Exercise for yogis. How to start doing yoga at home from scratch

Hello, dear friends! We met again on the virtual space of the blog Start-health, a reliable “assistant” on the way to healthy image life. ?

Our subscribers have already noticed that in the “Self-Development” section we are gradually getting acquainted with various yoga practices. It is not surprising that on the web pages of a “healthy” blog you can find information about meditation, because this is one of the most effective ways to achieve harmony between soul and body.

Some visitors to our blog have already begun to gradually study the Pranayama breathing technique, applying the knowledge gained in this article in practice.

However, we mainly published theoretical material, so today I decided to correct the situation and present to your attention yoga exercises for beginners at home. Plus a photo for clarity?

I am sure that among our like-minded people there are quite a few who want to continue the study of ancient Indian philosophy. “Fasten your seat belts,” dear friends, we are heading to the East!

What to consider before starting practice: basic rules for practicing yoga at home

Initially, I propose to decide on the basic rules of yoga that a beginner must take into account. It should be noted that only comprehensive implementation of all recommendations will help achieve the desired result quickly and without harm to health. The founders of various yoga practices agree:

  • You should not start the lesson after or before bedtime.
  • Ventilate your rooms well; fresh air helps get rid of unnecessary thoughts and relaxes your muscles.
  • Choose loose yoga clothes made from natural materials (fabrics).
  • Focus on the sensations, take your time and try to distance yourself from everything material.
  • Eat 1.5–2 hours before the start of class - yoga “requires” performing exercises on an empty stomach.
  • Use melodic music - it will help you relax and calm down.
  • To perform the exercises, it is recommended to purchase a special mat so that the exercises take place in a comfortable position.

Let me remind you that we are considering yoga classes at home. In fitness centers, as a rule, they specially equip a place for meditation, ventilate the room, creating an optimal atmosphere for immersion in one’s own consciousness.

Let's get acquainted with the terminology: “Asanas are a stable body position that is achieved in yoga by relieving tension and focusing on the infinite, spatial.”

Contraindications to yoga

Unfortunately, I have to upset some guys, because even ancient Indian philosophy has contraindications to which it is impossible to “close” our eyes.

Don't neglect this information, friends. Such training can only harm your body, negatively affecting your health. Yoga should not be practiced if:

  1. body temperature above 37 o C;
  2. chronic diseases worsen;
  3. Have you recently played sports?
  4. 3 to 5 hours have not passed since visiting the bathhouse or sauna;
  5. the person took alcohol or drugs less than 24 hours ago;
  6. the body is exhausted and its owner is tired;
  7. the girl has reached her period of menstruation;
  8. you ate not long ago;
  9. the person is in a state of depression.

The list is quite loyal, so just coordinate your time rationally, friends. The right approach to yoga classes will provide not only therapeutic effect throughout the body, but will also cause weight loss.

Features of yoga: “Ancient Indian philosophy is not aimed at improving the body, but becomes the reason for the appearance of a toned figure in a person who practices various techniques.”

Top 10 simple exercises: the first step towards harmony of soul and body

As promised, I have prepared the safest list of top 10 exercises suitable for practicing yoga at home. Such asanas do not involve complex twisting, so even beginners can perform them without harm to their health.

Effective yoga exercises for beginners:

  • Uttanasana (intense stretching).

Guys, stand straight, take a breath, raise your arms, without bending them at the elbows, above your head. We stretch the spine as much as possible. As we exhale, we lower ourselves down, “folding” in the area hip joints and trying to position the palms of the hands parallel to the feet.

If you can’t reach the floor, then grab your shins and fix the position. We come out of the pose while inhaling, straightening the body.

Benefits: eliminating fat deposits in the waist area, strengthening the hips and legs, warming up the spinal column and the entire skeletal system.

  • Virabhadrasana II (alternative to warrior pose).

Straighten your posture, standing steadily on your feet. When jumping, we place our feet at a distance wider than our shoulders (about 140 cm), extending our arms straight, forming an even line with the shoulder region. We turn the right foot 90 degrees, and leave the left foot in its original position.

Friends, make sure that your legs are on the same line. As you exhale, bend your right leg at the knee to a right angle, tilting your body forward slightly, but making sure that your shoulders are above your pelvis. Turn your head to the right side, looking at your palm. After a minute, we change position, performing similar manipulations with the left limbs.

Benefit: the exercise gives relief to the muscles of the legs and arms, tones the back and abdominal areas.

  • Vasishthasana (pose of the Indian sage Vasishtha).

The asana is performed in the starting position lying on the right side. Left leg We place it on our right hand, bend our supporting arm at the elbow and lean on it. In this position, slowly raise the body, fixing the stance.

Thus, the body is supported only by right hand and foot, while stretching the left hand upward, trying to reach the ceiling. Change sides and do the same manipulations on the left side.

Benefits: training oblique abdominal muscles, strengthening arms and legs, slow weight loss.

  • Utkatasana (take the geometric shape of a chair).

Standing straight, place your feet hip-width apart, raising your arms without bending at the elbows, bringing your palms together. As you exhale, slowly begin to bend your knees until they are parallel to the floor. Bend in thoracic region the spinal column, turning your gaze to the ceiling - fix the position.

It’s a difficult exercise that I’m not quite good at, but I’ll post a photo. ?

Benefit: Strengthens the thighs, abs and calf muscles.

  • Shalabhasana (locust pose).

Lie on your stomach with your arms extended along your torso, palms facing your body. Taking a deep breath, bend over, raising your legs at the same time. chest at the maximum possible distance from the floor. At the time of performing the asana, only the abdominal area is in contact with the floor.

Benefit: improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and strengthening the back.

  • Shavasana (peace).

Lie on your back, place your legs and arms at a comfortable distance - the main thing is that they do not touch each other. The palms “look” at the ceiling, and the eyes are closed. Try to completely relax your whole body and lie in a peaceful state, without moving, for 15–25 minutes. This asana is recommended to end every yoga session.

For obvious reasons, I did not post the photo. ?

Benefits: relaxation of the whole body, relieving tension.

  • Adho Mukha Svanasana (dog pose).

Standing on all fours, lower your buttocks onto your heels, and place your arms extended forward, wider than your shoulders. As you exhale, press your heels and palms into the floor, slowly straightening your legs and elongating your back - your tailbone points towards the ceiling and your buttocks are pulled back and up at the same time.

Benefit: strengthening abdominals and legs, improving blood circulation processes.

  • Bhujangasana (depicting a cobra).

Lie on your stomach with your feet together and your arms at shoulder level. After inhaling, place your palms on the floor and slowly lift your body up, arching your chest and turning your gaze to the ceiling. Shoulders are pulled back and arms are fully straightened - fix the position.

Benefits: strengthening the abs and back muscles, improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Chaturanga Dandasana (Staff Pose).

The starting position is similar to the position of the body during push-ups - lie on your stomach, straighten your legs and place your arms in line with your chest. Spread your feet slightly to ensure your body is stable.

As you exhale, lift your body off the floor, supporting yourself exclusively on your toes and hands. The torso should be parallel to the ground, all muscles tense, and knees not bent.

Benefit: shaping correct posture, strengthening the arms, legs, back and abs.

  • Paripurna Navasana (boat pose).

The exercise is performed in a sitting position, where the feet are pressed to the floor and the legs are bent at the knees. Tilt your back about 60 degrees back, just do it slowly and evenly - don't fall. Start straightening your legs until your heels are in line with your head, while your posture should remain consistently straight. We extend our arms parallel to the floor at the level of our feet - fix the position.

Benefits: tones the whole body, strengthens the abdominal and back muscles, normalizes the activity of the digestive tract.

Friends, keep in mind that each pose must be fixed for exactly eight cycles - hold in this position for at least a minute. The exercises presented above are optimal for beginners doing yoga at home. The main thing is to start asanas after thoroughly stretching your entire body.

Alternative options: “In order to visualize the information I presented, I also suggest that you familiarize yourself with photo and video material in which yoga masters demonstrate correct execution simple exercises».

Guys, it is not recommended to force things - if you try to stand while performing a complex asana, you may fall and get an unpleasant bump. Also, in exercises designed for yoga masters, it is easy for a beginner to pull a muscle or damage a joint. All in due time, friends.

If you still have questions about the material provided, we are always ready to answer them comprehensively in the comments to the article. Communication allows you not only to familiarize yourself with the material, but also to identify options that are suitable for you.

I wish you to find harmony of soul and body!! ?

Yoga is an ancient system of self-improvement of the spirit, emotions and body. Its main goal is to achieve harmony between the physical and spiritual components. Yoga practice simultaneously works on all aspects of life, from muscle condition to subconscious desires. Yoga for beginners at home will allow you to master the basics of this system and help you take a fresh look at your body.

Yoga for beginners at home is a simplified program that will help you get into the practice.

Features of yoga classes at home

For yoga at home, you do not need special equipment. You can get by with a gymnastics mat or a long terry towel. You should exercise in comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement. You can turn on soft music or practice in silence, concentrating as much as possible on your own breathing.

When practicing yoga, the inner attitude is very important: all worries should be put aside for later and devote this time to the unity of your spiritual and physical entities. You should feel warm and calm, and energy should flow freely through your body.

Basic rules for practicing yoga at home

  1. Always work at your own pace. Each person is individual; as a rule, people who have been practicing yoga for many years prefer to practice alone at a pace that is convenient for them. Yoga (unlike sports disciplines) is not aimed at achieving results. What is important here is the process of continuous movement towards perfection.
  2. Do not make jerks, move on to a new movement smoothly and gradually.
  3. Don't hold your breath while making an effort - this will knock you out of rhythm. You should breathe through your nose calmly and evenly.
  4. Stretch your spine as you perform any pose. Stretch your head and arms all the time in the direction suggested by the pose.
  5. Avoid “mechanics”. Be present in your every move.
  6. Try to study thoughtfully and not get distracted. It won't go under TV.
  7. It is advisable to practice daily. If you are short on time, do at least a few asanas.

Yoga at home has a huge advantage over traditional physical education - it brings pleasure and spiritual relief. Her results are so amazing that you won't want to quit.

Yoga at home has no limitations compared to yoga in the gym. Many practitioners prefer to practice on their own in solitude.

Components of yoga practice

Any yoga class includes a complex of breathing and physical exercise, as well as relaxation. These three stages should also be present in yours. Together, these components can improve physical and psychological well-being.

Breathing exercises (pranayama)

Breathing exercises or “pranayama” form the basis of yoga. Performing pranayama normalizes breathing, expands the lungs and promotes energy accumulation. Its main goal is to teach you to inhale more oxygen. Having mastered the simplest breathing techniques, you can use them in Everyday life for relaxation and control over emotions. Later in the article I will give several examples of breathing exercises.

To understand how to do yoga at home, you should understand three components of the lesson.

Physical exercises (asanas)

Physical exercises or “asanas” are a sequence of movements. They are called by the names of animals and objects they resemble (tree, dog, table, fish, etc.). It is customary to perform asanas slowly and thoughtfully, combining each action with correct breathing.

Asanas are also divided into dynamic and static.

Dynamic asanas are aimed at warming up muscles and joints, as well as improving blood circulation. Such asanas imply a sequential dynamic change of several body positions. An example of this type of asana is the so-called “sun salutation” (Surya Namaskar). Its implementation is also discussed below.

Static asanas involve staying in one position for a long time. Their essence is to achieve concentration, concentration and preparation for meditation.

Asanas, or poses, are the positions that your body takes during lessons.

The correct sequence of exercises is of great importance in yoga practice. They must be balanced. Thus, a stretching pose is always followed by muscular effort. If you perform an asana in which your spine is bent forward, be sure to perform a compensating pose with a backward bend afterwards.

Yoga for beginners at home helps:

  • relieve tension from tired muscles;
  • massage internal organs;
  • eliminate joint tension, back and neck pain caused by muscle spasms;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • reduce weight.

Don't be tempted to skip the relaxation exercises, as many people do when they start learning yoga for beginners at home. They are aimed at relaxing joints, ligaments, muscles and internal organs.

An example of self-practice yoga

So, how to do yoga at home? Start with Ujjayi Pranayama. This exercise is aimed at expanding the lungs.

  • Lie on your back and take the most comfortable position. Spread your arms and legs slightly, close your eyes.
  • Take a deep breath.
  • Inhale slowly, calmly and deeply. Fill your lungs completely with air.
  • Make sure your entire body is relaxed.
  • Also exhale slowly. If you exhale too quickly, a shiver will go through your body. Exhale calmly but completely until your lungs are empty. 1 cycle completed.
  • Perform 8-10 cycles. After completing the last cycle, breathe normally for 2-3 minutes.

Next, stand up straight, reach towards the ceiling, and perform several bends forward and to the sides. Also make some circular movements head, shoulders and body. Now proceed to perform “Surya Namaskar” (“sun salutation”). The greeting consists of 12 consecutive movements. The movements are performed in forward and then in reverse order.

After breathing practice, do a short warm-up and proceed to perform “Surya Namaskar”.

"Surya Namaskar" ("sun salutation"):

  1. Praying pose. Stand straight, close your legs together and fold your palms in front of your chest, as if you are about to say a prayer. Exhale.
  2. Pose with raised arms. As you inhale, extend your arms with clasped palms up and reach them towards the ceiling.
  3. Pose: hands near feet. Exhaling, bend forward with a straight back and try to place your palms on the floor. If you can’t reach the floor, bend your legs a little. Your palms should be on either side of your feet.
  4. Rider pose. While inhaling, without leaving the previous position, take a wide step back with your left leg and bend your right leg at the knee. It's like you're doing a deep lunge. Reach the top of your head towards the ceiling.
  5. Mountain pose. Exhale. Transferring your weight to your hands, step your right foot back, straighten your arms and legs, trying to reach your pelvis towards the ceiling. The back is straight, the head is lowered down.
  6. Eight Point Pose. Inhale again. Get down on your knees and bend your elbows, touching your chest to the floor. You should lean on eight points: toes, knees, hands, chest, chin. After taking the pose, exhale.
  7. Cobra pose. Inhale. Straighten your arms and legs, leaning forward and arching your back. The top of the head reaches towards the ceiling, the gaze is directed forward. This pose is a kind of middle greeting. Next, we do everything that we have already done in reverse order, starting with the dog pose.
  8. Mountain pose. Exhale and return to mountain pose.
  9. Rider pose. As you inhale, step forward with your left foot. So you will again find yourself in the horseman's position, only there will be another leg behind you - not the left, as in the beginning, but the right.
  10. Pose: hands near feet. Exhale, bring your right leg to your left and bend forward.
  11. Pose with raised arms. Inhale, straighten up and stretch up, placing your palms together.
  12. Praying pose. Lower your folded arms in front of your chest, relax, exhale.

Here's an example of a great video tutorial on how to do a sun salutation:

After you have done the greeting several times, you can move on to other asanas. Yoga for beginners at home often includes combinations of several classic poses. Next exercise is a combination of “Table Pose” and “Cat”:

  • Get on all fours with your hands and feet shoulder-width apart. Your knees should be strictly under your pelvis, straighten your back and lower back.
  • As you exhale, press abdominal muscles towards your spine, tighten your buttocks and round your back. Lower your head down.
  • As you inhale, relax your stomach, lift your head and buttocks up, arching your back downward. Repeat 5 times.

This exercise is a combination of two poses.

Move to Fetal Pose:

  • Lying on your back, press both knees to your stomach with your hands. Try not to lift your shoulders off the floor. Hold for several breathing cycles. Relax your muscles and press your knees even closer to your stomach. Lower your feet to the floor.
  • Slowly lower your knees to the right side and turn your head to the left. Repeat on the other side. Do 3-5 times in each direction and relax.
  • Try touching your knees with your forehead. Hold for 5-6 seconds, then rest and repeat 2-3 more times.

When performing this exercise, try not to lift your hands from the floor.

Yoga at home ends with relaxation. You need to relax as much as possible and calm your body and mind after class.

The most popular pose for relaxation is “Shavasana”:

  • Lie on your back. To make yourself more comfortable, place a small pillow under your head.
  • Stretch your arms along your body, palms up.
  • Consistently, starting from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, relax all your muscles. Let go of unnecessary thoughts and rest in this position for 5-10 minutes.

Savasana is a pose for complete relaxation.

Now you know how to do yoga at home. If you are one of those people who want to comprehensively monitor their health and simultaneously train all muscle groups, feel free to choose yoga for beginners at home. She copes with this task perfectly, as she not only trains muscles, but also helps relieve emotional stress.

A clear answer to the question: “ Where to start doing yoga?“This is not an easy task. Here, as in many things, you need to take into account that all people are different. Some people start practicing yoga with asanas, others by studying texts, others by changing their diet, and so on. In a word, there are many paths, and they often intersect. What can be said for sure: if you are trying to understand what is happening in general, asking questions about the meaning, then you have already started practicing yoga. Yes, perhaps, any activity takes on the shape of yoga as soon as it begins to be conscious and meaningful. But still, let’s try to answer the question: “ Yoga: where to start?" Maybe there is a “classical” way after all...

First, let’s define how yoga comes into life in general, because in order to ask the above question, we must already want to do it. If we conduct a survey among practitioners on the topic: “How did yoga come into your life?”, we will hear many stories, which, like one, will begin with a story about a rather problematic life before its arrival. And that at some point a very strong shock occurred, as a rule, this is a critical point to which the person himself brought himself with his way of life and, most importantly, his way of thinking. This is a kind of borderline state, the way out of which is a clear understanding that we need to continue living differently. Not to change or adjust something, but to become completely different, to start a different life. This is how the second birth occurs. This suggests that the person was paying off debts, clearing the way in order to return to what he started in past lives.

It is not for nothing that we mentioned past lives, since in many ways the beginning of the path depends on what experience was accumulated in the past, what practice was paid more attention to, how many debts and gratitudes have accumulated. We can talk about this for a long time and interestingly, but now we’ll just take into account this moment and we will keep it in mind. As practice shows, the “TOP 5”, where people usually start their journey in yoga, looks like this:

  1. . Many people start their journey with a change in diet. Namely, they switch to vegetarianism and then think about the meaning, which leads to a deeper study of yoga.
  2. Educational video. Quite a lot of people think about yoga after watching lectures or satsangs on common-sense topics on the Internet (less often, by attending in person).
  3. Fitness. Of course, there are those who begin their journey by practicing yoga (asanas) in the gym.
  4. . This generally includes information from books and the Internet.
  5. Friends and authorities. It is no exception to follow friends and acquaintances who have changed their lifestyle to a healthier one, or to imitate healthier stars of cinema, music, and television.

Let's say we have already taken the first step and are thinking about a deeper immersion in yoga. Where to start? First of all, it is necessary to completely change the information space in which we find ourselves. We need to start controlling and replacing incoming information! This is extremely important! Turn off the TV; replace stupid TV series, movies, literature with reasonable ones; replace popular music with classical music, mantras, etc.; filter news feed in in social networks; change your social circle. Without changing the information environment, the chances of actually practicing yoga are extremely small; in the first stages it is almost impossible, since the main information flow is aimed at dulling and decomposing society. Despite this, now it is possible to choose what to watch, what to listen to, with whom to communicate, as they say, if you wish.

The “Flexible Body in 30 Minutes” set of exercises promotes the development of joint mobility, the spine, and also develops ease and smoothness of movements. By doing exercises every other day, you will feel an improvement in your overall well-being and will reduce severe muscle tension in your body. Experts recommend returning to classes every other day, gradually moving on to daily training, but do not forget about rest - the body needs one day a week to recover. This will only enhance the desired effect.

Yoga at Home. Sun salutation

For those just starting out with yoga, many instructors recommend the Sun Salutations set of exercises. These are 12 sequentially changing asanas, which simultaneously help to work out all areas of the body and focus on consciousness. The main thing is to do the exercises with proper breathing. “Greetings to the sun” is a fairly easy set of exercises, but also multifunctional.

Hatha Yoga for Beginners. The very first poses

Instructor Olga Bulanova shows the simplest poses in a video course. Some asanas are even performed in different variations, including the use of additional support and a belt. The film is good for beginners who want to get acquainted with yoga.

Surya Namaskar with Zap, video lesson. Sivananda yoga

The first part of the training course on Sivananda yoga from Zap will help you master the complex safely and quickly. You will independently master basic asanas and learn how to maintain breathing. Find out the name of the poses and details to pay attention to. The video will be useful and interesting for both beginners and those who have already mastered basic asanas. Ideal for daily training.

Vinyasa yoga

From Sanskrit the word “vinyasa” is translated as “eight bases” or “eight branches”. For modern man this means a set of exercises that combines meditation and dynamics. This practice involves sequential performance of asanas with proper breathing, concentration on specific points (drishti) and “energy locks” (bandhas). The video lesson offers 18-minute asanas, which are very easy to perform in the morning to wake up and have a productive day.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


Lose weight, gain flexibility, relief, build muscle mass– all this is possible with yoga. Most of us have such goals, but not everyone can go to the fitness center. Yoga at home for beginners consists of a set of exercises with which you can master this ancient system of transformation not only of the body, but also of the spirit. After studying information about this culture, you will be able to choose the right direction in yoga for yourself, and will find peace and harmony.

What are the benefits of yoga?

Some perceive yoga as oriental gymnastics, others as Indian philosophy, others as an exotic type of fitness. In the modern explanation, it is a combination of aerobic exercise and some spiritual practices. Its benefits are undeniable and proven by thousands of years of experience. Let's list positive effects from yoga classes:

  1. Thanks to intense breathing during yoga, active ventilation of the lungs and heart training occur.
  2. By focusing on body balance and performing difficult exercises, the endurance of the whole body increases.
  3. The reproductive function of the female body and potency in men are restored.
  4. Yoga, even at home for beginners, can restore the motor function of the spine and relieve osteochondrosis and salt deposits.
  5. Due to active work Abdominal muscles cleanse the intestines perfectly, which relieves yoga from constipation.

Basic rules of yoga

Many masters advise conducting the first lessons with an individual instructor in order to understand the mechanism of the exercises. If you follow the basic rules and recommendations, yoga is effective at home for beginners. How to practice on your own:

  1. Yoga for beginners does not involve much effort. You don’t need to strain too much so that your body doesn’t tremble and your breathing doesn’t get shortened.
  2. It is necessary to breathe evenly, calmly, quietly, silently. Pauses during breathing, convulsive inhalations and exhalations are prohibited.
  3. Your shoulders should be down to keep your heart and lungs relaxed. There are only a few asanas during which they are raised up.
  4. When performing a yoga exercise with elbow extension, you need to make sure that this part of the body does not tense up, and there is no feeling of tightness or discomfort.
  5. The knees should not tense, bend back, kneecaps relaxed and move freely.
  6. Stretching all muscles and tendons – required condition yoga, the key to a healthy life.
  7. Two in training are always better than one. Involve your relatives or friends in classes.

Where to start practicing at home

Home workouts require more self-discipline and motivation than gym or group classes. Before you start practicing yoga at home, it is advisable to get at least a few classes with experienced trainer, if possible. The master will help you choose the optimal training regimen, loads, and tell you how to exercise correctly. After such training, your home yoga will become a logical continuation of the path of improving body and spirit.

To prevent training from the very beginning from turning into an unbearable ordeal for you, you should follow several important principles of independent home exercises:

  1. When choosing a set of exercises on the Internet, rely on the teacher’s experience, his figure and even the quality of the video materials that he offers in the form of a training manual. If a book is chosen as a guide, then it should contain photos and pictures from detailed description execution sequences.
  2. Never do any exercise without first warming up your muscles, tendons and joints.
  3. Start with those exercises that do not cause you discomfort or discomfort. Each body has its own individual characteristics and level of stretching.
  4. Learn to listen to your body, muscles, your own pain. Direct all sensations to explore these feelings. You must learn to hear the signals coming from the body.
  5. Constantly control your breathing - this is the basis of yoga. At first it will seem impossible, but over time the skill will come. Every inhalation and exhalation should be done consciously. Breathing control is a very good distraction from the unpleasant sensations that sometimes arise during exercise.

A set of simple exercises for beginners

Beginners come to yoga with different goals, body conditions, and initial levels. sports training. With experience, you will understand how to exercise correctly to relax or recharge your batteries. At first, it is advisable to master some basic yoga poses for beginners, so that through mastering them you can learn to feel your body and move on to more difficult exercises.

  1. “Hands up” or hastasana - from the name of the asana it is clear that you need to raise your hands up while standing on the floor. After this, connect them with your palms above your head. Direct your gaze to your thumbs.
  2. “Cobra” is a mandatory pose in any set of exercises. Lying on your stomach, raise your shoulders up and look at the ceiling. Arch your back so that your navel does not touch the floor. Hold 10-12 breaths.
  3. Downward-facing dog stretches the muscles of the legs, arms and back. To perform the pose, keeping your legs wider, place your palms on the floor at such a distance that your body and the floor form a triangle. Please note that the legs should not be bent, and the arms and back should be extended in a straight line. Direct your gaze to your feet, press your chin to your chest. Hold the pose for 8-10 breaths.

Yoga video tutorials for beginners

High-quality videos from experts on where to start your classes. The video is useful for those who are at the very beginning of their journey and are looking for yoga lessons for beginners in order to do everything right and not harm their own body. From a selection of videos, you will determine the best training option for yourself, and professional trainers will tell you what mistakes adults and children should avoid at first.