Jumping rope: history and interesting facts. Skipping is not just jumping rope Tell the children the history of the jump rope

The history of the jump rope

Jump rope - sports equipment For physical exercise adults and children. It is a synthetic or leather cord. It is used as one of the sports equipment in rhythmic gymnastics exercises.

The history of the jump rope is very prosaic. In ancient Egypt and China, people made ropes from hemp. During the manufacturing process, they had to jump over them so as not to get the ropes tangled, and not to get entangled themselves. Seeing this, the children began to jump over the ropes for fun. Other nations also liked this game, gradually conquering the whole world.

According to English legends (such a sad story), the jump rope is a reminder of the leather cord with which Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Christ, hanged himself. Jump ropes were popular in the spring, especially around Easter.

It's no secret that an unassuming object - a rope with handles, nicknamed a "jump rope" - is essentially a universal exercise machine, the like of which humanity has not yet invented. No one has recorded the exact date of its birth, but the ingenious simplicity of the projectile forces us to admit that people have found use for it since ancient times. Roman frescoes, images of wandering artists of the Middle Ages, later engravings and drawings depict actions similar to those that we can observe in every courtyard where children frolic after school. Even sportswear was not a necessity for classes. Our great-great-grandmothers also jumped over the “rope” in fluffy dresses and high heels, amazing the gentlemen with grace and dexterity. Meanwhile, coaches quickly realized that ladies' entertainment could be used to train athletes.

Already in the 13th century, London boxers and jockeys lost weight and pumped up their leg muscles by jumping until they were completely exhausted.

And even earlier, in French and Italian fencing schools, the same method was used to form the muscles of the lower extremities.

By spending 10-20 minutes a day on exercise, you will get a warm-up of all the muscles of the body, improve coordination of movements, maintain normal body weight, increase efficiency and provide yourself good mood during the day.

What does this gymnastic apparatus consist of?

It's quite simple. A jump rope or “jump rope” is a rope with handles. The names themselves indicate what actions can be performed with this item.

So jumping rope is useful and joyful every day! Jump ropes are made from different materials, they can be of different colors, with or without handles. Handles may be different. In terms of length, jump ropes can be long or short.

Leather jump rope. For almost a hundred years it has been very popular among boxers. Of course, it is better than a nylon or cotton jump rope and a beaded jump rope, but it is not as good as a polyvinyl jump rope that develops lightning-fast reflexes. It is almost impossible to adjust the length of a leather jump rope; upon purchase you need to select it according to your height.

Thick polyvinyl jump rope. Good for beginners, its length is difficult to adjust.

Jump rope. A very fast jump rope. Perfect for speed training. However, all variations of cross-arm training or complex different jumping styles are not possible with it.

Disadvantages: easy to break, this jump rope has the highest probability of injury (if you don’t have time to jump in time, and the rope hits your legs from behind or in front).

Jump ropes with beads. Plastic beads are evenly spaced along the entire length of the cotton rope. This jump rope was invented for children to jump in the cement schoolyard. Suitable for a beginner, but increasing the speed of leg and arm movements will not help. These types of jump ropes are also not adjustable in length.

The slowest of all is a jump rope made of nylon or cotton. Not suitable for sports. Ineffective.

A weighted jump rope can weigh up to three kilograms. Very helpful in developing muscle strength shoulder girdle and hands Not suitable for speed training. The length is also not adjustable.

Jump rope polyvinyl brand Hyperformance.These jump ropes are rightfully recognized as the most worthy for a variety of training, both for complex movement skills and for strength and speed loads.

These types of jump ropes are used by both Olympians and professional athletes. These jump ropes have interchangeable handles, changing the length for any desired speed of exercise that you want to work with.

Jump rope- This is a simple sports equipment in the form of a rope with handles at the ends. The rope can be fabric or plastic. Jumping rope and other exercises with it are called skipping. The term has English roots: “skip” translated from English means “to jump.”

Who invented the jump rope

The history of the invention of the jump rope goes back a long way. It is known that even in Ancient China and Egypt, ropes and cables were made from hemp. To prevent them from getting confused, the masters often had to jump over them. The children, watching the adults do this, found jumping over a rope funny, and they borrowed this pastime and made it a real entertainment. The game has spread throughout the world. In the 18th century, boys became interested in rope jumping, since sports games among girls were not accepted and were considered indecent. It was only in the 19th century that the pleasure of jumping rope became popular among girls. It was then that they were invented various ways jumping rope.

Where and by whom is it used?

The jump rope has a very wide range of uses:

  • firstly, jumping rope is still a favorite activity of little girls; they deftly jump over it in the most sophisticated ways: holding the handles themselves or entrusting this task to two peers;
  • secondly, a jump rope is a popular fitness equipment and is used both for home training, street training, and for various training programs in sports clubs;
  • jumping rope is part of spectacular programs rhythmic gymnasts or circus performers;
  • Skipping is a mandatory element of training for professional boxers, volleyball players, wrestlers, swimmers, speed skaters and other athletes.

Types of jump ropes

In addition to the simplest jump ropes, which are familiar to us from childhood, the following advanced models of this affordable exercise machine are available for sale:

  • with electronic calorie counter;
  • with an electronic or mechanical counter for the number of jumps taken;
  • speed jump ropes;
  • weighted jump ropes, etc.

How to choose a jump rope

The ideal jump rope is selected individually. It is extremely important to choose the right length. To do this, you need to take the rope by the handles and extend your arms in front of you at chest level. In this position, the rope should lightly touch the ground. If it is shorter or significantly longer, skipping with such sports equipment won't give you maximum effect and benefits, but will only cause discomfort, or even cause completely unwanted injuries.

How to jump rope correctly

  • Shoes with soft soles (shoes, sneakers) are absolutely not suitable for jumping rope. It's very easy to twist your ankle in them. Moreover, it is not recommended to jump barefoot. It is ideal to choose sneakers with hard soles for skipping;
  • Also, for safety reasons, you should jump on a flat, hard surface, avoid bulges and holes on it;
  • Before skipping, as before any other physical activity, it is imperative to warm up to avoid injuries;
  • When jumping rope, your hands should be pressed to the body, and only the hands should move, the rest of the parts should remain motionless;
  • You need to lift off the floor or ground very slightly during a jump and when landing, your heels should not touch the surface.


  • skipping helps you lose weight, because it has been proven that 15 minutes of jumping rope burns about 200 kcal;
  • jumping rope can make the muscles of the thighs, calves, shoulders, arms and abs more elastic;
  • skipping helps in the fight against cellulite;
  • jumping rope is a popular type of cardio training that perfectly stimulates the functioning of our heart and vascular system;
  • skipping helps to avoid congestion in the venous system of the legs and is an excellent prevention varicose veins veins;
  • exercises with a skipping rope are an effective assistant in maintaining and correcting posture;
  • skipping develops balance and coordination of movements;
  • Jumping rope is an excellent antidepressant.


Perhaps the only drawback of the skipping rope is the impressive area for skipping. At home, it will be very difficult to twist a jump rope between densely placed furniture. And given the thickness of the floors between the floors of multi-story buildings, our jumps can cause discomfort to our neighbors. However, a street, a dacha, a stadium, a park, an outing into nature, a holiday by the sea is an excellent reason to take a jump rope with you and jump over it with pleasure and comfort in the fresh air.


Unfortunately, not everyone benefits from jumping rope exercises equally. People with excess weight and cardiovascular diseases should avoid jumping. But at the same time, you can use a jump rope to perform bends, swings and other exercises that are gentler in terms of cardio load.


  • Strength training strategy and tactics
  • Principles of the Body Building System, social network for losing weight Diets.ru

Extracurricular activity.History of origin jump ropes Game "Fun Jump Rope".

Seregina Natalya Ivanovna


Them a: the history of the emergence of the jump rope. Game "Fun Jump Rope".

Purpose: to introduce the history of the jump rope.

Tasks: teach children to jump over a long rope and perform various movements with a rope; ensure optimal motor activity; develop dexterity, coordination of movements of the arms and legs when jumping rope, endurance, interest in jumping rope, physical culture and sports.

Equipment: jump ropes, tape recorder, clothesline and bottle caps with mineral water.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Introductory part.

Getting to know the history of the jump rope.

Reading the poem by A. L. Barto “Rope”

The ancient Egyptians and Chinese twisted ropes and cables from hemp. They constantly had to jump over them to keep them from getting confused. The children, having watched the adults, began to jump over short pieces of rope for fun. Gradually the game spread throughout the world. In the 18th century, boys began to jump rope: at that time it was not customary for girls to do sports games. But a century later, girls also began to jump. You didn't need a sports uniform for this. Our great-great-grandmothers and grandmothers jumped over the “rope” in fluffy dresses and high heels.

The jump rope is a universal exercise machine, the like of which humanity has not yet invented. IN 1 In the 3rd century, London boxers and jockeys lost weight and pumped up their leg muscles by jumping until they were completely exhausted. And even earlier, in French and Italian fencing schools, the same method was used to form the muscles of the lower extremities. The jump rope is used in modern sports as a sports exercise machine.

A jump rope is a sports equipment for physical exercise for adults and children. It is a synthetic, rubber or leather cord with two handles. The handles, on which rubber bands are attached, make jumping comfortable. Some handles even now have special counters that record the number of jumps on the rope. You can make a jump rope yourself. The main thing is to apply ingenuity, perseverance, imagination, patience and accuracy in this matter.

You can take an ordinary linen cord and weave it into a “braid” of the length you need. To determine the length you need, you need to step on the center of the rope with your feet and spread your arms at an angle of 45 degrees relative to your body. The result is a smaller angle - it’s not good, you’ll have to jump, slouching and bending your arms too much. If the angle is greater, more work needs to be done. high jumps, which will require large energy costs.

For handles we use mineral water corks.

Half an hour of work, and now the jump rope is ready. You can start studying.

A jump rope is a friend of the whole family, because it is easy not only to purchase, but also to store, carry, use everywhere, in any events, hikes

In the 80s of the last century, jumping rope began to be called the newfangled word SKIPING, which comes from the English “skip” - jump, bounce. In the USA and Europe, along with fashion for healthy image In life, skipping has gained popularity and is developing as a sport.

2. Main part.

Warm up.

1. A set of general developmental exercises with skipping rope to music.

If the children are tired, then you can have a musical dance “ Colorful game"

Game "Fishing Rod"»

3. Final part.

Construction. Conversation.



Extracurricular activity

Seregina Natalya Ivanovna


Them a: the history of the emergence of the jump rope. Game "Fun Jump Rope".

Target: introduce the history of the jump rope.

Tasks: teach children to jump over a long rope and perform various movements with a rope; ensure optimal motor activity; develop dexterity, coordination of movements of the arms and legs when jumping rope, endurance, interest in jumping rope, physical education and sports.

Equipment: jump ropes, tape recorder, clothesline and caps from mineral water bottles.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Introductory part.

Getting to know the history of the jump rope.

Reading of A. L. Barto’s poem “Rope”

“-I’m right,

Me and sideways

With a twist

And with a leap,

And from a running start,

And in place, And with both feet together...

I galloped to the corner. -I wouldn't do it like that she could"

What is the name of the heroine of this poem and what does she do?

The heroine of this poem, the little girl Lidochka, is learning to jump rope. Now guess the riddle:

Take me in your hands

Start jumping quickly.

One jump and two jumps,

Guess who I am, buddy? (jump rope)

I go to gymnastics

I'm good friends with the ball.

I'm not a stick or a rolling pin,

And the funny one... JUMP ROPES.

You probably already guessed what we will do in class today?

Do you know where the jump rope came from?

Dasha, Kirill and Masha will help us answer this question,whom I asked in advance to find out how long ago people invented this wonderful item, what benefits a jump rope brings, whether it is possible to make it yourself from scrap materials and whether it is difficult.

Children's stories.


The history of the modern jump rope began with an ordinary rope.

The ancient Egyptians and Chinese twisted ropes and cables from hemp. They constantly had to jump over them to keep them from getting confused. The children, having watched the adults, began to jump over short pieces of rope for fun. Gradually the game spread throughout the world. In the 18th century, boys began to jump rope: at that time it was not customary for girls to engage in sports games. But a century later, girls started jumping too. You didn't need a sports uniform for this. Our great-great-grandmothers and grandmothers jumped over the “rope” in fluffy dresses and high heels.


The jump rope is a universal exercise machine, the like of which humanity has not yet invented. IN 1 In the 3rd century, London boxers and jockeys lost weight and pumped up their leg muscles by jumping until they were completely exhausted. And even earlier, in French and Italian fencing schools, the same method was used to form the muscles of the lower extremities. The jump rope is used in modern sports as a sports exercise machine.


A jump rope is a sports equipment for physical exercise for adults and children. It is a synthetic, rubber or leather cord with two handles. The handles, on which rubber bands are attached, make jumping comfortable. Some handles even now have special counters that record the number of jumps on the rope. You can make a jump rope yourself. The main thing is to apply ingenuity, perseverance, imagination, patience and accuracy in this matter.

You can take an ordinary linen cord and weave it into a “braid” of the length you need. To determine the length you need, you need to step on the center of the rope with your feet and spread your arms at an angle of 45 degrees relative to your body. The result is a smaller angle - it’s not good, you’ll have to jump, slouching and bending your arms too much. If the angle is greater, you will have to perform higher jumps, which will require more energy.

For handles we use mineral water corks.

Half an hour of work, and now the jump rope is ready. You can start studying.

A jump rope is a friend of the whole family, because it is easy not only to purchase, but also to store, carry, use everywhere, in any events, hikes

Teacher . In the 80s of the last century, jumping rope began to be called the newfangled word SKIPING, which comes from the English “skip” - jump, bounce. In the USA and Europe, along with the fashion for a healthy lifestyle, skipping was acquiredѐ l popularity and is developing as a sport.

2. Main part.

Warm up.

Children. Is jumping rope difficult?

Teacher. Everything requires practice and patience! Would you like to learn?

Children. Very!

Teacher. But before we start jumping rope, let’s do a warm-up with it!

1 . A set of general developmental exercises with skipping rope to music.

Jumping in place on two legs.

Make sure that your arms are slightly bent at the elbows and placed at your sides. And now in a different way: jump, take one step, then a light jump on your left foot, step, another jump, but this time on your right. Step - jump, step - jump. Land softly on the balls of your feet and try to push off with your big toes. Avoid landing on your entire foot. Jump in place without moving forward or backward.

Uniform rotation of the rope.

Hold the rope folded in half in one hand and rotate it to your side at the same pace as you jump. The elbows should either be pressed to the body or be in close proximity to it; To perform rotations, use only movements of the hands, and not the whole arm.

Jumping rope and jumping rope.

Take the sports equipment in your hands and rotate at the same speed as in the previous exercise. The rope needs to be rotated in a circular motion hands, slightly bending your elbows, jumping on your toes, slightly bending your knees. Each foot should land in the same place at all times. Jump not too high above the ground, just enough so that the jump rope can pass under you and say:

You're funny, jump rope!

I'll be jumping with you all day!

I don't feel sorry for you at all

I still want to jump!

Teacher. We practiced a little. But you can not only jump on a skipping rope, you can organize various games with it.

2.Introduction to the rules of the game “Clock-Clock”, “Fishing Rod”.

Clock-clock - a fun, active game with a skipping rope. Develops endurance and attention. This children's outdoor game is well suited for physical education lessons at school for primary school students.

Game description 10-15 people play. Everyone says in unison: “Tick-tock, tick-tock.” Two pre-selected players twirl the rope in the same rhythm, the rest line up. The first player jumps the rope once and stands at the end of the line, the second - twice, etc. If a player makes a mistake while jumping or makes a mistake in counting, he changes with one of those holding the rope. In this case, the counting starts all over again. The players' task is to jump as long as possible without losing their way.

Rules of the game

1. Everyone says in unison: “Tick-tock, tick-tock”

2. Choose two players who will twirl the rope in the same rhythm.

3. The rest take turns jumping rope.

4. The first one jumps once and gets to the end of the line, the second one jumps twice, etc.

5. A player who has lost his way while jumping or has made a mistake in counting - changes with one of the players spinning the rope

If the children are tired, then you can have a musical dance “Colorful game"

The teacher plays a clown. To do this you will need a funny cap and a ball for your nose.

Game "Fishing Rod"

Fishing Rod A fun children's game with a jump rope to test endurance and coordination of movements. It can be played by a very large group (10-20 people).

Game description

Before the game starts, a driver is selected. All the guys stand in a circle (they outline a circle), and the driver stands in the center of the circle with a skipping rope in his hands. He begins to rotate the rope so that it slides along the floor, making circle after circle under the feet of the players. The players jump, trying to prevent it from hitting any of them.

Rules of the game

1. A player is considered caught if the rope touches him no higher than his ankle. 2. Players should not approach the driver while jumping.

3. The one who touches the rope stands in the middle and begins to rotate the rope, and the former driver takes his place.

Notes Among the additional items you will need is a jump rope (you can also use a rope with a bag of sand tied to the end). You can use another version of this game, which will be competitive in nature - the player who touches the rope is eliminated from the game. The winners are the last 2-3 players who did not touch the ropes.

3. Final part.

Construction. Conversation.

Guys, did you like the jump rope games?

What did you learn about the jump rope?

Well, it’s time for us to say goodbye to the jump rope, But I think that all of you are sorry to part with it.

So, guys, don't forget about her! And invite a jump rope to your games more often!

Put the jump ropes away and return to class in an orderly manner.

What do you think skipping is? This obscure word names one of the cheapest and most effective sports training - exercises with the familiar jump rope. By the way, it has been proven that in terms of calorie expenditure, skipping is in no way inferior to exercise in the pool or on the court. Just keep in mind that the rope must be the correct length and thickness.

Why skipping? What are the benefits of jumping rope? Well, children understand - for fun. According to fitness instructors, this children's fun is also very useful for adults.

Firstly, skipping develops flexibility, posture, balance and coordination.

Secondly, exercises with a skipping rope allow you to effectively work out your calves, shoulders, arm muscles and abdominals, which naturally improves the figure.

Thirdly, they develop endurance and strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

And fourthly, this is a great way to lose weight, because by jumping you can burn up to 1000 kcal per hour. A person weighing about 70 kg spends up to 720 calories per hour (with 120-140 jumps per minute). By the way, world skipping championships have been held for a long time, and the world record is held - 318 jumps in 60 seconds.

In general, when it comes to burning calories, exercise with a jump rope is superior to cycling, tennis and swimming, and in terms of effectiveness for weight loss, it is comparable only to running.

In addition, skipping is available to everyone, regardless of financial situation, age, weight and height. In sports stores you can purchase a high-speed jump rope for high-intensity activities. It is made of high quality materials, has durable handles and a transparent cord.

The diameter of a proper jump rope should be no thinner than 0.8-0.9 cm. The most important parameter is its length. So, if your height is up to 152 cm, then it is better to buy a jump rope up to 210 cm, with a height of 152-167 cm - 250 cm, with a height of 167-183 cm - 280 cm, from 183 cm - 310 cm.

You can jump rope almost always and everywhere; it is very compact, does not take up much space, and can even fit in your pocket. It is advisable to skip for at least 10 minutes a day. In this case, you must follow simple rules.

Before starting classes, consult your doctor, if you have problems with intervertebral cartilage or, then jumping rope is contraindicated for you.

Make sure that the jump rope cord will not touch surrounding objects, especially the chandelier if you are going to jump at home.

During exercise, your legs should be together, your back straight, your elbows pressed to your body.

Rotate the rope using your hands.

Considering the specific nature of jumping rope, you should choose one that fits you well. sports uniform(for women - a bra that supports the breasts well).

Regular running shoes should be replaced with more comfortable ones. different types sports, for example basketball shoes or tennis shoes, as they give more support to your feet when jumping.


Jumping in place. Keep your head and back straight and jump rope with each leg alternately. Your body weight should move from one leg to the other, allowing the rope to pass freely under your feet.

Try to reach 70 jumps per minute (counting jumps with each leg). Gradually try to move up to 80 jumps. Very fast jumps - 90 per minute when you are already in good shape.

Jumping back and forth. Jump forward and then back over the rope. This exercise works well on the hips. Take a steady pace of 70 jumps per minute.

Running step jumps. Push your knees forward as if you were running, while jumping rope. This will involve lower muscles press. A good pace for this exercise is 80 jumps per minute.

"Horse racing" Jump once with both legs at the same time, then with your legs positioned to the sides, as if you were riding a horse. And so do alternating jumps - legs together, legs apart. This exercise trains both internal and outside your hips.

Complex movements

Double jumps. Pass the rope under your feet twice in one jump. Try one of these jumps, or several in a row if you can. Alternatively, you can jump faster (about 100 jumps per minute), including a double jump every ten regular jumps.

It is not known for certain where and under what circumstances such a currently popular sports equipment as a jump rope appeared. According to some sources, humanity owes the appearance of the jump rope to Ancient China. According to other sources, this jumping projectile was invented back in pagan Rus'; they were used by warriors during training. Another version of the appearance says that the first people to use this item were the first Christians who jumped ropes during Easter.

Currently, jump ropes are very popular; most athletes must include them in their training process jumping rope. Such training helps strengthen respiratory system, cardiovascular system. Exercises with a skipping rope will help make your silhouette more slender and fit, strengthen calf muscles, will help you lose weight. No matter what the weather is in Poltava - http://www.gismeteo.ua/city/daily/4957 or any other city, exercises using a skipping rope can be carried out in the fresh air, this will only make them even more effective and useful. The effect of such exercises can be felt from the first minutes; it can be compared to running at high speed. In just ten minutes of jumping at a moderate pace, you can expend the same amount of energy as when running a distance of three kilometers.

If speak about gymnastic apparatus, then such jump ropes do not have handles. To make it more convenient to practice, the edges can be tied or burned. to his appearance gymnastic jump ropes resemble an ordinary rope. Choosing a jump rope for individual lessons, it is worth paying attention to some aspects. First of all, this is the diameter, its optimal dimensions are eight to nine millimeters.

To achieve good results and visible effects from exercise, you should give preference to products that are made of special plastic. Such jump ropes, as a rule, have less weight, unlike rubber ones, and in order to twist it you will need to put in more effort. Therefore, they promote greater calorie burning. You can also purchase a jump rope with heavy handles, this will allow you to set additional load during training.

The legendary boxer Mohammed Ali was a big fan of jumping rope, moreover, he became the person who made such activities popular. During their demonstration performances, famous athlete jumped fifteen three-minute rounds with one-minute breaks. Moreover, during the entire time of this process, Mohammed Ali made two hundred and twenty jumps per minute, and this is a very high pace.