L-carnitine - the best fat burner for weight loss or a myth? Does L-Carnitine Help Burn Fat? Omega 3 l carnitine.


Omega 3D + Coenzyme Q10 + L-carnitine (Academiya-T)

Omega-3D - innovative formula with triple effect.

Antioxidant CombinationCoenzyme Q10 , polyunsaturated fatty acidsOmega-3 and amino acidsL-carnitine gives the product the strongest synergistic properties, realized due to the intake of healthy fats into the body, protected from premature oxidation, which contributes to their complete absorption in cells.

Omega-3D has a wide range of beneficial effects, which include:

  • Improving the rheological properties of blood, which occurs due to a decrease in its viscosity. As a result, it decreases arterial pressure, the risk of cardiovascular diseases decreases, the formation of blood clots is prevented, the risk of strokes and heart attacks is reduced;
  • Falling triglyceride levels in the blood (reducing the risk of heart disease);
  • Stimulation of ATP production for heart cells;
  • Increased tone and endurance;
  • Weight normalization;
  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Improves brain function and improves mood. Since the medulla is 60% fat, it requires Omega-3 fatty acids to function properly;
  • Is a healthy source of energy that does not pose the risk of increasing fat mass;
  • Increased production of hormones, including the most important for athletes - testosterone.

Fish fat is a natural substance containing vitamins A, D and some polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3.

This is a class of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are not reproduced by the body.

Moreover, they are extremely important for normal life.

When they enter the body with products, they penetrate into cells and activate their work.

Omega-3 are essential fatty acids for those who want to get rid of excess weight. Oddly enough, they are the ones that reduce appetite and reduce insulin sensitivity.


OMEGA-3 - a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are not synthesized in the human body, but play a huge role in the activity of all systems, providing membrane-protective, anti-atherosclerotic, antiarrhythmic, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effects, protecting blood vessels and capillaries, normalizing the lipid composition and rheological properties of the blood, improving brain metabolism, antidepressant, dermatotropic, oncoprotective properties, etc.

COENZYME Q10 - acts as an antioxidant in cell mitochondria, protecting Omega-3 from oxidation and ensuring the destruction of free radicals formed during physical activity. The pronounced antiatherosclerotic, antiarrhythmic, hypotensive, antiallergic, and hepatoprotective effects of coenzyme Q10 have been proven. Coenzyme Q10 normalizes the lipid composition of the blood, improves its properties, blood flow in the myocardium, and regulates blood glucose levels. It also improves respiratory and reproductive functions and has an anti-periodontal effect.

L-CARNITINE (Carnipure™ from LONZA®) - an amino acid that ensures the transport of fatty acids through cell membranes into the mitochondria for use as the main source of energy, promoting better absorption of Omega-3.

L-carnitine increases the efficiency of fat burning and the level of energy supply to muscles, increases endurance and accelerates recovery.

L-carnitine is necessary for the effective functioning of the heart muscle, especially during physical activity.

  • Omega-3 - 1000 mg
  • L-Carnitine - 85 mg
  • Coenzyme Q10 - 15 mg

Omega-3, L-Carnitine, Coenzyme Q10

Take 3 capsules daily with meals. Duration of treatment is 4 weeks.

Can you tell me the easiest way to increase the body's energy reserves and get rid of extra pounds? This is taken in combination with, a source of essential acids. Carnitine is a powerful nutrient; raising the carnitine content in muscle tissue, you are taking a decisive step towards dramatically improving the quality of your life. Carnitine stimulates the oxidation of fatty acids, provides a surge of vitality and energy, protects against disease, fights depression and improves mood. In addition, studies have shown that taking carnitine supplements helps:

  • Increasing tolerance to heavy physical activity
  • Growth in sports performance
  • Acceleration after grueling workouts
  • Improving mental activity
  • Prevention of oxidative stress, which is known to lead over time to the development of chronic diseases, in particular diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular pathology and chronic inflammatory processes.

More recently, the Journal of Physiology published a breakthrough study that demonstrated the positive effects of carnitine on the functional training of athletes. For many years, scientists have been unsuccessfully struggling with this issue, and now, finally, we have received a scientific basis for the beneficial properties of the nutrient. Revolutionary research in combination with the emergence of new knowledge about the optimal ways to take carnitine (transport of carnitine into muscle cells is possible only in the presence of insulin) leaves us no choice - we simply must return to a detailed analysis of the beneficial properties of this! Let's see what health benefits an increase in carnitine content promises us, and let's pay maximum attention to its effect on the composition of the body's tissues.

1. The role of carnitine in fat burning: general information

Carnitine is an amino acid derivative consisting of lysine and methionine. Note that there are many different forms of carnitine, for example, acetyl-L-carnitine and L-carnitine tartrate, and we will definitely talk about in what form to take the nutrient in certain cases. And we will agree on the shore that in this article, unless otherwise stated, by the term “carnitine” we will mean L-carnitine tartrate.

Carnitine is powerful, because it is carnitine that transports fatty acids across cell membranes and throws them into the furnaces of energy metabolism. By increasing the carnitine content in muscle tissue, you turn on all the mechanisms of fat oxidation at full capacity, and since the body is able to effectively manage the fuel at its disposal, you are guaranteed a rapid replenishment of energy reserves. In addition, an increase in carnitine concentration increases physical performance by increasing the amount of broken down fats and at the same time saves glycogen, reduces the accumulation of lactic acid in muscles and potentiates the anabolic hormonal response.

2. Tandem of carnitine and omega-3

Carnitine will be effective only if there is a sufficient amount of essential omega-3 fatty acids in the body. To the carnitine you take in the form food additives, hit the right place and “loaded” muscle tissue, you will need insulin.

That's why we introduced omega-3 fatty acids into our equation. They affect the condition of all cells of the human body, of course, provided that you get them in sufficient quantities. As you know, cell membranes consist of two lipid layers, which can contain both healthy and unhealthy fats (this depends on the characteristics of your diet). The more omega-3 fatty acids in cell membranes, the better. functional state signaling cellular systems, and, most importantly, omega-3 acids increase cell sensitivity to insulin! Increasing tissue sensitivity to insulin will allow your body to maximize the energy potential of carnitine.

Why am I talking in such detail about the relationship between omega-3 acids and carnitine? Because taking carnitine will not bring the desired results if you do not pay proper attention to omega-3. Working with obese clients, I have found that using high doses of fish oil and carnitine can jump-start fat burning.

By activating intracellular processes, omega-3s increase the intensity of basal metabolism and stimulate the breakdown of fats, and carnitine takes on the role of a transport system for long-chain fatty acids. The lower the carnitine content in the body, the fewer fatty acids get inside the cells, which means that they are not available for the needs of energy metabolism. Instead of generating energy, fats are sent to storage and stored in adipose tissue. By raising the level of carnitine, you stimulate fat oxidation and give cells the mechanisms provided by genetics to increase the intensity of metabolic processes. As a result, you will feel energetic and more motivated, and all excess fats will begin to leave the body.

3. Let’s do without carbohydrates: enough carnitine and omega-3

In the fifth paragraph of the article, I will talk in detail about the results of the study published in the Journal of Physiology, but for now we will focus on one feature regarding the intake of carnitine. In that scientific work for loading muscles with carnitine and increasing performance functional training a combination of carnitine and , however, other studies have shown that with an adequate intake of omega-3, the need for carbohydrates disappears. The Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism reports the high effectiveness of carnitine in combination with omega-3 and polyphenols. This combination reduces blood lipid levels and stimulates intracellular energy generation. If the study had been long-term (unfortunately, it only lasted 12 weeks), these changes in fat metabolism would have led to noticeable weight loss.

The scientists found that triglycerides decreased by 24% and fatty acids by 29% compared with the placebo group, which showed no changes. Such dynamics indicate a normalization of cholesterol levels, an increase in the efficiency of energy metabolism and an acceleration of the breakdown of fat, and all this inevitably leads to weight loss. In addition, there was an activation of genes that induce fat burning, which is a sign of an improved metabolic profile. Note that they were included to increase the level of antioxidants and prevent oxidative stress, which leads to chronic inflammatory processes and adversely affects the health of the heart and blood vessels. Polyphenols do not affect the effectiveness of carnitine in any way.

4. Carnitine against visceral fat

Getting rid of visceral, or abdominal, fat is extremely difficult - once you gain it, it firmly takes root and causes numerous health problems. Accumulation visceral fat in the abdominal area is accompanied by the deposition of lipids in internal organs, in particular in the liver, heart and even muscle tissue. Fat deposition in hepatocytes leads to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and epicardial fat (a type of visceral fat that accumulates around the heart) is thought to be a metabolically active organ that interferes with normal heart function.

By increasing carnitine levels, you block the accumulation of visceral fat by stimulating fat oxidation and removing triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins from the systemic circulation, thereby preventing hypercholesterolemia and the aggregation of harmful lipids responsible for the development of atherosclerosis. This is clearly demonstrated by the latest research published in Food and Chemical Toxicology. Scientists gave carnitine to mice that were fed a high-fat diet to induce weight gain. Compared to a group of mice receiving placebo, the carnitine group gained significantly less visceral and subcutaneous fat(the fat that is just under the skin, you can feel it with your fingers). In the placebo group, the initial stages of non-alcoholic liver dystrophy and vascular atherosclerosis were found, which was not observed in the carnitine group.

A study in the Journal of Physiology is the first to show that intramuscular carnitine can be increased through diet. After increasing the level of carnitine, the rate of metabolic processes depends only on the intensity of physical activity, which creates favorable conditions for the efficient use of energy and increased performance.

Scientists gave a placebo or a combination of carnitine tartrate + carbohydrates (2 grams of carnitine + 80 grams of carbohydrates twice a day) to experienced athletes who were training for triathlons 3 to 5 times a week. In different phases of the study, subjects underwent the following: physical tests: 2 thirty-minute repeated bouts of exercise (first at 50% VO2 max and second at 80%) followed by a 30-minute all-out effort test.

After 24 weeks, in the carnitine group, compared to the baseline, an 11% increase in athletic performance was recorded when performing test exercises, while in the placebo group there was no such dynamics. Participants who took carnitine also noted that they tolerated all tests and exercises at 80% of the maximum easier than at the beginning of the study. There was no change in individual perceived exertion in the placebo group.

To conclude that carnitine supplementation has a positive effect on physical performance, we need to pay attention to two key points from this study. Firstly, long-term use of the drug is required to increase the carnitine content in muscles and increase energy production. In this experiment, after three months there were no changes in performance or individual perception of load compared to the initial indicators, but after 6 months the changes were pronounced and statistically significant. Quantity turns into quality somewhere between months 3 and 6, which means taking carnitine should be part of your lifestyle, just like taking omega-3s.

Secondly, high concentrations of insulin are required to accumulate, or “load” carnitine into muscles. This explains why many previous experiments did NOT result in an increase in muscle carnitine even after taking a few grams of the nutrient. In this study, carnitine was taken with carbohydrates, since carbohydrates stimulate the secretion of insulin, which helps fill the muscles with carnitine. Note that the entire healthy world strives to reduce carbohydrate-induced insulin secretion, since it negatively affects the composition of body tissues. Of course, this fact cannot be written off, but we must not forget that insulin acts as a powerful anabolic hormone, provided there is adequate secretion and sufficient sensitivity of cells to its action.

Combining carnitine with carbohydrates is a good option, but in the third paragraph of the article we focused your attention on the fact that carnitine can be combined with omega-3. This tandem is more suitable for people for whom weight loss is the main goal. From experience I know that the maximum reduction in body weight is achieved by an omega-3 to carnitine ratio of 5:1. If you take 20 grams of omega-3s, add 4 grams of carnitine. But if you're more moderate on omega-3s, start with 1-2 grams of carnitine and then work your way up to the 4 grams used in the study.

6. Increased exercise tolerance

An increase in muscle carnitine leads to an increase in exercise tolerance. Note that the load will no longer be perceived by you as prohibitively heavy: you will be able to easily lift more weight, perform more repetitions, run faster and longer. All thanks to a decrease in lactic acid production against the background of an increase in carnitine content in the muscles. Such changes help relieve pain, protect muscles from damage, and neutralize the effects of metabolic stress that accompany high-intensity exercise.

In the presence of high concentrations of carnitine, energy generation is activated, and the effectiveness of buffer systems that maintain a stable pH in the muscles and prevent the accumulation of hydrogen ions increases. Essentially, carnitine helps eliminate the byproducts of intense training that cause cellular damage and soreness (that burning sensation you feel during a strenuous workout), allowing you to perform even more efficiently.

Findings from a Journal of Physiology study show that increasing muscle carnitine increases exercise capacity by reducing lactic acid accumulation. After a series of exercises performed at 80% of the maximum, lactate accumulation in the carnitine group was 44% lower than in the control group. After a series of exercises performed at 50% of the maximum, the carnitine group used 55% less muscle glycogen than the control group, indicating a predominant use of fat as fuel and an increase in the efficiency of energy metabolism.

Reduced lactate accumulation in combination with more efficient fat oxidation in two series of exercises allowed representatives of the carnitine group to increase physical performance by 35% while reducing individual perceived load. Simply put, taking carnitine is a no-brainer if you want to train harder and are looking to improve your body composition by increasing fat burning.

7. Speed ​​up recovery with carnitine

By taking carnitine to speed up recovery, both in the short and long term, you will reduce muscle pain and you will feel more energetic. The accumulation of lactic acid in muscles is the limiting factor that limits performance and causes soreness, which means that you recover faster if your body does not synthesize lactic acid as actively and quickly removes it from muscle tissue.

Carnitine supplementation potentiates the anabolic response to a training stimulus by increasing androgen receptor activity, which “promotes recovery,” according to one research group. Two scientific studies led by William J. Cramer examined the hormonal response to carnitine supplementation. In one of these studies, taking carnitine for 21 days led to an increase in the number of testosterone receptors at rest, indicating the formation of a favorable anabolic environment in the body. After strength training The experiment participants also had an increased number of androgen receptors, indicating an improved cellular response to testosterone and an increase in protein synthesis. Increased protein synthesis accelerates the regeneration and repair of tissue damaged during strength training.

Participants in the second experiment also took carnitine and placebo for 21 days. As a result, in the carnitine group, after intense strength training, muscle tissue damage decreased (assessed using MRI) and IGFBP-3 levels (a protein that binds insulin-like growth factor and activates tissue repair) increased. Scientists have suggested that carnitine supplements promote recovery by increasing “the proportion of intact tissue and the number of intact receptors capable of interacting with hormones.”

8. Acetyl-L-carnitine improves brain activity and increases motivation

A form of carnitine called acetyl-L-carnitine will provide you with excellent mental performance and increased motivation. This makes the supplement a great tool for people who want to lose weight but don't find the internal motivation to exercise. Acetyl-L-Carnitine helps unlock the potential of DHA, an omega-3 acid that does wonders for brain function. Like carnitine tartrate, this form of carnitine should be taken along with omega-3 to induce energy generation in the brain.

Acetyl-L-carnitine is a powerful antioxidant and can remove toxic salts of heavy metals from brain tissue. I recommend taking it in combination with alpha lipoic acid and DHA, because this combination supports dopamine secretion, increases concentration and motivation. People suffering from depression, as well as anyone who wants to get rid of extra pounds, should take advantage of the miraculous effect of carnitine. He will help you find internal incentives and take the first step, start training and learn to overcome all difficulties training process. By taking acetyl-L-carnitine, you can also enjoy increased vitality, increased physical performance, increased exercise tolerance and faster recovery - all beneficial properties, contributing to the creation of a slim and attractive body.

Numerous studies support the effectiveness of acetyl-L-carnitine in improving brain function. For example, a new study from the Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology found that taking acetyl-L-carnitine in patients with liver dysfunction significantly improves mental performance, improves health, improves mood and creates a positive outlook. They also reported a decrease in anxiety and depression.

9. Prevention of diabetes and improvement of insulin metabolism

Carnitine turned out to be the drug whose positive effect on fat metabolism can prevent the development of diabetes mellitus. Among the mechanisms for preventing diseases associated with metabolic syndrome, one should highlight the prevention of vascular atherosclerosis, strengthening the cardiovascular system, and reducing body weight.

In addition, carnitine protects the body from pathogenic factors associated with diabetes. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, the nutrient destroys free radicals and fights oxidative stress. In order for taking carnitine to lead to a real improvement in insulin metabolism and save you from extra pounds, you must remember the need for interaction key factors, which must be present in the body:

A) Take carnitine with omega-3 fish oil. Remember the recommended ratio is 1:5.

C) Taking the necessary nutritional supplements should be an integral part of your lifestyle, and not a temporary measure. Studies have shown that androgen receptors are activated after three weeks, the triglyceride profile improves after three months, and it takes about 6 months for muscle carnitine levels to increase.

C) A high-protein diet and training will dramatically increase the effectiveness of your efforts.

10. Carnitine against cachexia, or wasting syndrome

Increasing the concentration of carnitine can prevent the development of cachexia, or wasting syndrome, which accompanies certain diseases, in particular cancer, AIDS, heart and lung diseases. And although our readers rarely encounter such problems, we must mention it. Taking carnitine helps normalize metabolic rates in people with cachexia and thereby helps fight the progression of life-threatening diseases.

Cachexia is accompanied by a progressive decrease in body weight, loss muscle mass, depression of cognitive functions, deterioration of insulin metabolism, inflammation and dysfunction of internal organs. Scientists have discovered that in the body of cancer patients with signs of cachexia, the level of carnitine is sharply reduced and metabolic processes are disrupted. A new Journal of Nutrition study found that carnitine supplementation in cachexic men with pancreatic cancer increased lean body mass, stimulated energy metabolism, and improved quality of life. The study showed a trend toward increased survival and decreased length of hospitalization with carnitine supplementation.

11. Carnitine increases male fertility

Adequate levels of carnitine are necessary to maintain the reproductive function of the male body. One study found that fertile men had higher carnitine levels and normal spermatogenesis rates. On the contrary, in the body of infertile men, the carnitine content turned out to be reduced, which was reflected in poor spermogram indicators. Scientists have suggested that maintaining an adequate level of carnitine in the body in combination with in a healthy way life can have a beneficial effect on reproductive function.

12. Carnitine and healthy skin

Cream for external use with carnitine can improve the condition of the skin by reducing the amount of fat secreted by the sebaceous glands. A study recently published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology reported that carnitine cream increased the amount of fat entering cells and decreased sebum secretion. It reduces oily skin and improves it appearance. Scientists also noted the importance of the nutrient for the transport of lipids across cell membranes and the subsequent breakdown of fatty acids, since beta-oxidation of fats, or fat burning, was enhanced in the presence of carnitine.

Effective fat burners

In this article we will discuss with you the effective, and therefore the best, fat burners for weight loss, as well as ways to use the best of them to achieve maximum results.

On the market of dietary supplements and sports nutrition there is a huge selection of fat burners from different companies with different strengths, the purpose of which in one way or another is to reduce the subcutaneous fat layer. For ease of understanding, we will divide all fat burners into 4 categories:

  1. Fat burning assistants (L-Carnitine, Omega 3, Coenzyme, Carbohydrate blockers)
  2. Standard fat burners (caffeine based)
  3. Advanced fat burners (caffeine + many stimulants and enhancers)
  4. Potent fat burners (ECA fat burners of all varieties)
Read more about what ECA is in the article:

1. Fat burning assistants

In this section, we will analyze the necessary fat burning enhancers, which not only improve the effects of all fat burners without exception, but also perform a protective function during such heavy loads on the body and in particular the heart.

  • L-Carnitine
  • Omega 3
  • Carbohydrate blockers
  • Coenzyme Q10
L-Carnitine- a transport amino acid that has a huge range of uses in our body. But we are primarily interested in what this amino acid transports adipose tissue our body for subsequent processing into energy. The use of L-carnitine together with a fat burner significantly improves the effect of the latter and significantly improves the final result.

It is important to understand that L-Carnitine itself only works during aerobic exercise (running, etc.) or during heavy physical activity involving heavy sweating.

L-Carnitine is a must-have for everyone, without exception, who wants to get the maximum effect from fat burners.

Omega 3- polyunsaturated essential fatty acid. Omega 3 (fish oil) has a very strong effect on increasing metabolic rate, significantly increases endurance and, most importantly, has a protective effect on the human heart. Any increase in metabolism will ultimately reduce body fat, which means Omega 3 is required for use with all fat burners. By the way, for many people Omega 3 is known as “Fish oil”. It is Fish Oil that contains this rare acid, and it is because of it that Fish Oil is recommended by all pediatricians in the country for use by children.

Also remember that during fat burning, the biggest load falls on the heart. Omega will help our body here too, protecting the heart from overload.

Omega 3, like L-Carnitine, is a must for getting maximum results from fat burning.

Carbohydrate blockers - a type of fat burner with a special principle of action. By itself, this drug does not burn fat and does not promote its burning. It simply blocks the entry of new carbohydrates into the body (they are not digested by the stomach and are excreted through the intestines), thereby creating a shortage of energy reserves. The body, in conditions of lack of energy, begins to draw it from fatty tissues, thereby reducing them. It is important to know that a carbohydrate blocker can only block branched chain carbohydrates (porridge, durum wheat, etc.), it is not able to block fast carbohydrates (sugar, sweets, fruits, etc.), so its use will only be advisable with a COMPLETE refusal of sweets (sugar, fruits, etc.)

We recommend using carbohydrate blockers only in combination with special diets. Without them he is useless.

Coenzyme q10(Coenzyme Q10) is a special coenzyme primarily found in the tissues of the heart. This enzyme is widely used in medicine to prevent diseases. of cardio-vascular system. By itself, it does not affect fat burning, it is only an assistant to the work of the human heart muscle and protects its functions.

Due to the fact that burning of fatty tissue occurs precisely through an increase in the load on the heart, taking this drug is necessary for those people who plan to get rid of a large amount of fatty tissue.

To our surprise, we could not find it on the Internet a large number of online stores that can offer completely ready-made kits sports nutrition and fat burning drugs. The only exception was one store that offers well-selected ready-made kits for both fat burning and other purposes - IronHands.ru

2. Standard fat burners

We will not describe this section in detail. Let’s just say that there are a lot of representatives of this segment on the market for fat burning products. As a rule, these are fat burners based on caffeine or its analogues. They do not have a strong effect and will only help you a little in getting rid of subcutaneous fat. It is important to understand that they practically do not work without physical exercise and a strict diet. Just taking a fat burner from this category will not get rid of subcutaneous fat. Their peculiarity is that they do not have strong side effects and are as safe as possible for health, however, they begin to have a real effect on the human body only with regular physical activity, without which they are useless.

For those who are already on a diet, play sports (aerobic exercise) and want to bring the final result closer without subjecting their body to serious tests.

Animal Cuts from Universal Nutrition
Hyper Shred by BSN
Thermonex from BSN
Tight Xtreme from SAN
Thermo Cuts from Optimum Nutrition

3. Advanced fat burners

Unlike standard ones, advanced fat burners have a much stronger composition, which contains many additional components and thermogenics that actively influence the fat burning process. With such fat burners, it is quite possible to lose fat and for this you do not need to go on terrible diets and run several kilometers 5 times a week. Naturally, if you approach the fat burning process wisely and wisely use fat burning enhancers in combination with physical activity and minor dietary restrictions, you will achieve serious results.

When used with a high-quality diet, nutrition regimen, exercise, and also using “fat burning assistants,” you can achieve truly impressive results and not subject your body to extreme stress.

OxyELITE Pro from USP Labs
Lipo-6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate by Nutrex
Lipo-6 from Nutrex
Lipo-6X from Nutrex

4. Potent fat burners

We will include all fat burners based on the ECA mixture on the list of strong fat burners. This abbreviation stands for E - pine needle extract (lat. ephedra), K - caffeine, A - aspirin. It has been scientifically proven that in the correct dosage, these components have a wild synergistic effect, greatly influencing human metabolism (accelerating it), fat burning processes (thermogenesis) and fat utilization (lipolysis). ECA fat burners have pronounced side effects(although many take them precisely for these actions). The fact is that pine needle extract (lat. ephedra) greatly stimulates the central nervous system humans and acts as a pathogen. A person has a huge surge of strength and a desire to run, jump and play sports. Eat different kinds ECA fat burners: some are enhanced by-effect(for athletes who want to receive a dose of energy and adrenaline for fruitful training), in others, on the contrary, this effect is smoothed out (most often for women, because the effect of energy production for the female body is too strong, or for a person this effect is uncomfortable) .

This is exactly the type of fat burner that does not require physical exercise or severe nutritional deprivation to achieve results. It’s enough just to lead an active lifestyle, don’t eat fast food and don’t eat after 19:00. By taking ECA fat burners together with “fat burning assistants” you will get very serious results. And if you actively engage in sports, limit yourself in excess nutrition and monitor your diet, the effect will be simply colossal. You won't recognize yourself in 1-2 months.

Here we will not give an example, but simply list all the known potent fat burners; unfortunately, there are very few of them:

Methyldrene 25 from Cloma Pharma
Methyldrene Elite from Cloma Pharma
Asia Black 25 from Cloma Pharma
China White 25 from Cloma Pharma

Black Mamba by Innovative Labs
Diablos Hyperburn by Innovative Labs
Diablos ECA Fire from Innovative Labs

Cloma Pharma and Innovative Labs also have ultra-potent fat burners. Be very careful when using them:

Black Spider 25 from Cloma Pharma
Hell Fire by Innovative Labs

You can read more about fat burners from Cloma Pharma and about each of them in particular in the article: . Find information about fat burners from Innovative Lab on the website of their representative in Russia InnovativeLabs.ru

1. Rainbow Light, Just Once, Energizer One, Food-Based Multivitamin, Iron-Free, 90 Tablets
2. FutureBiotics, Vitomega Men, Mega-Multi + Omega-3, 90 Veggie Tabs
3. Now Foods, Sunflower Lecithin, 1200 mg, 200 Softgels
4. Carlson Labs, Super Omega 3 Gems, Fish Oil Concentrate, 1000 mg, 100 Soft Gels + Free 30 Soft Gels
5. Nature's Way, EFAGold, Evening Primrose, High Potency, 1300 mg, 120 Softgels
6. Primaforce, Alcar, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Unflavored, Powder, 250 g

Description: A food-based multivitamin with a plant-based energy booster. The tablets are not smelly, they are a standard size and are easy for me to swallow.

Among the huge number of options for Rainbow Light multivitamins, I liked the composition of only these.
Contains natural vitamin A - a mixture of carotenoids in a low dosage (100% daily norm). Minerals are in chelated forms, which is nice. Good content of folic acid and selenium beneficial for women: 200% and 286%. Enough Biotin and iodine - 100%. There is some choline and citrus bioflavonoids, and also added in small quantities of plant super foods - spirulina, algae, Ginkgo, Ginseng and Electrococcus. There is also vitamin K - 63%, but there is not much vitamin C and zinc - 60% and 333%, but that’s enough for me, because... I also take herbal immunostimulants as needed, which often contain very high dosages of these ingredients. The urine is colored due to the high content of B vitamins. In general, these multivitamins do not contain elephantine dosages, I am not a supporter of the use of artificially synthesized (even natural) vitamins in very high dosages, I have read a lot of positive and negative, contradictory things about them, so I stick to "golden mean" and treat them with some caution.

Review: In general, I liked the vitamins because during these 3 months of taking them, I never felt bad, there wasn’t even a hint, despite the fact that it’s cold season and many people around me are sick, I also go to the gym, and there Air conditioners suck. The effect of strengthening the immune system is noticeable. They also give me a slight boost of energy and energy. They may not be ideal in all respects, but I was very pleased with them and will repeat the purchase. Good price/quality ratio - there are 90 tablets in a jar - that's enough for 3 months of use for $24.49

Description: Multivitamins are designed for men. It is written that their benefits have been clinically proven. There are 90 tablets in a package, take 3 times a day, which is not very convenient, but is effective for maximum absorption. Contains antioxidants and prostate support supplements that are beneficial for men. The tablets are a good size, not big at all, and do not smell of anything. The packaging is glass, by the way, it looks quite presentable, no worse than Solgar. The cost is also not bad - for 30 days $13.41 Does not contain magnesium stearate.

In this multivitamin, all the minerals are chelated, all the vitamins are in their most natural forms. Vitamin A 100% Daily Value - as a mixture of alpha-beta-gamma-carotene and lycopene. Vitamin E in the form of natural tocopherols, vitamin B12 in the form of methylcobalamin. Enough biotin, iodine, zinc - 100%, a lot of selenium - 286%. High content of B vitamins. Also a lot of antioxidants - anti-inflammatory and beneficial for the eyes and blood vessels lycopene from tomatoes, anti-aging extracts of cranberry and pomegranate, extracts from superfoods - acai and mangosteen (which contains about 40 types of xanthones, studies have proven that they destroy cancer cells). They contain polycasanol to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and increase “good” cholesterol, and to prevent atherosclerosis. Also some natural tocotrienols which are heart healthy, choline, inositol, PABA and even vegetarian Omega 3s from flax seed. In general, the dosages of all components are not overwhelming, closer to 100%, which I consider a plus.

Review: Here it is also difficult to somehow describe the visible effect of multivitamins, after all, this is not a medicine, but prevention and support :) While taking these multivitamins, I also never had a cold, although it is cold and damp here. In general, I think they have an effect on strengthening the body. My husband also has a sensitive stomach, acidity sometimes increases, but he tolerates these well.

For better absorption of vitamins and nutrients, I buy litcithin for them. Sunflower litcithin for my husband

And I myself drink soy, which I wrote about here
Of course, you won’t see a pronounced effect from it, but overall it is useful.

Description: What requirements do I have for choosing fish oil?
1. Firstly, it must be made from Norwegian fish - this is specifically indicated in the Carlson Labs composition.
2. I choose that the manufacturer specializes in products with fish oil.
3. Fish oil should not contain soybean oil, preservatives, etc. It is acceptable for the capsule to contain preservative rosemary oil to maintain freshness, but such fish oil should not be used by pregnant and lactating women. Each capsule of this fish oil contains only: fish oil from anchovies and sardines, water, gelatin and glycerin.
4. I definitely pay attention to the degree of purification from heavy metals and other things. So that laboratory tests, certificates, etc. are indicated on the packaging. This manufacturer regularly conducts laboratory tests of its products for freshness, pesticides, heavy metals and other 28 toxic substances.
5. I choose the highest concentration of EPA and DHA per 1 capsule - here there are as many as 300 and 200 per 1 capsule. This reduces the number of capsules per day - a preventative dose of 2 grams of fish oil per day. I take 2 capsules.
6. Well, I think fish oil is not such a valuable and expensive product to buy it at a high price. Of course there are different manufacturers. In this case I like it high quality Carlson Labs at a good price - $16.58 for 130 capsules. The capsules are easy to swallow, they are dark orange-brown in color, standard size, definitely no larger.

Review: Useful as a source of Omega 3 acids. Does not cause belching or discomfort in the stomach. It’s also difficult to describe the specific effect here, but in general it has a good effect on the condition of the skin, hair, and immunity.

Description: The capsules are not large, about the same size as standard fish oil. They don't smell like anything. The capsules contain no preservatives or soy, only gelatin, glycerin and water. The primrose oil in them is cold pressed, unrefined, purified from hexane, which helps preserve the maximum benefits of this oil.

I read a lot of information that primrose oil is very beneficial for women. It increases the elasticity of all tissues, especially female organs. It is even recommended to drink high dosages of this oil in the last 3 months of pregnancy to reduce gaps during childbirth, as well as to prevent stretch marks after pregnancy or after rapid weight loss, when the skin does not have time to recover and loses tone.

Contains two acids not synthesized by the human body - linoleic and alpha-linolenic. Therefore, it has anti-inflammatory, antitumor and antithrombotic effects, and is indicated for diabetes, kidney, heart, bone diseases, sclerosis and arthritis. Regulates the formation of bad cholesterol, normalizes blood pressure, hormonal levels, prevents myocardial infarctions, strokes, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, strengthens cell membranes and the walls of blood vessels. Please note that primrose oil, like fish oil, thins the blood; there are contraindications.

Review: Useful as a source of omega 6 and omega 9 acids, I take it as needed. But I felt one noticeable effect - it eliminated all the unpleasant sensations on the first day of the cycle, and has a positive effect on my overall physical and emotional well-being these days.

In order for the fat-burning effect of training in the gym to be greater, as well as for energy during exercise and to support the heart, I take L-kartin. Although the fat-burning effect of it is controversial))

Description: White sour powder, smelly in the jar, not unpleasant in taste, slightly sour. The jar is designed for 500 servings - 500 mg each for $21.10. Quite profitable. Unlike L-carnitine in capsules, it does not contain any additional additives or magnesium stearate. Easily dissolves in water. My single portion during training is 1500-2000 grams. It should not be taken constantly, not every day, but only during training, for example, because... it is synthesized in the body and can disrupt this ability, making the body lazy in general. It is considered a fairly safe supplement.

L-Carnitine is a natural substance related to B vitamins. In medicine it is used to correct metabolic processes. Has anabolic and antihypoxic effects.

  • For adults - 300-500 mg, for children under 1 year - 10-15 mg, for children from 1 to 3 years - 30-50 mg, for children from 4 to 6 years - 60-90 mg, for children from 7 to 18 years - 100-300 mg.

  • When fighting overweight or to improve immunity - 1500-3000 mg.

  • For AIDS, diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys, acute infections - 1000-1500 mg.

  • For serious sports – 1500-3000 mg.

  • For workers of heavy physical labor - 500-2000 mg.

  • L-Carnitine, by reducing the level of lactic and pyruvic acids, helps increase endurance and motor activity, accelerates the body's recovery after training, ensures the breakdown of fats, helping to reduce excess weight (although there are studies that it is not particularly effective in this), enhances protein metabolism, which speeds up the process of building muscle mass. L-carnitine reduces bad cholesterol, thereby preventing the narrowing of blood vessels in the heart and brain, as a prevention of heart attacks and strokes. Clinical studies have shown that after a course of carnitine, people with heart disease had fewer complaints, and myocardial function improved.

Review: I drink L-kartinine during my workout, adding it to my water bottle. It significantly gives energy and more strength. For it to act as a fat burner, you need to drink it during intense workouts (running, dancing, step, aerobics, etc.). I see from myself that it affects the intensity of destruction of subcutaneous fat. I definitely feel the positive impact of this supplement on my workouts.

L-carnitine - the best fat burner for weight loss or another myth? Find out what scientific research says about this sports nutrition product.

Some substances are very important for proper operation human body. Therefore, it is logical to believe that sports supplements based on them improve our health. For example, taking it not only improves muscle mass gain and increases strength, but also has a beneficial effect on bone density, neurological function and other vital processes. In terms of weight loss substances, scientists have studied a large number of molecules such as ketones, beta-2 and beta-3 agonists, various fatty acids, monoacylglycerol, diacylglycerol and various hormones.
There is another super important molecule - L-carnitine. It is used in the process of transporting free fatty acids from the cytosol (liquid contents) of the cell to the mitochondria, where the fatty acids are “burned”, producing energy (ATP) and heat.
Free fatty acids are either obtained from the blood or released from fat stores into the cytosol of metabolically active cells (for example, in skeletal muscle and the heart). In the absence of L-carnitine, fatty acids are not used and begin to turn into deposits on the sides. In purely scientific terms, the action of the substance relates to beta-oxidation between the outer and inner membranes of mitochondria. Let's look at this issue in detail and find out: Is L-carnitine the best fat burner or just a myth?

The Importance of L-Carnitine

Like creatine, L-carnitine can be produced in many tissues, so the body healthy people Usually there is a sufficient amount of this substance. The prefix “L” in the name means it belongs to amino acids. The body is able to synthesize L-carnitine in the kidneys, liver and brain from amino acid precursors (L-lysine and L-methionine). However, some people are deficient in L-carnitine. In addition, even a healthy body can only produce limited quantity, therefore food (primarily meat products) is its main source. Red meat contains the most carnitine. Poultry and fish contain much less. Vegans rely only on their own body, which produces about 90% of total number L-carnitine. In a similar way What is the situation with creatine? In addition, if levocarnitine reserves are low, the kidneys begin to filter urine intensively to make up for the deficiency (i.e., the substance is not excreted from the body).

Should I take L-carnitine?

So, is there a need to take L-carnitine? Of course, there are people who suffer from L-carnitine deficiency, often due to difficulty getting carnitine into cells or difficulty absorbing it. Additionally, newborns and infants may need this substance more. But what about athletes or healthy adults who want to improve their fat loss? It might immediately seem that the answer is no. Of course, L-carnitine did not make a splash in the sports nutrition market. It's not a super-potent banned substance, nor is anyone famous athletes it is not advertised.

Numerous studies have shown conflicting results, many of which have shown no additional benefit from consuming L-carnitine during a weight loss diet. But don't rush to throw away the product.

There are factors in combination with which a fat burner improves its effect.

Thus, L-carnitine has a positive effect in combination with certain medications. Sibutramine, a drug that is included in the list of potent drugs approved by the Russian government (i.e., available only with a special prescription form), is effective means for weight loss. It increases metabolism and suppresses appetite. The structure of sibutramine is similar to amphetamine. According to one study, people who took L-carnitine (2 grams per day) in combination with sibutramine lost about 1.8 kilograms more over the course of a year than those who took sibutramine alone. In addition, levocarnitine had a positive effect on the level of adipokines (adiponectin and leptin) - hormones necessary for normal fat metabolism.

Another similar study (only this time using the over-the-counter drug orlistat instead of sibutramine) showed not only increased fat loss (again, about 3 pounds more), but also signs of improved insulin sensitivity and reduced inflammation. Orlistat blocks the digestion and absorption of fat from food, which may reduce the absorption of L-carnitine in the intestine. It is also possible that the reduction in caloric intake caused by orlistat may make the body more dependent on the use of stored fat. Despite this, the two studies above (both one year long) showed the same results. So, does L-carnitine help you burn fat? It is possible, but the effect does not occur quickly and may depend on certain conditions.

Sports supplements with L-carnitine

There are products in which the effect of L-carnitine is enhanced by additional components. For example, L-carnitine+Q10 from MST Nutrition contains (coenzyme Q10, vitamin C and E). This combination of elements leads to an increase in energy potential and endurance, and also improves immunity and protects the body from the negative effects of free radicals.Benefit L-

  • L-carnitine is not just a weight loss supplement. It has been shown to help lower blood sugar, total and bad cholesterol levels in those with type 2 diabetes. In addition, the substance may be useful for many other diseases, such as:
  • erectile disfunction;;
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • dementia and memory problems;
Carnitine also helps improve endurance in both healthy individuals and people suffering from certain diseases, including mitochondrial myopathy. Diets in most L-carnitine studies have focused primarily on calorie restriction, but what about low-carb diets? One example is the ketogenic diet, which is prescribed long-term for children with epilepsy. Some antiepileptic drugs can interfere with the production or excretion of L-carnitine, making a deficiency more likely.

Typically (but not necessarily), L-carnitine deficiency develops during a ketogenic diet. The use of supplements based on this substance helps to better control the manifestations of epilepsy and improves the effectiveness of medications.

The effect of carnitine has been less studied during calorie-restricted diets. But it should be noted that a low-fat diet usually leads to fatigue and poor appetite control. Indeed, research suggests that decreased fatty acid oxidation may contribute to overeating. One possible solution may be to optimize this oxidation (i.e., calorie burning) by adding L-carnitine supplements to the diet. After all, on low-fat diets, carnitine is difficult to obtain from food (red meat can hardly be called a low-fat product). Study of Patients with Metabolic Syndrome , who were given levocarnitine intravenously showed that this substance reduces hunger and fatigue, and also improves weight loss and metabolism during very low calorie diets. Is it possible to have carnitine deficiency without cause or symptoms in healthy people? A screening study examining genetic abnormalities in healthy adult volunteers identified L-carnitine deficiency caused by a heterozygous transporter mutation in one individual (in a group of 80 individuals). In addition, elevated levels of 3-methylhistidine were found in his body, indicating accelerated breakdown of muscle proteins. Again, all volunteers were initially examined using standard diagnostic techniques and found to be healthy. Most likely, this person needs treatment with L-carnitine supplements, as in cases of non-genetic deficiency of the substance.

Thus, L-carnitine improves fat burning, it’s just that this effect appears in combination with other drugs and not immediately.
It has other beneficial effects that may be better expressed with acetyl-L-carnitine or propionyl-L-carnitine. The fat burner can also improve athletic performance, as training loads lead to increased and longer-lasting fatty acid oxidation. But, unfortunately, to achieve the best results you must:
  • consume a significant amount (about 80 grams) of carbohydrates, which will “push” L-carnitine to the muscles and increase the reserves of the substance;
  • increase energy costs.