh, now I cry like a beluga, now I make peace, now I quarrel with my friend. I’m not sick, I’m not mentally damaged - I’m just a 100% WOMAN!!!

The Cossack is hungry, but his horse is full.

a girl physicist is like a green horse: a very interesting thing, but completely useless...(

and I was kicked out of the truck because I said to the usher: “Auntie, don’t smile, I’ve been afraid of horses since childhood...” Read also: Statuses about cats

wow the horses with speech impediments said when they saw geese with speech impediments shouting go go go;D

Anyone needs regular work with a trainer. Only a coach will see all the shortcomings in your work and point them out.

A well-fed horse will eat less.

A Kalmyk horse can only be over-stubborn by a Kalmyk.

A horse gives wings to a man.

The horse will not betray you, and the enemy will not eat you.

far, far away, a young horse galloped into the field... so easy, so easy you won’t catch up, you won’t catch, you won’t find))) (dj makar)

The owner doesn’t want a big horse: there won’t be enough grass.

Wasting food into a skinny horse is like pouring water into a skinny tub.

The good horse is under me, the Lord is above me.

Look after a horse like a friend, but ride it like an enemy.

Where there is a horse with a hoof, there is a crayfish with a claw.

And a blind horse is lucky if a sighted person sits on the cart.

Don't rush to go, hurry to feed.

The mare dragged along with the wolf - the tail and mane remained.

When a rider loses heart, his horse cannot gallop.

They beat the mare not because she is pockmarked, but because she doesn’t want to carry her.

Don't smile, I've been afraid of horses since childhood!!!

And the mosquito will knock down the horse if the wolf helps.

A horse with a hesitation and a man with a hesitation will not overstrain themselves.

The dignity of a horse is not in the saddle, the beauty of a person is not in clothes.

A groomed horse is a healthy horse.

Hay smells different for lovers and horses...

They do not look at a given horse's teeth.

A well-fed horse will eat less.

A drop of nicotine kills a horse, but a drop of heroin knocks the horse into hee-hee.

You don't buy a horse for its eyes.

Drive your horse not with a whip, but with sheep.

A good horse, and shakes off its hooves.

Buy a young horse, but don’t lose money on an old one.

Statuses about equestrian sports

The more I get to know people, the more I love horses.

Equestrian sport teaches us to fly. You shouldn't get upset because the horse doesn't listen. Sooner or later you will find a common language with her.

A girl is a horseman for a guy, but even a redneck has a painted woman)))

Fury in the eyes, courage in the heart, kindness in the soul. You must believe in yourself, especially in those moments when no one believes in you. Every workout is a step forward. Every missed workout is two steps back. There is nothing better than living your life striving to become better. The more I get to know people, the more I love horses Even a blind man will love horses and only a fool can miss them It’s never too late to enter the gates of the hippodrome To lift my spirits I need the look of my favorite horse It doesn’t matter what height you take, what matters is your relationship with the horse Beautifully on a horse, and not with a bottle of beer and a cigarette in your teeth. Horses taught me to look at the world differently. Don’t shed tears because the horse doesn’t listen. Sooner or later there will be reasons for each of her refusals. It's never too late to return to equestrian sport. Your own horse... Although it is not as playful as others, not as stately, for you it is a champion and no other horse can compare with yours. The most terrible thing in equestrian sports is not a fall, but the loss of a friend whom you cannot hug, feel under you and treat with carrots... You can make a mistake when jumping, you can make a mistake in training, but if you make a mistake when your horse is in trouble, you you have no right. All people are thinking about their own things: about money, about a new car, about work... I’m thinking about getting to the stables as soon as possible. Don't have the bad habit of being jealous of other riders. Strive for your goal, this is what life is given for. Fly over the barrier like a bird, you should always strive forward. Don't be afraid to ride a horse you don't know. This is another attempt to test your endurance. A good horse owner is famous not for his beautiful equipment, but for his elegant horse. Don't judge a horse by its appearance. The most important thing is hidden in the soul. Experience doesn't come when you get a medal. Experience appears when you understand that you and the horse are one whole. You should not be disappointed because of a fall, disobedience of a horse, bad jump. Know: after failures there always come ups. There are no bad horses, there are only bad riders. (Lev Brandt) We can fly without wings and rush faster than a car, and we don’t need anything else to be happy. My whole meaning in life lies across the road to the stable. Love a horse not because it jumps the highest or has high growth. Love the horse for who it is. Never be afraid of a horse, do not humiliate it or give up on it. She understands everything... Only once looking into the horse’s eyes did I understand what was truly worth living for. What's in my hands? Reason and love for the horse. Choice is like a hot horse. It must be approached with caution. Equestrian sport - choice brave, strong, determined. Energy is something that every horse has in abundance until you ask it to do something. A horseman is not an ordinary person. A horse is not just an animal. There is something about horses that pleases our soul. Equestrian sport teaches us to fly. Even if I don’t have any achievements in equestrian sports, horses will never leave my heart. Only when the horse puts its head in your lap will you truly become its master. You shouldn't get upset because the horse doesn't listen. Sooner or later you will find a common language with her. In equestrian sport, and in communication with a horse in general, the main goal is to achieve something. Try to help your horse in everything. She will definitely help you in return. No matter how many bones I break, no matter how many times I fall, threatening to quit equestrian sport, I still return to the stable, because horses are my drug. Equestrian sport is the sport of the strong and brave. We, the equestrians, are one and a half meters closer to the sky! Equestrian sport... Elegant and very beautiful...

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– Do you know why horses live long? - And after a pause he explained: - Because they never sort things out.

Finbow, do you know why a man likes to look at horses? This is a piece of the passing world. - We are all a part of the passing world... You Ian and I, we just don’t want to admit it.

To a Cossack, a horse is more valuable than himself. The Cossack himself is starving, but the horse is well-fed.

Hypotherapy is a very well-known method of rehabilitation through horse riding, but even simple communication with a horse can ease the soul and the pain of loss. You can trust a horse with things you wouldn’t dare admit to your best friend or doctor.

What are you doing? - Nothing. - I noticed. - I didn't sleep, I... I just bent over. -Looking for something? - Yes. - Maybe we are looking for the same thing? - What?

Well, I don’t know... Horses?!!

The stable is empty, the horses have run away.

And now he stands tangled, the raised whip trembles above him... He doesn’t have the strength to break the straps,

The horse bit the iron mouthpiece.

If only we knew what awaits us in the future, If only we knew where the herd of horses is taking us. Time's whips drive us on

If only they would give us a horse last chance.

How could you leave a friend? Do you remember how he warmed you with the blood of his wounds through a cruel blizzard?

He carried forward and the wounded man wheezed.

The waves beat and beat behind the stern, Your native shore quietly melted And the sea surf, the glow of fire

Reflected the brave eye of the horse.

What did your father do? - He predicted the future and stole horses. He often predicted that someone’s horse would be stolen and everyone was amazed when it happened.

Mickey is the best groom in England. - And he also loves to waste money. According to reports, you spend two pounds a month on deworming powders. - Do you need a horse with worms?

Horses become infected with worms through water. Put goldfish in it and they will eat all the eggs.

gold fish? Is this your gypsy stuff?

Accounting. A goldfish costs a penny.

Cars are not horses - they have no heart, you can’t talk to them.

For a lazy horse, the arc is heavy.

Be just as attentive, rider, to yourself. If your horse is wary, hot-tempered, indomitable, because we intend to decisively establish our dominance, you lack amiability in character and correctness of manners.

"Francois Boucher"

Where the horse is, there is no evil spirit.

When the last horse dies, the world will collapse, because the best people are horses.

A man can write a novel without a single female character, except the landlady or the horse; but a woman's romance without men is impossible.

"Margaret Atwood"

If you value people based on their work, then a horse is better than any person.

"Maksim Gorky"

There is nothing more beautiful than a frigate under full sail, a dancing woman and a horse in full gallop.

"P. Merimee"

Even a good rider needs to remember that you can fall off your horse.

I recognize zealous horses by some of their brands, I recognize young lovers by their eyes.

"Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy"

A cat can make you look clumsy, a dog can make you look stupid, but only a horse can do both at the same time.

You know, there is an amazing mutual sympathy, a kind of brotherhood between everyone who deals with horses.

"Sherlock Holmes"

He laughs at the horse who does not dare to laugh at its owner!

"M. Uspensky"

Everyone likes a beautiful horse, but for some reason there is absolutely no one who wants to become one.

I don't like horses. They are dangerous on both sides and extremely awkward in the middle.

"Ian Fleming"

Horses snort on the road - a joyful meeting.

Let us not be annoyed by the charm of young horses, when they, like pollen in the air, will one day be scared away and never return.

"Antoine de Pluvinel"

The main advantage of a horse is its frankness and disposition to go forward.

The flaws of a horse are from the outside, the flaws of a person are from the inside.

Like the rider, like the horse.

Do you know what people and horses have in common? Horses don’t know why they run and we don’t know either.

A well-fed horse will eat less.

I hate all horses, of course, except my old lady. God created man so that he himself could walk the earth.

Not a single hour of life spent in the saddle is wasted.

"Winston Churchill"

The beauty of the horse is amazing. Nobody gets tired of looking at her in all the splendor of her splendor.

Horses are like women: just as beautiful and just as hardy.

"Boris Trushkin"

They put all the burden on the diligent horse.

You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot force it to drink.

"Maria Corelli"

Przewalski's horse became very jealous when Mr. Przewalski looked at other horses.

Never buy a red horse, sell a black one, take care of a white one, and ride a bay one yourself.

Horses are far from humans. He bestows himself by decorating his teeth with rhinestones.

"Mila Waltz"

Labor made a man out of a monkey, and it turned him into a horse.

Even a drop of water can kill a horse if you constantly drip on its brains.

"Stas Yankovsky"