What is the name of the little horse? Miniature horses

We know a lot about the animal world, species and breeds of animals. There are the largest and smallest representatives among rabbits, bears, deer, dogs and so on. I wonder which horses are the smallest?

Man tamed the horse a long time ago. But what do we know about these animals? It is known that ponies are small horses, but there are horse breeds that are also distinguished by their miniature size.

Ponies - small horses

For several centuries there have been small horses - ponies. Their pedigree stretches back to prehistoric times. These horses are also divided into breeds. It is known about Shetland (in honor of the Shetland Islands), American, Exmoor, Dartmoor, Connemara and other ponies.

Since ancient times, these small horses have hardly changed at all, which is due to the fact that they were not crossed to improve some qualities. Because of this, ponies can safely be called “primitive horses.”

It is a mistake to think that these cute horses are only capable of giving rides to children. Possessing endurance and strength several times their weight, they were originally used to transport goods. In the past, ponies worked in coal mines and mines, pulling loaded trolleys for years, they helped in ports, and farmers used them as draft and pack animals.

After a while, thanks to their fairly balanced character and miniature size, people began to use ponies to teach children horse riding. Pot-bellied, cute, on short legs they give children rides in public gardens and parks. Children have the opportunity to interact closely with horses, even if they are miniature in size.

Breeds of small horses

One of the smallest horse breeds in the world is the Falabella. The falabella is often referred to as a pony, but this is fundamentally wrong. Weighing up to sixty kilograms, their height varies from forty to seventy-five centimeters. These horses are raised in the Leningrad region and in Argentina at the Falabello farm, where this mini-breed was actually bred. Externally, falabella resemble Arabian horses, the only difference is in size.

Another miniature breed is the Pinto. The horse is so small that it cannot even support a primary school student. There is an interesting feature of this breed - the size of its representatives is gradually decreasing. Even with the artificial crossing of a small “mother” and an ordinary “father,” miniature horses similar to the “mother” are born.

Small horses also include the Mini Appaloosa breed, bred through selection aimed at significantly reducing growth. The height at the withers is from seventy centimeters to one meter, their exterior is typical of a riding horse. In Russia, this breed is considered exotic, but in Europe and America it is quite popular.

The American miniature horse was selectively bred in America. The height of the horses does not exceed eighty-six centimeters. They have a kind disposition and an elegant exterior. The miniature American horse is quite strong, as it can easily carry an adult man in a cart. This mini-horse is often used in various shows, they give rides to adults and children in carts, and they organize brood rings for them, where the champions of the breed are determined. Such horses do an excellent job as guides for people with poor eyesight; they can be faithful pets.

The smallest horse according to the Guinness Book of Records

The Guinness Book of Records recognized the smallest horse in 2006 as a mini-horse named Tumbelina. The title belonged to this baby until 2010. Now her height is forty-three centimeters, and her weight is twenty-six kilograms.

Today, Bella the horse and the still growing foal Einstein are competing for the title of the smallest representative among mini-horses. Tumbelina also remains among the top three contenders for the championship.

The smallest among mini-horses to this day remains the Falabello horse, which was born in 1975. The record holder was named Little Pumkin. Her weight was less than ten kilograms and her height was about thirty-five centimeters. I wonder if modern miniature horses can break this record?

The farabello also has its own antipodes - huge horses. The website has detailed information about the largest horses in the world.
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Horses appeared on Earth long before the appearance of humans. Among animals they have a special place; no other animal has been depicted so many times in sculpture and on canvas. In addition, horses are very graceful and resilient, so they can often be seen at various competitions. Today there are a huge number of breeds that differ in color, size and disposition. In our article we will talk about mini-horses that are gaining popularity around the world.

Origin of small horses

The first images of dwarf rocks on ancient Celtic carvings date back to 600 AD. It is known that mini-horses even lived in the personal menagerie of Louis 16, who was very fond of unusual animals.

Work to improve these animals began in England at the end of the 18th century, and in the middle of the next they were already working in mines and mines, demonstrating great endurance.

Today, mini-horses are bred for use as pets, to help in the rehabilitation of children with various diagnoses, and to serve as guide horses for people with vision problems.

Important! If you artificially inseminate an ordinary mare with the sperm of a short Falabella stallion, the offspring will be born short. This is due to the dominance of the allele of the gene that is responsible for growth.


Despite the fact that a huge number of large horse breeds are known, mini ones are not yet very common. Let's look at a few of the most popular breeds.

Based on no large quantity horses of a specific forelock color that lived among the Indians were introduced. However, it had characteristic features: spotted skin color and striped hooves.

Did you know? Despite their small size, mini-horses are hardy. If ordinary horses can shoulder a load that is 5 times heavier than them, then babies can move a weight 20 times heavier than them.

Mini Appaloosa horses were created through selective breeding that was designed to minimize the growth of Appaloosa horses. These babies are endowed with the following characteristics:

  • withers height up to 85 cm;
  • weight up to 60 kg;
  • small head;
  • well-developed physique with good muscles;
  • the tail and mane are long;
  • dry limbs with strong hooves;
  • forelock color with patterns;

Today this breed is popular in America and various European countries. In our country it is considered exotic and is represented by single specimens.

The breed is named after a farmer from Argentina who began breeding these horses in the 19th century.

The breed has the following characteristics:

  • height at withers up to 86 cm;
  • weight up to 65 kg;
  • the torso is covered with thick hair;
  • the mane and tail are long;
  • legs are thin;
  • hooves are small;
  • color bay or black.

They are endowed with good nature and friendliness, and are also quite smart. Falabellas are easy to train. They love to jump and overcome various obstacles with ease.

Representatives of this breed appeared as a result of mixing mini-horses brought from Europe and small breeds from Argentina. This is the youngest horse breed, but it is rapidly developing and gaining popularity throughout the world.

As a result, she received the following characteristics:

  • height at withers up to 86 cm;
  • weight up to 70 kg;
  • the exterior is similar to Arabian stallions;
  • wide forehead;
  • the neck is long and light;
  • developed muscles;
  • dry limbs;
  • the hoof is compact;
  • varied color.

Horses completely lack aggression, they do not like loneliness, and they can easily get along with any pets.

What is the difference from a pony

Small horses, despite their short stature, have the same body structure as large ones. In contrast, ponies are built disproportionately, they have a large head, a short neck, a long body on small legs. There are also differences between them in character; baby horses are kind and sociable, unlike them, ponies love solitude.

Arrangement of the stables

Usually, in warm weather, animals are kept outside, and in cold weather, in special rooms. The stable is the main place for horses. Proper construction should include a stall and stall. In the first, the animals are fed and cleaned, and in the second, they live. The walls in the stall must be made of durable materials. The height should be such that animals cannot escape, but there is good ventilation and lighting. Doors can be hinged or sliding.
The width of the passage should be approximately 1.5 m. It is better to make floors from cement, drainage channels are placed directly in the stalls. In the place where the horses sleep, lay bedding made of straw, softwood shavings or wood pellets. To prevent hard floors from putting pressure on your feet, it is recommended to place a rubber mat under the bedding.

If you already have a stable that has previously housed horses, miniature horses can be housed there. Up to 4 babies can be accommodated in a standard stall measuring 3x4 meters, in which one large horse lives. This will not be a problem, as they easily get along with each other.

Did you know? A unique feature of miniature horses is that each offspring grows up to be smaller than its parents. In other animals the opposite is true.

In the summer, horses love to walk in the fresh air, nibbling grass, where they spend almost all their time, but in the winter it is important to create warm conditions, since many breeds cannot tolerate the cold. It is important to carefully insulate the building and eliminate all drafts.
In addition, it is necessary to additionally insulate the platform so that the animal does not freeze while resting. In each stall a nursery for food and drinking bowls for water are built. It is better for the Falabella breed to have additional heating in the stable.


First of all, horses need coat care. This is especially true during molting; at this time, daily combing of the coat will be required. Cleaning is recommended as needed. It includes treating the skin and hair from dirt and dandruff using a special brush. Read more about how to properly keep a horse at home.

Horses are bathed only in the summer, but it is important to ensure that this process does not cause discomfort to the animal. The owner must also take care of the condition of the hooves. If there are stones or other objects, they are removed using special tools.
Examination by a veterinarian is carried out as necessary. Horses must be vaccinated against influenza and tetanus. In addition, you should contact a specialist if you have symptoms of colds (minis have a tendency).


The diet of horses of different sizes is no different, the only difference is in the amount of feed. The rate of supply of concentrates is consistent with weight category horses, if they work a lot, then it is possible to give an additional portion; for the rest, it is recommended to give concentrates in the form of treats.

While the horse is eating, it is forbidden to disturb it. Among professionals there is a rule that the animal should rest for 1 hour before and after eating. Despite the love of these little horses for pastures, we must not forget about useful supplements, as they are very sensitive to their lack.

The daily diet of an adult should include:

  • hay - 4.5 kg;
  • carrots and apples - 550 g;
  • oats - 500 g.

It is important not to forget about the quality of the feed; it should not contain harmful impurities, fungal spores, etc. In the warm season, some of the hay is replaced with green grass. It is better not to feed withered grass. It is necessary that horses always have a lick, which consists of minerals or salts; it can be purchased at a special store.

Clean water must always be available. Horses will refuse to drink if the water is stagnant or has an unpleasant odor. In addition, it is forbidden to give cold water to animals.

Important! Dwarf horses have a tendency to become obese. Therefore, it is very important that their diet is composed correctly.

Despite the fact that the horses listed above are mini, there are some that grow even smaller. Now many people are wondering what this miniature animal is called.
According to the Guinness Book of Records, today this place is given to a miniature foal named Einstein. He was born in 2010 in New Hampshire on a farm that breeds mini horses. Einstein is a member of the Pinto breed. At birth, his height was only 36 cm; today he has grown to only 50 cm.

As you can see from all of the above, mini-horses are very cute and friendly animals that can do a variety of jobs. Proper care and maintenance will extend their life to the 40-year mark. True, their cost is quite high, but the pleasure of communication is worth it.

That we are always talking about the biggest, the tallest, the longest. Let's talk about the little ones. But for example, about the smallest horse in the world.

Three people are currently vying for this title. known to the world dwarf horses: Tumbelina (a horse that was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2006), the foal Einstein and a horse named Bella. So who rightfully deserves to bear the title of “The smallest horse in the world”?

Tumbelina, aka Thumbelina, was born in 2001. At birth, her weight was about 4 kilograms. This event took place on an American farm breeding miniature horses.

Thumbelina belongs to the breed of miniature dwarf horses. But in size it turned out to be almost 2 times smaller. Unlike ponies, miniature dwarf horses look the same as regular horses and have the correct natural proportions.

Now the record holder’s height is 43 centimeters, and she weighs 26 kilograms. According to farm owner Mike Goslin, the reason for the birth of such a small horse was a special dwarf gene.

Its owners are Kay and Michael Gossling from St. Louise, Missouri, USA. They are engaged in breeding small breeds of horses.

She is quite healthy, except for minor problems with her hind legs, which are disproportionately smaller than her body and head. Tumbelina can even become pregnant and give birth to a foal. But this is too risky, as complications may occur during pregnancy.

All in the same 2006, the expert commission of the Guinness Book of Records recognized this red horse as the smallest in the world. She wore her title with her head held high until 2010.

Bella on the right

The year 2010 was marked by the birth of two miniature horses at once, which could move Tumbelina from her pedestal of fame. On April 23, 2010, a foal named Einstein was born, and a month later, Bella was born.

Bella's owner, Alison Smith, founder of the Center for the Preservation and Breeding of the Smallest Horses in North Dakota, claims that her favorite also deserves to be included in the Guinness Book of Records.


At birth, her weight was about 4 kilograms and her height was 38 centimeters. That's still a bit larger than Einstein's measurements, but Alison says Bella is a miniature horse, not a dwarf, so she's the smallest horse in the world among her breed. But, unfortunately for her, the Guinness Book of Records does not distinguish between breeds.

Einstein was born in Barnstead, New Hampshire, England, on a miniature horse farm called Tiz Miniature Horse. This Pinto foal weighed only 2.7 kilograms at birth and was 36 centimeters tall. This gives him the right to compete for the title of “smallest horse.” Now he already weighs 28 kilograms.

Einstein is not a dwarf, he does not have any growth defects. He's just a little horse, unlike Thumbelina.

Traditionally, ponies are considered short - horses of small breeds, whose height on average varies between 70 and 150 centimeters. There are many breeds, including: Sicily, Corsica, Hokkaido, British, Iceland and so on. It is interesting that in Russia only those animals whose height at the withers is below 110 cm are considered ponies, in Germany - below 120 cm, and in England - below 147.3 cm.

Where and when did ponies appear? There is no exact answer to this question, but historians believe that these small horses first appeared either in the south of France or in the north of Scandinavia. It is believed that these very places, which are famous for the humid Atlantic winds and the almost complete absence of vegetation, are an ideal place for these short and unpretentious animals.

It has long been believed that ponies are only suitable for small children. However, this opinion is fundamentally erroneous - the fact is that small horses were bred with a certain intent. For example, the Shetland pony, whose height rarely exceeds 105 centimeters at the withers, is famous for its strength, of course, in relation to its size. Thus, the animal is capable of carrying a load that exceeds its own body weight by a couple of dozen times! It is not surprising that this particular breed for a long time was used in various mines - the small horse dragged loads every day, transporting more than three thousand tons of earth and minerals per year.

Meanwhile, in Australia, in the Shire, there lives a horse Shire breed Luscombe Nordrem or Nobby. He was recognized as the largest horse in the world. The animal weighs more than a ton. Nobby's height is 2.05 meters. The horse's owner, Jane Greenman, says her pet continues to grow.

A horse is smaller than a cat

Last summer, the world's smallest foal was born at a pony farm in Russia. The owners, undoubtedly having a sense of humor, named him Gulliver. This miracle of nature is half the size of all pony foals. Believe it or not, he is as tall as a cat. And if you scour the Internet and look at photographs of some Murkas, whom their owners feed to monstrous sizes, then, in comparison with them, Gulliver will find himself in the land of mustachioed giants. Dwarf foals are born rarely, most of them are in the USA, where breeding of cartoon horses is even cultivated, but, as a rule, sooner or later all of them are found to have physical disabilities and defects. Gulliver has neither physical nor mental disabilities. At the withers, this “giant” measures 30 centimeters and weighs three kilograms.

The four-legged hoofed baby has already become a popular media person. He participates with interest in filming and photo sessions, and is not afraid of camera flashes or cameras.

Experts are confident that soon his photograph will appear in the next issue of the Guinness Book of Records.

The smallest horses in the world

Of course, even before Gulliver, similar ones appeared in the world. There are even families of dwarf horses, one of which is the Argentine Falabella.

The first tiny representative of this breed was a horse with the exotic name for the Russian language, Recco de Rocco.

This beauty was 38 centimeters tall and weighed 12 kilograms. At that time it was the smallest pony in the world.

But her record did not last long. In the mid-seventies, he was beaten by the stallion Little Pumpkin (weight - 9 kilograms, height - 35.5 centimeters).

At the beginning of the century, the palm was seized by the charming Tumbelina, or, as her enthusiastic admirers and fans called her, Thumbelina.

At birth, this donut weighed four kilograms.

At that time, a group of experts recognized her as the smallest horse in the world, and immediately became a TV star.

But then a tiny pony from Foggy Albion entered the competition.

A baby stallion was born in England, weighing only 2.7 kg, with a height of 35 cm. They named the short one - .

Curious people came not only from England, Ireland, Scotland, but also from all over the world to see the miniature miracle. Einstein's photo was published in all newspapers and magazines.

Great Britain surprised the world once again. Not long ago, a puppet Oberon was born here, who also set his sights on the majestic title of the smallest creature among horses.

He has every reason for this. He can smell freshly cut grass without tilting his head.

Another four-kilogram beauty (38 cm), Bella, was born in North Dakota, in the Center, which specializes in breeding such little ones.

However, with all our love for these cute kids, we declare that our Gulliver is still better and smaller.

VIDEO: Falabella is the smallest horse breed in the world!

Falabella is a breed of the smallest horses on the entire planet. These animals are unique in their own way; they stand out for their beautiful appearance and extraordinary character. Miniature horses are of interest not only due to their short stature, but also due to their body composition, which is characteristic of riding horses. Despite the small scale, horses of this breed cannot be classified as ponies.

In contrast, they have proportionate length of limbs and body, and this is typical for riding horses. Due to their extraordinary appearance and charm, this breed of mini-horses is bred all over the world. white light.

There are a large number of stories surrounding the origin of small horses. As one version indicates, a herd of simple horses fell into a trap. This trap was a landslide that blocked the entrance to a deep canyon. Trapped, the horses began to survive on cacti, without consuming the necessary soil minerals. This is the reason for the development of horses. After this, the next offspring, one after another, became smaller in size.

The result of this is a change in genetics that provokes the appearance of mini-horses. The little horse was first noticed by the Argentine farmer and breeder Falabella. He freed the animal from the trap and brought it to his farm, where he subsequently began breeding the new kind. The horses were named after the Falabella family of liberators.

According to another version, the idea of ​​​​breeding this breed belonged to the Irishman Patrick Newtall, who also lived in Argentina. He had his own herd, in which the horses were short - 75 cm. It took the breeder many years to form the herd. At the end of the 19th century, Newtall's business was continued by his son-in-law Juan Falabella. First, the man decided to cross Shetland ponies and horses bred by his predecessor.

To preserve the miniature dimensions of the animal, Falabella selected and introduced the shortest representatives into the breeding program. Subsequently, the breeder infused the blood of an English purebred and a Creole. Initially, the idea was to breed not a pony, but a small horse. So the first representatives of the breed appeared at the Recreo de Roca ranch located in Argentina as a result of the efforts of the Falabella family more than a century ago.

One of the legends says that the existence of small horses was discovered thanks to a small stallion found at a watering hole. Another story is more interesting. The Indians knew about the secrets of breeding the short breed. The tribal leader shared the secret with Farmer Falabella. But this is a less plausible version, since the Indians always used tall and powerful horses. According to other legends telling about the origin of mini-horses, Falabella's ancestor sent a herd of ordinary horses to Patagonia and forgot about it. And the soil there was barren and the wind blew constantly. Years later, his descendants learned about the disappearance of the herd and went in search of the disappeared animals. Arriving in Patagonia, they found only small horses.

Miniature horses can have a height of 40-75 cm and a weight of 20-60 kg. The color color of the breed is the most varied. These are animals with thin legs and small hooves. The horse's head is large, the number of ribs is 1-2 less than that of representatives of other breeds. The beauty of the animal lies in its mane and tail, as well as its thin shiny skin. Falabellas move quite freely and energetically. They are very kind and smart, always showing good nature to people. The life expectancy of representatives of the breed is over 40 years.

Falabellas are considered natural jumpers. They are able to overcome great obstacles and do it with great pleasure. Horses gallop over rough terrain and can run for a long time at high speeds. Representatives of the breed are excellent partners for their owners. They can be trained without any problems and instantly fulfill all the wishes of a person.

Mini-horses have great good nature and humility. These animals become the best friends for their owner, giving him pleasure from communication. Miniature falabella horses are not used for riding. However, they are quite suitable for light harnessing, since they have great strength.

The falabella is often used as a riding horse for children. The popularity of small animals is amazing. Many people buy them as pets.

Keeping and caring for representatives of this breed does not cause difficulties. They need the same care as regular horses. Only these horses are not used to the cold. Therefore, on winter nights they must be kept in a stable with blankets covered. Falabellas love warmth, which can be provided with infrared lamps by placing them in the stable. On winter days, animals are protected with daytime blankets. And this is despite the fact that mini-horses develop an undercoat by winter, which additionally warms them.

The feeding of miniature horses has much in common with feeding of large horses. The main thing is not to overfeed your pet. A horse may be allergic to large amounts of oats. This can be expressed by itching and eczema on the skin. The animal feeds on hay twice a day - morning and night. The diet of miniature representatives of the breed is enriched with potatoes, beets, and cabbage. Hay is used as roughage. Concentrates containing vitamins and minerals are added to it.

Feeding with carrots (1-2 pieces) and an apple per day is recommended. Liquid is especially useful for your pet. In summer it is given at least three times a day. IN winter period falabellas eat snow. The horse should take the liquid before feeding. The diet for each individual is selected individually. A mare nursing a foal needs more feed and nutrients. And the menu itself should be varied.

Small horses can be taken to small area areas for walking. If the surrounding area is large, then the animal can independently frolic, jump, and run for its own pleasure.

The pregnancy period for mares of this breed lasts 13 months. Although for ordinary horses this period of time is 11 months. Falabella foals grow up in their first year of life. And by the age of three, their full development is observed. The foal is born with a height of 40 cm. This happens from mid-spring to early summer.

A newborn Falabella foal does not recognize its mother. He looks for her by smell. If a person was present during the foaling, then the born baby perceives him as his relative. A horse running past can arouse great interest in a child and carry him along. Therefore, the mare always stands between her cub and someone else's horse. She is capable of scaring away any representative of the breed that approaches her cub. Often, adult foals start playing with the newborn.

This is how they show their first acquaintance with a new member friendly family. The mare takes care of her baby for one month from its birth. When a small foal is 7-10 months old, the mother stops feeding him. She drives the baby away with her hooves, not allowing him to get closer to the udder.

Representatives of the breed are valued at a high price because they belong to the category of rare animals. Their cost is the same as that of large blood horses. And this despite the fact that falabellas are decorative animals, from which they mainly receive aesthetic pleasure. Horses are popular in many countries. Many heads of this breed are bred all over the world. Most of these representatives live in the United States.

The price of a pet varies, since the following factors are taken into account: age, health, pedigree. If an animal is needed for divorce, then its cost will be higher than those that will be used for entertainment. An adult horse of this breed can be bought for 250,000 rubles and more. The foal can be valued at 50,000 rubles. When choosing a mare, the cost starts from 250,000 rubles and above. This takes into account subsequent offspring, which will cost even more.