Morning gymnastics early childhood classes. Guarantee

Children 1-3 years old

Naughty balls sports leisure in 1st junior group

Children 1-3 years old

Sports leisure in the 1st junior group Children and animals

Children 6-7 years old

Calendar plan for physical education classes for the preparatory group for March, April, May

Children 4-5 years old

Calendar plans for physical exercise classes for the middle group for March, April, May

Children 3-4 years old

Calendar plans for physical education classes in the 2nd junior group for March, April, May

Morning exercises for children from 1 to 2 years old
In file
Forward planning morning exercises for babies for a year
looks like that:

16 complexes are offered for download in text format

and in the format of a designed card file for color printing in A-4 format

looks like that:

The complexes are composed
in accordance with the program “From birth to school”
Literature used:
ON THE. Karpukhina “Lesson notes in the first junior group of kindergarten”, a practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions, Voronezh 2008.
V.M. Sotnikova “The smallest in kindergarten”, Momkva 2002
M.G. Borisenko “Crawling, walking, running, playing”, St. Petersburg 2003


Complex No. 1 “Cockerel”
1. Children and their teacher walk around the playground. The teachers sing a song:
Cockerel, cockerel-
golden comb,
He walks around the yard, calling the chickens.
The chicken calls: “Ko-ko-ko,
Crested hens,
Run without looking back.
When the children say “run without looking back,” they run after the teacher.

2 Run at an average pace for 30 seconds, switch to walking.

3 Outdoor game “Catch the cockerel”
The role of the cockerel is played by the teacher.
The cockerel runs away, the chickens catch up with him


Complex No. 2 “Horses”
1The teacher gathers the children around him: today you are not just kids, but fast horses.
Children begin walking around the playground pretending to be horses (imitating the teacher). The movements are accompanied by the text:
I love my horse
I'll brush her fur smoothly.
I'll comb my tail
And I’ll go on horseback to visit.

With the last words, the children, imitating the teacher, begin to run or gallop.
Yoke-go, yoke-go!
My horse gallops and gallops.
(children run for 30 seconds)
The horse is tired, will rest
(children start walking)
And he will drink some water
And then he will eat hay
Quietly gets up and falls asleep
(children stop, pretend that a horse is sleeping, and lower their heads down)

2 Walking behind the teacher 30 sec

3 Outdoor game “Small and big horses”
The teacher says: “We are small horses,” gets on all fours and crawls (the children repeat the movement), then the teacher says: “We are big horses,” gets to his feet, jumps forward, focusing on one leg (the children try to repeat movement)


Complex No. 3 “Sparrows”
1 Children sit on benches (chairs), the teacher says:
Birds are sitting in nests
And they look at the street.
They want to go for a walk.
And they fly quietly
(children get up from the benches and begin to move, pretending to be birds)
Let's fly, fly
And sat down on a branch
(children squat)
The tail was shaken
And they took off again
(children get up and run again pretending to be birds)
Let's fly, fly,
The birds sat on the path.
Jumping, chirping
The grains are pecking
(children, imitating the teacher, perform jumps on the spot, squats, “pecking grains, tapping on the floor with their fingers)

3 Outdoor game “Birds in Nests”
Children sit on chairs - these are nests where birds live, the teacher explains.
One two three four five,
The birds need to fly!
(children get up from their chairs and run around the playground)
One two three four five,
Back to the nest again!
(children sit on chairs)

Complex No. 4 “Chickens”
1 The teacher gathers the children around him: “Let you be chickens, and I’ll be a chicken!” Follow me!"
The chicken went out for a walk,
Pinch some fresh grass.
And behind her are the boys,
Yellow chickens.
Co-co-co, co-co-co,
Don't go far
(children follow the teacher)
Row your paws,
Look for the worm.
(the teacher sits down, imitates the action - “looking for a worm”, the children repeat after the teacher)
A cat came out onto the porch!
Beware honest people!
(children run around the playground)
Mother chicken is calling.
He takes everyone under his wing!
(children run up to the teacher, the teacher “hugs” everyone)

3 Outdoor game “Day and Night”
Educator: “During the day, the chickens walk (a circle is held in front of the children), and at night they sleep (sits down, covers their eyes with their palms). Let's play. It's daytime! (children walk around the playground). And now it’s night! (children sit down and cover their eyes with their palms).


Complex No. 5 “Hares”
1 The teacher gathers the children around him, today we are bunnies! It's winter outside, the bunnies are dressed in white fur coats. (everyone squats in a circle). The teacher pronounces words and performs actions based on the text together with the children.
The little white bunny is sitting
And he wiggles his ears.
Like this, like this
He wiggles his ears.
(raise hands to head, “ears” move hands)
It's cold for the bunny to sit
We need to warm our paws.
Like this, like this
We need to warm our paws.
(stand up and clap their hands)
It's cold for the bunny to stand
The bunny needs to jump.
Like this, like this
The bunny needs to jump.
(trying to imitate the teacher, they jump on two legs in place)
Someone scared the bunny
The bunny jumped and ran away!
(they scatter around the playground, then the teacher calls everyone to him: “Who scared the bunny?” - children’s answers)

2 Walking behind the teacher for 30 seconds.

3 Outdoor game “Small and big bunnies”
The teacher tells the children that bunnies are small, like this (sits down) and big (gets to his feet), let’s play, I’ll tell you what kind of bunnies they are, and you show me. Little bunnies! (children sit down). Big bunnies! (children stand up).

Complex No. 6 “Kittens”
1 teacher: “Today let me be a cat, and you be kittens!” Curl up next to me." (the teacher lies down on the carpet, the children lie next to him)

Like our cat
The guys have grown up.
The boys have grown up
Fluffy kittens!
The backs are arched.
(stand on all fours and “bend” their backs)
They play with the tail.
(turn hips left and right)
And on their paws
Sharp scratches.
(kneel down, stretch your arms forward, clench and unclench your fists)
Long mustache
(spread their arms to the sides)
Green eyes.
Lay down on the side
And curled up into a ball
(lie on the floor)
And then they bent their backs
And escaped from the basket
(stand up and run around for 30 seconds)

2 Walking behind the teacher for 30 seconds.

3 Outdoor game “Obedient kittens”
The teacher invites the children to sit on benches (chairs) and addresses them: “The cat’s mother has obedient kittens, when she calls them, they run to her, and are you obedient kittens?”
moves away from the children 5-6 m. and calls the children to him: “Run to me, obedient kittens!” When all the children come running to the teacher, he rejoices, praises the children, moves away from them at a distance of 5-6 m and repeats the game . Then invites the children to return to the benches (chairs).


Complex No. 7 “Snowball”

1 The teacher gathers the children at the window, draws attention to the fact that everything is covered with snow: “Let’s play in the snow!”
The teacher recites a poem and shows the actions.
White fluffy snow
Spinning in the air
(spreading arms slightly to the sides, spinning in place)
And the ground is quiet
Falls, lies down.
(with springy movements they slowly squat down and freeze)
Suddenly there was a breeze!
(get to their feet)
All the snow has scattered!
(running around)

2 Walking behind the teacher for 30 seconds.

3 Outdoor game “Catch a snowflake”
The teacher has a snowflake tied to a string; when passing by the children, the teacher raises the snowflake over the child’s head so that he, stretching, standing on his toes, or jumping on the spot, can reach it with his hands.

Complex No. 8 “Hares and Bear”

1 The teacher calls the children over and tells them a story, accompanied by a game with a midge and a bunny:
The bunny was walking through the forest,
And in the den the bear was sleeping.
The bunny galloped closer
And he invited the rabbits with him.
The bear heard
And let's roar:
Who dares to make such noise here?
The teacher turns to the children: “Let's play rabbit and bear.” You will be the rabbit, and I will become the bear.
Teddy bear doesn't scare bunnies
He plays with them:
Legs top top
(the teacher shows the movements, the children repeat)
Handles clap-clap
Sit down and stand up
Sit down and stand up
And they ran away from the bear!
(children run away from the teacher, the bear teacher pretends that he is catching up with them)
At the end the teacher says:
The bear waved to the bunnies
And he ran into the den.

2 Walk behind the teacher for 30 seconds.

3 Outdoor game “Jumping Bunnies”
Educator: “What great bunnies, they ran away from the bear! These are the bunnies, the jumping bunnies!” The teacher jumps on the spot, the children repeat after the teacher.


Complex No. 9 “Tumblers”
1 The teacher brings two tumbler toys for the children, plays and says:
Tumbler dolls
Bright shirts
They don't sleep, they don't sit,
And they don’t want to go to bed.
The teacher turns to the children: “What tumblers?”, repeats the text and shows movements (turns and bends to the sides, squats), the children repeat after the teacher.

2 Walking behind the teacher for 30 seconds.

3 Outdoor game “Crawl to the tumbler”
With the help of the teacher, the children stand at the rope, the teacher takes the tumbler away from the children at a distance of 2-3 m, offers to crawl to the tumbler, encourages “Who can crawl faster!”

Complex No. 10 “Squirrels”
1 The teacher shows the children a squirrel toy and says the words:
Little squirrels
They jump along the branches.
Fluffy ponytails
They flicker here and there.
Little squirrels
Frozen in the snow
How to keep squirrels warm
In a winter storm?

The teacher leaves the squirrel, shows the children the movements, the children repeat:

The paw hits the paw
Warms up quickly.
Jump and jump, jump and jump
And we'll curl up into a ball.

2 Walking behind the teacher for 30 seconds.

3 Outdoor game “Pass the squirrel”
The teacher calls the children over, gives one child a squirrel toy and says: “Pass the squirrel to Katya,” the child passes the squirrel to Katya, Katya takes the squirrel, the teacher says to Katya: “Pass the squirrel to Dima,” the children pass the squirrel to each other until everyone has held it squirrel.


Complex No. 11 “Our legs”
1 The teacher gathers the children around him, calling them to follow him, and says:
Our little feet
We walked along the path
Everybody goes, they go, they go
And they don’t get tired at all
(children follow the teacher)
And now we squat
Let's play together with our hands
(spring, “flashlights”)
Everyone was spinning around in place
(spinning around in place)
Now sit down together
(sit down)

2 Walking behind the teacher for 30 seconds.

3 Outdoor game “Catch the ball”
The teacher shows the children a ball.
One two three four five,
Let's play with a ball
One two three four five,
Let's catch up with the ball!
Rolls the ball on the floor, encourages the children to catch the ball.

Complex No. 12 “Busiki”
1 The teacher shows the children beads made from large beads, the children examine the beads, see that the beads are strung on a rope, unties the rope, the beads scatter, and invites the children to collect the beads. Then the adult invites the children to play with beads. Holds a string in his hands, approaches the baby, asks: “Do you want to be a bead?”, The child takes the string with his hand and, together with the adult, goes to the next player, collecting all the “beads”, the adult connects the string into a circle, and rejoices together with the children at what the beads turned out beautiful, then he separates the circle: “the beads scattered”

2 Walking behind the teacher for 30 seconds.

3 Outdoor game “Collect beads”
The teacher randomly scatters beads on the floor and asks the children to collect the beads.
Children collect beads and give them to the teacher.


Complex No. 13 “Ladushki”
1 The teacher calls the children to him and invites them to play “Ladushki”
Okay, okay
(children stand on their feet, clap their hands, repeating after the teacher)
Where were you?
(turns left-right)
By Grandma!
What did you eat?
(spread arms to the sides)
(join hands)
What did you drink?
(spread arms to the sides)
(join hands)
Let's fly, fly
(imitation of wing operation)
They sat on their heads!
(put hands on head)
sat, sat
And we flew home!
(run after the teacher)

2 Walking behind the teacher for 30 seconds.

3 Outdoor game “Catch the Bird”
The teacher has a toy bird tied to a string; when passing by the children, the teacher raises the bird above the child’s head so that he, stretching, standing on his tiptoes, or jumping in place, can reach it with his hands.

Complex No. 14 “With eyes closed”
1 The teacher calls the children over and suggests: “Let’s play with our eyes closed!”
We walk one after another
Raise your legs higher
(children follow the teacher, raising their legs high, imitating the teacher)
Together we stopped
Our eyes are all closed!
The eyes are closing,
Handles rise.
(children stop, close their eyes, raise their arms up, maintaining static balance)

We open our eyes,
Let's have fun!
Together we stopped
Our eyes are all closed!
The eyes are closing,
The children bend over.

We open our eyes,
Let's have fun!
Together we stopped
Our eyes are all closed!
The eyes are all closed,
The kids are spinning!

2 Walk behind the teacher for 30 seconds.

3 Outdoor game “Catch the dog”

The teacher shows the children a toy dog ​​on wheels with a string tied to it. The teacher pulls the string, the dog “runs away” from the children. The teacher calls on the children to “Catch up with the dog!”


Complex No. 15 “Teddy Bear”
1 The teacher calls the children to him, begins to read a poem and shows the movements, the children repeat the movements after the teacher.
Teddy Bear
Walking through the forest
(walking around the playground)
Collects cones
Puts it in her purse
(bend down to the floor, imitating collecting cones, straighten up, “put the cones in a basket”)
A cone fell
Right in the bear's forehead
(show forehead with hands)
Mishka got angry
And with my foot - stomp!
(stomping foot)

2 Walking behind the teacher for 30 seconds.

3 Outdoor game “Sun and Rain”

The sun is shining in the morning
We'll go for a walk - Hurray!
(children with a teacher walk along the playground)
Well, what if it rains?
The umbrella will bring us all together!
(the teacher shows the children an umbrella, opens it, invites everyone to gather under the umbrella).

Then simple commands are given: “Sunny!” (children scatter around the playground).
"Rain!" (children gather under an umbrella)

Complex No. 16 “Flags”
1 The teacher hands out multi-colored flags to the children, starts moving, and the children follow him.
We're going, we're going
We carry all the flags
One two Three,
Raise the flags!
(the teacher raises the flags up, all the children also raise the flags up)

We're going, we're going
We carry all the flags
One two Three,
Wave your flags!
(the teacher raises the flags and waves them over his head, the children repeat)

We're going, we're going
We carry all the flags
One two Three,
You dance with flags!
(the teacher bends his elbows, performs a spring, children repeat)

We're going, we're going
We carry all the flags
One two Three,
Remove the flags!
(the teacher hides the flags behind his back, the children repeat)

2 Walking behind the teacher for 30 seconds.

3 Outdoor game “Run to the flag”
The teacher lines up the children along a string, moves away 3-4 m, shows the children a flag, and calls: “Run to the flag!”

Tatyana Egorova
Morning exercises for the summer for all age groups

Complex morning exercises for June

Group early age

General developmental exercises.

1. "We reached out" I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Raise your hands up, lower them, return to i. P. (4 times).

2. "Bowed" I. p.: legs wider than shoulders, hands below. Bend forward, fingers reaching towards the floor, return to i. P. (4-5 times).

3. "Jumping gallop" I. p.: arbitrary. Jumping in place, alternating with walking (6-8 times).

Complex morning exercises for July

Early age group

Introductory part. I. p.: Walking in any direction; on the spot; turn to an adult.

General developmental exercises

1. "Birds" I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down, along the body. Spread your arms to the sides, wave them, lower them. (4 times).

2. "The Birds Are Drinking" I. p.: legs wider than shoulders, hands below. Bend forward, move your arms back, straighten up. (4-5 times).

3. "Jumping gallop" I. p.: arbitrary. Jumping in place, alternating with walking (6-8 times).

Final part. Walking in any direction.


Early age group

Introductory part. Walking in any direction; on the spot; turn to an adult.

General developmental exercises.

1. "The Train is Coming" I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down along the body. Flexion and extension of arms bent at the elbows - "wheels are knocking".(4 times).

2. "Let's fix the wheels" I. p.: legs wider than shoulders, hands below. Forward lean; knock on your knees - "fixing the wheels"; return to i. P. (4-5 times).

3. "From hill to hill" I. p.: arbitrary. Half squats – "The train goes from hill to hill", alternating with walking (6-8 times).

Final part. Walking in any direction.

Complex morning exercises for June

Preparatory school group

Introductory part. Walking in a column one at a time, on toes and heels. Health running. Breathing exercise "Small Pendulum". Walking in a column.

General developmental exercises.

1. "Mill". I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down. 1-4 – make rotational movements of straight arms in the lateral plane; 5-8 – the same, in the opposite direction, pause. Don't lower your head.

2. "Parsley". I. p.: legs together, hands behind your back. 1- arms in arcs through the sides up, clap above the head; 2-3 - tilt down, bringing your head closer to your feet, clap behind them; 4- in and. p. 8 times.

3. "Stretch". I. p.: sitting on your heels, hands to your shoulders. 1-2- kneel down, arms up, stretch, look up; 3-4 – in and. p. 4-5 times.

4. "Turn". I. p.: sitting, legs crossed, hands on the belt. 1- turn right, look back; 2- in and. P. ; 3- turn left; 4- in and. p. 3-4 times each turn.

5. "Cotton". I. p.: sitting, arms supported behind. 1- raise straight right (left) leg, cotton under the knee; 2- in and. n. Keep your back straight, don’t lower your head, pull your toes. 5 times.

6. "Bouncing". I. p.: feet together, hands down. 10 jumps in place, turn 90, then walk. 3-4 times.

Complex morning exercises for July

Preparatory school group

Introductory part. Walking in a column one at a time, on toes, on heels. Health running. Breathing exercises "The porridge is boiling". Walking in a column.

General developmental exercises.

1. I. p.: o. s., arms to the sides. 1- bend your arms to your shoulders, clench your fingers into fists, 2- in and. p. 6-8 times.

2. I. p.: o. s., hands on the belt. 1- place your right foot on your toes forward, 2- in and. n. Same with the left foot. 5-6 times.

3. I. p.: legs together, hands on the waist. 1- sit down, arms forward, 2- in and. p. 6-8 times.

4. I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. 1-2 - lean forward, touch the floor with your fingers, 3-4 - in i. p. 6-8 times.

5. I. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. 1- pull your knees to your chest, clasp them with your arms, 2- in and. p. 5-6 times.

6. I. p.: 10 jumps on the right and left legs, walking in place with a count of 1-10, 10 jumps on two legs.

Complex morning exercises for August

Preparatory group

Introductory part. Walking in a column one at a time, on toes and heels. Health running. Breathing exercises "Tulip". Walking in a column.

General developmental exercises.

1. I. p.:o. With. 1- raise your shoulders up; 2- in and. n. Repeat 8-10 times.

2. I. p.: o. With. 1 - turn your head to the right, 2 - straight, 3 - left, 4 - straight. 4-5 times.

3. I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms up. 1- lean forward, down, touch your heels with your hands inside, 2- in and. p. Repeat 8 times.

4. I. p.: hands on the belt. 1- raise your straight leg forward, 2- swing it back, 3- forward again, 4- in and. n. Same with the other leg. Repeat 3-4 times.

5. I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head. 1- tilt to the right, at the same time raise your arms up, 2- in and. p. 3-4 – the same in the other direction. Repeat 4-5 times in each direction.

6. I. p.: o. With. 1- right hand forward, 2- left hand forward, 3- right up, 4- left up. Reverse movement in the same order. Repeat 4-5 times.

Final part. Walking in a column one at a time.

Complex morning exercises for June

Second youngest group

Introductory part. Walking in a column in a circle, "Dwarves and Giants". Health running. Breathing exercises "Balloons". Walking.

General developmental exercises.

1. "The butterfly flaps its wings". I. p.: o. s., 1- swing your arms up and over the sides, 2- in and. n. 5 times.

2. "Butterfly Wings". I. p.: standing, legs apart, arms crossed on the chest, 1-arms to the sides, 2-in and. p. 4-5 times.

3. "The Butterfly Takes Off". I. p.: o. p., 1-2 - bend forward, bend your back, arms back; 3-4- in and. p. 4-5 times.

4. "The butterfly has flown". I.p.o. With. 1-3 – standing on one leg, smoothly swinging your arms up and down from side to side, 4- in and. p., 5-6 - sit down, arms to the sides, up, 7-8 - in and. p. 4-5 times.

5. "The butterfly flies". I.p.o. p., jumping in place, simultaneously swinging your arms, alternating with walking. 3 times.

Complex morning exercises for July

Second youngest group

"Wind-up cars". Walking.

General developmental exercises.

1. I. p.: standing straight, legs slightly apart. 1- extend your arms forward, palms up (show your palms, 2- hide your hands behind your back. 4-6 times.

2. I. p.: standing straight, legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. 1- lean to the right, straighten up, 2- lean to the left, straighten up. Repeat 4-5 times in each direction.

3. I. p.: standing straight, legs slightly apart, arms down. 1- sit down, tilt your head to your knees, clasp them with your hands, 2- stand up, straighten up, lower your arms down. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. I. p. standing straight, legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. 1- raise the right bent leg, 2 in and. n., 3- raise the left bent leg, 3- in and. n. Repeat 4 times with each leg.

5. I. p. standing, arms freely lowered down. Jump in place. Alternate 2 times with walking.

Final part. Walking in a column one after another.

Complexx morning exercises for August

Second youngest group

Introductory part. Walking in a column one after another. Health running. Breathing exercises "Colored Balloons". Walking in a column.

General developmental exercises.

1. I. p.: standing, hands down. 1- raise your arms up through your sides and rise onto your toes, 2- lower your arms, stand on your entire foot. Repeat 4-6 times.

2. I. p.: standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1- lean forward, touch the toes of your right foot with your hands, 2- straighten up, put your hands on your belt, 3- bend down, touch your hands to the toes of your left foot. Repeat 3-4 times in each direction.

3. I. p.: standing straight, feet together, hands on the belt. 1- sit down, bring your hands forward, 2- stand up, straighten up, hands on your waist. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. I. p.: standing straight, hands on the belt. 1- raise the bent right leg, 2- in and. p., 3 - raise your left bent leg. 4- in and. n. Repeat 4-6 times.

5. I. p.: standing, arms freely lowered down. Jump in place, feet together - feet apart. Alternate with walking. Repeat 3-4 times.

Final part. Walking in a column one after another.

Complex morning exercises for June

Average group

"Train". Walking.

General developmental exercises.

1. I. p.: standing, straight, legs slightly apart, arms down. 1- swinging your arms back and forth, 2- in and out. n. Repeat 5-6 times.

2. I. p.: standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. "Pendulum": 1- bend to the right side, sliding along the body, 2- in and. p., do the same in the other direction. Repeat 3-4 times in each direction.

3. I. p.: standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1- bend down, clap your hands, 2- in and. n. Repeat 5-6 times.

4. I. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. 1- use your hands to pull your leg, bent at the knee, to your chest, 2- in and. p. Do the same with the other leg. Repeat 5-6 times.

5. "Parsley". Jumping with clapping overhead, alternating with walking. Repeat 2-3 times.

Final part. Walking in a column one at a time.

Complex morning exercises for July

Average group

Introductory part. Walking in a column one at a time. Health running. Breathing exercises "Balloons". Walking in a column.

General developmental exercises.

1. "Propeller". I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. 1- raise your arms to the sides, 2- in front of your chest; 3- rotate one around the other and make a sound (R); 4- to the sides; 5- in and. n. Repeat 4-6 times.

2. "Hands Walk". I. p.: sitting, legs apart, hands behind the head. 1-4 – bend forward, move your arms forward, 5-8 – do the same back, in i. p. Repeat 4-5 times.

3. "Cyclist". I. p.: lying on your back, bend your legs, lift and imitate a cyclist, performing movements with your legs (5-8 s) in and. p. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. "Pendulum". I. p.: sitting, legs crossed, hands on the belt. 1- tilt to the right, say "teak", 2 – tilt to the left, say "So". Repeat 4-6 times.

5. "Jumping". I. p.: standing, legs together, hands on the belt; 4 jumps on the right and left legs, 8 jumps on two legs, walking in place (counting 10).Repeat 2 times.

Final part. Walking in a column one at a time.

Complex morning exercises for August

Average group

Introductory part. Walking in a column one at a time. Health running. Breathing exercises "Meadow Flowers". Walking in a column.

General developmental exercises.

1. I. p.: standing straight, legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. "Show your palms"- extend your arms forward, to the sides, in and out. n. Repeat 4-6 times.

2. I. p.: standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Lean forward, down, tap your fists on your knees, and... n. Repeat 4-6 times.

3. I. p.: sitting on the floor, legs crossed. Turn to the right, in and. p. Do the same to the left. Repeat 3 times in each direction.

4. I. p.: standing straight, legs slightly apart. Squats. Repeat 4-6 times.

5. I. p.: standing straight, legs together, arms down. Jumping on two legs at a count of 1-6, alternating with walking in place. Repeat 2 times.

Final part. Walking in a column one at a time.

Complex morning exercises for June

Older group

Introductory part. Walking in place with high knees, one at a time in a column. Health running. Breathing exercises "Balloons". Walking.

General developmental exercises.

1. "Pull Up". I. p.: standing, legs together, hands clasped in "lock" on the head with palms down. Rise on your toes and straighten your arms, turning your palms up, stretch, in and out. n. Repeat 6 times.

2. "Squat". I. p.: standing, heels together, toes apart, hands on the waist. Crouch while saving correct posture, in and. n. Repeat 5-6 times.

3. "Cotton under the knee". I. p.: standing, feet together, hands down. Swing your straight left leg forward, make a clap under it, and. n. Repeat 5-6 times.

4. "Tilts". I. p.: standing, hands on the belt. Bend towards your right leg, in and out. n. Bend towards your left leg, in i. n. Repeat 6 times.

5. "Jumping right - left". I. p.: standing, hands on the belt. Jumps counting 1-8. Alternate with walking. Repeat 2 times.

Final part. Walking in a column one at a time.

Complex morning exercises for July

Older group

Introductory part. Walking in place, in a column one at a time. Health running. Breathing exercises "Locomotive". Walking.

General developmental exercises.

1. I. p.: o. With. 1- hands to shoulders, 2-4 – circular movements forward, 5-7 - the same back, in and. n. Repeat 5-6 times.

2. I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent in front of the chest. 1- turn to the right, arms to the sides, 3-4- in and. n. The same to the left. Repeat 3 times.

3. I. p.: standing, feet hip-width apart, hands on the belt. 1- arms to the sides, 2- raise the right leg, clap under the knee, 3- lower the leg, arms to the sides, 4- in and. n. Same with the left foot. Repeat 6 times.

4. I. p.: lying on your back, hands behind your head. Raise your straight legs slightly up and make small movements with your legs, imitating swimming. "back crawl", in and. n. Repeat 4 times.

5. I. p.: standing, legs together, hands on the waist. Jumping on the right (left) leg counting 1-6, alternating with walking. Repeat 2 times.

Final part. Walking in a column.

Complex morning exercises for August

Older group

Introductory part. Walking in place, raising your knees high, walking one at a time in a column. Health running. Breathing exercises "Let's blow on your shoulder". Walking.

General developmental exercises.

1. "Tree". I. p.: standing, heels together, toes apart, arms down. Rising on your toes, smoothly raise your arms up, bend over, and... n. Repeat 5-6 times.

2. "Mountain". IP standing on his knees, hands on his belt. Leaning back with straight arms, reach your heels, in and out. n. Repeat 5 times.

3. "Martin". I. p. standing, heels together, toes apart, arms down. Take one leg back, both arms to the sides, back, bend your back, raise your head, fix the position for a few seconds, in and out. n. The same on the other leg. Repeat with each leg 3 times.

4. "Rocking chair". I. p.: lying on your stomach, legs together, hands in front of you. Raise your straight arms and legs up, sway back and forth 3-4 times, in and out. n. Repeat 2-3 times.

5. "Jumping left and right". Jumping on two legs, counting 1-8. Alternate with walking. Repeat 3 times.

Final part. Walking in a column.

Complexes game tasks for morning exercises in a group of young children 2-3 years old

Compiled by: , teacher

MDOU " Kindergarten No. 000" Yaroslavl


1. “Playing with snowflakes”
We will hold our snowball in one palm and in the other.
Standing, legs slightly apart, arms down. Extend your arms in front of you, palms up, then lift them up (4 times).

2. “Making a snowball”
Look at the snowball, but don’t drop it.
Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Tilt (at the bottom near the floor, perform the “collect snow” movement with your hands); straighten up (4 times).

3. “Feet are frozen”
We'll jump around a little, we'll warm our feet. .
One - two, one - two,
So the game is over.


Children, today we will go to the forest by train, everyone sit in the carriages, bend your elbows (the wheels are knocking) and go:
Here our train is rushing,
The wheels are knocking
And on our train
The guys are sitting
Chu-chu-chu, sit down, I'll give you a ride.

So we came with you to the forest. We all get out of the cars. There are many trees in the forest, the sun hid, a strong wind blew and the trees began to sway.
(Children raised their hands up and shake them from side to side) 4-5r

The wind died down, the sun came out, and the bugs crawled across the grass.
(Children crawl) 10-15 s.

The bugs turned over, lay on their backs, and twitched their paws.
(Beetles flounder) 10-15 sec.

Look, the bunnies are jumping on the lawn, let's jump like bunnies,
Children jumping:

On the forest lawn
The bunnies danced.
These are the bunnies
Bunnies are hoppers.

And here we have the “clubfooted bear” coming.
Let's all go like a bear.
“A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest,
He collects cones and sings songs.
The cone bounced straight into the bear's forehead.
The bear got angry and stomped his foot!”

And in the forest there are still birds flying, flapping their wings, let's fly like birds.
(Easy running in a circle, swinging your arms) 10 sec.

The birds wanted to eat, sat down and began to peck.
(Tap your finger on your palm)
We ate and flew on.

Too-too!!! The train is calling us back, our walk through the forest is over. Let's all say together:

"Health is good
Thanks to the charger"

We all get into the carriages and go to kindergarten.

Here our train is rushing, the wheels are knocking.
And the guys are sitting on our train.
Chu-chu-chu, sit down, I'll give you a ride!


1. “Show your hands” I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Arms forward, straight, down. Repeat 5 times.

2. “Where are the knees?” I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your back. Bend forward, palms on knees, look at knees, straighten up. Train yourself to straighten your legs. Repeat 4 times.

3. “Your legs are walking.” I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands down (behind the back, behind the belt). Raise your legs high, alternately, swinging your arms, 5-10 sec. Repeat 3 times

4. “Bouncing.” I. p.: the same. 8-10 jumps in place, jump softly. Repeat 3 times, alternating with walking.

Now the window has opened, (arms to the sides)
The cat came out onto the ledge. (imitation of the soft, graceful gait of a cat)
The cat looked up (throw back head, look up)
The cat looked down. (lower your head, look down)
Here I turned to the left, (turn my head to the left)
She watched the flies. (turn your head to the right, “follow” the fly with your gaze)
Stretched, smiled (appropriate movements and facial expressions)
And she sat down on the ledge. (sit down)

"Merry vegetable garden"

We'll go to the garden and collect the harvest!

Walking in a flock behind the teacher for 10 seconds.

Hey horse, go - go,

Take us to the garden.

1. "Cabbage"

The cabbage has rolls - this size!

Standing, legs slightly apart, arms down. Raise your arms up from your sides, connect your fingers to form a ring (3 times).

2. "Carrot"

The carrot hides its nose in the garden bed.

Apparently the carrot is playing hide and seek!

Sitting, rest on your hands placed at your sides. Bend your legs, clasp your knees with your hands, lower your head (4 times).

3. "Fun"

Our friendly garden is having fun and singing

Jumping on two legs in place (4 times).

The game is over!

And now the kids started walking together for breakfast.


Walking in a flock behind the teacher for 10 seconds,

The birds flew away and flapped their wings.

Like this, like this, they flapped their wings.

Run in a flock behind the teacher for 8 seconds.

1. “Birds walk on the water”

Small birds walk along the water.

Small birds walk, lift their paws.

Like this, like this they walk by the water

Walking in place, raising your knees high. - 6 times

2. “The birds are drinking”

Small birds sat down by the water.

They sat down by the water to wash their paws and beaks.

Squatting in place. - 4 times

3. “The grains are pecked”

And the sparrows are right there, pecking at the grains from the ground.

Feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered, bend forward.

The birds flew, small birds.

The birds soared high into the sky and flew away.

Walking in a flock behind the teacher.

"Visiting the Christmas tree"

So that we don't get lost

You need to hold hands.

We're going to the forest,

Many miracles await us in it.

Walk in a column one after another for 10 seconds.

We walk through the snowdrifts and raise our legs!

We walk through the snowdrifts and almost get tired.

Walking with high knees for 10 seconds.

It's cold in the forest in winter, everyone ran after me

Run in a column, one at a time, behind the teacher for 15 seconds.

1. “Tall Christmas tree”

Here is a clearing, here is a forest.

Here is the tree reaching to the sky.

That's what she is like

The Christmas tree is big!

Standing, legs slightly apart, arms down. Raise your hands up and look at them (4 times).

2. “We decorate the Christmas tree”

We brought today

Bright toys.

There are candies and balloons here,

Gingerbread crackers

You toys, take out the Christmas tree and decorate it together

Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Tilt (at the bottom near the floor, perform the “grab toys” movement with your hands); straighten up, raise your arms

forward and up – movement with the hands “hanging toys” (4 times).

3. “Rejoice at the Christmas tree”

The tree fluffed its paws,

I started showing off.

And the boys and girls

They began to smile.

Jumping in place on two legs (4 times)

"Funny Rattles"

Walking on toes for 15 seconds.

Run in a column, one at a time, behind the teacher for 20 seconds.

Changing lanes into a semicircle

1. “Let’s ring above”

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, hands with rattles behind your back. Raise your hands up, call them (4 times)

2. “Hid the rattles”

Rattle behind your back, sit down, take out the rattle, ring (4 times).

3. “Jumping with a rattle”

Jumping on two legs in place (5 times)

One - two, one - two,

So the game is over.

"It's spring outside the gates"

The sun is high in the sky, with the sun it’s easy for us to walk

Walk in a column one after another for 15 seconds.

The sun is high in the sky, it’s easy for us to grow with the sun

Walking on toes for 15 seconds.

It's easy for us to run with the sun, we'll welcome spring

Run in a column, one at a time, behind the teacher for 30 seconds.

Changing lanes into a semicircle

1. “Icicles”

These icicles are like carrots, we want to pick them

Just don't put them in your mouth.

Stand with your feet parallel to each other, hands at the bottom. Raise your arms up through your sides and rise onto your toes (4 times)

2. "Drops"

The sun shines all day long, the drops are ringing drip-drip

Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on waist. Turn to the right with abduction of the right arm (palm up - “catching droplets”) (4 times).

3. “Rejoice in spring”

Oh spring, spring, spring, the long-awaited one has come

Jumping on two legs in place (5 times)

Nature wakes up, the weather improves.

Ah, in April the real spring came.

The sun is high in the sky, it's easy to grow with the sun

Walking on toes for 15 seconds.

The snow has melted here and there - the streams are ringing and running.

Changing lanes into a semicircle

1. “The starlings have arrived”

Starlings are returning to us from distant lands.

Nests will soon be built, and chicks will appear.

Stand with your feet parallel to each other, hands at the bottom. Raise your arms up through your sides and rise (4 times)

2. “The birds are pecking the grains”

Birds walk here and there, pecking grains from the ground.

Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Bend forward to touch the floor with your fingers (4 times).

3. "Lazy cat"

The lazy cat woke up and lazily stretched - what is it?

Spring... the long-awaited spring has arrived

Stretch up, then jump on two legs in place (5 times)

"In the meadow"

Soon the grass will grow, who goes for a walk in the meadow?

Walk in a column one after another for 20 seconds.

To avoid crushing the grass, you need to stand on your toes

Walking on toes for 15 seconds.

And the horse jumps and frolics in the meadow all winter and all spring

She dreams of grass.

Run in a column, one at a time, behind the teacher for 40 seconds.

1. "Butterfly"

A beautiful butterfly spreads its wings.

All the kids like it bright and elegant

Stand with your feet parallel to each other, hands to your shoulders. Arms to the sides (4 times)

2. "Dragonfly"

What kind of thing is this that goes flying?

It's just a dragonfly, a fidgety fidget.

Sitting, legs crossed, hands on waist. Turns right - left (4 times).

3. "Dandelion"

Little suns, bright heads.

Dandelions are blooming, blooming here and there.

Sitting, legs bent, arms clasped around knees, head lowered. Straighten your legs (you can spread them slightly), at the same time straighten your arms up

and to the sides (5 times)

The beetle has woken up and is buzzing, it is flying over the grass.

Children run scattered around the hall with the sounds “Zh-Zh-Zh” to the music, the music stops, the children stop and approach the teacher)

4. “Dandelion, threw off his yellow sundress”

Dandelion, dandelion, threw off a yellow sundress.

It turned into a hot air balloon, the wind blew and the balloon soared.

To the surprise of the children, instead of a ball, white snowflakes fly like light fluffs.

"Five Little Fishes"

Five small fish splashed in the river.
(Imitation of fish movement)
A large log lay on the sand.
(Spread your arms to the sides)
The first fish said: “It’s easy to dive here.”
(Imitation diving)
The second one said: it’s deep here.
(They shake their index finger)
The third said: I want to sleep.
(Put your hands under your ear)
The fourth one began to freeze a little.
(Rub your shoulders with your brushes)
The fifth shouted: there is a crocodile here,
(Hands imitate the mouth of a crocodile)
Swim quickly so you don't swallow it.
(Run away)

"We are chickens"

Crested hens

They walked around the yard.

Crested hens

They were looking for grains.

The chicken went out for a walk,

Pinch some fresh grass.

And behind her are the boys,

Yellow chickens.

"Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko,

Don't go far

Row your paws,

Look for grains."

Ate a fat beetle


We drank a full trough of water.

We need to find a grain.

You run and look.

Only the rain will suddenly fall -

The comb will get wet for us.

Mother hen is calling

He takes everyone under his wing.

Performing movement on text

The bunny was walking through the forest,

And in the den the bear was sleeping.

The bunny ran closer

And he invited the rabbits to come to him.

The bear heard and started roaring:

“Who dares to make such noise here?”

Bear, don't scare us,

Play with us;

With your paws, clap-clap,

Top-top with scissors.

We expose the legs

In white boots,

We wave our tails,

We all dance merrily.

The bear waved to the bunnies

And he ran into the den.

Performing movement on text


Movements according to the text

1 "Tumblers"

We are cuties, tumbler dolls.

Tumbler dolls, bright shirts.

We don't sleep and we don't sit,

And we don’t want to go to bed.

2 "Parsley"

They stood together in a circle of parsley,

They will have fun playing.

They took the rattles in their hands,

They began to dance merrily.

Ding-ding-ding –

They are playing

And they nod their heads,

They squat and stand up

And they don’t get tired at all,

And our legs will get tired -

Let's sit together and relax,

Let's sit for a while

And let's go dance again.

"Our legs"

On a flat path

Our feet are walking.

Our feet are walking

They don't get tired at all.

Here the kids will dance

And they wave their hands,

Spin around in place

They will sit down and rest.

"Grey Bunny"

The gray bunny is sitting. The children are sitting down, moving their raised hands.

And he wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this

And he wiggles his ears.

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws. They stand up and clap their hands.

Clap-clap, clap-clap -

We need to warm our paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump. Children jump on both legs. The pace is average.

Skok-skok, skok-skok,

The bunny needs to jump.

The bear scared the bunny.

Bunny jump -

And he galloped away!

"With handkerchiefs"

1 We walk around the group behind the teacher. 2 They took the handkerchief in their right hand. Swing forward, swing to the side. Changed hand. Swing forward, swing to the side. 3 Bent down, knees straight, imitation of rinsing a handkerchief. Straightened up. 4 Place a scarf on your head. Squats (4 times) 5 Circle to the right, circle to the left. 6 We walk around the group. Exercises to restore breathing.

"With a ball"

1 We walk around the group behind the teacher. 2 We picked up the ball. We raise our hands forward, up, let go (4 times) 3 We squat, the ball is in our hands in front of us (4 times) 4 We took the ball in our right hand and lifted it up to the side. 5 Changed hand. Same thing with the other hand. 6 They sat down opposite each other. We roll the ball to each other. 7 We walk around the group behind the teacher. Easy running.

Morning exercise complexes
for young children

Mosienko Elena Yurievna,
teacher of MKDOU No. 16,
Novosibirsk city


Complex No. 1.
1. Game “Come to me” - walking in a group in one direction.
2. Light running in all directions - they flew like little sparrows.

4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. After the teacher says: “Where are your hands,” the children stretch their arms forward and say: “Here are our hands.” (repeat 5 – 6 times).
5. I.p.: stand straight, legs apart, hands behind your back. When the teacher says “hide their legs,” the children squat and clasp their legs with their hands. After the words: “Where are your legs?” the children straighten up, stomp their feet in place, and say: “Here are our legs” (repeat 2–3 times).
6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands on your belt. Continuous half-squats on slightly bent legs (repeat 6 – 8 times).
7. Easy running on your toes.
8. Walking in a flock behind the teacher around the room.

Complex No. 2.
1. Walking in a flock behind the teacher.
2. “Birds are flying” - easy running in all directions.
3. Forming in a circle with the help of a teacher.
4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms along the body. “Birds flap their wings” - raise your arms to the sides to shoulder level, lower them, say “Chick-chirp.” Repeat 4 – 6 times.
5. I.p.: sit on the floor, cross your legs, hands on your belt. Turn to the right (left), return to the starting position.
6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. “Birds are pecking” - lean forward - down and tap your fingers on your knees, say: “peck - peck”, return to the starting position. Repeat 4 – 6 times.
7. I.p.: stand straight, legs together, arms down. “Birds are jumping” - jump easily on two legs; “Birds are flying” - running in a free direction.


Complex No. 3.
1. Walk as a group in one direction, stopping at the stop signal. Give each child two rattles. Repeat 2 – 3 times.
2. Running with rattles and stamping in place alternately with the right and left foot.
3. Free formation.
4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms along the body, rattles in hands. When the teacher says “show me the rattles,” the children pull the rattles forward to the sides and say “Here!” When the teacher says “let’s hide the rattles,” the children hide the rattles behind their backs. Repeat 5 – 6 times.
5. I.p.: the same. Sit down, tap the rattle on the floor, say “knock-knock”, straighten up. Repeat 4 – 6 times.
6. I.p.: stand straight, legs together, arms down. Jumping in place on two legs, simultaneously shaking rattles and running lightly.
7. Walking of the whole group in one direction.

Complex No. 4.
1. The game “Riding the Bus” - walking with a stomping step by the whole group in one direction.
2. Easy running in all directions.
3. Forming in a circle with the help of a teacher.
4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. Swinging your arms forward and back. Repeat 4 – 6 times.
5. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands on your belt. Turn the body to the right (left), return to I.p.. Repeat 4 times in each direction.
6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands on your belt. Bend forward - down, bending your knees, say “bom”, return to I.p. Repeat 4 – 6 times.
7. I.p.: lie on your back, arms along your body. Pull your legs towards your body, sliding your feet along the floor, return to I.P. 4 – 6 times.
8. Jumping in place and running in a straight direction - the balls are jumping, the balls are rolling.
9. “We’re leaving by bus” - the whole group follows the teacher.


Complex No. 5.
1. “Riding the train” - forming and walking in small groups one after another.
2. At the signal “let’s run”, run scattered throughout the hall.
3. Walking and forming in a circle with the help of a teacher.
4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Raise your arms to the sides to shoulder level, lower them, say: “chik - chirp.” 4 – 6 times.
5. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands down. “Flap your wing” - turn to the right (left), move your hand back, return to I.p.
6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, shoulder-width apart. Bend forward – down, saying: “pi – and – and – t”, return to I.p.. 4 – 6 times.
7. I.p.: lie on your back, arms along your body. Raise bent legs up and flounder like a bug turned on its back, return to I.p.. 4 - 6 times.

Complex No. 6.
1. “Let’s go for a walk” - formation and walking in a column one at a time.
2. “Run to me” - running in a forward direction.
3. Forming in a circle with the help of a teacher.
4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Raise your arms up, wave them, lower them down. 4 – 6 times.
5. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Turn to the right, clap with both hands, return to I.p. Do the same in the other direction. 4 – 6 times.
6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Bend forward - down, bending your knees, and touch the floor with your hands, return to I.p. 4 – 6 times.
7. I.p.: stand straight, legs together, lower your arms. Jumping on two legs in place and easy running.
8. Walking in a column, one at a time, behind the teacher.


Complex No. 7.
1. Walk in a column, one at a time, behind the teacher, raising your legs high. Stop at the stop signal. Repeat 2 times.
2. Lightly run after each other.
3. Walking and free formation. Take the cubes.
4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms along the body, cubes in hands. Stretch your arms forward - to the sides, say “Here!”, hide your hands behind your back.
5. I.p.: sit on the floor, cross your legs, cubes on the floor in front of you. Take the cube with your right hand, turn to the right, put it further back, return to IP, turn to the right again, take the cube, put it in front of you. Do the same to the left. 3 times.
6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, cubes in hands. While squatting, bend over, put the cubes on the floor, straighten up, bend over again and pick up. 4 – 6 times.
7. I.p.: stand straight, legs together, lower your arms. Jumping in place on two legs and running.
8. Walking in pairs in a circle.

Complex No. 8.

2. Jumping in place and running.
3. Forming in a circle with the help of a teacher.
4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Raise your hands up and clap your hands, return to IP. 4 – 6 times.
5. IP: sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Turn to the left, slam your palm on the floor from behind, say “knock”, return to IP. do the same to the right. 4 – 6 times.
6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. Bend forward - down, return to standing position. 4 – 6 times.
7. I.p.: lie on your stomach, legs straight, hands under your chin. Stretch your arms forward, bend over, return to standing position. 2 – 3 times
8. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands on your belt. Continuous squats with slightly bent legs.
9. “Let’s take a walk” - calm walking.


Complex No. 9.
1. Walking with high steps.
2. “Birds are flying” - easy running in all directions.
3. Walking and forming in a circle.
4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. “Swing” - swinging your arms forward and back. 6 times.
5. I.p.: sit on the floor, cross-legged, hands on your belt. “Wind-up toy” - turns right, left, when turning, say: “trick.” 2 – 3 times in each direction.
6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart. Leaning over, sit down, say “sit down”, return to standing position... repeat 4 – 6 times.
7. I.p.: lie on your back, legs straight, arms along the body. Pull your legs, bent at the knees, to your chest, return to standing position. 4 – 6 times.
8. I.p.: stand straight, legs together, lower your arms. “Sparrows jump and fly” - jumping in place and running in all directions.
9. Walking one after another.

Complex No. 10.
1. “We’re walking” - walking in pairs.
2. At the signal “run” - run. Repeat 2 – 3 times.

4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. “Show how tall the tree is” - raise your arms up through your sides, return to the i.p. repeat 4 – 6 times.
5. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands on your belt. “Who is behind the tree” - turn to the right (left), straighten up. 4 – 6 times.
6. I.p.: the same. “Who is under the tree” - bend down, sit down, say: “Sit down”, return to IP. Repeat 4 – 6 times.
7. I.p.: get on all fours. "Bears" - walking on all fours.
8. Walking in a flock behind the teacher.


Complex No. 11.
1. Walk one after another, stopping at the signal.
2. Running in all directions.
3. Walking and free formation.
4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. “Show your palms” - stretch your arms forward - to the sides, return to the standing position.
5. I.p.: sit on the floor, cross your legs. Turn to the right, say “Here!”, return to SP. Do the same to the left. 3 times in each direction.
6. I.p.: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands down. Bend forward - down, knock on your knees with your fists, return to the standing position. Repeat 4 – 6 times.
7. I.p.: lie on your stomach, legs extended, arms in front of your chest. Stretch your arms forward, bend over, return to the starting position.
8. I.p.: stand straight, legs together, lower your arms. “The balls are jumping, the balls are rolling” - bouncing in place and running in a straight direction.
9. Walking one after another (snake).

Complex No. 12.
1. Formation in a column. Walking in a column one at a time. At the “knock-knock” signal, stop and tap your finger on your finger. Repeat 3 – 4 times.
2. Running in all directions.
3. Walking and free formation. Take the ribbons.
4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. Swing your arms forward and back. Repeat 5 – 6 times.
5. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands with ribbons below. Turn to the right (left) with a simultaneous wave of the hand up, return to I.p.
6. I.p.: the same. Bend forward - down, wave the ribbons in front of you, return to I.p. Repeat 5 – 6 times.
7. I.p.: lie on your back, arms along your body. Pull your legs bent at the knees to your chest, tap your hands on your knees, return to I.P. 4 – 5 times.
8. I.p.: stand straight, legs together, arms to the sides. Jumping in place and easy running.
9. Walking one after another.


Complex No. 13.
1. Walking in pairs in a circle.
2. “Horses” - walk with your knees raised high.
3. Walking, free formation.
4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. “Show your palms” - extend your arms straight forward - to the sides, return to I.p. 4 – 5 times.
5. I.p.: sit on the floor, cross-legged, hands on your belt. Turn to the right - back, slam your palm on the floor, say “Clap”, return to I.p.. Do the same on the left side. Repeat 2 – 3 times in each direction.
6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. “Small and big” - sit down, clasp your legs with your hands, return to I.p. 4 – 6 times.
7. I.p.: lie on your back, legs straight, arms along the body. Pull your legs bent at the knees to your chest, knock on your knees with your fists, return to I.p. Repeat 5 – 6 times.
8. I.p.: stand straight, legs together, lower your arms. Jumping in place and then running.
9. Walking one after another.

Complex No. 14.
1. Walking in a flock.
2. At the “Planes” signal, lightly run across the room, arms to the sides. At the signal “airfield” the children stop. Repeat 2 – 3 times.
3. Walking, free formation.
4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms down along the body. “Let’s wave to the plane” - raise your hands up, wave them, return to I.p. Repeat 4 – 5 times.
5. I.p.: sit on the floor, cross-legged, hands on your belt. “Show me where the plane is” - turn left - back, move away left hand, wave it, return to I.p. Do the same on the right side. Repeat 2 – 4 times in each direction.
6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms down along the body. “Planes are landing” - lean forward, bending your legs, say “sit down”, return to I.p. Repeat 5 – 6 times.
7. I.p.: lie on your stomach, legs straight, arms in front of your chest. “The plane flew” - spread your arms to the sides, bend over, return to I.p. Repeat 5 – 6 times.
8. Light running and jumping on two legs.
9. “Let's go by car” - walking with a stomping step.


Complex No. 15.
1. Walking one after another with rattles in their hands.
2. Light running and stamping in place alternately with the right and left foot.
3. Walking and free formation in two columns.
4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms down, rattles in hands. Swinging your arms forward and back. Repeat 5 – 6 times.
5. IP: sit on the floor with your legs crossed. “Hide the rattle” - turn to the right, hide the rattle behind you, say “No”, return to I.p. Do the same to the left. Repeat 2 – 3 times in each direction.
6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands down. Lean forward, tap your knees, return to I.p. Repeat 5 – 6 times.
7. I.p.: lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees. Stomp your feet, raising your knees as high as possible. Repeat 8 times.
8. Walking in a column one at a time.

Complex No. 16.
1. Walking randomly throughout the hall. At the signal “dudochka”, stop and “play” the pipe. Repeat 3 – 4 times.
2. Walking in a circle while hitting the tambourine slowly, while fast children run in a circle.
3. Walking and forming in two columns.
4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. “Birds flap their wings” - raise your arms to the sides, lowering them, say “chik - chirp.” Repeat 5 – 6 times
5. I.p.: sit on the floor, cross-legged, hands on your belt. “Birds are looking for grains” - turn to the right, touch the floor with your hand, say “here”, return to I.p. Do the same to the left. Repeat 3 – 4 times in each direction.
6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. “Birds are pecking” - squatting, bend forward, tapping your fingers on your knees, say: “Peck, peck,” return to the starting position. Repeat 3 – 4 times.
7. I.p.: lie on your back, legs straight, arms along the body. “Birds are bathing” - raise your bent legs and arms, move them, return to I.p. 5 – 6 times.
8. I.p.: become pairs, holding hands, legs together. Walking in pairs and jumping in place.

Complex No. 17.
1. Walking in a column one at a time.
2. “Bunnies” - bouncing in place and then running.
3. Walking, free formation.
4. I.p.: stand straight, lower your arms. “Swing” - swinging your arms forward and back. Repeat 5 – 6 times.
5. I.p.: sit on the floor, cross your legs, arms in front of you. “The bunnies hid the carrot” - turn to the right, move your hand back, return to I.p. The same to the left. Repeat 3 – 4 times in each direction.
6. I.p.: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms. Lean forward - down, clap your hands. Return to I.p. Repeat 4 – 5 times.
7. I.p.: lie on your back, legs straight, arms along the body. Pull your legs bent at the knees, pat your hands on your knees, return to I.p. Repeat 5 – 6 times.
8. I.p.: stand straight, legs together, lower your arms. Run in different directions and jump at the sound of a tambourine.
9. Free walking.

Complex No. 18.
1. Walking in a flock in one direction with ribbons in hands, running in the opposite direction. Repeat 2 times.
2. Walking and free formation.
3. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms lowered. Raise your arms to the sides, return to I.p. Repeat 4 – 5 times.
4. I.p.: sit on the floor, legs crossed, hands with ribbons in front of you. Turn to the right, touch the ribbons to the floor behind you, return to I.p. Do the same to the left. Repeat 3 – 4 times in each direction.
5. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. Bend over, sit down, touch the floor with the ribbons, return to I.p. Repeat 4 – 5 times.
6. I.p.: lie on your back, legs straight, arms along the body. Pull your bent knees to your chest, touch your toes with your hands with ribbons, return to I.p. Repeat 5 – 6 times.
7. I.p.: stand straight, legs together, lower your arms. Jumping in place on two legs and running.
8. Walking forward and backward.