Sanpin swimming pools. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation

1.4. Reagents and disinfectants, as well as construction and finishing materials, are allowed to be used only if there is a positive sanitary and epidemiological certificate issued in the prescribed manner.

During the operation of a swimming pool, the residual content (concentration) of chemicals in the water and air (breathing zone) must not exceed hygienic standards.

1.5. The commissioning of newly built or reconstructed swimming pools, as well as those that have undergone redevelopment or re-equipment, is allowed if there is a positive conclusion from the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities.

1.6. Responsible for compliance with these sanitary rules and carrying out production control are the heads of organizations operating swimming pools, regardless of their departmental affiliation and form of ownership.

II. Hygienic requirements to the design and construction of swimming pools

2.1. When choosing a plot of land for placing swimming pools, linking standard projects, as well as the design, construction and reconstruction of swimming pools, the requirements of these sanitary rules must be observed.

2.2. Swimming pools with auxiliary premises for their maintenance can be located in separate buildings, as well as attached (or built in) to civil buildings in accordance with current building codes and regulations.

2.3. When constructing outdoor swimming pools, the landscaping of the designated area should be no less than 35% shrubs or low-growing trees. Along the perimeter of the site, wind and dust protection strips of trees and shrubs with a width of at least 5 m on the side of the driveways are provided local significance and at least 20 m - from the side of highways with heavy traffic.

The distance of the outdoor pool baths from the red line is taken to be at least 15 meters; from the territory of hospitals, children's schools and preschool institutions, as well as residential buildings and parking lots - at least 100 m.

2.4. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the construction of swimming pools in accordance with their purpose are indicated in table 1.

2.5. The internal layout of the main premises of the pool must comply with the hygienic principle of flow: the movement of visitors is carried out according to a functional scheme - wardrobe, locker room, shower, foot bath, pool bath. In this case, it is necessary to separate the zone of “bare” and “shod” feet, for which it is recommended to arrange walk-through changing cabins in the dressing room with two entrances (exits), and it should also be ensured that the visitor cannot go to the bathtub without passing the shower.

2.6. Requirements for auxiliary premises.

2.6.1. Bathrooms are located in the changing rooms: in women's bathrooms there is 1 toilet for no more than 30 people, in men's - 1 toilet and 1 urinal for no more than 45 people per shift.

2.6.2. Showers must be provided as walk-throughs and located on the path of movement from the locker room to the bypass path; showers are arranged at the rate of 1 shower net per 3 people per shift.

2.6.3. Hair dryers (hair dryers) are installed in locker rooms or adjacent rooms at the rate of 1 device per 10 places - for women and 1 device per 20 places - for men per shift.

2.6.4. It is not allowed to locate sanitary facilities and showers above the premises for the preparation and storage of coagulating and disinfecting solutions.

2.7. On the path of movement from the shower to the pool bath, foot baths with running water should be placed, the dimensions of which exclude the possibility of walking around or jumping over them: in width they must occupy the entire passage, in the direction of movement - have a length of at least 1.8 m, depth - 0. 1 - 0.15 m, the bottom of the baths should not be slippery.

Foot baths must be supplied with purified and disinfected water from the pool water treatment system or drinking water supply system.

The absence of foot baths is allowed when there is direct access from the showers to the pool bypass path.

2.8. Swims when exiting the showers into the bathtubs of outdoor pools are arranged in the side part of the longitudinal wall on the shallow side of the bathtub. The width of the swim is 1.8-2.2 m, the water depth is 0.9-1.0 m for adults and 0.6-0.7 m for children. A shutter is provided above the outlet to protect the premises from cold air. The lower edge of the shutter should be framed with elastic materials that prevent the entry of cold air, and should be lowered into the water by 10-15 cm. The outlets should be equipped in the form of a vestibule and protected from the possible entry of water from the showers.

2.9. Walkways and stationary benches must be heated. The surface of the bypass paths should be non-slippery and have a slope of 0.01-0.02 towards the ladders.

2.10. To remove the contaminated top layer of water, overflow gutters (foam troughs) or other technical overflow devices (skimmers) must be provided in the walls of the baths.

2.11. To cover bypass paths, walls and the bottom of bathtubs, materials should be used that are resistant to the reagents and disinfectants used and allow for high-quality mechanical cleaning and disinfection, taking into account clause 1.4. of these Sanitary Rules. The seams between the facing slabs must be thoroughly rubbed.

The use of wooden ladders in showers and dressing rooms is not permitted.

2.12. The premises of a swimming pool for sports and recreational purposes should include a room for medical personnel with access to a bypass path and a production laboratory for testing.

2.13. For pools with sea water, the choice of water intake location should be made taking into account the sanitary situation and water quality in areas of the sea that are not influenced by sources of pollution - storm and sewage discharges, river discharges, pollution from ports and piers, beaches, etc. In this case, the head of the water intake must be at a height of at least 2 meters from the bottom surface with seawater supplied from the middle layers.

2.14. Swimming pools must be equipped with systems that ensure water exchange in the pool baths.

Based on the nature of water exchange, the following types of pools are allowed for operation:

Recirculation pools;

Flow type pools;

Swimming pools with periodic water changes.

2.15. Purification and disinfection of water in recirculation pools is carried out by methods including filtration (with or without a coagulant) and the introduction of a disinfecting agent.

It is allowed to use other methods of water purification that ensure the required water quality, after receiving a positive sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

2.16. Facilities for purification, disinfection and distribution of water can be located in the main or separate building. Serial connection to unified system water treatment of two or more baths is not permitted.

The ozonation plant must have a degasser to neutralize unreacted ozone released into the atmosphere.

2.17. Systems that provide water exchange in pool baths must be equipped with flow meters or other devices that make it possible to determine the amount of recirculation water supplied to the bath, as well as the amount of fresh tap water entering the bath of a recirculating or flow-type swimming pool.

2.18. The water supply system to the baths must ensure its uniform distribution throughout the entire volume to maintain a constant water temperature and concentration of disinfectants. In addition, the specified system must be equipped with taps for collecting water samples for research at the stages of water treatment:

Incoming - in pools of all types;

Before and after filters - in recirculation pools;

2.19. Water can be removed from the bathtubs of swimming pools for recirculation either through overflow technical devices or through holes in the bottom located in the deep and shallow parts of the bathtubs. The estimated speed of water movement in outlet openings covered with gratings should be taken as 0.4-0.5 m/second.

2.20. Discharge of contaminated water from swimming pool bathtubs, as well as from washing filters, as well as from overflow gutters, from foot baths, from bypass paths and from washing the walls and bottom of swimming pool bathtubs must be carried out into the sewer system. In the absence of a centralized sewerage system, this water can be discharged to water body in the presence of a positive sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

2.21. The connection of swimming pool baths to sewer pipelines must exclude the possibility of runoff and odor from the sewerage flowing back into the baths; for this, the pipelines must have air breaks in front of the hydraulic seal.

2.22. For halls, baths, swimming pools, halls for preparatory classes, pumping-filtering, chlorination and ozonation rooms must be provided with independent supply and exhaust ventilation systems. Remote controls for turning on the ventilation systems serving the chlorination and ozonation rooms must be located outside the premises where they are located.

2.23. To avoid the formation of cold air currents from windows, heating devices should be located under them and near external walls. Heating devices and pipelines located in preparatory classrooms at a height of up to 2.0 m from the floor must be protected by gratings or panels that do not protrude from the plane of the walls and can be cleaned using a wet method.

III. Hygienic requirements for the operating mode of swimming pools

3.1. To ensure that the water quality in swimming pools meets hygienic requirements, it is necessary to renew the water in the baths.

The bathtub must be filled to the edge of the overflow gutters; it should not be used if it is not completely filled.

3.2. Permissible load per pool per unit of time (capacity of people per shift) should be determined based on the regulatory requirements for the area of ​​​​the water surface per 1 person in accordance with the type of pool according to table N 1.

3.3. With recirculating water exchange, water is purified, disinfected and continuously added during operation of the pool with fresh tap water of at least 50 liters per visitor per day.

When ozonizing water, it is allowed to add at least 30 liters of fresh water per visitor per day.

3.4. With recirculating water exchange, the recirculation flow rate must be at least 2 m3/hour per visitor for chlorination and bromination, 1.8 m3/hour for UV radiation, and at least 1.6 m3/hour for ozonation. In this case, the time for complete water exchange and the number of visitors should be calculated in accordance with table No. 1.

3.5. In small pools with a water surface area of ​​no more than 100 m2 (at schools, preschool and health institutions, bath complexes, saunas, etc.), water exchange can be carried out with a continuous flow of tap water, while the time for a complete change of water (water exchange) in baths for children should be take no more than 8 hours, and in other baths - no more than 12 hours.

If it is impossible to ensure a continuous flow of tap water, a daily complete change of water should be carried out in the bathtubs of swimming pools of school and preschool institutions, as well as small pools in saunas and bath complexes.

3.6. In children's summer recreational institutions of a seasonal type, in the absence of tap water of drinking quality in the appropriate quantity, in agreement with the state sanitary and epidemiological authorities, it is allowed to construct swimming pools with periodic filling from surface or underground sources, as well as sea water, subject to the requirements specified in clause 3.5 and clause. 4.4 of these sanitary rules.

3.7. The organization of breaks between shifts, their necessity and duration, are decided in agreement with local authorities of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, depending on the quality of water in the pool bath, the number of visitors and their compliance with the rules of personal hygiene (showers), the sanitary condition of the premises, the regularity and quality of cleaning, etc.

Deterioration in the quality of water in a swimming pool bath in the absence of breaks requires urgent administrative measures to improve control over:

Cleaning and disinfection of premises;

Water disinfection;

Compliance of the number of visitors with the requirements of Table No. 1 and their compliance with personal hygiene rules, etc.

If these measures do not lead to an improvement in the quality of water in the pool bath, then it is necessary to introduce breaks between shifts with an optimal duration.

3.8. Water disinfection.

3.8.1. Disinfection of water entering the bathtubs of swimming pools must be mandatory for all recirculation-type pools, as well as for flow-through pools with sea water.

3.8.2. For swimming pools for sports and recreational purposes, ozonation, chlorination, bromination, as well as ultraviolet radiation with a dose of at least 16 mJ/cm2 can be used as the main methods of water disinfection, regardless of the type of installation; To increase the reliability of disinfection, it is advisable to combine chemical methods with UV radiation.

When chlorinating water, the pH value should be no more than 7.8.

Given the health hazards of chlorination by-products (halogen-containing compounds), alternative disinfection methods should be preferred.

3.8.3. The use of other disinfection methods not specified in clause 3.8.2 is permitted if their reliability and safety are justified by special technological and hygienic studies after receiving a positive sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

3.8.4. For pools with a continuous flow of water, it is recommended to use physical methods disinfection (in particular, ultraviolet radiation).

It is allowed to operate flow-type swimming pools with water coming from a centralized drinking water supply system, as well as swimming pools specified in clause 3.5, without additional disinfection, if the quality of water in the bath according to microbiological indicators meets the requirements of Table No. 3 of these sanitary rules.

3.8.5. When chlorinating and brominating water, a concentrated solution of disinfectant is added to the water: with a flow system - in the supply pipeline, with a recirculation system - before or after filters (depending on the adopted scheme and test results), and when disinfecting with ozone or UV radiation - after filters . The working dose of the disinfecting reagent is determined experimentally based on the constant maintenance of its residual concentration in accordance with Table No. 3.

3.8.6. During a long break in the operation of the pool (more than 2 hours), an increased content of disinfectants in the bath water is allowed up to the following residual concentrations: 1.5 mg/l - free chlorine, 2.0 mg/l - combined chlorine, 2.0 mg/l l - bromine and 0.5 mg/l - ozone. By the time visitors begin to receive visitors, the residual content of these disinfecting substances should not exceed the levels given in Table No. 3.

3.9. Requirements for cleaning and disinfection of rooms and bathrooms.

3.9.1. Daily cleaning should be carried out at the end of the working day. The need for cleaning during breaks between shifts is established in accordance with the requirements of clause 3.7. these sanitary rules.

Toilets, showers, locker rooms, walkways, benches, door handles and handrails are subject to daily disinfection. The cleaning and disinfection schedule is approved by the pool administration.

3.9.2. spring-cleaning preventive maintenance and subsequent disinfection are carried out at least once a month.

Disinsection and deratization activities are carried out by specialized services on the basis of applications or contracts.

3.9.3. Sanitary treatment of the bathtub, including complete draining of water, mechanical cleaning and disinfection, is carried out within the time limits agreed upon with the state sanitary and epidemiological authorities.

Disinfection of the pool bath, carried out after draining the water and mechanical cleaning, is carried out using the double irrigation method with a disinfectant flow rate of 0.6-0.8 l/m and a solution concentration of 100 mg/l of active chlorine. The disinfectant solution is washed off with warm water no earlier than 1 hour after its application.

To combat fouling of the walls of pool baths (mostly open) and facilitate their cleaning, a solution of copper sulfate (copper sulfate) with a concentration of 1.0-5.0 mg/l or other reagents approved for this purpose can be periodically added to the water of the baths in accordance with p. .1.4 of these sanitary rules.

Disinfection of baths can be carried out by specially trained pool personnel or by local disinfection stations, as well as preventive disinfection departments of sanitary and epidemiological service institutions.

3.9.4. For pools with daily complete water changes, bath sanitization should include mechanical cleaning and treatment with a disinfectant.

3.10. Reagents for disinfecting swimming pool water and disinfectants for treating premises and baths, approved by state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities, are listed in Appendix No. 2.

3.11. Requirements for heating, ventilation, microclimate and indoor air environment.

3.11.1. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems must provide the parameters of the microclimate and air exchange of swimming pool premises indicated in Table No. 2.

3.11.2. When the outside air temperature in winter is below -20°C, it is recommended to install air-thermal curtains in the vestibules of the main entrances of swimming pools. The air-thermal curtain can be replaced with a vestibule with triple successive doors.

3.11.3. The concentration of free chlorine in the air above the water surface is allowed to be no more than 0.1 mg/m3, ozone - no more than 0.16 mg/m3.

3.11.4. The illumination of the water surface must be at least 100 lux, in diving pools - 150 lux, for water polo - 200 lux. In all pools, in addition to working lighting, autonomous emergency lighting is required, providing illumination of the water surface at least 5 lux.

3.11.5. The noise level in the halls should not exceed 60 dbA, and the noise level during classes and during competitions is allowed up to 82 dbA and 110 dbA, respectively.

3.12. Requirements for personal hygiene of visitors and service personnel.

3.12.1. Pool personnel (medical workers, coaches, swimming instructors) must undergo preliminary upon employment and periodic medical examinations in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the manner determined by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The results of the medical examination are recorded in medical records.

The pool administration provides the pool staff with special clothing. Hygienic training of personnel is carried out by institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service.

3.12.2. A certificate from a medical institution authorizing a visit to the pool is required if an unfavorable sanitary and epidemiological situation occurs in a given locality (city, district) for the diseases specified in Appendix No. 1. In these cases, in order to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance issue an order to the administration of swimming pools to terminate the admission of visitors who have not undergone a medical examination with appropriate tests.

Before admission to the swimming group (section) of the pool, thereafter at least once every three months;

For one-time visits - before each visit, if the gap between them is more than two months.

The swimming pool administration ensures that visitors have a medical certificate.

3.12.3. Pool visitors showering and washing thoroughly is mandatory. Not allowed:

Use glass containers to avoid cuts;

Rub various creams and ointments into the skin before using the pool.

3.12.4. The pool staff must monitor whether visitors comply with the rules for using the pool, which are agreed upon with the center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision and approved by the pool administration.

Service personnel are not allowed to enter the showers, swimming pool hall and pre-training hall without special shoes.

3.12.5. If the necessary premises are available, it is possible to organize the rental of accessories: disposable slippers and hats, as well as swimsuits, provided that they are disinfected.

IV. Water quality requirements

4.1. The quality of fresh water entering the swimming pool bath must meet the hygienic requirements for the water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems, regardless of the adopted water supply system and the nature of water exchange.

In case of a shortage of water of drinking quality and the presence of water that has deviations from the requirements of SanPiN "Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for the quality of water of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 31, 2001, registration N 3011) only in terms of mineral composition indicators established by the effect on the organoleptic properties of water, its use is allowed in agreement with the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities, if the MPC is exceeded by no more than 2 times.

4.2. The quality of sea water in places of water intake for swimming pools must meet, in terms of physicochemical and bacteriological indicators, the hygienic requirements for coastal sea waters in places where water is used by the population.

4.4. In seasonal pools of periodic filling, in the absence of tap water, in agreement with local authorities of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, it is allowed to use water from surface or underground sources, as well as sea water that meets the hygienic requirements for recreational water use, subject to daily water change.

V. Industrial control over the operation of swimming pools

5.1. Organization and conduct of production control over compliance with the requirements of these Sanitary Rules and implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures are carried out by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs operating swimming pools, in accordance with SP 1.1.1058-01 "Organization and conduct of production control over compliance with sanitary rules and implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 30, 2001, registration No. 3000).

5.1.1. The purpose of production control is to ensure safety and (or) harmlessness for visitors to swimming pools. Production control includes:

The administration has officially published sanitary rules and guidelines, the requirements of which must be met;

Carrying out (organizing) laboratory research;

Organization of medical examinations (personal medical records), professional hygienic training and certification of swimming pool personnel;

Monitoring the availability of certificates, sanitary and epidemiological reports and other documents confirming the safety of the materials and reagents used, as well as the effectiveness of the water treatment technologies used;

Timely informing local authorities and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service about accidents and violations of technological processes that create an unfavorable sanitary and epidemiological situation for visitors to the pool;

Visual control by specially authorized officials of the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures, compliance with sanitary rules, development and implementation of measures aimed at eliminating identified violations.

5.2. To implement the tasks assigned to production control, a program (plan) for production control over the operation and water quality of swimming pools is being prepared, specifying the provisions set out in clause 5.1.1, including indicating the lists of:

Officially published sanitary rules, methods and techniques of control;

Officials entrusted with the functions of carrying out production control;

Positions of employees subject to medical examinations;

Possible emergency situations.

This program must include a laboratory research plan indicating sampling points and frequency, as well as monitoring compliance with the hygienic requirements for the operation of swimming pools set out in Section 4 of these sanitary rules.

5.2.1. The developed production control program (plan) is agreed upon with the chief physician (deputy chief physician) of the state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance center in the relevant administrative territory and approved by the head of the organization operating the swimming pool.

5.2.2. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs operating swimming pools are responsible for the timeliness, completeness and accuracy of the production control carried out and are obliged to provide information about its results to the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision upon their requests.

5.3. During the operation of the swimming pool, production laboratory control is carried out for:

Microclimate parameters;

The state of the air environment in the swimmers’ breathing zone;

Levels of man-made noise and illumination.

5.3.1. In the absence of a production analytical laboratory accredited in the prescribed manner, water quality control is carried out with the involvement of laboratories accredited in the state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance system and licensed to conduct microbiological research.

5.3.2. Laboratory monitoring of water quality in a swimming pool bath includes studies to determine the following indicators:

a) organoleptic (turbidity, color, smell) - once a day in the daytime or evening;

b) the residual content of disinfecting reagents (chlorine, bromine, ozone), as well as the temperature of water and air - before starting the pool and then every 4 hours;

c) basic microbiological indicators (total coliform bacteria, thermotolerant coliform bacteria, coliphages and Staphylococcus aureus) 2 times a month;

Water samples for analysis are taken at least at 2 points: a surface layer 0.5-1.0 cm thick and at a depth of 25-30 cm from the surface of the water surface.

5.3.3. Laboratory control of water at the stages of water treatment is carried out with water sampling:

Incoming (tap) - in pools of recirculation and flow types, as well as with periodic water changes;

Before and after filters - in recirculation type pools and with sea water;

After disinfection, before supplying water to the bath.

5.3.4. Laboratory monitoring of microclimate and illumination parameters is carried out in accordance with the requirements of Table No. 2 and clause 3.11.4. of these sanitary rules and includes conducting research with the following frequency:

Microclimate parameters (except for air temperature in the bath rooms) - 2 times a year;

Illumination - 1 time per year.

5.3.5. If there are complaints from visitors about microclimatic conditions, the air environment in the swimmers’ breathing zone is examined for the content of free chlorine and ozone, as well as measurements in the halls of man-made noise levels from operating equipment for compliance with hygienic standards (clauses 3.11.3 and 3.11.5).

Flushes are taken from the handrails of the pool bathtub, benches in the changing rooms, the floor in the shower, door handles from the dressing room to the shower, children's toys (balls, circles, etc.), sports equipment.

If unsatisfactory research results are obtained, it is necessary to carry out general cleaning and disinfection of premises and equipment, followed by repeated collection of swabs for analysis.

5.3.7. The efficiency of supply and exhaust ventilation is subject to systematic monitoring by a specialized organization (at least once a year).

5.3.8. The results of industrial laboratory control carried out during the operation of swimming pools are sent once a month to the territorial centers of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. In cases where water quality does not meet the requirements specified in Table No. 3 of these sanitary rules, information must be transmitted immediately.

5.3.9. The pool administration must have a journal recording the results of the inspection of the pool by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service (acts) with conclusions and proposals for eliminating identified deficiencies, as well as a journal recording the results of production laboratory control (in this case, in pools of the recirculation type, as well as with sea water, the date must be indicated filter washing).

5.4. When preparing a production control program, it should be considered that there is potential dangerous factor The factor that may have the most adverse impact on the health of pool users is the quality of the bath water (critical control point).

5.4.2. If unsatisfactory research results are obtained from water samples taken from the pool bath after implementing the measures specified in clause 5.4.1, deciding on the need for a complete change of water in the pool requires a differentiated approach depending on the type and water exchange system.

Increasing the volume of added fresh water;

Use of alternative methods of water disinfection;

Reducing the load (i.e. reducing the number of visitors);

Introducing breaks between shifts (or increasing the duration if available) to ensure high-quality cleaning;

Carrying out disinfection measures of all premises and equipment;

If the measures taken, both proposed by the pool administration and recommended by the sanitary-epidemiological service, did not lead to normalization of water quality, a complete change of water in the pool bath should be carried out.

5.4.6. A complete change of water in the pool bath must be accompanied by mechanical cleaning of the bath, removal of bottom sediment and disinfection (see paragraph 3.9.3), followed by taking water samples for analysis.

5.4.8. The pool administration is obliged to inform the territorial center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision about the measures taken to eliminate identified violations of these Sanitary Rules, including the temporary cessation of operation of the pool and a complete change of water in the bath, while the resumption of operation of the pool should be carried out only if there is a positive sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, issued by the center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision after receiving the results of laboratory tests confirming their compliance with the requirements of these Sanitary Rules.

5.5. State sanitary and epidemiological supervision over the design, operation and water quality of swimming pools, as well as the organization and conduct of production control is carried out by state sanitary and epidemiological supervision centers in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 17, 2002 N 228 “On the procedure for carrying out control measures at implementation of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 3, 2002, registration No. 3831) and Appendix No. 1.

Table No. 1. Types of swimming pools and sanitary and hygienic requirements for their installation

Types of pools (purpose)

Water surface area, m2

Water temperature, °C

Water surface area per person in m2, not less

Time of complete water exchange, hour, no more



Children's educational:

Children under 7 years old

Children over 7 years old



1. The depth of pools for children under 7 years old should be no more than 0.6 m.

2. The indicated time for complete water exchange does not apply to flow-type pools with fresh water.

3. The water temperature in outdoor pools should be maintained at 27°C in summer and 28°C in winter.

Table No. 2. Hygienic requirements for the microclimate parameters of the main premises of indoor swimming pools

Purpose of the premises

Air temperature, °C

Relative Humidity %

Air exchange parameters at 1 hour

Air speed, m/sec

Bathrooms and swimming pools

Ha 1° - 2° above water temperature

Not less than 80 m3/hour per 1 student and not less than 20 m3/hour per 1 spectator

No more than 0.2

Class preparation halls

Not less than 80 m3/hour per 1 student

No more than 0.5

Air exchange rate per 1 hour

Changing rooms

Balanced including showers

2 (from showers)

Not standardized


Sauna chamber

no more than 120

5 (intermittent action in the absence of people)

Table No. 3. Indicators and standards for water quality in a swimming pool bath (during operation)



physical and chemical indicators

Turbidity, mg/l

no more than 2

Color, degrees

no more than 20

Smell, points

no more than 3

Chlorides (when water is disinfected with sodium hypochlorite obtained by electrolysis of table salt), mg/l

no more than 700

Residual free chlorine (during chlorination), mg/l

not less than 0.3 - not more than 0.5

Residual bromine (during bromination), mg/l

Residual ozone (during ozonation), mg/l

no more than 0.1 (before entering the pool bath)

Chloroform (for chlorination), mg/l

no more than 0.1

Formaldehyde (with ozonation), mg/l Thermotolerant coliform bacteria in 100 ml


Coliphages in 100 ml


Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus) in 100 ml



Causative agents of intestinal infections


Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) in 100 ml


Giardia cysts (Giardia intestinalis) in 50 l


Eggs and larvae of helminths in 50 l



2. When using UV radiation and chlorination or ozonation and chlorination together, the content of free residual chlorine should be in the range of 0.1-0.3 mg/l.

3. Chlorides are not standardized in seawater pools.

4. It is allowed to increase the free residual chlorine in special cases due to epidemiological indications to 0.7 mg/l.

5. Methods for determining indicators are set out in the relevant state standards and guidelines of the Russian Ministry of Health. To control physicochemical parameters, it is allowed to use analytical express methods with a sensitivity not lower than the specified standard values.

Programmatic implementation of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision over the operation of swimming pools

1. The participation of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision center in the preparation of the production control program (plan) includes:

Sending legal entities and individual entrepreneurs information about current sanitary rules, hygienic standards, control methods and techniques, as well as a list of chemicals, biological and physical factors for which laboratory research is required, indicating sampling points and its frequency;

Coordination of the production control program (plan).

2. Inspections of swimming pools are carried out as planned and according to sanitary and epidemiological indications, as well as in the event of complaints from visitors in connection with violation of the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime for the operation of swimming pools.

2.1. When inspecting a pool, the following are checked:

Implementation of measures to eliminate previously identified deficiencies recorded in the report and maintaining a log of the results of production laboratory control;

Compliance with the organization of the movement of visitors in accordance with clause 2.5. these sanitary rules;

Compliance of the actual number of visitors with the sanitary and hygienic requirements specified in Table 1;

Medical records confirming that you have undergone pre-employment and periodic medical examinations;

Availability of rules for using the pool for visitors;

The operation of shower screens and foot baths, as well as the condition of drains for drainage in showers, toilets, and bypass paths;

Completeness of filling the pool bath with water;

Availability of inspection reports on the effectiveness of the ventilation system by a specialized laboratory;

Availability of accounting for filter washing in recirculation systems and in pools with sea water.

During the inspection of the pool, random sampling of water and taking swabs from surfaces for research are carried out, taking into account the analysis of the results of production laboratory control submitted to the center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision (clause 5.3.8).

3. In case of an unfavorable epidemic situation, water in the bathtub of swimming pools is examined for the presence of pathogens of intestinal infections.

4. If sporadic cases of pneumonia of unknown etiology occur or epidemic out-of-season outbreaks of acute respiratory diseases occur among pool visitors, water tests are carried out for the presence of Legionella pneumophilia, the proliferation of which is facilitated by warm water and splashes. When you breathe, a fine aerosol containing Legionella enters the lungs, which can cause Legionnaires' disease or Pontiac fever.

Infectious diseases that can be transmitted through swimming pool water


Neutral calcium hypochlorite grade A;

Technical sodium hypochlorite grade A;

Lithium hypochlorite;



- "Aquatabs."

2. For preventive disinfection of pool baths after draining the water, as well as premises and equipment (aqueous solutions):

Chloride of lime: clarified 1% - for baths and 0.2-0.3% - for premises and equipment;

Chloramine 0.5% - for premises and equipment;

Nirtan 3%;

Technical sodium hypochlorite grades A and B (0.1-0.2%);

Chlordesine 5.0% - for baths and composition: chlordesine 0.5% and sulfochloranthine 0.2% - for premises and equipment;

Boric acid 10% - for baths;

- "Diseffect";

- "Nika-extra M";

- "Septustine";

- "Samarovka";

- "Septodorus";

- "Alaminol";

- "Veltolen";

- "Septabik";

- "Bromosept-50";

- "Polysept";


Sanitary rules apply to existing, reconstructed and under construction swimming pools for sports and fitness purposes, incl. for outdoor ones, for swimming pools at schools, preschool and health institutions, bath complexes and saunas, as well as for swimming pools with sea water, regardless of departmental affiliation and form of ownership. Sanitary rules do not apply to swimming pools for medical purposes, where medical procedures are carried out or water of a special mineral composition is required, as well as to ship swimming pools.

Designation: SanPiN
Russian name: Swimming pools. Hygienic requirements for design, operation and water quality. Quality control
Status: valid
Replaces: SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the design, operation and water quality of swimming pools. Sanitary rules and regulations"
Date of text update: 05.05.2017
Date added to the database: 01.09.2013
Effective date: 01.05.2003
Approved: 01/29/2003 Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation (Russian Federation Chief Public Health Officer)
Published: FC GSEN, Ministry of Health of Russia (2003)









1. Developed by a team of authors under the guidance of corresponding member. RAMS, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. G.N. Krasovsky consisting of: B.M. Kudryavtseva, T.N. Tsibina (Federal Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Russian Ministry of Health); G.M. Trukhina, G.V. Tsyplakova (Federal Scientific Center of Hygiene named after F.F. Erisman, Ministry of Health of Russia); I.G. Timofeeva, N.D. Senina (State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Center in Moscow); G.N. Krasovsky (Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene named after A.N. Sysin, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences); A.V. Bulanovich (Association of Swimming Pools and Water Parks of Russia).

3. Approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation on January 29, 2003.

4. Entered into force by Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated January 30, 2003 No. 4 on May 1, 2003.

5. Introduced to replace SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the design, operation and water quality of swimming pools.”

6. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (registration number 4219 dated February 14, 2003)

Federal Law of the Russian Federation
“On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population”

“State sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter referred to as sanitary rules) - regulatory legal acts establishing sanitary and epidemiological requirements (including criteria for the safety and (or) harmlessness of environmental factors for humans, hygienic and other standards), non-compliance which creates a threat to human life or health, as well as a threat to the emergence and spread of diseases” (Article 1).

“Compliance with sanitary rules is mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities” (Article 39, paragraph 3).

“For violation of sanitary legislation, disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability is established” (Article 55, paragraph 1).



01/30/03 Moscow No. 4

About implementation


Based on the Federal Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ and the Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standards approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000 No. 554


Introduce sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations “Swimming pools. Hygienic requirements for design, operation and water quality. Quality control. SanPiN”, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on January 29, 2003, from May 1, 2003.

G.G. Onishchenko

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation



01/30/03 Moscow No. 5

On the abolition of sanitary rules

and standards “Hygienic requirements

to design, operation and quality

swimming pool waters.

SanPiN »

In connection with the approval on 01/29/03 by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation and the entry into force on 01/05/03 of the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations “Swimming pools. Hygienic requirements for design, operation and water quality. Quality control. SanPiN"


From the moment of entry into force of the specified sanitary rules, the sanitary rules and norms “Hygienic requirements for the design, operation and water quality of swimming pools” shall be considered invalid on the territory of the Russian Federation. SanPiN”, approved by the former State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia.

G.G. Onishchenko


Chief State

sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation,

First Deputy Minister

healthcare of the Russian Federation

G. G. Onishchenko


Swimming pools.

Hygienic requirements for design, operation and water quality.

Quality control

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations


1. General provisions and scope

1.1. These state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter - sanitary rules) were developed on the basis of the Federal Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 14, Art. 1650), Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000. No. 554 “On approval of the Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standardization” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 31, Art. 3295).

Sanitary rules apply to existing, reconstructed and under construction swimming pools for sports and fitness purposes, incl. for outdoor ones, for swimming pools at schools, preschool and health institutions, bath complexes and saunas, as well as for swimming pools with sea water, regardless of departmental affiliation and form of ownership.

Sanitary rules do not apply to swimming pools for medical purposes, where medical procedures are carried out or water of a special mineral composition is required, as well as to ship swimming pools.

1.2. The sanitary rules are intended for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out the design, construction, reconstruction and operation of swimming pools, as well as for bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service carrying out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

During the operation of a swimming pool, the residual content (concentration) of chemicals in the water and air (breathing zone) must not exceed hygienic standards.

1.5. The commissioning of newly built or reconstructed swimming pools, as well as those that have undergone redevelopment or re-equipment, is allowed if there is a positive conclusion from the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities.

1.6. Responsible for compliance with these sanitary rules and carrying out production control are the heads of organizations operating swimming pools, regardless of their departmental affiliation and form of ownership.

2. Hygienic requirements for the design and construction of swimming pools

2.1. When choosing a land plot for placing swimming pools, linking standard projects, as well as designing, constructing and reconstructing swimming pools, the requirements of these sanitary rules must be observed.

2.2. Swimming pools with auxiliary premises for their maintenance can be located in separate buildings, as well as attached (or built in) to civil buildings in accordance with current building codes and regulations.

2.3. When installing outdoor swimming pools, landscaping of the designated area is carried out at least 35% with shrubs or low-growing trees. Along the perimeter of the site, wind and dust protection strips of trees and shrubs are provided with a width of at least 5 m on the side of local passages and at least 20 m on the side of highways with heavy traffic.

The distance between the outdoor pool baths and the red line must be at least 15 m; from the territory of hospitals, children's schools and preschool institutions, as well as residential buildings and parking lots - at least 100 m.

2.4. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the construction of swimming pools in accordance with their purpose are indicated in table. .

2.6. Requirements for auxiliary premises.

2.6.1. Bathrooms are located in the changing rooms: in women's bathrooms there is 1 toilet for no more than 30 people, in men's - 1 toilet and 1 urinal for no more than 45 people per shift.

2.6.2. Showers must be provided as walk-throughs and located on the path of movement from the locker room to the bypass path; showers are arranged at the rate of 1 shower net per 3 people per shift.

2.6.3. Hair dryers (hair dryers) are installed in locker rooms or adjacent rooms at the rate of 1 device per 10 places - for women and 1 device per 20 places - for men per shift.

2.6.4. It is not allowed to locate sanitary facilities and showers above the premises for the preparation and storage of coagulating and disinfecting solutions.

2.7. On the path of movement from the shower to the pool bath, foot baths with running water should be placed, the dimensions of which exclude the possibility of walking around or jumping over them: in width they must occupy the entire passage, in the direction of movement - have a length of at least 1.8 m, depth - 0. 1 - 0.15 m, the bottom of the baths should not be slippery.

Foot baths must be supplied with purified and disinfected water from the pool water treatment system or drinking water supply system.

The absence of foot baths is allowed when there is direct access from the showers to the pool bypass path.

2.8. Swims when exiting the showers into the bathtubs of outdoor pools are arranged in the side part of the longitudinal wall on the shallow side of the bathtub. The width of the swim is 1.8 - 2.2 m, the water depth is 0.9 - 1.0 m for adults and 0.6 - 0.7 m for children. A shutter is provided above the outlet to protect the premises from cold air. The lower edge of the shutter should be framed with elastic materials that prevent the entry of cold air, and should be lowered into the water by 10 - 15 cm. The hatches should be equipped in the form of a vestibule and protected from the possible entry of water from the showers.

2.9. Walkways and stationary benches must be heated. The surface of the bypass paths should be non-slippery and have a slope of 0.01 - 0.02 towards the ladders.

2.10. To remove the contaminated top layer of water, overflow gutters (foam troughs) or other technical overflow devices (skimmers) must be provided in the walls of the baths.

2.11. To cover bypass paths, walls and the bottom of bathtubs, materials must be used that are resistant to the reagents and disinfectants used and allow for high-quality mechanical cleaning and disinfection, taking into account clauses of these sanitary rules. The seams between the facing slabs must be thoroughly rubbed.

The use of wooden ladders in showers and dressing rooms is not permitted.

2.12. The premises of a swimming pool for sports and recreational purposes should include a room for medical personnel with access to a bypass path and a production laboratory for testing.

2.13. For pools with sea water, the choice of water intake location should be made taking into account the sanitary situation and water quality in areas of the sea that are not influenced by sources of pollution - storm and sewage discharges, river discharges, pollution from ports and piers, beaches, etc. In this case, the head of the water intake must be at a height of at least 2 m from the bottom surface with seawater supplied from the middle layers.

2.14. Swimming pools must be equipped with systems that ensure water exchange in the pool baths.

Based on the nature of water exchange, the following types of pools are allowed for operation:

· recirculation type;

· flow type;

· with periodic water changes.

2.15. Purification and disinfection of water in recirculation pools is carried out by methods including filtration (with or without a coagulant) and the introduction of a disinfecting agent.

It is allowed to use other methods of water purification that ensure the required water quality, after receiving a positive sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

2.16. Facilities for purification, disinfection and distribution of water can be located in the main or separate building. Consecutive inclusion of two or more baths into a single water treatment system is not permitted.

The ozonation plant must have a degasser to neutralize unreacted ozone released into the atmosphere.

2.17. Systems that provide water exchange in pool baths must be equipped with flow meters or other devices that make it possible to determine the amount of recirculation water supplied to the bath, as well as the amount of fresh tap water entering the bath of a recirculating or flow-type swimming pool.

2.18. The water supply system to the baths must ensure its uniform distribution throughout the entire volume to maintain a constant water temperature and concentration of disinfectants. In addition, the specified system must be equipped with taps for collecting water samples for research at the stages of water treatment:

· incoming - in pools of all types;

· before and after filters - in recirculation type pools;

2.19. Water can be removed from the bathtubs of swimming pools for recirculation either through overflow technical devices or through holes in the bottom located in the deep and shallow parts of the bathtubs. The estimated speed of water movement in outlet openings covered with gratings should be taken as 0.4 - 0.5 m/s.

2.20. Contaminated water from swimming pool bathtubs, as well as from washing filters, from overflow gutters, from foot baths, from bypass paths and from washing the walls and bottom of swimming pool bathtubs must be discharged into the sewer system. In the absence of a centralized sewerage system, this water can be discharged into a water body if there is a positive sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

2.21. The connection of swimming pool baths to sewer pipelines must exclude the possibility of runoff and odor from the sewerage flowing back into the baths; for this, the pipelines must have air breaks in front of the hydraulic seal.

2.22. For the halls of swimming pool baths, halls for preparatory classes, pumping and filtration rooms, chlorination and ozonation rooms, it is necessary to provide independent supply and exhaust ventilation systems. Remote controls for turning on the ventilation systems serving the chlorination and ozonation rooms must be located outside the premises where they are located.

2.23. To avoid the formation of cold air currents from windows, heating devices should be located under them and near external walls. Heating devices and pipelines located in preparatory classrooms at a height of up to 2.0 m from the floor must be protected by gratings or panels that do not protrude from the plane of the walls and can be cleaned using a wet method.

3. Hygienic requirements for the operating mode of swimming pools

3.1. To ensure that the water quality in swimming pools meets hygienic requirements, it is necessary to renew the water in the baths.

The bathtub must be filled to the edge of the overflow gutters; it should not be used if it is not completely filled.

3.2. The permissible load on the pool per unit of time (capacity of people per shift) should be determined based on the regulatory requirements for the water surface area per person in accordance with the type of pool according to table. .

3.3. With recirculating water exchange, water is purified, disinfected and continuously added during operation of the pool with fresh tap water of at least 50 liters per visitor per day.

When ozonizing water, it is allowed to add at least 30 liters of fresh water per visitor per day.

3.4. With recirculation water exchange, the recirculation flow rate must be at least 2 m 3 / h for each visitor for chlorination and bromination, 1.8 m 3 / h for UV radiation and at least 1.6 m 3 / h for ozonation. In this case, the time for complete water exchange and the number of visitors should be calculated in accordance with Table. .

If it is impossible to ensure a continuous flow of tap water, a daily complete change of water should be carried out in the bathtubs of swimming pools of school and preschool institutions, as well as small pools in saunas and bath complexes.

3.6. In children's summer recreational institutions of a seasonal type, in the absence of tap water of drinking quality in the appropriate quantity, in agreement with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities, the construction of swimming pools with periodic filling from surface or underground sources, as well as sea water, is allowed, subject to the requirements specified in paragraphs and paragraphs of these sanitary rules.

Deterioration in the quality of water in a swimming pool bath in the absence of breaks requires urgent administrative measures to improve control:

· for cleaning and disinfection of premises;

· for water disinfection;

· for compliance of the number of visitors with the requirements of the table. , their observance of personal hygiene rules, etc.

If these measures do not lead to an improvement in the quality of water in the pool bath, then it is necessary to introduce breaks between shifts with an optimal duration.

3.8. Water disinfection.

3.8.1. Disinfection of water entering the bathtubs of swimming pools should be mandatory for all recirculation-type pools, as well as for flow-through pools with sea water.

When chlorinating water, the pH value should be no more than 7.8.

Given the health hazards of chlorination by-products (halogen-containing compounds), alternative disinfection methods should be preferred.

3.8.3. The use of other disinfection methods not specified in paragraph 1 is permitted if their reliability and safety are justified by special technological and hygienic studies after receiving a positive sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

3.8.4. For pools with a continuous flow of water, the use of physical disinfection methods (in particular, ultraviolet radiation) is recommended.

It is allowed to operate without additional disinfection flow-type swimming pools with water coming from a centralized drinking water supply system, as well as swimming pools specified in clause , if the quality of the water in the bath according to microbiological indicators meets the requirements of Table. these sanitary rules.

3.8.5. When chlorinating and brominating water, a concentrated solution of disinfectant is added to the water: with a flow system - in the supply pipeline, with a recirculation system - before or after filters (depending on the adopted scheme and test results), and when disinfecting with ozone or UV radiation - after filters . The working dose of the disinfecting reagent is determined experimentally based on the constant maintenance of its residual concentration in accordance with Table. .

3.8.6. During a long break in the operation of the pool (more than 2 hours), an increased content of disinfectants in the bath water is allowed up to the following residual concentrations: 1.5 mg/l - free chlorine, 2.0 mg/l - combined chlorine, 2.0 mg/l - bromine and 0.5 mg/l - ozone. By the time visitors begin to receive visitors, the residual content of these disinfecting substances should not exceed the levels given in Table. .

3.9. Requirements for cleaning and disinfection of rooms and bathrooms.

3.9.1. Daily cleaning should be carried out at the end of the working day. The need for cleaning during breaks between shifts is established in accordance with the requirements of paragraph of these sanitary rules.

Toilets, showers, locker rooms, walkways, benches, door handles and handrails are subject to daily disinfection. The cleaning and disinfection schedule is approved by the pool administration.

3.9.2. General cleaning with preventative repairs and subsequent disinfection is carried out at least once a month.

Disinsection and deratization activities are carried out by specialized services on the basis of applications or contracts.

Disinfection of the pool bath, carried out after draining the water and mechanical cleaning, is carried out using the double irrigation method with a disinfectant flow rate of 0.6 - 0.8 l/m and a solution concentration of 100 mg/l of active chlorine. The disinfectant solution is washed off with warm water no earlier than 1 hour after its application.

To combat fouling of the walls of pool baths (mostly open ones) and facilitate their cleaning, a solution of copper sulfate (copper sulfate) with a concentration of 1.0 - 5.0 mg/l or other reagents approved for this purpose can be periodically added to the bath water in accordance with paragraph . these sanitary rules.

Disinfection of baths can be carried out by specially trained pool personnel or by local disinfection stations, as well as preventive disinfection departments of sanitary and epidemiological service institutions.

3.9.4. For pools with a daily complete change of water, sanitary treatment of the bath should include mechanical cleaning and treatment with a disinfectant.

3.10. Reagents for disinfecting swimming pool water and disinfectants for treating premises and baths, approved by state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities, are listed in Appendix. .

3.11. Requirements for heating, ventilation, microclimate and indoor air environment.

3.11.1. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems must provide the parameters of the microclimate and air exchange of swimming pool premises indicated in Table. .

3.11.2. When the outside air temperature in winter is below -20 °C, it is recommended to install air-thermal curtains in the vestibules of the main entrances of swimming pools. The air-thermal curtain can be replaced with a vestibule with triple successive doors.

3.12. Requirements for personal hygiene of visitors and service personnel.

3.12.1. Pool personnel (medical workers, coaches, swimming instructors) must undergo preliminary upon employment and periodic medical examinations in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the manner determined by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The results of the medical examination are recorded in medical records.

The pool administration provides the pool staff with special clothing. Hygienic training of personnel is carried out by institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service.

· the administration has officially published sanitary rules and guidelines, the requirements of which must be met;

· implementation (organization) of laboratory research;

· organization of medical examinations (personal medical records), professional hygienic training and certification of swimming pool personnel;

· control over the availability of certificates, sanitary and epidemiological reports and other documents confirming the safety of the materials and reagents used, as well as the effectiveness of the water treatment technologies used;

· timely informing local authorities and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service about accidents and violations of technological processes that create an unfavorable sanitary and epidemiological situation for visitors to the pool;

· visual control by specially authorized officials of the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures, compliance with sanitary rules, development and implementation of measures aimed at eliminating identified violations.

5.2. To implement the tasks set for production control, a program (plan) for production control over the operation and water quality of swimming pools is being prepared, specifying the provisions set out in clause , incl. with lists:

· officially published sanitary rules, methods and techniques of control;

· officials who are entrusted with the functions of carrying out production control;

· positions of employees subject to medical examinations;

· possible emergency situations.

This program must include a laboratory research plan indicating sampling points and frequency, as well as monitoring compliance with the hygienic requirements for the operation of swimming pools set out in the section of these sanitary rules.

5.2.1. The developed production control program (plan) is agreed upon with the chief physician (deputy chief physician) of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision center in the relevant administrative territory and approved by the head of the organization operating the swimming pool.

5.2.2. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs operating swimming pools are responsible for the timeliness, completeness and accuracy of the production control carried out and are obliged to provide information about its results to the centers of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision upon their requests.

5.3. During the operation of the swimming pool, production laboratory control is carried out for:

· water quality (see paragraph);

· microclimate parameters;

· the state of the air environment in the swimmers’ breathing zone;

· levels of man-made noise and illumination.

5.3.1. In the absence of a production analytical laboratory accredited in the prescribed manner, water quality control is carried out with the involvement of laboratories accredited in the state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance system and licensed to conduct microbiological research.

5.3.2. Laboratory monitoring of water quality in a swimming pool bath includes studies to determine the following indicators:

a) organoleptic (turbidity, color, smell) - once a day in the daytime or evening;

b) the residual content of disinfecting reagents (chlorine, bromine, ozone), as well as the temperature of water and air - before starting the pool and then every 4 hours;

c) basic microbiological indicators (total coliform bacteria, thermotolerant coliform bacteria, coliphages and Staphylococcus aureus) 2 times a month;

Water samples for analysis are taken at least at 2 points: a surface layer 0.5 - 1.0 cm thick and at a depth of 25 - 30 cm from the surface of the water surface.

· incoming (pipe) - in pools of recirculation and flow types, as well as with periodic changes of water;

· before and after filters - in recirculation type pools and with sea water;

· after disinfection before supplying water to the bath.

5.3.4. Laboratory monitoring of microclimate and illumination parameters is carried out in accordance with the requirements of Table. and paragraphs of these sanitary rules and includes conducting research with the following frequency:

· microclimate parameters (except for air temperature in the bath rooms) - 2 times a year;

· illumination - once a year.

5.3.5. If there are complaints from visitors about microclimatic conditions, the air environment in the swimmers' breathing zone is examined for the content of free chlorine and ozone, as well as measurements in the halls of man-made noise levels from operating equipment for compliance with hygienic standards (pp. and ).

Flushes are taken from the handrails of the pool bathtub, benches in the changing rooms, the floor in the shower, door handles from the dressing room to the shower, children's toys (balls, circles, etc.), sports equipment.

If unsatisfactory research results are obtained, it is necessary to carry out general cleaning and disinfection of premises and equipment, followed by repeated collection of swabs for analysis.

5.3.7. The efficiency of supply and exhaust ventilation is subject to systematic monitoring by a specialized organization (at least once a year).

Table 1

Types of swimming pools and sanitary and hygienic requirements for their construction

Water surface area, m2

Water temperature, °C

Water surface area per person, m2, not less

Time of complete water exchange, h, no more


more than 1,000


Children's educational:

children under 7 years old

children over 7 years old



1. The depth of pools for children under 7 years old should be no more than 0.6 m.

2. The indicated time for complete water exchange does not apply to flow-type pools with fresh water.

3. The water temperature in outdoor pools should be maintained at 27 °C in summer and 28 °C in winter.

table 2

Hygienic requirements for the microclimate parameters of the main premises of indoor swimming pools

Air temperature, °C

Relative humidity, %

Air exchange parameters at 1 hour

Air speed, m/s

Bathrooms and swimming pools

1 - 2° higher than water temperature

not less than 80 m 3 / h per 1 student and not less than 20 m 3 / h per 1 spectator

no more than 0.2

Class preparation halls

not less than 80 m 3 / h per 1 student

no more than 0.5

Air exchange rate per 1 hour

Changing rooms

on balance including showers

(from the showers)

not standardized


Sauna chamber

no more than 120

(periodic action in the absence of people)

Table 3

Indicators and standards for water quality in a swimming pool bath (during operation)



1. Physico-chemical indicators

Turbidity, mg/l

no more than 2

Color, degrees

no more than 20

Smell, points

no more than 3

Chlorides (when water is disinfected with sodium hypochlorite obtained by electrolysis of table salt), mg/l

no more than 700

Residual free chlorine (during chlorination), mg/l

not less than 0.3 - not more than 0.5

Residual bromine (during bromination), mg/l

Residual ozone (during ozonation), mg/l

no more than 0.1 (before entering the pool bath)

Chloroform (for chlorination), mg/l

no more than 0.1

Formaldehyde (with ozonation), mg/l

no more than 0.05

2. Microbiological indicators


Common coliform bacteria in 100 ml

no more than 1

Thermotolerant coliform bacteria in 100 ml


Coliphages in 100 ml


Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus) in 100 ml



Causative agents of intestinal infections.


Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) in 100 ml


Cystylambly (Giardia intestinalis) in 50 l


Eggs and larvae of helminths in 50 l



1. In a swimming pool bath for children under 7 years of age, the content of free residual chlorine is allowed at the level of 0.1 - 0.3 mg/l, subject to compliance with the standards for basic microbiological and parisitological indicators.

2. When using UV radiation and chlorination or ozonation and chlorination together, the content of free residual chlorine should be in the range of 0.1 - 0.3 mg/l.

3. Chlorides are not standardized in seawater pools.

4. It is allowed to increase the free residual chlorine in special cases due to epidemiological indications to 0.7 mg/l.

5. Methods for determining indicators are set out in the relevant state standards and guidelines of the Russian Ministry of Health. To control physicochemical parameters, it is allowed to use analytical express methods with a sensitivity not lower than the specified standard values.

Annex 1

Programmatic implementation of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision over the operation of swimming pools

1. Participation of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center in the preparation of the production control program (plan) includes:

· sending legal entities and individual entrepreneurs information about current sanitary rules, hygienic standards, control methods and techniques, as well as a list of chemicals, biological and physical factors for which laboratory research is required, indicating sampling points and its frequency;

· approval of the production control program (plan).

2. Inspections of swimming pools are carried out as planned and according to sanitary and epidemiological indications, as well as in the event of complaints from visitors in connection with violation of the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime for the operation of swimming pools.

2.1. When inspecting a pool, the following are checked:

· implementation of measures to eliminate previously identified deficiencies recorded in the act, and maintaining a log of recording the results of production laboratory control;

· compliance with the organization of the movement of visitors in accordance with clause of these sanitary rules;

· compliance of the actual number of visitors with the sanitary and hygienic requirements specified in table. ;

· medical records confirming that you have undergone pre-employment and periodic medical examinations;

· availability of rules for using the pool for visitors;

· the operation of shower screens and foot baths, as well as the condition of drainage drains in showers, toilets, and on bypass paths;

· completeness of filling the pool bath with water;

· availability of inspection reports by a specialized laboratory on the effectiveness of the ventilation system;

· availability of accounting for filter washing in a recirculation system and in pools with sea water.

During the inspection of the pool, random sampling of water and taking swabs from surfaces for research are carried out, taking into account the analysis of the results of production laboratory control submitted to the center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision (item).

3. In case of an unfavorable epidemic situation, water in the bathtub of swimming pools is examined for the presence of pathogens of intestinal infections.

4. If sporadic cases of pneumonia of unknown etiology occur or epidemic off-season outbreaks of acute respiratory diseases occur among visitors to the pool, water tests are carried out for the presence of Legionella pneumophilia), the reproduction of which is promoted by warm water and splashes. When you breathe, a fine aerosol containing Legionella enters the lungs, which can cause Legionnaires' disease or Pontiac fever.

Appendix 2

Infectious diseases that can be transmitted through swimming pool water


Degree of connection with the water factor

1. Adenoviral pharyngo-conjunctival fever

2. Athlete’s itch (“swimmer’s mange”)

3. Viral hepatitis A

4. Coxsackie infection

5. Dysentery

6. Otitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, conjunctivitis

7. Skin tuberculosis

8. Fungal skin diseases

9. Legionellosis

10. Enterobiasis

11. Giardiasis

12. Cryptosporidiosis

13. Amoebic meningoencephalitis

14. Poliomyelitis

15. Trachoma

16. Molluscum contagiosum

17. Gonorrheal vulvovaginitis

18. Ascariasis

19. Trichocephalosis

20. Acute salmonella gastroenteritis

21. Strongyloidiasis

Connection with the water factor:




Appendix 3

Recommended disinfectants and disinfectants

1. To disinfect swimming pool water:

· chlorine gas;

· bleaching powder;

· two-thirds calcium hypochlorite salt, DTSHC;

· sodium salt of dichloroisocyanuric acid, DCC;

· neutral calcium hypochlorite grade A;

· technical sodium hypochlorite grade A;

· lithium hypochlorite;

· dichloranthine;


· "Aquatabs".

2. For preventive disinfection of pool baths after draining the water, as well as premises and equipment (aqueous solutions):

· bleach: clarified 1% - for baths and 0.2 - 0.3% - for premises and equipment;

· chloramine 0.5% - for premises and equipment;

· nirtan 3%;

· technical sodium hypochlorite grades A and B (0.1 - 0.2%);

· chlordesine 5.0% - for baths and composition: chlordesine 0.5% and sulfochloranthine 0.2% - for premises and equipment;

· boric acid 10% - for baths;

· “Diseffect”;

· “Nika-extra M”;

· "RIK-D";

· "Septustine";

· "Samarovka";

· "Septodorus";

· "Alaminol";

· "Veltolen";

· "Line";

· "Septabik";

· "Bromosept-50";

· "Polysept";



III. Hygienic requirements for the operating mode of swimming pools

3.1. To ensure that the water quality in swimming pools meets hygienic requirements, it is necessary to renew the water in the baths.

The bathtub must be filled to the edge of the overflow gutters; it should not be used if it is not completely filled.

3.2. The permissible load on the pool per unit of time (capacity of people per shift) should be determined based on the regulatory requirements for the water surface area per 1 person in accordance with the type of pool according to.

3.3. With recirculating water exchange, water is purified, disinfected and continuously added during operation of the pool with fresh tap water of at least 50 liters per visitor per day.

3.8.6. During a long break in the operation of the pool (more than 2 hours), an increased content of disinfectants in the bath water is allowed up to the following residual concentrations: 1.5 mg/l - free chlorine, 2.0 mg/l - combined chlorine, 2.0 mg/l l - bromine and 0.5 mg/l - ozone. By the time visitors begin to receive visitors, the residual content of the specified disinfectants should not exceed the levels given in.

3.9. Requirements for cleaning and disinfection of rooms and bathrooms.

3.9.1. Daily cleaning should be carried out at the end of the working day. The need for cleaning during breaks between shifts is established in accordance with the requirements of these sanitary rules.

Toilets, showers, locker rooms, walkways, benches, door handles and handrails are subject to daily disinfection. The cleaning and disinfection schedule is approved by the pool administration.

3.9.2. General cleaning with preventative repairs and subsequent disinfection is carried out at least once a month.

Disinsection and deratization activities are carried out by specialized services on the basis of applications or contracts.

3.11. Requirements for heating, microclimate and indoor air environment.

3.11.1. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems must ensure the microclimate and air exchange parameters of swimming pool premises specified in.

3.11.2. When the outside air temperature in winter is below -20 °C, it is recommended to install air-thermal curtains in the vestibules of the main entrances of swimming pools. The air-thermal curtain can be replaced with a vestibule with triple successive doors.

3.11.3. The concentration of free chlorine in the air above the water surface is allowed to be no more than 0.1 mg/m 3 , ozone - no more than 0.16 mg/m 3 .

3.11.4. The illumination of the water surface must be at least 100 lux, in diving pools - 150 lux, for water polo - 200 lux. In all pools, in addition to working lighting, autonomous emergency lighting is required, providing illumination of the water surface at least 5 lux.

3.11.5. The noise level in the halls should not exceed 60 dbA, and the noise level during classes and during competitions is allowed up to 82 dbA and 110 dbA, respectively.

3.12. Requirements for personal hygiene of visitors and service personnel.

3.12.1. Pool personnel (medical workers, coaches, swimming instructors) must undergo preliminary upon employment and periodic medical examinations in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the manner determined by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The results of the medical examination are recorded in medical records.

The pool administration provides the pool staff with special clothing. Hygienic training of personnel is carried out by institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service.

3.12.2. A certificate from a medical institution authorizing a visit to the pool is required if an unfavorable sanitary and epidemic situation occurs in a given locality (city, district) for the diseases specified in. In these cases, in order to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance issue an order to the administration of swimming pools to terminate the admission of visitors who have not undergone a medical examination with appropriate tests.

3.12.3. Pool visitors showering and washing thoroughly is mandatory. Not allowed:

  • use glass containers to avoid cuts;
  • rub various creams and ointments into the skin before using the pool.
3.12.4. The pool staff must monitor whether visitors comply with the rules for using the pool, which are agreed upon with the center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision and approved by the pool administration.

Service personnel are not allowed to enter the showers, swimming pool hall and pre-training hall without special shoes.

3.12.5. If the necessary premises are available, it is possible to organize the rental of accessories: disposable slippers and hats, as well as swimsuits, provided that they are disinfected.

1.1. These state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter referred to as the sanitary rules) were developed on the basis of the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, Art. 1650), Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2000 N 554 “On approval of the Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standardization” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 31, Art. 3295 ).

The sanitary rules apply to existing, reconstructed and under construction swimming pools for sports and recreational purposes, including outdoor ones, to swimming pools at schools, pre-school and health institutions, bath complexes and saunas, as well as to swimming pools with sea water, regardless of departmental affiliation and forms of ownership.

Sanitary rules do not apply to swimming pools for medical purposes, where medical procedures are carried out or water of a special mineral composition is required, as well as to ship swimming pools.

1.2. The sanitary rules are intended for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out the design, construction, reconstruction and operation of swimming pools, as well as for bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service carrying out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

1.4. Reagents and disinfectants, as well as construction and finishing materials, are allowed to be used only if there is a positive sanitary and epidemiological certificate issued in the prescribed manner.

During the operation of a swimming pool, the residual content (concentration) of chemicals in the water and air (breathing zone) must not exceed hygienic standards.

1.5. The commissioning of newly built or reconstructed swimming pools, as well as those that have undergone redevelopment or re-equipment, is allowed if there is a positive conclusion from the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities.

1.6. Responsible for compliance with these sanitary rules and carrying out production control are the heads of organizations operating swimming pools, regardless of their departmental affiliation and form of ownership.

2.1. When choosing a land plot for placing swimming pools, linking standard projects, as well as designing, constructing and reconstructing swimming pools, the requirements of these sanitary rules must be observed.

2.2. Swimming pools with auxiliary premises for their maintenance can be located in separate buildings, as well as attached (or built in) to civil buildings in accordance with current building codes and regulations.

2.3. When constructing outdoor swimming pools, the landscaping of the allocated area should be at least 35% shrubs or low-growing trees. Along the perimeter of the site, wind and dust protection strips of trees and shrubs are provided with a width of at least 5 m on the side of local passages and at least 20 m on the side of highways with heavy traffic.

The distance of the outdoor pool baths from the red line is taken to be at least 15 meters; from the territory of hospitals, children's schools and preschool institutions, as well as residential buildings and parking lots - at least 100 m.

2.5. The internal layout of the main premises of the pool must comply with the hygienic principle of flow: the movement of visitors is carried out according to a functional scheme - wardrobe, locker room, shower, foot bath, pool bath. In this case, it is necessary to separate the zone of “bare” and “shod” feet, for which it is recommended to arrange walk-through changing cabins in the dressing room with two entrances (exits), and it should also be ensured that the visitor cannot go to the bathtub without passing the shower.

2.6.1. Bathrooms are located in the changing rooms: in women's bathrooms there is 1 toilet for no more than 30 people, in men's - 1 toilet and 1 urinal for no more than 45 people per shift.

2.6.2. Showers must be provided as walk-throughs and located on the path of movement from the locker room to the bypass path; showers are arranged at the rate of 1 shower net per 3 people per shift.

2.6.3. Hair dryers (hair dryers) are installed in locker rooms or adjacent rooms at the rate of 1 device per 10 places - for women and 1 device per 20 places - for men per shift.

2.6.4. It is not allowed to locate sanitary facilities and showers above the premises for the preparation and storage of coagulating and disinfecting solutions.

2.7. On the path of movement from the shower to the pool bath, foot baths with running water should be placed, the dimensions of which exclude the possibility of walking around or jumping over them: in width they must occupy the entire passage, in the direction of movement - have a length of at least 1.8 m, depth - 0. 1 - 0.15 m, the bottom of the baths should not be slippery.

2.8. Swims when exiting the showers into the bathtubs of outdoor pools are arranged in the side part of the longitudinal wall on the shallow side of the bathtub. The width of the swim is 1.8 - 2.2 m, the water depth is 0.9 - 1.0 m for adults and 0.6 - 0.7 m for children. A shutter is provided above the outlet to protect the premises from cold air. The lower edge of the shutter should be framed with elastic materials that prevent the entry of cold air, and should be lowered into the water by 10 - 15 cm. The hatches should be equipped in the form of a vestibule and protected from the possible entry of water from the showers.

2.9. Walkways and stationary benches must be heated. The surface of the bypass paths must be non-slip and have a slope of 0.01 - 0.02 towards the ladders.

2.10. To remove the contaminated top layer of water, overflow gutters (foam troughs) or other technical overflow devices (skimmers) must be provided in the walls of the baths.

2.11. To cover bypass paths, walls and the bottom of bathtubs, materials must be used that are resistant to the reagents and disinfectants used and allow for high-quality mechanical cleaning and disinfection, taking into account clause 1.4 of these Sanitary Rules. The seams between the facing slabs must be thoroughly rubbed.

2.12. The premises of a swimming pool for sports and recreational purposes should include a room for medical personnel with access to a bypass path and a production laboratory for testing.