Fitness exercises for obese women. How to train very fat people

Do you want to get in shape and lose excess weight? The best remedy to achieve this goal will be fitness - effective technique healing the body. Studying under the guidance experienced trainers Swim & Gym fitness club, you can not only get the desired shape, but also improve your health and improve your mood. The main thing is to work hard.

How to achieve results?

Fitness for overweight women in Moscow provides a whole range of measures aimed at correcting the figure:

    physical training;

    balanced and proper nutrition;

    healthy image life.

Only through a combination of these three factors will it be possible to normalize body weight and permanently consolidate the results obtained.

Experts advise following a number of simple rules:

    attend classes regularly - three to four times a week;

    work on the body comprehensively - give loads to all muscle groups;

    increase physical exercise gradually, avoid sudden changes in its types;

    exclude fatty, sweet, fried foods, and alcohol from the diet;

    do not eat a couple of hours before and after classes;

    take a shower and rest after training.

Most effective method creation beautiful figure- visit gym, where fitness classes include both exercises for burning fat cells and building muscle mass. It is recommended to train different groups muscles on different days. After just a couple of months of intensive work, you can lose 5-6 kg.

Benefits of classes

In addition to burning excess fat cells, fitness for weight loss (Moscow) has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. With this healing technique you will be able to:

    speed up metabolism;

    improve work of cardio-vascular system;

    strengthen capillaries;

    normalize blood pressure;

    tighten muscles;

    develop joint flexibility;

    increase endurance and mental toughness;

    get rid of chronic fatigue;

    increase self-esteem.

Work out at Swim & Gym!

Thanks to highly qualified trainers, every client of our fitness club can count on rapid improvement in their appearance And physical fitness. Productive work on building lean body mass is facilitated by the state-of-the-art exercise equipment that Swim & Gym has.

To become a member of the center and purchase a club card, contact our managers or fill out a special form on the website. We are waiting for you!

It so happened that in communication on this resource, as well as on wellvideo and in mail replies, I constantly come across people weighing 90 kilograms or more who do not know how to lose weight and think that with such weight it is generally impossible. I could never walk past someone asking for help. It’s especially pity for 12-18 year old girls who weigh 100 kilograms, become depressed, give up, spoil their health with starvation diets, or ruin their backs and joints by trying to lift their torso to pump up their abs or do squats. Yesterday I answered a girl who in one fitness club was forced to squat with 3-kilogram dumbbells, which caused her back to hurt badly, and in another they told her to first lose weight and then come back, because “pump up muscles for fat.” it makes no sense".

Therefore, I am writing for people with great overweight this note from tips and links to videos for plus size- maybe it will be useful to someone.


1. People lose weight from any weight - 100, 120, 130 kg - it doesn’t matter! The main thing is patience and faith in success! If this helps you in any way, look at the story of Ekaterina Mirimanova - who became famous for losing 60 kg on her own in 1.5 years, the information is on the Internet.

2. It is IMPORTANT AND NECESSARY to exercise when you are overweight., do not listen to those who say that you first need to lose weight (by going on a diet), and then take up sports. Muscles help speed up the metabolism - that is, they help you lose weight faster and wean the body from storing everything in fat. If you lose weight only on a diet without exercise, you will further slow down your metabolism, which is already slow in overweight people - and at one point weight loss may stop altogether. The only BUT: you can’t do some exercises very completely - see point 3

3. Overweight it is undesirable to squat, run and jump, as well as lift the body while lying down from the floor entirely to pump up the abs - this can lead to diseases of the joints, spine and back muscles, because the load on them when heavy weight too big.

4. Best views sports that you should start with with very heavy weights - yoga, Pilates, Yogalates, stretching, dance aerobics, race walking in place (for example, from), as well as standing - without squatting or bending the body. It is more difficult and dangerous to pump legs with a large weight; you can try simply lifting them to the sides to 45 degrees, 10-20 times to begin with, at a slow pace. If some specific exercises cause pain in the lower back or knees, don’t do them, replace them with others. It is also necessary to do morning exercises 15 minutes EVERY DAY - this will help you stay in good shape, speed up your metabolism and curb your appetite a little. It is better to do exercises outside or with an open window. After you manage to lose weight to 70-80 kg and slightly improve your physical fitness, you will be able to take on more complex and intense classes - Gym, video complexes from, etc. If you have the opportunity to go to the gym from the first days of losing weight - that is, there is a trainer who is ready to work with you - go boldly. If you don’t have a good trainer-advisor, it’s better not to try it on your own if you don’t know the technique, but to practice yoga and Pilates with a good trainer.

5. It is advisable to visit a competent nutritionist who will tell you what and how much to eat, and calculate all the details based on your height and weight, and your state of health. If it is not possible to go to a nutritionist, choose a diet, or, as well as the Montignac method or diet for. You can read, especially valuable are “Spacesuit for the Soul” by Oleg Tern and “Theory and Practice of Fat Burning” by Filatov

6. You definitely need to consult a doctor and find out the reasons for such strong weight gain - most often the reason is some kind of disease and hormonal imbalances- these reasons need to be treated, then it will be easier to lose weight, and you won’t harm yourself with diets.

7. Under no circumstances should you go on starvation or mono-diets - this always leads to breakdowns, and even if there were no breakdowns, but you managed to lose weight, the weight may return and become even greater than before losing weight! With an initial weight of 90-100 kg, this is already dangerous to health! Therefore, do not reduce your caloric intake below 1200 kcal and below 30% of your caloric intake. EE can be calculated based on caloric intake. The diet should be balanced - that is, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates should be in the diet in an approximate proportion of plus or minus 40-50% (carbohydrates) - 35-50% (protein) - 10-15% (fats). The basis of nutrition is chicken and turkey breast, fish, vegetables, cottage cheese, eggs, cereals and fruits with berries and herbs. Nuts, milk, mushrooms, beef - also include 2-3 times a week. 2 tablespoons of vegetable oils or fish oil per day is a must (in a salad or separately). No sugar, mayonnaise, ketchup, sausages and dumplings, store-bought juices or processed foods - it is advisable to give up all of this for life. And from frying too - bake everything, simmer without oil, on the grill, in a double boiler. Add oil only to the finished dish. Eat less salt, sometimes you can use soy sauce, lemon juice, garlic and dried herbs with tomatoes, tomato paste instead. Learn to cook in a new way - without chemicals, sugar and MSG. If you decide to count calories, don’t go crazy about them and don’t weigh yourself every day, just estimate approximate diets and portions for the day, count the calories for a week or two, and then it’s better to eyeball them, otherwise calorie counting can become addictive and cause addiction and hysterics after each extra portion of fruit that does not fit into the calorie range - this is harmful to the psyche and leads to breakdowns.

A lot of excess weight is a big burden. On the heart, joints, and not only the knees, about which doctors so persistently remind fat people about possible problems, but also the hip, ankle, lumbar, veins - often in obese people.

“Large excess weight is generally accompanied by many diseases,” says Yanina Sabirova, master of sports in bodybuilding, personal trainer fitness club Janinn Fitness. — Hypertension, diabetes, arthrosis... This bunch of problems can affect middle-aged men and women, and even young ones. And all this must be taken into account when thinking through a training program. Ideally after consultation with a therapist and/or a fitness club doctor.”

How much excess weight is it in kilograms?

We often evaluate ourselves not quite sensibly. For some, 65 kg with a height of 165 cm and a small tummy means “I’m terribly fat.” For some, 80 kg with the same height is “pure nonsense.”

"For calculation ideal weight there are a lot of formulas,” recalls Yanina Sabirova. “However, all of them are not entirely accurate. Let’s say, the well-known formula “height in centimeters minus 100” is good for a woman up to 165 cm tall. But taller ladies should modify it and subtract 110, not 100.

Calculating body mass index- another good guideline - you need to remember that a BMI higher than normal can also be due to large muscle mass. And, believe me, it happens to people who are not involved in fitness, and due to heavy, dense bones.

It is best to determine your body composition, for example, from a nutritionist or a fitness club doctor. If more than 30% of your weight comes from fat (BMI - 30 or more) - you are very overweight, and you need to build your workouts in accordance with this."

Physical activity must be combined with diet, experts remind. More precisely, not with a diet, but proper nutrition . Simply by eliminating sweets, buns, fatty, fried foods from the diet and increasing energy consumption by just 100 kcal, a person with significant excess weight can lose 1-2 kg in a month.

Large excess weight: what to consider when planning your workouts?

* Avoid any shock loads. Regular and step aerobics, dancing (any sudden movements, maneuvers, turns are also dangerous for a person with significant excess weight), any jumping training, running. “When it comes to cardio equipment, I recommend choosing an elliptical or a bicycle,” says Yanina Sabirova. — A track, even with an anti-shock coating, still does not eliminate the load on the joints. And in a person with significant excess weight, it can be great, not only when running, but even when walking.”

* Exercise no more than three times a week. Firstly, the effect of training accumulates on rest days, during recovery. And secondly, a beginner in fitness - and a person with a lot of excess weight presumably is one - does not need more. Designate a couple of sessions for strength training and one for cardio. Or vice versa - as desired. At the initial stage, it is important for you not to push yourself, but to develop a habit of physical activity - it is formed in 21 days, to love it.

* Start with a little time, pace, weight. In order, again, not to push yourself right away, first, take only 30 minutes for a cardio session, including warm-up and cool-down, and do it at a pace that is comfortable for you. Every week, if you wish, you can add 5-7 minutes to your workout and bring its total time to 45 minutes (plus warm-up and cool-down). “For a strength lesson, do 8-10 exercises, no more,” says Yanina Sabirova. “Perform them at a slow pace - this way you will master the technique better, and you will feel the muscles, and, by the way, you will pump them better: when we do the exercise quickly, part of the movement often occurs by inertia.” Choose a light weight, such that you can do 12-15 repetitions with it without breaking technique and the last two with obvious effort. If they are very easy for you, you can increase the weight of the burden.

* Choose the right exercises. Not everything that is recommended for a slim person will be suitable for a fitness enthusiast who is overweight. A lot of excess weight also means bulk. Someone, say, will not be able to cope with twisting due to a protruding belly.

“In this case, instead of doing the exercise with the wrong technique or insufficient amplitude, it must be replaced,” says Yanina Sabirova. — For example, do a pendulum on your abs: lying on your back, raise your legs bent at the knees and lower your knees to the right and left. You can simply bend your knees, pulling them towards you. Or lying on your back and without lifting your feet from the floor, just slightly raise top part body and stretch then right hand to the right heel, then the left to the left.”

* At least part strength exercises perform while sitting or lying down. This will reduce the stress on your leg joints. For example, when working the thigh muscles, you should definitely prefer the leg press on a machine with a light weight to squats and lunges - this will also improve venous outflow. Many arm exercises can be done while sitting on a chair with a low back. With a high one, you simply cannot do some movements, but the one that reaches approximately the middle of the back will not limit you in any way and at the same time will support the lower back. In people with significant excess weight, it is subject to a serious load, and the stabilizer muscles are often weak.

* Don't forget about warm-up and cool-down. " LIVE!” talks about this constantly. And this is very important even for physically strong, slender athletes. But especially for a person who is overweight. Warming up prepares not only the muscles, but also the blood vessels and cardiovascular system for stress. A cool-down helps normalize the pulse and blood flow in the extremities.

* Include in strength training exercises for large muscle groups. Muscles of the back, chest, lower body (legs and buttocks). “In one strength training session you should work them all out,” says Yanina Sabirova. - How more muscles turns on at once, the more calories you burn. Therefore, don’t let exercises on isolated muscles interest you for now. You also don’t have to do separate exercises for your arms. They will still be involved in movements that work the chest and back. Select 2-3 exercises for the indicated muscle groups and, after doing two approaches, complete the lesson with 2 abdominal exercises.”

* Avoid static loads. “They increase blood pressure,” explains Yanina Sabirova. - And, as we have already said, obese people have a tendency to hypertension. It is for this reason that a person who is overweight needs to practice yoga with caution. And ideally, choose special classes for overweight people, during which the instructor takes into account physiological characteristics and possible health problems.”

* Exercise in comfortable clothes. By deliberately dressing warmer, you will, of course, sweat more. But you can easily regain the lost fluid with the first glass of water you drink. At the same time, training in tight and hot clothes can be so uncomfortable that you simply interrupt the activity. Exercise in shoes, even at home. With large overweight we often have weak ligaments, including in ankle joint. Without good support, your feet are easy to injure.

* Monitor your health. A person who is overweight generally has a hard time withstanding physical activity. Remember this and try not to interrupt your training without reason. However, you don’t ignore the alarming symptoms. Shortness of breath, profuse cold sweat, dizziness, nausea, a whitened nasolabial triangle or, on the contrary, a purple face - all this is a signal to stand up, do a cool-down and not return to fitness that day.

Fitness classes help you get rid of extra pounds - this is an indisputable fact. It is logical to assume that the more excess weight you have, the more intense and richer your workouts should be. However, it is not. Moreover, doctors warn that for overweight people, sports can be dangerous and even contraindicated. Let's try to figure it out.

How much is completeness in kilograms?

First of all, you need to define the terms. It is known that some girls, even with a weight of 60 kg, consider themselves plump, while others, even with a hundredweight, can prove that this is their normal or even perfect shape. The most in a simple way to find out your optimal weight is to calculate height (in cm) minus 100. However, it is only suitable for those who have grown no higher than 165 cm. Taller ladies need to subtract a larger number - 110.

A more accurate guideline is body mass index (BMI). But it is also necessary to take into account the heaviness and width of the bones. When calculating the IC, it is better to focus on a formula that takes into account the circumference of the wrist. And finally, the most reliable calculation can be given by nutritionists with special equipment that allows you to determine the percentage of fat in the total mass. If it is 30% or more, this article is for you.

Eliminate shock loads

This is the first condition for drawing up a program for overweight people. This category includes step, jumping rope (and any other jumping exercises), active dances, including sharp maneuvers, turns, and running. The own weight of a full person is already a load. No one would think of jumping with a barbell! The musculoskeletal system does not forgive this. Even a path with a special shockproof coating will not save the situation. Let's take care of our joints, it's already difficult for them.

Start small

The decision to start doing fitness for a fat person is almost a feat. If you intend to come to training, there will be a great temptation to immediately take the bull by the horns. Do not do this. Start at a comfortable pace, with light loads and a leisurely warm-up. You will have to go to the gym for a long time, everything will be done in time. And if you start everything at once, then this time may be the last, and it’s good if there are no consequences.

Half an hour of cardio for the first time will be enough. You can add 5-10 minutes to subsequent workouts and bring the workout to 45 minutes. Getting started strength training, just start with 10 exercises at a slow pace. This, by the way, will allow you to better master the technique of performing them. Weights should be selected in such a way that on each set the last couple of presses are performed with obvious effort, but not through force.

Not every day!

The optimal regimen would be two classes per week. Three is the maximum. Firstly, this will provide the necessary adaptation on the part of the body (and, first of all, on the part of the cardiovascular system). Secondly, it is on rest days that the effect of training is felt. And thirdly, there is no need for more at all. But there is no point in exercising fully less than twice a week.

Don't miss classes!

If you start studying, start practicing. The second time it will be more difficult to start, and the third time it will be almost impossible. It’s better to immediately set yourself a pace that you can maintain for a long time. Only regular exercise leads to results. The body will gradually get used to it, and then a need will form, especially when the first successes begin to appear. If training is irregular, it will be comparable to stress, and the body will begin to store fat out of habit.

Strength exercises are not contraindicated!

A common misconception among overweight women is “I don’t need strength exercises, my arms and legs are already thick.” Thick arms have nothing to do with muscles. Muscles are needed for additional energy expenditure, otherwise weight loss occurs at a much slower pace. It is muscles that are a constant, round-the-clock consumer of energy. This is where the calories we eat go. It is preferable to do some strength exercises while lying down or sitting to reduce the load on the joints of the legs. It is better to replace squats with leg presses.

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  • I can't do anything! 11 Most Common Fitness Mistakes
  • Worldwide then. Why do we put off fitness?

Optimal pace of training

For both a fat person and any other person, the optimal pace is one at which he gets tired and sweats profusely, but not to such an extent that he becomes out of breath and cannot speak. This is the very rhythm in which active fat burning occurs. However, this pace cannot be maintained for long to avoid overload. The lion's share of the workout should still be given to cardio in a calm mode. Such activities slowly but surely do their job.

The optimal combination of safety and effectiveness for overweight people is represented by areas that develop coordination, flexibility, strength and balance. If we imagine our ordinary life, then training should imitate the most necessary actions - walking, climbing stairs, etc. There are types of fitness that involve walking in place. Yoga or Pilates have no contraindications for overweight people. Moreover, plump girls usually have more mobile joints and stretching exercises are easy for them. Those with a curvaceous body will find it easier to do aquafitness when all the exercises are performed in the water. For example, a hydrorider - a bicycle installed at the bottom of the pool - is an ideal solution for cardio exercise.

Comfort in clothing

When choosing clothes for the gym, you should give preference to comfort, even if it comes at the expense of beauty. We will be beautiful later when we cope with all this, but for now all attention is to convenience and safety. Don't try to dress warmly to make yourself sweat more. This will cost additional torment, and the water will return to its place with the first glass. But you need to drink more, including during training. Shoes for classes are necessary even at home. The main requirement for it is good support for the ankle joint.