Everything about middle-distance running: rules, training program. Cardio

Today, residents of large cities with populations of thousands or millions suffer from nervous disorders. From a doctor’s point of view, the reasons for this are lack of time, an increasing flow of information, and enormous responsibility in every case. A person simply does not have enough time to recover from the consequences of mental stress.

People have become tougher, more selfish, and in some cases even cruel; there is no warmth or gentleness in their treatment. This does not happen because people have become worse, but the nature of life and activity contributes to this.

Running treats stress and relieves aggression

Physical exercises, especially if they are carried out systematically, relieve nervous stress and overload, giving the psyche time to recover.

If, for example, a person runs for half an hour after work, then even being on a crowded bus, he is calm; no matter how he is touched or pushed, he will endure it without a retaliatory “explosion.” His nervous system able to quickly switch from one type of activity to another.

The same ones who lead sedentary lifestyle life, are the direct opposite of those who love physical education: they are often irritated, slower to get involved in work, and get tired faster. And on a crowded bus they will definitely get into a “showdown.”

Running relieves stress

Physical exercise relieves nervous stress and overload

Training not only trains muscles, but also has a beneficial effect on internal processes (metabolism, blood circulation, etc.), on the course and nature of mental processes - figuratively speaking, it also trains them.

Among marathon runners, especially members of the Club Club, I never see aggressive people, whom I constantly meet in Everyday life. The people who study at the KLB are of different cultural levels, but it’s a pleasure to communicate with everyone. Of course, some people are “obsessed” with their health, and sometimes it’s hard to accept, but overall they are fundamentally different people.

Running improves your health

As a doctor, I can’t help but rejoice at the scope that running is gaining.

True, the name “health running” seems to me not entirely correct. Running in any dose is healthy, and this is its incomparable value. When walking, a person is able to consume 1 liter of oxygen per minute, and while running this figure increases 4-4.5 times. But the main thing is that running is all-weather, which cannot, for example, be said about skiing.

Running has many undeniable benefits. First of all, this is one of the types of physical activity, and in our time it is impossible to survive without movement. Much has been written about this and will be said more than once.

The pedagogical impact of running is undeniable. By setting oneself the task of overcoming the distance, a person not only strengthens character, but also creates it anew. Running allows you to test yourself at any time and in any weather. It is very important! Every time you overcome a distance, you have the opportunity to think better about yourself. And this helps a lot in life!

Running trains character

Every time you overcome a distance, you have the opportunity to think better about yourself.

How to dose the load while running? In my opinion, it is advisable to run less and more often. Ideally - twice a day and at least thirty minutes, and in the evening.

A healthy person after forty years can reach this level in one month, the main thing is not to sharply increase speed (the most dangerous thing at the first stage!) and run at an even, calm pace.

By the way, age doesn’t really matter in running. It's just that sometimes we are not ready to go outside and run. Traditions, or rather backward ideas, put pressure on us.

True, there is an important caveat: from any health system adopted into service, it is impossible to create a problem and a tragedy. Both have adverse effects on the psyche.

If, for example, they drew up an action plan for me, following which I would gain health, I would start running twice a day, but for some reason it didn’t work out... Oh! Just one such fact can have such a negative impact on a person that their mood and performance will drop sharply.

The long-term prospect for runners is long-term loads.

The load twice a day for at least half an hour is the same as the multiplication table for higher mathematics: simple truths, without which complex calculations are impossible.

Three-hour workloads (of course, not every day, but at least on weekends) are the norm to which we should strive, looking ahead. We spend much more time in front of TV.

Group or individual training?

What is the best way to train: alongside others or compete with yourself? Should you join a team, a running club, or go it alone?

It can be done this way or that - it all depends on the characteristics of the character.

Leaders or those who claim to be leaders are better off running alone and competing with themselves. And that's why. Younger, fitter, naturally strong runners will outpace them. And the leaders, even those who claim the right to be first in a race, will repeatedly receive an extra shock with a minus sign. People of this type should be spared - let them remain leaders in their own eyes.

Group and individual running

Leaders or those who claim to be leaders are better off running alone. If a person is not a leader by nature (let’s rightfully classify him into the second group), he can be recommended to study in a group.

Such people generally tend to feel sorry for themselves. They are attentive to themselves and are always protected from possible harm. (True, leaders also love themselves. But, unlike their antipodes, in the name of being first, regardless of anything, they do not spare themselves.) Participation in group training and competitions gives them the opportunity to overcome themselves.

How to spare yourself? If a representative of the second group is alone, he will definitely slow down and stop training for a couple of days. Moreover, he will certainly begin to consult, etc. At the same time, in conditions of competition, he will not notice any ailments or unpleasant sensations, and if he does notice, he will try to overcome it, which he will never do alone with himself.

If a person, by the nature of his work, communicates with a large number people and this makes him tired, it’s better for him to run alone; if he is engaged in creative work individually, for example, he works a lot with papers, often thinks about problems, communication with others will allow him to receive additional irritants and stimulants in creativity while running.

The effect of running on the body

There is no doubt that running has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

The impulses come from the muscles and seem to charge the subcortical formations of the brain, which “are in charge” of a person’s mood and emotions. Such systematic recharging, especially after forty years, when the phenomena of vascular sclerosis at the base of the brain begin to develop, is necessary to maintain good mood and increased emotional charge.

Running has a multifaceted effect on the cardiovascular system (heart and vascular tone).

No matter how moderate the running, the result is a decrease in resting heart rate, the heart works more efficiently, and its “aging” is delayed. Running is an excellent means of preventing a number of serious diseases (coronary disease, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, acute heart failure, etc.).

Regular jogging normalizes blood pressure.

I have been observing one person for many years. Once he came to me, still a young doctor, with blood pressure 200/100 (an indicator that causes alarm). Then I could not accurately determine the causes of hypertension, but I did not give a certificate allowing participation in competitions.

And many years later we met during a 30-kilometer run. Since then I have been following him closely. He participates in all multi-kilometer runs, never running among the lags or among the leaders. But I was never one of those who left the race. Always, in any weather, under any conditions, I reached the finish line. His blood pressure returned to normal long ago, which allows us to think that running is sometimes stronger than us doctors.

One of the long runs (at least three hours) is to increase sexual potency.

According to studies, prolonged running significantly increases the level of testosterone (male hormone) in the body. The content of this hormone is not the same throughout life. Thus, in childhood a small amount is produced, and more is released during puberty. At this time, a man’s character and his sexuality are formed.

Over time, processes of involution (decay of function) in the production of testosterone and withering develop. Attempts were made to artificially “invigorate” this function, but, as it turned out, the body perceives this very briefly, and then the level of sex hormones even decreases.

Long-term exercise stress stimulates the formation of testosterone and thus increases sexual potency, prevents premature muscle aging, and delays the aging process.

About hardening running from a doctor’s point of view

Indeed, in winter, some people train in shorts and T-shirts. Probably, in some cases this is not bad, but it is not worth recommending to the masses... The hardening effect of running also manifests itself when you exercise in a training suit. By the way, a contrast or cold shower after running has an excellent hardening effect.

IN Lately An opinion has emerged: running on hard surfaces contributes to leg pain. According to experts, this alone makes many say goodbye to running. It is unlikely that such a point of view is justified. Every runner can adapt to hard surfaces. To do this, you need to shorten the distance, choose comfortable shoes or modify them, increasing the shock-absorbing qualities.

Nowadays, interest in participating in marathon and ultra-marathon races has increased. Speaking about a certain fear of testing oneself in a marathon, and a completely justified fear, I can say: even for an average person physical fitness enough strength for this. But there is no psychological and emotional readiness to overcome the distance! This is natural: with age they decrease not so much physical strength how much faith in yourself. And then the marathon becomes a magnet of enormous power.

Of course, there can be no talk of a high result, but preparing for and participating in a marathon is possible for a person at 50, 60, and 70 years old, if you prepare for it seriously and adhere to a basic regimen.

Many years of experience working with athletes and physical educators different ages convinces: a person does not know his capabilities! Special studies have shown that athletes falling exhausted at the finish line have spent no more than 25 percent of the body's reserve capacity. A fall at the finish line is most likely the result of a mental breakdown.

Nature gave man a powerful heart and programmed him to have a long life. But often people shorten it themselves. With a reasonable lifestyle, our heart is ready to serve for 100 years and even more! In this regard, running is a huge help for those who want to prolong their youth, live creatively and fruitfully!

opinion of the Chief Physician of the Moscow Medical and Physical Education Dispensary No. 1
L. N. Markova

Strengthen muscles, lose weight excess weight, zakaStrengthen muscles, lose excess weight, strengthen the body - running will give you all this. How to run correctly and what you need to know? Tips for effective training. To revitalize your body – running will give you all that. How to run correctly and what you need to know? Tips for effective training.

Running is one of the most effective types workouts to strengthen muscles, the immune system, improve skin tone, improve metabolism and the cardiovascular system. How to run correctly and what you need to know?


1. Wear spandex shorts (a stretchy synthetic fabric) under your running shorts to prevent chafing.
2. Cotton socks will only lead to blisters, invest in special running socks.
3. Ladies, don't skimp on your bra. Even if it costs a lot more than your sneakers, it's still a bargain.
4. Buy running clothes that make you look good and will motivate you to run.

5. Buy new running clothes at the end of the season, when stores sell out of the season's old collection. Don't forget about sales!


1. Join a local running club. Check with your local sporting goods store, fitness center and/or recreation center to find one.
2. Volunteer at a running competition - meet runners, support them and socialize in the community.


1. Remember to say “Thank you” to local race volunteers (for example, when you get a glass of water at the food station), family and friends who support you.
2. Conscientiously give way to pedestrians, cyclists and other runners.
3. Always try to find a balance between running and the people you love, with a schedule that accommodates everyone.
4. Don't carry change with you. This will irritate those running with you.
5. Don't neglect or annoy your family and friends by spending all your time running and talking only about running.

Motivation Tips

1. Sign up for a race as soon as you are ready.
2. Find a dedicated running partner. It's much harder to miss a run when you have someone depending on you.
3. Remember that you will have periods of lack of progress and difficult days along the way.
4. It will get easier.
5. Accept and appreciate the fact that not every run can be a good one.
6. Be prepared to remove words like “can’t” and “never” from your vocabulary.
7. Don't compare yourself to others. First, run with yourself and for yourself.
8. Don't expect each run to be better than the last, some will hurt.
9. Don't think about it often, otherwise you won't start.
10. Even a bad run is better than not running at all.
11. If you usually run with music, try running without it and listen to your feet to hear your pace and gait.
12. Don't be disappointed if you don't start losing weight right away.
13. Start a blog about running and regularly read other blogs on the topic.
14. Running is not an excuse to triple your donut intake, because runners gain weight too.


1. Buy powdered sports drink mixes rather than pre-made drinks. They are cheaper and very similar to those drinks at the races.
2. Every pound of weight you lose makes running a little easier.
3. Drink. Make it a habit to drink water throughout the day.
4. If you are running a very long distance, drink plenty of isotonic drinks (eg Gatorade).
5. On long runs, eat something every hour - whether you're hungry or not.
6. During long runs, if you don't want to carry water, put some cash in your bag pocket or running wallet. Run so that there is a store along the way that you can use as a pit stop for a drink or refreshment.
7. Avoid hot and spicy foods before running and the night before a long run.
8. The most critical time to eat and drink to help your body recover is the hour immediately after your run.

Injury Prevention

1. Use Vaseline or special ointments in areas of chafing. They'll help prevent blisters and irritation (don't forget your nipples, guys).
2. Don't increase your mileage by more than 10 percent per week.
3. Guys: Use patches before long runs. Seriously, your nipples will thank you in the shower after this.

4. Record your mileage for your feet and shoes. Putting too much stress on them can lead to injury.
5. If you are prone to ankle pain and pain, start running on soft surfaces during training and save the pavement for race day.
6. Don't do two hard races in a row.
7. Relieve pain immediately.
8. Pay attention to your form. Try to run lightly to minimize impact, which could lead to injury.
9. Cut your workouts by at least 30 to 50 percent every 4 and 5 weeks for recovery.
10. When running off-road, don't forget to use bug spray.
11. Neosporin (or other antibiotic cream) is great for chapped skin (if you haven't used BodyGlide!).
12. Make sure you cut your nails short so they don't dig into your sneakers!
13. Rub some BodyGlide between your toes during long runs.
14. Be careful when running in areas where you will be constantly running on an incline. It's hard on the hips and knees.
15. You should not warm up before running. Instead, warm up by walking or jogging slowly for a few minutes.
16. Do not cool down for more than 20 minutes at a time.
17. Do not use the hot tub after the race. This will increase inflammation and interfere with healing.
18. Ice cubes are ideal for cooling pain. A thin towel wrapped around them will make cooling more comfortable.

Tips for the race

1. Race day is not the day to try new running shoes, eat new foods, or wear new clothes. new clothes.
2. Don't try to run a marathon as your first race.
3. For races that are longer than 5K, start running slower than usual.
4. If you maintain your energy during the first half of the race, you will be able to finish the race with confidence.
5. When you pick up a drinking cup at food stations, hold it carefully so you can drink from it on the go.
6. Plastic trash at the race - This is a very fashionable cheap disposable rain jacket.

Safety precautions

1. Be aware of cyclists approaching you from behind and stay to the right. Be especially careful when running with music.
2. Run towards the direction of traffic.
3. Never assume that a car can see you.
4. Stay away from horses on the roads and walk while they are nearby.
5. Always carry your ID with you, no matter what.

Tips about shoes

1. Try on shoes in the afternoon when your feet are larger.
2. Tie the laces on your shoes with a double knot so that they do not come undone while running.
3. Buy yourself special running shoes from a real running store because running in regular running shoes will ruin your feet and legs.
4. Evaluate the appropriate type of running shoe.

Tips about training

1. In the immortal words of Walt Stack, the famous old distance runner: “Start slow and... finish slow.”
2. Keep your runs short and slow in the beginning to avoid injury and fatigue so you don't give up running.
3. If you are breathing too heavily, slow down or walk until you feel better again.
4. Choose a running route closer to home: it will be more convenient and you will be more likely to stick to it.
5. Find a beginner's training plan for your first race.
6. Set realistic short and long term goals.
7. Keep a training diary.
8. Muscle soreness for one to two days after a run is normal (delayed onset of muscle fatigue).
9. The amount of money spent on gadgets, training plans or some special food will not replace minutes, hours, days and weeks on the road.
10. There is no shame in just going.
11. Subscribe to a running magazine or buy a couple of running books.

12. Four laps around the local school stadium equals one mile.
13. Lift weights.
14. It's okay to give a break in the form of walking (run 1 minute, walk 1 minute, then build up to 10 minutes running and 1 minute walking, etc.)
15. Make your running routes varied. This will prevent boredom and also prevent your body from adjusting.
16. Working on speed shouldn't be too difficult. Try running quickly to one point and then jogging to the next.
17. Push through difficult moments by concentrating on the sounds of your breathing and the sound of your feet.
18. Do speed work after you do endurance work.
19. Practice running hard during the second half of your run.
20. Practice abdominal breathing to relieve cramps or colic.
21. If you can't find time to run, take your running gear to work.
22. Run off-road if possible. It will be easier on your body and you will love it.
23. Schedule rest into your schedule. Rest is also an important part of exercise in your fitness plan.
24. Forgive yourself. Goals that are too ambitious usually lead to disappointment and abandonment of the plan. If you miss a goal or milestone, let go of the guilt and focus on the next opportunity to achieve it.
25. Mix up your workout plan. Make sure your training plan is not too focused on one element. No matter what level of runner you are, your training plan should include four important elements: endurance, speed, rest and cross-training.

Weather tips

1. Dress as if it were 10 degrees warmer now than the thermometer shows.
2. Apply sunscreen and wear a hat when the sun is shining. Even in winter.
3. Run early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid the heat of the day.
4. Choose cleats for your shoes in case you run in slippery conditions.
5. In winter, dress in layers (Coolmax or other suitable clothing) and wear a headband over your running cap to cover your ears.
6. For cold climates, buy special socks for wearing in temperatures of 40 degrees below zero (usually sold in sports/ski stores).
7. To keep cool during hot weather, soak a bandana in cold water, wring it out a little and wrap it around your neck.
8. In hot weather, fill your bottle halfway with water, place it at an angle in the refrigerator, and add a little more water before you go for a run.

or just along the road along the sea (on)

In Chiang Mai we ran around the stadium, in Hua Hin we found an empty road to a Buddhist monastery

and now, in Bali, we run along the paths (the least convenient option, by the way).

I like to run on elastic surfaces - park paths or special surfaces at the stadium. When running on asphalt, the load on the knees and joints is higher, so you need to pay even more attention to your technique.

It’s bad to run on roads where there are a lot of cars and bikes, and what I really can’t do is run on a treadmill, for some reason it really tires me. I'd rather run in the rain than on the path)

Running technique

If you are planning to seriously take up running, then ideally, of course, take several personal lessons with a trainer - good technique will protect you from injuries and help you achieve better results with the same energy expenditure. But if you don’t have the opportunity to work out with a trainer, then be sure to read the literature and watch a video about the correct technique.

There are several types of techniques, each of them promoted by seasoned professionals, and each of them sounds sound, so you just need to pick one and stick with it (see the section "Books and resources below").

What to run in

An important question is how to choose running shoes. I try to choose sneakers that are as flat as possible - even a small heel changes the position of the foot and can significantly affect technique. Experts say that fancy sneakers with shock-absorbing soles are marketing and there is not much point in them.

Running and health

Running can be both an excellent way to improve health and a source of injury and illness if done incorrectly. While jogging, there is an increased load on the knee joints and ligaments, so damage to them, especially with intense training, often occurs. Do not be negligent in your running technique and study medical contraindications in order not to cause irreparable harm to yourself.

When we were in St. Petersburg last fall, Masha and I underwent a cardiological examination (bicycle ergometry) at a sports dispensary. We were hung with sensors and we pedaled on an exercise bike, with a gradually increasing load. The result was 10 pages of a medical report in which nothing was clear)) But most importantly, we found out that there were no heart problems and each of us set our own submaximal heart rate.

If you have contraindications, do not despair, running is not a panacea and you can always come up with an alternative, for example swimming, which is one of the safest sports.

And also, a very useful physical activity, which also puts virtually no stress on the joints, is trampoline jumping. When we settle somewhere in one place for at least a few years, I will definitely buy myself a trampoline, I have such a dream))

Running Books and Resources

If you want to support your running with a good theoretical basis, then I recommend the following sources.

  • "What I Talk About When I Talk About Running" by Haruki Murakami

Very good books if you want to dig deeper and prepare for serious competitions:

  • "From 800 Meters to Marathon" by Jack Daniels
  • "Road Running for Serious Runners" by Pete Fitzinger

By running technique:

  • "Running with Lydiard" Arthur Lydiard, Garth Gilmore

    The only way to run constantly is to love running!
    Find something that motivates you:

    • This could be concern for health, a desire to gain additional energy, a big goal like a marathon, etc.
    • Buy yourself some cool clothes that you'll enjoy running in.
    • Get gadgets that will help you monitor your results.
    • Find a nice place to run.
    • Choose music/audiobook that will inspire you to run.
    • Read inspiring books about running (like Murakami).
    • Arrange to run with a friend or loved one.

    In a word, create conditions under which you will enjoy running.

    At the same time, all of the above refers to factors of additional motivation, but in no case can serve as a reason to postpone jogging. If you don’t have the necessary clothes, gadgets and suitable music, go for a run anyway!

    Make running a habit

    But either way, establishing a habit, even if you enjoy running, will take time and action. There is no way you can fall in love with running by lying on the couch and reading books about running.
    Make a commitment to run for at least a month:

    • find a partner or mentor,
    • make a public commitment
    • promise someone a large sum of money if you quit running prematurely.

    Burn bridges, create conditions under which success will be inevitable!
    Start with a short run (10-15 minutes) at an easy pace and gradually increase the time to 20-30 minutes. If physical form it’s not very good yet - set for yourself 1-2 days off a week (but only fixed ones, and not on the day when you wanted to sleep longer).

    Run for a month. Then make a conclusion for yourself whether this sport is for you or not. But only after a month, not earlier.

    Of course, the topic of running is extremely multifaceted; it is impossible to cover all the subtleties in one article, so if you have any questions, ask them in the comments, I will definitely answer.

    We wish you excellent health, vigor and excellent physical shape!

Many people want to start in the New Year new life, change something in the usual way of life. So why don't you take up running? This is very useful look sports To increase your motivation, we offer you 100 tips on running for beginners.


  1. Wear spandex shorts (a stretchy synthetic fabric) under your running shorts to prevent chafing.
  2. Cotton socks will only lead to blisters, invest in special running socks.
  3. Ladies, don't skimp on your bra. Even if it costs a lot more than your sneakers, it's still a bargain.
  4. Buy running clothes that make you look good and it will motivate you to run.
  5. Buy new running clothes at the end of the season, when stores sell out of the season's old collection. Don't forget about sales!


  1. Join a local running club. Check with your local sporting goods store, fitness center and/or recreation center to find one.
  2. Volunteer at a running competition - meet runners, support them and connect with the community.


  1. Remember to say “Thank you” to local volunteers at the race (for example, when you get a glass of water at the food station), family and friends who support you.
  2. Conscientiously give way to pedestrians, cyclists and other runners.
  3. Always try to find a balance between running and the people you love, with a schedule that accommodates everyone.
  4. Don't carry change with you. This will irritate those running with you.
  5. Don't neglect or annoy your family and friends by spending all your time running and talking only about running.
  1. Sign up for a race as soon as you are ready.
  2. Find a dedicated running partner. It's much harder to miss a run when you have someone depending on you.
  3. Remember that you will have periods of lack of progress and difficult days along the way.
  4. It will get easier.
  5. Accept and appreciate the fact that not every run can be a good one.
  6. Be prepared to remove words like “can’t” and “never” from your vocabulary.
  7. Don't compare yourself to others. First, run with yourself and for yourself.
  8. Don't expect every run to be better than the last, some will hurt.
  9. Don't think about it often, otherwise you won't start.
  10. Even a bad run is better than not running at all.
  11. If you usually run with music on, try running without it and listen to your feet to hear your pace and gait.
  12. Don't be disappointed if you don't start losing weight right away.
  13. Start a blog about running and regularly read other blogs on the topic.
  14. Running is no excuse to triple your donut intake, because runners gain weight too.


  1. Buy powdered sports drink mixes rather than pre-made drinks. They are cheaper and very similar to those drinks at the races.
  2. Every pound of weight you lose makes running a little easier.
  3. Drink. Make it a habit to drink water throughout the day.
  4. If you're running a very long distance, drink plenty of isotonic drinks (like Gatorade).
  5. On long runs, eat something every hour - whether you're hungry or not.
  6. During long runs, if you don't want to carry water, put some cash in your bag pocket or running wallet. Run so that there is a store along the way that you can use as a pit stop for a drink or refreshment.
  7. Avoid hot and spicy foods before running and the night before a long run.
  8. The most critical time to eat and drink to help your body recover is the hour immediately after your run.


  1. Use Vaseline or special ointments in areas of chafing. They'll help prevent blisters and irritation (don't forget your nipples, guys).
  2. Don't increase your mileage by more than 10 percent per week.
  3. Guys: Use patches before long runs. Seriously, your nipples will thank you in the shower after this.
  4. Record your mileage for your feet and shoes. Putting too much stress on them can lead to injury.
  5. If you're prone to ankle pain and pain, start running on soft surfaces during training and save the pavement for race day.
  6. Don't do two hard races in a row.
  7. Relieve pain immediately.
  8. Pay attention to your form. Try to run lightly to minimize impact, which could lead to injury.
  9. Reduce your workouts by at least 30 to 50 percent every 4 and 5 weeks for recovery.
  10. When running off-road, don't forget your bug spray.
  11. Neosporin (or other antibiotic cream) is great for chafed skin (if you haven't used BodyGlide!).
  12. Make sure you cut your nails short so they don't dig into your sneakers!
  13. Rub some BodyGlide between your toes during long runs.
  14. Be careful when running in areas where you will be constantly running on an incline. It's hard on the hips and knees.
  15. You should not warm up before running. Instead, warm up by walking or jogging slowly for a few minutes.
  16. Do not cool for more than 20 minutes at a time.
  17. Do not use the hot tub after the race. This will increase inflammation and interfere with healing.
  18. Ice cubes are ideal for cooling pain. A thin towel wrapped around them will make cooling more comfortable.
  1. Race day is not the day to try new running shoes, eat new foods, or wear brand new clothes.
  2. Don't try to run a marathon as your first race.
  3. For races that are longer than 5K, start running slower than usual.
  4. If you maintain your energy during the first half of the race, you will be able to finish the race with confidence.
  5. When you pick up a drinking cup at food stations, hold it carefully so you can drink from it on the go.
  6. Plastic trash at the race is a very fashionable cheap disposable rain jacket.


  1. Be aware of cyclists approaching you from behind and stay to the right. Be especially careful when running with music.
  2. Run towards the direction of traffic.
  3. Never assume that a car can see you.
  4. Stay away from horses on the roads and walk while they are nearby.
  5. Always carry your ID with you, you never know.
  1. Try on shoes in the afternoon when your feet are larger.
  2. Double-knot the laces on your shoes so that they don't come undone while running.
  3. Get yourself some running shoes from a real running store because running in regular running shoes will ruin your feet and legs.
  4. Evaluate the appropriate type of running shoe.
  1. In the immortal words of Walt Stack, the famous old distance runner: “Start slow and... finish slow.”
  2. Keep your runs short and slow in the beginning to avoid injury and fatigue so you don't give up running.
  3. If you are breathing too heavily, slow down or walk until you feel better again.
  4. Choose a running route closer to home: it will be more convenient and you will be more likely to stick to it.
  5. Find a beginner's training plan for your first race.
  6. Set realistic short and long term goals.
  7. Keep a training diary.
  8. Muscle soreness for one to two days after a run is normal (delayed onset of muscle fatigue).
  9. The amount of money spent on gadgets, training plans or some special food will not replace minutes, hours, days and weeks on the road.
  10. There's no shame in just going.
  11. Subscribe to a running magazine or buy a couple of running books.
  12. Four laps around the local school stadium equals one mile.
  13. Lift weights.
  14. It's okay to give a break in the form of walking (run 1 minute, walk 1 minute, then build up to 10 minutes running and 1 minute walking, etc.)
  15. Make your running routes varied. This will prevent boredom and also prevent your body from adjusting.
  16. Working on speed doesn't have to be too difficult. Try running quickly to one point and then jogging to the next.
  17. Push through difficult moments by concentrating on the sounds of your breathing and the sound of your feet.
  18. Do speed work after you do endurance work.
  19. Practice running hard during the second half of your run.
  20. Practice abdominal breathing to relieve cramps or colic.
  21. If you can't find time to run, take your running gear to work.
  22. Run off-road if possible. It will be easier on your body and you will love it.
  23. Plan a vacation into your schedule. Rest is also an important part of exercise in your fitness plan.
  24. Forgive yourself. Goals that are too ambitious usually lead to disappointment and abandonment of the plan. If you miss a goal or milestone, let go of the guilt and focus on the next opportunity to achieve it.
  25. Mix up your workout plan. Make sure your training plan is not too focused on one element. No matter what level of runner you are, your training plan should include four important elements: endurance, speed, rest and cross-training.
  1. Dress as if it were 10 degrees warmer now than the thermometer shows.
  2. Apply sunscreen and wear a hat when the sun is shining. Even in winter.
  3. Run early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid the heat of the day.
  4. Consider getting cleats for your shoes if you're running in slippery conditions.
  5. In winter, dress in layers (Coolmax or other suitable clothing) and wear a headband over your running cap to cover your ears.
  6. For cold climates, buy special socks for wearing in temperatures of 40 degrees below zero (usually sold in sports/ski stores).
  7. To stay cool during hot weather, soak a bandana in cold water, wring it out a little, and wrap it around your neck.
  8. In hot weather, fill your bottle halfway with water, place it at an angle in the refrigerator, and add a little more water before you go for a run.

Translation of the article: "100 Beginner Running tip".

One day, during a conversation, I asked a friend: “Why are you running? What motivates you to study?” After seconds of thought, he replied: “What is given by nature is a sin not to use”. Indeed, nature has endowed us with a unique opportunity - to run. IN modern world we have the opportunity to go jogging without having to rush after a mammoth or from a hungry predator. You can exercise for fun, health, and useful time. In a word, for yourself.

Thanks to aspiring graphic designer for the image.

Running is an accelerated method of movement in which there is a flight phase and successive cyclic movements are performed. Jogging is actively included in work cardiovascular system and all the muscles of the human body.

At the bottom of the article running test. Pass it!

Regular exercise leads to increased general endurance and cardiac hypertrophy. Normally, the volume of the human heart is 760 cm³, and in professional athletes due to regular training can increase to 1200 cm³. As the heart muscle develops, the athlete's heart rate becomes slower, which is called sports bradycardia.

From another point of view, more interesting, we can say that running is:

  • changing underwear after each run;
  • the smiles of those running towards you;
  • envious glances of passers-by;
  • slender and toned legs;
  • confidence in your attractiveness;
  • a sense of accomplishment towards health.

Choose for yourself which definition you like best and let passers-by give way to you!

How to run correctly?

The success of a run largely depends on how and where we run, and how we breathe during training. All factors are important, they complement each other, and together the result is obtained.

Running technique is a postulate that must be mastered and assimilated. If we run correctly, then the body perceives the load the way we need it. When the technique is not sufficiently mastered, the body can receive excessive stress on weak areas of the body, which causes discomfort.

The correct technique depends on the type of running: sprint, middle or long distance. However, there are 6 canons of body position, after mastering which you will be able to master any technical elements:

  1. Staging feet done from heel to toe. The exception is sprinting, where athletes cover the distance exclusively on their toes.
  2. Sock turned slightly inward to maintain speed. If your toes point in different directions, your efforts will be less effective.
  3. Height knees depends on the distance. There is a rule - the higher the knee, the more energy is expended. Therefore, if you are running a long distance, then try to raise your knee as little as possible.
  4. Torso tilted forward by 5-7 degrees, which ensures inertial movement.
  5. Hands bent in elbow joint and walk along the ribs. Shoulder girdle is in a relaxed state. The more often you move your arms, the higher the tempo.
  6. Head plays an insignificant role while jogging. But remember that keeping your head down puts a strain on cervical region spine, which can cause pain.

An interesting video from Tanya Rybakova, in which she tells very important and useful things about running!

From running places It depends on how much stress the body receives. The softer the soil, the more stress the muscles receive, which leads to rapid fatigue. If the goal of jogging is to lose weight, then I recommend choosing a hard surface (asphalt, sidewalk, rubber). To build muscle, running on sand, soft soil or foliage is suitable.

Breathing while running depends on the tempo. The higher the running speed, the more often you need to inhale and exhale. If you feel that there is not enough oxygen, slow down. The breathing technique “inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth” is optional.

Running clothes. What to run in?

Running requires more than just willpower and motivation. An important component of jogging is clothing that will make you comfortable to train in day after day.

Modern brands sportswear pay great attention to the comfort and convenience of the equipment offered. Depending on the time of year, a material is selected that is optimally suited to the temperature conditions of the season.

If we talk about equipment for autumn, then the complex will include a jacket made of water-repellent material and compartments for air ventilation. Winter clothing includes thermal underwear and windproof sweatpants, a jacket, a hat and gloves. The last two attributes are also worth paying attention to, since a large number of heat comes out through the head and hands. Summer clothing is a lightweight set of materials that allow air to pass through, which prevents the athlete’s body from overheating.

The main criteria for choosing sneakers are lightness of the material, good foot cushioning and deep treads for comfortable grip on the surface. Seasonality of shoes of great importance does not have. Therefore, if the sneakers are securely held on a slippery surface, then you can train in them all year round.

Reviews about running

Masha Panika

Running is an opportunity to explore your capabilities, and training is a means to achieve them. By running, you become stronger and more resilient, and most importantly, healthier. For me personally, this is an opportunity to test my strength, since I get more pleasure from long distances(50-100 km). Running has become a lifestyle and an inexhaustible source of positivity.

Alexey Chemodanov

I started running 19 years ago with the sole purpose of building up my legs. I run differently. If it's a workout, then I enjoy it. It's like a walk for an ordinary person. If I run for results, then I monitor my technique and time. There are different feelings here. Feeling tense. If running exercises, then a sense of self-control. I listen to the body, feel for what needs to be changed in technique.

Alexey Tyutman

I started running 2-3 years ago. It was hard at first, but gradually I got involved and liked it. Each time the runs became easier and more enjoyable. A few months later I decided to try myself at extreme running competitions, then had a successful performance in the 1000 meters, and completed a half marathon. Gradually I realized that running is not just a hobby. Now it's a lifestyle!

Maria Vinogradova

I fell in love with running unconditionally and would not be able to trade it for anything else. This is a drug where instead of a “path” there is a finish line. This is an incredible feeling! When you run you feel lightness and freedom. Once you try it, you won’t change it for anything!

Alisa Kozlovskaya

For me, running is a complete unity with the moment and the world, in which I find an all-encompassing feeling of happiness and joy, constantly moving up the ladder of my own achievements. Running is freedom of choice, where I choose the speed of my life. Where I am a queen and the world around is beautiful.

Svetlana Shapoval

Some people run all their lives, but for me it was a kind of discovery. You can't tell whether you like it or not until you try it. I always thought that running was not for me. But one day I ran. I was just looking for an opportunity to lose weight. Of course, I lost weight and got toned, but that’s where my love began! This is not just support for shape and health, but also freedom, strength, endurance, and nurturing your will! This is relief from stress and release from negativity.

I’ve only been running for 3 months, but I’m trying to improve my results by gradually complicating the program. I don’t want to conquer peaks, it’s the process that’s important to me. But who knows, maybe someday...

Natalia Sokolova

It all started a little over six months ago. I once again decided to “start a new life” and finally take up running. Coincidentally, around the same time, friends invited me to run 10 km a few months later at the annual White Nights running event, and I signed up for the company. There was only one goal: “to reach the finish line and not die,” and it would be nice to run out of 50 minutes. You can't imagine how surprised I was when I did this!

Since then, I have been training regularly, participating in various races several times a month, setting new goals and achieving them. Now 10 km is an easy warm-up for me.

Irina Yansheva

Running gives you the opportunity to observe the world around you, and training allows you to be the strongest and not blend in with the gray mass of boring people. This is freedom during the run and after it ends. This is a completely different world!

Sergey Kulkov

For me running is good way lift your spirits, a sea of ​​smiles and the fight against your shortcomings, achieving better results, increasing sports training and the desire for activity and self-development.

I started running only a few months ago and not every day due to lack of time. At first it was very difficult, but each time I felt stronger and more confident, as I was able to overcome minutes and kilometers. Now I just enjoy running in the fresh air, I’m always positive and in a good mood, and every day I’m looking younger and better!

Alisa Kupinskaya

Every day was similar to the other - gray days and typical weekends! At one point I realized that I needed to change something in my life, change myself. And one winter day I started running! Running became for me a struggle against despondency and despair. With every kilometer I covered, I began to believe in myself more and more. With every breath of oxygen, I launched a powerful machine with meaning in life. I ran forward, became stronger and more resilient! Everything changed dramatically. Friends, habits, hobbies changed. Everything began to sparkle with new colors. Running has become an integral part of my life, thanks to which I become not only physically stronger, but also cleaner in my thoughts!