Multidisciplinary engineering Olympiad “Zvezda. Olympiad “Star” - an opportunity to earn additional points for the Unified State Exam Winners of the Olympiad star benefits for admission

One of the main tasks of the Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia is to support the state youth policy in the field of engineering and technical education and attract young people to industrial enterprises and technical universities.

To this end, the Russian Union of Mechanical Engineers annually holds the Zvezda Multidisciplinary Engineering Olympiad. The Olympiad takes place in three stages: preparatory, qualifying and final. Throughout the year, engineering schools and classes are held on the basis of 73 leading technical universities with the participation of representatives of mechanical engineering enterprises, and the work of project groups of school Olympiad students with the participation of university teachers is carried out.

As part of the implementation of this project, information about the Zvezda Olympiad is posted on various advertising and information media in Moscow on preferential terms. The newspaper "Progress of Primorye" joins its capital colleagues and also publishes on its pages materials about an important event in the life of Russian youth.

For five years, the Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia, together with the Russian Union of Rectors, have been organizing the Multidisciplinary Engineering Olympiad for schoolchildren "Zvezda" (MIO "Zvezda").

The main goal of the Olympiad is to develop and stimulate the interest of students in grades 6-11 in research activities, as well as expand the youth personnel potential of the military-industrial complex. Objectives of the Olympiad: practical development of the concept of continuity of education through expanding interaction between educational organizations higher education and general educational organizations; Creation necessary conditions to support creative abilities and interest in scientific activities among talented youth, dissemination and popularization of scientific knowledge among young people; popularization of higher education programs implemented in educational institutions of higher education Russian Federation.

The Olympiad is included in the list annually approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, which gives schoolchildren the opportunity to enter a university on preferential terms. Within the framework of Federal Law No. 273, the Olympiad promotes the development of a network form of interaction between enterprises, educational organizations of higher education and general educational institutions. Over four years, more than half a million schoolchildren from 70 regions of the country took part in the Zvezda International Educational Institution. More than 60 leading universities in Russia, which are part of the state program “Project to increase the competitiveness of leading universities of the Russian Federation among the world’s leading scientific and educational centers (5-100),” are involved in holding the Olympiad. Leading corporations of the country's military-industrial complex (State Corporation Rostec, PJSC UAC, JSC Ruselectronics, JSC Rosoboronexport, JSC Concern Sozvezdie, etc.) are the organizers and take an active part in the assessment of future specialists.

Olympiad subjects: mathematics (grades 6-11), physics (grades 6-11), engineering and technology: mechanical engineering, materials technology, aviation and rocket and space technology, nuclear energy and technology, engineering and technology of shipbuilding and water transport, electronics, radio engineering and communication system, equipment and technologies of land transport, oil and gas business (7-11 grades), social studies (6-11 grades), history (6-11 grades), Russian language (6-11 grades), law ( 8-11 grades), economics (9-11 grades), psychology (9-11 grades).

The Olympiad is held in the following stages and dates. The preparatory stage is held for participants of the Olympiad in the subjects "Engineering and Technology". The preparatory stage can be carried out either face-to-face or remotely (electronic manuals, online consultations, video classes).

The qualifying stage is carried out in the form of completing Olympiad tasks in full-time form in educational organizations, at the sites of the Olympiad co-organizers or partner universities, or in agreement with the Olympiad coordinators in absentia form online using the Internet.

The final stage takes place in person at the enterprises, educational institutions and partner universities. On face-to-face tour Participants recognized as winners and prize-winners of the qualifying round are invited.

Winners and prize-winners of the Multidisciplinary Engineering Olympiad "Zvezda" last year, as well as Olympiads held by co-organizing universities, are admitted to the final stage of the Olympiad without passing the qualifying stage.

Lyceum students of Amur State University and students of Amur schools will be able to improve their Unified State Exam results six months before graduation. You can add a point to the final result by participating in the multidisciplinary engineering Olympiad “Zvezda”. Its first stage, starting November 16, is taking place at our university. Amur State University is the venue for the Olympiad. The organizer was the Federal South Ural University. Competition at our university is held in six subjects: electrical engineering, radio engineering and communication systems, Russian language, social studies, natural sciences, history, law, economics.

This year, more than 500 people are participating in the qualifying stage. Middle and high school students can test their knowledge with the help of the Olympiad. The first round is carried out in the form of a test and tasks with a detailed answer. The winners will be able to compete in the final head-to-head stage, which will take place from February 5 to March 30, 2016.

The winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad are determined at a joint meeting of the organizing committee and the jury of the Olympiad. Their names will be published no later than April 10, 2016 on the Zvezda Olympiad portal.

The University may award points for the following individual achievements.

1) Availability of champion and prize-winner status Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympic Games, world champion, European champion. The person who took first place at the World Championship, European Championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics. Availability of a gold insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) and a standard certificate for it - up to 2 points;

2) Availability of a certificate of secondary general education with honors or a certificate of secondary general education (secondary (complete) general education), containing information about being awarded a gold or silver medal - 10 points;

3) Having a high school diploma vocational education with honors - 10 points;

4) Carrying out volunteer (voluntary) activities - up to 2 points;

5) participation and (or) results of participation of applicants in olympiads and other intellectual and (or) creative competitions, physical education events and sporting events carried out in order to identify and support individuals who have demonstrated outstanding abilities - up to 3 points;

6) The grade given by the University based on the results of checking the final essay, which is a condition for admission to the state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education - up to 5 points for social and humanitarian areas of training and specialties.

5.735 million students from 4th to 11th grade took part in the All-Russian School Olympiad in 2015. Another 1.5 million competed in university olympiads supervised by Russian Union rectors. For many school graduates, this is a real opportunity to become a student at a prestigious university without high scores on the Unified State Exam.

So, benefits for admission to universities in 2016 are provided by 71 Olympiads, which are included in the List approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. Plus the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, which is held in 21 academic subjects, including law, ecology, technology and life safety. Most university Olympiads have a mathematical, physical, chemical and natural-technical profile.

Winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren are unconditionally accepted into universities in the first place - this is enshrined in law. All other Olympiads are divided into three levels. For the applicant this is important information. The winners and prize-winners of 1st level Olympiads receive the greatest benefits. This is almost always a non-competitive admission. Next comes the 2nd and, accordingly, the 3rd level. Here, most often, applicants are given 100 points for a core subject or for an additional test. We must remember that not all universities and not all specialties provide benefits for third-level Olympiads.

Lomonosov was appreciated

Which Olympiads are the most “valuable”? First-level Olympiads - "Lomonosov", "Conquer the Sparrow Hills", Olympiad for schoolchildren of St. Petersburg University, multi-subject Olympiad "Young Talents", interregional Olympiad schoolchildren "Highest Standard", television Olympiad "Clever Men and Smart Girls" and others. Becoming the winner of these Olympiads is like a student card in your pocket.

With the second and third levels, not everything is so simple. The university itself decides what benefits to give for participating in the Olympiad. Moscow State University, for example, at the Faculty of Chemistry enrolls the winners of first-level Olympiads out of competition. And the winners of the second level Olympiad are given only 100 points. Third-level Olympiads generally do not provide benefits to future chemists. But at the Faculty of Soil Science, at the Faculty of Geology, and Geography, for example, the third level of Olympiads is taken into account. At the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University, there are benefits only for first-level Olympiads.

Baumanka admits winners of Olympiads in physics and mathematics at all three levels without entrance exams. And it gives 100 points to winners of physics olympiads.

Moscow State Pedagogical University accepts without exams all the winners of Olympiads from the list, regardless of level. But only if the applicant enters a specialized specialty. If you win the Olympiad in physics and go to mathematics, you get 100 points for physics.

By general rules, Olympiad participants can take advantage of benefits if they score at least 65 points on the Unified State Examination. But many leading universities are raising this bar. For example, at MGIMO this threshold is 75 points. At St. Petersburg University it depends on the specialty. Let’s say that in jurisprudence, Olympiad participants need to bring 75 Unified State Exam points in social studies and history and at least 73 in the Russian language in order to receive benefits. And those entering the direction " clinical medicine"Olympiad participants - at least 80 points in chemistry.

According to experts, almost always the winners and prize-winners of Olympiads have high Unified State Examination points. It is not difficult to dial the required 65 or 75. There are rarely exceptions. And a talented student is more likely to make a mistake on easy part A than on difficult part C.

Many benefits are provided for the winners, runners-up and participants of the new Zvezda Engineering Olympiad. For example, Voronezh State University gives winners and runners-up 100 points for the specialized subject of the Unified State Examination, and promises participants of the Olympiad benefits when entering a university.

Additional points for the Unified State Exam can be obtained for individual achievements. How will universities take them into account? This year, due to cost savings, not all universities will check essays. For example, they are not ready to spend money on checking work at the Financial University under the government. Last year, many economics universities assessed work as follows: if there is an essay - 1 point, if there is no essay - 0 points. Most likely, the scheme will not change. But it's not just about the money.

Let’s say an applicant brought an essay to Moscow State University, where it was awarded 10 points, to HSE, where it was given 9 points, and to us. We gave it 8 points. It turns out that everyone evaluates the same work differently? - asks the rector of the university Mikhail Eskindarov.

The Moscow State Academic Art Institute will not award points for the essay. Surikov. From individual achievements Diplomas of winners and prize-winners of Olympiads (2 points), certificates with honors (2 points), diplomas of the Moscow Children's Drawing Competition (3 points) will be taken into account.

At REU im. Plekhanov also do not want to spend money on checking essays.

In 2016, we will admit 2 thousand students on the budget. The merger with MESI has been completed, so this year only one admissions committee will work - the Russian Economic University. Plekhanov. Unless there is a direct instruction from the ministry, we will not recheck essays. This is too much expense for the university,” says Vice-Rector Leonid Bragin.

But at Chelyabinsk State University they are ready to check your essays.

Last year, we checked the essays of everyone who applied for the budget. There were 3 thousand of them. This is very labor-intensive and costly work, but nevertheless, this year we do not want to give up checking essays. Most likely, we will evaluate, as before, on a 10-point scale,” Maxim Kazantsev, secretary of the admissions committee of Chelyabinsk State University, told RG.

By the way

In what subjects this year were there the most winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads (not counting the All-Russian Olympiad) (persons)

Physics - 3920

Mathematics - 3457

History - 951

Chemistry - 832

Russian language - 760

Biology - 601

Foreign language - 499

Computer Science - 468

Art - 387

Economics - 348

Who will be accepted into the university without competition?

The following have the right to admission without entrance examinations:

winners and runners-up final stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren, members of Russian national teams

champions and prize-winners of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympic Games, world champions, European champions, first place winners at the World Championship, European Championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympic Games.

Direct speech

Alla Pugacheva, mother of MGIMO student Artemy Pugachev (winner of the joint Olympiad " Russian newspaper" and MGIMO), Georgievsk, Stavropol Territory

School knowledge on English language in order to enroll from an ordinary school in a small town to prestigious universities such as MGIMO, HSE, Moscow State University, it is not enough. The maximum you can get is 60 points. My son studied in a special school, we hired an English tutor to study at least with a little in-depth. I prepared for the Unified State Exam in history, social studies, and the Russian language exclusively at school. He scored 98 points in Russian, and also scored high in history and social studies. But the main thing is that he became a winner in your Olympiad and upon admission as the winner of the Olympiad he was given 100 points.

To attend any events of NRNU MEPhI, schoolchildren and their parents must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (birth certificate for those without a passport)

All participants in the final round at NRNU MEPhI must have a registration card printed from personal account on the website

NRNU MEPhI, together with a number of leading technical universities, takes part in the organization and holding of the Multidisciplinary Engineering Olympiad “Zvezda” in the profile “Engineering and Technology” in the direction of “Nuclear Energy and Technology”. The Zvezda Olympiad (engineering and technology) is the successor to the Multidisciplinary Engineering Olympiad “Future of Russia”. The Olympiad is included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren for the 2017-2018 academic year, level 3.


The Olympiad is held in two stages for schoolchildren in grades 7-11.

The qualifying stage task is complex and contains tasks in mathematics, physics, and formal logic. Up to 45% of the best participants in the qualifying stage will be admitted to the final stage.

The final stage will be held in person (for schoolchildren of all classes) in March 2018 at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.

The winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad are determined based on the results of the final stage. No more than 25% of the best participants in the final stage can become winners.

For five years, the Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia with the country's leading universities has been the organizer of the Multidisciplinary Engineering Olympiad "Zvezda" (MIO "Zvezda").

Currently, the President of Russia has set the task of ensuring the global competitiveness of Russian education. The Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia, fulfilling this task, supports the state youth policy in the field of engineering and technical education and implements a number of projects aimed at increasing interest in engineering professions among young people, one of which is the Zvezda International Educational Institution.

MIO "Zvezda" was created in 2015 by merging two Olympiads: the Olympiad "Zvezda - Talents in the Service of Defense and Security" and the Multidisciplinary Engineering Olympiad "Future of Russia".

The qualifying stage of the International Educational Institution “Zvezda” in the 2018-2019 academic year will begin from November 5, 2018. The stage is conducted in person and online.

Purpose Olympics is to develop and stimulate the interest of students in grades 6-11 in research activities, their early professional orientation and the development of interest in their future profession.

The main objectives of the Olympics are :

– practical development of the concept of continuity of education by expanding interaction between educational organizations of higher education and general education organizations;

– creating the necessary conditions to support creative abilities and interest in scientific activities among talented youth, disseminating
and popularization of scientific knowledge among young people;

– popularization of higher education programs implemented by
in educational institutions of higher education of the Russian Federation.

The list of Olympiad subjects for the current academic year is under approval.

In addition to general education subjects (Russian language, physics, mathematics, social studies, history), participants complete project assignments in classrooms that correspond to the problems of the real sector of the economy, in areas of training and specialties of higher education:

  • Mechanical engineering;
  • Materials Technologies;
  • Aviation and rocket and space technology;
  • Nuclear energy and technology;
  • Equipment and technologies of shipbuilding and water transport;
  • Electronics, radio engineering and communication systems;
  • Equipment and technologies of ground transport;
  • Oil and gas business;
  • Construction.

The essence project work consists in proposing and calculating justification for one of the best design and technological proposals for solving the Olympiad problem posed to the participant.

In connection with the growing importance of the Multidisciplinary Engineering Olympiad, International Educational Institution “Zvezda”, President Vladimir Putin instructed to include it in the co-financing plan of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. Pr-1344, item 2b from 2018.

Within the framework of Federal Law No. 273, the Olympiad promotes the development of a network form of interaction between enterprises, educational organizations of higher education and general educational institutions.

This Olympiad is included in the list of the Russian Council of Olympiads for schoolchildren for the 2018/19 academic year, annually approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, which makes it possible for schoolchildren who win the Olympiad to enter a university on preferential terms (each university independently establishes special admission rights for study: the right to admission without entrance examinations, the right to equal 100 points in the corresponding Unified State Examination subject (if the Unified State Examination result is 75 points or higher), the award of additional points on account of individual achievements (included in the amount of competitive points if the Unified State Examination result is below 75 points).

The right to preferential admission to universities for winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Zvezda International Educational Institution is retained for 4 years.

One of the coordinators of the local organization “Zvezda” is Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "South Ural State University (national research university on the corporate portal (website) of which, to provide a unified information space for the convenience of participants and organizers of the Olympiad, an Olympiad page was created:

More than 60 leading universities in Russia, which are part of the state program “Project to increase the competitiveness of leading universities of the Russian Federation among the world’s leading scientific and educational centers (5-100),” are involved in hosting the Olympiad.

Leading corporations of the country's military-industrial complex (OOO "Union of Russian Mechanical Engineers", Association "League for Assistance to Defense Measures", State Corporation "Rostec", State Corporation "Roscosmos", PJSC "UAC", JSC "Ruselectronics", JSC "USC", etc. ) are organizers and take an active part in the assessment of future specialists.

Background information about the Zvezda Olympics

More than 320 thousand people in Russia take part in the Olympics every year. Over five years, about a million schoolchildren from more than 80 regions of the country took part in the Zvezda International Educational Institution. From total number of the Olympiad participants, more than 80% of schoolchildren enter universities in their chosen specialties.

Number of items/profiles of the self-employed organization “Zvezda” by academic years taking into account for 2017/2018

The number of regions that conducted the IEE “Zvezda” by academic year, taking into account 2017/2018.