Is it possible to lose belly fat by running? Is it possible to lose belly fat by running?

Today, when people spend a lot of time in a sitting position and practically do not exercise, many have experienced what stooping is. It significantly spoils the appearance and can provoke the development of many ailments. This is why many people are interested in information on how to correct stooping. But before you find the answer to this question, you should understand the reasons for the problem.

Who should be afraid of postural distortion?

Nowadays, when people spend a lot of time in front of a computer or TV, work in offices and conduct sedentary lifestyle life, their muscles lose their natural strength.

In most cases, poor posture begins to develop in childhood. Many children categorically do not like to do their homework and simply write on their knees, bending their back unnaturally. And if parents do not particularly monitor their student’s discipline and do not control the situation, it worsens, and as a result, scoliosis of varying degrees of severity develops. And in such a state, finding the answer to the question of how to correct a child’s stoop and restore his posture can only be done with the help of qualified specialists.

But even if in childhood a child was constantly monitored and forced to monitor his posture, this does not mean that the problem will not affect him in the future. After all, for an adult, maintaining his physical fitness has the same meaning as for a child. And the absence in life sports loads is the cause of physical inactivity - weakness of the spinal muscles and a host of health problems.

The main causes of stoop in children

Before you understand whether it is possible to correct stoop in a child and how to do it, you should understand the reasons for its appearance. And the best person to handle this task is a doctor. Most often, according to experts, the reasons are insufficient development of the muscle tissue of the back in a state of relaxation.

The second factor that provokes stooping, doctors call the baby’s inability to hold his back in the correct position. Experts believe that the third reason why a child’s posture suffers is an abnormal development of the spine. More obvious symptoms of such deviations appear in young patients after 9-10 years of age, and at 5-6 years of age they are perceived by parents as a normal stoop. Your doctor will tell you how to correct such an anomaly at an early stage of development at home.

And the fourth, but no less common cause of stoop, is the lateral curvature of the spine, which in medical practice is called scoliosis.

Is it possible to correct your posture?

To understand how complex the situation is with changes in the spine, you can conduct one simple test yourself. To do this, the patient should lie on a horizontal surface or straighten up in a horizontal position. If the stoop is completely corrected during such attempts or there is a slight distortion of the line of the spine, the condition can still be corrected with the help of muscle tension and constant self-control.

However, when stooping is long-term problem, and a person is unable to hold the spinal column in the correct position even for a few seconds, the pathology requires the active intervention of specialists. In such situations, only a doctor knows how to correct stooping in an adult or child using special treatment techniques. In addition, particularly severe postural disorders are corrected exclusively through surgical correction techniques.

Correction of mild stoop

If you pay attention to changes in posture immediately and do not put off correcting it until better times, you can cope with the problem yourself. No matter how strange it may sound, discipline and self-control will help with this.

And the first thing a person with crooked posture should do is straighten his back and try to constantly keep his spine in tension. In the first hours and even days, you will need to constantly monitor yourself, but later, when the body gets used to correct posture, the problem will disappear by itself. In addition, while fighting your bad habit - slouching - you should not forget about physical exercises that will help strengthen your back muscles.

Which ones can help?

Before correcting stoop, you should make sure that the basis of this condition is not a complex disease of the spine. To do this, it is enough to consult a doctor. And if the cause of the disorder is only incorrect habits and a sedentary lifestyle, you should immediately begin physical exercise.

Let's look at a few of them:

  • Standing on all fours, we begin to smoothly bend the spine, while simultaneously stretching the body forward. While doing the exercise, try to imagine that you are trying to crawl under a bar or chair. You need to do 5-8 approaches.
  • Lying on your stomach, you need to gently bend while inhaling with slight tension on the spine. In this case, the head should be thrown back and the body should be supported on the elbows. As you exhale, we return to the starting position. For achievement maximum effect this exercise It is recommended to repeat 7-8 times.
  • Standing straight, we spread our straight arms to the sides, then slowly try to take them back as far as possible. Repeat 12-14 times.

It is worth noting that the list of exercises that will help strengthen your back muscles and cope with stooping is quite large. And which of them to use to solve problems with posture, everyone can decide on their own or with the help of a professional.

How can swimming help?

Various physical exercises and sports can help develop the muscular skeleton and normalize posture. But swimming lessons, during which all the muscles of the body are worked out, can do this as quickly as possible and give a person pleasure. Just 2 hours a week of such water procedures will help not only improve your posture, but also give you a boost of vigor and strength.

To achieve the best therapeutic effect experts recommend combining swimming with strength training, according to the 3+1 scheme, where 3 is the number of workouts in the gym, and 1 is an hour of relaxation water procedure. Using this approach to solving a problem, a person will have beautiful posture within 3-4 weeks, and you will forget about the discomfort and pain in the spine.

How to correct a child's posture?

The baby's spine mainly consists of cartilage tissue, which is why the risk of stooping in children is many times higher than in adults. However, the mobility of the vertebrae is both a minus and a plus for the child’s body. After all, restore the spinal trunk in childhood much easier with manual therapy and gymnastics than in people who have reached the age of twenty.

Before correcting stooping in a teenager or child, the doctor examines his little patient to rule out possible developmental abnormalities or diseases. After this, the patient will be prescribed a course of manual therapy and massages, consisting of 1-3 sessions, which must be alternated with gymnastics to consolidate the therapeutic effect.

And although the problem of correcting posture in children is not as acute as in adults, parents should not rely only on doctors. After completing the course of treatment, responsibility for the health and development of the baby falls entirely on their shoulders. Therefore, in the future, they will need to monitor compliance with all the specialist’s recommendations, discipline the child and introduce him to sports. This is the only way the question of how to correct stooping will not arise again after a certain period of time.

Fighting stoop in adults

There are many methods for treating poor posture in adults, but which of them can completely cope with the problem depends on the severity of the condition.

So, if the column has just begun to develop due to weakening of the muscle corset, it is enough to go in for sports and monitor the position of the back. In more complex cases, when stooping has begun to progress against the background of other spinal diseases, it is necessary to resort to conservative treatment methods and consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct a diagnosis and select the necessary treatment package, which may include exercise therapy, medications, and physiotherapeutic measures.

But if a person is thinking about how to correct a stoop when the changes that have occurred in the spine are already irreversible, it simply cannot be done without surgical intervention.

Correcting stoop with exercises

First, you need to watch your posture. Correct posture gives a person a proud, confident look and relieves back pain and stooping.
Secondly, to remove stoop drastic measures must be taken immediately. The following effective ones will help you with this: exercises for slouching. The sooner you start, the more effective the results will be. You can’t pull, because physiological changes called scoliosis can develop in the spine.

Exercises against slouching

If you have developed stoop, set of exercises must be performed over several months to achieve the desired result.

1. Stand with your back to the wall at a distance of approximately one step from it. Lean your back against the wall with your arms bent behind your head. While you count from 1 to 4, inhale and bend forward. And on the count of 5 - 8, exhaling, return to the starting position. performed slowly 6 - 8 times.

2. You need to stand facing the wall, again, at a distance of one step and lean in front of you with straight arms. Counting 1 - 4, inhale and bend to reach the walls with your chest. We return to the starting position at the count of 5 - 8, exhaling. Perform the exercise slowly 6 - 8 times.

3. Starting position - lying on your stomach in front of a chair, arms extended along the body, palms down. While inhaling, on a count of 1-2, raise your torso and, with a wave of straight arms across the sides, grab the edge of the chair. On the count of 3-4, exhaling, we return to the starting position. Repeat exercise for slouching 6 - 8 times.

4. Kneeling, sit on your heels, stretching out your toes, put your hands behind your head - this is the starting position. When counting one or two, rise from your heels, inhaling and spread your straight arms to the sides, palms up, while you need to strongly push your pelvis forward. When counting three or four, while exhaling, return to the starting position. Perform the exercise 10 - 20 times.

5. For this exercise we need gymnastic stick. Starting position - standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, holding the stick in your lowered hands. While inhaling, counting 1-2, we bend forward with our back straight, and at the same time raise our straight arms as high as possible. On the count of 3-4, exhale, bend your back and lower your arms. On the count of 5-6, inhale, and take the same position as on the count of 1-2. On the count of 7-8, exhale and return to the starting position. Repeat 5 - 6 times.

6. Get on all fours, leaning on your straight arms. While inhaling, counting from 1 to 4, bend over, while raising the straight line left leg and look away. On the count of 5 - 8, while exhaling, return to the starting position. Do the exercise 8 times, changing legs.

7. Starting position - stand behind a chair at a distance of a long step and lean your straight arms on the back. When inhaling, on a count of 1 - 4, lean forward, do not bend your arms, and move your head back. On the count of 5 - 8 (exhale), take the starting position. After a few days of training, try to do this exercise to correct stoop quickly, springing in the back at the moment of bending. Perform 10 - 12 times in a row.

The belly is symbolically associated with life in many languages ​​and cultures. But the objective reality is that it is the stomach that can seriously ruin your life - or at least the pleasure from it. It's about, of course, about an excessively large belly, which disrupts the proportions of the figure and has a detrimental effect on health. Moreover, not only is an increase in the abdomen directly related to the deterioration of physical well-being, but it also puts pressure morally, forcing a plump person to be embarrassed about his appearance and refuse beautiful, open and tight-fitting clothes.

Young people, as a rule, remain slim without much effort, but over the years, body weight increases, and it is concentrated mainly in the abdominal area. Your favorite trousers and skirts become narrow in the waist, and your own reflection in the mirror is less and less pleasing... Is it really a vicious circle? But no, if you take care of your appearance in time and get rid of your belly. About the need dietary nutrition Everyone knows, but not many are ready to decide on deeper measures - for example, to go in for sports. Meanwhile, you can remove your belly with the help of a completely non-burdensome, and even pleasant physical activity: for example, by running. So how to run correctly to remove belly fat and lose weight?

Running and other cardio exercises for weight loss
Physical exercise is one of the main ways to keep the body healthy, and therefore slim. But varieties sports training a lot, and all of them are focused on achieving one or another more specific result. And, if strength training helps to increase body weight (due to muscle, not fat tissue), then so-called cardio training, or aerobic exercise, which includes running, helps to reduce weight (again, by reducing body fat) . While running, brisk walking and/or other dynamic movements, pulse and breathing become more frequent, body cells require and receive more oxygen, activating metabolism and, among other things, fat burning. Hence both types of names: cardio - that is, training the cardiovascular system, and aerobic - that is, occurring actively with the participation of air. And since a voluminous belly usually signals the accumulation of fat in this area, running turns out to be, if not the most effective, then the most accessible and therefore common way to remove belly fat.

You can start running to lose belly fat at any age, even if before that the biggest physical activity for you was running from the sofa to the refrigerator and back. Getting used to a new activity may not be easy, but over time both the body and the psyche will adapt to it if the desire is truly conscious and strong enough. And even a health condition can prevent you from removing your belly only in certain cases. If doctors forbid running, then you can replace running with walking, and not even necessarily fast. In any case, this will be an increase in physical activity compared to the previous level, which means it will gradually lead to positive results.

Proper running for weight loss and health
When planning jogging to lose belly fat, be prepared in advance for other parts of your body to lose weight. This is a law of physiology: fat does not burn in certain places in isolation, but evenly leaves all areas where its deposits are excessive. This happens gradually, and the speed of weight loss depends on the amount of excess weight, your state of health and the regularity of your workouts. Please note that female and male bodies, due to differences in hormonal levels, burn fat differently. In most cases, it is easier for men to lose belly fat by jogging, while in women it is the lower part of the body that gives up fat less willingly. But this remark is true for subcutaneous fat, while visceral fat, that is, accumulated around internal organs fat, and lingers in the male body for a long time. You can distinguish the types of fat deposits by appearance body: subcutaneous fat makes the abdomen flabby and saggy, forms folds, and the visceral one contributes to the formation of a round and convex, so-called “beer” belly. The latter is most dangerous for men's health, because it signals an imbalance of sex hormones to the detriment of males and in favor of females.

Running is the most natural sport for humans with a minimum number of contraindications. But they exist, and they primarily concern people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, fragile bones and joints, and weak blood vessels. They may also be able to do light jogging to lose weight - but only after consultation and obtaining a doctor’s permission. Everyone else should remember that only reasonable and properly organized physical activity, even something as balanced as running, will not cause harm. The main thing is not to overestimate your strength and not to try to get results instantly, that is, to lose belly fat after the first runs. For beginners, it is better to start small, so as not to overdo it at first and undermine your health instead of strengthening it. These few rational tips will help you get used to running, integrate it organically into your life and gradually reduce it. big belly:
After finishing your run, walk home and take a refreshing shower. Try to refrain from eating for at least an hour after the end of the workout, so that metabolic processes accelerated by physical activity have time to use up body fat reserves. After an hour and a half, you can indulge in food containing mainly protein and vegetable fiber: lean steak or fish with vegetable salad, omelet without milk and yolks, steamed or baked vegetables. Your meal should be small in volume so as not to stretch the walls of the stomach. Get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. And don’t forget that confectionery, white bread and pastries, semi-finished products, fried foods delay your goal of losing belly fat indefinitely.

Running for weight loss: rules and features
Properly organized, high-quality jogging is very effective for increasing the overall tone of the body, strengthening the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Losing weight and reducing body volume, including in the abdominal area, naturally follows these processes. Ideally, while running, an adult consumes from 500 to 700 kcal/hour. Of course, this energy expenditure affects fat deposits in all parts of the body. But, if you try, you can focus your efforts on the stomach. To make it flat as soon as possible, you need to follow these recommendations:
But where to run to lose belly fat - at a stadium, in a park or a fitness club on a treadmill - is almost not important. In theory, running outdoors creates more useful conditions. But in practice it is better to run indoors all year round in any weather, rather than postponing the start of training all winter until the warm spring. Therefore, the main thing you need to do to lose belly fat by running is to at least just start running. Believe me, no big belly likes being forced to use up the fat layer that has accumulated over the years. But if you don’t give in to laziness and continue running, you will notice the first results within a couple of months. And they, in turn, will become the best incentive not to stop there and make your stomach toned and flat.

Any representative of the fair sex wants to have a beautiful body. But sometimes it happens that the problem is not the presence of excess weight, but that it is unevenly distributed throughout the body. Mainly affected areas are the sides and abdomen. This not only affects the appearance, but is also a signal that a malfunction has occurred in the body. Does running also help? It helps, but only if you approach this issue correctly and seriously.

What does running do for your health?

If you set a goal and start running in the morning, it will be quite possible to reduce the amount of body fat. The main thing is to understand that running will help you get rid of your stomach and sides, you just need to learn how to do it correctly. As a result, you will not only get a beautiful body and increase your self-esteem, but also protect yourself from the following potential dangers:

  • reduce the risk of diabetes;
  • you can avoid problems such as polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • protect yourself from the development of various hypertension diseases;
  • losing excess weight will help avoid stroke and heart attack.

and burning fat while running

Jogging is a physical activity that affects the entire body. The muscles begin to work actively, and a process occurs. Does running help to remove the stomach and sides? If we talk from a medical point of view, then during active physical activity approximately 55-78 grams of fat deposits are burned per hour. This is up to 700 Kcal. Excess weight begins to go away gradually, and first of all from problem areas.

However, you shouldn’t expect that within a week you will get the figure of your dreams. This is wrong. A beautiful body takes time. Only with regular jogging will you achieve the desired result.

You can’t run for 2-3 hours on the first day to burn more calories. This will cause your muscles to ache, and the next morning you will not be able to do even minimal physical activity.

Where is it better to run - at home or outdoors?

If you decide that you will start running, then you need to decide where it is best to do it. There are two options:

  • Buy treadmill and study at home. This has its advantages. You can exercise every day, regardless of the weather outside.
  • Running in the fresh air is easy and pleasant. Especially in the warm season in the morning. But in inclement weather, you will not be able to continue training.

Does running help lose belly fat? It helps, but only if you devote time to jogging every day. Start small, train for 15-20 minutes. Then the body will get a little stronger, and you can increase the load.

slow or fast?

Every person knows that the faster we run, the more calories we burn. But if you decide, you can’t immediately give your body an intense load. Firstly, you will quickly run out of steam. Secondly, the speed can be alternated. For example, start by then speeding up for a few minutes, then jogging again. It’s much easier to do this way, and the result will be more noticeable.

If you are thinking about whether it is possible to remove your stomach and sides by running, then there is a problem with your figure, and you need to urgently start training. Running will not only help you get rid of excess fat deposits in problem areas, but will also help improve health.

When will the result be?

Does running help to get rid of the stomach and sides? Definitely yes. However, representatives of the fair sex are often interested in how long it will take to see the first results.

With daily jogging, within a month you will notice that your figure has taken on a more pleasing appearance, and there are no longer so many fat deposits.

Moreover, it has its advantages. The excess weight will not come back later - muscles will appear in its place. What happens after a long diet? Very often we lose our temper and start eating everything that catches our eye. As a result, the kilograms are still there, and the diet was in vain.

A few basic rules will help you organize your runs correctly:

  • Shoes and clothes should be comfortable because you can only run when you feel comfortable.
  • Two hours before you plan to start training, try not to eat. A full stomach restricts movement and creates a feeling of heaviness.
  • After training, it is also better not to immediately load up on food. Wait a few hours. After physical activity, muscles burn calories for some time, and if you eat right away, the energy will be taken not from fat deposits, but from the food consumed.
  • Don't forget to take a small water bottle with you on your run.

Does running reduce your stomach and sides? Of course yes, like other physical exercises. The main thing is to organize classes correctly.

Do I need to stick to a diet?

Many people believe that you can lose weight by running without going on a diet. However, it is not. Physical activity takes a lot of energy, so the body constantly needs to be recharged. This doesn't mean you have to go on a strict diet now. This energy will not be enough, and you will constantly feel tired. All that is needed is to create the right diet.

How to eat properly:

  • Divide the whole day into several meals (5-6).
  • You need to eat in small portions.
  • Try to limit your consumption of baked goods as much as possible because they contribute to weight gain.
  • You should not eat before or after a run.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables - they contain everything necessary for the normal functioning of the body.
  • You should limit your sugar intake. Instead, you can add honey to tea, it is much healthier.
  • Eat cottage cheese and other dairy products - they nourish bones and give the body energy.
  • Drink at least two liters of water a day (more in the hot season).
  • Give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol).

Let's sum it up

Does running help to get rid of the stomach and sides? Nothing will help you if you do not eat properly and measuredly. Review your daily diet, and only then start exercising.

Don’t forget that jogging is needed not only to give your figure a beautiful shape, but also for your health.

Now you know whether it is possible to lose your belly fat by running and how to do it correctly. Train your body every day, and soon you will be surprised what such a seemingly simple weight loss technique can give excellent result. Use it useful tips and the rules presented above, and you will not regret that you started jogging every day.

Fat deposits in the abdominal area are a problem for men and a real tragedy for women striving for slimness and grace. They appear quickly, and losing weight while keeping your skin toned is very difficult. There are a lot of exercises aimed at combating overweight and the belly in particular, one of the most popular and simple methods losing weight is running.

Running efficiency

During running, metabolic processes in the body are activated and accelerated, since the heart pumps blood about three times faster, saturating each cell with oxygen as much as possible. This helps eliminate toxic substances and waste; if you exercise regularly, the functions of the liver, stomach and intestines are normalized. The result is a reduction in the volume of the anterior abdominal cavity, sides and other parts of the body. Running involves all muscle groups, they become toned and are constantly in good shape.

If you do not violate the technique and do everything correctly, the body takes energy for movements at an accelerated pace from the fat layer, which is located on the buttocks, sides, thighs and abdomen. Running is a type of aerobic exercise. The muscles of the thighs, legs and buttocks are primarily involved. Activation of glucose oxidation processes and the concomitant accumulation of lactic acid provokes pain and discomfort. Similar conditions accompany a beginning athlete at first; regular training makes the body more resilient.

General benefits of running

Running is a good cardio workout that has a positive effect on all organs and systems. Changes in the body look like this:

  • the heart muscle is strengthened;
  • bones become stronger and are able to withstand heavy loads;
  • coordination of movements and general well-being improves;
  • cholesterol levels decrease;
  • joint pain is less common.

Also after intense physical exercise seratonin and endorphins are released. Collectively this is - good mood and a feeling of happiness, which perfectly fight depression and reduce the impact of stress and external unfavorable stimuli. But you need to run correctly, otherwise running turns into a grueling load that takes strength and provokes an unfavorable emotional background.

Running rules and optimal technique

It would seem that there is nothing difficult about a morning or evening jog, the main thing is to choose a comfortable route and endure this marathon. But if the goal of a novice athlete is to lose belly fat by running, the following rules must be followed:

  1. We pay special attention to the pulse before and after exercise. An indicator of 120-130 is considered normal; after an hour after the end of the run, it should return to normal. If not, you should reduce the load and undergo examination by a specialist for cardiovascular disorders; perhaps running is contraindicated.
  2. The jogging speed should not be too high; you need to stick to the “golden mean”. Moving too slowly will not bring the desired result, body fat will not leave the sides and stomach. A high pace has an exhausting effect on the body; it works to the limit of its capabilities, which adversely affects the functioning of the heart.
  3. Running to lose belly fat involves right choice terrain. The best option- a hilly road with alternating ups and downs.
  4. It is important to gradually increase the load without giving the body the opportunity to fully adapt to it. Only then will fat be burned.
  5. It is necessary to breathe correctly (through the nose), without losing the rhythm.
  6. The minimum duration is 30 minutes, if less, the mechanism of breaking down fat deposits will not be started.
  7. Exercise should be regular to keep your muscles toned. Optimally - 2-3 runs per week, if you have the desire and opportunity - then daily.

How to run to lose belly fat is a question that should be given attention first. Before a run of any length, a warm-up is mandatory. It is easy to injure muscles that are not warmed up properly, and after this you are unlikely to have the desire to run in the near future.

Jogging, which takes 15-25 minutes, does not remove the stomach and sides. With such loads, glycogen is first processed, and after a certain period of time, fat is broken down. Jogging should take at least an hour for positive results to be achieved. This is exhausting, and this option is not suitable for physically unprepared people.

Optimal technique: fast run lasting 1-3 minutes, then jogging at an average pace. The value of the interval approach is that for another six hours fat cells split.

What is the best time to run?

Many people navigate their personal schedule and workload, going for a run when it’s convenient. You should focus on your biological clock. No matter how much night owls force themselves to get up at 5 am, thinking only about losing weight, they will hardly be able to do it with pleasure. “Larks,” on the contrary, will experience discomfort from evening stress, when they already want to sleep.

Morning jogging helps you wake up quickly and recharge your energy for the whole day. A sudden load should not take place immediately after sleep; it is recommended to leave a half-hour interval between waking up and going outside. It is not advisable to eat before a run if your main goal is weight loss. After coming home, it is better to drink as much water as your body requires to avoid dehydration. A hearty breakfast will help replenish lost glycogen stores.

Daytime running is recommended in spring and autumn, as well as in summer when it is not hot. Experts recommend starting exercise no later than two hours after breakfast or lunch. This is a conventional period of time professional athletes They are guided by the time it takes for food to be digested in the stomach (1-2 hours are enough for carbohydrate foods, 2 hours for protein foods, 3-4 hours for fatty foods). If you eat something fatty, it is better to wait a few hours so as not to experience stomach pain and an unpleasant taste in your mouth.

Evening running is an ideal option for people whose working day does not involve intense physical labor. In this case, there will be no strength left for a run, and it will only cause emotional irritation. You need to start at least two hours after dinner, and preferably immediately after work. If you really want to eat, it is permissible to eat something carbohydrate - gingerbread or cookies.

Proper organization of running

The main attributes of jogging are clothes and shoes. A light tracksuit is suitable for the warm season, when it gets colder you can wear a jacket, hat and gloves. You should focus on your personal feelings; if in the first 10-15 minutes it is slightly cool, and then it becomes warm and comfortable, it means that the clothes have been chosen correctly. Primary requirements:

  • preference should be given to natural fabrics in the warm season; in the cold season, synthetic or semi-synthetic fabrics are allowed, but specially designed for running (with high hygroscopicity, allowing the skin to breathe);
  • Clothing should be loose, but not twisted or interfere with movement.

The requirements for shoes are no less strict. The ideal option is sneakers with thick soles (helps to avoid calluses and pain when running on pebbles) and a fabric upper. They will provide good ventilation of the feet. It is better to buy shoes in specialized stores whose products are intended exclusively for sports.

Contraindications for jogging

Knowing how to run to get rid of your belly and sides is not enough. This weight loss method is not suitable for everyone. The risk group includes persons:

  1. with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  2. diagnosed with flat feet;
  3. with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage;
  4. With varicose veins veins;
  5. with inflammatory processes;
  6. who have musculoskeletal disorders;
  7. stones in the kidneys.

It is possible to run with such ailments, but how and for how long will be advised by the doctor after the examination.

Healthy eating is the key to success

When women wonder whether running can help reduce belly fat, they often miss another important component. This is complete nutrition; every product from the daily diet must be selected correctly. It is advisable to reduce the amount of flour, fried and sweet foods if the main goal of running is weight loss. Whole grain cereals, fruits and vegetables are highly nutritious, but are not “deposited” in the sides and abdomen. Particular attention is paid to the drinking regime - at least 1.5 liters mineral water daily, store-bought juices and carbonated drinks are best avoided. This helps you avoid dehydration and stay in shape.

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