Mosh Olympics unified registration system. Personal account of the School Olympiad

The website of the Unified Registration System for School Olympiads (USR) is a special online system that makes it possible to simplify as much as possible the interaction of those schoolchildren who participate or plan to participate in Olympiads with their organizers. Everything is collected here open olympiads in Russia, for which you can apply as a participant, and also have conditions for registration for them and other useful information for your information.

Access to all functionality of the site is provided by the personal account of the Schoolchildren Olympiad.

Personal account features

Personal Area The School Olympiad is an opportunity to receive up-to-date information about all ongoing educational events around the clock and from any device with Internet access in any region of the country. In addition to the actual information, the following options are available to all registered participants:

  • Registration for the selected Olympiad and provision of the necessary documents online on the website.
  • Possibility of qualifying face-to-face tour online at a convenient time in a comfortable mode.
  • Prompt acquaintance with the results of the Olympiad on the website.
  • Ability to print work results for verification.
  • Receiving an electronic diploma and certificate.

Registration and login to your personal account

Registration is required for new participants who have never registered at the ESR Olympiads. In order to complete this procedure, you should follow the link or click the “Login?” button. on the main page of the site. The system will redirect to a page with an account creation form in which you must fill in the following fields: desired username (or email address), confirmation password and response to the test case. After this, the entrance to the personal account of the Olympiad for schoolchildren becomes available, where, first of all, you will need to fill out an Olympiad participant form.

You can also recover your password from the main page of the site by clicking on the “Password?” button. To do this, enter the login you are using in the field that appears. If the login and email address do not match, and the login is also forgotten, you can use the “Remind login” function by requesting the account information form.

  • Official site:
  • Personal Area:
  • Hotline phone number: contact support
    possible by email [email protected]

A voluminous portfolio containing the results of his performances at conferences or olympiads will be an excellent help for a graduate upon admission. One of these intellectual competitions– The Moscow Olympiad for schoolchildren 2017-2018 has a long history, and is open to participation in the correspondence round for schoolchildren in grades 5-11 by registering on the website.

What is the Moscow Olympiad for schoolchildren

Competitions in individual subjects are familiar to everyone who studied at school - they provide an opportunity to test knowledge and provide certain advantages to the winners (for example, those who took a prize in All-Russian Olympiad there will be benefits when taking entrance tests to the university). The Moscow Olympiad for Schoolchildren 2017-2018 (MOSH) is a competition for students in grades 5-11 from all over Russia, held in several stages. Anyone who is age-appropriate according to the rules can take part in the initial remote stage.

Goals and objectives

The organizers determined that the main goals of the IOS are to identify talented individuals among schoolchildren, develop their skills and provide opportunities for further studies in science. When holding the event, the organizers focus on the talent and giftedness of the participants - the tasks are designed in such a way that an in-depth knowledge of the subject is required, but not beyond the scope of the school curriculum.

Finding solutions to tasks requires ingenuity and ingenuity (for example, similar tasks are offered by the Moscow Olympiad for schoolchildren in mathematics), allowing gifted students to show their talents. The competitive selection introduced by the organizers via the Internet covers all regions of our country - all students of suitable age have the opportunity to take part in the correspondence (distance) level of the Olympiad.

Who can become a participant

The qualifying round takes place remotely. Depending on the subject, applications and assignments will be available at the end of 2017 or beginning of 2018. The dates of competitions in different subjects vary, which provides an opportunity to participate in several areas at once. Students in grades 5-11 of Russian schools (regardless of their place of residence) and their foreign peers can take part.

Remote participation involves registration via the Internet, authorization using a password and login, followed by completing tasks on the site. Participants need to know that they can only make corrections until the task is sent for review, after which they will no longer be able to make corrections - which is why it is important to avoid minor errors when entering data. The winners of the absentee round are invited to participate in the first in-person round, where the winners of the previous year will also take part.

Organizers of the Student Olympiad in Moscow

The Moscow Olympiad 2017-2018 is being held with the participation of leading Russian universities and educational structures at various levels. Basic coordination is carried out by the State Autonomous educational institution"Center pedagogical excellence", and the organizers include:

  • Moscow Department of Education;
  • Moscow State University;
  • graduate School economics;
  • Russian State Humanitarian University.

Rules of organization and conduct

Although different subject competitions within the International School differ in the timing of the full-time and correspondence rounds (for example, the Moscow Olympiad for schoolchildren in philology in distance form takes place from November 8, 2017 to January 10, 2018), they have a general procedure. This procedure is established by the organizers, and its main provisions are as follows:

  1. Assignments for Olympiad competitions are prepared by methodological commissions for subjects.
  2. The decision on the number of stages and rounds is made at the organizing committee level.
  3. Tours and stages are held in absentia (remote) and full-time format.
  4. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation determines the procedure for holding subject competitions from the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren.

For what subjects is it conducted?

The wide coverage of educational programs is a distinctive feature of the IOS. In 2017-2018, it is planned to hold olympiads in the following profiles:

  • mathematics;
  • Informatics;
  • physics;
  • geography;
  • chemistry;
  • Russian language (philology);
  • linguistics;
  • literature;
  • biology;
  • economy;
  • astronomy;
  • right;
  • story;
  • social science;
  • foreign languages ​​(English, French, etc.);
  • art;
  • technology;
  • financial literacy;
  • robotics;
  • pre-professional competition.


In order for a student to take part in the competition, one of his parents must register on the official website of the Olympiad. To do this you need:

  1. Create an account on the site - this requires entering your first name, last name, and password to your personal account.
  2. By logging into your personal account, submit an application for a child, indicating all the necessary information there.
  3. In case of difficulties with access to the Internet, registration can be carried out using an application completed and signed by the parent.

Rights and obligations of participants

Each student taking part in the International School of Music must become familiar with the rules of the competition. This is a student responsibility and violation may result in severe penalties for the participant. In addition to the responsibilities, the participant also has the rights:

  • take part in a subject competition for any class, not lower than the one in which he is studying;
  • receive the necessary information about the time and place of the international school of interest to him;
  • get acquainted with the results of checking your work;
  • if you disagree with the assessment, challenge the results by filing an appeal through your personal account.

Consequences of violating the requirements of the organizers

The procedure for organizing and conducting IOS implies the need to comply with the requirements for participants. In case of violation (especially at the full-time stage of the Moscow Student Olympiad), the student may be subject to penalties of various levels:

  • removal from the tour;
  • removal from the tour and cancellation of results;
  • cancellation of results (if the violation was discovered after the work was submitted);
  • ban on participation in subsequent years.

What you need to have with you

The duration of the full-time MOSH tour reaches 5 hours for grades 10-11 - the participant in the competition must be prepared for this. In order to take part, you need to bring with you:

  • identification document;
  • forms, title page (files needed for printing are on the website);
  • black gel pen;
  • ruler, protractor, calculator (if they may be needed);
  • a bottle of drinking water and chocolate (optional).

What does participation in Olympiads give to schoolchildren?

In addition to the pleasure of solving problems and increasing the knowledge base in the chosen subject, the participation of schoolchildren in the International School of Education has other advantages. Having earned a prize place, the participant receives preferential conditions for admission to a university in his field of study (for example, the winner of the Mathematics Olympiad will have benefits when enrolling in the Faculty of Mathematics). For schoolchildren, this will be an undeniable incentive - having won the Olympiad competition, the graduate will no longer have to worry during the applicant period that he will not be accepted for study.

Benefits for participants

There are several levels of benefits, which are determined by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (for example, the Moscow Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics 2017-2018 provides the winners with the opportunity to enter a university without entrance tests). The nature of the benefit depends on the level to which a particular competition is classified:

  1. The first level is admission to a university in the absence of entrance examinations.
  2. Second level - the participant receives the maximum score of the unified state exam in the profile.
  3. Third level – higher educational institution independently determines the benefits provided.

The winner of the competition can receive the original diploma or its electronic copy - for the admissions committee they will have the same status. According to current legislation, an applicant has the right to apply to 5 universities for 3 directions in each (15 options in total), but you can take advantage of the benefit of admission without entrance examinations only once, by submitting the original IOS diploma (or an electronic copy) to the admissions committee.

Schoolchildren's Olympics in Moscow

There are three levels at which universities provide benefits to applicants. Such benefits are valid for four years after the Olympiad competition, and if a graduate was not able to use them immediately after graduation, then he has three more years ahead for preferential enrollment. The table shows how the items and benefit levels for the winners compare:


Computer science


Russian language (philology)





Awarding of prize-winners

The IOS winners are approved by the City Organizing Committee - their number should not exceed 10% total number participants final stage(35% including winners). Winners and runners-up receive appropriate diplomas signed by the chairmen of the organizing committee and the jury. If the competition is included in the List of Olympiads for students approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (that is, it belongs to level I), then the winners and prize-winners from among the graduates are also awarded uniform diplomas, which are provided to the admissions committee to receive benefits upon admission.

Dates of the Moscow Olympiad for Students 2017-2018

Every year, the dates for individual ICO tours change slightly; they are finally determined in October-November. Moreover, in November-December some distance tours are already starting to start, for example, the Moscow Philological Olympiad for schoolchildren runs from November 8, 2017 to January 10, 2018, and the geography competition runs from December 15, 2017 to January 15, 2018. The most up-to-date information is contained on the MCO website, so by looking there you will receive the latest information.


5.4. An Olympic participant has the right:

- participate in the Olympiad of any class not lower than the class in which he is studying;

— receive information about the procedure, place and time of the Olympics;

— receive information about the results of checking your work;

- file an appeal with the appeal commission subject Olympiad.

5.5. The Olympiad participant is obliged to comply with the requirements of these Regulations and the regulations for the Olympiad, to comply with the procedure for conducting the subject Olympiad, which is communicated to the participants before the start of the Olympiad.

In case of violation of these requirements, the following measures may be taken to the participant:

Removal from the subject Olympiad without cancellation of results;

Removal from the subject Olympiad with cancellation of results;

Cancellation of the results of the subject Olympiad;

Deprivation of the right to participate in subsequent rounds and stages of the subject Olympiad.

5.6. The winners and prize-winners of the stages of the Olympiad are determined by the organizing committee of the subject Olympiad based on the results of the participants in the corresponding stage of the Olympiad.

Lists of winners and prize-winners of the qualifying stage (from among the graduating classes) of the subject Olympiad included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren are approved by the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad.

5.7. The results of the Olympiad are summed up based on the results of the personal (individual) competition in the final and (or) only stage of the subject Olympiad. The winners and runners-up of the Olympiad are approved by the City Organizing Committee based on proposals from the organizing committees of the subject Olympiads.

5.8. The number of winners of the final stage of the subject Olympiad should not exceed 10% of the total number of participants in the final stage of this subject Olympiad.

The total number of winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the subject Olympiad should not exceed 35% of the total number of participants in the final stage of this subject Olympiad.

5.9. The winners of the Olympiad are awarded first-degree diplomas, and the prize-winners are awarded second and third-degree diplomas. Diplomas of the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad are signed by the chairmen of the organizing committees and the chairmen of the jury of the subject Olympiad. Participants may also be awarded certificates of commendation, special and other incentive prizes.

Winners and runners-up qualifying rounds subject Olympiad, if such rounds are provided, may be awarded electronic certificates.

5.10. Winners and prize-winners (from among the graduating class students) of the subject Olympiad included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren are also awarded uniform diplomas approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

5.11. Posting of preliminary information about the winners and prize-winners of the Olympics on the Internet information and telecommunications network on the Olympics website is carried out within no more than 1 month from the date of the Olympics.

6. Rights of winners and medalists of the Olympics

Upon admission to government educational organizations implementing secondary and higher education programs vocational education winners and prize-winners of a subject Olympiad included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren may be provided with one of the benefits in the manner determined by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

7. Financial support for the Olympics

7.1. Financial support for the stages of the Olympics is provided from the budget of the city of Moscow.

7.2. Charging payment (in any form) for participation in the Olympics is not permitted.