Fishing according to the new rules: what you should know when going to the pond. Fishermen and hunters should know the list of bodies of water where intensive fishing is prohibited

Few people think about legislation when going fishing. But, as you know, ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility. Therefore, before putting away hooks, uncovering spinning rods and digging for worms, you should study where, how, what and when it is allowed to fish. So that later there will be no excruciating pain for a thinner wallet and a ruined vacation. Fishing ban 2019, terms and fines.

☸️ TAXES for calculating the amount of damage caused to aquatic biological resources are valid from November 3, 2018:

For 1 copy. regardless of size and weight:

  • Beluga RUB 206,625
  • Russian sturgeon 138024 rub.
  • Atlantic salmon (salmon) 13675 rub.
  • nelma 10811 rub.
  • lampreys 5685 rub.
  • Sima, trout 5128 rub.
  • pike perch 3305 rub.
  • grayling, asp, carp, carp, pike, White amur, silver carp, freshwater catfish 925 rub.
  • burbot, bersh, sabrefish, tench, ide, bream, silver bream, blue bream 500 rub.
  • roach, dace, crucian carp, chub, podust, freshwater perch 250 rub.
  • other types freshwater fish 100 rub.
  • cancer 115 rub.

Caviar / per 1 kg:

  • Beluga RUB 82,200
  • other sturgeon species RUB 54,910.
  • salmon species RUB 27,455
  • other types of fish 2288 rub.


When calculating damage caused to aquatic biological resources during periods prohibited for fishing and (or) in areas prohibited for fishing, which are established in accordance with the Federal Law “On Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources”, in addition to the rates provided for in this document, it is taken into account 100 percent tax per specimen (kilogram) of the corresponding species (subspecies).

For each kilogram of sturgeon caviar, in addition to the fees provided for in this document, 100 percent of the tax for a specimen of sturgeon fish of the corresponding species (subspecies) is taken into account, and for each kilogram of salmon caviar, 50 percent of the tax for a specimen of salmon fish of the corresponding species (subspecies).

Let's study the laws for fishermen together!

☸️ What fishing is considered illegal in the Russian Federation, and where you can’t fish?

You can learn more about prohibited fishing from the relevant laws. For example, from Federal Law No. 166 (note “On Fisheries...”). According to this law, you can fish freely and freely if you do it on water bodies for which no special use regime has been established. But even under these conditions, you may be subject to restrictions approved by law.

The main list of restrictions is regulated by the federal body - Rosrybolovstvo.

☸️ These include...

  1. Fishing bans in certain areas and prohibitions on catching certain types of fish.
  2. A certain weight and size of the fish caught.
  3. Number, type, size and design of fishing devices and fishing methods.
  4. Permitted/prohibited periods for fishing.
  5. Sizes, number and types of fishing vessels.
  6. Catch volume per 1 private person or 1 vessel.

...And other restrictions.

As for the specific permitted places for fishing in Russia, they are determined by each region independently.

☸️ The places that are prohibited everywhere are the following...

  1. Near bridges, locks, dams and hydraulic structures, near fish/plants and cages for raising young animals.
  2. On water bodies of spawning farms.
  3. On the fairway from a boat.
  4. In nature reserves.
  5. In fish hatcheries.
  6. In pond/fish farms.
  7. In spawning grounds during spawning.
  8. At fish hatchery facilities during the release of young fish.

☸️ Prohibited fishing gear - what can’t you fish with?

  1. Networks of any type/kind.
  2. Traps of any design/type (with the exception of crayfish traps).
  3. Passive fishing gear (approx. - hooks, pokes, etc.) on those rivers that are known for their habitats of salmon species.
  4. Pneumatic weapons (except for devices intended for underwater hunting).
  5. Fishing rods/spinning rods of any type, system, design with a total number of hooks - over 10 pieces per person.
  6. Trawls, bottom seines.
  7. Hook trap devices.
  8. Network devices/devices (seines and televisions, drills and capes, scarves, etc.).
  9. Lifters/scoops with dimensions over 1x1 m and mesh pitch over 10 mm.
  10. Traps and catfish.
  11. Spears and other piercing tools for fishing.

☸️ Prohibited fishing methods - how can you not fish?

  1. For undercutting and lighting.
  2. Stunning fish.
  3. Trolling using a sail and motor with more than 2 baits.
  4. By means of barriers that become an obstacle to the free movement of fish (dams, etc.).
  5. Using circles/langes with the number of hooks - over 10 pcs per person.
  6. Using crayfish traps when their quantity is more than 3 pieces per person, with a mesh size of less than 22 mm and a device diameter of more than 80 cm.
  7. By sewing with a total number of hooks - over 10 pieces per person.
  8. Using the diving method or manually wading when catching crayfish.
  9. On the close.
  10. Combines and oilseed traps.
  11. Descent of reservoirs.
  12. With the installation of huts on ice.
  13. From ships and other watercraft that have not been properly registered and do not have legal identification marks on board.
  14. Electric shock and firearms.
  15. Electric fishing rods.
  16. Using watercraft during spawning.
  17. Scuba diving, underwater.

☸️ Prohibited fishing periods - when is it forbidden to fish?

As for the timing of the fishing ban, they are set by the regions in individually, and change every year according to the situation. For example, pike spawning is the end of winter, the beginning of spring +/- 2 weeks. And perch spawning begins after the water warms up to +7.

Be careful! Fishing during spawning is strictly prohibited!

☸️ Changes in the legal framework of the fishing industry of the Russian Federation in 2019

In 2019, serious changes await the fishing industry of the Russian Federation. Changes to the federal fisheries law appeared back in 2016, but they will only take effect this year. What should fishermen prepare for?

☸️ Large-scale changes

The amendments previously made to the fisheries law are beginning to take effect. The first thing that will be changed is the revised quota system. Fishing quotas will appear for investment purposes, with the help of which the authorities want to stimulate the creation of new enterprises for processing extracted aquatic biological resources and the production of fish products. In addition, they should “push” the Russian fishing fleet to build new modern vessels at their shipyards. The function of distributing investment quotas will be assigned to the federal executive body exercising control in the field of fisheries and the preservation of aquatic biological resources. The provision of quotas for investment purposes will be regulated by agreements concluded for a 15-year term with the owners or tenants of investment objects. In total, it is planned to conclude about 7 thousand contracts. In the near future the Government Russian Federation draw up and approve a list of water resources for all commercial fishing regions, requirements for investment objects, as well as the procedure for calculating and distributing investment quotas. It is already known that projects will be selected based on applications. If the requested limits exceed 100% of the investment quota shares, then it is planned to carry out a selection based on fair competition. According to the assurances of the current head of the department, I. Shestakov, this procedure will be carried out as transparently as possible, under the supervision of representatives of the Federal Fisheries Agency.

☸️ Updated coastal fishing rules

Dramatic changes are expected in the field coastal fisheries. Even during the discussion of the future law, “coastal” became perhaps the most pressing topic. Many issues were raised, from limiting the size of watercraft to banning certain types of processing of extracted resources directly on ships. For example, freezing of caught fish and reloading of catches will be prohibited. The authorities of one or another coastal region of the Federation will determine the place of unloading. In addition, in the coastal zone it was previously possible to extract not only aquatic biological resources falling under the TAC (total allowable catch), but also those whose extraction was not subject to quotas at all. However, the new law leaves the “coastal” only the most common fish species. The federal security agency of the Russian Federation will control the transportation and shipment of caught biological resources, as well as products produced on ships. The law provides for the deprivation of fishing rights for all violators, followed by a forced cessation of their activities.

☸️Distribution of investment quotas

Investment quotas are included in the Regulations on the distribution of TAC. This document regulates the order of distribution of extracted resources regarding the types of quotas. The list of limits includes quotas for investment purposes provided for industrial and coastal fisheries. Investment quotas will be distributed among those participants who are already operating investment objects. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1154, this function is assigned to Rosrybolovstvo. The principle remains the same: the enterprise’s share is multiplied by the TAC determined in relation to the investment quota. The deadline for approval of such distribution for a specific fishing period is December 30 of the previous year. After this, within 5 days the department is obliged to publish the distribution results on its own website. The resolution should come into force on April 1 of this year.

☸️ Internal ODU

On January 1, the Rules for the distribution of quotas for inland water bodies came into force. They do not apply to sea waters and those objects for which the TAC is determined within the region. Rosrybolovstvo will distribute quotas based on proposals prepared by fishery research organizations and reviewed by specialists from basin scientific and fisheries councils. When preparing recommendations, regional characteristics will be taken into account water body, quotas for the previous period and recent changes made by scientific organizations.

☸️ Types of biological resources subject to quotas in certain regions

Since the beginning of the year, Order No. 764 of the Government of the Russian Federation has come into effect. The document approves a list of certain types of water resources extracted in different regions of the country, for which investment quotas are allocated. The list is made up of the most attractive fishing sites for investors. For example, Commander squid in the North Kuril zone and Petropavlovsk-Commander subzone or snow crab birdie in the Kamchatka-Kuril subzone.

☸️ No checkpoints

Vessels operating in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, according to changes in Resolution No. 486, are required to deliver all caught water resources and products made from them to the customs territory of the Russian Federation. This innovation entailed the need to resolve the issue regarding the control points (points) that such ships must pass through. This requirement has long been outdated, as the fishing industry themselves have repeatedly noted. By eliminating checkpoints, they will be able to significantly reduce temporary losses.

☸️ New TSK

In 2016, the Ministry of Agriculture issued Order No. 294, regulating the procedure for equipping fishing vessels with technical control means. According to this document, only devices of the INMARSAT satellite communications company (14 pieces) and the only domestic model of the Gonets system, equipped with AIS (automatic identification system), are allowed for use on ships. They should replace all others technical means previously used. On ships with a displacement of up to 300 tons that do not cross 75 degrees south and north latitudes, the installation of AIS was supposed to be completed before January 1, 2018, but this period was extended for another six months. Later, specialists from the monitoring center came up with a proposal to delay the installation of permitted devices on such vessels until 2019.

A true Olympian fishing without blinking, he can send a large fish back into the water, having just been defeated in a fierce struggle. But before giving life to a worthy opponent, he will definitely take a photo with him.

We are against trolling

Catch just to eat or sell, or to be happy? The answer to this almost Hamlet-like question separates the fisherman from the amateur fisherman. However, even among amateurs there are those who do not notice that they are crossing the dividing line. These are trollers.

Collecting fish from large areas is contrary to the ethics of hobbyism. Passing trolling or live bait big size attract big fish, the number of bites increases significantly. The only excusable case is if in this way the habitats of fish of a certain species are scouted, so that later they can return and cast.

A long fishing line trailing behind a boat *boat* confuses the gear of those who are already fishing here, both from the shore and from boats. There are bodies of water where it is not prohibited, and it is only a matter of conscience whether to go straight through the gear if there are a lot of amateurs that day, or look for another place.

A fish, it's nobody's business until you catch it. But when they see from the motorboat that he has caught a good pike, they immediately rush to this place and iron it up and down. Or maybe I fed him for three days?

We are for trolling in Belarus

I don’t see the logic in those who oppose trolling. Their assessments lead not forward, but backward, to chariot riding and hunting with bows and arrows. Why do you buy wound spinning rods, the same wobblers and unique bait mixtures? Use a walnut stick to catch a worm and a dragonfly - and the catch is yours!

Do you like to sit for hours with a fishing rod in your hand? And for me - to rush (not very fast, of course). And it’s breathtaking that the fish has caught up with me and is already on the hook.

Trolling does not necessarily lead to a big catch. Still, this is not a network, although it can be empty. With this method, the unpredictability of fishing is fully preserved. And the norm is the same for everyone. The only difference is that the process speeds up. Agree, bargaining with conscience, including the weight of the catch, is a personality flaw of the fisherman, not a flaw of the method.

Trolling is called lazy fishing. But it is still unknown who has more tension - who sits in a familiar place without risking anything, or those who move along with the fishing line, ready at any moment to overcome unexpected hooks that threaten to deprive you of quite expensive baits.

Suppose the echo sounder shows a pike at a depth of 10-15 meters, almost at the bottom, on a dump. If not a troll, how to get it? And I’ll make a maneuver on a motorboat at a distance of 30 meters, and my spoon will hit the pike directly.

Each fishing method has disadvantages. and troll are too catchy, fishermen with donks take up a lot of space on the shore, and ice “knights of bets” even more so. Perhaps only penguins with jigs can’t be blamed for anything


While we were driving to Pripyat, the state inspector for the protection of flora and fauna Vladimir ALISEYKO and our photographer started an argument: is it really possible to catch a troller in Pripyat. After all, trolling is prohibited on this river. Trolling... A mysterious word. But everything turned out to be more than prosaic. A troller is a person who catches fish using a spinning rod from a motor boat. The boat moves at low speed - about five kilometers per hour. The spinning rod is thrown into the water, the bait wriggles enticingly, the fish immediately wants to eat it, and it gets caught.

It’s almost impossible to catch a troller! - says our photographer. - When I see the fish inspector, I can immediately turn off the engine and drop the anchor. That's all. I am no longer a troller, but an ordinary person fishing from a boat.

That’s how it is,” the inspector objects. - But our boat is equipped with a camera especially for such cases. If you deny that you were trolling, we’ll show you the “movie.” And we'll fine you.

By the way, trolling is not prohibited everywhere. Since this year, it has been allowed in many places.

But people don’t read newspapers carefully,” Vladimir complains. - Many people only read the headline: “Trolling is allowed.” And they immediately go fishing. And they get caught. But you also need to get a ticket from the Belarusian Society of Hunters and Fishers, and choose a body of water where trolling is allowed.

“Our main weapon is the pen!”

The first thing that catches my eye when we get into the boat is the machine gun.

“The Kalash must be in the boat during the inspection,” says Alexander KRASYUKA, state inspector of flora and fauna. - After all, we go on raids for several days. Our biggest catch is at night. There were cases when poachers set dogs on us and rushed with a knife.

- And you shot?

Not really. Thank God I didn’t have to.

Then the inspector suddenly tensed up and grabbed his binoculars. The boat increased speed... Before I had time to figure out what was happening, Sasha jumped into the water, swam to the shore in no time and disappeared into the bushes.

About fifteen minutes later he returned empty-handed.

“Run away,” he sighed. - They saw us too early. But I found a network.

- And what will you do with her?

We'll take it, draw up a report and destroy it.

In general, there are fewer poachers,” says Vladimir.

-Has everyone become so conscientious?

Not really. The fines are high. Just recently I saw Vaska the poacher with a fishing rod! For the first time! I usually catch it with nets all the time. Vaska, I say, are you sick? And he: “Fuck you! The fine is almost a thousand dollars. I’m better with a spinning rod.”

“It’s cheaper to abandon a boat with a motor than to pay a fine!”

Get up! Get up quickly! - Both inspectors suddenly shouted to me.

You see, there are poachers there,” Volodya explained to me. “They’ll see us in the boat and get scared and swim away.” And so you will divert attention to yourself. No one will suspect that the girl in the swimsuit is an inspector. And here we are!

And so it happened. Until we got closer to the boat with the poachers, the violators didn’t even think about getting scared.

State Inspectorate for the Protection of Fauna and Plants. What are you doing here? - Volodya asked menacingly. - Are you engaged in trolling?

What about us? We are nothing. We are sitting in our boat.

Sasha,” the inspector says to his colleague. - Show me the movie!

The violators could no longer argue with the video recording.

See, Sashka, how you help us! - says Vladimir. - If it weren’t for you, they would have sailed away. There were many cases when poachers, upon seeing us, jumped out of their boats and swam away.

- So what, they abandoned the boats with the motor?

They throw it away. The boat costs less than the fine.

Fishery inspectors were pelted with fish

In broad daylight, a man and a woman check the networks. We are approaching slowly...

- State inspection. What you are doing?

Uh-uh! We came to wash ourselves! - says the woman. - I'm very dirty! I haven't washed for a long time! I spent the whole day digging potatoes on the collective farm.

- What about the network?

And this is not ours!

So... Let's swim to the shore!

- I’m not going anywhere! I'll wash myself! My body is burning!

Let's swim!

I'm not going anywhere, you bastards! Give me a cigarette, Dima,” the woman turned to her companion. - Otherwise I’ll hit them now!

And... bang! A slippery crucian carp crashed into me. Splash - the poacher splashed water from a ladle directly into the photographer's camera lens.


In order to engage in trolling legally, you need to buy a membership card of BOOR - the Belarusian Society of Hunters and Fishers. To get a fishing ticket, you need to pay an entrance fee - 31 thousand rubles plus 15,500 per year.


The fine for trolling in an illegal place is from 20 to 50 basic units (from 620 to 1 million 550 thousand).

If you are caught on the shore with nets, but did not manage to catch anything, from 5 to 20 basic units (from 155 to 620 thousand rubles).

If you are caught while fishing with a net - from 20 to 50 basic fines (from 620 to 1 million 550 thousand). Regardless of whether you caught anything or not.

Photo by Victor DRACHEV.

Spearfishing and track fishing have become fashionable these days, although such hobbies are not cheap. And if fans of spearfishing usually go to realize their plans at sea, then there are more and more fans of fishing on the path on the waterways of the area.

And it is not surprising that the Gomel Interdistrict Inspectorate for the Protection of Fauna and Plants and the newspaper editors receive a large number of requests from amateur fishermen about the Rules for underwater hunting and fishing on the path from vessels with engines, permitted and prohibited places for them and some other nuances of fishing. We asked state inspector of the Gomel MRI Viktor SHEREMETYEV to answer these and other questions:

Viktor Vasilyevich, who has the right to free amateur fishing in such ways as fishing on a track, using 6 to 10 hooks and underwater hunting?

In accordance with the current Rules of fishing and fishing of the Republic of Belarus, the right to free recreational fishing in such ways as:

  • fishing using recreational fishing gear with total number hooks from 6 to 10 pieces per fisherman;
  • fishing on the track from boats with engines. When fishing on the lane from vessels with engines, the use of one lure or bait per angler is allowed;
  • spearfishing in the fishing grounds reserve fund, with the exception of fishing grounds, the list of which is approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in agreement with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, is available to fishermen who are members of the republican state-public association “Belarusian Society of Hunters and Fishers” ( BOOR).

In addition, in the stock of fishing grounds provided for lease (use) for fishing, during daylight hours the tenants can organize recreational fishing using the above methods.

In any case, even members of the BOOR need to check fishing spots with the local executive body.

I am not a member of the BOOR. Can I fish with 6 to 10 hooks, spearfish, track fish and where?

You can, but only in rented fishing grounds, where paid amateur fishing is organized and if you have a voucher for this method fishing purchased from the tenant of fishing grounds.

- Give information about rented places.

Area of ​​responsibility of the Gomel Interdistrict Inspectorate for the Protection of Fauna and Plants: Gomel, Rechitsa, Dobrush, partly Vetkovsky and Loevsky districts of the Gomel region. In this regard, we inform you about the list of leased water bodies where paid recreational fishing is organized or not organized in the specified areas of the zone of responsibility.

On the territory of the Gomel region rented the following sections of the Sozh River:

  • ALC "Remona" leases a section of the Sozh River, including the Kholodnoe tract, Lake Chernoe, from Sharpilovskaya Zaboka to the administrative border of the Loevsky district, 8.5 km long with adjacent floodplain reservoirs. (The area is leased for commercial fishing and, accordingly, paid recreational fishing is not organized) ;
  • Private unitary enterprise "Rybservis" leases a section of the river. Sozh from Lake Glushets to Sharpilovskaya Zaboka is about 20 km long with adjacent floodplain reservoirs, including Lake Glushets. (The area is leased for commercial fishing and, accordingly, paid recreational fishing is not organized) ;
  • KH "Kuksa M.T." leases a section of the Sozh River with adjacent floodplain reservoirs, from the mouth of the Iput River, including the Volodkino quarry backwater with an area of ​​40 hectares, to Drets Bay with a length of 7 km. (The site has been transferred for commercial fishing and the organization of paid recreational fishing. Currently, the tenant is creating favorable conditions for the creation of paid recreational fishing, which will be organized by the end of 2016);
  • ServiceAlliance LLC leases a section of the river. Sozh from the road bridge of the M-8 highway, downstream to the entrance to the lake. Glushets, including lake. Chernetskoe. (The area has been transferred for commercial fishing and the organization of paid recreational fishing. Paid recreational fishing has been organized);
  • The farm "AquaQuant" rents a section of the river. Sozh, with adjacent floodplain reservoirs of the lake. Osovskoye, Golova, Svyatogorsha, from the pass sign No. 139 (high-voltage power line in the area of ​​​​the village of Osovtsy) downstream to the confluence of Lake Golova with the Sozh River, including the channel into Lake Golova. (The area has been transferred for commercial fishing and the organization of paid recreational fishing. Paid recreational fishing has been organized).

- And on the territory of the Rechitsa district?

The following sections of the Dnieper River are leased on the territory of the Rechitsa district:

  • Farm "Gorvalskoye" leases a section of the river. Dnieper, including lake Gadyn, Zherelo, Bolshoye, Granovsky old man, from the railway bridge to the exit from the lake Granovsky old man, 24 km long. (The area has been transferred for commercial fishing and the organization of paid recreational fishing. Paid recreational fishing has been organized);
  • Farming enterprise "StaroKrasnoe" leases a section of the Dnieper River, including the backwaters "Red Bridge", "Glinnoe", without a name, from the river exit from the Granovsky Old Man lake to the direction sign No. 97 with a length of 13 km. (Paid recreational fishing is organized);
  • In addition, the farm "Gorvalskoye" leases another section of the Dnieper River in the Rechitsa district: a section of the Dnieper River, including lake. Vir, Hotemlya, Glybovskoye, from the mouth of the Berezina River downstream to the gas pipeline located 500 meters upstream from the settlement. Unoritsa is 13 km long. (The area is leased for commercial fishing and, accordingly, paid recreational fishing is not organized);
  • “The Republican Unitary Dnieper-Dvina Waterways Enterprise Belvodput leases a section of the river. Dnieper from the gas pipeline located 500 m from the settlement. Unoritsa and downstream to the railway bridge (excluding the section of the green zone of Rechitsa), including lake. Lyakhovo, Krugloe, Svyatoe, Bolshoye, Godyn, Krivoe. (The area is leased for commercial fishing and, accordingly, paid recreational fishing is not organized).

- Remind us again about what is prohibited when fishing using the methods mentioned.

In accordance with the Rules for Conducting Fishing and Fishing, it is prohibited:

  • underwater hunting for fishermen who do not have an underwater hunter's license, and (or) using scuba gear and other self-contained breathing devices, and (or) using underwater guns and (or) pistols shooting with a harpoon with a tip of more than five teeth, as well as prey fish using underwater guns and (or) pistols or other tools for underwater hunting from the shore or from small vessels;
  • amateur fishing using piercing fishing tools, lighting devices, firearms or air guns(except for underwater guns and (or) pistols), fishing gear, the operating principles of which are based on the use of an electromagnetic field, ultrasound, and other fishing gear, the use of which is not permitted by these Rules;
  • from railway and other bridges, dams, at locks, pumping stations, and other hydraulic structures, in respect of which restrictions and prohibitions on economic and other activities are established, and at a distance closer than 50 meters in both directions from the boundaries of these technical structures, with the exception of competitions for sport fishing;
  • from ships at night;
  • using double and triple hooks on fishing gear without spoons, natural or artificial bait.

For the production of fish or other aquatic animals without proper permission, or at prohibited times or periods, or in prohibited places, or with prohibited tools, or prohibited methods, as well as an attempt on such production, liability is provided for under Part 1 of Art. 15.35 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses, the sanction of which provides for a fine in the amount of 20 to 50 basic units, and in case of public danger, criminal liability occurs under Art. 281 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, the sanction of which entails punishment in the form of a fine, arrest, restriction of freedom or imprisonment.

Specialists from the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Fauna and Plants under the President of the Republic of Belarus studied international experience in organizing and conditions for underwater hunting, in particular in the Baltic countries.

Thus, in Lithuania, out of three thousand bodies of water, spearfishing is allowed in only seven, and you must have a fishing license. In Estonia, underwater hunters are required to purchase a fishing card. Within five days after the expiration of its validity, they must report their catch, otherwise the next time they will be denied a card. Spearfishing can only be carried out on two lakes - Kuremaa and Saadjärv. It costs two euros for one day. It is curious that in Estonia, if you are lucky enough to catch a fish with a plastic tag near the dorsal fin (on it there is information about the type and size of the fish when it was introduced into the reservoir), you can send this tag, as well as a description of the caught individual (species, weight, length , time and place of catch, fishing method) to the fish hatchery and receive 5.11 euros and a good spoon as a reward. In Latvia, spearfishing is permitted only in bodies of water, the list of which is approved by the Ministry of Agriculture. This list includes about 30 fishing grounds.

Trolling is a very productive fishing method if we're talking about about pike perch. So, we devote the weekend to this method of fishing, which is carried out on a boat.

Today, finding a body of water where intensive activities are allowed is not a problem. But not all of them contain pike perch. Fortunately, there are enough of these in the Naroch region. From the documents we will need a membership card of the Belarusian Public Association of Hunters and Fishermen, which gives the right to engage in intensive fishing methods. In addition, if the reservoir belongs to a national park, you should take care of purchasing a voucher.

For fishing, we choose a boat with a motor capable of pushing the vessel at low speed for a long time. ICEs produced in the USSR coped poorly with this. An echo sounder is highly desirable. We will use it not only as a depth gauge to determine promising places, but also for constant visual contact with the bottom topography. No matter what anyone says, trolling is not as simple as it might seem. For a good result, it is not enough to put the rod in the holder and ride around the pond. Especially when it comes to pike perch. This pike can attack a wobbler that will be even a meter above it. This trick won't work with a fanged one. You have to constantly work with the spinning rod, pulling the bait near the very bottom. But in promising places it is not even. Hitches are also inevitable. Therefore, we add the cut to the list of “must haves”. Losing an expensive and catchy wobbler is an unaffordable luxury.

Many readers, I’m sure, are now waiting for a list of effective baits. He won't be there. And not because I’m lazy or sorry to declassify my favorites. The names of working wobblers have long been known to everyone. Any self-respecting manufacturer has a line of pike perch baits. The Internet is full of information. But the fact is that each of them works only in its own conditions. Let me explain. The super catchy “Japanese” with a depth of 4 meters is completely useless at depths of 6 meters. And vice versa: a deep-sea wobbler will dig the bottom here and get caught on the first pass. To some extent, the depth of the wobbler can be adjusted by releasing the braid and even its thickness. But these possibilities are not limitless.

How to determine the optimal bait release? I usually do this: I lower or throw the wobbler close and start moving. When he starts poking the bottom with a spatula, I reel in the reel to feel the clear working vibration radiating into my hand. And then I remove another meter or two of cord. In order not to go through this procedure every time, I highly recommend purchasing either a multi-colored reel with a line counter, or a multi-colored cord, every ten meters of which is painted a certain color.

The second point is the shape and size of the bait. Small wobblers with an elongated body, reminiscent of bleak or minnow, are suitable. Even trophy pike perch greedily attacks baits 4–5 centimeters long.

For fans of certain brands, I’ll separately note that in my collection there were cheap “Chinese” ones that easily beat out super-technological and expensive Japanese “megabass”. There is another problem with manufacturers from the Middle Kingdom: the repeatability of copies is very low. Of three completely identical baits, only one can work.

Well, in conclusion, I’ll describe one piece of equipment that can help out when catching pike perch at great depths, even if you don’t have deep-sea wobblers. We knit a triple swivel to the end of the cord. To it is a leash made of fishing line for the load and a leash made of fluorocarbon for the bait (the second one should be twice as long as the first). I don’t recommend using the cord here: it will get tangled terribly. The leash for the load should be less strong than for the wobbler - in this case, if the load sits among the stones, we will be able to save the wobbler. The weight of the load when fishing at a depth of up to 8 meters can be 30–40 grams. One more thing: I don’t recommend abandoning this design. It’s better to just lower it to the bottom and leave on the boat. Tested - it works!

Additional Information:

From May 31 to July 1, there is a ban on fishing for common catfish in the fishing grounds of the Minsk region. It will end a little earlier in the Gomel and Brest regions - on June 20.

Increased fishing of catfish, including poaching, has led to a significant decrease in its numbers. Since 1981, at the suggestion of scientists, the European (common) catfish has been included in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus as a fish species that is greatly declining in number and subject to full protection. Thanks to prohibited measures, the populations of this fish species gradually recovered. Currently, the European catfish has been removed from the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus.

Illegal catching of one catfish during the ban will cost violators 12 basic units. They will also be subject to an administrative fine of up to 50 basic units. And if the damage from illegal fishing amounts to 100 or more basic values, a criminal case may be initiated.


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