Pulse for burning. Heart Rate for Fat Burning

In the difficult task of forming slim figure Heart rate, or pulse, plays a key role, but most people know little about it. The effectiveness of any exercises and loads depends on the pulse rate: if you don’t count the pulse and do it “just like that” - which is what many people who are losing weight do - exercise will become an exhausting nightmare, and body weight will remain almost unchanged. As a result, a person, exhausted by ineffective training, abandons it, and either remains “in his own way” or gets new health problems: such people often become opponents sports activities. All you need to do is learn to maintain an optimal heart rate during training for burning fat, and the results will not keep you waiting: the excess weight will slowly but surely begin to disappear.

Pulse for fat burning

At different heart rates, completely different processes occur in the body: the heart trains, endurance increases, or muscle, but to lose weight you need to burn fat reserves. Therefore, you need to calculate your pulse so that fat is actually burned during exercise - this is called calculating the FBL, or fat burning zone.

The most accurate way to calculate heart rate these days is to use the Karvonen formula. The method was developed in the 20th century by the famous Finnish doctor, physiologist Martti Karvonen, who was closely involved in research on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels during sports and other physical activities.

To use this method, you need to know your resting pulse: you need to measure it strictly for 60 seconds, and it is better to do this in the morning, as soon as you wake up, but have not yet started running around the apartment, getting ready for work. This way you can find out how fit you are and determine an acceptable intensity. physical exercise: The lower your resting heart rate, the better.

It should be remembered that resting heart rate depends on gender: in men it is about 60-70 beats per minute, and in women it is higher - 70-80. This rate usually increases with age. It is generally accepted that the average is about 72 beats per minute; if it's lower, that's good too.

Next, you need to determine your maximum heart rate in order to know what limits you can allow yourself to achieve during training. This is also simple: subtract your age from the number 220. For example, you are 35 years old: 220 – 35 = 185 beats per minute (bpm). This formula seems simple, but you need to take into account your level of training: for those who have just started training, it is better to subtract another 20 - this will be the permissible maximum.

For beginners, it is better to start with aerobic training, and only then think about losing weight. First, you should improve the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and lungs, reduce cholesterol levels - for this it is enough to maintain a pulse rate of 55-65% (or 60-65%) of the maximum.

To speed up your metabolism and begin the process of breaking down fat, you will need a heart rate of 65-75% of the maximum. A higher percentage – from 75 to 90 – is considered a heart rate zone “not for amateurs”, and a load of up to 100% is already extreme.

To calculate your HRV you also need to know your heart rate reserve.. From the maximum indicator, you need to subtract your resting heart rate: 185 – 72 = 113 beats/min. You also need to choose the intensity level of the workout, but it should not be too low or high: 60 to 80% of the maximum is allowed. Low intensity is considered 60-65% - fat will still be burned, but slowly; at 65-70% the process will go faster, and will accelerate with an increase in heart rate - up to 70-75, and then up to 75-80%; the last level is considered very intense for weight loss, and increasing it is not recommended.

For beginners, it is better to start with the lowest intensity. This means that your heart rate reserve must be multiplied first by 60% (113 x 60% = 67.8), and then by 65% ​​(113 x 65% = 73.45). Now, one by one, we add the results obtained to the resting heart rate: 68+72=140 beats/min; 73+72=145 beats/min. Therefore, the acceptable heart rate for the fat burning zone will be 140-145 beats/min. Do not forget that the calculations here are still approximate, since “generally accepted average” indicators were taken as the basis.

As soon as you are no longer a beginner, and your body “gets involved” in the rhythm of training, you can move on to the next level of intensity. And to regulate your heart rate during training, you just need to increase or decrease the load: this can only be learned over time, so training should be regular.

In general, Karvonen's method is simple, but tracking your heart rate during training is more difficult. True, on modern simulators “everything is visible,” but not everyone uses simulators: for example, you can’t look at the devices while jogging. Of course, you can use a heart rate monitor, but precise devices are not that cheap, and experts consider wrist heart rate monitors to be ineffective, so most people who are losing weight prefer to practice “by eye.” And here you can use the “conversational” method.

Exercise intensity without accurate heart rate calculation

Regardless of whether we count the pulse or not, its frequency changes, and we can track our stay in the HF (approximately) based on our sensations.

So, being in the lifestyle at the lowest, gentle load, while walking fast to lose weight or quiet exercises, we can talk, breathe calmly and don’t even sweat - we just warm up a little. Such exercises (including yoga and Pilates) help strengthen the heart and muscles of the body, and calories also “burn”, but very slowly, provided regular training for a long time.

And here the moderate exercise zone is considered ideal for burning fat and losing weight. It is possible to talk a little during exercise, but nothing more; there are almost no contraindications here; You need to exercise regularly, at least 3 times a week for 40-45 minutes. Jogging is classified precisely as this type: it’s not difficult to run, and fat will definitely be burned – of course, if the training “goes into the system.” Dance and step aerobics are also considered effective moderate exercise.

Increased stress, with profuse sweating, difficulty breathing and the inability to talk, is suitable for those who train endurance, and not those who want to lose weight. It is not fats that are burned here, but glycogen reserves - a polysaccharide that the body needs as a reserve source of energy. If you want to become more resilient and train your heart, loads of this intensity can also be used, but in the absence of contraindications, so consultation with a specialist is required.

Training in the anaerobic zone, when it becomes very difficult and it seems that it is impossible to breathe, forces the body to burn carbohydrates and muscle protein rather than fat. Fats also “burn”, but they are consumed 5-6 times less. In 30 minutes of such a load you can bring yourself to complete exhaustion: such exercises are not recommended for weight loss - they are suitable for athletes.

We don’t need to talk about extreme load here, but it’s still worth remembering that training at a heart rate of 90-100% of the maximum can cost your health and even your life - unfortunately, such cases are known in sports practice. During such a load, only 5% of fat can be “burnt”.

Kinds sports activities Activities aimed at strengthening the heart muscle are called cardio training. It includes: running, gymnastics, training on exercise machines, roller skating and skiing, swimming. Thanks to such exercises, active ventilation of the lungs occurs, which accelerates metabolism. Key Cardio Functions:

  • strengthening the heart and blood vessels;
  • weight loss, fat burning;
  • increasing the body's endurance;
  • breathing system training;
  • developing resistance to stressful situations.

What should the pulse be?

For supporting physical fitness, healing the body, burning fat, you must adhere to a regular and correct training pace. To reach your goal faster, you need to know the safe intensity of exercise. To do this, athletes measure their heart rate during cardio training to burn fat. Heart rate healthy person varies in the range of 60-90 beats per minute. The higher a person’s level of training, the closer his indicators are to the lower limit.

Heartbeat zones during sports

Calculating the pulse zone for cardio training, which allows you to burn calories as intensively as possible, is impossible without determining all pulse zones. These include: heart rate at rest, maximum heart rate at physical activity, as well as warm-up, endurance, activity and aerobic zones. It is recommended to measure the normal number of heartbeats with a heart rate monitor in the morning, immediately after waking up. The female figure is 60-70 beats per minute, the male - 70-80. The value of each cardio zone can be calculated using the formulas from the table:

MHR (maximum heart rate)




Endurance area

Red zone

220 minus age

45-60% of MPP

Metabolism accelerates, but the removal of unnecessary energy from the body is poor

Development is happening of cardio-vascular system, muscles recover quickly

Fat burning is slow but effective

Suitable for extensions muscle mass, carbohydrates are oxidized

High degree stress, dangerous for the heart

The heart may not cope with its function

Fat burning zone

When starting training, many athletes believe that success depends on the intensity of the exercises performed, but this is not so. The body reacts to human action by changing the heart rate. The heart rate zone for cardio training to burn fat is the ideal amount of exercise for those who want to lose extra pounds.

However, heart rate depends on age, training and general health. All these parameters are taken into account by a special calculator to calculate the individual indicator.

Optimal heart rate People who engage in physical activity solely for the purpose of losing weight should clearly understand that during exercise they must maintain a specific rhythm and not exceed the permissible speed. Having determined the heart rate during cardio training for burning fat at rest, pulse zones and the highest heart rate, you need to choose an acceptable option active work

and calculate the heart rate at which weight will be lost. The table below shows how many calories and body fat are consumed depending on the type of activity and effort applied.

Type of physical activity

Easy running

Speed, km/h

Load level



Intensity (percentage of heart rate)

Pulse (bpm)

Calorie consumption

Fat burning, g

Fat burning,%

Maximum allowable heart rate

Many novice athletes force loads without controlling their heart rate when burning fat with cardio. Such an irrational approach will not only not lead to your cherished dream, but can harm your overall health. Any training person should regularly monitor their heart rate, distributing opportunities without deviating from the standards.

To understand what the maximum load will be, you need to calculate the borderline pulse values ​​​​immediately before training, using a heart rate monitor.

  • Maximum heart rate by age
  • In a healthy adult, the normal heart rate is 60-80 beats per minute. In newborns, this figure is 120-140, and as the child grows, the heart rate slows down. Trained people have reduced rates - 40-60 beats per minute. Knowing the maximum heart rate when running to burn fat, you can create an optimal exercise program without putting your heart in danger. Data calculation is carried out using the following methods:

clinically, i.e. by contacting a cardiologist;

Uniform exercises, appropriate to age, gender, and body abilities, perfectly strengthen the four-chamber mechanism, pump blood, and help burn fat. Exceeding its capabilities causes the body to work for wear and tear, without bringing any benefit. Today on the Internet there are special calculators that determine this standard, but you can calculate the pulse zone yourself using the formula:

  • (220 - age) x 0.6-0.8,
  • where 0.6 is the first intensity limit, and 0.8 is the last.

At what heart rate does fat burning occur?

The active and aerobic zones are considered the optimal heart rate readings for cardio training to burn fat. This is 50-70% of the maximum permissible number of heartbeats, which averages 120-140 beats per minute. To successfully get rid of excess weight It is recommended to work with such a load for at least 45 minutes, since the first half hour is spent primarily on carbohydrates, and then the breakdown of adipose tissue begins.

How to calculate heart rate for fat burning

To identify the required index, you need to set three cardio heart rate zones (50-70%, 70-80% and 80-90%), based on the peak heart rate value. Being in each of these rhythms during training, the heart muscle provides oxygen delivery to the organs in different ways, which directly affects the process of fat burning. The best limit for tissue liposis is considered to be the first pulse zone - 50-70% of the MPP. The calculation for losing weight looks like this.

Is - “what pulse is fat burning?”, i.e. what should be the intensity of aerobic training to burn maximum amount fat The question is actually not an idle one. And the answer to it is not as clear-cut as it might seem at first glance. So, here two mutually exclusive theories collide, so we will have to deal with each of them in turn.

Low heart rate is the most fat-burning! (?)

The apologists of this approach are nutritionists. And, indeed, there is scientific evidence that at a low heart rate the body draws energy primarily from fat. There is even a sign that clearly illustrates this fact:

So, with a pulse of 70-80 beats/min. up to 85% of energy is taken from fats, and at 159 - only 10% - from fats and the remaining 90% - respectively, from carbohydrates. And on this basis, a completely logical conclusion is made about the inadvisability of training at an elevated or high heart rate. It is for this reason that it is now “fashionable” to train at a low intensity heart rate, i.e. with low heart rate. But what about the famous formula: (220 - age)x70? What should I do with her? Or is it outdated or bankrupt?

As the great Karvonen bequeathed

The well-known Karvonen formula, which is used to calculate the maximum heart rate in fitness, actually has three options.

Simple: (220 minus age) - maximum heart rate


  • (220 minus age) - maximum heart rate for men
  • (220 minus age minus 6) - maximum heart rate for women

Difficult: (220 minus age minus age minus resting heart rate).

A “fat burning” heart rate is considered to be 60-80% of the maximum. Those. for maximum fat burning, you need to keep your pulse in the range: from (220 minus age) x 0.6 to (220 minus age) x 0.8. Thus, it turns out that for a 30-year-old woman, the heart rate (most suitable for fat burning):

  • (220 - 30)x 0.6= 114
  • (220 - 30) x 0.8 = 152

Or, on average, your heart rate during an aerobic fat-burning workout should be approximately 135 beats/min. Similar results are obtained by another formula for the heart rate of fat burning training: 160 minus age, which in our case will lead to the figure 160 - 30 = 130 beats/min.

There's a problem

Calculation using Karvonen’s formula showed the result that the best fat burning will occur at a pulse rate of 130 beats/min, and according to the “nutritionists” sign, it turns out that at such a pulse only 30% of the energy will be drawn from fats, and the lion’s share (70%) - from carbohydrates. There is a problem - they are going to burn fat, but carbohydrates will “burn”.

In fact, you can’t trust either one or the other. And that's why. Nutritionists, when they say that fat “burns” better at a low heart rate, are disingenuous, forgetting about the amount of this burned fat, but it is insignificant. Remember our example about how far you need to walk (at a speed of 3.2 km/h) to get rid of 0.5 kg of fat? Basically, the distance is 232 km. Perhaps for young mothers, walking with a stroller is the best option for aerobic fat-burning exercise. But in order to get real results, it is necessary that these walks be very energetic and long enough in time - only then will they be beneficial as a fat-burning element.

And, as for Karvonen’s formula, the author himself has repeatedly mentioned its conventionality and unscientific nature. But, nevertheless, the formula has taken root and is used to calculate the maximum heart rate, although it is absolutely clear that the maximum heart rate is a derivative not of age, but of training. And if you are a supporter of the scientific approach, then to calculate your personal maximum heart rate, you need not a formula, but special cardio tests, which will determine exactly your maximum heart rate. But remember that the maximum heart rate is not a constant, but will change depending on your fitness or “detraining”. Therefore, it will have to be “clarified” after some time.

Maximum heart rate found. And what?

So, the coveted maximum heart rate is in our hands. What should we do with him now? Read more Cardio training Part 2


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It is believed that heart rate plays a major role in fat burning, followed by the intensity and frequency of training. Beginners in losing weight make the mistake of thinking that they lose weight while they sweat and the more, the better. On the contrary, losing weight depends on what zone your pulse is in.

The relationship between exercise intensity and heart rate

Heart rate and exercise power are inextricably linked. It’s not for nothing that professional athletes need a heart rate monitor during training - a device that measures heart rate. The device is a useful alternative to manual measurement because it is not always convenient to monitor your heart during exercise. Different heart rates during exercise have different effects on the body: you can lose weight, train your endurance or build muscle mass.

Enter your pressure

Move the sliders

Cardio training is the best way to get your heart rate up and start burning calories. You can run outside or purchase a subscription to Gym and exercise on cardio equipment (for example, on a treadmill) - they make it easier to control your heartbeat. Most simulators have special sensors installed. Cardio differs from a regular workout only in difficulty, which is conventionally divided into low, medium and high levels, distributed over .

Pulse zones

Heart rate ranges are different for each person and are calculated individually. The amount depends on age. First you need to calculate the MUF - the maximum heart rate. The value can be calculated using the following scheme: 220 - (age). For example, the MUF for a 40-year-old should not be higher than 180. Next, you should find out at what heart rate fat burning will occur and make a calculation to determine your personal “corridor” in the zone - the acceptable limits.

Calculation principles:

  1. The first is a warm-up, the indicators are 50-60% of the MPP. The heart rate is in this range during a light warm-up, morning exercises. Suitable for beginners without physical training.
  2. Active fat-burning pulse area - 60-70%. This is the target heart rate for burning body fat. In addition, this is a suitable heart rate for strength training fans. For active weight loss it is necessary to provoke an increase in the heart rate to 120-140 beats. per minute
  3. To develop the strength and endurance of the heart, it is better to be in the pulse zone of about 70-80%.
  4. Training in progress in the endurance range respiratory system person because of rapid breathing. In this range, fat and excess carbohydrates are burned. The pulse in such a zone starts from 80 to 90%.
  5. The last, critical zone is 90-95%. Suitable for professional athletes and in very rare cases - before competitions. Exercising with a heart rate of 90-95% is life-threatening for beginners.

At what heart rate does fat burn?

The ideal heart rate for burning fat is in the range of 60-70% MHR. This heart rate is easy to maintain during cardio training: running, swimming, dancing or aerobics. In this range, the body takes energy not yet from muscles, but from fat. In half an hour of moderate cardio, the body burns 150 calories, half of which are fat.

How to calculate optimal heart rate?

In addition to the standard formula, athletes often use the formula of Karvonen, a scientist who, back in the 20th century, developed a method for calculating heart rate limits in athletes. To use the formula you need to know your heart rate at rest. Calculate resting pulse better in the morning without getting out of bed. The indicators differ between women and men, and increase with age:

  • for women, the resting heart rate is about 70-80;
  • for men - 60-70.

Karvonen's formula is as follows: value (max. pulse - heart rate at rest) multiplied by intensity + heart rate at rest. The intensity can be calculated independently, taking into account that 70% of the maximum heart rate. As an example, you can calculate the formula for a 35-year-old woman: (185-70) multiplied by (0.3 + 70) = 104.5 beats per minute.

Relative and absolute fat burning

The energy that the body expends during training comes from two places: from the body’s fat tissue and glycogen, a polysaccharide formed by glucose residues (stored in the liver and muscles). The process of breaking down glucose and releasing energy is called aerobic glycolysis or aerobic metabolism. There is a popular point of view that the division into pulse ranges is fundamentally incorrect, and the lower the load, the more fat the body uses as a source of energy. But the following pattern is determined: during training with an intensity of about 50%, 120 kcal are burned from fat and 80 from muscles, at the same time, when the intensity increases to 75-80%, 140 kcal are burned from muscles, and 260 kcal from glycogen. The best option- the second, in which during high-intensity training, fat burning is less, since the total number of calories burned is twice as much as at low intensity.

It should be said right away that the pulse is an oscillation of the walls of arterial vessels, which appear as a result of contraction of the heart muscle. The pulse is also often referred to as the heart rate, or HR for short. It is this abbreviation that we will use in the future.

When an adult is at rest, the heart rate is in the range of 60-90 beats per minute. These readings directly depend on your level of cardio fitness. To put it simply, in people who are actively involved in sports, the heart muscle can contract with increased force, but the frequency of these contractions will be lower.

This allows you to pump large quantity blood compared to an untrained person and spend less effort on this. For this reason, the heart will serve you for a much longer period of time without much wear and tear. As a result, your resting heart rate will always be as close to the lower limit as possible.

The pulse is also very important for fat burning during those moments when you are doing cardio training. It is heart rate that is the main parameter for determining the intensity of cardio exercise. Sometimes on specialized web resources you can come across a question about why you need to control your heart rate during exercise. This is primarily due to the effectiveness of the training, and will also allow you to be sure that the training was beneficial to your health.

Note that in this article we will consider the effectiveness of heart rate for fat burning in relation only to cardio training. This is due to the fact that in strength training their intensity is measured in a different way. Today it is important for us to understand how heart rate affects the process of lipolysis in order to make exercise more effective

Pulse for fat burning during cardio training

Thanks to heart rate, you can determine the intensity of any cardio activity. Let us remind you that these include running, swimming, cycling, etc. First, you should determine the maximum heart rate value for your body. This is very easy to do; just subtract your age in years from 220. The resulting value will be your maximum heart rate. By the way, if you intend to play sports seriously, we recommend that you purchase a heart rate monitor. This simple and inexpensive device will make your life in class much easier.

Why do we need to know the maximum heart rate? It's very simple here, as you should never train at an intensity higher than this value, as you will only harm your body. Based on the research results, training intensity zones were obtained, work in which can lead to different results.

For this purpose, the so-called cardio heart rate limits were used, within which the heart muscle is able to provide effective oxygen supply to tissues. In other words, while working within these limits, carbohydrates and fats can be used by the body to synthesize ATP with the participation of oxygen. This process is called aerobic glycolysis. Let's look at all these three cardio intensity zones.

  • 60–70 percent of your maximum heart rate. Surely you already understand how to calculate these limits for yourself. If anyone doesn't already know this, just multiply your maximum heart rate by 60 to 70 percent. On average, this value will be from 120 to 140 beats per minute. This is the most effective heart rate value for fat burning. In order for the lipolysis process to proceed as actively as possible, you should work in this zone for about 45 minutes. During the first half hour of training, the body will use up the carbohydrates it has, after which it will switch to using fat deposits.
  • 70–80 percent of your maximum heart rate. This heart rate range is where you maximize your aerobic endurance. Here the body also actively uses carbohydrates and fats, but the latter is slightly less active. Beginners should work in the first range, and more experienced athletes should move to this one. A combination of strength and cardio training is also very effective. First, you lift weights and quickly burn carbohydrates, and then, thanks to cardio equipment, you get rid of fat.
  • 80–85 percent of your maximum heart rate. Here the aerobic process of obtaining energy turns into anaerobic or, to put it simply, oxygen is no longer used. As a result, fat burning in the third heart rate range is impossible, since this process requires the presence of oxygen.
Find out what role heart rate plays in fat burning in this video: