Plane crash with the Brazilian team - who survived. Brazil declares three days of mourning after passenger plane crashes in Colombia

A plane carrying 72 passengers, including football players from the Brazilian club Chapecoense, crashed in Colombia. RIA Novosti reports this with reference to the Univision TV channel.

According to the TV channel, in addition to 72 passengers there were also 9 crew members on board.

Reuters reported that the number of victims of the Lamia Airlines plane crash in Colombia was 76 people. Thus, 5 people survived the plane crash.

Among them are a flight attendant, Chapecoense goalkeeper Danilo, team defender Alan Roshal and a massage therapist. Alan Roshal has a broken hip and an open head wound.

Previously it was reported that 15 survived, but this information was not confirmed.

360 Radio Colombia, citing a police spokesman in the Colombian city of Medellin, reports that search and rescue efforts have been suspended due to the fact that there are no more survivors at the scene of the accident. Up to 500 people took part in the rescue efforts, including military and national police officers.

The mayor of the neighboring city of La Ceja cited three possible reasons for the plane crash, including lack of fuel, technical problems with the plane and weather conditions.

Earlier it was reported that the crew signaled low fuel level. The pilots of the plane that crashed in Colombia sent an emergency message at 22:00 local time about electrical problems on board. About an hour later the plane crashed.

It also became known that the Chapecoense players changed the plane right before departure and boarded the ill-fated airliner. According to El Tiempo, representatives of the Brazilian aviation forced the players to board the plane, which subsequently collapsed.

The athletes were due to arrive at the hotel this morning and begin training at the Estadio Attanasio Girardot to take part in the first Copa Sudamericana final match.

It is reported that the crashed plane had previously transported football players from the Argentine national team and the Colombian Atlético Nacional team. The president of the latter, Juan Carlos de la Cuesta, claims that his players have flown on this airliner more than once.

A photo appeared on Twitter of a local publication where the wreckage of the airliner is clearly visible. Judging by the image, the hull of the aircraft received significant damage from the impact with the ground, while its debris did not scatter over any significant distance.

Media reports that the Chapecoense players managed to take a selfie with the pilot of the airliner that crashed over Colombia. Allegedly, one of the players sent the photo to his girlfriend shortly before takeoff or during a stopover in Bolivia.

Due to the plane crash, the Brazilian Football Federation decided to postpone the final matches indefinitely. Currently, an option is being considered in which Chapecoense and Nacional will field their youth squads for the games.

Famous football players, including Galatasaray player Lukas Podolski and Real Madrid midfielder Lucas Silva, spoke out about the tragedy. The German striker called for prayers for those killed in the plane crash.

The football players were heading to the Colombian city of Medellin to participate in the South American Cup match.

Colombian authorities confirm that a plane with football team. According to radio station 360 Radio Colombia, rescue service personnel have now arrived at the crash site.

Also, according to the radio station, crew members of the plane that crashed in Colombia gave a signal about low fuel level. It is reported that the pilots were planning to make an emergency landing at the nearest airport, but the plane crashed.

A plane crashed in Colombia carrying 81 people, most of them football players and employees of the Brazilian club Chapecoense, who were heading to the final match of the Copa Sudamericana. The airliner, which took off from Brazil, made an intermediate landing in the Bolivian city of Santa Cruz, after which it headed to Medellin and crashed near the airport of this city. According to various sources, from six to ten people survived.

What happened?

The plane disappeared from radar while approaching the airport in the Colombian city of Medellin on Monday, November 28, at 22:15 local time (06:15 Tuesday Moscow time). It subsequently became known that he crashed in the Colombian province of Antioquia, near the Rionegro River. According to preliminary data, the aircraft commander informed dispatchers at Medellin Cordoba airport about a lack of fuel. The plane was given landing priority, but it was never able to land.

How many people were on board?

There were 72 passengers and nine crew members on board. Including players of the Brazilian club Chapecoense, members of the team's board, representatives of the coaching staff, team technical staff, as well as journalists. Among the club's football players are team captain Kleber Santana, who played for Atlético Madrid and Mallorca for four years, forward Alejandro Martinuccio (defended the colors of Villarreal in Spain), goalkeeper Marcelo Book (played for six years in Portugal for Marítima and "Sporting")

Survivors reported...

Initial information: everyone on the plane died. However, it soon became known that survivors had been found in the area of ​​the plane crash, and 10 people were taken to local hospitals. Then they clarified that rescuers found six survivors, one of them died on the way to the hospital. Rescue work continues at the crash site. A list of all passengers has been published on social networks.

What is the main version of what happened?

The plane could have crashed due to lack of fuel.

What do you know about the football team?

Chapecoense is based in the city of Chapeco, located in the state of Santa Catarina in the south of the country. The club is quite young by football standards, founded in 1973. The debut in the top division of Brazil - Serie A - took place in 1978, but a year later the team lost its registration in the country's football elite and was able to return there only 35 years later - in 2014.

For two seasons in a row (2014, 2015), the team teetered on the brink of relegation, but remained in Serie A, taking 15th and 14th places, respectively, and the current championship turned out to be the most successful for the team - with 52 points for the round before the end of Chapecoense located in ninth place and has long protected itself from being demoted in class. The day before, the club lost away to Palmeiras, which won the Brazilian championship title ahead of schedule in the meeting with Chapecoense.

Where were the players heading?

The players flew to the Colombian city of Medellin, where the first (of two) final match of the Copa Sudamericana against the Colombian team Atlético Nacional was to take place. The game was scheduled for the evening of November 30 (night of December 1, Moscow time).

Plane crashes involving athletes

History knows several cases of sports teams dying in plane crashes. In 2011, a Yak-42D plane carrying the Lokomotiv hockey club crashed during takeoff near the Yaroslavl Tunoshna airport. 26 players from the main team, five coaches and six members of the team’s technical staff were killed.

In 1979, two Tu-134 aircraft collided over Dneprodzerzhinsk, one of which was carrying 14 football players, a second coach, an administrator and a doctor from the Tashkent football club"Pakhtakor". All of them died; in total, the tragedy claimed the lives of 178 people.

21 years earlier, an Airspeed AS.57 Ambassador plane with players and coaches of the famous Manchester United football club on board crashed during takeoff in Munich. Eight Red Devils players, the club secretary and two coaches were killed. Nine players survived, including Bobby Charlton, who later became a Manchester United legend. The team's head coach Matt Busby also managed to escape.

In 1950, while landing at Sverdlovsk Koltsovo airport, a Li-2 plane crashed. There were 13 members on board hockey team Air Force and 6 crew members. Everyone died. By luck, Vsevolod Bobrov, main star domestic football and hockey of the 1950s, missed this plane.

On the night of Monday to Tuesday, Moscow time, a plane crash occurred in Colombia near Medellin airport. There was a Brazilian team on board the airliner "Chapecoense" flying to the final match of the Copa Sudamericana with Colombia Atlético Nacional. "SE" provides the main facts of the tragedy.

The plane disappeared from radar screens at 22.15 local time. Later it became known that the plane crashed in Colombia in the province of Antioquia. The flight crew informed dispatchers at Medellin Cordoba airport about a lack of fuel. The flight received emergency landing priority but was unable to land.

On board the plane was 81 people - 72 passengers and 9 crew members. Among the passengers were the Brazilian team Chapecoense, flying to the final match of the Copa Sudamericana with the Colombian Atlético Nacional, coaching staff, technical staff, and journalists.

According to official data, it was discovered 6 survivors, including three football players - defender No, goalkeeper Jackson and defender Alana Ruschela.

One of possible reasons Plane crashes are caused by fuel shortages.

Football club "Chapecoense"(literal translation of the name - Football Association of the city of Chapeco) was founded on May 10, 1973 when the clubs merged "Atlético Chapecoense" And "Independente", five-time Santa Catarina State champion (1977, 1996, 2007, 2011, 2016), two-time Santa Catarina State Cup winner (1979, 2006), Serie B silver medalist (2013), Serie C bronze medalist (2012), bronze medalist series D (2009).

The Avro RJ-85 is a commercial mid-size jet aircraft produced by British Aerospace (UK) from 1983 to 2003. The liner carrying Chapecoense was in operation for 17 years. It is also reported that the same plane transported the Argentina national team for the match with Brazil (0:3) in qualifying tournament World Championship 2018.

Brazil has declared three days of mourning, and the state of Santa Catarina has declared 30 days of mourning. The celebration of Christmas and New Year is in question.

Rescuers discovered the "black box" of the crashed plane.

The condition of the survivors is assessed as serious.

Football - "Pass from abroad"

Ex-mentor of CSKA Zico paid tribute to the victims of today's disaster near Medellin by posting a black square on his Instagram. Message legendary football player began with the phrase “I have never lost so many friends.”

Football - "Pass from abroad"

Head coach of Atlético Nacional Reynaldo Rueda said his team flew the plane that crashed today six times.

I deeply regret the loss of all passengers, including the Chapecoense. I especially regret the death of the crew, who were well known to us. We flew with them six times. The last time we flew on this plane was on November 3 from Asuncion, returning from a match with Cerro Porteño. This is all very difficult to accept.

Football - "Pass from abroad"

The Colombian Civil Aviation Department released an official statement regarding the death of the plane carrying the Brazilian Chapecoense. On this moment 75 dead and six survivors are known. All of them were taken to the hospital.

70% of the bodies were found in the fuselage, 30%, including survivors, were found near the plane. 150 people were involved in the search operation. The black box has not yet been discovered.

Football - "At Your Own Gate"

Terek expressed its condolences.

Football - "Pass from abroad"

Young Chapecoense fan.

Menino fica sozinho na arquibancada da arena Condá em Chapecó (SC) durante tributo aos jogadores da Chapecoense mortos em acidente aéreo na Colômbia Veja mais fotos ==> #G1 #ForçaChape #Chapecoense #luto #tragédia #acidenteaéreo #quedadeaivão #Colômbia

In Colombia, not far from Medellin, a plane carrying 72 passengers crashed, including football players from the Brazilian club Chapecoense, who were to take part in the first final match of the Copa Sudamericana against the Colombian Atlético Nacional.

Right now, 75 people are known to have died. Famous full list people who got on board - in addition to the football players and the plane crew (there were 9 crew members), there were the heads of Chapecoense, the coaching staff, technical staff, journalists and honored guests. Among the passengers was Paulo Paixao's son, former coach CSKA in physical training.

What team crashed?

Chapecoense is a little-known team in Russia; it does not have players familiar to our fans. Chapecoense languished at the bottom of Serie D for a long time, left it in 2009, and in 7 years reached the final of the Copa Sudamericana. This fall, Chapecoense reached such a high point for the first time in history. The match in Colombia was supposed to be the most important in the club's history...

How did this happen?

Citing Colombian sources, Brazil's Globo reported that the plane lost contact with the ground shortly after midnight and crashed 30 km before its planned arrival. Air traffic controllers lost contact with the pilots as the plane flew over the cities of La Ceja and Aberhorral. The missing plane took off at 15:35 local time from Sao Paulo and landed in Eastern Bolivia, in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. The plane crashed in the city of La Union, 30 km from Medellin.

It did not explode, largely thanks to the efforts of the crew - the pilots knew that the plane was running out of fuel and circled over the area. If not for this, an explosion would have been inevitable.

The first photographs have already been received from the scene.

Why did this happen?

Mayor of La Ceja Elkin Ospina stated that the cause of the plane crash was a lack of fuel. Another version, in the official release of the aviation authorities, states that the plane crashed due to an electronics failure.

What was the team flying on?

Chapecoense was flying on a charter aircraft CP-2933. At the beginning of the month, the Argentina national team flew on it.

During the fall, the plane split in half. It is important that SR-2933 has already suffered 10 plane crashes, most of them during landing.

What do they say at the scene?

The rescue operation at Medellin airport is being carried out by more than 90 rescuers from the nearby cities of La Union, Rionegro, El Carmen de Vibroal and La Ceja. Heavy rain complicates the situation. A state of emergency has been declared in the city, and Air Force helicopters are searching for surviving passengers. “It’s hard to find survivors, it’s a wooded area,” he says Hugo Botero Lopez, Mayor of La Union.

“We are working with local authorities in connection with the emergency situation that occurred with the Chapecoense aircraft,” the airport wrote on Twitter.

What do they write in Brazil?

Chapecoense published a short message on official page on Facebook: “Given the conflicting reports coming from different journalistic sources regarding the crash of the plane carrying Chapecoense players, we refrain from commenting and await official statements from the Colombian air authorities. May God be with our athletes, leaders, journalists and other members of the delegation.”
Flamengo's official Twitter account added the Chapecoense logo to its avatar and wrote: "The whole nation is with you."

Are there any survivors?

Yes. Defender taken to La Ceja hospital Alan Ruschel, rescued from the wreckage of the plane. It is reported that Alan has multiple broken bones, hips, and lacerations to the head. At the hospital, he asked the doctors to keep his wedding ring and inquired about the condition of his loved ones. His wife, Amanda Ruschel, wrote on Instagram: "Thank God Alan is in hospital in a stable condition."

The second survivor is the Chapecoense goalkeeper. Danilo Padilla. It’s surprising that before the flight, Rushel posted a photo of himself on Instagram - just with Danilo. Third - Jackson Vollmann. WITH serious injury Head defender Neto was hospitalized.

Another survivor already taken to the hospital is a flight attendant. Jimena Suarez.

Another 9 Chapecoense players, according to Globo Esporte, did not fly to the match and avoided a plane crash.


A plane crashed in Colombia with 81 people on board, including nine crew members and 72 passengers, including 22 players from the Brazilian football club Chapecoense, 28 members of the club's management, coaches and 22 journalists accompanying the sports team. delegation. According to the country's authorities, only six people survived the plane crash. According to Flightradar, the plane was flying to the Colombian city of Medellin from the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra in Bolivia and crashed about 45 km from the destination airport.

Representatives of the Colombian Civil Aviation Authority said that the airliner, which belonged to the Bolivian air carrier Lamia, crashed near the town of El Gordo near the municipality of La Union (Department of Antioquia), TASS reports. Rescuers quickly arrived at the crash site.

Later it became known that the South American Football Confederation (CONMEBOL) suspended events under its auspices, including the final matches of the Copa Sudamericana, due to the disaster in Colombia, TASS reports. Cup final match South America Football has been postponed.

“CONMEBOL confirms that it has been notified by the Colombian authorities that the plane carrying the Chapecoense delegation was involved in an accident in Colombia,” the organization said in a statement. "CONMEBOL President Alejandro Dominguez is on his way to Medellin right now," the statement said.

Chapecoense is a Brazilian football club from the city of Chapeco (state of Santa Catarina). It was founded on May 10, 1973 by the merger of Atlético Chapecoense and Independente. Since 2014, he has been playing in Serie A of the Brazilian Championship. Chapecoense plays in major league, where it currently ranks ninth.

Let us remind you that last years This is not the first plane crash on which members of one of the sports team. Thus, on September 7, 2011, a Yak-42D airliner of the Yak Service airline, en route to Minsk, crashed near Yaroslavl. The main team members were on board the plane hockey club"Lokomotiv" (Yaroslavl). The athletes were flying to their first match of the KHL championship of the 2011/2012 season.

Then one person survived the disaster - aviation and radio maintenance engineer Alexander Sizov. The remaining 44 people (36 passengers and eight crew members) were killed.

Other similar tragedies included two more plane crashes. On January 5, 1950, a Li-2 plane carrying 11 hockey players, a doctor and a massage therapist for the Air Force hockey team crashed near the Sverdlovsk Koltsovo airport.

On August 11, 1979, two Aeroflot Tu-134A airliners (flights 7628 Chelyabinsk - Voronezh - Chisinau and 7880 Tashkent - Guryev - Donetsk - Minsk) collided in the sky near Dneprodzerzhinsk at an altitude of 8400 m, resulting in the death of all 178 people on board. people (94 on flight 7628 and 84 on flight 7880). Among the dead were 17 members of the Uzbek football club Pakhtakor, who were flying to Minsk for the game.