Exercise for the abs and chest. A set of exercises for the buttocks, abs and chest

The ABfitness online store offers you to consider purchasing exercise equipment for free weights, because they will help create an athletic figure and tone the body. When starting classes, each person sets a plan for himself to achieve his goal, but to look beautiful, it is not enough to exercise own weight, it is better to buy yourself additional devices. We present strength training equipment on free weights, so you can pump yourself up big muscles to look inimitable by summer. Contact the managers, they will advise on the purchase, and select bench press machines with free weights to pump up those parts of the body that you want. When contacting them, tell them the smallest details so that they understand what is contraindicated and select the best, and most importantly, healthy products. In most cases, these products are a bench with a back, which can be adjusted to the angle of inclination, and a stand for a barbell, which can also be adjusted. If you plan to do complex training, consider one with features for leg pumping, flexion and extension, and biceps work. Having turned to the assortment, decide for yourself whether you need non-collapsible or collapsible models that can be hidden under a sofa, bed or closet.

For what:

    Effective in increasing strength and muscle mass:

    Strengthens joints, tendons and ligaments;

    Burn calories;

    Add beauty and relief.

Why with us?

    We regularly have promotions and discounts, for example, when purchasing online, you can purchase goods on favorable terms;

    There is a convenient online lending system;

    Wide selection - only the latest technological innovations;

    Thoughtful consultations - specialists will help;

    Favorable conditions for wholesalers.

Going to the gym is always fraught with anxiety, especially if this event is planned for the first time. Huge iron units seem so complex that studying them and starting classes is a question that is postponed until later on a subconscious level. Study the name of the simulators in gym with pictures is the first step to overcome all fears and feel prepared.

All gyms can be divided into zones corresponding to the types of load:

  1. cardio(the main goal is to lose weight and awaken the body’s endurance reserves)
  2. power(exercise machines help build muscles, create tone and gain weight).

In order for women and men who have crossed the threshold of the gym for the first time to gain self-confidence and make a minimum of mistakes, it is worth taking a mini-tour of the equipment. It is conventionally divided into several categories:

  • exercise machines - this includes all devices that purposefully affect certain muscle groups, which also includes working with weights;
  • fitness equipment - hoops, sets of dumbbells of different weights, balls, steppers and other female assistants in the pursuit of slimness;
  • power sport equipment– barbells, barbells and plates.

Main types of simulators

Each gym that is popular among visitors has several types of exercise equipment. This helps you get the most out of one exercise and not look for other options that enhance the effect.

Simulators are divided into the following types:

  • cardio equipment (orbitracks, Treadmills and other units that increase endurance);
  • lever - their design includes free weights, which can be adjusted at your own discretion (or using the advice of an experienced instructor);
  • block - the weight is built-in, there is a movable pin that helps to adjust it;
  • simulators in which the main driving force is the weight of the athlete;
  • power frames (the second name is “registered”, as a rule, they have their own name).

Exercise bike

Has a positive effect on strengthening of cardio-vascular system, indispensable for legs, forms attractive relief of calves and thighs, strengthens gluteal muscles. Modern models are equipped with a display that displays pace, speed, and various individual indicators.


An effective way to lose extra pounds and speed up your metabolism. Excess calories are burned faster, the degree of load depends on the angle of the torso. The athlete independently regulates the speed of movement. One of the simplest exercise machines, every woman intuitively understands how to use them.

Elliptical trainers

This type of equipment in the gym can be classified as universal; two types of exercises are performed on them - for a stepper and a treadmill. Strengthens ligaments and muscles. During classes, the muscle fibers of the legs and buttocks are simultaneously used. Stress on knee-joint is minimal, the presence of handles allows you to pump up your arms, form beautiful shoulders and strengthen the pectoral muscles. Can be equipped with a display.


An effective exercise machine for the buttocks and leg muscles. The athlete chooses his own pace. Depending on the model, you can adjust the load for each pedal separately; in other cases, the pedals are connected into one system. The name of the equipment in the gym, a video demonstration of which is located below, will help you decide on its type at first glance at the new unit.

Rowing machine

Allows you to quickly create a beautiful shoulder girdle and hands, regular classes have a positive impact on respiratory system. During the exercises, the legs are used, the minimal load on the ankle allows you to increase the intensity of the exercise. Good trainer for the abs and keeping in good shape pectoral muscles.


Women's exercise machine, the purpose of which is to work out the biceps. An ideal option for girls who prefer to train long and hard. The simulators belong to the category of complex ones, they are called so, reflecting the essence of the exercise. The package includes several sets of weights to adjust the load.

Extension bench

The main areas that are worked are the back and legs. The photo shows the female version of the simulator, which is not difficult to use. You can do various modifications of exercises on it, having previously agreed on the load with the trainer. A woman can start with a more gentle program, gradually increasing the load.


An interesting and new model of exercise equipment, the main goal of which is to train all muscles (abs, arms, legs). The activity resembles an imitation of rock climbing and is not suitable for beginners. Beginning climber training (in English CLIMBER) requires athletes to have endurance and remarkable physical fitness.


A sports device shaped like scissors. Designed to strengthen muscle tone and weight loss. Ideal option for women. “Rider” works all muscle groups, working the abs, shoulder girdle, legs and arms. The simulator is equipped with a display that makes it easy to track your pace, calories burned, and the number of repetitions per minute.

roman chair

This name for exercise equipment in the gym combines several types of devices, the main function of which is to fix the legs while pumping the abs. The athlete assumes a sitting position, the load on the joints is reduced. The rectus abdominis and oblique muscles are well worked. There is such a machine in every gym; men and women can exercise on it, regardless of their level of physical fitness.

Butterfly trainer

The main purpose is to train the pectoral muscles. Bench with a high back (back support) and two moving parts for the right and left hands. Smoothly bring your arms in and out to the sides in just a few months regular training is able to form beautiful high breasts by working with muscles that are quite difficult to get close to. Exercise machines come in various modifications, but the working mechanism is identical for all models.

Strength training for legs – slim and graceful

The muscle corset is maintained in tone different groups muscles, particularly those located in the lower extremities. The depth of their occurrence is quite large, so large scales and an average number of repetitions are recommended for working them out.

Hackenschmidt simulator

During classes, the gluteal, semitendinosus, and quadriceps muscles are used, with a mediocre effect on the calf muscles.

Platform trainer

Used to work all leg muscles. Preferable for those who have back problems. When performing exercises of varying intensity, this part of the body is not involved.

Seated knee extension

The main feature of the simulator is the unloading of the knees, which helps protect the joint from overload.

Clying knee bend

A similar effect on the leg muscles, only the athlete’s position changes.

The chest muscles are one of the important components of athletic form. To develop shaped breasts, training is necessary to work out both the internal and external parts of it. Among the simulators, the most prominent representatives for working out this muscle group include the Butterfly simulator, Smith simulator, Hammer simulator and Crossover.

Remember, you need to pump your breasts no more than once a week. This way your muscles will receive sufficient load and have time to fully recover before the next workout.

Chest exercises on machines

This effective exercise to isolate the pectoral muscles after basic exercises. The cables allow for continuous muscle tension throughout the entire range of motion. Use it last on your chest training day to push your muscles to the limit.

Technique: Place the bench in a cable machine. Take the handles of the lower block with a palms-up grip and lie down on the bench. Spread your arms slightly bent at the elbows to the sides, parallel to the floor. As you exhale, tightening your pectoral muscles, bring your arms together in front of you. As you inhale, slowly return to the starting position.

The Smith machine relieves the stabilizer muscles from the load and therefore allows you to load the pectoral muscles as efficiently as possible. In this exercise, the machine will give you the trajectory of movement and isolate the chest muscles. Also, this method of pressing will be relevant if you train without the help of a partner, reducing the risk of being crushed by a barbell.

Execution technique: set the back of the bench to the required position (when performing the exercise on incline bench the load shifts by top part chest). Lie down on the bench and grab the bar wide grip. As you inhale, lower the barbell to your chest, and as you exhale, powerfully press it up.

This exercise imitates a bench press and, unlike the first, is performed while sitting in the machine. This exercise also removes the load from the stabilizer muscles and, depending on the design of the simulator and the trajectory of the handles, the load is shifted to the upper, middle or lower part of the chest.

Technique: Adjust the seat of the machine so that the handles are at chest level. Sit in the exercise machine with your lower back pressed tightly against the backrest. Feet rest on the floor. Inhale, and as you exhale, straightening your elbows, press the handles up. Slowly return to the starting position.

4. Reduction of arms in the “Butterfly” simulator

This exercise will give your chest definition and provide good stretching, which in turn will improve blood circulation. By doing this exercise It is important not to relax the muscles when raising your arms in the opposite direction. This way your pecs will be in constant tension, which will undoubtedly improve your results.

Execution technique: adjust the height of the seat of the exercise machine so that the handles are at chest level. Sit in the machine and rest your back against the backrest. Inhale, and as you exhale, begin to move the handles of the exercise machine in front of you. At the end point of the trajectory, squeeze and strain your pectoral muscles as much as possible, holding the peak contraction for 1-2 seconds. Slowly and in a controlled manner return to the starting position.

5. Bringing your hands together on the upper crossover block while standing

This exercise is similar in principle to the previous one, but unlike it, in block simulator starts working large quantity stabilizer muscles, due to which strength qualities are better developed, as well as general endurance muscles.

Technique: take the handles upper block and hold them in slightly bent arms at shoulder level. For added stability, place one foot in front. As you exhale, bring your arms in front of you by tensing your pectoral muscles. As you inhale, return to the starting position.

Male breasts are no less a pressing topic than the same part of the body in women. The weaker half is attracted to wide, athletic chests, without excess fat, sagging.

You can put this part of the body in order under the following conditions: gym, and training at home.

The main thing is diligence.

The main rules for cool muscles

The following pectoral muscles are distinguished:

    big- brings the arm to the body and rotates the limb;

    small- located above the pectoralis major muscle, responsible for lowering the arm to the body;

    anterior serratus- provides rotational movements and abduction of the scapula from the spine, raising the arm above the head;

    intercostal- help perform breathing movements.

Chest training has its own characteristics. First of all, such classes alternate with triceps training, but on different days. The fact is that when working the triceps, the pectoral muscles are loaded, but to a lesser extent, due to which supercompensation of various parameters is ensured.

They practice twice a week. Beginners perform 2 exercises in 2 sets. When the technique is mastered, the number of approaches is increased to 4–8. To improve strength, 6–8 repetitions are enough, and to build muscle, 10–12 repetitions are enough. Rest for 45–60 seconds between sets.

Most effective basic exercises- for example, bench press lying on a horizontal or inclined bench, push-ups on uneven bars.

Isolation exercises are contraindicated for bodybuilders with less than 2 years of experience.

The eccentric phase (lowering, stretching muscles, lowering a load) is performed slowly. Once every 3-4 sessions, “negatives” are used, when only the eccentric phase remains.

Secrets of increasing pectoral muscles

Exercises in the gym

Exercises in the gym are effective thanks to special sports equipment.

Basic exercises

Barbell press (lying position)

We are talking about alternating the load within one lesson. For example, you can train at home by jogging on the spot. First, run for 5 minutes at a slow pace. This warms up the muscles and prepares the body for subsequent loads. At the next stage, they run with maximum acceleration, until physical fatigue and at the limits of their strength. This block lasts 2–3 minutes.

When breathing and heartbeat are restored, they run at an average pace, then again accelerate as much as possible. Recovery periods are gradually reduced. The duration of interval running is from 15 minutes.

Active games - tennis, hockey, basketball - will help burn fat in the chest area.


Making your breasts wide and attracting the attention of the opposite sex is not so difficult. However, you need to train in a complex manner so that your figure looks harmonious. At overweight you need a diet and drinking regimen. And the optimal complex will be developed by a personal instructor who will take into account the condition of the muscles and the body as a whole.