Using antidepressants for weight loss. List of antidepressants for weight loss Antidepressants for weight loss list of the best

Antidepressants for weight loss are an opportunity to quickly and easily lose excess weight. Most nervous disorders in women are in some way related to their appearance. Excess weight, a large number of body fat, insufficiently toned shape - this can lead to depression.

Antidepressants are psychotropic medications that are used to treat depression in women and men. They reduce lethargy, apathy, eliminate anxiety, increase psychological activity and normalize the patient’s mood. At the same time, antidepressants cannot be used for a one-time mood lifting and calming effect. These drugs have no effect on a person who is not depressed.

Scientists have identified an anatomical and chemical scheme for the appearance of depression. A person is “not in the mood” due to a lack of dopamine and serotonin. Antidepressants are very strong drugs that have many contraindications. Each type of medicine has its own range side effects. The prescription of antidepressants occurs only in extreme cases, when a person suffers from alcohol, nicotine or other addiction, when various psychosomatic diseases are detected, during depression caused by pregnancy and childbirth, the loss of a loved one, during severe and chronic diseases (AIDS, cancer, diabetes mellitus) etc.).

Antidepressants may have the following contraindications:

  • epilepsy, frequent seizures with convulsions;
  • pregnancy;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Young mothers should not take antidepressants while breastfeeding;
  • children under 12 years of age should not take antidepressants;
  • in some cases: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Side effects that may occur when taking antidepressants for a long time or incorrectly:

  • disruption of the intestines and stomach: vomiting, diarrhea or, conversely, stool retention, constipation;
  • loss of appetite, feeling of dry mouth, disruption of the salivary glands;
  • disruption nervous system: insomnia or, conversely, the desire to sleep for a long time (often combined with lethargy and constant fatigue syndrome), nervousness, frequent headaches and dizziness.

Using antidepressants for weight loss

One of the common side effects of antidepressants is a decrease in appetite, which causes weight loss. This is most often observed when taking medications for nicotine addiction. The use of antidepressants as a means of weight loss can be very dangerous, because all medications of this type contain a number of psychotropic substances and are very toxic.

Under no circumstances should you take antidepressants just for weight loss, without other medical indications.

The main task of a medication for a nervous disorder is to normalize the exchange of hormones and increase the production of the “hormone of joy” - serotonin. As a special means, an antidepressant for weight loss can be prescribed by a psychiatrist only if a person has depression associated with excess body weight. The drugs reduce appetite, and the person stops “eating” his food. Bad mood . Psychologists have been arguing for several decades that problems with overweight

begin when a person with psychological problems begins to use food as a source of joy and pleasure. But in some cases, with severe nervous disorders, the patient is prescribed certain types of drugs with a high content of psychotropic substances. They may not only not control their appetite, but also “let it off the leash.” A person simply does not feel full enough and forgets that he has already taken food.

Taking any antidepressants is a big stress for human health. This must be remembered by people who choose it as a means of losing weight. It is not the sedative components that are responsible for weight loss, but complex chemicals that can cause hallucinations, anxiety, and if a large dose of the drug is taken, the development of suicidal syndrome may occur. The slightest ingestion of alcohol into the body of a person taking antidepressants leads to acute liver poisoning; with constant alcohol consumption, it leads to cirrhosis and destruction of the organ.

Antidepressants that can be used for weight loss

The most popular drug of this type is fluoxetine. It is prescribed for bulimia, a psychological disease in which the slightest nervous strain provokes a person to consume huge amounts of food. Most people with this disease suffer from obesity and related diseases. Since bulimia is primarily a psychological disorder, appetite control, diet, healthy eating and playing sports does not bring sufficient results due to constant breakdowns.

Many people with bulimia cause vomiting after uncontrolled eating. This is also a mental disorder and can lead to anorexia. It is for this disease that fluoxetine is used.

Actions of fluoxetine:

  • relieves insomnia and apathy;
  • stabilizes mood and reduces the number of nervous breakdowns;
  • controls the feeling of hunger, dulls appetite.

Pros of fluoxetine:

  • restores correct work nerve impulses;
  • does not affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, does not disrupt the intestinal microflora;
  • does not carry out weight loss by interfering with the body’s metabolic processes, does not correct metabolism, weight loss solely due to dulling of appetite;
  • low cost and the ability to buy the drug at almost any pharmacy;
  • improves mood, increases performance, a person feels active, and a “thirst for action” appears in him.

The drug can also be used in the treatment of insomnia, fear, headaches, schizophrenia and other disorders of the nervous system.

However, fluoxetine has a number of contraindications, including pregnancy and lactation, diseases of the urinary system, chronic and acute diseases of the kidneys and liver. In addition, the drug must be replaced with another if the patient develops a manic state and severe suicidal syndrome. Fluoxetine should be used with caution in people with metabolic diseases, severe exhaustion of the body and progressive anorexia, adolescents and the elderly.

There are also a number of other antidepressants that can have some effect on a person's weight.

Citalopram, Paroxetine and Escitalopram may also help reduce weight.

But the pounds may return if you stop taking the medications. One of their few side effects is the emergence of a desire to eat more sweets, especially the craving increases after the end of taking the drug.

Duloxetine and Venlafaxine also control appetite by influencing the production of serotonin. But their main feature– increasing the patient’s physical activity. These drugs are excellent stimulants for sports.

Antidepressants are among the most controversial drugs of our time. The function of drugs is one - reducing the symptoms of depression, but achieving this goal occurs in different ways. Therefore, some drugs have both weight gain and sudden weight loss as a side effect.

Although excess weight is closely linked to depression and can worsen symptoms and become a major cause, anti-depression medications are never prescribed for weight loss.

Antidepressants for weight loss: list of commonly used drugs

SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) are most often prescribed to combat depression, and include: Citalopram. "Fluvoxamine." "Escitalopram." "Paroxetine." "Fluoxetine".

The tablets have few side effects, but have an ambiguous effect on weight. While the brain's receptors adapt to the drug, appetite may decrease, but after addiction, cravings for sweet foods may increase.

"Trazodone." like SSRIs, it works with serotonin receptors, but does not affect body weight and causes drowsiness, which can have a negative impact on a person’s mobility and activity.

Venlafaxine and Duloxetine are serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors that have a stimulating effect, increase activity levels, help expend energy and can slightly reduce appetite.

Bupropion affects norepinephrine and dopamine, two hormones that control appetite. Therefore, it is an ideal option for combating excess weight.

Tricyclic antidepressants were among the first to appear and have shown effectiveness against depression, but have many side effects. These pills have no effect on excess body weight and are prescribed if other types of medications do not relieve depressive symptoms.


Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (such as Nardil and Parnate) are old pills that are effective against depression and lead to weight gain. One of the new drugs from the group of MAO inhibitors in low doses (up to 6 g per day) can stimulate weight loss.

Atypical antipsychotic drugs such as Aripiprazole. Quetiapine and Risperidone cause significant weight gain.

Psychostimulants, which are used together with antidepressants, promote weight loss by speeding up metabolism, increasing activity and reducing appetite. Adderall tablets. “Dexedrine”, “Ritalin” and “Modafinil” with the active ingredient methylphenidate are used to “accelerate” the action of antidepressants when they are of low effectiveness.

Use of lifestyle medications

Some weight loss programs in the US use an antidepressant (Bupropion) to suppress appetite in obese people and also to increase energy for regular exercise.

People who are very overweight take medications under the supervision of specialists when they need to externally stimulate their metabolism to give the body an impetus for changes.

Antidepressants that cause weight loss do not inhibit serotonin reuptake but primarily affect norepinephrine.

There are antidepressants that do not affect weight, but this only means that some people gain weight while taking them, while others, on the contrary, lose or remain the same kilograms. These include serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the new generation drug “Viibrid”, the side effect of which is diarrhea, therefore “losing weight” due to it will only be an imitation of the fight against fat.

You should not choose antidepressants from the specified list if weight loss is the goal: Duloxetine. "Venlafaxine" Desvenlafaxine. "Vilazodone".

What drugs cause weight gain?

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) increase carbohydrate cravings in most people and include: Citalopram. "Escitalopram." "Paroxetine." "Sertraline". "Fruoxetine". These antidepressants are absolutely not suitable for weight loss.

SSRIs such as Fluoxetine. significantly increase appetite while slowing down metabolism. Therefore, no matter what foods a person consumes, he will gain several kilograms.

Should I take antidepressants in diet pills?

Antidepressants have only been studied and approved by doctors for the treatment of depression, not for weight loss. Therefore, they can cause a lot of harm to healthy people who are simply too lazy to control their diet and exercise regularly.

For example, methylphenidate is associated with insomnia, aggression and cardiac complications, and topiramate increases fatigue and shortness of breath. Bupropion may increase suicidal tendencies in children and adolescents, and in adults, seizures and sleep disturbances.

Fluoxetine may cause slight weight loss in some people. In 2007, scientists published the results of the study in the article “Prozac (Fluoxetine) and Weight Loss.”

The article stated that 2% of patients taking the drug experienced a slight decrease in body weight. So is Bupropion. When losing weight, Fluoxetine causes other side effects: loss of appetite, diarrhea and nausea.

Moreover, the medicine costs more than $60, and for that kind of money you can ruin your own health if you take it without a doctor’s prescription.

The drugs have a complex and powerful effect on the body, and weight loss is their side effect, which is joined by a large list of other manifestations and problems.

In 2002, scientists conducted a targeted study that found that an antidepressant (no brand name) helped obese people lose weight when combined with diet, fitness, and exercise.

If an overweight person suffers from depression, then SSRIs such as Fluoxetine. will improve his mood and add energy for fitness.

Sometimes people begin to eat healthier foods as prescribed by psychotherapists while taking Fluoxetine or other drugs, but this does not mean that an antidepressant will be involved in possible weight loss.

An athlete at his peak physical fitness, deciding to “dry out” and buy Fluoxetine. will gain a decent amount of fat as it becomes lazier and more tired. Any drugs that affect metabolism can change it in the opposite direction - slow it down, increase muscle mass and burning fat less efficiently.

An antidepressant is not an assistant in body correction; only a balanced diet and physical activity can change body composition, tighten muscles, and remove fat.


Fluoxetine for weight loss - pros and cons

Fluoxetine is an antidepressant. It refers to drugs that can simultaneously have a stimulating and antidepressant effect.

This drug does not cause a sedative effect, relieves irritability and tension, treats depression and its manifestations.

One of these manifestations is bulimia nervosa, which is why fluoxetine is being used increasingly for weight loss.

  • Is it possible to lose weight with fluoxetine?
  • Contraindications
  • Reviews

Is it possible to lose weight with fluoxetine?

Undoubtedly, you can lose weight using this drug. However, it must be borne in mind that fluoxetine is, first of all, a medicine, and a potent medicine at that. It should be used with caution, and only in cases where it is impossible to do without taking this remedy.

In order to understand in what cases the use of fluoxetine is permissible, it is necessary to understand what bulimia nervosa is.

This is a type of neurosis, accompanied by uncontrollable attacks of eating huge amounts of food.

As sad as it sounds, overeating with this disease is truly uncontrollable. Which, of course, leads to excess weight.

Overeating and lack of control, accompanied by a general weakness of the nervous system, can negatively affect the quality of life. Therefore, this disease must be treated, and for treatment, as a rule, the drug fluoxetine is prescribed.

How does fluoxetine work?

Bulimia is a disease of the nervous system, so fluoxetine is prescribed for its treatment. It acts as an anoretic, relieves constant hunger, suppresses appetite. This remedy also prevents attacks of uncontrolled eating.

In addition, it has the ability to improve mood and overall tone of the body. A person gains strength, a desire to do new things and communicate with people.

Therefore, in many cases, fluoxetine for weight loss has an effect on the body, it simply helps to switch attention from food.

Mechanism of action

The action of the drug is to suppress the neuronal reuptake of serotonin. As a result of the action of the components of the drug, serotonin begins to accumulate in synapses. And since serotonin is also known as the “hormone of happiness,” it gradually improves mood and relieves depression.

Who can?


In order to protect yourself from possible negative consequences associated with taking fluoxetine, you should carefully study the list of contraindications and recommendations, strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and follow the dosage.

The following manifestations are possible from the nervous system:

  • trembling in the limbs;
  • increased anxiety;
  • insomnia;
  • drowsiness;
  • headache;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • other mental disorders.

In some cases, the drug can be taken, but this must be done with extreme caution - this applies, for example, to patients suffering from diabetes. Fluoxetine for weight loss is strictly contraindicated for diseases such as:

  • prostate adenoma;
  • severe kidney disease, accompanied by impaired kidney function;
  • bladder atony;
  • intracranial and intraocular pressure;
  • seizures and epilepsy;
  • severe liver diseases.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also not take this drug. childhood, with hypersensitivity to any components of the drug and while taking several tranquilizers (such as, for example, MAO inhibitors).


  • Ekaterina, 38 years old, Moscow: I periodically suffered from depression for eight years. It all started unexpectedly - one day in the fall, I felt that I simply couldn’t find the strength to get up and go to work. I have noticed before that the usual things, the job I once loved, and communication with friends no longer bring joy. They irritated me more and more, I became more withdrawn, and, worst of all, I began to have bouts of gluttony. Not only did my appetite improve, but frequent, uncontrollable attacks of hunger began. At such moments, I ran to the refrigerator and ate almost everything that was there. Then I realized that I needed treatment, this condition could not be the norm. The doctor confirmed my suspicions and prescribed several medications, including fluoxetine. She said that it not only treats depression, but also helps to lose weight. I still don’t know how it works, but after a month there was no trace of my depression. I stopped overeating and started losing weight. Now everything is fine, the attacks have disappeared, and... I hope I have finally recovered.”
  • Valentina, 31 years old, Kazan: a year ago it happened in our family great sorrow. Due to nervousness, I developed bulimia, and I began to quickly gain weight. The depression was getting worse, I felt it, and I decided to see a doctor, he listened to me, gave me some advice, and prescribed fluoxetine. The drug helped me - within a few days my strength returned, I even started smiling and, what’s most interesting, I began to lose weight, and quite quickly. After three weeks, my weight returned to normal, my depression went away, and life became much easier.
  • Elena, 39 years old, Orel: I never thought that a disease like depression could affect me. I am a very sociable, active, cheerful person by nature. And I always believed that depression “does not take people like me.” But not everything turned out to be so rosy. At the beginning of spring, I suddenly felt that the usual spring mood was not coming. More and more I was drawn not to the street, to the sun, but to the sofa, to the TV. I began to notice that I didn’t want to see anyone - I just wanted to sit alone and watch TV, and even then, without any interest. I also started eating a lot. Of course, I understood that something was wrong with me, but I simply didn’t have the strength to fight depression. And then a friend came to the rescue, she is a doctor, and, seeing my condition, she literally forcibly sent me to the doctor. They prescribed me fluoxetine, and after two weeks my good mood returned. By the way, in these two weeks I lost 6 kilograms that I had gained during my illness.
  • Anna, 24 years old, Khabarovsk: I was diagnosed with bulimia nervosa. In three months I gained twelve kilograms, and I wanted to eat constantly - both day and night. I was prescribed fluoxetine, and it really helped. Relieves depression quickly and effectively, suppresses hunger. While taking the drug, I lost 10 kilograms, now I’m trying to get back into shape by working out in the gym.”

From the reviews it is clear that the drug was prescribed for medical purposes, but it had an additional effect in the form of weight loss.

Fluoxetine is an antidepressant from the group of selective blockers of the reentry of serotonin into the neuron. It is often used for weight loss for medical and non-medical purposes. Among the indications for prescribing fluoxetine is bulimia nervosa - a pathological addiction to food. The properties of this drug make it possible to treat this eating disorder, and at the same time, to lose weight for anyone who wants to get rid of extra pounds for aesthetic purposes. However, not everyone succeeds in achieving the desired results.

The mechanism of weight loss when taking fluoxetine

It really helps you lose weight - this has long been a proven fact. They tried to treat bulimia nervosa with this drug and the attempt was successful. It has been scientifically proven that fluoxetine reduces the desire for food; analogues of this drug with another active ingredient do not have this property. However, contrary to popular belief, the drug has no effect on weight itself. Fluoxetine does not burn fat or reduce body weight. If you maintain your previous eating habits, fluoxetine will not help you lose weight.

The secret of the drug is that it reduces appetite. For example, if a girl is on a diet, but constantly breaks down due to hunger. In this case, fluoxetine suppresses the feeling of hunger and promotes weight loss. It works similarly for bulimia nervosa.

The mechanism of development of this disease is that a person constantly wants to eat. He feels hungry even immediately after eating. Fluoxetine helps suppress hunger and return to normal food intake. And this applies to everyone who suffers from gluttony.

The mechanism of action of fluoxetine is based on increasing the concentration of serotonin in the cells of the central nervous system. Serotonin is the main neurotransmitter responsible for mood. The more of it in neurons and between them, the better a person’s mood and the more emotionally stable he is. This is one of the factors influencing weight loss. The fact is that very often people eat not when they really feel hungry, but out of boredom or because of a bad mood. Fluoxetine improves mood and thereby helps prevent emotional overeating.

In addition, fluoxetine acts on the nuclei of the hypothalamus, which are responsible for the feeling of hunger. The hypothalamus is part of the subcortical structures of the brain. It is responsible for many body functions. Including hunger and satiety. Here are nuclei - groups of cells - one of which controls the feeling of hunger, and the other controls the feeling of fullness. By changing the activity of these nuclei, fluoxetine suppresses hunger. Thus, a person does not feel the desire to eat, which helps in losing weight.

In addition, when taking fluoxetine, it is easier to burn off the accumulated calories. The fact is that this antidepressant has a tonic effect. It stimulates the central nervous system, which makes it easier to start any type of activity. It is easier for a person taking fluoxetine to start playing sports or simply increase their activity. When taking the drug, apathy and laziness, which prevent you from burning extra pounds, disappear.

Rules for losing weight on fluoxetine

It is impossible to lose weight on fluoxetine alone. To do this, you need to change your eating habits. Fluoxetine is needed to help do this. It's much easier to diet when you don't feel hungry at all. It is for this purpose that fluoxetine is taken.

It is recommended to choose a diet in advance before taking the drug. This can be a strict mono-diet or just a balanced diet. It should be remembered that you cannot sit on a mono-diet for a long time, no more than one week. It is quite difficult for the body to tolerate and may have the opposite effect from the desired one. A balanced diet will not lead to rapid weight loss, but it is safer for your health. When taking fluoxetine, you can safely eat small portions, since the feeling of hunger is significantly dulled.

After choosing a diet, you can try to follow it without the drug. Sufficient willpower allows you to lose weight without resorting to aids. The ideal option is to lose weight with proper nutrition And physical activity without drugs. However, not everyone succeeds in this. If you cannot stay on the chosen nutrition system, you can start taking the drug.

You should take fluoxetine Lannacher according to the following schedule. They start with minimal dosages, gradually moving towards therapeutic ones. In this case, the chosen power system is followed. Only a combination of taking the drug and reducing the portions eaten can lead to results.

Instructions for using fluoxetine for weight loss

Fluoxetine should be taken according to a specific schedule. Regardless of what brand the drug is.

Fluoxetine-Lannacher and Fluoxetine Canon have absolutely similar dosages. One tablet contains 20 mg of active substance. For weight loss, the recommended dosage is 60 mg of fluoxetine, that is, three tablets. However, it is not recommended to take all three tablets at once. Moreover, it is better to start with one tablet and gradually increase the dosage.

Fluoxetine has a number of side effects. In fact, weight loss is one of them, but not the only one. In order to avoid unwanted effects, you should start with one morning tablet. This dose is not enough for weight loss, so after a few days you should add another tablet - an evening one. After this, after a few days, you can add a third - daily - tablet. Taking more than three tablets is not recommended.

The course of therapy is not regulated. The main thing is to monitor your weight in order to know when to stop. It should be remembered that the drug has an anorexigenic effect and there is a possibility of turning excess weight into underweight, which is dangerous to health. It is recommended to calculate your BMI and determine your ideal weight for your height. When the desired result is achieved, you cannot abruptly stop taking the drug. It is better to gradually reduce the dosage according to the same scheme as at the beginning, but in reverse.

It should also be remembered that if, after achieving ideal weight, start eating in the same volumes, the extra pounds will return. Therefore, it is recommended to optimize your diet as much as possible and eat a balanced diet.

Precautions while taking fluoxetine

Before you start taking fluoxetine, you should pay attention to a number of contraindications. These include chronic diseases internal organs in the stage of decompensation, epilepsy, manic states and individual intolerance to the drug. Also, the product is not recommended for those who are already underweight. This medicine causes heartburn in some people. Then you need to take care of protecting your digestive system.

Side effects may occur while taking fluoxetine. Most often these are tremors, sleep disturbances and decreased libido. This side effect goes away on its own within a month. However, if more serious health problems arise while taking the drug, it is better to avoid fluoxetine.

It is worth remembering that too long treatment increases the chance of developing side effects. You should not take fluoxetine constantly. In addition, there is a high probability of not noticing the border between weight normalization and anorexia. Many people, once they start losing weight, cannot stop. Even at the beginning of treatment, it is necessary to determine the desired weight and not lower this level in the process of losing weight.

Another important feature is the stimulating effect of the drug. It's best to always take it in the morning. For those for whom the morning dose is not enough to suppress appetite in the evening, it is recommended to take fluoxetine during the day. It is better to avoid taking it at night, otherwise you will have problems falling asleep. At the same time, the next day there will definitely be drowsiness and a feeling of exhaustion.

Before using any drug, including fluoxetine, it is better to consult your doctor.

Antidepressants for weight loss can be taken only if there are no contraindications in the patient's medical history. It is prohibited to use them for the following pathologies:

  • glaucoma;
  • epilepsy;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • liver and kidney pathologies;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug.

Antidepressants may have the following contraindications:

  • epilepsy, frequent seizures with convulsions;
  • pregnancy;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Young mothers should not take antidepressants while breastfeeding;
  • children under 12 years of age should not take antidepressants;
  • in some cases: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Side effects that may occur when taking antidepressants for a long time or incorrectly:

  • disruption of the intestines and stomach: vomiting, diarrhea or, conversely, stool retention, constipation;
  • loss of appetite, feeling of dry mouth, disruption of the salivary glands;
  • disruption of the nervous system: insomnia or, conversely, the desire to sleep for a long time (often combined with lethargy and constant fatigue syndrome), nervousness, frequent headaches and dizziness.

The human psyche is a subtle, delicate and little-studied matter. Don't risk yours mental health by prescribing antidepressants yourself. The drug fluoxetine is cheap and affordable even for poor people. However, the harm that it can cause if used uncontrolled can be very significant. Here is an incomplete list of contraindications for the use of fluoxetine:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • glaucoma;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • pathologies of the kidneys and bladder;
  • severe mental disorders, suicidal tendencies.

Only a doctor who has information about the characteristics of your body can decide whether Flu tablets are suitable for you. The contraindications for Fluoxetine listed by the manufacturer in the description are not complete, because It can affect each person differently. The main prohibitions for treatment (and weight loss) with this drug are:

  • age up to 15 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • glaucoma;
  • epilepsy;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney problems;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • taking psychotropic medications;
  • manic and suicidal tendencies.

Herbs to reduce appetite

Our body never asks for anything for nothing, so the reasons for increased appetite are mainly internal. Its factors are as follows:

  • impaired functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • stress, severe psychological shock;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • exhaustion caused by nervous overload;
  • dehydration;
  • lack of sleep;
  • depression;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • physical exercise;
  • to give up smoking.

1. Adrenoline-like.2. Serotonin-like.

Appetite suppressants are common in sports nutrition. Let's look at the most popular of them.

  • "Adipozin" (Adipozin) - dietary supplement, which includes green tea, guarana, glucomannan and other natural ingredients. It also has a tonic and restorative effect on the body.
  • Testorriped promotes muscle growth and increases strength and endurance. These appetite suppressant tablets contain green tea, Chromax, vitamin B12, etc.
  • "Colonoxy" is notable for its predominant content of natural substances (licorice root, Apple vinegar, fennel seeds, ginger root, etc.). In addition to blocking appetite, it cleanses the body and increases energy reserves.

Most appetite medications have a fairly large list of side effects, so consult your doctor before using them. But herbs that reduce appetite can be used more boldly. Doctors recommend drinking them in collections, which increases the effectiveness of decoctions. But it’s worth remembering that the fees need to be selected correctly, so it’s better not to do it yourself.

Herbal appetite suppressants are a safer and less expensive alternative to pills. It’s true that they have their own contraindications and side effects, so using herbs is thoughtless and large quantities also not recommended. They work differently. Let's look at how herbs that reduce appetite work in more detail.

  • Sage. Dry or fresh crushed sage leaves are steamed with boiling water in the proportions of 2 tbsp. l. at the station water and take several times a day. However, remember that sage is contraindicated in women with elevated levels of estradiol (the main female hormone).
  • Cystoseira is a seaweed that should not be consumed by people with iodine sensitivity or thyroid dysfunction. Brew 100 g of raw material in 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave to brew for 30 minutes. Drink 3 tbsp. in a day.
  • Nettle. You can buy it at the pharmacy or brew it yourself. It is rich in vitamin C, so it will help those with low immunity. At the same time, nettle also increases the degree of blood clotting, so they are contraindicated for people with high hemoglobin, thrombophilia or other similar diseases.

Other herbs that reduce appetite:

  1. Fucus vesicularis.
  2. Milk thistle.
  3. Kelp.
  4. Alfalfa.

Appetite suppressants such as flaxseed oil, wheat bran and garlic infusion are successfully used by women. Their main advantage is not only the absence of harm, but also undoubted benefits (if there are no contraindications to use).

  • Linseed oil. One of the most popular folk remedies to reduce appetite. It has an enveloping effect on the walls of the stomach, which reduces appetite. It also improves intestinal motility, helps you lose a couple of extra pounds and feel light in your stomach. It is added to porridges and salads.
  • Wheat bran. It is recommended to pour boiling water over them and heat them for 15 minutes, take them several times a day.
  • Garlic . Grind a few peeled cloves of garlic and pour a glass of water at room temperature, letting it brew for a day. Take garlic infusion 1 tbsp. l. before eating.

The above products act in the same way as herbs that reduce appetite. However, most of them can be consumed regularly (especially kefir and apple juice).

Bulimia nervosa and compulsive overeating (gluttony) are more common than anorexia. And if in the latter case the symptoms of the pathological condition quickly become noticeable to others, then in the case of excess food consumption normal weight can last quite a long time.

The following factors can influence the development of an eating disorder:

  • depressed state;
  • depression;
  • psychological trauma;
  • low self-esteem;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • inflated standards.

Attacks of uncontrolled food consumption often occur against the background of sudden mood swings.

It should be taken into account that, in addition to disturbances in the psycho-emotional state, the disease can also lead to obesity, metabolic disorders, and cardiovascular pathologies.

The first is used for mild anxious depression.

Only the lazy don’t try to treat depression today. The therapeutic effect of such drugs includes antiasthenic, psychostimulant, antidepressant, sedative and antiepileptic effects. Gradually increasing body weight will again worsen your mood and make you want to eat a tasty snack.

Pay attention!

If you ignore the rules of administration specified in the description of the drug, severe side effects may develop. These over-the-counter tablets are effective thanks to the main component L-tryptophan, which stimulates the synthesis of serotonin, melatonin and other hormones that regulate biological rhythms and improve mood.

This drug has a general tonic effect, increases productivity, restores the feeling of joy and emotions characteristic of a healthy person. It seems that my mother began to develop it during menopause: K good means, this group includes drugs such as: Reduces pain, has a calming effect.

Therefore, an antidepressant is also prescribed for eating disorders. With timely initiation of treatment with this drug, it is possible to prevent the development of obesity and metabolic disorders in the body.

I took it for 3 months, and felt a noticeable improvement after about a month of starting it. Within a few days the appetite returns, and sometimes with even greater force. Treatment regimen Many experts believe that the set excess weight associated with insufficient production of serotonin.

Mariska Adams This is a bad thing, so it won’t help quickly. It can be taken by adults and children over 12 years of age.

Can be used for phobias, panic attacks and neurological disorders. I thought that it would be easier for me to pick up the documents for treatment of atherosclerosis with pine cones and go back to my parents in Saratov.

The female half of the population is more susceptible to eating disorders. The first signs of deviation may appear as early as adolescence. Various problems characteristic of this age are often “seized” in attempts to compensate for the manifested feelings and emotions. At some point, it begins to seem that overeating helps to overcome life's troubles.

Flu for weight loss - instructions for using an antidepressant, side effects and reviews from doctors

Under no circumstances should you take antidepressants just for weight loss, without other medical indications.

The drugs reduce appetite, and a person stops “eating” his bad mood. Psychologists have been arguing for several decades that problems with excess weight often begin when a person with psychological problems begins to use food as a source of joy and pleasure. But in some cases, with severe nervous disorders, the patient is prescribed certain types of drugs with a high content of psychotropic substances.

Taking any antidepressants is a big stress for human health. This must be remembered by people who choose it as a means of losing weight. It is not the sedative components that are responsible for weight loss, but complex chemicals that can cause hallucinations, anxiety, and if a large dose of the drug is taken, the development of suicidal syndrome may occur.

One of the common side effects of antidepressants is a decrease in appetite, which causes weight loss. This is most often observed when taking medications for nicotine addiction. The use of antidepressants as a means of weight loss can be very dangerous, because all medications of this type contain a number of psychotropic substances and are very toxic. Under no circumstances should you take antidepressants just for weight loss, without other medical indications.

The main task of a medication for a nervous disorder is to normalize the exchange of hormones and increase the production of the “hormone of joy” - serotonin. As a special means, an antidepressant for weight loss can be prescribed by a psychiatrist only if a person has depression associated with excess body weight.

Taking any antidepressants is a big stress for human health. This must be remembered by people who choose it as a means of losing weight. It is not the sedative components that are responsible for weight loss, but complex chemicals that can cause hallucinations, anxiety, and if a large dose of the drug is taken, the development of suicidal syndrome may occur.

Taking any antidepressants is a big stress for human health. This must be remembered by people who choose it as a means of losing weight. It is not the sedative components that are responsible for weight loss, but complex chemicals that can cause hallucinations, anxiety, and if a large dose of the drug is taken, the development of suicidal syndrome may occur. The slightest ingestion of alcohol into the body of a person taking antidepressants leads to acute liver poisoning; with constant alcohol consumption, it leads to cirrhosis and destruction of the organ.

The drugs reduce appetite, and a person stops “eating” his bad mood. ichologists have been arguing for several decades that problems with excess weight often begin when a person with psychological problems begins to use food as a source of joy and pleasure. But in some cases, with severe nervous disorders, the patient is prescribed certain types of drugs with a high content of psychotropic substances.

In an effort to quickly lose extra pounds, women are ready to resort not only to proven diets, but also to go through the assortment of pharmacies to find an effective remedy.

Some turn to drugs that are not at all focused on weight loss - taking Flu for weight loss is one such example.

Is there any point in using medications of this type for the purpose of body correction and what consequences can be expected?

It is difficult to find a medicine less associated with weight loss than Flu - in the usual sense (i.e. through its effect on metabolism) it affects body fat does not provide. In essence, it is an antidepressant that a doctor prescribes to people with:

  • depression;
  • alcoholism;
  • bipolar disorders;
  • bulimia;
  • obsessive-compulsive syndrome.

In medicine, the latter is called obsessive-compulsive disorder and can be expressed different ways up to anorexia.

The supposed reason why women began using Fluoxetine for weight loss is the connection between the disorder and eating habits, but this does not make Fluoxetine for weight loss. fast weight loss justified.

Due to the large number of negative consequences from taking antidepressants, even an online pharmacy should dispense Flu only after presenting a prescription from a doctor.

The basis of Flu is the substance of the same name, fluoxetine (metabolite - norfluoxetine), which combines the properties of an antidepressant and a psychostimulant, i.e. additionally:

  • enhances mental activity;
  • affects the state of drowsiness;
  • Helps improve coordination and reflexes.

The combined impact of the drug on the nervous system leads to a rapid improvement in mood.

A significant advantage of this substance is the absence of sedation and negative effects on the heart, however, its psychostimulating properties make it impossible to use Flu for psychomotor agitation and sleep disorders.

It works by increasing the concentration of serotonin - the so-called. "hormone of joy." The drug is available in capsules, so the composition of Fluoxetine also includes additional substances that form the shell:

  • lactose;
  • gelatin;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • cellulose

It is not possible for most women (and even for doctors) to catch the connecting thread between this antidepressant and weight loss, since among the properties of its active substance there is no direct effect on fat deposits.

Experts categorically do not recommend taking Fluoxetine as a diet pill, since it is absolutely not designed for this. However, the possibility of weight loss when taking Flu is not excluded if a person begins to gain weight due to depression.

There are 2 options that taking Flu can help solve:

  • Disturbances in serotonin levels are the cause of hormonal instability, which interferes with weight loss or even provokes weight gain.
  • Depression is a provocateur of “emotional appetite”, which leads to the accumulation of fat reserves, and to lose weight you only need to equalize your mood, which is facilitated by taking medication.

It was stated above that, predominantly, medications of this type only affect mood and serotonin synthesis, therefore their effect on weight loss is indirect and is not observed in every patient.

However, there is another effect of fluoxetine on which those seeking to lose weight place special hopes - the suppression of hunger, which is a side effect.

This consequence is typical for taking all SSRIs, as well as the possible development of anorexia, but this is not weight loss through fat burning, but the disabling of internal organs.

There are no official instructions for using this antidepressant for the purpose of weight loss, since doctors do not welcome such a regimen for using Flu.

Women who practice weight loss using this method resort to the standard dosages specified by the manufacturer in the package insert.

According to the standard instructions for people suffering from depression and other nervous disorders, you should take this:

  • Start with 20 mg, gradually increasing to 60 mg (this use is mainly practiced in people with bulimia nervous etiology). Exceeding the daily dosage - 80 mg/day is strictly prohibited.
  • Take the tablet before lunch, because... in the evening, the psychostimulant properties of Flu can cause insomnia.
  • The fullness of the stomach does not matter for Flu, so the drug can be taken at any time.

You should not take Flu tablets exclusively for weight loss in the indicated high doses: here it is better to use the instructions for people with insufficient body weight - they are shown only 10 mg. At the same time, there are some nuances in the “weight loss system” on Flu:

  • You should not drink coffee while taking fluoxetine, because the psychostimulating effect is enhanced.
  • Strict diets during the Flu course are also prohibited.
  • Losing weight for longer than 2 weeks is not allowed.
  • Substances with narcotic properties are not combined with the drug.

The cost of this antidepressant in Moscow and St. Petersburg is at the same level, so the prices of Moscow pharmacies shown in the table are also relevant for the northern capital.

Treatment regimen

Complex therapy usually helps to completely get rid of both the reasons that led to weight gain and extra pounds. When treating, it is important to attack the problem from different angles. First of all, special attention is paid to normalizing the functioning of the nervous system. Many people start taking antidepressants to lose weight. Only the safest medications from this group can be purchased at the pharmacy without prescriptions.

Indeed, some antidepressants, in addition to their main purpose, promote weight loss by increasing the production of the hormone serotonin. However, without strict indications - diseases of the nervous system - taking drugs that have a toxic effect is highly not recommended.

Many experts believe that excess weight gain is associated with insufficient production of serotonin. A deficiency of this substance provokes the development of a depressed state, stress, and as a result, the desire to “eat” one’s bad mood. In the future, such a reflex will be triggered at a subconscious level, which indicates dependence.

Gradually increasing body weight will again worsen your mood and make you want to eat a tasty snack. It is not always possible to get out of this vicious circle on your own. As a result of treatment with Fluoxetine, the feeling of hunger is suppressed, a surge of vigor is felt, and sleep is normalized.

You should start taking the medicine with 20 mg (1 capsule) in the morning. If there is no clinical effect, the dose is increased to 40-60 mg and divided into several doses. According to the instructions, it is prohibited to take more than 4 capsules per day when losing weight. Otherwise, the drug may cause the development of side effects.

Many experts believe that excess weight gain is associated with insufficient production of serotonin. A deficiency of this substance provokes the development of a depressed state, stress, and as a result, the desire to “eat” your bad mood. In the future, such a reflex will be triggered at a subconscious level, which indicates dependence.

Indeed, some antidepressants, in addition to their main purpose, promote weight loss by increasing the production of the hormone serotonin. However, without strict indications - diseases of the nervous system - taking drugs that have a toxic effect is highly not recommended. Only a specialist can prescribe such medications, since some antidepressants containing a high concentration of psychotropic substances can cause a backlash and “turn off” the feeling of satiety.

Can antidepressants be used for weight loss?

Excess body weight worries a huge number of people. Most often this is due to the desire to look in accordance with beauty standards. But there are also cases when weight loss is necessary for medical reasons. A huge number of means for losing excess weight have been invented. Not all of them are effective.

Often, on the contrary, they do more harm than good. Various diets, if chosen incorrectly, can contribute to weight gain. And some weight loss products are not only ineffective, but also dangerous to health, and sometimes life. It is known that antidepressants are sometimes used for weight loss.

How justified is this remedy?

Description of drugs

Antidepressants are psychotropic medications that were developed to treat depression, neuroses and other mental disorders. 4 generations of antidepressants have been created, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. On modern stage In the creation of new drugs, there are already safer analogues of previously known drugs.

Antidepressants affect the human nervous system, regulate hormonal metabolism and correct the production or insufficient uptake of serotonin.

Thanks to this property, patients in most cases improve their mood and improve their emotional and physical well-being. But many psychotropic drugs can have the opposite effect, causing a serious mental disorder.

These medications are taken strictly according to the doctor’s recommendation. Self-medication can be dangerous to health: drugs have a complex negative effect on various organs! Life may also be at risk because... some drugs provoke suicide attempts.

One of the side effects of some antidepressants is weight loss, which is associated with loss of appetite under the influence of the drug.

But some drugs may cause upward fluctuations in body weight, which is associated with an effect on hormonal balance and metabolism in the body.

Another advantage of taking antidepressants is an increase in tone and energy, which can be useful when playing sports. But only on condition that the dosage is correct and the person plans active exercises to lose weight.

These are the main reasons why antidepressants are used for weight loss. The effect may be questionable if you choose the drug yourself. It must be prescribed by a doctor.

List of drugs

The list of antidepressants for weight loss is as follows:

  • serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (venlafaxine and duloxetine) - stimulate activity, control appetite;
  • selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (citalopram, fluoxetine, escitalopram, fluvoxamine, paroxetine) act more mildly, reduce appetite, but after the end of the adaptation period they can provoke increased appetite and active weight gain.

Other drugs have no effect on body weight or provoke its increase (atypical antipsychotic drugs, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants). Any antidepressants can have an ambiguous effect on a healthy person.

The most popular drug of this type is fluoxetine. It is prescribed for bulimia, a psychological disease in which the slightest nervous strain provokes a person to consume huge amounts of food. Most people with this disease suffer from obesity and related diseases.

Many people with bulimia cause vomiting after uncontrolled eating. This is also a mental disorder and can lead to anorexia. It is for this disease that fluoxetine is used.

Actions of fluoxetine:

  • relieves insomnia and apathy;
  • stabilizes mood and reduces the number of nervous breakdowns;
  • controls the feeling of hunger, dulls appetite.

Pros of fluoxetine:

  • restores the proper functioning of nerve impulses;
  • does not affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, does not disrupt the intestinal microflora;
  • does not carry out weight loss by interfering with the body’s metabolic processes, does not correct metabolism, weight loss solely due to dulling of appetite;
  • low cost and the ability to buy the drug at almost any pharmacy;
  • improves mood, increases performance, a person feels active, and a “thirst for action” appears in him.

The drug can also be used in the treatment of insomnia, fear, headaches, schizophrenia and other disorders of the nervous system.

However, fluoxetine has a number of contraindications, including pregnancy and lactation, diseases of the urinary system, chronic and acute diseases of the kidneys and liver. In addition, the drug must be replaced with another if the patient develops a manic state and severe suicidal syndrome.

There are also a number of other antidepressants that can have some effect on a person's weight.

But the pounds may return if you stop taking the medications. One of their few side effects is the desire to eat more sweets, especially the craving increases after stopping taking the drug.

Duloxetine and Venlafaxine also control appetite by influencing the production of serotonin. But their main feature is increasing the patient’s physical activity. These drugs are excellent stimulants for sports.

The most popular drug of this type is fluoxetine. It is prescribed for bulimia, a psychological disease in which the slightest nervous strain provokes a person to consume huge amounts of food. Most people with this disease suffer from obesity and related diseases.

But the pounds may return if you stop taking the medications. One of their few side effects is the emergence of a desire to eat more sweets, especially the craving increases after the end of taking the drug.

Duloxetine and Venlafaxine also control appetite by influencing the production of serotonin. But their main feature is increasing the patient’s physical activity. These drugs are excellent stimulants for sports.

Antidepressants without prescription names for weight loss, serotonin hormone of happiness

To lose weight, you should choose antidepressants that will have a positive effect on tone and increase vitality. This will be especially beneficial when playing sports. In addition to medication, you will also need to normalize your rest and work schedule and avoid stressful situations as much as possible.

Experts warn that any medications that can affect the psycho-emotional state are intended solely to suppress depression and eliminate strong nervous overexcitation. Therefore, only in the presence of similar abnormalities and weight gain against this background can antidepressants be prescribed for weight loss.

The list of drugs that can be freely purchased at the pharmacy is small. For weight loss and restoration of a normal psycho-emotional state, antidepressants belonging to the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are suitable. The substance is necessary for the brain to transmit signals to neurons.

Depression is not uncommon for modern people. But with such a diagnosis, few people rush to see a psychotherapist, preferring to take over-the-counter antidepressants.

Is it possible to treat depression with over-the-counter antidepressants, and how to choose the most effective drug?

In the pharmacy you can find antidepressants without prescriptions that will help relieve anxiety, depression, and normalize sleep.

Before choosing an antidepressant, you need to make sure whether you really need to fight your condition with medication or whether it is enough to eliminate the factors that cause depression. Before using antidepressants, experts recommend minimizing stress, reviewing your lifestyle, and normalizing your rest and work schedule.

It should immediately be noted that for people with severe depressive disorders, antidepressants sold in pharmacies without a prescription are not suitable. Anti-depression medications have a lot of side effects, and their use and dosage should be carefully selected by your doctor. individually.

Antidepressants have different composition And chemical structure and the ways in which they affect the body are very different.

After all, depression is different - and the same drug in the same dosage can lead to recovery in some patients, while in others, on the contrary, it can lead to a worsening of the condition.

Therefore, using antidepressants without a prescription is very imprudent if the depressive state is already in the nature of a mental illness and not a temporary nervous disorder.

If a person just needs to reduce the nervous system’s reaction to nervous stimuli and improve their mood, then “mild” antidepressants will undoubtedly help improve the quality of life. In addition, such drugs help with the following conditions:

  • For pain that is of an uncertain nature;
  • For appetite and sleep disorders;
  • With frequent attacks of groundless anxiety;
  • For chronic fatigue;
  • In the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction;
  • For attention disorders;
  • In the treatment of anorexia and bulimia.

Antidepressants without a prescription have a very limited list, but all of them do not have side effects on the body and it is almost impossible to get poisoned by them.

The antidepressant effect of drugs is due to the stimulating effect on the human psyche. Therapeutic activity depends on the mechanism of action of the drug and the severity of the pathology

It is better to start treating mild nervous disorders with herbal preparations - such antidepressants can be easily purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy. Herbal antidepressants also help with anxiety and depression that appear during stress and anxiety.

List of Russian herbal remedies for the treatment of depression

NameActionPrice (at the beginning of 2017)
NeurofulolEliminates neurotic disorders (chronic fatigue, neurosis), depressive states, relieves anxiety, and fights various phobias.800 rub.
Doppelherz neurotonicIt has a mild antidepressant effect, improves sleep quality, and improves mood. It is used in the treatment of mild and moderate depression, to eliminate states of chronic anxiety and pronounced neurotic reactions.300-400 rub.
Valerian tinctureRelieves severe nervous tension, is used for insomnia and severe nervous exhaustion.20-40 rub.
Novo-passitUsed to relieve stress, for migraines and neurasthenia.
PersenRelieves irritability, nervous excitability, has a calming effect. They are the most popular among managers, accountants and other office workers.300-700 rub. (depending on packaging)
Leuzea extractImproves mood, increases performance, and has a general tonic effect.90-110 rub.
St. John's wort extract (Deprim, Neuroplant, Negrustin, Gelarium)Improves mood, regulates sleep, treats anxiety and mild depression.180-300 rub. (depending on the drug)

The following herbal remedies also help get rid of depression:

  • Infusion of immortelle and lemongrass - improves sleep, relieves the feeling of overwork;
  • Ginseng infusion – increases stress resistance, is used to treat mild depressive conditions;
  • Infusion of motherwort, oregano, and peppermint are mild antidepressants that have virtually no side effects;
  • Hawthorn infusion has a calming effect on the nervous system.

Consists of plant components. Is an effective sedative

All of these herbal preparations are used for mild to moderate degrees of depression and have a mild effect; they can be used for sleep disorders, anxiety, and restlessness. An exceptional advantage of herbal antidepressants is that you can buy them cheaper than other drugs of the same effect.

Synthetic drugs for the treatment of mild types of depression help relieve nervousness, reduce anxiety and restlessness, and normalize sleep. Such drugs include metabolites, nootropic, tetracyclic drugs

Antidepressants of synthetic origin (Russia)

NameActionPrice (at the beginning of 2017)
GlycineHas a calming effect, relieves aggression, improves emotional state. Due to its mild action, the drug is recommended for teenagers for use during exams, sessions, etc.50-70 rub.
ZybanRelieves irritability, attacks of anxiety, anger, improves mood and overall well-being. It is successfully used in the treatment of tobacco and alcohol addiction to suppress nervousness.1000-4000 rub. (depending on packaging).
Ludiomil (maprotiline)Treats most types of depression, reduces irritability and anxiety. Good pills for the treatment of anorexia and stress due to exhaustion during weight loss.1000 rub.
AmitriptylineIt has a sedative effect, an analgesic effect for neurological pain, and treats depression, phobias, and nocturnal enuresis in children.100 rub.
Anafranil (clomipramine)Treats depression of various etiologies, neurotic disorders, phobias, panic attacks.600 rub.
TenotenA nootropic drug that has a strong antidepressant effect. It has almost no contraindications or side effects.200 rub.
AfobazoleUsed to eliminate symptoms of depression and neurasthenia.400 rub.

In neighboring countries there is a list of drugs for depression that have the same effect:

  • Ukraine: Mirtazapine (300-500 UAH), Venlaxor (250-480 UAH), Paroxin (200-550 UAH), Fluoxetine (40-50 UAH);
  • Belarus: Melatonin (80-100 Belarusian rubles), Chaga extract (1.24-2.5 Belarusian rubles), Apilak (3-4 Belarusian rubles), ginseng tincture (1-2.5 Belarusian rubles). rub.).

There are a large number of synthetic antidepressant drugs, but only a few of them are available without a doctor's prescription. On some forums you can find a whole list of such drugs (for example, Prozac, Sonocaps, Metralindole, etc.), but all of these drugs are quite potent and powerful, and you cannot buy them at a pharmacy without a prescription without breaking the law.

Each antidepressant drug, along with the contraindications listed above, may also have its own, unique to this drug.

Antidepressants that can be purchased without a prescription have a lasting effect in eliminating nervous conditions. But this does not mean that they can be used uncontrollably for a long time without serious consequences.

Many drugs in this series have contraindications and side effects. The most common contraindications to taking antidepressants include:

  • Age under 18 years;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

But each antidepressant also has its own contraindications, which should be taken into account when choosing a medication.

People often mistakenly think of antidepressants as “vitamins” for the brain, which they take to improve their mood and overall well-being, so they can be taken without harming their health. But this is not true - taking antidepressants is limited to a certain period.

Weak antidepressants, available without a prescription, can be taken for 2-3 months, because... Treatment with such drugs is long-term, and the effect of taking it usually occurs after 6-8 weeks from the start of use.

Helpful advice!

The compatibility of antidepressants with other medications should also be taken into account. Thus, a combination of tranquilizers and antidepressants can lead to increased side effects and a slowdown in metabolism, and antidepressants in combination with sympathomimetics can cause tachycardia.

Many people do not feel what they think is the desired effect after taking antidepressants without a prescription. Reviews from such patients indicate that the drugs do not help cope with depression and are ineffective.

But usually the problem is that a certain medicine is not suitable for this person or is used in the wrong dosage.

Top 7 antidepressant products

They contain a large amount of healthy fats, which help absorb vitamin D, an important element for a cheerful mood. Fish also contains tryptophan and vitamin B6, which improve immunity and provide energy.

In pharmacies, infusions of valerian or motherwort are in great demand. These herbs reduce emotional tension during stress and help cope with panic attacks. But other medicinal herbs can also help:

  • Melissa
  • St. John's wort
  • hop
  • oregano
  • rose hip

1 handful of rose hips

1 tbsp. raspberry leaves

1 tbsp. dry mint

1 tbsp. St. John's wort

Mix the herbs, pour a liter of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Strain and drink a glass throughout the day.

1 tbsp. St. John's wort

1 tsp valerian

Mix, pour 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for an hour and drink throughout the day for at least 2 weeks in a row.

In medical practice, one antidepressant is especially often used for weight loss. The name of this drug is “Fluoxetine”. It is not intended specifically for weight loss, but the effect it has on the nervous system allows you to cope with the feeling of hunger.

The most common antidepressants that are used for weight loss also include the following drugs:

  • "Bupropion";
  • Zoloft;
  • "Venlafaxine";
  • "Prozac";
  • "Citalopram";
  • "Paxil."

After making a diagnosis and establishing the causes of the pathological condition, the doctor may prescribe an antidepressant for weight loss. What is best for a particular case and what treatment regimen will help cope with the problem depends on the severity of the patient’s condition. It should be borne in mind that antidepressants are absolutely not drugs that can be taken without first consulting a specialist. Each product has certain indications and contraindications for use, and can also provoke the development of a number of negative consequences.

    Vitamin A - it is found in green and orange plant foods: lettuce, pumpkin, carrots. There is a lot of it in apricots.

    Vitamin C - look for it in lemons, oranges, limes and other citrus fruits, as well as black, red and white currants, cabbage, and rosehip infusion.

    B vitamins - found in seafood, avocados, liver, whole grain bread, nuts. These essential substances increase the content of PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids). Pine nuts, beans, sardines, unrefined cereal grains are especially useful for depression - sources of B6 or pyridoxine, necessary for the synthesis of the happiness hormone - serotonin.

    Vitamin E - enters our body with vegetable oil, green leafy vegetables, almonds, apple seeds, and wheat germ.

    Magnesium - found in peas, grapefruits, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, beans, walnuts, wheat bran.

    Calcium is found mainly in dairy products, but also in mustard, pistachios, garlic, hazelnuts and almonds.

    Zinc – found in beef liver, cheese, eggs, legumes, plums, cabbage, carrots.

Asian ginseng root

This is one of the most famous “tonics”, strengthening the immune system, reducing inflammation, and having anti-asthmatic and antioxidant effects. In China, red ginseng is traditionally used for overwork of the body and spirit. Doctors have proven that consuming an extract of this powerful adaptogen helps one adapt to unfavorable conditions, cope with stressful situations more easily, and increase performance.

Caution: Due to the strong stimulant effect, heart palpitations, insomnia may occur, and use in conjunction with products containing caffeine may lead to stomach and intestinal upsets. Ginseng extract as a remedy for stress and neuroses is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.


The shrub, growing in the mountains, is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat flu and colds. But Eleutherococcus is also useful for chronic fatigue syndrome, apathy, and decreased concentration.

Possible side effects and contraindications for this remedy are the same as for ginseng.

Rhodiola rosea

This adaptogen helps improve memory, increase performance, reduces cortisol levels, and increases serotonin levels. This is a herbal antidepressant - a product for raising mood and stimulating mental activity. In addition, Rhodiola strengthens the heart and blood vessels and has a positive effect on brain function.


Another root that was actively used by the ancients. It came to us from Ayurvedic medicine, but is less known and popular than the listed adaptogens. This plant is actively used in the fight against apathy, causeless fatigue, neuroses, increased anxiety and panic attacks. Ashwagandha has a mild calming effect.

Contraindications: stomach ulcer, damage to the mucous membrane, pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity.

Other popular adaptogens include lemongrass, licorice, and green tea.

    Fish – contains Omega-3, vitamins B6 and D, which are responsible for strengthening the immune system and resisting stress.

    Eggs are high in fatty acids, as well as retinol, tocopherol and calciferol. In addition, eggs are rich in tryptophan.

    Citrus fruits, orange and red vegetables and fruits - all fiery-colored foods are guaranteed to charge you with optimism and good mood. They contain not only useful vitamins, but also bioflavonoids that improve cerebral circulation.

    Seafood - shrimp, seaweed, clams, mussels and other seafood contain a lot of iodine. And this is help not only for our thyroid gland, but also for the psyche and brain activity. By consuming more iodine, we become more active and efficient, resistant to stress and negative environmental influences.

    Spices - in the cold, when we are especially sad, nutmeg, cardamom, star anise, and cinnamon will help us restore vitality and restore good spirits. Add them to desserts, homemade cakes, and tea. But be careful: you should not use these natural antidepressants in large quantities.

    Chocolate is the most popular remedy for the blues. But it’s not a dairy product that’s worth buying, but a bitter product with a cocoa content above 70%. Not only does it have a big dose of tryptophan for sadness and chronic fatigue, but it also has caffeine to perk you up and help you concentrate.

    Bananas - they contain the alkaloid harman, which causes euphoria, and this is exactly what we need so much when we are stressed or struggling with a breakdown. Banana pulp also contains a lot of pyridoxine, which triggers the synthesis of serotonin. But with this antidepressant, as with spices, you need to know when to stop - it contains calories.

    Legumes – they contain a lot of B vitamins, which makes legumes an indispensable product for those who want to cheer up, get rid of insomnia, and overcome irritability and nervousness.

As you already understand, our new menu should have more:

  • Vegetables and fruits.
  • Vegetable oil, fish and other sources of fatty acids.
  • Citrus fruits.
  • Dairy products.
  • Zlakov.
  • Seafood.

This is what it will look like sample menu for a day for those who want to cope with a bad mood without harming their figure:

    Breakfast – apples baked with cottage cheese, muesli, tea with milk.

    Second breakfast – tender pumpkin casserole, banana.

    Lunch – baked fish with vegetables, a cup of low-fat chicken broth.

    Afternoon snack – a cup of unsweetened yoghurt with nuts and dried fruits.

    Dinner – vegetable salad with white beans, steamed turkey fillet.

    Before bed - a glass of kefir.

Our specialists will create for you a proper nutrition program for depression, stress, neuroses and loss of strength. Come to us to change yourself, starting with your diet. Remember: salvation from a bad mood and melancholy is not in sweets, soda and confectionery, but in being attentive to your body and a healthy balance of nutrients.

SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) are most often prescribed to combat depression, and include: Citalopram. "Fluvoxamine." "Escitalopram." "Paroxetine." "Fluoxetine".

The tablets have few side effects, but have an ambiguous effect on weight. While the brain's receptors adapt to the drug, appetite may decrease, but after addiction, cravings for sweet foods may increase.

"Trazodone." like SSRIs, it works with serotonin receptors, but does not affect body weight and causes drowsiness, which can have a negative impact on a person’s mobility and activity.

Venlafaxine and Duloxetine are serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors that have a stimulating effect, increase activity levels, help expend energy and can slightly reduce appetite.

Bupropion affects norepinephrine and dopamine, two hormones that control appetite. Therefore, it is an ideal option for combating excess weight.

Tricyclic antidepressants were among the first to appear and have shown effectiveness against depression, but have many side effects. These pills have no effect on excess body weight and are prescribed if other types of medications do not relieve depressive symptoms.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (such as Nardil and Parnate) are old pills that are effective against depression and lead to weight gain. One of the new drugs from the group of MAO inhibitors in low doses (up to 6 g per day) can stimulate weight loss.

Atypical antipsychotic drugs such as Aripiprazole. Quetiapine and Risperidone cause significant weight gain.

Psychostimulants, which are used together with antidepressants, promote weight loss by speeding up metabolism, increasing activity and reducing appetite. Adderall tablets. “Dexedrine”, “Ritalin” and “Modafinil” with the active ingredient methylphenidate are used to “accelerate” the action of antidepressants when they are of low effectiveness.

Some weight loss programs in the US use an antidepressant (Bupropion) to suppress appetite in obese people and also to increase energy for regular exercise.

People who are very overweight take medications under the supervision of specialists when they need to externally stimulate their metabolism to give the body an impetus for changes.

Why is fluoxetine dangerous?

It is one of the most commonly used antidepressants for eating disorders. Fluoxetine is prescribed to patients suffering from bulimia and compulsive overeating disorder. With timely initiation of treatment with this drug, it is possible to prevent the development of obesity and metabolic disorders in the body.

The pharmacological action of the drug, according to the instructions, is aimed at inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin. This helps to improve mental activity, elevate mood, reduce feelings of helplessness and apathy, and get rid of anxieties, fears and worries. Fluoxetine, like other antidepressants for weight loss from the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, should be taken for at least 2 weeks to achieve a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Fluoxetine (and Fluoxetine Lannacher drugs) is a well-known antidepressant prescribed for obsessive-compulsive disorder (also called obsessive-compulsive disorder; one of its most famous manifestations is a manic desire for hyper-neatness), depression, bulimia and anorexia. It helps reduce appetite, which has led some people who want to lose weight to perceive it as a weight loss medicine.(amp)lt;p(amp)gt;

Some people want to lose weight so badly that they are willing to take drugs whose main effect is not actually aimed at losing weight. For example, it could be fluoxetine. This medicine is indicated for various mental disorders, as well as alcoholism and bulimia. Therefore, you need to be careful when taking the medication.

Fluoxetine is a well-known antidepressant that can have a stimulating effect. The product does not have a sedative effect. It relieves tension and irritability, and helps cope with prolonged depression. In addition, the drug is indicated for appetite disorders such as bulimia.

First of all, it is worth noting that taking an antidepressant just to lose weight is unwise. Such medications have a very strong effect on the brain, and loss of appetite is one of the many side effects. Fluoxetine is prescribed for depression, because it helps improve mood or, at least, achieve an even attitude towards everything that happens.

Since bulimia is also psychological in nature, antidepressants, including fluoxetine, are often prescribed to treat it. It acts as an anorectic: it reduces appetite and helps get rid of obsessive feelings of hunger.

This drug has no effect on the hormonal system, that is, it stimulates the production of serotonin, known as the hormone of happiness. It is for this reason that depression is considered one of the indications for taking fluoxetine. So, within a week the first results are noted.

The drug affects the functioning of the nervous system and myocardium. In some cases, the activity of nerve cells noticeably decreases, which is why a person can turn into a “vegetable”.

The effect of taking it becomes noticeable after 10-15 days. It must be remembered that long-term drug therapy can lead to the development of anorexia with possible irreversible consequences.

You can lose weight by taking a prescription-only antidepressant. It must be taken with caution as it is a potent drug with varied side effects.

Of course, overeating and uncontrolled consumption of food against the background of a weak nervous system significantly worsens the quality of life. To improve this condition, fluoxetine is prescribed. Despite the side effects, the medicine helps cope with bulimia. Moderate weight loss also occurs, which is an additional benefit of the antidepressant.

Main indications:

  • depression, including depressive states due to schizophrenia and other mental disorders;
  • obsessive states;
  • appetite disorders, including bulimia;
  • alcoholism.

The list of contraindications is more extensive:

  • bladder atony;
  • epilepsy;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • simultaneous use of tranquilizers, including MAO inhibitors;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • intolerance to the main components;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 18 years.

It is worth noting that if you have diabetes, you can take medication. Naturally, in this case, regular monitoring by your doctor is necessary.

How to take fluoxetine

To lose weight, you need to take 20-40 mg of the drug per day in the morning. Of course, you should start with the minimum dosage. For bulimia, 60 mg is prescribed. The maximum dosage is 80 mg, which should be taken 2-3 times.

This amount of fluoxetine is prescribed to patients with serious mental disorders.

The duration of the course is determined individually by the doctor. If the goal of taking pills is weight loss, then 1-2 months will be enough.

With a longer course, as a rule, addiction occurs.

This drug significantly suppresses the feeling of hunger. Due to lack of appetite, a person eats less food, which means the daily caloric intake decreases.

During the first week, weight loss is facilitated by the removal of excess fluid, and over time, fat deposits begin to be consumed.

The weight loss effect becomes really noticeable after 1-1.5 months of taking an antidepressant. In addition, there is an improvement in the emotional background.

Fluoxetine is known to be addictive, so it is very difficult to stop taking the drug on your own. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to take an antidepressant without first consulting a specialist.

In medicine, the latter is called obsessive-compulsive disorder and can be expressed in different ways, including anorexia. The supposed reason why women started using Fluoxetine for weight loss is the connection between the disorder and eating habits, but this does not make taking Fluoxetine for quick weight loss justified.


There are no official instructions for using this antidepressant for the purpose of weight loss, since doctors do not welcome such a regimen for using Flu. Women who practice weight loss using this method resort to the standard dosages specified by the manufacturer in the package insert. However, experts in this situation give advice:

The main problem with antidepressants of all generations is the body’s addiction to them. Even doctors, when treating mental disorders, try not to introduce these drugs into the therapeutic course until the last minute, making do with milder medications. However, not only for this reason, they are not ready to recommend them for purposes other than those indicated in the official list of indications.

A few points that require familiarization before starting to lose weight on Flu tablets:

  • According to research at the end of the 20th century, the drug was recognized to have a predominance of harm over benefit, because Such a surge in suicidal tendencies in patients who took Flu tablets was not observed with other antidepressants (i.e., with other active substances, even from SSRIs). Moreover, in individuals who were examined during observations, the dose of the active substance in the blood was at a therapeutic level.
  • Withdrawal syndrome, caused by the body's addiction to an antidepressant, is higher after taking fluoxetine than after taking other drugs of this type - on a par with paroxetine.
  • Long-term use of fluoxetine is a prerequisite for brain dysfunction of drug etiology.

The terms of sale (can only be dispensed with a medical prescription) have led consumers to the need to select a replacement for Flu, which will act similarly due to the same active substance, but which will be easier to buy. Pharmacists highlight:

  • Prozac;
  • Flunate;
  • Framex;
  • Deprex;
  • Portal;
  • Bioxetine;
  • Phloxet.


Serotonin-like anorectics

It should be noted right away that adrenoline-like drugs have not taken root as weight loss drugs. They activate the stress hormone, causing euphoria in women taking it, as a result of which energy metabolism improves. The brutal appetite recedes. They are addictive. Adrenoline-like are close relatives of amphetamine. For the pleasure of taking them, you have to pay with a shattered psyche and increased heart rate, coupled with hypertension.

Almost all appetite suppressants of this group are prohibited, but tablets similar in effect to them are still on sale. "Mazindol" suppresses the feeling of hunger and stimulates the satiety center, but can be addictive, so it is prescribed only for 2-3 weeks. Phentermine has a similar effect. Phenylpropanolamine (the active ingredient in the drugs Dietrin and Trimex) also causes a feeling of vigor.

Serotonin-like appetite suppressants maintain serotonin levels in the body, take part in the transmission of nerve impulses, and even regulate sleep. It was on them that doctors pinned great hopes. These are substances such as fenfluramine, fluoxetine and dexfenfluramine. They reduce the body's need for sweets, flour and fatty foods. However, side effects were later identified - disorders of the brain, hypertension and even the appearance of heart defects.

Thus, in 1999 they were banned too. But some drugs from this group are still used - however, as antidepressants, not anorectics. Weight loss when using them is more of a side effect.

Today, the most commonly prescribed appetite suppressants are sibutramine (Meridia). Combining the effect of two substances, it improves metabolism. The manufacturer claims that its effect continues after the drug. However, it is not without side effects such as insomnia, rapid heartbeat and other unpleasant symptoms.


Taking even the safest antidepressant on your own in an attempt to lose weight is considered a rather dangerous experiment. The manufacturer recommends taking “Fluoxetine” for obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression of varying severity, neuroses, insomnia, and disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system.

The desire to constantly consume large amounts of food under the influence of the medication is significantly reduced. Therefore, an antidepressant is also prescribed for eating disorders.

The safest types of anorectics

1. Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC). The basis of the drug is purified cotton cellulose, which enters the body from cereals, vegetables and fruits. MCC does not contain any chemical additives and has no side effects. Once in the stomach, it swells and gives a feeling of fullness, while simultaneously providing a sorption effect.

The main thing is to follow the instructions and drink no more than 2 liters of fluid per day.2. "Turboslim" - contains natural ingredients and has no contraindications, other than individual intolerance and the lactation period. This dietary supplement is used during every meal. The main active ingredient is bromeylan. The drug acts slowly - weight loss of 2-3 kg is possible within a month.

3. “Garcinia Forte” contains natural acid, which helps eliminate the feeling of hunger after the body has gained the required amount of calories. Additional ingredients include vitamins and microelements. Garcinia is best suited for girls who love sweets, as it dulls their cravings.

4. And finally, “Reduxin”. This chemical-based drug with the active ingredient sibutramine is considered less harmless, but effective means in the fight against hunger. Its action is based on sending “messages” to the brain about satiety, which helps to avoid overeating for company and out of boredom.

Antidepressants for weight loss: reviews

Reach positive effect When getting rid of extra pounds with the help of antidepressants, it is possible only if you follow a diet. It doesn't hurt to improve your appearance.

Increased tone and a constant feeling of vigor and strength will allow you to spend a long time in the gym. According to reviews, antidepressants such as Fluoxetine (similar to Prozac) and Venlafaxine promote noticeable weight loss within 2-3 months after the start of treatment. However, not all patients succeed in losing weight.

Don't forget about the side effects of antidepressants. Most often they cause headaches, mania, hallucinations, tremors, hyperhidrosis, tachycardia, dysphagia, incoordination, and nausea. Loss of appetite and, as a result, weight loss also applies to side effects many antidepressants.

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To tell the truth, after reading the topic of the assignment, I was very surprised.

After all, antidepressants are potent drugs that are taken only as prescribed by a doctor to treat depression and other diseases associated with disorders of the nervous system. How they can help with weight loss is a question that worries not only me.

Therefore, in today’s publication we will try to figure out whether it is really possible to lose weight with the help of antidepressants and how safe it is for health. In addition, we will definitely consider what psychologists themselves think about the use of antidepressants for weight loss. Moreover, it is with the opinion of experts that we will begin.

Let's start with the fact that, according to psychologists and psychotherapists, antidepressants for weight loss are used by people who despair of losing weight and no longer want to fight excess weight with other, more accessible and in safe ways. After all, these drugs are usually prescribed to regulate hormonal metabolism or correct insufficient production of the “joy hormone” serotonin.

Therefore, using antidepressants for weight loss is a very risky business. In addition, it is important to take into account that these drugs are quite toxic, and while taking them it is important to follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor and be under the supervision of a doctor. In addition, no antidepressant is a weight loss drug with proven clinical effectiveness.


But, in fairness, it is worth noting that while taking antidepressants prescribed by a doctor, many patients actually lose excess weight.

Especially those who used to “eat up” a bad mood with a huge number of buns. In addition, in combination with a diet, taking antidepressants also gives an amazing effect.

However, for healthy overweight people, following a diet will also help to cope with excess weight without taking these drugs.

Also, it is important to consider that while taking antidepressants, many people experience weight gain rather than loss. The fact is that the strong substances that are part of antidepressants literally “fog” the brain and in some cases, the patient loses control over the frequency of meals - he simply forgets whether he eats or not.

Now, let's figure out what side effects can occur if you use antidepressants as a means of losing weight.

Let's start with the fact that if you use not tablets as antidepressants, but a herbal analogue - St. John's wort, valerian, oregano, etc., then they will purely affect the human nervous system and have a slight calming and sedative effect.

But, if a healthy person starts swallowing pills that directly affect the chemical processes in the human brain in order to lose weight, then nothing good should be expected from this experiment. As a result of such a rash act, you can provoke a state that causes hallucinations, obsessive ideas may arise, etc.

In addition, uncontrolled use of antidepressants, in many cases, becomes a consequence of suicide and severe mental disorders. Well, I don’t think it’s worth mentioning that antidepressants in combination with alcohol are killers for the liver. Thus, we came to the conclusion that healthy person These remedies for weight loss are a huge rice for health.

From the point of view of fitness trainers, who are also concerned about this problem, this class of drugs promotes water retention in the body, so the appearance of cellulite while taking antidepressants is a very common phenomenon.

In any case, before you decide to do such an act, think about whether losing your appetite for a couple of days is worth such terrible consequences? Therefore, even if you are firmly convinced that this method will help you, and you can only lose weight with the help of antidepressants, a psychotherapist should prescribe them for you. Therefore, consultation with a doctor before using the drug cannot be avoided.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

IN Lately in the society of “fat women” and people trying to lose weight, you can hear about the effectiveness of antidepressants in this “field”.

Today, the portal about weight loss methods “Lose Weight Without Problems” will try to figure out whether antidepressants for weight loss what side effects and contraindications they may have.

Antidepressants for weight loss: names, how they work and does it work?

Initially, antidepressants are drugs that help a person fight mental and nervous disorders, such as depression, panic attacks, bulimia, etc.

But some specialists and patients have noticed that these pills, in addition to their intended purpose, can also promote weight loss. Turns out, active ingredients These drugs, among other things, affect certain areas of the brain responsible for the perception of hunger, that is, they suppress appetite.

Therefore, some nutritionists may prescribe you drugs such as Fluoxetine, Bupropion, Reboxetine, Selegiline, etc.

There are also antidepressants that act like amphetamines (banned in our country) and “add” a person’s energy. By taking such remedies, those losing weight can devote more energy to training and withstand even the most stringent diets.

But, we hasten to note that the vast majority of nutritionists note the “weight-loss” properties of such drugs only in the first two weeks of use. After 14-15 days, appetite returns, and sometimes with even greater force.

Antidepressants without prescriptions (names) for weight loss: how they work, how to take them

We at would like to provide a list of the most common antidepressants that are used for weight loss:

  • Bupropion. The drug increases the endurance of the human body, thereby “pushing” to burn more calories during training and tighten the body. It is prescribed for obesity. The daily dose is selected individually, but should not exceed 600 mg.
  • Fluoxetine. The drug dulls the feeling of hunger (it is prescribed for bulimia). The antidepressant Fluoxetine for weight loss does not affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and does not lead to intestinal upset. For weight loss, take from 1 to 4 tablets per day (the dose is selected individually), but not more than 80 mg.
  • Zoloft. This drug, like Bupropion, increases the tone of the body, thereby adding energy to you. To combat depression, drink up to 200 mg per day. To lose weight, you need to take no more than 100-150 mg.

Note that most drugs that help overcome nervous disorders are available in pharmacies only with a doctor’s prescription. Antidepressants for weight loss without prescriptions are difficult to find in our pharmacies.

In addition to the most popular Fluoxentine, these are Maprolitin, Prozac, Paxil, Deprim, Azafen, etc.

Antidepressants for weight loss: list of contraindications and side effects

You can learn about contraindications for each drug from the instructions that come with each package. But most often, antidepressants should not be taken in the following cases:

  • During pregnancy and lactation;
  • Suicide attempts, manic states;
  • If you have diabetes;
  • For glaucoma;
  • For certain diseases of the nervous system (epilepsy, etc.);
  • For diseases of the kidneys, liver, pathologies of the bladder;
  • For some gastrointestinal diseases.

In addition, antidepressants should absolutely not be taken with any alcohol or drugs.

If you decide to take such drugs for the purpose of losing weight, be prepared for the following side effects:

  • Disorders of the nervous system (insomnia, migraine, dizziness, tremors of limbs, etc.);
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract (stool upset, flatulence, dry mouth);
  • Rapid heartbeat, tachycardia;
  • Redness of the skin, itching, etc.

Women who have used these drugs to lose weight have different opinions about them:

  • My doctor prescribed me Fluoxetine for postpartum depression. Imagine my surprise when a month later, when I stepped on the scales, I saw a figure that was 5 kg less than before! And only later I found out that this drug is taken not only for its intended purpose, but also for weight loss. Zarina, 25 years old.
  • A friend of mine took antidepressants (I don’t know which ones) to lose weight. A few months ago she jumped from the 15th floor... Girls, do not prescribe any medications for yourself, take care of your health! Sofia S., 33 years old.
  • I tried a lot of weight loss products, nothing worked for me. Finally I decided to try antidepressants. I did not manage to lose even a kilogram in 1.5 months of taking the drug. And, even worse, insomnia appeared and I became nervous. I don't want to do any more experiments like this. Irina, 30 years old.

And in the end we want to say that medical specialists - nutritionists, psychotherapists, neurologists - do not recommend using antidepressants for weight loss. In addition, it should be noted that most of these drugs are hormonal, which means they can change your metabolism for the worse and lead to consequences that are then impossible or very difficult to correct.