Olympics palaces museums estates. results

The Olympics are held by the Department of Education jointly with the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow. The coordinator of the Olympics is the center pedagogical excellence of the city of Moscow with the participation of the City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow. The Olympics “Museums, Parks, Estates” 2018 – 2019 will give children studying in schools an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with previously unknown parks, museums and estates of our capital. Surely, students will meet new people who keep the secrets of these places, and interesting events.

What is the Olympics “Museums. Parks. Estates" 2017–2018?

During this competition, children are accompanied by adults. Together with them, the children visit cultural sites in Moscow included in the list of participants in the competition.

The organizers of each museum or park should prepare entertaining questions and tasks for participants. But answering them is not so easy. First, you need to carefully study the exhibitions and expositions that are located on the territory.

Thanks to the Olympics, the children get acquainted with various areas of art, branches of science, the history of the city and what happened in Russia!

Who can take part?

Schoolchildren of the following age categories can participate in the competition:

  1. Schoolchildren of grades 1-2.
  2. Schoolchildren of 3-4 grades.
  3. Schoolchildren of grades 5-7.
  4. Schoolchildren of 8-9 grades.
  5. Schoolchildren of 10-11 grades.

Both individual participants and school teams can play.

Stages of the Olympics

The Olympics consists of several rounds. But they all go through one stage.

Types of tours Actions of participants
Correspondence complete tasks on the official website of the Olympics
Full-time answer questions in museums, parks and estates.
Final bonus game Participants who performed well at the main stage of the Olympics take part in an intellectual game-walk through one of the districts of Moscow.

How to take part in the game?

To play in this competition, you must complete several simple actions:

  1. Register on the official website of the Olympiad.
  2. Read the instructions very carefully “I have registered! So what's now?"
  3. Strictly follow these rules of the game.

In June 2018, registration of museums wishing to take part in the Olympics and become venues for its holding has already opened.

Information on student registration will appear in the second half of August.

When will the Olympics be?

The Olympics runs from October to May of this year.

You can visit parks from October 1 to March 31, and museums from November 1 to March 31. This was done so that participants could answer questions in the park during the warmer months.

Game results

The results of the Olympics are summed up based on the results of the Main Stage.

The main stage includes three rounds:

  • introductory tour “Warm-up”,
  • correspondence tour “Museum greeting”,
  • full-time tour “Museum Whirlpool”.

1. Introductory tour “Warm-up”

Participants in the game must complete tasks that are published on the Olympiad website. If the answers to 6 questions are correct, then the team is assigned a code, which is the team number.

2. Correspondence tour “Museum greeting”

Here the participant must select a museum and answer 5 test questions related to this object. You must answer on the page of the selected museum. To pass this stage, you need to give 4-5 correct answers.

3. In-person tour “Museum Whirlpool”

At this stage you need to come to the museum and complete tasks. Answers to these tasks can be given after the participants have carefully studied the exhibitions and displays of the museum.

When visiting each museum, park and estate, you must take a photo of an Olympic participant and upload it to your personal account. The photograph must be taken in such a way that the name of the museum, estate or park where the photograph was taken is visible.

In-person tour of museums and estates

If the correspondence round is successfully completed, the participant can download an Invitation to the museum in his personal account.

The invitation contains the name of the museum, information about the participant (team), as well as an answer form for the full-time tour.

Questions are issued directly at museums and estates. The tasks of the in-person tour are designed in such a way that answers to them can only be found on the territory of the cultural site itself.

In-person tour of the parks

The participant will see the task about parks on the page of the park to which he is invited. Answers and photographs are also uploaded through a special form.

When determining the result of each participant, his points for museums, estates and parks are summed up.

Final bonus game “I’m walking around Moscow”

Teams are offered entertaining tasks related to some object in Moscow (a monument, a beautiful building, a historically significant place, etc.).

You can watch a presentation of the participation of one of the teams in the final bonus game here:

The government of Moscow


On approval of the Regulations on the Olympiad "Museums. Parks. Estates"

In accordance with the resolution of the Moscow Government of September 27, 2011 N 450-PP "On approval of the State program of the city of Moscow "Development of education in the city of Moscow ("Capital education")" for 2012-2018" and in order to form and develop students' intellectual and creative abilities, interest in creative and cognitive activities, satisfaction of their individual needs for intellectual, moral and physical improvement

I order:

1. Approve the Regulations on the Olympiad "Museums. Parks. Estates" (appendix).

2. Recognize the order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated October 23, 2013 N 652 “On approval of the Regulations on the Olympiad “Museums” as invalid. Parks. Estates."

3. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the deputy head of T.V. Vasilyeva.


Application. Regulations on the Olympiad "Museums. Parks. Estates"

to the order of the Department of Education
Moscow cities
dated October 6, 2015 N 2118

I. General provisions

1. These Regulations determine the procedure for organizing and holding the Olympiad "Museums. Parks. Estates" (hereinafter referred to as the Olympiad), its organizational, methodological and financial support, the procedure for participation in the Olympiad and determining the winners and prize-winners.

2. The main goals and objectives of the Olympiad are to identify and develop students’ creative abilities and interest in research activities, create necessary conditions to support gifted children, achieve meta-subject results in mastering the basic educational program, increasing interest in culture and art.

3. State, municipal and private students take part in the Olympiad on a voluntary basis educational organizations implementing basic educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education located on the territory of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as educational organizations) and persons receiving education outside educational organizations (in the form of family education and self-education).

4. A participant in the Olympiad is a student of an educational organization, a person receiving education outside of an educational organization, or a group of students who have formed a team.

5. Participants in the Olympiad, regardless of the type of participation (individual or team), have equal rights.

6. An Olympiad participant has the right:

- participate in the Olympiad of any class not lower than the class in which he is studying;

- receive information about the procedure, places and times of the Olympics;

- receive information about the results of checking your work;

- file an appeal in accordance with the established procedure.

7. Olympiad participants complete tasks independently.

8. The Olympiad participant is obliged to comply with the requirements of these regulations and comply with the procedure for holding the Olympiad, which is communicated to the participants before the start of the Olympiad. In case of violation of the procedure for holding the Olympics, the participant’s result may be canceled, and the participant himself may be deprived of the right to participate in the Olympics.

9. The Olympiad includes the main stage and the final prize game. The final prize game is not a stage of the Olympics. The results of the Olympics are summed up based on the results of the main stage.

10. The organizer of the main stage and the final bonus game The Olympics is the Moscow Department of Education with the participation of the Moscow Department of Culture, Department information technologies of the city of Moscow, Council of Rectors of Higher educational institutions Moscow and Moscow region.

11. Coordination of organizational, financial and methodological support for the Olympics is carried out by the State Autonomous educational institution additional vocational education Moscow city "Center of Pedagogical Excellence" (hereinafter referred to as the Operator).

12. Operator:

- approves the composition of the jury and methodological commissions of the Olympiad;

- coordinates the work of methodological commissions and the jury of the Olympiad;

- organizes and ensures the direct holding of the Olympics;

- organizes and controls the acceptance of work completed by participants;

- organizes the registration, recording and issuance of certificates to the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad from among the Olympiad participants;

- organizes registration, accounting and issuance of certificates to Olympiad participants from among the Olympiad participants;

- considers conflict situations that arose during all Olympic events;

- determines the procedure for considering appeals within the framework of the Olympics;

- determines the quotas of winners and prize-winners of the main stage and the final prize game of the Olympics;

- resolves organizational and other issues related to the holding of the Olympiad, except for those referred to by these regulations as the functions of the Organizing Committee of the Olympiad.

13. The main stage and the final prize game of the Olympiad are carried out according to tasks (hereinafter referred to as Olympiad tasks) drawn up by methodological commissions with the involvement of scientific employees of organizations subordinate to the Moscow Department of Culture.

14. Quotas for participation in the main stage of the Olympics are not established. Quotas for participation in the final prize game are determined by the Olympic organizing committee.

15. The winners and prize-winners of the main stage of the Olympics are determined on the basis of the results of the participants in the main stage of the Olympics, which are entered into the final table of results of participants in the main stage of the Olympics, which is a ranked list of participants arranged in descending order of the points they scored (hereinafter referred to as the overall standings). Participants with equal scores are listed in alphabetical order.

Every year, the Operator sets threshold criteria for inclusion in the overall standings of the Olympics. The criteria are published on the Olympiad website (http://museum.olimpiada.ru/).

16. The general management and organizational support of the Olympiad is carried out by the Organizing Committee of the Olympiad, one of whose tasks is to realize the right of students of educational organizations and persons receiving education outside educational organizations to participate in the Olympiad movement.

17. The composition of the Organizing Committee of the Olympics is formed from representatives of the Moscow Department of Education, the Moscow Department of Culture, the Moscow Department of Information Technologies, the Council of Rectors of Moscow Higher Educational Institutions, educational, scientific and public organizations and is approved by the Moscow Department of Education annually.

18. Organizing Committee of the Olympics:

- considers applications from participants if, during the Olympiad, the jury and the Olympiad participant were unable to reach a consensus on assessing the completed Olympiad task of the Olympiad participant;

- analyzes and summarizes the results of the Olympiad and submits a report on the Olympiad to the Moscow Department of Education;

- considers and makes proposals to the Moscow Department of Education to improve and further development Olympics;

- approves the requirements for holding stages of the Olympics;

- prepares materials for covering the organization and holding of the Olympics in the media;

- approves the schedule for the Olympics;

- determines the forms of conducting the main stage and the final prize game of the Olympics;

- approves by decision the list of winners and prize-winners of the main stage and the final prize game of the Olympics.

19. Methodological support for the conduct of the Olympiad is carried out by the methodological commissions of the Olympiad.

20. The composition of the methodological commissions of the Olympiad is formed by the Olympiad Operator from among scientific and pedagogical workers, graduate students and students of educational institutions of higher professional education, and other highly qualified specialists who are not scientific and pedagogical workers.

21. Methodological commissions of the Olympiad:

- develop requirements for the main stage and final prize game of the Olympics, establishing the form of conduct, and requirements for technical support, principles of forming a set of Olympiad tasks and summing up the results of the competition;

- establishes the requirements for conducting the registration procedure for participants, checking and evaluating completed Olympiad tasks, reviewing Olympiad tasks with participants and considering participants’ appeals;

- develop texts of Olympiad assignments, criteria and methods for assessing completed Olympiad assignments of the Olympiad.

22. The completed Olympiad tasks of the Olympiad are checked by the jury of the main stage and the final prize game of the Olympiad.

23. The jury is formed from among scientific and pedagogical workers, graduate students and students of educational organizations of higher professional education, other highly qualified specialists who are not scientific and pedagogical workers, the Operator of the Olympics.

24. The jury of the main stage and final prize game of the Olympics:

- evaluates completed Olympiad tasks;

- analyzes completed Olympiad tasks;

- determines the winners and prize-winners of the corresponding stage of the Olympics;

- submits analytical reports on the results of the relevant stages of the Olympiad to the Organizing Committee of the Olympiad.

25. The working language of the Olympics is Russian.

II. The procedure for holding the main stage of the Olympics

26. The main stage of the Olympiad is held by the organizer annually during the academic year. Specific dates for the main stage of the Olympics are established by a decision of the Organizing Committee of the Olympics.

27. To conduct the main stage of the Olympics, the Operator of the Olympics creates a jury for the main stage of the Olympics.

28. The main stage of the Olympics consists of three rounds: an introductory round, an extramural museum tour and an in-person museum tour.

29. The main stage of the Olympiad is held in accordance with the requirements for conducting the specified stage of the Olympiad and according to the Olympiad tasks developed by the methodological commissions of the Olympiad.

30. Participants in the main stage of the Olympics who scored greatest number points are recognized as the winners of the main stage.

31. In the event that the winners are not determined, only the winners are determined at the main stage of the Olympics.

32. The number of winners at the main stage of the Olympics is determined based on the quota of winners and prize-winners established by the Olympics Operator.

33. Prize-winners of the main stage of the Olympics, within the established quota of winners and prize-winners, are recognized as all participants in the main stage of the Olympics, following the winners in the final table.

34. In the event that a participant in the main stage of the Olympics, determined within the established quota as a prize-winner, has the same number of points as those following him in the final table, a decision is made regarding this participant and all participants who have the same number of points as him points, determined by the jury of the main stage of the Olympics.

35. The list of winners and prize-winners of the main stage of the Olympics is approved by the decision of the Organizing Committee of the Olympics.

36. The winners and prize-winners of the main stage of the Olympics are the final winners of the Olympics.

III. Procedure for the final bonus game

37. The final prize game is held by the organizer annually in April. The specific dates for the final prize game are established by a decision of the Organizing Committee of the Olympics.

38. To conduct the final prize game, the Olympics Operator creates a jury of the final prize game.

39. The final prize game is held in accordance with the requirements for the conduct of the Olympiad and according to the Olympiad tasks developed by the methodological commissions of the Olympiad.

40. Anyone from among the participants in the main stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year can take part in the final prize game within the established quota of the number of participants in the final prize game and the number of points scored by the participant.

41. Participants in the final bonus game who score the most points are recognized as the winners of the final bonus game, provided that the number of points they score exceeds half the maximum possible.

42. In the event that the winners are not determined, only the winners are determined at the final bonus game.

43. The number of winners in the final prize game is determined based on the quota of winners and prize-winners established by the Organizing Committee of the Olympics.

44. The winners of the final prize game, within the established quota of winners and prize-winners, are all participants in the final prize game, following the winners in the final table.

45. In the event that a participant in the final bonus game, determined within the established quota as a prize-winner, has the same number of points as those following him in the final table, the decision for this participant and all participants who have an equal number with him points is determined by the final bonus game.

46. ​​The list of winners and prize-winners of the final prize game is approved by the decision of the Organizing Committee of the Olympics.

IV. Financial support for the Olympics

47. Financial support for the main stage and the final prize game of the Olympics is carried out at the expense and within the funds provided for the implementation of the state task of the organization appointed by the Moscow Department of Education as the Operator.

48. Collection of payment (in any form) for participation in the Olympics is not permitted.

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Olympics “Museums. Parks. Estates" is conducted by the Department of Education jointly with the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow. The coordinator of the Olympiad is the Center for Pedagogical Excellence with the participation of the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education. Olympics “Museums. Parks. Estates" 2017–2018 gives schoolchildren of all ages a wonderful opportunity to show their abilities, broaden their horizons, visit many new, previously unknown places, get acquainted with interesting people and events!

What is the Olympics “Museums. Parks. Estates"?

During the Olympics, schoolchildren and accompanying adults visit museums, parks and estates in Moscow. Each cultural site that has joined the Olympics prepares entertaining tasks for participants, the answers to which can only be found by carefully studying the exhibition. Thanks to the Olympics, schoolchildren can get acquainted with different areas of art, branches of science, and the history of the city and country!

Who can take part?

Participation in the Olympiad is possible in the following age categories:

  1. Schoolchildren of grades 1-2.
  2. Schoolchildren of 3-4 grades.
  3. Schoolchildren of grades 5-7.
  4. Schoolchildren of 8-9 grades.
  5. Schoolchildren of 10-11 grades.

At the same time, both individual participants and school teams can participate in the Olympiad.

Dates of the Olympics

The Olympics runs from October to May of this year.

You can visit parks from October 1 to March 31, and museums from November 1 to March 31. This was done to ensure that participants had the opportunity to answer questions in the park during the warmer months.


First of all, participants need to register, and then carefully study the instructions “I have registered! So what's now?"


The Olympics takes place in one stage, which includes several rounds. During the introductory and correspondence tours, participants complete tasks on the official website of the Olympics, and during the in-person tour they answer questions in museums, parks and estates.

For participants who performed well at the main stage of the Olympics, the Final Prize Game is held in the form of an intellectual game-walk through one of the districts of Moscow.


The Olympiad consists of one stage and the Final Prize Game. The results of the Olympics are summed up based on the results of the Main Stage.

Main stage (October – March)

The main stage includes three rounds:

  • introductory tour “Warm-up”,
  • correspondence tour “Museum greeting”,
  • full-time tour “Museum Whirlpool”.
  1. Introductory tour “Warm-up”
    Schoolchildren are required to complete general tasks on the Olympiad website. If 6 or more questions are answered correctly, the introductory round is considered passed. Now the team has been assigned a code, which will be the team's identification number.
    No points will be awarded for completing the introductory round.
  2. Correspondence tour “Museum greeting”
    The participant selects a museum they want to go to and takes a correspondence tour for that museum. The correspondence tour contains 5 test questions, which must be answered online, on the page of the selected museum. The correspondence round is considered completed if the participant correctly answers 4 or 5 questions.
  3. In-person tour"Museum Whirlpool"
    This is the Olympics tour, during which participants come to the museum and complete tasks, the answers to which can be found at the exhibition of the museum or estate.
    When visiting each museum, park and estate, you must take a photo of an Olympic participant and upload it to your personal account. The photograph must be taken in such a way that the name of the museum, estate or park where the photograph was taken is visible.
  4. In-person tour of museums and estates
    After completing the correspondence round, the participant downloads an Invitation to the Museum, which can be downloaded:
  • from “My Page”;
  • from the page of the museum or estate where the correspondence tour was completed.

The invitation contains the name of the museum, information about the participant (team), as well as an answer form for the full-time tour. Questions are issued directly at museums and estates. The tasks of the in-person tour are designed in such a way that answers to them can only be found on the territory of the cultural site itself.

5. In-person tour of the parks
Questions about parks can be downloaded from the page of a specific park (link “Download invitation”). Answers are entered through a special form. If photographs are required with the answers, they can be attached there.
When determining the result of each participant, his points for museums, estates and parks are summed up.

6. Final bonus game “I’m walking around Moscow”
Teams are offered interesting tasks, each of which is associated with some object (monument, beautiful building, historically significant place, etc.).

What is prohibited at the Olympics?

Police officers will ensure the safety of participants and monitor what is happening, and judges at the distance and control points will monitor compliance with the rules. Therefore, there are rules that must be followed. What is not possible?

  • violate traffic rules;
  • walk without an adult accompanying you;
  • change bonus game objects;
  • use any personal or public transport, with the exception of scooters, bicycles, etc. (subject to compliance with traffic rules).

The significance of the Olympics “Museums. Parks. Estates" for different categories of participants

When will the Olympics be in 2017–2018?

On the official website of the Olympics “Museums. Parks. Estates" contains information that preparations are in full swing for the anniversary fifth season of the Olympics, which will be held in 2017–2018 academic year. Information about when it will take place this Olympiad in the new season of the 2017-2018 academic year, will appear by mid-August 2017.

Watch a presentation of the participation of one of the teams in the final prize game “Museums. Parks. Estates" can be seen in this video:

To organizers (Museums, parks, estates)

News for organizers

Preparations are underway for the 2019/2020 academic year Olympics!

We are waiting for all interested Museums (museums, parks, estates): state, federal, private, departmental and others!

The Olympiad "Museums. Parks. Estates" is a way to awaken among schoolchildren a truly keen interest in the history of the capital and its cultural life in the present (2019. Description of the Olympiad.pdf).

What to do if you want your museum, park or estate to be included in the list of Olympic venues?


  • Be ready to host Olympic participants.
  • Register the museum, thereby informing the Organizing Committee of your desire to participate until June 30, 2019.
  • Until June 30, 2019 create blocks of tasks (questions) for schoolchildren. If for some reason you do not make it by this deadline, be sure to notify the Organizing Committee.
    (see sections "Instructions" (for now only instructions are available last season 2018. Instructions.pdf and “How to write questions” (2019. How to write questions.pdf);
  • If you want to do assignments for preschoolers in a non-standard format (see instructions), you must inform us before June 30;
  • Send questions with answers to the organizing committee's email ( [email protected]);
  • Set aside at least 1 day a month when visiting your museum will be free for participants of the Olympiad.
  • Send the Museum logo before July 31, 2018 for the production of individual souvenir products with the symbols of the Museum. The logo can be replaced with another picture of the museum's choosing.

Museums open for participants on September 1. In the registration there is a field in which you can indicate the desired opening date of the museum. The possibility of opening the museum will depend on the availability of questions.

Registration is required for all Season 7 participants, even if they participated last year.

You can register for the Olympics from September 1, 2019 to March 15, 2020, but do not forget that to qualify for the competition you must visit at least 4 museums and 1 park or 4 museums and 1 estate.

How does registration work:

Once you have decided on the test type and category, you can begin registration. Please, attentively Please read the registration instructions below.

2. Create an account in the Unified Registration System ( if you already have a login, then you do not need to create a new one).
An account must be created for an individual participant (school student) or team captain (for team competition).
Team members do not create a separate registration for themselves.
To do this, click on “Registration”

3. Log in to the Unified Registration System using your login.
To do this you need to enter your login and password.
You may need to fill out a form if this is your first time logging into the Unified Registration System website this school year. Profile information is not registration!

4. Register by following the link to participate in the Olympics "Museums. Parks. Estates".

5. When registering, you must fill in your personal information:
Full name, gender, school, class, home address,e-mail.
The data you enter is data individual participant or captain(depending on the selected type of credit). No need register a command on behalf of the teacher.
For all schools in Moscow Necessarily you need to enter the school login in the StatGrad system. If you don’t know it, you can use the link to search for the school login by number.

6. Fill in the information about the participation form:

  • Individual competition
  • Team competition

If the team has schoolchildren from different classes, then it is necessary that the captain was a student from the oldest class.

If you have registered a team and there are other teams in your class (that is, more than 10 people from the class want to participate in the Olympiad), then you can indicate “Teams in your class with whom you go to museums” (optional field).

  • Please note that only the team captain is registered for the team competition ( schoolboy!).
    Other team members should only register if they intend to participate in competitions by submitting assignments on their own behalf and not on behalf of the team.

7. For the team competition, you can specify the type of team (classmates, family, friends). This field is optional.

8. Fill in the team name (for team competition).

9. For the team competition, fill out the team list. There is no need to write the captain a second time.

  • Adults (parents, teachers) do NOT need to include themselves on the list of team members.
    If you want to indicate adult accompanying persons, then they must be indicated in the appropriate field (full name of parents, full name of teachers).

10. If you wish, you can indicate the full name of your parents as accompanying persons.

You can indicate the teachers who go to museums with you as part of the Olympiad.

In addition, after filling out the basic fields, you need to answer a series of questions that will help you check whether you have correctly registered for the Olympics.

11. Don’t forget to click the SEND button after filling out the form.

12. Log in on that website. Authorization links your data from Unified System Registration for the Olympics website, so you will need to enter the login and password of the Unified Registration System when logging in, and then choose a Nickname (it is under it that, for example, your reviews or results of competitions will be published).
If you had a page on the Olympics last year and you want to link the results of last year’s Olympics, as well as the answers and results of competitions to a new page, then you can use last year’s login, then the results and answers will automatically be linked to this year’s page.

13. Take a photo for the title photo (one student for the individual competition and the entire team for the team competition). Upload a photo to your personal account (photo space to the left of the participant’s details). Photography is required for all Olympic participants.

14. What to do after registration? Congratulations! Registration completed. Now you need to go through an introductory tour, and after that you will be able to visit museums, parks and estates, complete tasks, answer questions and win.