Rovshan Askerov player what where when. Askerov leaves

Rovshan Askerov is a notorious expert at the “What? Where? When?”, owner of the “Crystal Owl”, captain of his own team. Multifaceted and bright Rovshan for a long time worked as a journalist, is an author of books, and starred in an episode of a film.

Childhood and youth

Rovshan Enver ogly Askerov was born on May 4, 1972 in the city of Baku. Father Enver Asker ogly Askerov is an artist-painter, winner of the “Honored Artist of Azerbaijan” award.

Rovshan thanks his parents for good grades at school. The boy was not particularly enthusiastic about his studies, but, not wanting to upset his mother and father, he worked hard for a honors diploma and a gold medal.

After successful completion of general education educational institution Askerov entered the Baku State University at the Faculty of History. In 1994 he graduated from high school and later received an academic degree in history (PhD in Historical Sciences).


Rovshan devoted four years to work related to the profession, and then decided to devote himself to journalism. He held the position of sports columnist at Sport Express. The newspaper contained Askerov’s materials about cross-country skiing competitions, fencing, cycling, and sports tournaments. rhythmic gymnastics and many other sports.

Correspondent Askerov also covered the Olympics summer games(2004) in Greece and Olympic winter Games(2006) in Italy. In 2007, Rovshan was invited to collaborate with NTV-Plus. The TV presenter specialized in football news, but the broadcasts were not limited only to this sport.

Askerov’s creativity is not only newspaper pages. He wrote historical plays that were published in the pages of the Literary Azerbaijan magazine. In 2008, the journalist published the book “Country Eating,” which is dedicated to the gastronomic features of countries and cities.

2009 was marked by work in the Baku magazine as head of the PR department. In 2011, Rovshan starred in the episode “Don’t be afraid, I’m with you!” 1919" directed by .

"What? Where? When?"

On the official website of the program “What? Where? When?" According to Rovshan Askerov, it is known that he has watched intellectual tournaments since childhood. At the age of 10, I composed a question for the program, but it did not go on air. The first failure did not become an obstacle to success, and in 1998 Askerov became a player at the Ateshgah club in Baku. The connoisseur joined the elite club in the same year.

Askerov played on the team and received the Crystal Owl award in 2001. A couple of years later, the expert won the “Person of the Year” award for his contribution to organizing the World Championship in the games “What? Where? When?". In 2005, Askerov already participated in a series of games with the captain. At that time, tournaments were held in honor of the 30th anniversary of the program, and the team was recognized as the best in the Anniversary Series.

In 2008, the expert played in the Baku “ChGK” under the leadership of Rustam Fataliev, and a year later he already led his own team (Inna Semenova, Jamilya Azizova, Irada Aliyeva, Lala Babayeva and Iya Metreveli).

Rovshan Askerov with the team at the game "What? Where? When?"

In 2013, Rovshan moved to the team and also participated in the sports version of ChGK. In 2015, screenshots from Facebook appeared on the Internet, where Askerov got into an altercation with. The competing team, according to Rovshan, gave the wrong answer to the viewer’s question. Moreover, the viewer himself was mistaken in the facts and wrote an incorrect task, but the presenters counted the point in favor of the members of Potashev’s team.

The quarrel between the two experts was published by many Internet resources. Maxim Oskarovich, using obscene language, asked Askerov to “mind his own business.” The opponent also responded caustically to the insults, noting that it would be better for Potashev to distinguish himself in the game with the same sharpness of language.

Rovshan Askerov is famous in the world of ChGK and brilliant victories, and loud scandals. In 2016, viewers watched a quarrel between Askerov and. This happened due to a hint that the player gave before Metreveli's answer. Rovshan publicly accused Kozlov of dishonesty, for which he was called a “scoundrel.”

I considered the answer of the playing team correct, and Askerov’s behavior outrageous. By the way, after the broadcast, fans heatedly discussed the situation on Twitter. The majority sided with Andrei Kozlov, recalling a similar conflict between Rovshan and, which happened in the spring of the same year.

After another game of Askerov’s team, Alexander Abramovich was dissatisfied with its victory. During the tournament, a controversial situation arose with the answer, in which the presenter still counted a point to the experts, to which Druz remarked: “Rovshan has lost his reputation.”

Rovshan Askerov, Elena Orlova and Alexander Druz

The conflicts with Alexander Druz did not end with this quarrel. In 2017, experts led by Rovshan Askerov were seen on the air of ChGK taking a hint. The captain denied this fact when Boris Hook turned to Druz. Alexander Abramovich confirmed: there was a hint.

An outraged Askerov claimed that his opponent was guided by the human factor and gave out false information due to personal hostility. “This person no longer exists for me,” Rovshan said.

Along with awards and success, experts from Askerov’s team have the same high-profile failures behind them. In 2017, spectators defeated the members of the elite club with a score of 0:6.

Since the winter of 2018, Rovshan Askerov has been the grandmaster of an elite club in Baku. Over the five years of existence of the Baku “What? Where? When" Askerov was recognized as the best player.

In addition to his career at ChGK, the expert participated in the intellectual game “Brain Ring” and “Own Game”.

Personal life

Askerov first met his wife Yulia on the air of “Brain Ring” in 1998. Rovshan was already a prestigious player in an elite club, while the girl was studying at Moscow State University.

In 1999, the young people entered into a romantic relationship and got married a year later. It is known that on the day of the painting the newlyweds did not have a magnificent celebration. The couple had two sons: Timur and Kirill.

For the first time, the Askerov family spoke openly about their personal life to Channel One journalists. The broadcast is freely available on the Internet.

Rovshan Askerov now

Today, the brawler Askerov continues his career in an elite club and often participates in online skirmishes. At the beginning of June 2018, the media drew attention to the conflict on Twitter between the editor of the Rossiya Segodnya news agency and Rovshan Askerov.

The journalist wrote a post about how the Ukrainian president tried to teach her the rules of the Russian language. Simonyan, confident in her competence, made it clear that she did not need lessons from the “uncle”.

Askerov rudely commented on the post, advising the journalist not to spoil the reputation of the university where she studied, noting that Simonyan lacks knowledge of the Russian language.

Margarita did not ignore Askerov’s message, promising to “set” the TV presenter (a girl of Azerbaijani nationality, like Askerov) against the expert. The quarrel aroused intense interest among users.

Rovshan Askerov is a journalist, publicist and expert at the “What? Where? When?". He is the captain of his own team and possesses the Crystal Owl. He is famous for his talent to engage in fierce arguments with other participants in the show “What? Where? When?". The biography of Rovshan Askerov has many interesting points. Details below.

Childhood and youth of R. Askerov

Rovshan Enver ogly Askerov was born on May 4, 1972 in the capital of Azerbaijan - the city of Baku. His father, an artist, is the winner of the “Honored Artist of Azerbaijan” award.

At school, the boy did not particularly like to study, he treated his studies without much diligence, however, not wanting to upset his beloved parents, the guy graduated from school with honors. After completing the school course, Rovshan Asgarov enters the history department of Baku State University. Today, Askerov has an academic degree in history, and to be more precise, he is a candidate of historical sciences.

Carier start

After graduating from university, Rovshan works in his specialty for four years. However, this activity does not bring him pleasure and the young man decides to connect his life with journalism. Askerov's first position was as a sports columnist at Sport Express. Rovshan wrote about competitions in cycling, cross-country skiing and rhythmic gymnastics, and reviewed news from the world of sports.

Rovshan Askerov also had the honor of covering the Olympic Games held in the summer of 2004 in Athens and the Olympic Winter Sports Games in 2006 in Italy. In 2007, he moved to work for NTV. Here Rovshan commented on football news.

Career as a writer and publicist

Rovshan Askerov, in addition to working as a sports journalist, wrote historical plays, which were published in the magazine “Literary Azerbaijan”. 10 years ago, Askerov even published the book “Country (in) food.” In it he collected the gastronomic features of the peoples of the world. In 2009, Rovshan became the head of the PR department of the Baku magazine. In 2011, the journalist was invited to star in the film “Don’t be afraid, I’m with you! 1919" directed by Yuli Gusman.

"What? Where? When?"

Rovshan Askerov was a fan of the “What? Where? When?" from early childhood. At the age of 10, he composed a question for the program, but it was not aired. In 1998, he became a player in the Ateshgah club, which was based in Baku. The connoisseur joined the elite club in the same year. Askerov played in Ales Mukhin’s team and received the famous “Crystal Owl” in 2001.

In 2003 he received the “Person of the Year” award. The title was given to Askerov for his contribution to the organization of the World Championship in the games “What? Where? When?". A couple of years later he begins to play in the series with captain A. Blinov. At this time, tournaments are held in honor of the 30th anniversary of the program. Blinov's team was recognized as the best in the Anniversary Series. In 2008, the expert played in the Baku “ChGK” (“What? Where? When?”) under the direction of Rustam Fataliev.

Rovshan Askerov assembled his own team in 2009. It included Inna Semenova, Irada Aliyeva, Iya Metreveli, Jamilya Azimova and Lala Babaeva. In 2013, he joined the team of Balash Kasumov.

Quarrels and scandals in ChGK with the participation of R. Askerov

More than once he came into conflict with other participants in the “What? Where? When?" Rovshan Askerov. In 2016, he started a skirmish with Andrei Kozlov. This happened because of a hint that Kozlov gave before Metreveli’s answer. Rovshan publicly accused his colleague of dishonesty, for which he was called a “scoundrel” by the enemy side. One of the ChGK participants, Boris Kryuk, considered Rovshan’s behavior outrageous. Many fans of Rovshan also sided with Kozlov, recalling another conflict between Askerov, but this time with Alexander Druz. After the next game of Askerov’s team, Alexander Abramovich was dissatisfied, and moreover, outraged by its victory. There was also a controversial situation with the answer.

The conflicts with Alexander Druz did not end with this quarrel. Last year, Rovshan Askerov was again seen accepting a tip. And although Askerov himself denied the fact of the hint, when the presenter turned to Alexander Druz, the latter confirmed that there really was a hint. An outraged Askerov argued that his opponent was guided by the human factor and gave out false information due to personal hostility.

An interesting fact, but in one game in 2017, Askerov’s team lost to the spectators with a score of 0:6.

In the winter of this year, Rovshan Askerov was appointed grandmaster of the elite club of Baku. Over the five years of existence of the Baku “What? Where? When" Askerov was recognized as the best player.

Askerov’s biography also includes participation in the “Brain Ring” and “Own Game” games.

Personal life of R. Askerov

Rovshan Askerov met his future wife on the set of the Brain Ring program in 1998. At that time, Askerov was already a member of an elite club. Julia studied at Moscow State University. In 1999, Yulia and Rovshan began a romantic relationship. A year later the couple got married. Today, Yulia and Rovshan have a son, Timur, and a son, Kirill. Yulia Askerova, the wife of Rovshan Askerov, shared details for the first time family life with journalists from one Russian federal channel. By the way, Askerov’s wife does not like publicity. The personal life of the ChGK player remains exclusively a personal matter for Rovshan himself.

Many of us are very fond of the famous television project, which has been on domestic television for several decades in a row, called “What? Where? When?". In this elite intellectual casino, over the years of its existence, many bright, smart, charming experts have appeared, whose names are well-known. But there are also such personalities whose charisma and outrageousness never leave anyone indifferent. One of them is Rovshan Askerov. The biography of this man, hot in his temperament, will be discussed in the article.

basic information

The future television star was born on May 4, 1972 in the capital of Azerbaijan - the city of Baku. Our hero’s father was the well-known artist Enver Askerov, and his mother’s name was Elvira Askerova. In 1994, Rovshan Askerov, whose biography in Lately is of particular interest to young people, he successfully graduated and after some time successfully defended his Ph.D. degree in history.

Labor activity

Before getting into the intellectual casino created by the late Voroshilov, the Azerbaijani worked as a sports columnist in the popular print publication Sport Express, where he regularly covered events from the world of cross-country skiing, fencing, cycling, and German studies. In addition, Rovshan Askerov (his biography contains several interesting facts) was involved as a journalist on summer Olympics 2004 and winter Olympic Games in 2006 in Turin.

Since 2007, the man has been an employee of the NTV-Plus television channel. He also worked at one of the football channels, but at the same time covered events in other sports. Since 2009, the emotional native of Baku has been collaborating with the magazine of the same name and is the main PR department of this publication.

In 2008, Rovshan Asgarov, whose biography and personal life does not escape the attention of ubiquitous journalists, became the author of a book dedicated to the cities and countries that he personally visited. The year 2011 was marked for the man by filming in a film directed by Yuli Gusman called “Don’t be afraid, I’m with you! 1919".

Life in the casino of intellectuals

Start of games in “What? Where? When?" for an Azerbaijani it is dated November 28, 1998. During his entire stay in the elite club, Rovshan Askerov, whose biography contains scandals, was awarded the honor of being recognized as the best player of the team several times. Playing in the winter series of 2001, our hero received a prize - the “Crystal Owl”. Until 2013, Rovshan was a member of the team, which, in turn, turned out to be the best during the Anniversary Games in the 2005 season.

In 2010, Askerov, being the captain of his country's national team, was able to lead the team to triumph at the world championship among television clubs in the series “What? Where? When?". In 2016, the Azerbaijani created his own team, which, in addition to him, included five women.

On July 2, 2017, Askerov’s team managed to set an anti-record, which hardly anyone will want to imitate in the future: Rovshan, together with his casino colleagues, crushingly lost to the audience with a score of 0:6. At the beginning of 2018, the man received the title of grandmaster of the “What? Where? When?" in the city of Baku as best player leagues for all five years of the existence of this game on the territory of Azerbaijan.

Scandalous behavior

The biography of Rovshan Askerov says that during his life he repeatedly got into altercations and insulted his partners at the gaming table. For example, he had a fight with a representative of his own team, Iya Metreveli, who as a result was forced to leave the table. In general, the Azerbaijani was repeatedly removed from the casino floor for gross violations of the existing rules of the establishment.

Another scandal involving Askerov, and in live, occurred on March 27, 2016 during the Spring Series of games. During the confrontation between the experts and the audience, a situation arose when the presenter first awarded a point to the viewers, but after persuasion from Askerov, he still gave the point to the experts. This situation greatly angered the club master who felt that the Azerbaijani was begging too much from the host for a point in his favor.

In response to Druzya’s reaction, Askerov spoke very harshly: “Alexander, fuck off!” Moreover, Rovshan also categorically stated that he does not care at all about the opinion of the respected master and he does not consider him a person with an impeccable reputation. In addition, Askerov said that the opinion of not only Druz, but also absolutely all other members of the elite intellectual casino in Moscow does not matter to him. It is worth noting that this incident was settled fairly quickly and did not go beyond the bounds of decency. No one insulted anyone, and certainly no assault occurred.

Family status

Rovshan Askerov, whose biography, personal life and wife have always been under the radar of society, has long been bound by official marriage. His legal wife's name is Yulia Galueva. Together the couple is raising a son.

Rovshan Askerov was outraged by the events that occurred on the set of the program “What? Where? When?". The expert and his colleagues were not given the correct answer due to a hint from the audience. Presenter Boris Kryuk noticed that Kim Galachyan, who was standing next to Askerov, nodded when he heard the players’ version.

Askerov and his colleagues claimed that they did not see how Galachyan allegedly suggested. Therefore, Boris Kryuk turned to Alexander Druz and Andrey Kozlov with a request to help understand the current situation. Experts noted that Rovshan should give in to his rivals led by Elena Potanina. After that, they won, and Askerov refused to shake hands with his competitor.

Later, the wounded Rovshan spoke extremely negatively about his longtime opponent. According to Askerov, Druz’s decision was influenced by his personal attitude towards him.

“Alexander Abramovich [Druz] acted absolutely disgustingly in this situation, who from this moment does not exist for me at all, either as a person or as a master. What he is doing is meanness. He made the decision not as a master at all, but as a person who does not love me. Therefore, I will never ask this person for a hint in my life. What he did was meanness, baseness. For me he is not a master, he is nobody. This person simply does not exist. Now it’s final, he’s a nonentity,” Rovshan said.

// Photo: frame from the program “What? Where? When?"

Previously, Askerov and Druz repeatedly entered into controversy. Fans of the popular program know firsthand how emotional its participants can be. Over the several decades of the existence of the intellectual club, a variety of events took place. So, in 2016, Alexander Druz quarreled with Rovshan Askerov after the first game of the spring series. The reason for the conflict between the men was the issue of tomatoes. Some guests of the game decided that Askerov’s team should be awarded one point, while others, on the contrary, considered its answer incorrect.

The artist's son did well at school. But, as Askerov later said, it was difficult for him to get good grades. The whole problem is that the boy was very lazy by nature. In order not to upset mom and dad, the teenager crammed his homework very diligently. The parents really wanted their pet to be an excellent student and a medalist.

A historian becomes a journalist

School years have flown by. The time has come to choose your future profession. Rovshan became a student at Baku State University. He successfully completed it (with honors) in 1994. He is a historian by profession. Askerov successfully defended himself and became a candidate of historical sciences. The young and promising scientist was hired by the Institute of History of the Republic of Azerbaijan. But only 3 years pass and Rovshan Askerov decides to radically change his life. He leaves for free journalistic bread.

Journalist and writer

Here are some steps in the career of journalist Askerov:

  • columnist for the newspaper Sport Express. Specialization: ski race, fencing; cycling, sports and artistic gymnastics;
  • correspondent for the 2004 Olympics in Athens;
  • correspondent for the 2006 Olympics in Turin;
  • commentator for the NTV-plus channel;
  • "Baku" magazine PR director.

Rovshan is not limited to his work as a journalist. He is also trying to write entertaining historical plays. There is a problem with the productions. Theaters were not interested in Askerov's play. A popular expert published a book, which he called “Country (in) food. This book contains interesting essays about cuisines and dishes from around the world.

Askerov and his wife

A member of an elite club of experts does not like to advertise his personal life. It is known that his wife’s name is Julia. The young people bonded over the game. Yulia was a member of one of the Brain Ring teams. The Askerovs work hard and therefore try free time spend together. The couple had their wedding in Moscow. Only the closest friends were invited to the celebration. The family has two boys. These are Timur and Kirill.

All roads lead to What? Where? When?

Even as a 10-year-old boy, Rovshan was already composing questions for experts. He played his first games in Baku as part of the Ateshgah club. The debut on Russian television took place in November 1998. The team, in which a young debutant sat down at the gaming table for the first time, lost. The score is 4:6. Askerov learns to take a punch in front of a multimillion-dollar television audience.

From beginner to Crystal Owl winner and champion

The eccentric and intelligent player was immediately noticed and loved by television viewers. Being a hyper-emotional person, Askerov takes on the most difficult questions over and over again. It is no coincidence that he has been recognized as the team's best expert for several games. Rovshan plays in several star-studded lineups. These are the commands:

  1. Balasha Kasumov.
  2. Alexey Blinov.
  3. Alesya Mukhina.

Rovshan Askerov's finest hour was 2001. The young player becomes the owner of the Crystal Owl. When the sports version of “What? Where? When?”, Balash Kasumov’s team, with its bright leader Askerov, won the World Championship. Now Rovshan has his own team. Interestingly, it consists of girls. Only the team captain, Rovshan Askerov, is a man. He said that, by and large, it doesn’t matter to him which team he plays for. He gets pleasure from the game itself.

Tomatoes and Alexander Druz

Askerov's unrestrained character often becomes the cause of conflicts. There is a well-known story about the question of tomatoes. Rovshan answered this question quite contradictorily. But the presenter gave his team a point. The experts were outraged. And Druz directly stated that this situation spoils the reputation of the game. Askerov advised Druz to “go to hell.”

Participation in other shows

Rovshan Askerov is willingly invited to various TV shows. He was noted, for example, in “His Game”. By the way, out of 5 episodes in which Rovshan took part, in 3 he became the winner.

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