Sergei Ilyin hockey player from the Southern Urals.

The crash of the An-148 Saratov Airlines Moscow-Orsk plane, which occurred on Sunday, claimed the lives of 65 passengers and six crew members. On board the aircraft was a 22-year-old woman, the lover of the defender of the Primorye hockey club “Admiral” Sergei Ilyin. Now he plays for the Admiral farm club - "South Ural", which is based in Orsk. From Novosibirsk via Moscow, Daria flew to Orsk. They have been dating for several years, and when Sergei played for the main team of Admiral, they lived in Vladivostok.

“Daria Tolmasova, the beloved of our team’s defender Sergei Ilyin, was on board at the time of the tragedy. The Admiral hockey club expresses its condolences to Sergei Ilyin and Daria’s family. We can only guess what a blow this disaster and the loss of a loved one was for you. We mourn your loss. Be strong, Sergei,” the hockey club said in a statement.

The girl's tragic death shocked her family and friends. Relatives still cannot believe that Dasha is no more. Komsomolskaya Pravda talked to those around the deceased, whom everyone remembers with warmth.

“Our Danya is a person with a wonderful soul. She was at the same time a little defenseless angel who sometimes cannot make the right decision, and a girl with an iron core. If she came into someone’s life, she would definitely bring with her a ray of sunshine with her ringing laughter. You won't believe it, but there are almost no people like her left. These people are special, they have something that others don’t have. She adored everything around her, dreamed of a wedding, like any girl, loved her parents very much and always, absolutely always, helped when help was needed. It doesn’t matter what city she was in. I still can’t believe that this beauty is no longer with us! She flew to Orsk to see her future husband, who is also a hockey player, and she almost lived on the planes,” Daria Anfertyeva, a friend of Daria Tolmasova, shared her memories.

Daria and her boyfriend were engaged. They already had a wedding scheduled for June 1st. The girl was very responsible, and a lot was already prepared for the celebration. If it weren’t for that fatal flight Moscow - Orsk...

“It’s hard for me to describe her. She was a beautiful girl who knew her worth and was straightforward. We were not close friends, but we were friends in the same company. Our young people made proposals to us ten days apart, this brought us a little closer, and more topics appeared for discussion. She wanted her wedding with Sergei to be special, she began preparing immediately after the proposal, quickly chose a date and assembled a team. I remember calling her at the end of July 2017 and saying: “Dasha! Dasha! I'm getting married too! Have you already chosen a number?! Tell me it's not June 1st! I want it on the first day of summer too!” And she had already chosen everything: the host, the photographer, the location, and had planned everything in the summer of 2017. Probably all that remains is to choose a dress, and now she can’t even wear this dress... On June 1st we were supposed to go to their celebration, and on the 8th they came to us... I can’t imagine how the groom and family feel. The kingdom of heaven to her, strength to her loved ones, strength to the loved ones of all those who died,” notes Alina Polishchuk with sadness.

Daria Tolmasova and Sergei Ilyin planned to get married this summer. Yesterday, a 22-year-old girl boarded a Saratov Airlines plane.

Novosibirsk native Dasha and Sergei were brought together by her love of hockey several years ago. They often found themselves in the same companies, and that’s how they met.

Just a week ago she was vacationing in Thailand with Sergei’s parents. Yesterday Daria went to her fiancé in Orsk, where the student of the Sibir hockey club now plays for the Southern Ural club.

I was flying to the game. There were no direct flights from Novosibirsk, so the girl traveled through Moscow.

“When Sergei signed a contract with Admiral HC, Daria moved from Novosibirsk to Vladivostok, and now she was planning to move to Orsk,” the brother of the deceased, Fyodor Tolmasov, told the Komsomolskaya Pravda website.

“I was going to see my boyfriend for a game. Her boyfriend plays for Admiral, but since the KHL is currently on break due to the Olympics, he was sent to the VHL team Southern Ural, which is about to play with Angarsk Ermak. By the way, hockey players The Southern Urals returned to Orsk on this plane yesterday, and the Ermak players, again, were supposed to fly on the same plane tomorrow to the match against the Southern Urals. reported on an Instagram account dedicated to the memory of those killed in the plane crash.

Daria last visited her VKontakte page yesterday at 1 am.

Most recently, Dasha graduated from the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management and received a diploma. She was very sociable, sweet, friendly, decent and purposeful, said a friend of the girl, Alena Vasilchenko, they write Dni.RU.

Sergei Ilyin’s Instagram account was deleted. Remained his page on VKontakte. The photo with Daria is the last one published. In it they are young, happy, smiling, with big plans for the future. The function of commenting on all pictures is disabled - these days Sergei wants to be alone in his grief.

HC "Admiral" expressed its condolences to him. “Daria Tolmasova, the beloved of our team defender Sergei Ilyin, was on board at the time of the tragedy. The Admiral hockey club expresses its condolences to Sergei Ilyin and Daria’s family. We can only guess what a blow this disaster and the loss of a loved one was for you. We mourn to your loss. Be strong, Sergey...” - the message says.

Words of condolences were also heard from his hockey director Shumi Babaev. “A terrible tragedy happened in our family. We express our deepest condolences to our friend and his family... Seryozha, hold on and be strong,” he left an entry on the microblog.

The mayor of Novosibirsk, Anatoly Lokot, also supported the family of the deceased girl. And the regional authorities promised to provide all necessary assistance, including psychological assistance.

“A terrible tragedy happened in our family... Today, as a result of a plane crash on board a plane flying from Moscow to Orsk, the friend of our Admiral defender Sergei Ilyin, Daria Tolmasova, died,” hockey agent Shumi Babaev wrote on his page on the social network.


According to the agent, Dasha was only 22 years old. “We express our deepest condolences to our friend and his family... Seryozha, hold on and be strong,” Babaev addressed the hockey player.

Sergei Ilyin plays for Admiral Vladivostok. The 23-year-old defender's contract runs until May 2018. He played in both the KHL and VHL.

Meanwhile, it became known that the An-148 that crashed in the Moscow region was also used hockey clubs. So, on February 10, the local VHL team “South Ural” arrived in Orsk from Moscow with Saratov Airlines. And on February 12, the Angarsk “Ermak” was supposed to fly on this plane to Orsk, writes “Championship” with reference to the team administrator.

Posted by @shumi_agency Feb 11, 2018 at 7:27 am PST

As the site wrote, the An-148 crashed on Sunday, February 11, between the settlements of Zavorovo and Stepanovskoye in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region. The airliner, which took off from Domodedovo airport and was supposed to fly from Moscow to Orsk, stayed in the air for two minutes. There were 65 passengers and six crew members on board - a total of 71 people. They all died.