Outdoor game you are the sun and I am the earth. Thematic lesson: The fourth day of creation


We're flying high, walking on our toes, hands up

We're flying low, walking on our heels, hands down.

We fly far, Easy running in circles.

We fly close. Easy running in place
^ Warm-up "Parachute"

Now the engine has turned on Roundabout Circulation hands

The propeller spun. Circular movement of hands stronger


They rose to the clouds, on their tiptoes, hands up.

Removed from the chassis

Here we are.

We prepared a parachute.

Push, jump. Jumping in place.

The parachutes opened, Hands spread to the sides.

The children landed softly. Easy jump.
^ Warm-up "Cosmodrome"

Everyone is ready to fly, raise their hands forward, up.

Rockets are waiting for all the guys. Connect your fingers above your head.

There is little time to take off, they march in place.

The astronauts stood in a row. Stand up in a jump, legs apart, arms

Bowed to the right, left, tilted to the sides.

Let's bow to the ground, bend forward.

Now the rocket has taken off. They jump on two legs.

Our cosmodrome is empty. Squat down.
^ Warm-up “We are flying”

We are flying on a rocket, They are running, arms to the sides.

We want to become smart.

Hands reached to the sky, stretching.

The children smiled to the stars.

We learn about professions, Perform body turns

We'll visit the planets.
^ General developmental exercises.

Don't look around

You are an astronaut today!

Let's start training

To become strong and agile.
1. “Rockets are flying up”

I.p. o.s. 1- arms through the sides up 3 claps above the head

2. " Rocket in space» I.p. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms straight above your head, palms clasped. 1- tilts to the right; 2-p. 3-tilts to the left. 4-ip

3. “Cosmonauts put on a spacesuit and fly into outer space.”

(imitation of putting on a spacesuit).

4. "We're flying in zero gravity" Balance exercise. I.p. o.s. hands to the side. Raise the right one, then left leg, bent at the knee 6 times.

5. We quickly spin around in place, holding our arms to the sides, stop at the stop signal with your eyes closed. Who will be able to maintain balance longer than others? Show. -2р

We are ready for the real flight.


I.p.: main stance, stick below. 1 – stick up, 2 – lower behind the head; 3 – stick up; 4 – return to the starting position (6 times).


IP: basic stance, stick at the top, arms straight. 1 – sit down, stick forward; 2 – return to the starting position (6-7 times).

" Remote Control»

I.p.: standing legs apart, stick below. 1-2 – turn the body to the right, arms straight, do not bend the knees; 3-4 – return to the starting position. The same to the left (5-6 times).

"Take-off landing"

I. p.: basic stance, stick at the top, arms straight. 1- sit down, stick forward; 2- return to the starting position (6-7 times).


I.p.: – basic stance, stick at the chest in bent arms. 1 – right leg on the toe, stick up; 2 – return to the starting position. The same with the left leg (5-6 times).
Appendix No. 5

Outdoor game "Planes"

Preparing for the game:

Flags are placed in different 3-4 places on the site.
^ Game description:

Children line up in 3-4 columns in different places on the site, which are marked with flags. The players portray pilots. They are preparing to fly. At the teacher’s signal: “Get ready to fly!”, the children make movements with their hands and start the engine. “Fly!” says the teacher. Children raise their arms to the sides and fly scattered in different directions around the playground.

At the teacher’s signal: “For landing!” - planes find their seats and land: they line up in columns and go down on one knee

The teacher notes which column was built faster.

^ Game rules:

Outdoor game "Cosmonauts"

Preparing for the game:

The contours of rockets (two-seater, four-seater) are drawn along the edges of the site. Total There should be fewer seats in the rockets than the number of children playing.

^ Game description:

In the middle of the platform, the astronauts, holding hands, walk in a circle, saying:

“Fast rockets are waiting for us

For walks on the planets.

Whichever one we want

Let's fly to this one!

But there is one secret in the game:

There is no room for latecomers!”

After the word “no,” everyone scatters and tries to take a place in one of the rockets. Those who did not have enough space in the rockets remain at the cosmodrome, and those who are sitting in the rockets take turns telling where they are flying and what they see.

After that, everyone stands in a circle again and the game repeats.

^ Game rules:

1) Late players stand in the center of the circle.

2) The game is repeated several times.


1) The players move different ways: jumping, side steps, raising knees high, etc.
^ Outdoor game "Cosmonauts"

Preparing for the game:

Before playing the game, you can talk to your children about space and remember the names of the planets. To play the game, we draw the contours of the rockets in different corners of the site and mark 4-5 seats for passengers in each, but in such a way that there are not enough seats for several participants in the game. Put up signs with the names of the following routes:

“Earth - Moon - Earth”, “Earth - Mars - Earth”, “Earth - Neptune - Earth”, “Earth - Venus - Earth”, “Earth - Saturn - Earth”.

^ Game description:

Children hold hands and walk in a circle, saying:

The rockets will carry us away

On the space route.

Let's fly to the stars together,

Whatever we want.

But remember, friends,

That you can't be late!

The poem can be learned in advance. As soon as the last word is said, the presenter gives a signal, and all the guys run away, trying to take empty seats in the rockets (you cannot push those who are already standing). Latecomers gather in the center of the circle, and the rocket crews take turns calling out their routes in chorus. After that, everyone returns to the general circle, and the game repeats.

^ Game rules:

1) You cannot push those who are already standing.

2) Latecomers gather in the center of the circle.
Outdoor game: “Sun and Planets”

Preparing for the game: The teacher gives the children hats with images of the sun and planets; the orbits of the planets are drawn on the floor.

^ Game description:

Divides the pupils in half: one subgroup depicts “astronomer-observers”, the other depicts the Sun and planets. The teacher marks a circle on the floor in the center of the hall for the child - the Sun (with the help of a stretched rope, concentric circles are drawn according to the number of planets in advance). Places children in orbits, hats indicate their roles, explains how they should revolve around the Sun. The child representing the Sun rotates in place around himself, all other children - planets move in their orbits. A child, the Moon, rotates around the Earth at the same time as all the planets. At the teacher’s signal, the general movement of the “family of the Sun” begins, “children - astronomers” watch it, examine it through toy binoculars. The teacher helps if necessary. Explains the complex movement of stars and planets in space. After 2-3 minutes of rotation, children change roles.

^ Game rules:

  1. Act on the teacher's signal.

  2. Pay attention to the ease of running.

Story-role-playing game “Space Adventure”
Target: teach them to apply their knowledge and skills in practice, create a friendly atmosphere between children, develop their responsibility and interest, expand their vocabulary - “space”, “planet”, “Mars”, “outer space”, “weightlessness”, “cosmodrome” .

Equipment: spaceship, medical instruments for a doctor, posters of views of our planet from space.

Progress of the game: The guys are told that a spaceship will take off in a few minutes. Those who wish can become space tourists. But in order to fly into space, you need to think about what qualities you need to have? (Be smart, brave, strong, kind, cheerful.) And you also need to be healthy. Anyone who decides to go into space must undergo a medical examination. The doctor examines tourists and issues a permit. Children choose a Pilot, a Doctor on a ship, a Navigator. Everyone is ready to fly. The dispatcher announces the start. Passengers fasten their seat belts. From a height, children look (pictures) at the view of the planet Earth, talk about why it is called the blue planet (most of it is covered with water). Children tell what oceans, seas, and mountains they know. The spaceship makes a stop on the planet Mars. Tourists go out, examine the planet, and draw conclusions about the existence of life on this planet. The ship flies on. Next stop is Jupiter. Tourists are once again exploring the planet, sharing their knowledge and impressions. The ship returns to Earth.

^ Story-role-playing game “Flight into space”
Target: teach children to independently develop the plot of the game; cultivate a responsible attitude towards learning; promote military-patriotic training of preschool children

^ Game material . Construction material, emblems, toys, attributes for the game.

Preparing for the game:

  • reading fiction (A. Andreev “Star”) and essays about astronauts.

  • watching a film about astronauts.

  • drawing on the theme "Space".

  • learning songs about astronauts.

  • production of attributes.
Game roles: Commander of the cosmonaut squad (teacher), flight engineer, dispatcher, space crew commanders, cosmonaut number 1, cosmonaut number 2, cosmonaut number 3.

Progress of the game. To develop interest in the game, the teacher invites the children to look at the set of postcards “Cosmonauts” and illustrations in A. Andreev’s book “Star”, talks with them about space professions, about the qualities that an astronaut should have. The teacher discusses with the children the characteristics of people - astronauts. For example, the commander of a ship, calm and confident, reports to Earth about the results of observations in space; the flight engineer carefully monitors the readings of the flight control and docking console instruments; The dispatcher receives information from space and transmits it to the ship.

After this, the teacher, together with the children, outlines a rough plan for the game “Flight into Space,” which may include the following points: training astronauts, passing an exam for readiness to fly, examining a doctor, boarding a rocket, launching a spacecraft, working in space, communicating with on board the ship, flight control from the Earth, landing, meeting on Earth, medical examination, rest of the astronauts after the flight, submission of a report on the passage and completion of the space flight.

Next, the teacher can invite the children to build a rocket from building material. When constructing a rocket building, he identifies its parts (nose, hatches, compartments, windows, control panel) and plays with all parts of the building with the help of toys and substitute objects.

Then the teacher invites the children to come up with an emblem for the cosmonaut corps. The teacher can organize a competition between children for the best emblem. After all the preparations for the game, he can divide the children into groups - crews with different names: “Brave”, “Brave”, “Cheerful”, etc.

Then the entire group of astronauts lines up on the site. After this, the teacher announces the first stage of the game - preparation for space flights. The teacher reads out the order on the formation of crews of the Raketa spacecraft and introduces the children to the laws of astronauts:

1. Only strong guys can fly into space.

2. Only smart guys can become astronauts.

3. Only the hardworking can fly.

4. Only the cheerful and friendly can fly into space.

After the command “at attention,” the crew commanders submit reports to the squad leader (educator): “Comrade commander of the squad of young cosmonauts! The “Brave” crew is built and ready for testing. Crew commander Alexander." Then the squad leader greets the astronauts and invites them to sing a song that the children learn in advance.

Then the first stage of testing begins - the test of strength. At this stage they check physical training crews. The astronauts run, exercise on a beam, jump, perform gymnastic exercises, compete in throwing at a target.

The commander announces the second stage of testing. A competition is held to solve problems in mathematics, test knowledge on speech development, etc. This competition includes entertaining questions such as a quiz as part of the program kindergarten. Here you can conduct a space quiz, which will include the following questions: “Who was the first to fly into space? At what year? (Yu. A. Gagarin, April 12, 1961.) Who took the first walk in space? (A. A. Leonov.) Name the first woman to be in space.” (V.V. Nikolaeva-Tereshkova.), etc.

The final stage of the competition - the crews participate in a space concert, performing space scenes rehearsed in advance by the crews (landing on Venus, landing on the Moon).

The squad leader and the jury (other teachers, nanny) sum up the results of the competition, present medals prepared in advance - “ Best astronaut", "Cosmonaut number 1", "Cosmonaut number 2", "Cosmonaut number 3".

Then the game continues. The astronauts go to the doctor for examination, then the rocket is launched. Several people are flying to the Moon, the rest are waiting for their return on Earth. The teacher gives the children independence in the game, trying not to interfere with its progress. It only introduces new content to the game, such as the flight of several crews and their joint work in orbit; In space, astronauts enter open space and spaceships dock.

In independent play, the teacher encourages the children to model human relationships (labor and personal) aimed at completing a responsible task. For example, the teacher tells the children that some people create ships and rockets, others test them and prepare them for flight, and still others ensure the flight and landing.

After each game, the teacher involves the children in analyzing game situations.

^ Didactic games for children 5-6 years old

(senior group)
Game "Earth - the planet we live on"

Target: change nouns by number; find related words; select adjectives for nouns, coordinate pronouns with nouns, form adjectives from nouns.

Equipment: story picture.

Progress of the game: Show your child the picture. Say: “This is what the Earth looks like when viewed from space. You see, it is shaped like a ball. The darkest places are water, the lightest are land, the lightest are clouds. There is both land and water on Earth. The Earth is surrounded by an atmosphere - a shell of air. It has several layers. Clouds, rain and snow form there. Invite your child to change the words according to the example: clouds - cloud, thunderstorms - (thunderstorm), showers - ... (downpour), snowfalls -... (snowfall).

Ask the child to name related words sun - ... (sun, sunny, sunflower, sunshine); cloud - ... (cloud, cloudy, transcendental).

Invite your child to remember what or who the clouds he saw in the sky looked like. Ask him to name what the sky could be like... (blue, cloudless, stormy); cloud... (huge, small, fluffy); rain... (long, autumn).

Invite your child to answer the question “whose?” (whose?, whose?, whose?), correctly agreeing the pronoun with the noun: the sky is mine; the clouds are mine; the rain is mine

Anastasia Smorodina
Card index of outdoor games on the theme “Space”

1. “Fast rockets are waiting for us”

Rocket hoops are laid out around the hall. There are several fewer of them than there are players. Children hold hands and walk in a circle saying:

Fast rockets are waiting for us

For flight to planets.

Whatever we want

Let's fly to this one!

But there is one secret in the game:

There is no room for latecomers!

After the last words, the children scatter and take places in the “rockets” (if there are many children, then two or three people can sit in one rocket) and take different space poses. Those who did not get a place in the rocket choose the most interesting and beautiful poses of the astronauts. Then everyone stands around again and the game starts all over again.

2. "Cosmonauts"

The game is played under the accompaniment of a musical director.

Goal: development of imitation of the movements and speech of an adult - repetition of the sound “U”.

We launch the rocket “U-U-U!”: Hands above your head in the shape of a cone,

Started the engines "R - r - r": moving in a circle one after another

They buzzed: “Oooh!”: Hands spread out to the sides.

We flew to the gas station: we sat down with our hands forward, when we refueled we dropped our hands.

The game is repeated several times at the request of the children.

3. "Rocket launch site"

Children lay out the hoops in a circle, run freely around the hoops and say the words:

Fast rockets are waiting for us

For flights on planets.

Whatever we want

Let's fly to this one!

But there is one secret in the game -

There is no room for latecomers!

The teacher removes several hoops. The game is repeated until only one hoop remains.

4. "Weightlessness"

Children sit freely in the hall, make a “swallow” and stand as long as possible. Children who stand on the other leg sit down. The child who stands on one leg the longest wins.

5. “Sun and Rain”

Goal: to teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on a signal.

Children sit on benches. The teacher says: “Sunny”, the children walk and run all over the playground. After the words “Rain. Hurry home! children to their places.

6. “The sun is a champion”

The selected child leader recites a “cosmic” rhyme, during which the children become one of the planets:

There lived an astrologer on the moon.

He kept records of the planets:

One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Eighth - Neptune. Children put on hats with the image of the planet they were given according to the counting rhyme, begin to move to the music, and, following a sound signal, line up in the required sequence relative to the sun, which is depicted by one of the preschoolers.

- develop muscle-motor skills, correct posture;
- develop basic physical qualities: strength, agility, speed, endurance, coordination and flexibility;
- cultivate kindness and mutual assistance in the team.
4 scarves, 2 sticks, pine cones according to the number of children and a rubber ball.
Progress of entertainment:
Children enter the hall to the music and carefully examine the situation. The presenter says that today the hall is decorated with national attributes that correspond to any people living on Earth. And he invites all girls and boys to take part in a holiday dedicated to outdoor games.
Suddenly, the loud, arguing voices of Petrushka and Batyrsha are heard from behind the door.
Parsley. You're thinking wrong, I'll drive.
Batyrsha. No, you’re saying the wrong words, you don’t know the counting rhymes at all.
Parsley. Now let me do the math and find out who will drive.
Leading. Hello friends, what are you arguing about?
Parsley. We wanted to play a game and we just can’t agree on who will drive.
Leading. And it’s very simple, you just need to know the counting rhymes. Let me help you: The peas were rolling on the dish,
You drive, but I won’t.
Batyrsha. Wow. Great! Do you also know any little rhymes?
Leading. Of course, our children are always calculated only according to folk counting. You ask them, they will help you. (the guys help the guests pay)

1. I’ll buy myself a pipe and walk down the street
Louder, pipe, doody: we are playing, you drive.
2. On the golden porch sat: the tsar, the prince, the king
The prince, the shoemaker, the tailor, who are you...
Or a little counting game in which all the players participate. They say in chorus:
Whoever laughs will twitch his lip.
One two three four five,
From now on, be silent!
The most silent one becomes the driver.
Leading. Our children very often use counting rhymes in games and know many folk outdoor games. Do you know?
Parsley and Batyrsha: Yes, “Bear”, “Geese”, “Chicken”, “Blindfolds”, “Barrel”...
And they continue to call games incorrectly.
Leading. Stops guests and corrects them by calling the correct names of games:
“By the bear in the forest”, “Geese-swans”, “Crested hen”, “blind man’s buff”, “small towns”.
Leading. Our guys know not only Russian folk games, but also games of other nations.

1. Bashkir folk game “Yurta”. Develops attention and dexterity.
At least two subgroups of children participate in the game, each of them forms a circle in the corners of the site. In the center of each circle there is a chair on which a scarf with a national pattern is hung. Holding hands, everyone walks in four circles to the music and says the words:
We are funny guys
Let's all gather in a circle,
Let's play and dance
And let's rush to the meadow.
To a melody without words, children stand in one big circle and dance. At the end of the music, they quickly run to their chairs, take a scarf and pull it over their heads in the form of a tent, it turns out to be a yurt.

2. Tatar folk game “Selling pots.”
Two teams. Children - pots, kneeling, form a circle. Behind each pot there is a guard - the owner of the pot, his hands behind his back. The driver stands behind the circle.
- Hey buddy, sell the pot!
- Buy it!
- How many rubles should I give you?
- Give me one (two, three).
The driver touches the pot owner's hand one (two or three) times and they begin to run in a circle towards each other. Whoever runs faster to an empty space in the circle takes that place, and the one who lags behind becomes the driver.

3. Tatar folk game “Guess and Catch Up”. Develops attention and speed.
The players sit one behind the other on a bench. The first person seated is blindfolded. The presenter silently brings one of the players to him. He puts his hand on his shoulder and says, “Guess.” Calls the player's name correctly and runs after the player around the bench. Those who did not have time to sit down first in an empty seat become the driver.

4. Chuvash folk game “Moon and Sun”.
Two teams moon and sun. The captains take turns choosing the remaining participants for their team. Players stand behind their captain, hugging him around the waist. Teams pull each other across the line between them.

5. Udmurt folk game “Collect cones.” Develops speed and reaction.
Children choose a “watchman” before the game. The rest of the players are “thieves”. Before the game starts, all players shout “our village is good.” The watchman's task is to prevent the cones from being stolen. The player he touches becomes the “guard”.

6. Mari folk game “Bilyasha”. Develops strength and camaraderie.
Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 3-4 m. from each other. The players, divided into two teams, stand behind these lines facing each other. One of the comrades running by his own free will and consent shouting “Bilyasha!” runs to the other team, each member of which extends his hand forward. The person running up takes someone by the hand and tries to pull him across the platform behind his line. If he succeeds, he places the prisoner behind him. If he himself finds himself outside the line of the enemy team. Then he becomes her prisoner. Then a player from the other team is sent out.

7. Mordovian folk game. "Circular". Develops dexterity.
The players are divided into two teams and agree who will be in the circle and who will be outside the circle. Those who remain outside the circle try to hit the children in the circle with the ball. If someone in the circle manages to catch the ball, he tries to hit any child outside the circle with it. When the ball has hit all the children, the players change places.

8. Tatar folk game “Tangled Horses”. Develops dexterity and coordination.
The players are divided into two teams at the starting line. Turning flags are installed from the start line. At the signal, the first players begin jumping on sticks. They run around the flags and run back

9. Russian folk game “Burners”.
Column in pairs. "Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out
Look at the sky-
Birds are flying
The bells are ringing!
One, two, three - run!
The presenter catches up with the last pair.

10. Russian folk game “Malechen-malechena”.
Children place a stick (20-30 cm) on their palm and say the words.
- Malechena – crippled
How many hours are left until evening, before winter?
Immediately after these words there is a count. The one who can hold the wand the longest wins.
Parsley. Guys, what a wonderful holiday. Thank you for the counting rhymes and games that you taught us. And we will definitely play them in our yard.

Batyrsha. And for this we want to treat you with sweets.

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Physical development

Logorhythmic exercises without musical accompaniment “Caring Sun”

The sun sends from the sky (Children rhythmically cross their arms above their heads. gently swing their arms at the top.)
Ray, ray, ray.
And he boldly accelerates them
Clouds, clouds, clouds.
Gently warms in summer
Cheeks, cheeks, cheeks. (
They rub their cheeks rhythmically.)
And in the spring he puts it on his nose
Dots, dots, dots. (
Rhythmically tap your finger on your nose.)
Children's freckles turn golden.
They really like it! (
They tap their hands rhythmically on their shoulders.)

Finger gymnastics"Astronaut"

The stars are shining in the starry sky

(show the stars, fingers intertwined)

An astronaut flies in a rocket

(depict the flight of a rocket: join hands at the top)

Day flies, night flies(bend fingers)

And looks down at the ground(depicting a porthole)

Physical exercise "Flight"

And now we are with you, children,(march)

We're flying away on a rocket.(stretch with your arms above your head)

Get up on your toes,(rise on your toes, clasp your hands above your head)

Now hands down. (put your hands down)

One, two, three, stretch ( stretch)

Here's a rocket flying up.(spin in place)

Psycho-gymnastics “Sun and Cloud”


The sun has gone behind the cloud,(shrink, hugging yourself by the shoulders)

It became chilly and dark ( exhalation)

The sun came out from behind a cloud,(straighten your shoulders)

Now we'll warm our hands. (hold your breath, exhale, relax)

Study on the expressiveness of gestures “I don’t know!”

They ask Dunno about something, but he just shrugs his shoulders and throws up his hands: “I don’t know,” “I have no idea,” “I didn’t see anything.” Expressive movements: eyebrows are raised, the corners of the mouth are lowered, the shoulders are raised for a moment, the arms are slightly apart, the palms are open.

Finger gymnastics “Space Squad”

One two three four five -

Bend the fingers on both hands one at a time.

A squad flew into space.

Place your palms together and raise your arms up.

The commander looks through binoculars,

The fingers of both hands are connected to the thumbs, forming “binoculars”.

What does he see ahead?

The sun, planets, satellites, comets,

Bend the fingers of both hands

Big yellow moon.

Psychomuscular training “Sun and Cloud”

(for tension and relaxation of the trunk muscles).

The sun set behind the cloud, it became fresh to curl up into a ball to warm up. The sun came out from behind a cloud, it became hot to relax, because I was exhausted in the sun. Repeat 2-3 times.


Physical development

"Astronomical counting rhyme"

There lived an astrologer on the moon.

He kept records of the planets:

One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars,

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Eighth - Neptune.

Outdoor game “Cosmonauts” (senior age)

Rocket hoops are laid out on the floor (there are 1 fewer hoops than children in pairs). No more than 2 people can stand in the hoop. Children holding hands walk in a circle and say the words:

Fast rockets are waiting for us

For walks on the planets.

Whichever one we want -

Let's fly to this one!

But there is one secret in the game -

There is no room for latecomers!

After the last words, everyone scatters and tries to quickly occupy the hoop rocket, two at a time. In a pair, turn your back to each other, pressing your backs and heads tightly together, take a beautiful pose with correct posture.

Outdoor game"Star Traps"

The children are on the playground. The trap, assigned by the teacher or chosen by the players, stands in the middle of the court, holding a three-dimensional star in his hands. At the signal: “One, two, three—catch!” - all the children scatter around the playground, dodging the trap, which is trying to catch up with one of the players and touch him with a star (stain). The one touched by the trap with an asterisk moves aside. When 3-4 children are spotted, a new trap is selected.

Outdoor game“Keep your feet off the ground!”

The game is played in the same way, but with the condition: you cannot catch those children who managed to stand on some elevated object in time - a chair, a board and other objects.

Outdoor game"Cosmonauts"

The game is played with musical accompaniment.

Goal: development of imitation of the movements and speech of an adult - repetition of the sound “U”.

We launch the rocket “U-U-U!”: arms above your head in the shape of a cone

Started the engines “R - r - r”: moving in a circle one after another

They buzzed: “Oooh!”: Hands spread out to the sides.

We flew to the gas station: we crouched down with our hands forward, when we refueled we dropped our hands.

The game is repeated several times at the request of the children.

Outdoor game “Space Rescuers or Collect Space Debris” (middle age)

Children are divided into 2 teams with an equal number of people behind the line on one side of the court. Children have empty buckets of different colors in their hands, and on the floor there are small balls (cubes) of the same color as the buckets.

At the teacher’s signal, children collect balls (cubes) into their bucket in accordance with its color.


Move only in giant steps;

Move only by jumping on 2 legs.

Game exercise * "Weightlessness" (equilibrium)

Children sit freely in the hall, make a “swallow” and stand as long as possible. Children who stand on the other leg sit down. The child who stands on one leg the longest wins.

Educational games on the theme “Sun”

Game-experiment “Sunny Bunnies” (middle and older ages)

Target: learn to classify objects according to their ability to reflect light rays, make conclusions, and consolidate the concept of “reflective.”

Educator: Guys, look out the window - how bright the sun is today. What does the sun give us?
Children: Warmth, light.
Educator: And it also gives us its little friends - listen to the riddle:
A bunny jumps along the path
It's on the wall, on the window
This bunny is not simple
He's fluffy and golden
The sun is the bunny's best friend
Take a quick look around
What kind of miracle is this bunny?
Try it and guess.
S. Alexandrova
Children: Sunny Bunny
Educator: Look, we have a lot of different items on the table.
Come, take them in your hands and turn to the sun. Have you noticed that not everyone has sunbeams? This means that not all objects reflect sunlight.
Let's divide them into two groups. We will place reflective objects on the table where the sun is drawn. Guys, are you familiar with this word “reflective”? Does this mean which one?
Children: The one that reflects the sun's rays.
Educator: Let's repeat: reflective. What items do we classify as reflective?
Children name objects
Educator: And on the second table, where the shadow is drawn, we will put objects that do not reflect light. What are these items?
So we completed the task. Now you can play with the sunbeams.

Experimental game “The sprout reaches for the sun”

Goal: to develop observation skills, to give an idea of ​​the vital need for sunlight for plants.
The sun is shining brightly,
There's warmth in the air,
And wherever you look,
Everything around is light.
I. Surikov.
We draw the children's attention to the vegetable garden on the window.
Educator: Guys, look, our sprouts have already grown and become stronger. Notice how they grow.
Children: Leaned towards the window.
Educator: Why don’t they want to grow straight?
Children: Reaching for the sun.
Educator: It’s interesting what will happen if we turn our sprouts away from the sun.
We turn the pot with plants 180 0 and from time to time we observe how the plants turn towards the sun.
Educator: We made sure that the plants reach for the sun. Do you know why?
The fact is that plants cannot live without sun and water at all.

Outdoor game “The sun gives rays” (younger and middle age)

Goal: to promote physical development, development of dexterity, spatial orientation, friendly attitude to each other.
A sun with rays made in advance from fabric or cardboard (size d = 1.5 m with rays) is placed on the floor.
The teacher gathers the children with the cry:
- Look for every ray of the sun,
And hurry up to warm up.

Children stand around the sun and lead a round dance:
The sun gives us light and warmth,
Rays of sunshine are so easy to find
Let's stand next to the sun,
It will warm us with warmth.
The players stand on the beams.

Didactic game “Collect the sun” (middle and older ages)

Goal: to consolidate the designations of numbers, forward and backward counting within 10.
To play the game you will need a yellow circle - this is the sun. And rays with numbers 1-10. As a fastening material, you can use adhesive tape (or Velcro), which is used for shoes.

Finger game “Every ray of sunshine”

Goal: development fine motor skills, speech development.
The sun lets its rays into the sky,
Greets everyone with a word of greeting:
This ray is mischievous,
This ray is golden
This ray is kind,
This ray is thin,
This one is smiling
It's called the little finger.
We bend our fingers one by one, starting with the thumb.

Game with clothespins “Radiant Sun” (younger age)

Goal: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of color
Educator: Guys, tell me, what is the sun like?
Children: Yellow, round, warm.
Educator: Correct! You and I have different shapes on the table (on the table there are geometric shapes of different colors - squares, triangles, circles). To make a sun, what shape do we need?
Children: Yellow circle!
Educator: That's right! Take each of you a yellow circle. But is our sunshine missing something?!
Children: Luchikov.
Educator: Let's make rays from clothespins. If our sun is yellow, then the rays are also yellow (only yellow clothespins are chosen).