How long was the longest match? Interesting facts from football life

1. Which goalkeeper scored more than 100 goals?

Rogerio Muque Ceni is a Brazilian goalkeeper. World champion 2002 as part of the Brazilian national team. He has been playing for the Sao Paulo club since 1992. Officially recognized as the goalkeeper who scored the most goals in history (116 goals).

2. Which judge removed himself?

Referee Andy Vane sent himself off the field in the 63rd minute, showing himself a red card.

This unique event in the history of world football was preceded by the following sequence of events. In the 63rd minute, Royal Mail scored a goal against Peterborough goalkeeper Richard McGuffin, thus leading 2:1. However, MacGuffin, believing that the ball was scored in violation of the rules, criticized the referee.

Wayne did not remain in debt. The 39-year-old referee ran up to MacGuffin and, using profanity liberally, told him to shut up. Then, as if having come to his senses, the referee took out a red card, but showed it not to the goalkeeper, but to himself, after which he blew the whistle to end the game and walked off the field.

3. Which club won 149:0?

IN football championship Madagascar's Adem Club beat Olympic with a score of 149:0!

Olympic, which was playing away, did not agree with one of the decisions of the match referee, and began kicking goals into their own goal as a sign of protest. We managed to score - 149!

4. In which match were 36 players sent off?

In the Paraguayan junior league match between Teniente Farina and Libertad, the referee sent off all 36 players from both teams for fighting.

5. The most long match in the history of football?

Most long match lasted - 36 hours! It took place on April 11-12, 2009 in England, two English teams: Leeds Badgers and the Bristol team football academy.

6. In which match were 540 goals scored?

During the entire period of the above football match, 540 goals were scored! And the match itself ended with a score of 255-285.

7. Who scored 75 goals in one match?

In the same match, Adam McPhee, playing for Leeds Badgers, scored 75 goals.

8. Who is the “barefoot football player”?

There are several possible answers to this question. Firstly, there is an expression in Portuguese that means "barefoot footballer", derived from this expression is the word PELE.

There was also a case in the history of football when a football player scored barefoot at the World Cup. It was Leonidas. In one of the matches his boots became unusable, and Extra time he was forced to play barefoot.

9. Who scored 3 own goals in one match?

Belgian footballer Stan van den Buys scored 3 own goals in the national championship match between Germinal Ekeren and Anderlecht in the 1995-96 season, which is a record. Anderlecht won 3:2 without scoring on their own.

10. How did the referee score 2 goals in one match?

It happens! The referee scored two goals in one match. In the first case, the ball flew into the goal after a ricochet from his leg, in the second - from his head. Fortunately, both teams suffered from the judge, and therefore he did not get any nuts. Moreover, the meeting of Spanish fourth division clubs ended in a draw

1. The football chant “Ole-Ole-Ole” comes from Spain, where the word “Ole” was shouted at bullfights or flamenco dances. And there it appeared by transformation from the word “Allah”, which was uttered during prayers by the Arabs who captured Spain in the 8th century.

2. Julio Iglesias was young football goalkeeper and played for Real Madrid. However, his football career interrupted at the age of 20, when he was in a car accident and spent three years in hospital. He was paralyzed, only his arms could work freely. Iglesias learned to play the guitar and subsequently became a famous musician.

3. During a football match in Brazil, the wind blew a group of paratroopers onto the football field. One of the paratroopers fell on the goalkeeper at the moment when the goalkeeper was preparing to take possession of the ball. As a result, the ball ended up in the goal and the referee, despite the protests of the injured team, counted the goal, explaining the appearance of the paratroopers as “the intervention of a higher power.”

4. Football is officially banned in six countries, including Afghanistan, Kampuchea and Greenland. Interestingly, football (soccer, that is, European football) is allowed to be played in the state of Utah, USA, only if the field is located no closer than 1.5 miles from the church. For baseball, golf and American football, the distance is 0.5 miles.

5. It is known that the British are ardent football fans who are passionate about their football clubs and are ready to do anything for their sake. But it turns out that the annual damage to private and public property caused by English football fans is estimated at forty million pounds sterling.

6. On November 3, 1969, the “most undisciplined” match in football history took place in Great Britain. Tongham Youth Club (Surrey) and How-Lee (Hants) fought so hard for the local cup that the referee had to punish all 22 players, including one sent to hospital, and even the linesman.

7. Longest Soccer game played August 1-3, 1981 by two Irish teams football club"Callinafersie" in Kerry. The winner was revealed only after... 65 hours 1 minute.

8. Fog is common in the British Isles. But an unusual incident occurred in a meeting between two Scottish teams. The fog thickened so much that the players spent a long time looking for the ball, partners, and opponents. At some point, the referee thought there were too many players on the field. The first thing he did was run to the benches and saw that they were empty. The referee immediately interrupted the game. As it turned out, there were thirty players on the field at the same time.

9. The Brazilian football team "Cacova", which had good results, was unexpectedly disbanded by order of the Minister of the Interior. The fact is that the team consisted mainly of police, and during matches with its participation entire “outfits” of fans in police uniforms arrived at the stadium. An orgy of crime began in the city. But the order in the stands was exemplary.

10. A rather interesting match took place in the Polish city of Bydgoszcz, which attracted many spectators. Reporters from local newspapers met with a team entirely staffed by representatives of one family - the sons of the bricklayer Osinski. And although 11 guys aged 15 to 28 years lost, the audience warmly welcomed the “creator” of the team.

11. An experiment was once carried out at the Buenos Aires stadium, the purpose of which was to prove the superiority of single football players over married ones. Everything went calmly until the penalty against the married couple. When the penalty was taken,... the wives jumped onto the field. They beat the judge and awarded the victory to their husbands. To avoid trouble, the bachelors did not protest. The experiment failed.

12. During a friendly football match in the Italian town of Asti, the center forward of the local team, Maschio, missed the ball and picked the ground. So much so that he seriously injured his leg. When the soil was examined, they discovered a skeleton, which turned out to be a valuable historical find. Maschio received a cash prize and a badge “for his passion for archaeological research.”

13. Brazilian football defender Pineiro was called the record holder for goals... into his own goal. In just one season he scored 10 goals against his team. Pineiro was transferred to attack. In the first match, the “record holder” again managed to hit his own goal. When the football player turned 25, his teammates presented him with a compass on which was engraved: “Remember, the enemy is on the other side.”

14. In the cup final English league In 2005, a noise record was recorded at the stadium. After Liverpool's Riise scored against London's Chelsea, the Merseyside fans screamed at 130.7 decibels. The achievement was included in the Guinness Book of Records. The previous record was 128.74 decibels and was set in 2000 at the Denver Broncos match.

15. A kind of record holder is defender Mazzia, who played for the Italian club Brescia in the mid-60s. In the 38th second of the meeting with the Mantova team, he scored the ball into his own goal, creating the fastest own goal.

16. There are two known cases where referees showed a red card to themselves: Andy Wayne, who refereed the Peterborough North End - Royal Mail match, and Melvin Sylvester at the Southampton Arms - Hurstbourne Tarrant British Legion match. The first one removed himself from the field during the game to avoid a conflict with the goalkeeper, and the second one for a brawl with a player.

17. In 1959, in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, the stadium administration mistakenly scheduled handball and football matches at the same time. None of the athletes wanted to give up the right to host the game. As a result, the matches were played simultaneously and were completed, with four teams and two goals on the field.

18. Authorization Bill football games on Saturdays was appealed to the Israeli parliament a record number of times - 36! Consideration of this bill has been going on for seven years.

19. National team Botswana has not won a single international match in its twenty-eight years of existence. The team has had more than fifty head coaches, four of whom were former Soviet athletes.

20. During the game, the Italian goalkeeper Grosso advised the referee to wear glasses, for which he was sent off the field. During the investigation of this incident, it turned out that Grosso is the owner of an optical store, and the arbitrator has really poor eyesight. In this regard, the goalkeeper’s words addressed to the referee were regarded by the disciplinary commission not as an insult, but as useful and very rational advice. It ended with the goalkeeper being forgiven, and the judge buying glasses from his store.

21. In the late 50s, in the Italian city of Siena, football referees decided to play themselves. We made up two teams, took to the field, and the match began. Everything was going fine until a jump ball was scored against one of the teams. It was then that all 22 players, each of whom, due to their duties, knew and knew how to interpret the rules, began to prove that they were right. Word after word, things got so bad that the police had to intervene.

22. A rare incident occurred in Spain in a game between the second league teams San Isidro and Olimpico Carrante. With 3 minutes left, players from both teams, dissatisfied with the refereeing, surrounded the referee, trying to reason with him. And not only with words and gestures... In this critical situation, the referee, remaining completely calm, took out a red card and showed it to all twenty-two participants in the match!

23. In the 1978 Greek Championship game, Ethnikos hosted PAOK. Having opened the scoring, the guests ran up to the substitutes' bench and vigorously shared their joy with its inhabitants, not paying attention to the referee's offer to continue the match. Without thinking twice, the Ethnikos players, in the absence of opponents, started from the center, walked unhindered to their goal and equalized the score.

24. In 1891, Irish football rules expert John Penalty proposed the introduction of a penalty kick for foul play or handball intentionally committed by a defending team player within its penalty area. For the first time such a blow was performed in the Irish football league. Now all over the world it is called a penalty kick.

25. In the Spanish city of Fuente, the local team hosted football players from the Gonsha club. A few minutes passed, and the guests were leading 2:0. And suddenly an angry bull appears on the field, as if in a bullfighting arena, then another, then a third. Players and judges who did not have the skills of a matador rushed in all directions. The public followed suit. The referee, who barely had time to hide in the locker room, cautiously looked out the window: the bulls were still rushing across the field. The game had to be cancelled. It soon became clear that the bulls
prepared for bullfighting, were released by an avid fan of the local club in order to prevent a major loss for his team.

26. The driver of the Bucharest-Belgrade express only at the last moment managed to avoid a collision with a man sprawled on the rails. Radanovic, a football fan from Yugoslavia, turned out to be a desperate daredevil. He stopped the train so as not to be late for a football match in Belgrade.

27. The defeat of the Honduras national football team by the El Salvador national team in the playoff matches of the qualifying stage of the 1969 FIFA World Cup was the direct cause of the six-day war between these countries.

28. It is known that Lev Yashin was not only a football goalkeeper, but also a hockey goalkeeper. In 1953, he won the USSR Hockey Cup and bronze medalist at the USSR Championship. They already wanted to invite Yashin to the hockey team for the World Cup, but he decided to concentrate on football.

29. On March 20, 1976, Aston Villa player Chris Nicholl scored two goals against both Leicester City and his own goal. The match ended with the score 2:2.

30. In 1939, the Vienna club Rapid met Frankfurt in the final match of the unified German championship and scored the decisive three goals in the last 15 minutes. Since then, a tradition has been established at Rapid's home matches - during the last 15 minutes of the match, the fans rhythmically and continuously applaud

On the last weekend of July, the “Championship” is going to get into the Guinness Book of Records by organizing the largest exhibition match in the history of football, anyone can become a participant. It is expected that the meeting in Luzhniki will bring together about one and a half thousand football fans who will play in accordance with all FIFA rules, with the exception of one: the number of substitutions in the match is not limited, while each player must spend at least 10 minutes on the field and at least touch the ball once. On this moment the record belongs to the German pharmaceutical company Andreae-Noris Zahn AG: 920 players took part in the match, which took place on June 15-16, 2012.

Longest football match

The match that attracted the largest number of participants lasted about 33 hours, but even such a solid duration is not a record. The best result was set just a month ago by two amateur teams from the French commune of Kerbak. Two teams, made up of 11 field players and 7 substitute players, spent 73 consecutive hours on the field. The number of substitutions was not limited, and therefore reserve players received two-hour rest breaks. During the match, two players were temporarily hospitalized, but the previous record was still broken. The final score of the match is 475:473.

The largest football tournament

It’s one thing to organize an outstanding match, but another thing is a whole tournament in which teams will fight for more than one or even three days in a row. The amateur tournament Copa Telmex, held in 2011 in Mexico, occupies two honorable pages in the Guinness Book of Records. Firstly, the Mexican competition became the longest in the history of football: 10 months and 12 days passed from the first match to the final. Secondly, Copa Telmex gathered the largest number of participants three years ago. 201,287 people, representing 11,777, started the fight for the cup football teams. That's how they love football in Mexico!

Longest ball control

From records set by entire teams, we move on to unique individuals who never scored at the World Championships or won the Champions League, but still entered their names into the Guinness Book of Records. It's no secret that one of the main football skills is ball control. Everyone who tried to play football, of course, tried to hit the ball without letting it fall to the ground. But neither Messi nor Ronaldo tested how long they could do this. And the standard today is the result of the Mexican Abraham Muñoz, who did not put the ball on the ground for 21 hours and one minute. During short rest breaks, the record holder clutched the ball with his knees.

Fastest marathon with a ball

The important skills of any football player are speed and endurance. Field players run an average of 10 kilometers per match, and there is no doubt that they would run a marathon. But no one checked whether professionals could cover more than 40 kilometers while dribbling the ball. Dane Jan Schröder holds a world record in this discipline. In March 2013, he covered 42 kilometers and 195 meters in 3:29.55. But an even more amazing record was set in 1990 by a citizen of Czechoslovakia Jan Skorkovsky. He ran the marathon in 7:18.55... while kicking the ball. Of course, the projectile touched the ground, but when this happened, the future record holder had to go back a few steps.

Best races with a ball on your head

Not everyone can complete a marathon, but almost everyone can complete a 100-meter race. Therefore, it is not surprising that even at such short distance records are recorded regarding masterly ball possession. Perhaps the most interesting of them belongs to the Englishman Daniel Cutting who ran his favorite distance Usain Bolt in 18.53 seconds, held on the head soccer ball. The record was broken in February 2011 at half-time in an English League Three match. Abdul Halim from Bangladesh also excelled at moving with the ball on his head, but he worked for distance rather than speed. In October 2011, he walked 15.2 kilometers without dropping the round one.

The most accurate passers

Finally, let's turn to another important football skill - the ability to make a quick and accurate pass. British Stephen Baptist And James Marwood When playing football together, they probably play lightning-fast “walls” at the opponent’s goal. The fact is that these guys are the holders of the record for the speed of accurate passes to each other. In March 2011, Stephen and James, positioned approximately 10 meters apart, completed a series of 50 accurate passes in 33.45 seconds. An interesting record in the field of re-passing also belongs to the Swedes. Thomas Lundman And Valonu Gashi, who passed headers to each other without losing the ball for 12 minutes 42 seconds.

The greatest height of a caught ball falling

But what book of football records would be complete without success in goalkeeping? There are similar ones in the Guinness Directory. British Gavin Henson And David Seaman During the reconstruction at Wembley Stadium they became the owners of an unusual achievement. Each of them caught a ball falling from a height of 102.5 meters. The game projectile was dropped from a construction crane, and, approaching the ground, it reached a speed of 137 kilometers per hour. Having hit the lawn at such a speed, the ball flew 15 meters into the sky, but the British were not afraid, and set an unusual record one after another.

The best stair climb with caulking

It is unlikely that any football player often has to climb stairs while chasing a ball. However, the Guinness Book of Records also contains such achievements. Already known to us Abraham Muñoz, who is a recognized expert in coining the ball, once climbed 4,698 steps of an escalator without ever dropping it to the ground. However, the most extravagant record in this category is held by Iya Traore from Guinea. He, controlling the ball and walking backwards, climbed the fire escape, installed at an angle of 55 degrees, to a height of 21.5 meters. What people can come up with to become record holders.

The fastest way to hit a ball with your lips

Finally, we can talk about the strangest football-related record. Again we meet our old friend, this time Daniel Cutting, running a hundred meters with a ball on his head. It turns out that this guy actually has a lot of football talents, and one of them is chasing the ball... with his lips. Within a minute, the stuntman threw and caught the standard football projectile lips as much as 153 times. I wonder if Cutting wants to take the record for the longest kiss in football history. This place in the Guinness Book of Records is still free.

“Championship” - #setting a record together!

The world's longest football match ended with a score of 285:255

The world's longest football match took place in England between the Bristol Football Academy team and Leeds Badgers.

The world's longest football match took place in England between the Bristol Football Academy team and Leeds Badgers. The meeting lasted 36 hours and ended with Leeds winning with a score of 285-255.

The previous record was 33 hours and 36 minutes.

The teams had 18 players, each of whom played an average of 18 hours. At the same time, during breaks, players were not allowed to leave the field.

The meeting took place as part of a charity event. The proceeds will go to the fund to fight meningitis, Ananova reports.

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