Supersets for arms for mass. Arm muscle training: super killer program

With increasing training experience, it becomes increasingly difficult for athletes to progress. The muscles refuse to grow; they have adapted to constant training. In this case, you need to look for a way to shock them with a new unusual load. One of the best options is to use supersets, and in this article we will look at this technique using the example of arm training.

A superset is 2 sets following each other without rest. The greatest effectiveness of this technique can be obtained if you use supersets for antagonist muscles. What does this look like in practice? We do one set for the biceps, and then another without rest for the triceps. When one muscle group is trained, the other is actively restored due to powerful blood flow.

Let's take a look at our shocking arm workout program. We will try to use as much as possible basic exercises, and at the end of the training we will add isolated work:

We specifically do not use supersets for the arms on basic exercises, since then we simply would not have enough strength to continue training. Now let's move on to more targeted development:

We do not recommend using our biceps and triceps workouts with supersets for beginners. Such training is too exhausting and can lead to overtraining. Moreover, in the first year of training, your muscles should grow well even from conventional classical training methods.

For experienced athletes, it is even advisable to use supersets, but this should not be done too often. The best option is 2 times a month. That is, if you train your arms once a week, 4 times a month, then 2 workouts can be done with supersets and the remaining two with regular ones. This way your muscles will have time to recover better.

During training with supersets, it is advisable to maintain energy balance and fuel the muscles with amino acids - these are best suited for this. sports supplements. They can be taken both during recruitment muscle mass, and during drying.

Arm training with supersets from Stanislav Lindover

The use of supersets in bodybuilding is becoming increasingly popular. This is especially noticeable among experienced athletes with experience. If you're not familiar, supersets are a high-volume training method that helps shock muscles better. Most often they are used to overcome stagnation or better stimulate muscle growth. During their execution, the athlete loses much more energy and therefore this training method is also often used during drying. In this article we will look at arm training using supersets.

Our arm workout will consist of basic and isolation exercises. We'll start with basic movements.:

  • Pull-ups narrow grip(3 sets of maximum repetitions) - an excellent basic exercise for the back and biceps, which will allow you to quickly activate all power resources and get into work;
  • Push-ups with narrow arms (3 sets of 15-20 repetitions) are a basic exercise for triceps that will perfectly help warm up the muscle group we need.

After warming up and warming up, you can move on to performing supersets on your arms:

  • Standing biceps curl + close grip bench press – 3 super series of 8-10 reps in each set.

Next, we rest for a few minutes and go back to normal mode:

  • Hammers for biceps (3 sets of 8-10 reps);
  • French bench press (3 sets of 8-10 reps).

And finally, the final step is to finish off the hands completely:

  • Barbell curl reverse grip+ arm extensions on a block – 2 supersets of 8-10 repetitions in each set.

You cannot train this way every session, as this will lead to overtraining. This training scheme should be used a maximum of 2 times a month. The rest of the time, it is recommended to train without using high-volume training methods.

The arm workout we described using supersets should not last more than an hour. Rest between supersets should not be more than 1.5 minutes, and between sets no more than 20 seconds. After each set, it is recommended to do some light stretching to reduce the amount of lactic acid that stiffens the muscles.

Such training with supersets is very draining for the athlete, so it is recommended to use some sports supplements during such training. If you are on a mass gain, then the best options for you will be creatine monohydrate or Whey Protein, and if you want to dry out, then l-carnitine or BCAA amino acids are best suited.

When training with supersets, you should not push yourself to the point of failure, as this increases the likelihood of injury. It is also recommended to reduce working weights slightly and focus on muscle feeling and technique.

Other training options

  • Many athletes train their arms together with their back; we discussed a similar workout in the article -.
  • If you are a fan of combining arm training with delt work, then this is for you.
  • As we have already said, it is impossible to work your arms with supersets in every lesson, since the load will be too debilitating. In other classes, you can work on your hands using.

Video: Arm training with supersets from Stas Lindover

The figure of a person involved in bodybuilding and fitness is an undeniable example of how you can achieve perfection through your own hard work. The area of ​​the arms and forearms, where the biceps and triceps work, is what the athlete’s special attention is focused on. An excellent way to increase the volume of this periphery is to superset the biceps and the adjacent antagonist muscle area. Simultaneous development of parallel muscles will ensure harmonious proportions in a single zone.

The challenge of supersets for biceps and triceps

A superset is training to the limit., which includes an internal synthesis mechanism to hyperbolize a specific area. Maximum strength training causes traumatic damage to the muscle fiber, which leads to increased generation of new tissue in response to requests from nerve endings. Burning and pumping at the site of exercise is a signal of aggressive blood flow and the beginning of the appearance of new cells that ensure rapid muscle growth.

The main task of the superset is to break the monotony of linear training, which has ceased to provide progression of development. When working on their own body, every athlete is faced with the fact that the body begins to ignore the efforts being applied. This is the right moment for a super move to give the body a shake-up and force it to increase cell synthesis muscle tissue.

This superset activates the growth process in two antagonist muscles, balancing the flexion-extension function of the arms:

  • biceps - fusiform muscles at the top of the forearm, which consist of two heads and perform a flexion movement;
  • triceps – triceps muscles, which work as extensors and are located on back surface forearms.

At the same time, supersets for biceps and triceps are carried out with the aim that the development of the muscle group occurs proportionally and does not introduce an imbalance in the function of the limb. It should be understood that the weight used during training is a fundamental factor in the final result. If the goal is not to increase muscle volume, but to compact the muscle tissue in depth without exaggerating the size, then preference is given to light weights in training with an increase in the number of repetitions.

Note! The use of a super move is aggressive and cannot be used with the frequency of linear training. For a beginner, a superset should be carried out with a break of 2-3 weeks, and professionals can use shocking more often - once a week. During the break between supersets, a complex biochemical reaction occurs in the synthesis of new cells in muscle fibers.

Superset program for biceps and triceps

This program originates from the founder of the International Federation of Bodybuilders, Joe Weider. A series of super moves that ensure progress in the development of arm muscles has been fulfilling its function for more than one generation of bodybuilders, and even the coveted volumes of over 50 cm are the result that Schwarzenegger achieved using the recommendations of his trainer. Joe is the founder of the Mr. Olympia competition, and the result of it coaching work became famous athletes such as Lee Haney, Franco Colombo, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Frank Zane and others.

Each superset is built according to a formula that includes basic and isolation exercises. Professionals advise starting a series of techniques with the muscle that is less developed and, in your opinion, needs more work.

Before any aggressive intervention in the biochemical processes of the body, it is imperative to carry out a three-phase warm-up:

  • short, intense cardio to speed up blood circulation and gain muscle elasticity;
  • warming up joint joints to prevent traumatic situations;
  • working on basic superset exercises for reflex muscle development.

This superset is optimally performed in the range of 4-5 times for each exercise, and in each approach stick to the same number of repetitions - 10-15 times. At the same time, it is important to move very quickly from one exercise to another so that the muscle does not have time to relieve the stressful sensation. This way the muscle receives the necessary stimulus for active growth and maximum development deep into the tissue.

"French press"– starting position: lying on a bench, feet on the floor, performing a barbell press with a narrow grip. Begin the exercise by holding the barbell with outstretched arms above the chest and bend the elbow joint towards the forehead. Be sure to take into account that the position of the supporting axis in the upper phase of the arm movement must be shifted slightly back in the direction of movement. Otherwise, the force is transferred from the muscle being worked to the joint and makes the exercise poor.

"Close grip chest press"– starting position: lying down, feet on the floor, performing a barbell press. Elbow joint they are taken along the body, and they try to lower the barbell into the zone solar plexus, this is how the necessary strengthening of the arm muscles occurs. If you lower the barbell to the chest area, the force shifts to other shoulder muscles.

"Arm extension on a block"– starting position: standing, body leaned slightly forward with emphasis on one leg, shoulder blades retracted. It is best to use a rope instead of a rigid handle of the exercise machine to perform the exercise. In the lower phase, the exercise is brought to horizontal spreading rope, which provides a shift in force to the triceps and external beam small muscles. For this exercise, the weight is kept to a minimum, focusing efforts on correct technique execution, while doing large quantity repetitions (25-30 times).

“Lifting dumbbells for biceps alternately”– starting position: standing. The weight of the weights is taken according to individual goals and level of training. Lifting dumbbells is done alternately with each hand, trying to eliminate the inertia of movement so as not to lose the force on the biceps. The number of approaches for the exercise is 3-5 times with the same number of repetitions in each approach - 10-15 times.

"Barbell press on the Scott bench"– starting position: rest your chest on the top bar, press your elbows against it, and bring your shoulders forward. The barbell press is performed slowly at an average pace, excluding inertia. This isolated exercise for biceps.

"Concentrated biceps curl with dumbbells"– The dumbbell press is carried out by alternately changing hands after performing the same number of repetitions (10-15 times). Starting position: the body is tilted, and the emphasis is placed on the free hand. When performing the exercise, it is important to eliminate inertia, maintaining effort on the muscle being worked. The exercise must be performed non-stop, quickly transferring the force from one hand to the other. The required number of blocks is 3-5 times with the same number of repetitions (10-15).

Hi all! Today we'll talk about supersets. Supersets... Which bodybuilder hasn't heard of them? Who among the bodybuilders has not tried to use them at least once when training their arms? Yes, we tried everything! First, a biceps approach, then, without rest, a triceps approach, or vice versa. And this is very correct, guys. This is very effective, as it allows you to work your arms very cool.

Even Arnold himself was an ardent supporter of arm training with supersets and constantly used them in his practice. If anyone is interested in the arm training program according to the Arnie method, you will find it. But today we will talk about why supersets in your classic form, are not always suitable for bodybuilding enthusiasts and what to do about it...

All professionals use supersets in their training. They know it is extraordinarily effective. But here you need to take into account one simple truth - they are professionals and conduct their training at a level that is inaccessible to a simple beginner. It's about not only about the intensity of the training, about physical training, about complexity training programs, about the large amount of training, etc. We are talking about the ability of a professional to concentrate on each exercise, on each approach performed. This ability to concentrate on training allows you to get everything from the training. This is the whole psychology of bodybuilding. You can read more about this

But a beginner still doesn’t know how to concentrate like that. Therefore, when he trains his arms with supersets, he does not focus on the exercises properly and, as a result, they turn out to be quite “idle” and of poor quality. Try to change your usual pattern and do the following: first complete all sets of triceps exercises, then take a short break (although this is not according to the rules) and start performing sets of biceps exercises. In this way, alternate all the exercises in this program until the very end. Get amazing results!

Superset arm training program

French dumbbell press incline bench neutral grip3 12-15
Bicep curls with dumbbells3 12-15
Reverse grip pull-ups4 8-10
Dips4 8-12
Holding pancakes in lowered hands4 "UNTIL FAILURE"


French press with dumbbells on an incline bench with a neutral grip. Lying on an incline bench lengthens your dumbbell lifting range, and neutral grip increases the impact of triceps training.

Bicep curls with dumbbells. Here you need to choose the optimal weight for you so that when lifting your arms move synchronously. Keep your elbows fixed!

Reverse grip pull-ups. This exercise is designed to pump up the biceps. Grab the horizontal bar with your palms facing you. If you pull up too easily, you may end up putting extra weight on your belt.

Dips. If you can do more than 10 push-ups with your body weight, then add weight to your belt. At the top of the push-up, straighten your elbows completely, but do not go all the way down so as not to injure your shoulders. Lower yourself just until your elbows are parallel to the floor.

Holding pancakes in lowered hands. Just take one pancake in each hand and hold it until it stops until the pancakes fall out of your hands. This exercise develops static force hand grip, which bodybuilders usually do not develop. But such strength is needed to tenaciously hold heavy weights.

This method of training arms using supersets is non-standard. But try using this method in your training if you wish. Write in the comments who uses supersets and with what results. It will be interesting to find out! Good luck to you, friends...

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Experienced athletes train using a completely different method than beginners who come to the gym relatively recently. The difference is training process due to the natural adaptation of muscle tissue to stress. There comes a point when the usual activities simply cease to be effective, and in order to continue progress in muscle building, it is necessary to shock the muscles. Unusual training methods, including drop and super sets, help to do this.

A superset is a pair of antagonist exercises. They are done one by one without any break. Antagonists are muscles that perform functions that are opposite to each other. For the chest - this is the back, for the quadriceps - the biceps, for the triceps - extension and so on. Each of these muscle groups is involved when doing the opposite action, for example, bending and straightening the arms. These antagonists are what the superset session is aimed at.

The main advantage of supersets is the shocking effect they have on muscles that have managed to adapt to the usual loads. This quality manifests itself only when the athlete does not overuse antagonist exercises, that is, does not resort to supersets every workout.

This training method has other advantages:

  1. Muscles recover much faster. If, after bench presses for triceps, performed with a narrow grip, you immediately move on to biceps curls with a barbell, then the triceps receive a slight degree of stimulation and are actively restored.
  2. Accelerated growth of muscle tissue. Active loads on the working muscle group lead to intense blood flow, along with which nutrients are supplied. This process stimulates the renewal of muscle tissue, which causes an increase in muscle volume.

The benefits that supersets demonstrate are the reason for the widespread use of this type of training.

To take full advantage of supersets, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • exercises should be selected similar to each other, that is, isolating “plus” isolating, basic “plus” basic;
  • It is not recommended to use two antagonists that are located far from each other within one superset;
  • breaks after approaches are not taken at all or very short if the rhythm has not yet become habitual;
  • rest between individual blocks of supersets, on the contrary, is increased compared to the pauses that are made between regular approaches.

If an athlete sets a goal - to train his arms, or, more precisely, to achieve further progress in increasing volume, then they make a superset of:

  • lifting the barbell to work the biceps;
  • presses with a narrow grip to engage the triceps.

First, do two warm-up approaches. In total, you need to perform three approaches for each muscle group.

When the first block is completed, supersets give way to regular exercises, performed in three sets with 8-12 repetitions in each:

  • hammers (biceps);
  • extension in the simulator (triceps).

The end of the workout is a return to supersets, which literally “awakens” the muscles to grow in volume:

  • barbell lifts performed with an overhand grip (biceps);
  • French press (triceps).

Each muscle is worked three times. First comes the biceps, then the triceps, again the biceps and so on.

Supersets, as you can see, are quite simple to do. They allow you to avoid a plateau, which is why professionals use them during training.

The program consists of:

  • Pull-ups on the bar wide grip(3-4X8-10);
  • Military press (3-4X8-12);
  • Traction upper block wide grip (3-4X8-12);
  • Seated dumbbell press (3-4X8-12);
  • Bent-over barbell row (3-4X8-12);
  • Swing dumbbells in front of you (3-4X8-12).

AND military press, and do pull-ups at a normal pace. They are used for warming up. Working approaches begin with warm-up approaches. The next pair of exercises (latt row and dumbbell press) are done 1 approach at a time, alternating until there are 3-4 full cycle for each muscle group.

You can also pull the barbell and do swings with a superset, but only when you have the strength to do it. If you have to overcome yourself, it is better to work as usual. Thus, you can do either two supersets or one. The main thing is to correctly calculate your own capabilities.

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