Simple breathing exercises. A set of breathing exercises to improve health

Breathing technique in various yoga asanas is one of the main criteria for performing a pose. Because the correct supply of oxygen to the body is involved in controlling the work of all systems. This article provides a complete explanation of the importance of breathing as well as breathing exercises for staging correct breathing and healing of the body.

The harm of improper breathing

In everyday life, an untrained person does not use the entire volume of his lungs. Breathing becomes intermittent and rapid because of this, the metabolism of oxygen in the blood is disrupted. Breathing is not held, which means carbon dioxide does not have time to accumulate in the cells of the body and blood. Insufficient concentration of carbon dioxide complicates the synthesis of amino acids and negatively affects nervous system, vascular contraction, response of the respiratory center.

The human body reacts sharply to a lack of carbon monoxide by activating its defense system. The risk of diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory and endocrine systems increases. The most common consequence of improper breathing is insomnia.

Normalization of the respiratory system

From what was written above, it became clear that carbon dioxide is necessary for breathing. In order to always have enough of this substance in the blood, you need to adhere to a certain lifestyle. To do exercises breathing exercises, walk more often, practice various water procedures and fasting, sometimes sleeping on your stomach. Various techniques will help you learn to breathe correctly, which you can find below.

The benefits of breathing exercises

  • Breathing exercises are accompanied by vibration, which has a massage effect on the internal organs. This effect helps to rejuvenate internal tissues and start burning visceral fat.
  • The benefits of breathing exercises for the central nervous system are invaluable. Instead of tension, after completing a gymnastics complex, a person feels a surge of vigor, mental performance and the power of concentration increase.
  • The best cosmetologist is blood filled with oxygen. By performing breathing exercises daily, by accelerating blood circulation, the skin becomes elastic and matte.

  • Thanks to exercise, the organs of the respiratory system begin to work stably.
  • Ability to control the sympathetic nervous system. This is the type of nervous system that is active when a person is under stress. So far, a person can control only two organs of this system - blinking and breathing. Having learned through exercise the power of control over the sympathetic system, a person will open portals through which he can send signals to the brain and thereby control the health of his soul and body.

Five general rules for performing breathing exercises

Before you begin to normalize the respiratory process, you need to carefully prepare. The main thing is to choose the most suitable technique, study and remember these five rules.

  1. Training takes place in clothes that do not restrict movement. Outdoors or in a ventilated room.
  2. Full concentration on the exercise, breathing technique is strictly observed.
  3. Breathe slowly using chest, so more oxygen enters the body.
  4. At the initial stage, perform light exercises and gradually increase the load.
  5. While performing gymnastics, be as relaxed as possible. Rely only on your feelings; if you feel pain or do not want to do the exercises, finish the workout.

Such simple rules can train the respiratory system most effectively.

Types of breathing exercises

For residents of eastern countries, the daily practice of breathing exercises is an ordinary ritual of maintaining beauty and health. It was from these countries that various techniques for working on breathing control came.

Each technique has its own method of healing the body. Many practices are based on mindful meditation with breath control. Deep breathing techniques awaken the parasympathetic nervous system, which keeps the human body in a state of rest. Activate and improve performance internal organs Yoga practice based on shallow breathing helps. Next, we suggest you get acquainted with various techniques that can be used for different needs of the body and soul.

  • Deep breathing

The main operating organ is the muscles of the diaphragm. The air fills all the lungs completely. Thanks to this, the entire body is supplied with oxygen. Decreasing arterial pressure and the number of heartbeats, when performing this technique the stomach becomes very inflated. Because of this, many do not perceive this technique as working, because it is now in fashion slim stomach. Women are especially resistant to deep breathing. Although this method of normalizing breathing is indicated for them, because they constantly keep their abdominal muscles tense so that it appears more toned. Constant contraction of the abdominal muscles leads to nervous tic syndrome in the abdomen. Recent tics: constant tension that puts pressure on the entire nervous system.


  1. Starting position: spine straight, head straight, mouth closed, hands on knees. The lotus pose is perfect. Inhale air through the mouth, slightly squeezing the matzo pharynx, reminiscent of the operation of a pump. It will be easier for beginners to inhale on a count of 4. The inhalation will be correct if a sound similar to a pump is heard. The chest and shoulders remain motionless, only the ribs are included in the work, they move slightly apart.
  2. After a pause of 1-2 seconds, a smooth exhalation begins using the ribs. The shoulders and chest are still motionless. When you finish exhaling, pull in your stomach to push out all the air. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Full breath

The entire respiratory system comes into play. Inhale deeply. Air fills the lungs completely, passing through all organs of the respiratory system. This type of breathing calms and slows down the rate of cortisol release into the blood.


  1. Place your hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. By breathing, raise the hand located on the chest, the other remains motionless. Hold the air for 5-10 seconds. Exhale through your mouth.
  2. At this stage, the breath should raise the hand on the stomach. The chest is immobilized. Repeat 3-5 times.
  3. Alternate breathing methods from points 1 and 2.
  4. Simultaneous deep breathing using both types of breaths. Inhalation and exhalation take an equal period of time with short pauses.

Full and deep breathing are two basic techniques on which narrower practices of yoga and proper breathing are based.

Gymnastics Strelnikova

Strelnikova’s method is patented and confirmed as therapeutic. Since Alexandra Nikolaevna was a singer, her program was largely aimed at restoring her voice, but despite this, the method has proven itself in correcting many diseases: ARVI, headaches, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic diseases of the oropharynx and lungs, impaired nasal breathing, stooping. .

The method works on owl ventilation. When inhaling, the chest is not in its natural expanded position, but in a compressed one. Inhaling quickly and exhaling slowly allows the air to rush through the lungs like the piston of a fan.

Strelnikova gymnastics rules

  • The main requirement: training must take place in the fresh air.
  • Breathing technique: energetic inhale through the nose, exhale passively through a half-open mouth.
  • Begin with first three exercises, perform the complex in the morning and evening until 19:00.
  • Every day, add one exercise from the complex until there are 11 of them.
  • At the initial stage, a break of 10-15 sex is allowed between exercises. When the number of exercises reaches 11, the break is 3-5 seconds.
  • The duration of training is a lifetime.
  • Training is not a replacement for traditional treatment.

It is more effective to study a set of exercises from a video.

Buteyko method

Soviet scientist K.P. Buteyko believed that the cause of respiratory diseases was hyperventilation of the lungs. He proved his statements by comparing lung volume. The lungs of a healthy person take in 5 liters of air, while a person suffering from bronchial asthma inhales 10-15 liters.

The Buteyko method is based on shallow breathing. As the scientist himself said: “normal breathing is neither seen nor heard.”

Breathing technique: inhale slowly for 2-3 seconds, exhale completely for 3-4 seconds. Breathing rate: 6-8 breaths per minute. There is a mandatory pause of 3-4 seconds between breathing.


Controversial method of losing weight. Based on breathing and stretching the muscles. The only advantage is the lack age restrictions. According to the founder of bodyflex, by saturating the body with oxygen using five-stage breathing, fat begins to burn; stretching at this time will help the muscles remain elastic, despite weight loss.

Five-step breathing

Starting position: imagine that you need to sit on a chair.


  1. Through the lips, compressed with a tube, all the air from the lungs is completely released.
  2. Inhale noisily through the nose until the lungs are completely filled.
  3. Raise your head 45 degrees, move your lips at this time, as if you need to smear lipstick, exhale air through the diaphragm with the sound “groin”.
  4. Pause. Vacuum exercises are performed for 8-10 seconds.
  5. Relaxation.

This technique is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

Muller system

Developed by a Danish gymnast. It is based on rhythmic and deep breathing without pauses or air retention. This system is aimed at improving skin health, creating a strong muscle corset and increasing endurance.

You need to breathe through your chest through your nose. Start from the basic level.

Cleansing breath

This technique can be classified as yoga. Yogis use this method as a way to adjust the breathing apparatus before meditation or performing asanas. Cleansing breath great option For morning exercises, since you can do it immediately after waking up.

Starting position: the body is straightened and relaxed, positioned standing, lying, sitting.

The first breathing technique: inhale through the nose on a count of 2, inflating the stomach, on a count of four, exhale through a thin slit in the lips, the stomach is pulled towards the spine.

The second breathing technique: inhale through the nose, exhale sharply through the mouth, so that the stomach goes under the ribs for five seconds.

Breathing "Health"

A method for people who have very little time. Takes only 4 minutes a day. You need to breathe in a lying position, 2 minutes in the morning and 2 in the evening.

Breathing technique: inhale through the nose for 2 counts, then for 8 seconds, exhale slowly for 4 seconds through the nose.

“Health” breathing is performed according to the following scheme: 1 (inhale) - 4 (breath holding) -2 (exhale).

Contraindications for breathing exercises

No matter how great the benefits of normalizing breathing and exercise are. For some people, this type of physical activity is off limits. At risk are people in the postoperative period, those suffering from severe hypertension or glaucoma, those who have suffered an infraction, or those with cardiac and endocrine pathologies.

In any case, if a person wants to use gymnastics to alleviate the course of any disease, consultation with a doctor is required.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

An integral part of practice yoga- This pranayama- breathing exercises related to ancient yogic techniques of breathing control, with the help of which the body accumulates vitality. Many modern breathing techniques are based specifically on breathing practices taken from yoga.

Pranayama strengthens and heals the respiratory organs. Breathing exercises help normalize blood pressure, improve heart function, and improve immunity. Pranayama also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. The practitioner's mood and overall well-being improves.

Important Details

Yogis advise performing breathing exercises regularly, in a clean, ventilated room or outside.

The practice of pranayama requires complete concentration - concentrating on breathing and your own sensations in the body and mind - the effectiveness of the practice depends on this. It is not recommended to perform exercises in an absent-minded state, thinking about something extraneous.
Beginners should carefully monitor their sensations while performing breathing techniques. If you feel dizzy or experience any other discomfort, you should stop the practice, lie down and relax.

It is better to start with a small number of breathing repetitions, and with regular practice you can gradually increase the duration of the breathing exercises.

Basic Breathing Exercises

1. Kapalabhati – Fiery or Purifying Breath

The name of the technique "Kapalbhati" includes two Sanskrit words - Kapala- this is a “skull”, and Bhati- means “to make sparkling, to clean.” Literally, this name can be translated as “cleaning the skull.” In fact, it is implied that Kapalbhati breathing clears the mind and clears the pranic channels ( prana- this is life energy).

Execution Technique
Usually Kapalbhati is performed in a comfortable sitting position, and it is very important to keep your back straight. Many practitioners perform Kapalbhati in Siddhasana (sitting cross-legged), Vajrasana (sitting on the heels) or Padmasana (sitting in a lotus). You can close your eyes. The facial muscles are as relaxed as possible.

While sitting, you should close your index finger and thumb each hand in a ring, the remaining fingers are slightly extended, palms are open with the inside facing up. This position of the fingers is called Jnana Mudra. The hands are lowered with the wrists onto the knees.

Breathing is done through the nose. First you need to concentrate on deep, even breathing, tracking each air flow. At the end of the next exhalation, we strongly and quickly squeeze our abdominal muscles, sharply exhaling all the air through our nose, as if we want to blow our nose. In this case, the stomach moves inward towards the spine. The exhalation should be short and powerful, while being as complete as possible.

A powerful exhalation is immediately followed by a short, passive inhalation. To inhale correctly, we release the abdominal muscles, returning the abdominal wall to its relaxed state.

What to Pay Attention to

  • When performing Kapalbhati, only the stomach moves, and the abdominal muscles should not be strongly strained.

  • The facial muscles should be relaxed. The chest remains motionless.

  • It is very important to maintain emphasis on abdominal exhalation. To do this, you need to learn to quickly and completely relax your abdominal muscles during a short inhalation, and squeeze your abdominal muscles as much as possible while exhaling.

  • The diaphragm remains soft both during inhalation and exhalation.

  • Beginners should concentrate on the correct execution of Kapalbhati - the force of exhalation and the smoothness of inhalation. Those who have mastered the technique well concentrate their attention on the area below the navel, both while performing the technique and while resting. You can also concentrate your attention in the area between the eyebrows.

The technique of performing Kapalbhati can be briefly described as follows:– sharp exhalation through the nose, passive inhalation. As you exhale, the stomach retracts, pushing out all the air; as you inhale, it relaxes, drawing in air. Thus, you get short and sharp bursts of air through both nostrils.

Number of Approaches
Beginners should perform Kapalbhati in 3 sets, 10 breaths each. After each approach, you need to rest for half a minute, maintaining deep, even breathing.

Gradually the number of breaths is increased to 108 times in one approach. It is recommended to perform 3 approaches. The best time to perform Kapalbhati is in the morning. For best results, this exercise should be performed every day.

Positive Effects of Kapalbhati

  • tonic effect on the body as a whole, cleansing the energy channels of the body, cleansing of toxins;

  • strengthening the nervous system;

  • beneficial effect on brain function

  • strengthening the abdominal muscles, eliminating excess fat deposits in the abdominal area, improving tissue structure;

  • tonic effect on the abdominal organs due to internal massage;

  • activation of the digestion process, improvement of food absorption;

  • improvement of intestinal motility.

Kapalbhati should not be performed by people suffering from the following diseases:

  • pulmonary diseases

  • cardiovascular diseases

  • hernias in the abdominal cavity

2. Bhastrika - Breath of the Bellows

Bhastrika is a breathing technique that fans the practitioner’s inner fire, warming up his physical and subtle body. In Sanskrit the word "Bhastrika" means "blacksmith's bellows".

Execution Technique
The body position when performing Bhastrika is the same as when performing Kapalbhati - a comfortable, stable position, sitting with a straight back, eyes closed, fingers joined in Jnana Mudra.

First, take a slow, deep breath. Then you need to quickly and forcefully exhale air through your nose, and then immediately after that inhale with the same force, resulting in a series of rhythmic inhalations and exhalations, equal in strength and speed of execution. As you exhale, the stomach retracts and the diaphragm contracts. As you inhale, the diaphragm relaxes and the stomach protrudes forward.

After completing the first cycle, you should relax, keep your eyes closed, and focus on normal, smooth breathing.

More experienced students, after completing each cycle of Bhastrika, take a slow, deep breath through the nose and hold their breath as they inhale. While holding your breath, a throat lock is performed - Jalandhara Bandha- and lower lock - Mula Bandha. To perform a throat lock correctly, you should press the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and lower your chin. Then, you need to squeeze the muscles of the perineum to create a lower lock.

The throat and lower locks are held throughout the entire breath hold. Then, the lower and upper locks are released and the air is smoothly exhaled.

Number of Approaches
Like Kapalbhati, for beginners, the Bhastrika cycle should include 10 inhalations and exhalations. This cycle can be repeated three to five times. Gradually, the speed of performing Bhastrika should be increased, while maintaining the rhythm of breathing. Experienced practitioners perform 108 breaths in one cycle.

What to Pay Attention to

  • Inhale and exhale air with little effort.

  • Inhalation and exhalation must remain equal and are obtained correctly with systematic and equal movements of the lungs.

  • The shoulders and chest remain motionless, only the lungs, diaphragm and abdomen move.

Positive Effects of Bhastrika

  • prevention of colds, acute respiratory infections, chronic sinusitis, bronchitis, pleurisy and asthma (Bhastrika breathing effectively warms the nasal passages and sinuses, removes excess mucus and helps resist infections and viruses);

  • improved digestion and appetite;

  • improving metabolic rate;

  • stimulation of the heart and blood circulation;

  • strengthening the nervous system, relieving physical and mental stress, harmonizing the emotional state;

  • massage of internal organs;

  • increasing the vitality of the body;

  • clarity of mind.


Bhastrika is contraindicated for people with the following diseases:

  • high blood pressure

  • brain tumors

  • ulcers, stomach or intestinal disorders

3. Ujjayi – Calming Breathing

The name of the technique "Ujjayi" comes from the Sanskrit word uji, meaning “to conquer” or “to acquire by conquest.” This pranayama helps to bring into order the upward directed vital energy, which is called udana. Practitioners of Ujjayi breathing protect themselves from physical and psychological problems associated with the imbalance of this energy.

Execution Technique
Like the other techniques described above, Ujjayi breathing is performed in comfortable sitting position. The back is straight, the whole body is relaxed, the eyes are closed. This type of breathing can also be practiced lying on your back- especially before savasana(the so-called "corpse pose", an asana that concludes a yoga class, in which practitioners strive to complete relaxation). Lying Ujjayi is also recommended to be performed before bed to get rid of insomnia and to have a more restful and sound sleep.

Focus on slow, deep, natural breathing. Then, you need to slightly compress the glottis of the larynx, while breathing will be accompanied by a low hissing and whistling sound coming from the larynx area (a whistling “sss” during inhalation and “xxx” during exhalation). You will also feel a slight tightening sensation in your abdominal area.

The sound coming from a slightly compressed larynx is caused by air passing through it. This sound is reminiscent of the soft, subtle sound we hear when a person sleeps. It is important that breathing through a covered glottis remains deep and stretched - for this, the abdomen expands, taking in air, during inhalation and retracts completely at the end of exhalation.

What to Pay Attention to

  • deep inhalations and exhalations should be approximately equal, with each inhalation flowing into the subsequent exhalation, and vice versa.

  • the movement of air along the compressed glottis creates a gentle vibration that has a calming effect on the nervous system and calms the mind

  • try not to squeeze the larynx - compression of the larynx should remain light throughout the entire respiratory cycle.

  • the facial muscles should be as relaxed as possible.

  • The sound produced by Ujjayi breathing helps you focus your attention on your breathing and go deeper into yourself. When performed at the beginning of a yoga class, this breathing helps practitioners focus on internal sensations during the asanas and become more aware of each form. Ujjayi is also recommended to be performed before meditation.

  • Ujjayi breathing should be practiced for three to five minutes and then resume normal breathing.

  • Ujjayi can be performed even while walking, while adjusting the length of the breath to the pace of movement. A small cycle of Ujjayi will quickly normalize your condition and increase concentration while waiting in line or in transport.

Positive Effects of Ujjayi

  • has a calming effect on the nervous system and mind, relieves insomnia;

  • normalizes high blood pressure;

  • helps cope with heart disease;

  • relieves tension during menstruation;

  • leads to a deeper understanding of asanas;

  • develops a sense of the subtle body;

  • increases mental sensitivity.

- not recommended for people with low blood pressure.

4. Full Yogic Breath

Full breathing is the deepest type of breathing. Everyone participates in it respiratory muscles and the entire volume of the lungs is used. With full breathing, the entire body is filled with fresh oxygen and vital energy.

Execution Technique
It is recommended to begin mastering full breathing in a sitting position - the back is straight, the whole body is relaxed, the fingers are connected in Jnana Mudra or simply lying on the knees. The facial muscles are also relaxed.

A complete breath consists of three stages:

  • lower, diaphragmatic or abdominal breathing,

  • medium, chest breathing

  • upper, clavicular breathing.

These stages form one continuous whole.

Before you start take a full breath, you need to smoothly exhale all the air. Then a smooth inhalation is performed in the following order:

  • We start with lower breathing - the stomach moves forward, and the lower sections of the lungs are filled with air.

  • Breathing smoothly moves to the second stage - chest breathing. The chest expands with the help of the intercostal muscles, while the middle sections of the lungs are filled with air. The stomach tightens a little.

  • Chest breathing smoothly flows into clavicular breathing. The subclavian and neck muscles are engaged, and the upper ribs are raised. The shoulders straighten slightly, but do not rise. This ends the inhalation.

Full exhalation also begins in the lower parts of the lungs. The stomach is pulled up, the air is smoothly pushed out. Then the ribs drop and the chest contracts. At the last stage, the upper ribs and collarbones are lowered. At the end of the respiratory cycle, the relaxed stomach protrudes slightly forward.

What to Pay Attention to

  • When breathing fully, you should maintain a feeling of comfort; you should not overexert yourself while inhaling, overfilling the chest with air.

  • The transition from one stage of breathing to another is carried out continuously; stops and jerks should be avoided.

  • inhalation and exhalation are equal in duration.

  • There is another option for performing full breathing for more experienced yogis, when the practitioner strives to make the exhalation twice as long as the inhalation, while also holding the breath for several seconds while inhaling and exhaling.

Number of Approaches
For beginners, it is enough to perform three cycles of full breathing. Experienced practitioners can perform up to 14 cycles.

Positive Effects of Full Breathing

  • the body is filled with vital energy, fatigue goes away, and the overall tone of the body increases;

  • the nervous system calms down;

  • complete ventilation of the lungs occurs;

  • the body is cleansed of poisons and toxins due to a good supply of oxygen to the lungs and blood;

  • resistance to infectious diseases increases;

  • All abdominal organs are gently massaged;

  • metabolism improves;

  • endocrine glands and lymph nodes are strengthened;

  • the heart is strengthened;

  • blood pressure is normalized.

Care should be taken when:

  • any lung pathology

  • cardiovascular diseases

  • hernias in the abdominal cavity.

Respiratory function is one of the vital functions of the human body. When we are healthy, we don’t notice how this happens, just as we don’t notice the beating of our heart. Thanks to breathing, every cell of our body receives oxygen and gives off carbon dioxide, thus exercising the right to life.

Since ancient times, people have tried to optimize breathing, improve oxygen delivery to organs and tissues, and cleanse them of waste gases, as they understood that improper breathing leads to negative health consequences. The main ones are:

  • Increased fatigue.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Decreased protective function of the body.
  • Headache.
  • Depression.
  • Accelerated aging.
  • Congestion in the lungs.
  • Increased risk of developing bronchopulmonary pathology.
  • Infectious processes in the respiratory system.

Ancient exercises for the lungs have reached our time, which not only have not lost their relevance, but have also gained additional popularity. Some people are interested in the gymnastics of the monks of Tibetan monasteries, while others are closer to yoga.

What breathing exercises for the lungs are used today, what health problems they solve, are there people for whom such practices will not benefit and are even prohibited - we will answer these questions.

Types of breathing

By conducting systematic training, a person is able to develop various breathing types:

  • Upper - inhale through the upper parts of the chest, the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall tense.
  • Medium - in this case, the chest and intercostal spaces increase in volume, the ribs and diaphragm rise.
  • Lower - in this case breathing is carried out with the stomach.
  • The opposite is true - in this case, when exhaling, the stomach is relaxed, and the chest does not increase its volume.
  • Full - breathing is carried out using the entire chest.
  • Delayed.

Breathing type training is best done under the supervision of a physical therapy specialist.

Indications and contraindications

Before you start doing breathing exercises for the lungs, you need to decide for what purpose you intend to do this. Most often, people choose one or another complex to obtain the following results:

  • Increase physical endurance.
  • Normalize sleep and psycho-emotional state.
  • Preserve youth and elasticity of the skin, prevent wrinkles.
  • Boost immunity.
  • Prevent occupational diseases.
  • Improve the condition and function of the bronchi and lungs.
  • Restore your voice.
  • Lose weight.

This is not a complete list of indications. With the help of light exercises you can alleviate the course of many diseases, improve psycho physical state children.

Exercises are contraindicated in the following situations:

  • During an exacerbation of any chronic diseases.
  • Breathing practices can be carried out with great caution by pregnant and breastfeeding women. Exercises for them should be simple and easy to do.
  • Serious illnesses of cardio-vascular system.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the female genital area, endometriosis of the uterus, hiatal hernia are an obstacle to practicing breathing exercises.

Each technique has its own contraindications. For example, contraindications for Strelnikova’s gymnastics are myopia and hypertension high degree, suffered a heart attack.


The following methods are recognized as the most common.

  1. Bodyflex. Indicated for people planning to lose weight. The complex enhances the effect of physical exercise.
  2. Oxysize. The complex trains the lungs, achieves general relaxation, and reduces weight.
  3. Gymnastics according to Muller. Trains the lungs, improves immunity.
  4. Gymnastics according to Buteyko. The goal is the treatment of pulmonary pathology.
  5. Tibetan breathing exercises. Helps overall health and prolongs life.
  6. Strelnikova complex. First of all, it helps improve breathing. In addition, it is used to restore the voice, improve general well-being and lose weight.

Let's take a closer look at all these methods.


What exercises does the gymnastic complex consist of:

  • First exercise. The neck is extended, the lower jaw is pushed forward, the lips are pursed for a kiss. Raising your head, we carry out a breathing cycle: exhale - inhale - exhale - pause and relaxation - hold your breath. At the relaxation stage, straight arms are pulled back to the count of “8”. The cycle is repeated 5 times.

  • Second exercise. Starts in the same position. After completing 1 breathing cycle, the left palm is placed on the right elbow, the hand is raised above the head to the count of “8”, an inhalation is taken, and then you can relax. The same is repeated with the right palm on the left elbow. Number of repetitions - performed three times.
  • Third exercise. Take the starting position - knee-elbow position, stretch your right leg back, toes resting on the floor. We take a deep breath, raise our leg up and hold it until the count of “8”, lower it, exhale. Then we perform the same actions with our left foot.

This gymnastics implies that breathing exercise alternates with physical exercise and is performed in the “volleyball pose.” What is characteristic of this pose? The person is in an upright position, legs wide apart and bent at the knees, but the hands should be placed on the knees.


A continuous breathing cycle opens the volume of the chest, and at this moment saturates the body with oxygen as much as possible. Performed while standing.

What does Oxysize mean? Inhalation is performed only through the nose, while the stomach is inflated, the pelvis protrudes forward, but the abdominal muscles are relaxed. We take 3 short exhalations, straining the muscles of the buttocks and perineum, exhale sharply through the mouth through the lips folded into a tube, the abs are tightened. Performed at least 30 times.

You need to understand that from the very first days you should not expect serious results, although relief in your general well-being will come quickly. Any breathing exercises should be performed systematically over a long period of time.

Gymnastics according to Muller

What is this gymnastic complex:

  • First. You need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands clasped together and raised above your head. From this position, the body is tilted in all directions: forward, right, backward, left. We perform 10 breathing cycles in 1 minute. When bending, be sure to exhale, and when returning to IP, inhale. This exercise is performed 10 times.
  • Second. The legs are spaced shoulder-width apart, while the arms are raised to the sides, parallel to the floor, and the hands should be clenched into a fist. From this position, we tilt our torso forward and make a turn to the right, while touching the surface of the floor between our legs with our fists. Having straightened up, we repeat the same to the left side. We perform 5 times in each direction. When bending, we exhale, when straightening, inhale.
  • Third. The desired position is lying on your back, with your arms bent, located under your head or straightened along your body. From this position, we describe low circles with straight legs. Notice that the legs move towards each other, squeezing tightly when they meet. We do this for 6 circles. Then 2 more large circles, crossing the legs when they meet. We repeat the same exercise, only this time we move our legs in the other direction. Please note that when performing, we breathe deeply, it should be without delay.

This complex has been known for more than 100 years and has helped more than one thousand people. Full course Gymnastics according to Muller consists of 18 exercises. But if you don’t have enough patience, you can get by with a shortened course in the first stages. You must do all the exercises for a month.

Gymnastics according to Buteyko

The essence of the method is to hold your breath. For example, we take a breath, hold our breath until we feel short of air, and exhale slowly through our mouth. The same can be done when walking. You can breathe shallowly for 3 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 10 minutes. You can simply train yourself to breathe by reducing the depth of your inhalation.

The method effectively treats allergic conditions, bronchial asthma, and hypertension.

Tibetan breathing exercises

Tibetan monks have developed many complexes for healing the spine and lungs, longevity, hormonal, for women. Breathing practice, the elements of which are presented below, aims to reduce body weight. Breathing is even, deep:

  • First exercise. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms spread at shoulder level parallel to the floor. We rotate our torso in both directions alternately until we feel slightly dizzy.
  • Second exercise. Lying on your back, arms along your body, palms pressed to the floor. Raise your head, press your chin to your chest, lift straight legs (exhale), and inhale while lowering.
  • Third exercise. Starting position: kneeling, knees shoulder-width apart. The head is tilted forward, the chin is pressed to the chest. Brushes under the buttocks. Bend your spine, leaning on your hips, while throwing your head back (inhale), return to IP (exhale).
  • Fourth exercise. Sit on a stool, lean back, rest your palms on the floor, throw your head back, raise your torso parallel to the floor, forming a bridge. After a few seconds, return to the IP.
  • Fifth exercise. “Cobra pose” – lying on your stomach, spine arched, emphasis on straightened arms. Transition to “dog pose” (inhale). Return to the “cobra pose” - exhale.

We repeat each exercise no more than 21 times.

Gymnastics according to Strelnikova

Breathing - intensive loud inhalation every second against the background of physical exercise, unnoticeable exhalation.

An example would be taking a long breath while standing, then exhaling. Next, sitting or standing with a straight posture, arms bent at the elbows at chest level. We spread our arms to the sides, clenching them into a fist (inhale), return to IP (exhale).

Breathing practices can be performed in any environment - at home, in gym, fitness center, in a pine forest, on the seashore. The room must be clean and well ventilated. In combination with hardening procedures, breathing exercises have a more pronounced healing effect.

A set of breathing exercises is developed by doctors to achieve several goals at once: therapeutic, rehabilitation and preventive. What exercise therapy options are best to choose for yourself?

Any set of breathing exercises has common tasks. Such activities allow you to:

  • Increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors.
  • Increase the volume of lung tissue.
  • Strengthen the physical health of a person.
  • Restore the body after a serious illness.
  • Prevent congestion in the lungs during chronic diseases.
  • Prevent further exacerbations of bronchopulmonary pathology.
  • Improve blood flow in the respiratory zone.
  • Fill the organs of our body with oxygen, which is important for any metabolic processes.

Breathing exercises include both effective and unproven methods. Let's try to figure out which breathing exercises to choose. The most popular types of training:

  1. A classic set of five exercises.
  2. Yoga for the respiratory system.
  3. Strelnikova's famous gymnastics.

In addition to these species, there are less well-known, but quite effective ways physical training respiratory system.

General rules of classes

Any physical effort on our body can be both beneficial and harmful. It is important to follow some class rules. They are quite versatile and suitable for any complex:

  1. Before carrying out exercise therapy be sure to ventilate the room. There is no point in doing exercises in a stuffy room, since the body will not be able to get enough oxygen. For healthy people, it is recommended to conduct exercises outside during the warm season.
  2. You should wear light and loose clothing. No tight belts or locks. At home, a T-shirt and light pants on your legs are enough.
  3. You should not do exercises immediately after eating. It is recommended to conduct classes on an empty stomach or a few hours after a meal.
  4. The first lesson should be about 15 minutes. In the future, you can increase the volume of load on the body and perform gymnastics for about half an hour.
  5. One of the most important rules Exercise therapy – do only those exercises that do not cause significant discomfort. If it becomes difficult for you, stop, you need to increase the volume of the load gradually.
  6. Before training, you need to warm up a little - walk around the room barefoot with your arms spread out, then do a few circles on your heels and toes. Simple movements in shoulder joints will help stretch your arm muscles.

Knowing these rules, you can achieve maximum result from training.

Classic complex

For most therapeutic and preventive purposes, a classic set of breathing exercises is suitable, which consists of only 5 techniques.

The first exercise is a warm-up exercise:

  • The man stands straight, his arms are lowered and pressed to his body. Place your feet close to each other.
  • Take a deep breath and count to 3, slowly raise your arms up.
  • We gradually exhale. We count slowly to 5 and lower our hands down.
  • We hold our breath and mentally count to 4. This pause can be increased gradually as the body becomes more trained.
  • The exercise is repeated up to 10 times.

The second method increases lung volume:

  • The person stands straight with his knees slightly relaxed.
  • We lean forward, stretch our hands to our feet. At this moment, a very slow exhalation is made.
  • We gradually straighten up while holding our breath.
  • From the starting position, take a deep breath and raise your arms up. We try to stretch out and pull in our stomach.
  • Repeat this exercise 5 to 10 times.

The third exercise strengthens the muscular framework of the bronchi:

  • We sit on a chair and put our hands on our knees.
  • We lean forward a little, trying to keep our back straight.
  • In this inclined position, inhale through the nose, counting to 2, pause for 1 second, and exhale through the nose, counting to 4.
  • We pause again and try not to breathe for 5–6 seconds.

The fourth technique is mixed breathing training (thoracic and abdominal):

  • We stand straight and inhale slowly, inflating our belly.
  • We continue to inhale, trying to expand the chest.
  • We continue to inhale air, raising our collarbones up.
  • We exhale slowly and try to draw in our stomach.
  • A short pause.
  • We repeat the exercise several times.

Fifth exercise - to clear the airways:

  • While standing, we take a deep breath and try to fill our lungs with oxygen.
  • We purse our lips and, without puffing out our cheeks, take several (2-3) short exhalations through our mouth.
  • We try not to let all the air out of our lungs at once. A short pause.
  • Several short exhalations again. We repeat until there is no air left in the lungs.
  • We do this technique several times depending on how we feel.

The listed exercises combine Eastern and Western practices, take into account physical culture the most important and useful thing is that they improve lung function and have very specific tasks. It is even recommended to do them healthy person while charging.


The philosophy of yoga involves not only the physical, but also spiritual improvement person. Every movement in breathing technique should improve your state of mind. It is quite difficult to learn them at a good level, but in the end you can achieve excellent results:

  • Increase the volume of lung tissue.
  • Saturate the body with oxygen.
  • Reduce blood pressure.
  • Improve metabolism.
  • Restore the functioning of nervous tissue.
  • Boost immunity.
  • Improve mood.

Breathing exercises are performed in a special position - sitting cross-legged. The back straightens, the head rises slightly, and the eyes close. Hands are placed on your knees. Then the person begins gymnastics:

  • Exhale deeply so that all the air leaves the lungs.
  • The stomach sticks out, taking a small breath.
  • The middle portion of air is inhaled slowly, expanding the chest.
  • The tops of the lungs are filled with oxygen at the end of the inhalation, while the person spreads and raises his shoulders.
  • Exhale slowly - the chest and shoulder girdle fall down. The stomach retracts a little.
  • Breathing is slow and calm. Thoughts should be focused on breathing, the vital force filling your body.

This cycle of physical education must be repeated up to 10 times. Other yoga exercises can also strengthen your breathing, but they take more time to master.

Gymnastics Strelnikova

Strelnikova’s famous gymnastics were developed by a doctor taking into account the physiology of the human body. It involves various muscles of the body and parts of the human respiratory system.

The breathing exercises complex includes many exercises, among which everyone should choose the most pleasant and effective ones. Gymnastic techniques replace each other and pursue similar goals.

Here is a description of just a few exercises:

  1. Palms - a person takes 4 small breaths through the nose in a row. In this case, inhalations should be deep and noisy, and exhalations should be slow and quiet, almost imperceptible. With each inhalation, the palms are clenched into a fist, and as you exhale, they lower down and relax. After each exhalation there is a short pause of about 3 seconds. The shoulders and stomach should not participate in breathing. This exercise may cause slight dizziness in an unprepared person; it requires a pause for a few seconds. It is recommended to do about 20 similar approaches.

  2. Shoulder straps. The technique is performed while standing on the floor, with the hands pressed to the middle of the abdomen. A person takes about 8 small breaths quickly without stopping. Hold your breath for 5 seconds. Then, as you exhale, you need to push your hands towards the floor, trying not to involve the shoulder girdle. Then the hands are raised to the stomach and the exercise is repeated again up to 10 times.
  3. Pump. This popular exercise helps strengthen the breathing muscles. A standing person slowly bends towards the floor, inhaling through his nose. Finishes inhalation along with bending over. We straighten up quickly enough, exhaling. We repeat the tilt again - up to 8 times. After this, pause for 5 seconds. Such approaches need to be done 10 times.

Other methods

In one article it is impossible to fully disclose all sets of exercises developed for the human respiratory system. It’s worth just mentioning a few so that those interested can look for more information about a specific technique:

  1. Bodyflex - aimed not only at strengthening the lungs, but also at improving a woman’s appearance. The key is breathing in a certain position, which allows you to create tension in the body and lose extra pounds.
  2. The Buteyko system involves the use of deep breathing to cleanse the body of harmful metabolites. Suitable only for fairly healthy people, as it creates difficult conditions for the respiratory center of the body.
  3. Three-phase breathing system. Developed by opera singer Kofler. Allows you not only to strengthen respiratory system, but also create the right conditions for singing.
  4. Vivation is a technique aimed at improving a person’s emotional state through breathing exercises. Involves performing cyclic, deep and shallow breathing.
  5. The Pershin system is an improved and supplemented Strelnikova gymnastics, aimed at the rehabilitation of patients with radiculitis, allergic diseases of the respiratory system, metabolic syndrome, and migraine.

It is worth mentioning that intense stress on the respiratory system can harm a person. Therefore, do all the exercises gradually, or better yet, consult a specialist before starting training.

Exercises for bedridden patients

In medical practice, there are quite often cases when the patient is forced to remain in hospital for a long time. supine position. At this moment it is necessary to support the body with the help respiratory exercise therapy to cope with diseases such as:

  • Brain strokes.
  • Injuries of the spine and lower extremities.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Diabetes.
  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • Heavy surgical operations.
  • Joint diseases.

A set of classes for bedridden patients:

  1. Raise one arm in front of you, inhaling. Slowly lower, gradually exhale air. Repeat with the other hand.
  2. At the same time, we try to raise both arms while inhaling. As you exhale slowly, lower it.
  3. Lying with the head end of the bed raised: place your hands on the sides of your chest. Inhale slowly - we try to spread our arms as far as possible with our ribs. Exhale - we help the chest with the help of our hands.
  4. We lie down on our stomachs. We stretch our arms forward as we inhale, and return them along the body as we exhale.
  5. Lying on your stomach, we take deep breaths, while the assistant holds his hands behind the patient's back, pulling them back a little.

Not all exercises can be performed for various diseases. For example, you should not roll over onto your stomach if you have a spinal injury. Consult a specialist before performing the complex.

The exercises must be performed under the supervision of medical personnel, relatives or a caregiver.

Classes should start with the first 3 exercises of the complex.


First exercise « Palms"- warm-up. All exercises are described in the main complex, see below).

During execution, you need to take 4 noisy nasal breaths. Then (3-5 seconds) a pause and again, without stopping, 4 noisy nasal breaths.

This needs to be done about 24 times (4 breaths), in total there are about 96 movements (“hundred” by Strelnikova). Exhalation (invisible and inaudible) occurs through the mouth after inhaling through the nose. Exhalations should not be pushed out or held in! Inhalation is very active, exhalation is quite passive. Just think about the inhalation, noisy, throughout the entire room. Forget about exhaling.

When inhaling, close your lips slightly.

A short, noisy breath in through the nose in Strelnikova’s gymnastics is performed with closed lips. There is no need to compress your lips tightly when inhaling; they are closed slightly, naturally and freely.

After a noisy, short inhalation through the nose, the lips part a little - and the exhalation occurs by itself through the mouth (and is not heard). It is strictly forbidden to grimace while inhaling!!! And raise the palate, protruding your stomach.

Don’t think about where the air will go, think about the fact that you sniff the air very briefly and noisily (like clapping your hands).

The shoulders are not involved in breathing, so you should not raise them. You need to keep an eye on this!

You may feel slightly dizzy at the beginning of your workout. Don't be scared! You can do palm exercises while sitting (you need to think about the recommendations for VGSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia).

Second exercise “Epaulettes” 8 breaths are taken without stopping (“figure eight”). Then rest for 4-5 seconds and again 8 breaths. And thus 12 times (also “a hundred” 96 movements.

Third exercise “Pump” you need to do it 12 times - 8 breaths, rest after each “8” for 4-5 seconds. (There are certain restrictions when performing this exercise, which are described in the main complex).

These three exercises require about 10-20 minutes. This lesson is repeated twice a day (morning, evening). And in the evening, performing “Palms”, take 8 breaths of movement.

On the second day add Exercises "Cat"“, 12 times 8 movements.

"Hug your shoulders"
"Big Pendulum"
"Head turns"
"Pendulum head"

When the exercises are mastered well, their implementation should be increased from 8 to 16 breaths, then 32. Rest is maintained for 3-4-5 seconds, but not after the “eights”, but after the “16” and “32” breaths-movements.

If the exercise is done with 16 breaths, then it is performed 6 times; if 32 breaths, then 3 times. If necessary, the pause can be increased to 10 seconds, but no more.

In the case when you easily take 32 breaths in a row and you are able to take 96 breaths (“a hundred”), it is still recommended to rest for 3-4-5 seconds after 32 breaths. Otherwise, you may get carried away, and Strelnikova’s breathing exercises will no longer help you.

Main complex

Let's consider the main complex. It is worth repeating the rules that must be followed when performing the first three exercises.


1. Think only about breathing through your nose. Train only to inhale. Inhalation is sharp, short, noisy (clap your hands).
2. Exhalation occurs after inhalation independently (through the mouth). Do not hold your exhalation or push it out. Inhalation is very active through the nose, exhalation is through the mouth, inaudible and passive. There should be no noise when exhaling!
3. Simultaneously with the sigh, movements are made, and nothing else!
4. In Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, movements - inhalations are performed in the rhythm of a walking step.
5. Counting is done mentally, and only by 8.
6. Exercises can be performed in any position - standing, lying, sitting.

Breathing exercises by Strelnikova

1. Palm exercise

I.p. (starting position) – standing:

Stand straight, arms bent at the elbows (elbows down), and palms forward - “psychic pose.”

While standing in this position, you should take short, rhythmic, noisy breaths through your nose while clenching your palms into fists (the so-called grasping movements.

Without pausing, take 4 rhythmic, sharp breaths through your nose.

Then lower your hands and rest for 4-5 seconds. Then make 4 more noisy ones, short breaths and again a pause.

Normally, you need to take 4 breaths 24 times.

You may feel dizzy at the beginning of the class, that's okay! You can sit down and continue sitting, increasing the pause to 10 seconds.

2. Exercise “shoulder straps”

I.p. – standing, hands clenched into fists and pressed to the stomach at waist level.

When inhaling, you need to sharply push your fists down towards the floor (do not strain your shoulders, straighten your arms to the end, reaching towards the floor).

Then return the brushes to waist level in IP.

Take 8 breaths in a row. Normally 12 times 8.

3. Exercise “pump” (“inflating the tire”)

I.p. – standing, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width, arms below (os. – basic stance).

Make a slight inclination (reach your hands towards the floor, but do not touch), while in the second half of the inclination take a short and noisy breath through your nose.

The inhalation ends along with the tilt. Raise yourself a little, but not completely, and again bend + inhale. You can imagine that you are inflating a tire in a car.

The bends are performed easily and rhythmically; you should not bend too low, just bend down to waist level.

Round your back, lower your head. Important!! “Pump the tire” in the rhythm of a marching step.

Normally, the exercise is performed 12 times.


Injuries to the spine and head, long-term osteochondrosis and radiculitis, increased intracranial, arterial and intraocular pressure, stones in the liver, bladder, kidneys - do not bend low. The tilt is slightly noticeable, but short and noisy inhalations are mandatory. Exhale passively after inhaling through the mouth, while not opening the mouth wide.

This exercise quite effective, capable of stopping heart attack, liver attack and bronchial asthma.

4. Exercise “cat” (half squat with a turn)

I.p. – o.s. (during the exercise, the feet do not come off the floor).

Do a dance squat with your torso turned to the right and at the same time take a short, sharp breath.

Then do the same with turning left.

Exhalations are performed spontaneously.

The knees bend and straighten slightly (do not squat hard, but lightly and springily).

Hands on the left and right perform grasping movements.

The back is straight, turn at the waist.

Normal ex. performed 12 times.

5. Shoulder Hug Exercise

I.p. – standing, bend your arms and raise them to shoulder level.

You need to throw your arms very strongly, as if you want to hug yourself by your shoulders.

And with every movement a breath is taken.

Hands during the “hug” should be parallel to each other; There is no need to spread it very wide apart.

Normally, the exercise is performed 12p - 8 breaths-movements.

Can be performed in different starting positions.


Coronary heart disease, previous heart attack, congenital heart disease - this exercise is not recommended for these diseases.

It should start with 2 weeks of classes.

If the condition is severe, then you need to take half as many breaths (4, or even 2).

Pregnant women from about 6 months (pregnancy) do not tilt their head back in this exercise; only perform the exercise with your hands, stand straight and look forward.

6. Exercise “big pendulum”

I.p. – standing, legs narrower than shoulders. Lean forward, reach your hands towards the floor - inhale.

Immediately, without stopping (bend a little at the waist), bend back and hug your shoulders with your hands. Also - inhale.

Exhale randomly between inhalations.

Normal: 12 times. The exercise can be done while sitting.


Osteochondrosis, spinal injuries, displaced intervertebral discs.

With these diseases, you should limit your movements, lean forward a little and bend a little while bending back.

Only after you have mastered the first 6 exercises well should you proceed to the rest.

You can add one exercise every day from the second part of the complex until you master all the rest.

7. Exercise “head turns”

I.p. – standing, legs narrower than shoulders.

Turn your head to the right - take a short, noisy breath through your nose.

Same thing to the left.

The head does not stop in the middle, the neck is not tense.

Important to remember!

You need to exhale through your mouth after each inhalation.

Normal: 12 times.

8. Exercise “ears”

I.p. – standing, legs narrower than shoulders.

Slight tilt of the head to the right, ear to the right shoulder - inhale through the nose. Same thing to the left.

Shake your head a little, looking forward.

The exercise is similar to the “Chinese dummy”.

Inhalations are performed along with movements.

When exhaling, do not open your mouth wide!

Normal: 12 times.

9. Exercise “pendulum head” (down and up)

I.p. – standing, legs narrower than shoulders.

Lower your head down (look at the floor) - a short, sharp breath.

Raise your head up (look at the ceiling) - inhale.

Let me remind you that exhalations should be between inhalations and through the mouth.

Normal: 12 times.


Head injuries, vegetative-vascular dystonia, epilepsy, increased intracranial, intraocular, blood pressure, osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region.

With these diseases, you should not make sudden movements with your head in exercises such as “Ears”, “Head turns”, “Head pendulum”.

Turn your head slightly, but inhale noisily and short.

You can do the exercises while sitting.

10. Exercise “rolls”

1) I.p. – standing, left leg forward, right leg back. Transfer the weight of the body to the left leg.

The body and leg are straight.

Bend your right leg and place it on your toes for balance (but don’t lean on it).

Sit down a little on your left leg, while inhaling through your nose (the left leg should be immediately straightened after squatting).

Immediately shift the center of gravity to the other leg (leave the body straight) and also squat down a little while inhaling (do not lean on the left leg).

Important to remember:

1 – squats are done together with inhalation;

2 – transfer the center of gravity to the leg on which the squat is performed;

3 – after squatting, the leg should be straightened immediately, and then a roll from foot to foot is performed.

Normal: 12 times.

2) The exercise is performed in the same way as described above, only you need to swap your legs.

This exercise is done only in a standing position.

11. Exercise “steps”

1) "Forward step."

I.p. – standing, legs narrower than shoulders.

Raise the bent left leg up to the level of the abdomen (straighten the leg from the knee, pull the toe). At the same time, sit down a little on your right leg and take a short, noisy breath.

After squatting, the legs must be returned to their original position.

Do the same, raising the other leg forward. The body must be straight.

Normal: 8 times - 8 breaths.

This exercise can be done in any starting position.


Coronary heart disease, diseases of the cardiovascular system, previous heart attack, congenital defects.

In the presence of leg injuries and thrombophlebitis, you need to perform the exercise sitting and lying down, very carefully. The pause can be increased to 10 seconds. With such a disease, consultation with a surgeon is necessary!

During pregnancy and urolithiasis, do not raise your knee high!

2) “Back step.”

I.p. - Same. Left leg, bent at the knee, is pulled back, while squatting slightly on the right leg and inhaling. Return your legs to their original position – exhale. Do the same on the other leg. We do this exercise only while standing.

Normal: 4 times - 8 breaths.

Breathing exercises by Strelnikova, video lesson

List of main diseases for which breathing exercises by A.N. Strelnikova are used

(Breathing exercises by A.N. Strelnikova have ONLY ONE CONTRAINDICATION: internal bleeding.)

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchi and lungs
Vasomotor and allergic rhinitis;
Adenoids of I and II degrees;
Deviation of the nasal septum;
Acute respiratory diseases (ARI and ARVI);
Polyps of the nose and larynx;
Paresis or paralysis;
Sore throats;
Laryngitis and laryngotracheitis;
Chronic pharyngitis;
Quincke's edema;
Edema of the larynx;
Whooping cough;
Atelectasis of the lungs;
Bronchial asthma;
Pulmonary edema;
Pulmonary tuberculosis;
Benign tumors of the respiratory organs.

Breathing exercises by A.N. Strelnikova are indicated for ANY respiratory disease, even during an exacerbation of the disease (but only with a strictly INDIVIDUAL approach).

Breathing exercises by A.N. Strelnikova are indicated for ANY sound production disorders and diseases of the vocal apparatus.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system
Atrial fibrillation;
Cardiac ischemia;
Rheumatic carditis;
Atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis;
Circulatory failure;
Migraine neuralgia;

Blood diseases
Radiation sickness.

Digestive diseases
Chronic gastritis;
Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
Chronic pancreatitis;

Liver and kidney diseases
Cirrhosis of the liver;
Botkin's disease (jaundice);
Kidney cyst;
Polycystic kidney disease;
Wandering kidney;

Endocrine system diseases
Autoimmune thyroiditis;
Diffuse toxic goiter;
Stunted growth (lag in physical development);

Diseases of the genitourinary system
Inguinal hernia;
Enuresis (bedwetting);
Menopausal neurosis;
Cervical polyp;
Cervical erosion;
Salpingo-oophoritis (inflammation of the uterine appendages);
Algomenorrhea (painful menstruation);
Ovarian cyst;
Prolapse of the vaginal walls;
Chronic prostatitis;
Prostate adenoma;
Varicose veins of the spermatic cord;
Fast ejaculation;
Delayed sexual development.

Nervous and mental illnesses
Alcohol intoxication;
Chronic alcoholism;
Substance abuse;
Strelnikovsky breathing exercises strengthen the immune system, increase vitality and performance, heal the psyche, improve mood, and relieve depression!

Skin diseases
Vitiligo (foci of depigmentation decrease)

Musculoskeletal disorders
Various postural disorders;
Vertebral hernias.
Various injuries of the upper and lower extremities, shoulder girdle and hips.

Dear readers, if you have performed a set of Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, please leave comments or reviews below. This will be very useful for someone!