Pulling the block between the legs. The best exercises on block machines

Greetings, friends! Without further ado, today we will look at the technical side of the pumping process, namely, an exercise called lower pulley row. After reading, you will learn everything about the muscle atlas, the advantages and technique of execution, in addition, we will reveal which of the deadlift variations is better for developing the back muscles.

So, if everything is assembled, then let's start broadcasting.

Lower block thrust. What, why and why?

I think you have noticed that not only the male population goes to the hall; young ladies are also quite frequent guests of this muslin establishment. Usually they (You, my beauties) don’t like various dumbbells, barbells, weights, etc., free equipment - give it to them better trainers. They are understandable by their design, and therefore unclear by the technique of execution, i.e. For the most part, what this particular iron machine is intended for is not addressed. The lower block row exercise can (including) be classified as a women’s exercise, not in the sense that it is only their nationalized exercise machine, no, it is also suitable for men, it’s just that the block does not provide an increase in muscle volume and is “toning”, it is a muscle tightening and giving them tone, which is exactly what ladies need. So, let's get started with getting to know the lower block pull.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscle atlas

The exercise targets the development of the back muscles and is one of the best for increasing strength and power in the upper body. It allows you to give the torso a V-shape and create the illusion of a thin waist.

Taking part in the work:

  • targeted muscles - back (entire volume);
  • synergists – spinal extensors, trapezius (middle/bottom), rhomboids, latissimus, teres major/minor, deltoids (posterior), brachialis, brachyradialis, pectoralis major (sternal head), infraspinatus;
  • dynamic stabilizers – biceps, long head of triceps;
  • stabilizers – hamstrings, gluteus maximus, hip adductor.

Full muscle atlas looks like this (clickable):


Performing lat pulldowns offers the following benefits:

  • general strengthening of the entire back mass;
  • V-shaped figure profile (narrower waist);
  • development of posture and straight back;
  • high security;
  • great variability;
  • convenience and clarity of implementation.

Execution technique

The exercise belongs to the category of “ease” and does not represent any abstruseness, however, we will analyze the technique step by step. It includes the following steps.

Step #0.

Go to the machine and install the V-bar as a handle. Sit on the bench, place your feet on the front platform and grab neutral grip (palms facing each other) by the handle. Keep your back straight, arms extended. This is your starting position.

Step #1.

Keeping your torso stationary, pull the handles (until the abdominal muscles touch) to the lower abdomen. Exhale as you complete this part of the movement. Maintaining peak contraction 1-2 seconds, while inhaling, return the cable to IP.

Step #2.

Repeat the specified number of times.

IN picture version this whole mess looks like this:

In motion like this...


In addition to the classics, there are the following variations of the lower block thrust:

  • one-arm row;
  • pull with rope handle;
  • wide handle row straight grip;
  • wide handle row reverse grip.

Secrets and subtleties of implementation

Despite all its simplicity, it is necessary to remember the following technical features:

  • at the end point of the trajectory, squeeze your shoulder blades as much as possible and maintain this tension 1-2 seconds;
  • do not straighten your legs completely, leaving them slightly springy;
  • the classic version does not tolerate the body being pulled forward (extension) and backward (contraction) by the weight, however this option also takes place;
  • pull the handle towards you not through your hands, but through your lats, due to isolated pulling of the elbows back and compression of the shoulder blades;
  • do not throw the weight, but smoothly return it to the starting position;
  • When pulling, keep your elbows as close to your body as possible;
  • when lifting heavy weights, let’s do it a little by tilting the body back;
  • The straps will help support a lot of weight, so wrap them around the handles.

So, we're done with the technical part, let's move on to the practical part.

Which handle is better: wide or narrow V-shaped?

Typically, lower block rows are carried out with a narrow grip and switched to the wide grip version. In this case, the back muscles receive a constant one-sided load, in particular, the middle is worked out. A wide grip allows you to place more emphasis on the top of the trapezius/diamond shaped, rear deltoids, in which case the arms should be parallel to the floor, and the bar should be pulled to the bottom of the pectoral muscle. With a narrow grip, the emphasis shifts to the middle/lower back and the lats are more involved. The wings are stronger than other back muscles, so a narrow grip will allow you to use larger weights and, as a result, provide a better stimulus for growth.

Conclusion - to completely develop your back (each of its departments and segments) you need to use different grips and handle options.

Actually, that’s all I have, let’s summarize and say goodbye.


Today our technical arsenal has been replenished with another exercise called lower pull-down. Now you can safely blow into the gym and try it out in practice. Well, you're still here, what are we waiting for?

I'm doing a pen on the sim until we meet again!

PS. How do you train your back, what do you use?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points for karma, guaranteed :) .

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Performing exercises on a block machine allows you to diversify your training program and improve progress in building muscle volume. The peculiarity of such classes is that they are radically different from training with free weights.

The blocks in the simulator can be pulled back and forth, to the sides, down and up. Free weights do not provide such flexibility, and muscles do not receive such comprehensive development. The muscles are worked out completely differently when the athlete trains on a block machine.

Lifting the barbell for biceps and performing crossover curls while standing have some differences in the technique of movement, and, consequently, in the impact on the muscles. This also applies to bent-over arm curls, which are done in the simulator, which differs from the usual dumbbell curls, since the pecs upper muscles work a little differently.

The variability of positions that block simulators provide is the main and main advantage of this sports equipment. Block exercises allow you to stimulate muscle growth. Athletes who previously worked only with free weights achieve especially high results.

They represent a selection of the most effective exercises, which, for one reason or another, disclosed in the presented description of each, should be included in the main training program for increasing muscle mass.

It is a multi-joint exercise that is aimed at training the back using several muscle groups, allowing you to use fairly heavy weights. It, unlike a single-joint one, stimulates the production of much more testosterone and growth hormone in the body of athletes. This has positive effect for muscle growth. You can work with both the lower and upper grip, as well as with a narrow and wide grip.

It is best to perform this exercise at the end of a workout to develop your back muscles. First you need to work with heavy weights, performing deadlifts, bent-over rows with a barbell, supplementing, if possible, with T-bar rows. Expanding the range of motion is achieved by performing the exercise with one hand.

Sent for processing shoulder girdle. It is one of the best ways to engage and train the middle fascicle of the deltoid muscle group. Gives the greatest effect with a wide grip. Maximum isolation is achieved by occupying one of three positions - standing with cables (two), on the floor, sitting. Performing with a bar that has rotating handles allows you to relieve the stress on your wrists.

This exercise is best done before single-joint deltoids and after heavy overhead presses. It is often used as a closing dropset when people want to work out the middle fascicles of the deltoid muscles to the maximum.

Working with free weights involves moving your arms perpendicular to your body. In this back exercise with block simulator the amplitude is much greater. In addition, the athlete has the opportunity to experiment with different grips and types of bar, which is also an undeniable advantage.

Many athletes perform this exercise as a warm-up for the shoulder girdle, since it has a high range of motion. And if regular pull-ups make it difficult to increase the load, then doing heavy approaches on blocks is much easier. Pulling blocks to the chest can also be done after free weight exercises that follow the warm-up.

This is perhaps one of the best variations of biceps development in such a simulator as a crossover. Its high efficiency is due to the ability to change the height of both the block itself and the position of your own body. This exercise will become excellent choice for those athletes who have a shoulder injury, since it provides the joint with almost complete freedom of movement.

The exercise is not characterized by a high load; it is great for performing in those moments when there is a need to reduce the intensity. It can be done using enough heavy scales. The main thing, when reaching muscle failure, is to be sure that the inertia of movement is not involved.

The latter is due to the fact that due to cheating the execution technique is disrupted. This results in an increased risk of injury. Workouts with sets of six or eight repetitions are recommended to be performed with both arms, either a barbell or an EZ bar.

Unlike many other chest exercises, it allows you to easily change the angle of resistance. If it is necessary to work the lower part of the pectoral muscles, the blocks are placed upward, and if the emphasis is on top part, then, on the contrary, the blocks are placed at the bottom. Similarly, a change in the point of bringing the hands together is required.

It is made the penultimate or final one in training. When two isolation chest exercises are performed at once during a class, the muscles should be worked under different angles. Otherwise, the loads will be unidirectional, which is not effective.

It is a work on the deltas, which involves swinging to the sides and raising the arms in an inclined position. Recommended for inclusion in training, since block exercise machines were designed specifically for single-joint exercises.

The triset allows you to develop literally every fascicle of the delta, holding the handle and not releasing it. You can spread your arms while standing or bending over, raise them in front of you or swing them to the sides.

This triset usually completes the workout. In what part of the lesson to do this exercise is not of paramount importance. The main thing is to make sure that the work on each beam is the same and not different.

Differs from similar exercises performed with own weight, the ability to conduct training with an unlimited number of repetitions, the number of which depends on the goal set for the athlete, as well as adjustment of maximum loads. Crunches can be performed on the knees, with emphasis on the upper part abdominals, and standing, if it is necessary to work the oblique muscles.

The crossover exercise is done either first or second in training to work the abdominal muscles. Taking a light weight and thereby increasing the number of repetitions, you can do crunches closer to the end of the session.

Reason for inclusion this exercise one of the best is that it allows you to work out the long head of the triceps as efficiently as possible. This is due to the fact that it is much easier to return to the original position in a crossover than when using an EZ bar or dumbbells. This extension can be diversified in several ways, if you stand on your knees or perform it using one hand.

Athletes who work their triceps through multi-joint exercises can do this exercise absolutely at any time during training, after the previous ones have been completed.

Some athletes believe that performing rotator cuff exercises is purely a waste of time. This is a misconception. This group of muscles and tendons, which, together with deltoid muscles, provides maximum stability of the shoulder joints, and also reduces the risk of injury.

It is the lack of exercises that allow you to work the rotator cuff, when the rest of the deltoids are given increased attention, and becomes the main cause of problems. This creates an imbalance in muscle development, which leads to negative consequences and negatively affects the health of the shoulder girdle. To perform abduction and adduction not in a crossover, but with a dumbbell, this must be done either standing or lying down.

You should do five repetitions in each approach as a warm-up to do arm adduction and abduction with light weights.

No. 10 Lower pulley between the legs

The number of leg exercises that can be done on a crossover are limited and ineffective. Rowing with a lower block between the legs is an exception that allows you to get maximum benefit. She looks like Romanian deadlift, which allows you to work the posterior chain, including the buttocks, lower back, and upper thighs. To get the greatest effect, you need to keep your back straight, your knees bent, and not stretch your shoulders, keeping them to a minimum. Correct technique involves performing all movements exclusively with the hips.

It is recommended to do this row as a complement to the main bends, since they are the ones that force the knee joints to move. The inclusion of this exercise in training depends on how the athlete practices. If an athlete is working the back of the thighs with quadriceps, then before a single-joint exercise you need to squat and do hyperextension.


Exercising on block exercise machines is useful not only for experienced athletes, but also for beginner athletes who have just started attending gym. Exercises performed with blocks are considered one of the most effective and best ways to prepare joints, ligaments, and muscles for upcoming increasing loads.

From: bodybuilding.com

This article describes the 4 best exercises for beautiful buttocks with detailed execution techniques and secrets of effectiveness.

This article describes the 4 best exercises for beautiful buttocks with detailed technique and secrets of effectiveness. Some of them require special simulators and equipment, so they cannot be performed at home.

Romanian deadlift (flat leg deadlift)

Exercise for the buttocks "Deadlift on straight legs."

Essence: Deadlifts on straight legs are an excellent exercise for working the muscles of the buttocks and back surface hips. To get the most benefit from it, you need to learn how to bend correctly at the waist. To do this, bend your knees so that they do not go beyond your toes, move your pelvis back and bend at the lower back. Keeping your back straight, move up and down by hip joints. This is the basis of the Romanian craving.

Problem: Deadlifts on straight legs are something that few people can do right away. Beginners often bend their knees too much or round their lower back. These nuances transfer tension from the target muscle groups - legs and buttocks - to the vulnerable lumbar region.

Exercise Guide:

  • Unlike squats, the Romanian deadlift does not require maximum flexion at the knee and hip joints. In this exercise, you need to perform maximum flexion only in the hip joint, and leave your knees almost straight.
  • To perform the Romanian deadlift, approach the bar so that it hangs over your shins. Place your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width, but not together. Grab the fretboard normal grip with both hands.
  • The bar should move vertically and as close to your legs as possible. As the incline deepens, you will feel a stretch in the back of your thighs. At the top point, squeeze your buttocks as hard as possible.
  • Never round your back. If you feel that you cannot keep it level, then do not bend lower. Work on flexibility in your hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. Flexible muscles will allow you to lower the barbell to a distance of 3-5 cm from the floor and achieve the correct amplitude.
Variations: Romanian deadlifts can also be performed with dumbbells or kettlebells.

Read also:

Lower pulley between the legs

Essence: This exercise is similar to the straight-legged deadlift, but has a number of features. It allows you to perform a deeper bend and maintain muscle tension during all phases of movement.

Problem: As with the Romanian deadlift, you need to perfect your waist curl technique before lifting heavy weights. This can be difficult for athletes with weak glutes, hamstrings, and calf muscles because they can't bend down low enough.

Exercise Guide:

  • Stand with your back to the block car (crossover), spread your feet slightly wider than your shoulders.
  • Bend over and grab the rope handle passed between your legs. Grip the ropes tightly, resting your thumbs on the handle tips. Move away from the machine at a distance that will allow you to complete the full range of motion. During the approach, the working blocks should not touch the others. If you feel discomfort, change your position - the quality of the exercise depends on this.
  • Keep your lower back arched and your hands between your knees. Remember that your back should be strong and level, and your head should be in line with your spine.
  • Squeeze your glutes and legs to perform the row and return to an upright position.
  • Remember that you are working on the glutes. Therefore, pull the blocks not with your back, but with your buttocks, squeezing them at the top point.
Important: Crossover lat pulldowns will be more effective if you have flexible muscles, so stretch between sets. Additionally, at the end of each lower body workout, spend 5-10 minutes doing static stretches for your glutes and hamstrings.

"Swing" with a weight

An example of performing the “Swing” exercise for the buttocks.

Essence: Although working with weights is not typical for girls, the “swing” exercise is loved by many athletes. It involves several muscle groups at once and is indispensable for high-quality pumping of the buttocks.

Problem:“Swing” – extraordinary, dynamic and explosive exercise. However, it may not be helpful if you have poor control over your body. Ideally, the force of the movement should come from the hips, then the buttocks will receive the necessary load.

Exercise Guide:

  • Place the weight in front of you and move 30 centimeters away from it. If you stand too close to the kettlebell, you won't be able to make a good swing and gain momentum.
  • Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Grasp the handle of the kettlebell with a closed grip with both hands. Give proper attention to the gripping phase, otherwise the exercise may result in injury.
  • Slowly lift the kettlebell behind your hips and then gradually swing it until it rises to shoulder level.
  • Drive the kettlebell forward and upward using the explosive force of your hips rather than pulling it with your shoulders.
  • At the top point, squeeze your buttocks to feel the burning sensation. And most importantly, constantly think that after each repetition you need to complete this element. This way your attention will focus specifically on the work of the buttocks.
  • The heavier the kettlebell, the better, but you need to increase the load gradually. Sacrifice correct technique for the sake of heavy weights is a bad idea.
Variations: To add variety to the swing, you can experiment with grips. As an option, transfer the weight from one hand to the other at the top point of the amplitude. This element will make the swing more interesting, but will require extreme concentration.

Raising the pelvis on a bench with a barbell

Essence: The upper back lies on the floor or bench, and a barbell is placed on the hips. Gently lower your pelvis, and then tense your buttocks and legs to push it back to the starting position.

Problem: It is difficult to simultaneously keep the barbell balanced and control the execution technique.

Exercise Guide:

  • Beginners should perform this exercise with an empty bar and aim to gradually progress to 3 sets of 15 reps with a working weight that is 2 times their body weight.
  • Place the barbell in the hollow between your thighs and lower press so that you feel comfortable. If the bar presses and causes discomfort, wrap it with a mat or towel.
  • Place your feet slightly wider than your hips and press them firmly into the floor, putting more pressure on your heels. Don't strain your neck or lift your shoulder blades off the bench.
  • The movement occurs due to flexion and extension of the hip joints. Engage your glutes to push your pelvis up, and hold the starting position for 1-3 seconds after each repetition.
Variations: This exercise can be performed on a step platform with 2-4 stands or on a special machine. Dumbbells and weight plates are suitable as weights, and beginners can work with their own weight. If you're training without weights, try lifting one leg and doing pelvic raises using the same technique. This makes it a little more difficult to maintain balance, but your buttocks will burn.

The thrust of the lower block refers to basic exercises. And not those that are performed mainly by men who dream of a big back - this exercise is suitable for both the male half gym, and female. During its implementation, there is no large increase in volume. It is rather a tonic, working to tighten the muscles. So, what is a lower block thrust, the features of its implementation and its effect on the body - we will find out in this article.

What muscles work?

The main goal of the exercise is to increase the strength and power of the back, giving a V-shaped torso with broad shoulders and the illusion of a narrow waist. At runtime the following work:

  1. All antagonist muscles of the back.
  2. Spinal extensors.
  3. Bottom and middle of the trapezoid.
  4. Latissimus dorsi muscle.
  5. Teres major and minor muscles.
  6. Triceps and biceps.
  7. Forearms.
  8. Rhomboid muscles.
  9. Rear delts.
  10. Stabilizers - gluteus maximus and adductor.

Benefits of Exercise

At correct technique execution, the obvious advantages of the exercise stand out:

  • Strengthening the muscular frame of the back.
  • Creation correct posture and straight back.
  • Development beautiful shape back in the shape of the letter V.
  • Convenient and understandable technology.
  • Safety when compared with free weight exercises.
  • Several options for performing high-quality work on all muscles.

Execution technique

Every exercise starts from the right starting point. Let's start with it.

Preparation: Set the required weight on the machine, secure the V-shaped handle. Sit on a bench facing the machine. Grasp the handle with your hands - palms facing each other. Arms extended, back straight. This is the starting position.

Step 1: With your back in a stationary position, you need to bend your arms while exhaling, pulling the handle of the exercise machine to your belt until it touches. We keep our hands as close to the body as possible, the movement occurs along the legs. We stay in this position for 1-2 seconds.

Step 2: Inhale and return your arms to the starting position.

Step 3: Perform the required number of repetitions.

Athletes' mistakes

The exercise only seems so easy, in fact, athletes often make mistakes when performing it, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of the exercise. The exercise “pulling the lower block to the belt” often causes the following errors:

  1. Straightened lower back. It should not be straight - the pelvis is pulled back and the chest is arched forward.
  2. Straight or strong bent legs. Important correct positioning legs - they are slightly bent, and the feet fit tightly to the stand. If the legs are straight, the leverage will be far away from the athlete and it will be difficult for him to keep his lower back arched. And, conversely, if the lever is too bent, it will be too close, and the exercise will be ineffective.
  3. Emphasis on biceps. Many athletes do the exercise by pulling the weight towards themselves by tensing their arms. It is important to catch the moment when the pull of the lower block occurs precisely with the tension of the back muscles, and fixate on it.
  4. Walking torso - forward and backward. Only experienced athletes who use cheating when working with heavy weights can deflect the torso. The exercise must be done with a straight back, but a relaxed lower back - this way the muscles stretch better and their growth accelerates.

Subtleties of execution

By performing the exercise taking into account all the subtleties recommended by experienced bodybuilders, you are guaranteed to achieve a good result. Let's divide the exercise into 2 segments - deadlift and return of weight.

Pull from the starting position. The pull of the lower block should not be carried out by the muscles of the arm, but by working the latissimus dorsi muscles - this effect is achieved by isolated pulling the elbows back and squeezing the shoulder blades. At the end point, you need to bring your shoulder blades together, tense all your back muscles and fix this position for 1-2 seconds. The legs cannot be completely straightened - they should be slightly bent and spring when pulling the block. The elbows should be as close to the body as possible during the pull.

Weight return. The second part of the exercise is carried out smoothly. Do not throw the handle suddenly. Experienced athletes who have already performed with heavy weights can slightly tilt their body back. Hold Assist heavy weight The straps may have an effect - wrap them around the handles.

It is important to perform deadlifts with a safety net. This is rare for exercises on machines, but here you need a competent assistant - not to help you with heavy weights. He will monitor the correctness of the technique from the outside.

Classic horizontal pull

Experienced bodybuilders claim that classic deadlift is the most effective. When performing this, the following rules must be observed:

  • The grip on the projectile is medium, palms facing each other.
  • The legs rest on the stand with the entire foot, and not just the toe or heel. The feet should be clearly fixed on the front platform.
  • The elbows and knees are slightly bent, the back is straight, the lower back is arched. To place the load on the latissimus muscles, the shoulder blades are brought together.
  • In the first part of the execution, the projectile is pulled towards you by the shoulders and by bringing the shoulder blades together. The arms work only at the end point, when it is necessary to completely bring the shoulder blades together and pull the weight towards the stomach.

In the second part of the exercise, the torso is moved forward slightly, the back remains straight, and the shoulders protrude forward.

Regarding breathing techniques, experts' opinions are divided - some believe that inhalation is necessary for effort, and exhalation is for returning weight. Others believe the opposite. We recommend trying both techniques and choosing the one that suits you.

Variations of the exercise

In addition to the classic form of the exercise, there are also its variations:

  • one-arm row;
  • pull with rope handle;
  • wide straight grip row;
  • wide reverse grip row.

The most common variation is the wide-grip lat pull-down. It is performed using a wide handle. When pulling the lower block with a wide grip, the load is accentuated on the upper part of the trapezius and also on the rear deltoids. If with a narrow grip the load on the biceps is emphasized with an increased amplitude, then with a wide grip the biceps is not loaded so intensely, but the amplitude of the exercise is reduced. Complex exercise with different ways holding the handle will allow you to effectively work out all the back muscles.

The athlete himself chooses which grip is right for him. The main thing is to feel at what moments the back muscles tense the most and stick to them. For training, it is important to choose a program that is guaranteed to produce results. For example, to develop the back muscles, the list includes rows of the upper and lower blocks while sitting. The technique of these two exercises is not particularly different, but performing them together will help make your back powerful and beautiful.

How to gain weight?

Each athlete selects his own weight for his physical fitness. But for progress to occur, the load must be constantly increased. To avoid spinal injuries, this should be done smoothly. The optimal solution would be in increments of 1.5-2 kg. For the load to be effective, the weight must be such that the athlete can do 6-8 repetitions of 4-5 approaches.

Remember that in any variation of the execution, the pull-down of the lower block is an isolating exercise, and you should not get carried away with large weights. The main thing here is to work well on your technique. To increase the load, you can, for example, reduce the rest time between approaches.

Block machines provide the variety you need to grow muscles. By doing exercises on machines, you can achieve excellent results.

Why is it sometimes worth putting aside free weights and switching to exercises in block machines? There are a number of very good reasons for this.

Unlike free weights, which always pull downwards by the force of their gravity, exercise blocks can pull to the side, up, down, forward and backward. This flexibility offers great promise in improving muscle development.

Curling your arms with an EZ bar while standing in a crossover is slightly different from lifting a barbell for biceps; bent over arms in the same machine involves the upper part of the work pectoral muscles a little different than doing dumbbell curls, etc.

With so many variations of exercises on the machines, you can better stimulate muscle growth, especially if you've never done them before.

Let's take a look at the 10 best cable exercises and why they should be part of your workout routine.

1. Block row to the waist while sitting

Reason for inclusion in the list: This multi-joint back exercise uses multiple muscle groups and allows for the use of heavy weights. Compared to single-joint exercises, it causes the body to produce more growth hormone and testosterone, which has a positive effect on muscle growth. Here you can also use different grips - narrow, wide, underhand, overhand - to work the muscles in different ways.

Seated row of block to the waist

Place in training: Perform seated rows toward the end of your back workout. When starting out, work with heavy weights on deadlifts, bent-over rows, and/or t-bar rows. To increase your range of motion, perform one-arm rows.

Reason for inclusion in the list: This multi-joint machine shoulder exercise is a great way to target your middle deltoids, especially if you use more wide grip. You can achieve greater isolation by performing deadlifts lying on the floor, standing with two cables, or simply sitting. Use a bar with rotating handles to ease the strain on your wrists.

Standing lower block row to the chin

Place in training: Perform after heavy overhead press exercises and before single-joint delt exercises. You can also use the chin row as a finishing exercise in dropsets if you want to squeeze all the strength out of your middle deltoids.

Reason for inclusion in the list: in this exercise for the back on simulators, there is a wider range of movements relative to the body compared to rows, in which the arms move mainly perpendicular to it. Again, don't be afraid to experiment and use different kinds neck and grip.

Place in training: Some people like to deadlift. upper block to the chest to warm up the shoulders since there is a high range of motion in this exercise. Unlike pull-ups, you can easily increase the load and perform several heavy sets at the beginning of your back workout.

You can also do free weight exercises after warming up, and then move on to chest rows.

4. Standing crossover curl

Reason for inclusion in the list: There are many ways to incorporate different variations of the crossover biceps curl into your workout, but this one is our favorite because it allows you to change the position of your body in relation to the block and the height of the block. If you have an injured shoulder, then this exercise will provide freedom in the movements of the joint.

One arm crossover curl

Place in training: Crossover curls are great for those times when you want to lower the intensity of your workout. However, in this exercise you can work with fairly heavy weights. When you reach muscle failure, make sure you are not using momentum.

If you practice so-called cheating in a single-joint exercise, this will lead to a violation of the technique, which will increase the risk of injury. If you plan to train in the 6-8 rep range, then perform the exercise with both hands using EZ bars or a barbell.

5. Bringing your hands together in a crossover

Reason for inclusion in the list: One of the best things about this chest exercise is that it is easy to vary the angles of resistance. Place the blocks at the top to target the bottom of the pecs or at the bottom to focus on the upper area. Also vary the point at which you bring your hands together.

Place in training: Crossover crossovers are usually the last or penultimate exercise of the workout. If you include 2 isolation exercises in your chest workout, make sure they work the muscles from different angles.

6. Triset (swings to the side and in front of you + bent over arms)

Reason for inclusion in the list: In fact, cable machines were designed to perform single-joint exercises. Thanks to these devices, you can make a triset for each bunch of deltas without letting go of the handle. For example, a triset of raising your arms while standing or bending over, as well as raising your arms in front of you and swinging to the sides.

Exercises on the shoulder block

Place in training: As a rule, single-joint delt exercises are performed at the end of the workout. However, you can do them at other times, the main thing is that all the beams are worked out equally well.

7. Abdominal crossover crunches

Reason for inclusion in the list: Unlike bodyweight exercises, crossover crunches allow you to adjust the load and train for any number of repetitions depending on your goals. What's more, you can do this exercise standing or on your knees to target your upper abs, and doing one-arm crunches while standing will help you target your obliques better.

Press crunches on the upper block

Place in training: Make crossover crunches the first or second exercise in your ab workout. You can also use lighter weights more repetitions, performing the exercise towards the end of the workout.

8. Arm extension in crossover with rope

Reason for inclusion in the list: This exercise works great on the long head of the triceps. It is much easier to return to the starting position here than when using dumbbells or an EZ bar. You can also add variety and perform this exercise with a regular handle, on your knees, or with one hand.

Extension of arms with a rope from behind the head for triceps

Place in training: If you do compound exercises first in your triceps workout, you can do crossover extensions any time after that.

9. Adduction and abduction of the arm in crossover

Reason for inclusion in the list: You may think that rotator cuff training is a waste of time, but it is not. This group of tendons and muscles works in conjunction with the deltoids to provide stability in shoulder joints, and we can avoid injury.

The problem starts when you focus too much on your deltoids and not enough on your rotator cuff. When this happens, you create an imbalance in the development of muscle groups, which leads to dire consequences for shoulder health. If you want to do arm adduction and abduction with a dumbbell instead of a crossover, do it while lying down rather than standing.

Place in training: As a warm-up with very light weights for sets of 15 reps.

10. Pulldown between the legs

Reason for inclusion in the list: There's not much that's real in the crossover effective exercises for legs. The pulldown of the lower block between the legs is an exception. It is very similar to the Romanian deadlift and works the posterior chain, including the glutes, upper thighs, and lower back.

The key to this exercise is to keep your back straight, minimize stretching with your shoulders, and keep your knees slightly bent. Movement should occur only in the hips.

Place in training: The lower pulley between the legs serves as a good complement to leg curls, since the latter causes movement in knee joints. If you're training your hamstrings along with your quads, do squats and hyperextensions before single-joint exercises.

Do exercises on sports simulators It is also useful for beginners who have just started working out in the gym. This The best way muscles to get used to working with weights, prepare ligaments and joints for heavy loads.