Sports school of Olympic reserve swimming. Synchronized Swimming Shore

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The synchronized swimming school was created at the Central School of Higher Sports Excellence in 1981 and was subsequently included in the structure of the Moscow City Physical Culture and Sports Association (MGFSO) as a sports school.

The goal of the school is to train high-class athletes who are capable of becoming candidates for the sports teams of the city of Moscow and the Russian Federation.

Among the school's students are 12 Olympic champions, multiple winners of All-Russian and major international competitions. Since 1998, our girls as part of national teams have been permanent winners of all Championships, Cups and European and World Championships - including multiple world champions: Kolesnichenko Svetlana, Kalancha Mikhaela, Shurochkina Maria, Olkhova Anisya, Chigireva Vlada; winners of the 2014 World Championship: Bayandina Anastasia, Bayandina Daria; winners of the First European Games: Gurbanberdieva Maya, Larkina Anna.

The Russian synchronized swimming team wins gold medals at four Olympics in a row - in Sydney (2000), Athens (2004), Beijing (2008), London (2012). Included national team Olympic champions were: Olga Brusnikina (duet and group), Maria Kiseleva(duet and group), Irina Pershina, Olga Vasyukova, Elena Soya, Elena Azarova, Olga Novokshchenova, Anna Shorina, Elvira Khasyanova, Elena Ovchinnikova, Olga Kuzhela, Alla Shishkina (all group).

During the work of the school, the following were trained: 21 Honored Masters of Sports, more than 50 Masters of Sports of international class. Since 2010, the title “Master of Sports of Russia” has been awarded to more than 70 athletes.

Currently, the school has more than 350 athletes at various stages of training. The coaching staff consists of 19 high-level coaches qualification category and 18 Honored Trainers of Russia. The number of coaches includes outstanding students of the school: two-time Olympic championElena Azarova and two-time world and European champion ElizabethStepanova.

The synchronized swimming training program includes classes in swimming training, choreography and acrobatics. Classes contribute to the aesthetic development of the child, the development of coordination and plasticity of movements, contribute to the correct formation of the musculoskeletal system, the development of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Children are screened throughout the year; the preferred age for starting synchronized swimming lessons is 6-7 years. Swimming ability is not required. Classes are held near metro stations « Water stadium", "China-Gorod", "Krasnoselskaya", "Prospekt Mira", "Shchelkovskaya".

Swimming department at the Sports School Olympic reserve"Moskvich" has been operating since September 1, 2012.

Senior coach Tikhonova Elena Alexandrovna– trainer of the highest category, Master of Sports, “Honored Trainer of Russia”, “Honored Worker physical culture" She prepared a participant for two Olympic Games, winner and prize-winner of European Championships and championships, 19-time champion of Russia Alexander Tikhonov.

The department employs: Evsikova Lyudmila Alekseevna- Master of Sports, “Excellence in Physical Culture”, Belolapotkova Valentina Aleksandrovna- trainer of the highest category, "Excellence in physical education", Pronina Inna Alexandrovna- Master of Sport, Pozdnysheva Olga Yurievna- Master of Sports and Trainer Fedotova Liliya Leonidovna.

Since January 1, 2018, 172 athletes have been training in the department. Of these: at the stage of highest sportsmanship - 5 people, at the stage of improving sportsmanship - 12 people. , at the stage of sports specialization - 155 people. Sports titles and categories: Master of Sports of international class - 2 athletes, Master of Sports - 2 athletes, Candidate Master of Sports - 12 athletes.

In the 2018 season, the department’s athletes showed the following results.

Pasynkov Daniil- Master of Sports of International Class: Golden medal Russian Championship 2018 in 4x50m relay swimming. film mixed as part of the Moscow national team, Gold medal of the 2018 Russian Championship in the 4x200 m relay swimming. men as part of the Moscow national team, winner of the 2018 Russian Championship at a distance of 400m k/pl. Participant of the World Championship in Hangzhou (PRC).

Makovich Semyon- Master of Sports of international class, Gold medal of the Russian Championship 2018 in relay swimming 4x200 m. men as part of the Moscow national team, gold medal at the 2018 Russian Championship in the 4x50m relay swimming. v/st. mixed as part of the Moscow national team, gold medal at the 2018 Russian Championship in the 4x50m relay swimming. film mixed as part of the Moscow national team, silver medalist of the 2018 Russian Championship at a distance of 200m k/pl. Participant of the World Championship in Hangzhou (PRC).

Romanchik Egor- Candidate Master of Sports, Bronze medalist of the 2018 Russian Championship at a distance of 100m BR.

Shmytova Svetlana – 1 sports category, Bronze medalist All-Russian competitions swimming "Reserve of Russia" in relay swimming 4x50 in/st. as part of the Moscow national team, bronze medalist of the All-Russian swimming competition “Reserve of Russia” in relay swimming 4x50 k/pl. as part of the Moscow national team.

The main roster of the Russian national team for 2019 from our school includes: Daniil Pasynkov, Semyon Makovich, Ivan Kustov in the reserve of the main roster, and Egor Romanchik in the junior squad.

The department conducts a competitive selection of children in sports groups, in accordance with the requirements of the federal standard.

On August 5, 1987, the departmental organizations DSO SDYUSHOR “Spartak”, “Burevestnik”, “Lokomotiv”, “Zenit”, TsOP “Victoria” merged and the EDYUSHOR for swimming trade unions of Moscow was formed.

In 2006, ESDSYUSSHOR was renamed into SDYUSSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in swimming. In 2014, the Youth of Moscow Sports School for Swimming was renamed the Youth of Moscow Olympic Reserve Sports School for Swimming.

Over 28 years of existence sports school Olympic reserve "Youth of Moscow" in swimming, the goal and task was to prepare sports reserve. The goals of the sports reserve training system are: involvement of children and adolescents in systematic sports activities and selection of the most gifted who have the prospect of achieving international-level sports results.

The sports school of the Olympic reserve "Youth of Moscow" in swimming is designed to create the needs for healthy life, to carry out the harmonious development of the individual, to ensure physical perfection and the training of highly qualified athletes capable of adequately defending the honor of Russia in the international arena.

The main task of the sports school of the Olympic reserve "Youth of Moscow" in swimming is mass education and involvement of children and adolescents in systematic classes, instilling an interest and need for training: nurturing physical, moral, aesthetic and volitional qualities, promoting health and versatile physical development.

Enrollment and admission to the sports school of the Olympic reserve "Youth of Moscow" in swimming from 7 to 9 years old for the stage initial training.

Classes are held 3 times a week for 45 minutes, in the pool for non-swimmers. Training of young athletes is carried out in groups of initial training for 1-2 years, during the training process the first swimming skills are instilled.

There is a curriculum of 36 lessons, which provides training in all swimming methods (butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle)

For young swimmers of initial training groups of 1 year of study, there is a competitive calendar; after 1 year of training, young swimmers pass swimming standards. First 50 v/s, 50 n/sp, 50 br., 50 baht. for technology assessment.

After 2 years of training, athletes, upon passing the 1st junior level standard, move to training groups.

The sports school of the Olympic reserve "Youth of Moscow" for swimming for the most gifted children has the opportunity to send them to specialized sports classes (from grades 5 to 11) at the State Budgetary Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 1505 of the Eastern District of Moscow, at the State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1362, where the children study and where conditions are created for them to engage in sports swimming.

In winter and summer, sports and recreational camps are held, the venue is the Moscow region, south.

The central base of the sports school of the Olympic reserve "Youth of Moscow" in swimming is the State Budgetary Institution "MOCVS" of Moskomsport (Moscow Olympic Center Water Sports): Moscow, st. Ibragimova, 32, as well as branches:

1. SC "Luch", st. 1st Vladimirskaya, 10B

2. Sports Complex "Olympiysky", Olimpiysky Prospekt, 16, building 2

3. Palace of Children and Youth Creativity “Vostochny”, st. 1st Vladimirskaya, 20

4. SSOC “New Generation - Veshnyaki”, st. Kosinskaya, 12B

5. Sports and recreation center "Olympia", st. Fryazevskaya, 13A