Sports pete what. How to take sports nutrition correctly

Sports nutrition has become an integral part of the lives and careers of many athletes. Beginners, looking at professional athletes, begin to think that they can become the same only with the help of sports nutrition. Therefore, they rush headlong to stores, spend their money on supplements, and, in the end, are disappointed in the results. And this outcome is not at all surprising, because the variety of different products and supplements can confuse anyone at first. In this article we will break down sports nutrition and advice for beginners on this matter.

Sports nutrition for beginners

Before we dive into all the supplements in detail, it is important to note some sports nutrition tips. You shouldn't compare yourself to professional athletes. The cabinets of some of them are filled to capacity with various additives that differ from each other in their effects. They use so much sports nutrition because their bodies have already achieved maximum results, and it will be impossible to surpass it with just simple food. Sports nutrition for a beginner should only serve as a support, and you should not focus on it.

Protein or gainer?

All beginners, without exception, have a reasonable question at first: where to start taking sports nutrition? It's actually quite simple here. The main goal of any gym visitor is to gain muscle mass. And nothing can cope with this task better than a gainer or protein. Choosing between them is the first stage in introducing novice athletes to sports nutrition.

Gainer and protein, although they perform the same function, differ from each other not only in composition, but also in their principle of action. Gainer is a complex supplement that contains a large number of and fats, and proteins, and carbohydrates. In addition, it often includes vitamin and mineral complexes, additional components to improve digestibility and other ingredients. It is distinguished by its high calorie content, often high sugar content, and large portions. Gainers are best suited for those who have trouble gaining weight or are naturally thin. With its help, total body weight is gained, which is what we need at first.

Protein, on the contrary, contains a minimum of ingredients, and is presented in the form of one type of protein (usually). We won’t go into detail about each type of protein, let’s just say that it is necessary for gaining pure muscle mass. These supplements are low in calories, rarely contain additional ingredients, and are easily absorbed by the body. They are best consumed by those who have a fuller physique, or those who want to gain only pure muscle mass.

Sports nutrition for beginners should start with these two supplements - they are the main ones in terms of weight gain.

BCAA or complex amino acids?

Our body contains very interesting substances – amino acids. They perform a variety of functions in the body, and without them normal life activity is impossible. In fact, protein in the body is not the final product. During the process of breakdown, it is transformed into amino acids, from which the muscles of our body are built. But what, then, is the difference between BCAA and complex amino acids and how to choose sports nutrition for a beginner?

There are several differences between them. Firstly, complex supplements also contain BCAA, but in much lower concentrations. The main function of BCAA is to maintain and increase muscle mass, as well as reduce the percentage of body fat. Complex amino acids are more tuned to maintain a positive amino acid and energy balance in the body. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally which sports nutrition is better for a beginner of these two. In this matter, everyone must decide for themselves, focusing on their goals.

Find out all about BCAA powder as the most convenient form of essential amino acids!

Vitamins and minerals – only a complex!

To support vital processes, the body uses energy obtained from food. But the body will not function properly if it does not have a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. These substances participate in absolutely all internal metabolic processes, and also affect the processes of growth, development, respiration, hematopoiesis, and so on. Therefore, if you are interested in what kind of sports nutrition a beginner needs, then vitamin-mineral complexes are definitely what should be in your arsenal! Here we can say even more - they are necessary for any person, even those who do not play sports.

Athletes need these substances in increased quantities. While performing heavy physical work all internal processes are accelerated. Accordingly, the consumption of vitamins and minerals also accelerates. In addition, some minerals leave the body with sweat, and due to their lack in the body, many negative processes can occur.

Sports nutrition for beginners – what to look for? First you need to decide what goals you are pursuing. Most inexperienced athletes, already in the first days of training, try to extract from experienced bodybuilders the “secrets” of quick pumping, and what kind of sports nutrition is needed for this. As a result, having heard a lot of useless advice from a “pumped up” but uninformed athlete, beginners go to stores and waste money. And the first advice for beginners will be a recommendation - forget about all the “miracle” methods! Of course, sports nutrition will help you achieve your goal. But here the emphasis is on the word “help”. It won't do all the work for you. If you want to get the body of your dreams, then be prepared to spend more than one, or even two years on it. And only then will you be able to see real results.

Go ahead. Never, under any circumstances, call sports nutrition chemicals. In fact, all sports nutrition is regular food. Not quite ordinary, but food. Sports nutrition is a concentrated form of everything you consume in your diet. And all this is obtained from organic and natural sources. Sports nutrition has some advantages over regular food, but it will never completely replace natural food! Therefore, remember rule No. 2 - sports nutrition is food that should be eaten in moderation.

What additional sports nutrition should a beginner take?

Once you have become sufficiently familiar with gym, learn to do the exercises correctly, and the first muscle mass will begin to appear, then you can start thinking about other miracles of sports nutrition. There are several other sports supplements that have proven to be effective and work well for certain purposes. So let’s look at which sports nutrition is better to take extra for muscle growth...

Creatine. This is one of the cheapest, but at the same time effective aids for athletes. It performs several functions at once - it increases strength and endurance, and also has an indirect effect on the growth of muscle mass. Creatine is a substance that can be independently synthesized by the body, but in insufficient quantities. Taking it additionally will only enhance its effectiveness and have a positive effect on the general condition of your body. It makes explosive training much easier and gives you more strength during training.

Pre-workout complexes. They often contain creatine, stimulants and other ingredients. Their effect is that they allow the body to use additional sources of energy during training, and also stimulate the work of the central nervous system. As a result, your brain thinks that you are not tired longer and that you still have a lot of energy for training.

Today in the world of sports, everyone who is not too lazy speaks affirmatively about “how to do it right”, with varying degrees of conviction: from sports nutrition manufacturers, pros and sports nutrition store salespeople, to beginners, bloggers and Instagram pop stars.

But how often do you hear talk about the dangers of sports nutrition for health? As a rule, isolated exclamations in this direction are perceived as a lack of courage, incompatible with iron sport. Let's think about this topic.

Often, arguments in response to the question about the dangers of sports nutrition are statements that “sports nutrition is chemical,” “steroids are added to it,” and other prohibited drugs. Sometimes they talk about low-quality fakes of original brands.

And it is true.

But why do manufacturers put such a pig in their products?

The answer is that they are simply responding to increased demand.

Our society is becoming very lazy. In matters of beauty and health, this manifests itself in desire quick results (either in losing weight or gaining muscle mass) and without effort.

Sports nutrition manufacturers are happy to turn our lives into a fairy tale and respond to the growing demand for an “easy” life by inventing a magic pill or powder. And with modern advances in chemistry, they are doing quite well. But at what cost?

Remember Neo from The Matrix? There are two pills: blue and red... What will you choose: the path of long and persistent training, where you can maintain and improve your health, or a magic pill with which you can quickly transform, but at the cost of harm to your health?

For many, the result is important and at any cost..." Still, if it is packaged and sold in a well-known store, then it cannot be very harmful... after all, this is the 21st century"

Examples of harm from sports nutrition

1 Example 1: magic drops and tablets

A young man wants to surprise, gain muscle mass: increase self-esteem, surprise his friends.

He has a choice:

  • gym + instructor + proper nutrition for N years or
  • magic drops, tablets or injections (,), which guarantee transformation even without going to the gym, lying on the couch, within a month...

Many young boys and girls will choose the second option without persuasion, without even asking the question “what are the risks?” This is confirmed by the reality around us.

If we talk about numbers, then according to statistics, 3-4 million young people use or have ever used steroids, and 30% of them develop dependence on them 3.

The temptation to quickly transform is too great...

It's another matter when we're talking about about harmless sports nutrition itself, which for various reasons can pose a health hazard.

3 Example 3: proteins

Let's look at a few examples of the harm of proteins - one of the most useful and researched types of sports nutrition.

  • Let's take, for example, a wonderful source of high-quality vegetable protein, comparable in its properties to.

Few people know, but soy and its derivatives contain so-called isoflavones - plant compounds, an analogue of the female sex hormone estrogen, which pose serious harm to health. See our material.

  • At one time, a very common problem was the contamination of sports proteins with a substance melamine. It was used by some manufacturers as a cheap filler instead of more expensive protein, which reduced the cost of the product.

Melamine, like protein, includes nitrogen in its composition, which made it possible to pass the quality test without problems, but poses a very serious harm to kidney health: consuming sports nutrition containing it led to the formation of kidney stones, kidney failure and even fatalities. More facts about protein quality issues.

  • Another example is the reduction in protein quality during the technological processing of natural raw materials.

For example, when making whey or casein protein isolates and hydrolysates, the milk protein is exposed to heat and acid.

Both factors can lead to its protein coagulation: it becomes non-functional (unsuitable for construction muscle tissue), and also, according to some studies, is harmful to health, as it can stimulate the development of cancer.

Hard to believe? Take a look at the following materials for example:

4 root reasons for the emergence of the “harmful sports nutrition” market

1 The sports nutrition market is not controlled by the state

In the United States, and throughout the world, sports nutrition is being marketed without prior consumer health safety research.

This is facilitated by the fact that no one is stopping it: sports nutrition products have somehow surprisingly found themselves on the margins of control by government agencies, despite their status being slightly different from medications.

A thorough investigation is carried out only if there are numerous facts of harm and side effects of this or that product and this is handled by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration).

2 Demand creates supply

IN professional sports resisting the temptation to “help your body,” as one of the famous Russian bodybuilders said, referring to the latest achievements in sports pharmacology, is very difficult, given the considerable prize funds.

Manufacturers of specialized sports nutrition know that athletes are very vulnerable to this. The effectiveness of many drugs is indeed confirmed by scientific research, but others are not.

As for amateurs, as we have already noted, today many young boys and girls are looking for quick ways to solve their problems with appearance with excess fat or lack of muscle mass.

For them, it is quite enough to do only “external tuning”, and by any means, preferably without extra effort and quickly. This desire makes them very open to everything that is forbidden.

3 High level of trust in principles from the past

Surprisingly, it is typical for modern athletes Very high level trust in ideas from the past in the field of sports nutrition, the fallacy of which has been reliably proven today.

The most telling example: it has long been proven that There is no relationship between ultra-high protein diets and athletic performance..

However, professional athletes, and even more so amateurs and their coaches, continue to persistently follow this myth, consuming huge doses every day, as well as (already contained in proteins!), guided by the principle “the more the better,” without giving themselves The report is that most of the undigested protein is simply flushed down the toilet.

Facts about the harm of sports nutrition from an independent scientific laboratory

Below, as an illustration, are some facts from the independent laboratory about the dangers of sports nutrition.

1 According to scientific research, it is the prohibited hidden ingredients (steroids, hormones, amphetamines) that are most often cause of exceptional harm in sports nutrition.

They can lead to increased risk of testicular cancer among men. Compared to men who had never used these supplements, the risk of developing testicular cancer was found to be 65% higher among those who had ever used them; 121% higher when used before age 25; by 156% - when used for more than 36 months; by 177% - when using two or more additives containing prohibited substances 1.

2 Manufacturers of sports nutrition containing prohibited substances sometimes mislead by claiming that they are natural and derived from plants.

For example, the following ingredients are often added hidden to some sports nutrition products to enhance the effect (in particular, fat burners):

  • stimulant aegeline: the manufacturer states that it is made from Bengal Quince;
  • DMAA(dimethylamylamine, 1.3 dimethylamylamine or methylhexanamine): the manufacturer states that it is made from Geranium;
  • DMBA(1,3-dimethylbutylamine, 2-amino-4-methylpentane or 4-methyl-2-pentanamine and also labeled as 4-amino-2-methylpentane citrate, AMP citrate, 1.3-dimethylbutylamine citrate, 4-amino-2-pentanamine , Pentergy, and 4-AMP): the manufacturer states that it is made from Pouchung Tea;
  • N-diethyl-phenylethylamine: The manufacturer states that it is made from Dendrobium Orchid;
  • BMPEA or beta-methylphenethylamine: the manufacturer states that it is made from Acacia Rigidula.

Animal studies of the harms of these substances indicate that taking BMPEA may increase blood pressure and be accompanied by similar side effects to other amphetamine-like substances, the safety of which has not been studied in humans.

In 2014, researchers tested sports supplements available for purchase in online stores during the January-April 2014 time period that were labeled as containing Acacia rigidula. All of them were intended for weight loss, increasing athletic performance and mental activity. 11 of the 21 supplements—many from the same manufacturer—contained BMPEA in varying doses (ranging from 3 to 94 mg) 2 .

Supplements containing BMPEA included fat burners Aro Black Series Burn(Vitacost), Lipodrene Hardcore(Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals) and 9 others, including 2 sports supplements Jet Fuel Superburn(GAT).

Some of the products on this list, sold by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals, have been seized in the past for containing the illegal substance DMAA. Back then, DMAA and its analogue DMBA were also disguised on labels as plant extracts.

3 Often in various types sports nutrition add steroids. They do this to ensure a quick "Wow!" effect in building muscle mass and losing weight. Examples of the most popular synthetic steroids - methasterone And dimethazine.

If you blindly follow the loud and popular sports diets, the recommendations of the "pros", there is a chance that you will achieve impressive results, but the price may be your health.

Sports nutrition is not as harmless as it seems. Science knows many facts of harm and side effects from the use of even the most harmless additives.

Cultivate critical thinking and do not trust recommendations, advice from people incompetent in the subject, even bodybuilding pros with enviable credentials.

Remember that 99% of the Instagram stars you want to be like are products of hormonal and steroid therapy, not proper diet, hard work and self-discipline (even if they preach about it).

Sport is wonderful in itself and is certainly good for the body. The philosophy of our portal is that sport should lead to an improvement in the quality of life in the long term, and not lead to problems for the rest of life. Stay with us!

Thanks to active advertising in magazines, the Internet and other media. Sports nutrition.
Guys and men who start training get the impression that
that you need to take sports nutrition right away, or there will be no effect from the exercises.

A guy came to my gym for the first time and immediately said: “What do I need? take from sports nutrition so that the training wouldn’t be in vain and I’d immediately build up my muscles?”

Of course he got excited.

First, let's look at what sports nutrition is, whether it can be harmful, and what it consists of.

We have a firmly ingrained opinion that in order to become a bodybuilder, powerlifter or just a big and strong guy, you need to use anabolic steroids (anabolic steroid).

Initially this was indeed the case. Who used steroids became big and strong,
and those who were categorically against them (I strongly support these guys), could not boast of outstanding force or mass.

The whole point is that body-building originated in America.
And the American guys had to be huge at all costs.
They used steroids in huge doses and became champions.

These principles reached us in the early 80s. And of course the training programs were the same as those of the American guys. .

More precisely, the Joveidor training system was used at that time, which included a large number of exercises and approaches per workout.

Only a person using steroids could progress through such a program.
Clean athletes remained outsiders.

But in fact, the word bodybuilding is
implies a beautiful body structure.

And still no steroids.

And it turned out that the main thing in building a beautiful body without steroids is:

Such programs began to appear relatively recently. Just 5 - 7 years ago.
They have not yet reached a wide range of readers.

And even instructors in gyms and gyms, out of habit (or lack of knowledge), often write exactly the Joweider training system to a beginner.

I saw enough of this while working at the fitness center. And in our Sports Palace, where I often go to see my friends and coaches.

What happens when a beginner is given such a program?

He begins to progress and within the first 2 - 3 months he sees the results of his training.
The person believes that he is on the right path.

But such programs (when you have from 8 to 20 exercises per workout) work hard for a pure athlete. And within a couple of months, the body wears out, in the literal sense of the word. And the person stops progressing.

Again, careless instructors (may competent trainers forgive me) begin to say that the muscles are accustomed to the load, and the set of exercises needs to be changed, or even completely - they offer chemistry (steroids) to get results.

You need to stay away from such instructors, they themselves “pumped up with the help of chemistry.” And they simply don’t know other ways to help you.

With the right set of exercises you can
practice for years and get results.

The muscles get used to the load and become stronger each time.

Here's a look at Vyacheslav's photo.

He is a simple student, and sometimes he doesn’t have enough money just for food, not to mention sports nutrition and especially chemistry.

And why does he need chemistry? He is a willing bodybuilder. Vyacheslav intuitively worked out correctly, and when we met him, I adjusted his training, and he made even more progress.

And here is a photo of 15 year old Roman Tikhostup

Roman worked out for 2 years to no avail, he couldn’t bench press 50 kg - that’s 2 years.
And the trainers offered him anabolic steroids.

But he flatly refused, he wanted to quit several times, but he likes to study.

Then we met him and he asked to join.

And not even a year had passed since he and I made a wonderful figure.

During this time, Roman acquired the following strength indicators: Bench press - 105 kg at a time, bench leg press 260 kg - working weight and pull-ups 10 times with a weight of 20 kg.

Agree, why does he need chemistry?
And we did the abs with him, again by training the abs correctly, and not at every workout.

At the same time, as needed, we trained without the use of sports nutrition.

Why am I writing this to you? I just want you to understand that bodybuilding and powerlifting now do not need anabolic steroids, now everything is decided by the right training program (set of exercises).

For teenagers, I wrote a book for effective training.

And sports nutrition is a set of substances useful to the athlete that help muscles recover faster and fill up.

You can read more about each element of sports nutrition on this page:

The most popular substance in sports nutrition is protein. And his cocktails.

Guys think that by taking a good dose of protein, they will progress immediately.

Webinar No. 6. Sports nutrition, Fat burners. Anabolics.


What is protein?

This is a regular protein. For example, you boiled eggs, removed the yolk from them and got real protein. And there is nothing more in the protein. Only protein.

Protein consists of twenty-two amino acids.

There are nonessential and essential amino acids.

What does it mean?

The body can produce non-essential amino acids on its own.

The body does not produce essential amino acids.

We are interested in several essential amino acids:

Isoleucine (for muscle building),

Valin(for muscle strength) and

Threonine(muscle relaxation).

These amino acids must be taken with food; as a rule, they are most abundant in meat.

I continue the story about protein. What it consists of has been disassembled,

Now let's see

When should you start using sports nutrition?
so that it brings real benefits.
And so as not to throw money away.

The fact is that for a beginner, all the body’s reserves have not yet been used up.
And he doesn’t need additional nutrition (sports nutrition).

Moreover, sports nutrition, at the initial stage of training (up to a year), can be harmful.

After all, the same protein will not be absorbed by the muscles when they are already there. When they are big and strong.

If the muscles are weak or practically absent, then the protein is considered by the body as excess nutrition. And the liver diligently processes and utilizes it.

In one meal, the liver can process
The rest is either stored in fat or goes down the drain (you know which one).

It turns out that by taking protein at the very beginning of your training, you are simply making your excrement (waste) more expensive.

Sometimes people “swell” from excess protein; this is the liver actively storing it as fat.

Excess creatine and casein have approximately the same effect on an unprepared body.

And at the beginning of training, sports nutrition intake will always go in excess.

If you are just starting to exercise, then taking vitamins will be beneficial for your body. That's all.

It is best to purchase the most expensive imported multivitamins at the pharmacy and take the course.
You should take vitamins no more often than one course, and take a two-month break.

I especially want to focus on the very fashionable ones now,
so-called carbohydrate drinks -

They appeared relatively recently and are well advertised.

They are popular among young people.

However, despite such popularity, professional bodybuilders for some reason close the carbohydrate window in a completely different way.

They take 100 grams of boiled rice with raisins and honey to taste. I wonder why?

You probably already guessed that rice with raisins and honey performs the function of closing the carbohydrate window much better.

And for those who don’t understand, they “rub their ears” about gainers.

The whole truth about gainers.

First of all, it is worth analyzing the meaning of the word “gainer” - from the original capitalist, this word is translated as “that crap that makes you grow” (there is no way to express it in one word).

What is meant by “grow”? And the fact is that by stuffing a portion of such powder into yourself, you will get a positive nitrogen balance, which means an increase in total body weight, both muscle and fat.

These are all essential amino acids. And they are part of liquid amino acids.

I want to clarify that you need to start using sports nutrition
not from protein, but from

Those. When you build up good layers of muscle, approximately as I said, this will happen when you lift 100 kg no earlier. And you will get into excellent sports shape!

That's when you need to start taking creatine. And maybe vitamins. Creatine intake lasts no longer than 3 weeks.

I found this out in the article: The whole truth about CREATINE. Which I published on this site. Read.

Creatine is loaded in several different ways.
One of them, proven in practice, is outlined below.

All you need is powdered creatine monohydrate.

I can’t say anything definite about other types of creatine. We don't use them.

As you will now see, you don’t need to cram into yourself all the sports nutrition that is offered to us in advertising.

This sports nutrition complex,
will give you everything you need to progress.

I remind you once again that progress will be strong only with a correctly composed set of exercises. Even sports supplements will not help a “careless” complex.

All types of sports nutrition can cause side effects.

Usually because they are in a concentrated state.

Side effects of sports nutrition may manifest themselves as:

Allergic reactions,

And some other “troubles”.

These are not very scary side effects. To protect yourself from them, you first need to take very little of the drug. And see how the body reacts to it.

And if any of the above appears, then you need stop taking the drug immediately.

This sports nutrition is intended for those
who have already achieved some success in training.

Namely for those who work with weights of at least 100 kg. For those who have not yet achieved this, I recommend not to use this nutrition. Your body has enough strength to reach the desired level.

And if you start using it right away, it simply will not be absorbed, since the muscles are not ready yet, there are no necessary volumes..

Sports nutrition.

Liquid amino acids

(30 ml before training and 30 immediately after) on rest days 2 times a day in the morning and at lunch, half an hour before meals.
The company is “Extreme Whey”.

Creatine powder (precisely pure creatine monohydrate):

Creatine and caffeine are mutually exclusive products While we are taking creatine, we exclude coffee and tea.

Available here: Creatine monohydrate:


Liquid vitamins

(half dose) an hour before the second meal.

The company is “Extreme Whey”.

We take any vitamins in the morning and at lunch; they should not be taken in the evening, they have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system (CNS).


2 tablets with meals three times a day. Sold in a pharmacy

Brewer's yeast

Vitamins A and E are separate.

3 tablets per day each. At the pharmacy

Tincture of ginseng or eleutherococcus

immediately before training, see the instructions for how many drops. At the pharmacy.


Take before bed.


How to take sports nutrition:

In the morning immediately after sleep: a spoonful of creatine.

During breakfast: Vitamins A, E, riboxin and brewer's yeast

For lunch: Riboxin, yeast.

3 hours after lunch: protein shake.

Before training: a spoonful of liquid amino acids, Ginseng.

Post-workout: Liquid amino acids, banana and protein with glutamine.

On the way home: eat 50 grams of pine nuts.

Dinner: Riboxin, yeast.

After two hours: 300 gr. low-fat cottage cheese with low-fat yogurt.

At night: casein shake.

During the day, 2.5 - 3 liters of water.

We have been taking sports nutrition for 2 months. then a 2 month break.

You can take care of your liver at this time:

Drink a tablespoon of olive oil (the most expensive) in the morning, on an empty stomach. 20 minutes before meals.

It’s better to start on a day off to see how the body behaves.

If there is a little seething in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, this is good.

This way you can cleanse your liver for the rest of your life. Get rid of many ailments.

For those who have calculous cholecystitis (gallbladder stones).
Be sure to consult with a knowledgeable physician first.

That's basically all I wanted to tell you about sports nutrition.

Finally, I’ll add to you:

Recipes for various cocktails for gaining weight:

Cocktails are divided into 4 categories:

— Recipes based on protein powder.

— Carbohydrate cocktails and mixtures (restorative).

— High-calorie cocktails (high in fat).

— Recipes based on milk powder.

They are convenient to store and measure the composition in a special shaker set:

Protein based recipes:


2 scoops of any protein;
4 strawberries;
15 blueberries;
450 g low-fat milk;
half a cup of ice.

Cooking method. Mix all ingredients in a mixer until smooth consistency


powdered milk - 25 g;
milk - 125 g;
blueberries - 2 tablespoons;
juice from half a lemon;

Strawberry-nut mixture


1 cup low-fat strawberry yogurt;
6 chopped nuts;

Cooking method. Mix all ingredients in a mixer until smooth.

Cocktail “Ice”

2 scoops of vanilla or any other protein;
1 ripe plum (pitted);
juice of one lemon;
450 g ice water;
half a cup of ice.

Cooking method. Mix all ingredients in a mixer until smooth and add a few ice cubes.

Protein-Carbohydrate with Almonds

2 scoops of vanilla or any other protein;
300-350 g skim milk;
half a cup of dry oatmeal;
half a cup of raisins;
12 pcs. chopped almonds;
1 tablespoon peanut butter.

Cooking method. Mix all ingredients in a mixer until smooth.

Carbohydrate cocktails and mixtures:

glucose - 50 g;

ascorbic acid - 0.5 g;
vitamin B1 - 0.1 g; calcium glycerophosphate - 1 g;
juice of one lemon;
fruit juice (or water) - up to 200 ml.

Use after exhausting workouts.

glucose - 100 g;
oat flakes - 30 g;
egg yolk - 1 pc;
juice of one lemon;
ascorbic acid - 0.5 g;
“Panangin” (or “Asparkam”) - 2 g;
water - 200 ml.

sugar - 50 g;
glucose - 25 g;
cranberry jam - 5 g;
ascorbic acid - 0.3 g;
citric acid - 0.5 g;
oat flakes - 20 g;
water - 200 ml.

Method of preparation Prepare a decoction of oatmeal in which to dissolve all components.

Take for recovery after training and during long competitions as additional nutrition.

High calorie cocktails:

sour cream - 120 g;
sunflower oil - 60 g;
orange juice - 100 g;
1 egg yolk;
juice of half a lemon;
Cherry confiture (or any fruit to taste) - 25 g

Cooking method. In a mixer, beat sour cream, sunflower oil, orange juice and yolk, then add marmalade and lemon juice and mix again.

Take one hour before the start of heavy training or competitions, and also as an additional meal (contains about 900 kcal).

1 egg (hard-boiled);
powdered milk - 25 g;
sunflower (or olive) oil - 1 tablespoon;
sour cream (yogurt) - 1 tablespoon;
mustard and lemon juice - to taste

Cooking method. Cut the egg in half, grind the yolk with other ingredients and fill the egg halves with the resulting paste.

Take for breakfast and as a snack as part of your diet during intense training or athletic competition.

Recipe 3 Recipe by Valentin Dikul

150 g sour cream;
100 g cottage cheese;
three teaspoons of finely chopped chocolate;
1-2 teaspoons honey

Cooking method. Place the ingredients in the mixer in the following order: sour cream, cottage cheese, chocolate, honey. Beat to a uniform consistency.

Recipes based on milk powder:

powdered milk - 25 g;
milk - 125 g;
blueberries - 2 tablespoons;
juice from half a lemon;
sugar - 2 teaspoons (or honey).

Cooking method. Mix all ingredients in a mixer until smooth.

powdered milk - 40 g;
cottage cheese - 60 g;
milk - 5 tablespoons;
half a banana;
1 teaspoon sugar or honey;
lemon juice to taste.

Cooking method. Dilute milk powder in milk, mix with cottage cheese, add sugar (or honey) and finely chopped or mashed banana, add lemon juice.

powdered milk - 40 g;
curdled milk - 1 glass;
honey - 2 teaspoons;
milk - 1 cup;
instant coffee - 2 teaspoons.

Cooking method. Dissolve the milk powder in the yogurt, add the remaining ingredients and mix with the milk.

sour cream - 1 glass;
milk - 1 glass;
2 bananas;
3 eggs;
2 teaspoons chocolate, or syrup.

Cooking method. In a mixer, beat sour cream, milk, raw eggs and finely chopped or mashed bananas, then sprinkle with grated chocolate or pour over syrup.

low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g;
separated milk - 200 g;
fruit jam - 30 g;
methionine - 1.5 g

Cooking method. Grind the methionine, add it to the cottage cheese and grind, then mix with milk and jam.

Take after high speed-strength loads, or 6-10 hours after exhausting endurance training.

The term “sports nutrition” combines preparations and concentrates specially designed for people involved in sports activities. by force sports Sports nutrition for beginner athletes aims to increase strength, endurance and muscle mass. Now let's look at the main types of products that beginners need.

The need for sports nutrition

Athletes during periods of intense training and high loads require much more energy, which a regular diet cannot provide - to progress in bodybuilding and powerlifting, athletes require additional sources of calories and building elements for muscles.

It is worth understanding that any sports nutrition is only an additive to the main diet, without proper nutrition, sports supplements will not give any results

Novice athletes are often wary of sports nutrition, confusing nutritional supplements with pharmacological drugs used by experienced and professional bodybuilders. In fact, you shouldn’t be afraid of sports nutrition - all supplements and concentrates consist of the same natural substances as regular human food and cannot cause harm to the body, if, of course, they are stored and consumed in accordance with the instructions.

The difference between sports nutrition and regular food is its concentration - a property that allows supplements to be absorbed much faster and more completely. In this case, the body does not need to spend additional energy on digestion.

Girls who train in a fitness club will also benefit from sports nutrition. It would be ideal to add whey protein, BCAA and multi-vitamin complexes (for example, Opti-women) to the main diet.

The caloric value of one glass of carbohydrate-protein mixture can be much higher than that of a plate of potatoes with meat: this does not mean that athletes need to stop eating regular food and switch only to supplements. Beginners should understand that sports supplements are just an addition to an athlete's diet and will not work on their own without regular training and a special sports diet.

Classification of sports nutrition

There are several types of sports food additives, which are especially necessary for beginners:

  1. Vitamin and mineral supplements;
  2. Whey protein complexes.

Let's consider the purpose and principles of action of additives in more detail.

1. Gainer. Gainers are protein-carbohydrate mixtures for increasing weight and quickly replenishing energy costs. The use of gainers allows novice athletes to achieve a significant improvement in strength indicators and weight gain due to the supply of calories and building protein when the athlete really needs it - directly during strength exercises or immediately after training.

Gainer influences the growth and regeneration of muscle tissue by introducing easily digestible protein into the body and creates energy basis for more intense and long-lasting training.

Beginners should know that the gainer is only suitable for ectomorph athletes (thin build). Otherwise, carbohydrates will be stored as excess fat.

2. Creatine. Creatine monohydrate is a nitrogen-containing acid that is involved in the metabolic and energy processes of muscle and nerve cells. Strength athletes use creatine to increase strength and muscle mass.

Creatine allows you to release a large amount of energy in a short period of time, gives muscles relief, and helps athletes quickly recover after hard training.

3. Amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks from which all protein molecules in the body are formed. Without additional amino acids in bodybuilding, weight gain is impossible. Amino acids are also necessary for:

  • Restoring the body after training;
  • Catabolism of subcutaneous fat;
  • Receiving energy;
  • Increasing muscle strength.

A special role for athletes is played by 3 amino acids - valine, leucine, isoleucine, united by the general term - BCAA (from English - branched-chain amino acids). These amino acids are taken by bodybuilders in the form of separate nutritional complexes. BCAAs in combination with other supplements provide a “quick start” for the athlete.

4. Proteins. Proteins consist of amino acids connected in chains. In bodybuilding, proteins are needed to obtain the amount of protein necessary for growth, as well as for weight loss and “drying”.

Whey proteins are especially useful for beginners - concentrated mixtures of proteins obtained from whey. These proteins are also called “fast” because they have an increased rate of absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. This creates a high concentration of free amino acids in the blood and muscle tissue, which promotes productivity and duration of training.

Selection of sports nutrition

Beginners need to choose sports nutrition taking into account individual morphological characteristics and current sports goals. The product must be of high quality, manufactured by a well-known company with an impeccable reputation, balanced and have a reasonable cost.

Don't be afraid of overdoses or any side effects. Sports nutrition is not anabolic steroids, in any case, there is more benefit from it than harm

If possible, buy sports nutrition from trusted companies and in civilian stores. Sports nutrition is not often counterfeited, but it’s still better to be safe

The highest quality supplements are produced by companies such as Optimum Nutrition, BSN, MusclePharm, Universal Nutrition, USPlabs, Dymatize.

Why do you need sports nutrition? Definitely not to replace a regular balanced diet. It’s like with vitamins: when a doctor sees a lack of certain vitamins in the body and prescribes a course of vitamins, you do not replace meals with them, but only add them to your diet. The same applies to sports nutrition: it is not intended to replace, but to supplement where it is lacking.

An important point: in this material we are mainly talking about sports nutrition, which is used in cyclic types sports

What you need to know about sports nutrition

In cyclic sports there are three basic elements: hydration (replenishing fluid reserves), energy (fast carbohydrates) and recovery (proteins, carbohydrates and amino acids). During training, hydration is the most important element. Fluid in the body, among other things, affects the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, the transmission of nerve impulses and the wear and tear of joints. How much to drink? Depends on the intensity of exercise, individual characteristics of the body and air temperature. It makes sense that a person running a marathon at +24°C would need significantly more fluids than a person doing recovery training at +17°C. On average, you should adhere to the rule: 300-500 ml per hour (a couple of sips every 7-10 minutes).

After finishing your workout, you should drink about the same amount within half an hour. You can drink plain water, but an isotonic drink containing electrolytes is better. It will replenish the salt balance, which is disturbed by sweating. However, this does not mean at all that isotonic drink is salty and tasteless; usually the opposite is true. Be sure to take a sports drink bottle with you to your workout - this way you will not only take care of your health, but you will also be able to see how hydration affects the increase in positive emotions from sports.

If you exercise for more than an hour, your energy reserves in the form of glycogen stored in the muscles and liver are depleted. Therefore, a carbohydrate gel would be useful during such a workout. When performing intense exercise, the body's own energy reserves last 40-50 minutes. And if you want to train further without losing efficiency, you should stick to the nutrition schedule: one gel every 20-30 minutes. Be sure to read the composition of the gel: if the carbohydrates in it consist of simple sugars (most often these are glucose and fructose), then the number of indicated grams of sugar must be multiplied by 20 - this is the amount of liquid you need to drink along with this gel so that it is properly absorbed and gives you 100% of the energy put into it. With rare exceptions, all manufacturers of glucose and fructose gels always write this in the annotations, warning their consumers. There are gels without simple sugars (isotonic), which do not need to be washed down with water, since the amount of liquid necessary for their absorption is already contained in the gel. They are more preferable for running and other sports where it is uncomfortable or simply impossible for a person to drink about 200 ml of liquid at a time.

Possible harm of sports nutrition

Manufacturers of sports nutrition. What to choose?

If we are talking about protein supplements, creatine, pre-workout complexes and other sports nutrition, which is more associated with bodybuilding, weight gain and “iron” (although, of course, this is not entirely true), then it is worth highlighting brands such as Optimum Nutrition, Ultimate Nutrition, Weider, BSN, Dymatize, Universal, Syntrax, SAN and others.

The material was prepared by the running school I LOVE RUNNING together with the company GEL4YOU.