Tatyana Totmyanina: biography of the figure skater. Severe injury and further recovery

Alexey Konstantinovich Yagudin - famous figure skater Russian Federation. Who might never have become a star by winning the Olympics. Since he got into big-time sports completely by accident and clearly had no intention of staying in it.

Alexey Yagudin has long been considered a true legend among fans of this winter sport; absolutely all beginning skaters look up to him. At the same time, the guy claims that it is easy to achieve everything that he can do. You just have to train long and hard, and also believe in your own strength.

By the way, Alexey managed not only to achieve heights in sports, but also turned out to be a caring husband and father of two beautiful daughters.

Many fans try to figure out what physical parameters their idol has, including his height, weight, age. How old is Alexei Yagudin is not a difficult question, since it is possible to find the date of birth of an athlete on the Internet.

Moreover, Alexey was born in 1980, so he has already celebrated his thirty-eighth birthday. Alexey Yagudin: the photos in his youth and now are almost identical, since the skater is not so old that wrinkles appear on his face, especially since the guy knows how to keep himself in excellent shape.

According to the zodiac circle, Yagudin received the sign of the dreamy, impressionable, changeable, resourceful, intelligent and slightly eccentric Pisces.

The eastern horoscope endowed the skater not only with the sign of the Monkey, but also with dexterity, cunning, punctuality, resourcefulness, and flexibility of mind.

Alexey's height is one meter and eighty centimeters, and he weighs seventy kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Alexey Yagudin

The biography and personal life of Alexei Yagudin is a query that can often be found in Internet search engines. Little Lesha was born in the northern capital of the USSR; he was a sickly and weak boy. That’s why I went to the skating rink when I was four years old to boost my immunity and improve my health.

The father - Konstantin Yagudin - left only the name in the metric of the future champion; the guy himself had never seen him. Because he disappeared almost immediately after his birth, moving to Germany.

Mother - Zoya Yagudina - for a long time worked at the Institute of Informatics and Computer Science, managing to take care of the health and development of her only son.

It turned out that Alyosha could reach great heights in sports, although for a long time he did not perceive figure skating seriously. The boy dreamed of becoming a truck or bus driver, but at the age of thirteen he managed to win fourth place at the World Junior Championships, and at fifteen he won gold at this tournament.

At the same time, he managed to win awards at several other prestigious competitions, and also studied at school with excellent marks. However, he graduated from school with a silver medal because of one B, although he was best in the exact sciences.

Yagudin entered the Lesgaft State Academy of Physical Education in his hometown. Since 1998, the guy moved to Tatyana Tarasova and within a year he managed to win 11 out of thirteen tournaments.

He was able to win Olympic Games, become world champion four times, and European champion three times. Yagudin ended his career in 2003 because he received hip injuries and performed only on painkillers. Even though four years later he had surgery to replace hip joint, he was unable to get on the ice.

After Alexey returned home from the States, he began to often appear on television in the programs “Stars on Ice”, “Ice Age”, “Bolero”, and became the host of the new season “Ice Age”. Children". Since 2008, he has starred in the films “President’s Vacation”, “Hot Ice”, ice performances “City Lights”, “The Story of Adventures”, “Hearts of Four”.

Yagudin’s personal life is not too stormy and filled with novels, since only his relationship with the ex-soloist of the “Factory” group Sasha Savelyeva was confirmed. The young people met on the Ice Age show, but soon they began to quarrel over trifles and soon broke up.

However, Alexey called Elena Berezhnaya his first love, to whom he was going to propose at the age of nineteen. At the same time, the skater resolutely refused the ring purchased by the guy, and the guy gave it to the beauty from Japan.

Soon a common-law wife appeared in the guy’s life. But rumors that Alexey Yagudin and Tatyana Totmyanina have broken up continue to excite fans of the couple, who are not going to separate.

Family and children of Alexei Yagudin

The family and children of Alexei Yagudin are his support and hope, something for which he is ready to give up his career and do anything. At the same time, the guy’s family was incomplete; he survived his father’s betrayal, but received in return loving relatives, whose support led to sporting heights.

A special place in the guy’s life was played by his beloved mother, who not only took him into the world of figure skating, but also strictly controlled that he performed all the elements, forcing him to repeat one jump several dozen times. It was his mother’s exactingness that helped Alexey overcome natural laziness and develop determination.

In addition to his mother, the boy was looked after by his grandmother, who picked up Lesha from school, handed him sandwiches and sent him to Ice Palace, and also did homework with him and took care of him.

Papa Yagudina was replaced by his maternal grandfather, with whom he played sports and did all the men's things. At the same time, the whole family was housed not in a comfortable, but in an ordinary communal apartment.

Alexey has two children, they were born from one of his most beloved women, and the eldest is illegitimate, because Tanya and Lesha got married only after her birth.

The girls were born with a slight age difference, so they are very friendly and love to spend time together, although Alexey tries to pay his attention to each princess in turn. At the same time, the guy constantly said that he did not want to have a son, because he simply did not know what to do with the heir, and girls were closer to him.

Daughter of Alexei Yagudin - Elizaveta Yagudina

The daughter of Alexei Yagudin, Elizaveta Yagudina, was born in 2009; her mother was figure skater Tatyana Totmyanina, with whom the young man lived in a civil marriage. The baby is growing athletic and active, she is constantly on the move, so we have to direct her energy in a peaceful direction.

Lisa lived in France with her parents and is fluent in two languages. At the same time, the girl attended French kindergarten, studied in a classical school until the end of the first grade.

Now the beauty has moved to Russia, she goes to a regular school, studies in depth foreign languages. Lisa is involved in gymnastics and figure skating, but does not want to become a professional figure skater.

Daughter of Alexei Yagudin - Michelle Yagudina

The daughter of Alexei Yagudin, Michelle Yagudina, was born in 2015, when her parents had already legalized their family relationship. Little Michelle was born in France, so she can boast of dual citizenship.

At the same time, Alexey agreed on a partner birth, but was unable to attend it because he was performing in the Carmen ice show in Sochi. However, Yagudin announced that he had become a dad for the second time on his Instagram page, and then accepted congratulations for a long time.

Little Michelle is an inquisitive, bright and musical child, and she never ceases to delight her parents with new achievements and it is already becoming clear that she looks like her mother.

Alexei Yagudin's wife - Tatyana Totmyanina

It was no coincidence that Alexei Yagudin’s wife, Tatyana Totmyanina, appeared in his life, since the persistent and self-confident figure skater at that time was in severe depression, since her mother tragically died, and the guy was the first to lend his shoulder.

The young people began to spend a lot of time together, they talked and went to a restaurant or movie, and then began to live in a civil marriage. The birth of the eldest daughter did not change anything; when the couple moved to France, the relationship was never legalized.

The couple entered into a legal marriage only in the winter of 2015, shortly after the birth of their second daughter. The wedding took place not outside the country, but in Krasnoyarsk, where Yagudin and Totyamina were congratulated by the city mayor himself.

Quite often there were rumors that the couple had either already separated or were on the verge of divorce. But neither Alexey nor Tatyana confirms this information, calling it idle gossip of envious people.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexey Yagudin

Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexey Yagudin have existed for a long time, since only the information that is available on it is relevant, verified and reliable. From an extensive article on Wikipedia, you can find out detailed facts about childhood, education, family, the beginning and development of a sports career, as well as titles and awards for your entire career.

At least 119,000 fans are subscribed to the figure skater’s profile on a social network like Instagram, and approximately 99,000 are subscribed to his wife’s profile. For the most part, the page presents high-quality and informative videos from personal and creative archives.

Among winter species There are two sports that are especially popular in Russia: figure skating and hockey. Figure skaters and hockey players in Soviet times accustomed fans to their victories, the memories of which are still alive. It’s not for nothing that the Olympic flame was lit by two legends at the Games in Sochi: hockey player Vladislav Tretyak and figure skater Irina Rodnina.

If in hockey in the post-Soviet period domestic masters have noticeably lost ground, then in figure skating the Russians are still

in the first roles. True, every year it becomes more and more difficult to restrain the pressure of competitors.

Competitions between sports pairs were considered the “most ours” of all types of figure skating. Three-time Olympic champion in pair skating Irina Rodnina became a standard for subsequent generations of athletes to look up to and follow as an example.

Rodnina won her third Olympic gold and completed sports career in 1980. Tatyana Totmyanina was born in 1981. It is unlikely that the girl’s parents thought that their daughter would become a successor to the work of the great champion.

As often happens, it all started with improving health. Doctors advised Tanya's mother to send the child to sports section, in order to save her from frequent illnesses.

Natalya Totmyanina at one time was engaged in figure skating, dreamed of big victories, but failed to reach the very heights. Mom decided that if her daughter needed sports, then why not try herself on ice. This is how four-year-old Tanya Totmyanina became a figure skater.

Invitation to a duet

The girl grew, and so did her sports skills. However, experts did not predict a great future for the Perm figure skater, who performed in single skating.

At the 1995 Russian Championships, fourteen-year-old Tanya met eighteen-year-old Maxim Marinin. The young man was looking for a mate: not in terms of personal, but in terms of sports relationships. So the single figure skater received an offer to try herself in pair skating.

What would come out of this venture, no one could say then. But Tanya, after consulting with her mother, decided to move to St. Petersburg, where Marinin and Totmyanina began studying with coach Natalia Pavlova.

The rented apartment in which three people lived - Maxim, Tanya and her mother - least of all resembled the home of future sports stars. Actually, no one gave generous advances to the couple, since even Pavlova’s young duet was on the sidelines.

And yet, at their first Russian championship in 1996, the new duo took sixth place: in conditions of fierce competition, this is a very good result.

Change of coach

They went up step by step, and in 1999 they won bronze for the first time at the Russian Championship. This gave him access to the national team. At their first European Championships, Totmyanina and Marinin finished fifth, and at the World Championships - seventh.

In the 1999/2000 season, the couple defended their positions, and also won their first “silver” on the international stage, becoming second at the Grand Prix series stage in France.

The higher the results and the stronger the competition, the greater the requirements for interaction not only in pairs, but also between athletes and the coach.

At some point, a “black cat” ran between Pavlova and her skaters. The misunderstanding ended in separation. The 1984 Olympic champion in pair skating became the new coach of Totmyanina and Marinin. Oleg Vasiliev.

The athletes moved to Chicago, where new coach took on a radical overhaul of the couple's style. At the 2001 European Championships, Tatyana Totmyanina and Maxim Marinin came second, losing only to the first pair of the Russian team: Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze.

Dark horses"

In 2002, at the pre-Olympic European Championship, Tatyana Totmyanina and Maxim Marinin won their first gold. However, Berezhnaya and Sikharulidze did not compete at that tournament, preparing for the Olympics in Salt Lake City.

The 2002 Games were remembered for one of the loudest scandals in the history of figure skating, which ended with the presentation of two sets of gold awards: Berezhnaya and Sikharulidze and the Canadians To Jami Sale and David Pelletier.

The fourth place of the Olympic debutants Totmyanina and Marinin remained in the shadows.

Journalists, fans and specialists were busy with something else: there was talk that with Berezhnaya and Sikharulidze leaving the sport, Russia would lose its position in pairs skating. They didn’t particularly believe in Totmyanina and Marinin, considering the Chinese couple to be the clear favorites of the four-year anniversary Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo.

It's a shame when they don't believe in you. But there is only one way to change this: by going out on the ice, proving over and over again that you are stronger.

In the 2002/2003 season, the Russians won all the tournaments in which they participated, except for the World Championship: there they lost to the Chinese.

American Horror Story

Another season of hard labor, and in 2004 in Dortmund at the world championship, Tatyana Totmyanina and her partner received their first “gold” of the world championship: an award gained through sweat and blood.

In the pre-Olympic season, Tatyana and Maxim had to prove that they were truly the best in the world. Figure skating is a subjective sport to a certain extent, and the one who is the favorite in the eyes of the referees has, albeit a purely virtual, but still an advantage.

But the fall of 2004 could have been the last not only in the history of the duo, but also in Tatiana’s life. Video footage of what happened at the Skate America Grand Prix stage makes you shudder many years later, even when you know for sure that everything turned out okay. While performing a lift—an element that had become automatic—Maxim Marinin made an awkward movement, lost his balance and dropped his partner from a two-meter height. Tatyana hit her head on the ice.

The shocked stands gasped. The figure skater lay motionless and it seemed that something irreparable had happened. Tatyana was sent to the hospital, and many predicted a long recovery for her. But just a few weeks later, Totmyanina was back on the ice.

Suddenly it turned out that the partner had much bigger problems. Maxim simply could not bring himself to decide to perform the lift. The persuasion of the coach, Tatiana, did not help. As a result, a psychologist was invited to help Marinin break the barrier that had arisen. In the same season, the couple won the Russian Championship, European Championship and World Championship. Doubts that they are the main ones Olympic favorites, there was no more left.

"Romeo and Juliet" at the top

In the Olympic season, injuries beset the competitors: Zhao Hongbo was out for a long time due to damage to the Achilles tendon. The Chinese recovered with incredible difficulty for the 2006 Olympics, but already short program it became clear that they were not competitors to the Russians.

The free program “Romeo and Juliet” brought Tatyana Totmyanina and Maxim Marinin victory in the Olympic Turin. A gap of almost 15 points sealed their unconditional triumph.

The Olympic gold medal marked the end of a sports career for the Totmyanina/Marinin couple. The athletes won everything that can be won in figure skating, but remained, probably, one of the most underrated Russian duets.

“Having won the World Championship, we came out to the audience happy. After all, we won this medal for the country! And then our journalists asked: “Guys, don’t you think they gave you too many points?” I wanted to throw at them everything that came to hand at that moment. We have been working towards this medal for many years, and yet they say this to your face,” Totmyanina recalled in an interview with Arguments and Facts.

For some reason, Tatyana, as a figure skater, did not receive the kind of popular love and popularity that Irina Rodnina had, Ekaterina Gordeeva, Elena Berezhnaya. But her career, watered with sweat and tears, was no easier.

Winners you don't need

Surprisingly, sports officials were unable to save the couple. Totmyanina and Marinin were ready to go to another Olympic cycle and perform in Vancouver, but it turned out that they were not needed. “This idea for Maxim and I “died” last year, after we talked with the President of the Figure Skating Federation Valentin Piseev,” the figure skater said in an interview in 2008, “We offered him our terms, on which we are happy to would support the country in Vancouver. But our conditions were not accepted. Unfortunately for the country: we could have won medals. But fortunately for young athletes who will be able to prove themselves.”

The young ones didn’t show themselves very well: in Vancouver, Russia not only lost olympic gold in pair skating, but didn’t even get on the podium at all.

After finishing her sports career, Tatyana felt some confusion: where to move after the end of what seemed to be the most important thing in life? As a result, Totmyanina did not go far from her “main profession”, becoming, together with Maxim Marinin, a permanent participant in ice shows.


Which Tatyana Totmyanina gave in 2008, she said: “When I come home, I don’t always understand that I can relax, that I don’t need to compete with anyone, I don’t need to be the first in everything. And in some cases, when I want to cry, I restrain myself: “Don’t cry!” You’re strong!” And then I’ll think: “How strong am I? I’m still a woman, and I need to cry!’ But still, after 20 years in figure skating, the sport killed the woman in me.”

Tatyana is a fairly open person, and she has often spoken quite frankly about her personal life in interviews. Like to sporting achievements, to personal happiness, she walked long and hard.

Things were also not easy for Tatyana with the man who became her husband and the father of her children. WITH figure skater Alexei Yagudin Totmyanina converged and diverged several times. Two Olympic champion, two people who know how to overcome difficulties, two “iron” characters - it is quite difficult for such people to “get used to” each other, to become one.

But in January 2009, Alexey proposed marriage to Tatyana. We went to tell the mothers the good news. They looked at Alexey and advised him to wait until the end of the January holidays and then declare his intention again. But Yagudin, who loves jokes and practical jokes, was very serious this time.

Joy in life very often coexists with grief. January 22, 2009 Natalya Totmyanina, Tatyana's mother, was in a car accident. Eight days later she was gone.

Tatyana was grieving the loss of her closest person. At this time, Alexei’s feelings were undergoing such a test that you would not wish on your enemy. Yagudin helped Tatiana endure the pain of loss.

And on November 20 of the same 2009, Tatyana Totmyanina and Alexei Yagudin had a daughter, who was named Elizabeth.

Sudden wedding in Krasnoyarsk

In 2013, Alexey Yagudin: “Nothing in Tanya irritated me and does not irritate me. Because I know for sure: as soon as something starts to irritate me, even some word, condition or action, it inevitably leads to the death of the relationship... Yes, we are different: I, like most men, do everything at the last moment , she is the opposite. There are a lot of things in life that are opposite for us. But life is what it is, and there is nothing ideal in it.”

In 2015, Alexey and Tatyana had a second daughter, who was named Michelle.

And in February 2016, Yagudin and Totmyanina shocked the public by... getting married. The fact is that during all the years of their life together, Alexey and Tatyana did not formalize their relationship, believing that this formality was useless. But after the birth of their second daughter, they decided: it’s time! As a result, the marriage was registered in one of the registry offices of Krasnoyarsk, where Totmyanina and Yagudin ended up during a tour. Became a witness at the wedding figure skater Ilya Averbukh.

Today the “newlyweds” live in two countries: in Russia and in France, where Totmyanina and Yagudin have their own home. “I don’t know what will happen next in life, but now we have the opportunity to expand our horizons, show children the world, and Tanya and I are doing this. It is important for us that, regardless of the country where we live, children remain Russian at heart and know their native language well. Fortunately, the whole world relies on Russian ballet, literature, classical music,” Yagudin said in an interview with TV program magazine.

We can only wish that the joy and happiness that Alexey and Tatyana gave to the big country with their victories would return to them a hundredfold and never leave their home.

The talented figure skater Alexei Yagudin blew up show business and the world of figure skating with his performances. But he is not only a figure skater, but also a loving father and caring husband. A true role model. But as often happens, the talented guy did not stop at one achievement, adding a couple more interesting activities to his artillery. After finishing his sports career, Alexey began to study music and even tries himself in the theater. While playing sports, Alexey received many injuries, which later greatly affected the man’s health and now, despite successful operations, Yagudin is not going to return to big-time sports.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexey Yagudin

Of course, the handsome athlete always keeps himself in shape. It is simply impossible for figure skaters to gain weight; constant training and emotional stress take their toll. Yagudin’s fans are very interested in details from Alexey’s life about his height, weight, age. How old is Alexey Yagudin also remains a frequently asked question. The skater was born on March 18, 1980, on this moment he's 37 years old. Alexey’s parameters are ideal, namely height 180 and weight 70 kilograms. And despite the fact that the man left big sport, his appearance continues to be at its best.

Biography and personal life of Alexey Yagudin

Alexey was born in St. Petersburg. He lost his father quite early, so he was completely entrusted with raising his mother. It was his mother who became the person who opened his window into the future of the great skater. She sent the boy to figure skating because of his poor health. Initially, the guy was very skeptical about this activity and practically did not try.

For a long time he did not even think about such a career and even wanted to become an ordinary driver. But everything changed when the guy got to a new coach, who was able to take him to a new level and make Yagudin a real champion. His leap began at age 12. And in just a few years of intensive training, the guy was able to reach a leading position in the field of figure skating.

His expressive and bright performances were very much loved by the public, which is why when Yagudin decided to leave big sport, all the fans and sports lovers in general took this very painfully and still dream of Alexey returning to the ice.

He is very much loved by his fans and not only; there was a story in his biography when, before a performance, a portrait of Russell Crowe with his autograph was brought to his dressing room, which meant that Crowe himself was a fan of Yagudin, and he expressed his approval and gratitude to him.

When Yagudin left the sport, he still did not end his career, did not become a homebody, now he periodically takes part in various shows on ice, such as “Ice Age”, “Ice and Fire”.

Also, not so long ago, a man discovered his musical talent and recorded a couple of musical compositions with Victoria Daineko. Now Yagudin is trying himself in new roles and trying to find his place in the sun.

The biography and personal life of Alexei Yagudin is filled with both ups and downs, which is why it is so interesting to the public. In Alexey’s personal life, everything is no less successful; he has had a beloved woman for many years. Although, annoying journalists are trying to spread information to the world that “Alexey Yagudin and Tatyana Totmyanina have broken up,” but in fact, in 2016 they finally legalized their relationship.

Family and children of Alexei Yagudin

As already mentioned, Yagudin grew up with his mother, because his father died when Alexey was just a boy. But this did not stop him from growing up courageous and strong-willed. The family and children of Alexei Yagudin are one of the most discussed topics in the skater’s life today. Not long ago, he finally legalized his relationship with his beloved, and this information made fans very happy. After all, for many years, even having children together, the couple lived in a civil marriage. Alexey had many affairs, and many of them were just rumors, but still he found real happiness only when he was with Tatyana. Now the man enjoys his family and is very glad that he has such support.

Daughter of Alexei Yagudin - Elizaveta Yagudina

The couple's first daughter was born in November 2009. The girl is very smart and has been accustomed to independence since childhood. Due to the fact that both parents are engaged in their careers, she constantly had to be with nannies, although, of course, loving parents tried, maximum amount devote time to the baby. When the couple begins touring, Lisa lives in France with her grandmother, where she went to kindergarten and went to first grade. The daughter of Alexei Yagudin, Elizaveta Yagudina, already knows French well, can easily communicate with peers and convey her thoughts. She lives in the suburbs of Paris, where her parents bought a small house.

Daughter of Alexei Yagudin - Michelle Yagudina

In 2015, it became known from the couple’s friends that they were preparing to become parents. Parents say that Lisa was jealous of her sister for a very long time. And although the Yagudins told their daughter in advance that she would have a little sister, having arrived with Michelle in France to visit Lisa, they saw that for a month Lisa behaved very capriciously, jealously, trying to shift all the attention of her parents to herself. But now everything is fine, the kids are friends and love each other very much. The girls differ in character: if the Daughter of Alexei Yagudin, Michelle Yagudina, is very calm, affectionate and cheerful, then Lisa is quick-tempered and fidgety.

Alexei Yagudin's wife - Tatyana Totmyanina

Alexei Yagudin’s wife, Tatyana Totmyanina, also built a sports career as a figure skater and became Olympic champion, like her husband. Their fates are similar to Alexey’s. Tatyana also did not intend to get on the ice, everything was decided by the girl’s poor health and the doctors’ advice to give Totmyanin to sports. So the future star began to engage in figure skating. Her partner on the ice for a long time was the famous figure skater Maxim Marinin, it was with him that she achieved heights and already occupied a leading position in 1999. And having conquered all the peaks, Tatyana decided to leave the big sport, although she also took part in various shows related to ice skating.

Tatyana and Alexey knew each other from a young age, but began dating in adulthood. And as Tatyana comments, throughout all the years of their marriage, Yagudin invited her to become his wife, and only after 9 years she answered the cherished “yes.”

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexey Yagudin

Alexey Yagudin’s Instagram and Wikipedia, as well as his personal website, will tell you a lot of interesting things about the life of a figure skater. You will learn about in which competitions he achieved real success, what turning points were, and most importantly, what he is doing at the moment. Yagudin also has an Instagram and even has many subscribers. On his profile, he posts photographs both from events and from regular walks with his wife and children, and just everyday routine. Alexey Yagudin is a very kind and cheerful person, which is why his social networks are filled with exactly this style. All fans of the skater will be interested in reading his news social networks. Now we can only wait to see what new creative Alexey will present us with in the near future.

Figure skating star Alexey Yagudin was born on March 18, 1980 in St. Petersburg. The multiple world and European champion has never achieved victory at the Championship in his home country. Currently, the guy has completed his sports career and decided to try himself as a TV presenter and actor.

Alexey Yagudin: short biography

Alexei’s mother raised and raised her son on her own. The father left them and moved to live in Germany at the moment when the boy had just turned 4 years old. Mother was an employee of the Institute of Informatics. Alexey grew up as a sickly child and often caught colds. In order to somehow fix this, Zoya Alekseevna sends her son to the sports section for figure skating. Alexey’s mother personally trained him, forcing him to perfect every jump and movement.

In the photo: Alexey Yagudin on the ice

At the age of ten, Alexey wanted to quit figure skating, but fortunately he changed his mind. His first coach was Alexander Mayorov, a well-known master of sports in the USSR, but after his departure to Sweden, no less highly qualified professional Alexey Mishin began training the guy. It was under his strict leadership that Yagudin began to achieve his first victories. However, the athlete showed the best results with coach Tatyana Tarasova.

Many years of training and huge physical exercise Over time, they affected Alexei’s health. After the next competition, the guy began to complain of severe pain in his hip. Medical examinations showed that he had a congenital defect in the structure of his hips, and constant training led to deformation of the joints. In 2003, he had to end his sports career.

Yagudin's wife is figure skater Tatyana Totmyanina

The personal life of Alexei Yagudin has long attracted the attention of the public. The talented guy won the fame of a real ladies' man. He was credited with having affairs with many famous athletes, some of which he confirmed in his published biography. In 2007, the skater began an affair with a member of the popular musical group “Factory” Sasha Savelyeva. However, their relationship lasted exactly a year, after which a new love relationship began in the athlete’s life.

In the photo: Alexey Yagudin and Tatyana Totmyanina

Alexei Yagudin's common-law wife, figure skater Tatyana Totmyanina, met him in her youth. However, then there was no talk of any romance. The girl is only a year younger than her chosen one. She was born in Perm and, like Alexey, grew up as a sickly child. For this reason, her parents decided to send her to figure skating. Her career was no less successful than Yagudin’s.

Alexey Yagudin: children, family, photo

The relationship between the skaters was not easy from the start. The couple spent a long time getting used to each other. Played a decisive role terrible tragedy, which occurred in Tanya’s family. Her mother died in a car accident, and the girl no longer had a reliable and strong support in life, except for Alexei.

In the photo: Alexey Yagudin with his wife and daughters

Since 2008, Yagudin and Totmyanina began to live together. In 2009, they gave birth to a girl, whom they decided to name Elizaveta. The parents were very happy about the new addition and that’s it free time dedicated to the baby. 6 years later, another happiness happened in the young family - a second daughter was born, who was given the unusual name Michelle. This event pushed Tanya and Alexey to take a very decisive step.

Six months after the birth of their second child, they decided to legitimize their relationship and officially got married. They made this decision spontaneously, and the couple was pushed to it by numerous questions from journalists. But, according to the skaters, even more of them accumulated after the wedding. The wedding celebration took place in Krasnoyarsk very modestly, in a narrow circle. Now they are a real happy family.

In the photo: Alexey Yagudin with his wife and eldest daughter

Athletes devote their entire leisure time to their children and educate them. At the same time, they continue to actively work on television and make sure that the little ones do not need anything. While the parents work and are on tour, the daughters live with their grandmother in France. Alexey loves his girls very much, as evidenced by numerous photographs on his Instagram page.

Fans are often interested in the question of how old Yagudin and his wife are. It is not difficult to calculate that Tanya will turn 37 years old in the fall of 2018, and Alexey will be 38 years old in the spring of the same year.

One of the brightest and strongest couples in the world of sports - Alexey Yagudin and Tatyana Totmyanina - were legally married in Krasnoyarsk. The newlyweds noted that they never wanted a lavish wedding. They have been together for many years, raising two daughters Elizaveta and Michelle, and they chose Krasnoyarsk because this city has long become home to Yagudin.

Skaters signed their signatures at the House of Family Celebrations

Olympic champions, figure skaters Alexey Yagudin and Tatyana Totmyanina came to Krasnoyarsk for a few days on tour. In our city on the evening of February 22, they took part in the ice show “Favorite films about the main thing.”

And in the afternoon the couple came to the Family Celebration House, which is located in the very center of Krasnoyarsk, to... get married! They have been asking questions about the wedding for several years now. After all, Alexey and Tatyana have been together for more than 10 years and are raising two daughters, Elizaveta and Michelle. By the way, the girls are now vacationing in France with their grandmother.

For such a special event, Tanya chose a modest, stylish blue dress. She also didn’t bother too much with her hair: she looked great even with her blonde curls.

The couple invited their colleagues to the ceremony. ice show, including, of course, Ilya Averbukh and his Krasnoyarsk friends. The governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Viktor Tolokonsky, the regional Minister of Sports Sergei Alekseev, the General Director of the Executive Directorate of the Winter Universiade 2019 Maxim Urazov, etc. also congratulated the bride and groom.


Photo: Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The fact is that Alexey Yagudin has been an ambassador for several years student games and during the preparation for the Winter Universiade 2019, the figure skater came to Krasnoyarsk very often and managed to fall in love with the city on the Yenisei.

“It is symbolic that your wedding took place here,” Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Viktor Tolokonsky congratulated the star couple. - I wish you inexhaustible love and a feeling of joy. Be happy!"

“We pronounce you husband and wife!”

Photo: Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Why did the skaters choose Krasnoyarsk for their wedding? Yagudin answered this question:

“It was a common decision. Tanya knows how often I visit Krasnoyarsk. Despite the fact that I adore Moscow and cannot imagine my life without it, I also adore Krasnoyarsk. This city has become much closer to me than my native St. Petersburg. And we decided that Krasnoyarsk is the city where we would like to register our relationship. The fact that we are here today is the merit of the Universiade, which will take place in 2019, and that evening when I was offered to take part in this campaign and help Krasnoyarsk become the capital. All this became one of the links in the chain that led us today to the decision to become husband and wife.”

Alexey Yagudin and Tatyana Totmyanina at the wedding

Alexey Yagudin and Tatyana Totmyanina with guests

Photo: Directorate of the Winter Universiade 2019

By the way, Tanya, even after the stamp in her passport, decided not to take her husband’s last name. The figure skater once again emphasized that a marriage certificate is not that important.