What is a dumbbell press? Recommendations on how to do the dumbbell bench press correctly

Hello to everyone who decided to look at the blog “About Your Sport”. Today is a special topic. Recently, during my next training session, the idea occurred to me, why not tell me about my favorite exercises.

I don't know why, but I especially like the various bench presses. One of these is the dumbbell bench press. In fact, this is what we will talk about in this material. In the article you will learn what the technique for performing this exercise should be, which muscles are primarily involved in the work, and something else. Intrigued? Then we immediately move on to the main part.

A little about the exercise itself

The dumbbell bench press is a multi-joint exercise that is an excellent help for development pectoral muscles, anterior bundles of the deltoid (shoulders) and triceps muscles of the arms (triceps). But this is so, the main muscles that are loaded, there are also those that are also involved in the process of lifting weights, but to a lesser extent. Naturally, due to less load, such muscles grow and gain less strength. Tell me, how often do you resort to the “services” of this exercise?

A common occurrence in gyms is the use of the dumbbell bench press as a “finishing” exercise after the main exercise - the bench press on a horizontal bench. This makes sense if an athlete is looking to gain muscle mass by pumping large volumes of blood into working muscles.

It turns out that the first exercise (barbell press) depletes the reserves of strength, injures the muscles, and drives a certain amount of blood there, and the second (dumbbell press) seems to finish off the muscles completely, pushing even more blood there. Due to pumping, muscle growth is inevitable.

But this is not the only purpose of this wonderful exercise. If you take enough heavy weight, only with its help (if you do 4-6 sets of 6-12 repetitions) can you significantly increase your gain muscle tissue in the arms, shoulders and chest.

The movements in this exercise (and the very peculiarity of its execution) differ from its closest brother exercise - the bench press. The fact is that the barbell is a single projectile, it is easier to control. And dumbbells are separate equipment; here the question is about the technique of execution and getting the body used to the movements of the dumbbells up and down. By the way, the dumbbell press does not end with the up and down movements; everything is somewhat more complicated there.

I have also observed quite a lot of how inexperienced beginners, who have only seen (I think) this movement performed once, confuse the dumbbell press with the dumbbell fly, doing something in between, mixing these two different exercises. This is another reason why I am writing this information. So how to do this exercise correctly?

Correct technique

Let's start, as expected, from the starting position - the starting position, on which a lot depends. For example, will you be able to lift more weight and distribute the load evenly between the working muscles, or will you take on too much and get injured (stretched, for example) of the pectoral muscle. In addition, the correct technique is the key to quick results.

Starting position. You sit down on the edge of a horizontal bench, and in front of you on the floor lie the dumbbells you picked up. Lean forward, grab the dumbbells, and place them on your hips. You are sitting again, but with dumbbells.

Now you can lie down on the bench, holding both dumbbells on your chest along your body. Have you gone to bed? From this position, straighten your arms with weights and turn them so that the outer parts of the handles point in different directions. It is important to place the dumbbells not above your face, not above your neck, but above your chest. Ideally, above the lower chest.

Now put your legs out: bring your feet under you as far as possible, but so as not to lift your heels off the floor. Place your feet firmly on the floor, slightly raising your torso above the bench: there is a deflection in your lower back, and your buttocks barely touch the bench, one might say, they touch symbolically.

It turns out that you rely on your legs, back and head - three points of support. If you also do it on your butt, then this is wrong - you will not be able to lift heavy weights in the future. This is the correct initial position of the body and projectiles.

Downward movement. Bending your arms at the elbow and shoulder joints, lower the additional weights onto your chest, barely touching it, but not placing it completely (you can not touch it, almost bringing the dumbbells to the pectoral muscles). If there is not enough stretching of the pectoral muscles, then bring it to a feeling of stretching - this can be significantly higher than the chest.

You need to lower it not just down, but down through the sides (along an arc), if you want to evenly stimulate the working muscles, and not focus on the shoulders and triceps. In the starting position, you held the dumbbells in a narrow position with your hands, but you need to lower them in a wide position. So you have to lower it down in an arc.

Important note. As in the initial position of the body, so in the dynamic phase, you must hold the dumbbells strictly above the chest or lower chest, but not above the neck - this is another exercise, similar to the “Guillotine” exercise. In the correct position of the arms, the elbows (when viewed from the side) will be slightly lower than the shoulders.

Upward movement. In the same way, straighten your arms in all bent joints (elbows not completely, but almost - this is to avoid injury). Naturally, the projectiles need to be moved in an arc, but in the opposite direction: from a wide hand position to a narrow one.

It is at the moment of the press that you will feel (if you have taken the correct starting position) how much your legs help - according to unofficial data, they account for 30% of the total load. This does not mean that they steal almost a third of the load from the muscles of the chest and arms. This means you can lift 30% more weight, putting more (emphasis on the “o”) on your chest and arms. Consequently, there will be a greater increase in mass and strength, and the personal list of achievements will be expanded.

The weight lifting phase also has its own important note. At the highest point, when the dumbbells are as high as possible above you (arms are straight), do not hit them against each other; such manipulations lead to relaxation of the muscles at the moment of impact, allowing them to rest. As a result, the effectiveness of the exercise is less.

Although I agree - it looks and sounds impressive, attracting the attention of the opposite sex. You lift heavy dumbbells, strain, muscles become visible, and even this sound of iron... Well, you understand.


The dumbbell bench press on a horizontal bench is a bodybuilding exercise that trains the entire chest well. The difference between a dumbbell bench press and a lying barbell chest press is that with the help of dumbbells you can set a larger range of motion, thereby stretching the muscle more and increasing efficiency. In addition, there is no strong pressure on the hands, since the dumbbell can be held in any way that is comfortable for you.

Perfect for gaining breast mass. There are also some difficulties when performing this exercise - you will have to strain your arms more to balance the dumbbells in the working position. In addition, the total weight of the dumbbells will be less than your working weight when bench pressing, but this does not in any way reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.

Dumbbell press technique lying on a horizontal bench:

Lie down on a bench and press your buttocks and lower back. Keep them pressed against the bench throughout the exercise. Place your feet on the floor and rest on them. Take the dumbbells in your hands (or ask them to be handed to you). Begin to lower the dumbbells under control to approximately the level of your lower chest. At the lowest point, try to stretch your pectoral muscles as much as possible and feel this stretch. From the bottom point (having achieved maximum stretch), squeeze them upward with force. Your arms should be at an angle of 45 degrees relative to your body. Do not press your elbows to your body or spread them too far to the sides. At the bottom, your forearms should be perpendicular to the floor. The dumbbell bench press is an exercise where performing at speed can result in shoulder injury, so perform all movements smoothly and under control. Watch your breathing, inhale when lowering the dumbbells, exhale when raising them.

  1. The dumbbell bench press is an exercise in which it is better to ask someone to back you up. Although the dumbbells can be dropped if something happens, it still doesn’t hurt to have extra safety net.
  2. If you feel that you can no longer press the dumbbells up, you can simply throw them down.
  3. Don't use dumbbells that are too heavy, or you'll automatically press with your triceps to force the dumbbells upward. The feeling that you have pressed too much weight and thereby put more stress on the muscle will be imaginary, since most of the load will be transferred from the target muscle to the triceps.

Errors in the dumbbell bench press exercise:

  1. Bend the lower back. In this case, the load from the chest is distributed among many additional muscles, thereby removing the maximum load from the chest.
  2. Raising your arms far to the sides. With this design, the load on shoulder joints and you may get injured.
  3. Incomplete range of motion. In this case, you do not stretch the muscle enough, thereby reducing the effect of the exercise.

Execution options:

Important! To prevent injury, follow correct technique performing dumbbell presses while lying on a horizontal bench.

Watch a video about the dumbbell bench press:

Dumbbell bench press is perfect exercise for pumping up the pectoral muscles. And let it be the most basic exercise, but in building a wide, powerful and beautiful chest, it is not an assistant. Gain upper body mass and increase strength shoulder girdle you can use it, but make breasts business card, it is forbidden. About why dumbbell bench press better bench press and with a barbell and what types of this exercise exist, read my article. The most interesting things about training and sports nutrition on my telegram channel

In 2010, using an electromyograph, I measured the degree of involvement of the chest muscle fibers during various exercises. His verdict was unequivocal: dumbbell bench press incline bench– the best exercise for the pectoral muscles.

Therefore, for me the question is what is better, the dumbbell bench press, or the barbell bench press is no longer relevant, I know for sure - dumbbells better than a barbell suitable for creating powerful, wide and beautiful breasts. Although, it would be fair to admit that the guillotine barbell press takes an honorable second place in this ranking.

The dumbbell bench press is more effective for building pectoral muscles for the following reasons:

  • Increased range of motion. This is the main argument in the debate about whether the dumbbell bench press or barbell bench press is better. The trajectory of the barbell's movement is limited by the bar, but such a limitation does not apply to dumbbells. They can be lowered lower, which allows for greater stretching and contraction of the pectoral muscles.
  • You can work without a partner. The dumbbell press allows beginners and professionals alike to pump up their chest without the fear of being crushed by the barbell, because the dumbbells can be dropped to the floor if the weight is too heavy. This is especially important for girls, because many are simply afraid to pump their chest with a barbell. Therefore, the dumbbell bench press for girls can be called the best exercise for the chest.

Dumbbell bench press for girls - an ideal exercise for the chest

. When bench pressing a barbell, about 60% of the load goes to the chest (mostly in the lower segment), 20% to the triceps, 15% to the anterior deltoid and the rest is distributed to other muscle groups. When performing an exercise with dumbbells, almost 75% goes to the pectoral muscles. Stress on target muscle increases, and so does muscle mass.
  • Availability. The bench press is still considered a popular exercise, so the barbell is often busy. The dumbbell row allows you to train at your own rhythm, without being distracted by questions every time: “How many approaches are left?” This is a small thing, but it’s these little things that make up a successful chest workout.
  • Safety. Exercise with dumbbells puts less stress on the elbow joints and. The risk of injury when performing it is much lower.
  • Variability. There are several variations to the barbell bench press, but there are many more ways to perform the exercise with dumbbells. The pectoral muscles consist of large, medium and very small muscles, the development of which requires targeted, targeted load.
  • The question of what is better is a dumbbell bench press or a barbell press, it’s even stupid to ask, because a barbell is a stonemason’s pick, and dumbbells are a surgeon’s thin scalpels. As they say, choose what you need.

    Conclusion: bench press - a basic exercise for gaining muscle mass upper body, and the dumbbell press is basic and formative at the same time. It allows you to pump up your chest muscles to be large and proportionately developed.

    Since I started talking about different variations of this exercise, it’s time to talk about how you can use it not only to pump up your breasts, but also to make them ideal in shape. So…

    Dumbbell bench press

    The dumbbell bench press completely repeats the biomechanics of the barbell press, except for the increased trajectory of movement, and is the most popular type of this exercise. It can be performed on both a horizontal and an inclined bench, pumping the top, middle or bottom of the chest.

    Technique for performing bench presses with dumbbells on a horizontal bench:

    Stage 1. Starting position: we take dumbbells in our hands, and, holding them with a neutral grip (palms turned towards ourselves), we sit on the bench. We place the dumbbells on our feet, closer to our knees, and leaning back, at the same time we throw the dumbbells onto our chest. At the starting point of the movement, we unfold the dumbbells in one line, so that they are located on both sides of the chest at the level of the collarbones. Take a deep breath, bend your lower back and place your feet on the floor.

    Stage 2. Exhale and smoothly, without jerking, press the dumbbells up. At the top of the trajectory, we freeze for 1-2 seconds, additionally strain the chest muscles and, a little slower than we did the lift, lower the dumbbells under control. At the bottom we also do a short delay, bring the shoulder blades together and stretch the pectoral muscles in a controlled manner. Slowly return the dumbbells to the starting position.

    Dumbbell bench press video:

    The dumbbell bench press looks like a completely harmless, teddy bear-like exercise. However, neglecting the technique of performing it can result in serious injuries. To prevent this, I advise:

    • Warm up thoroughly. An extended range of motion is a huge plus of the exercise, but at the same time there is a risk of injury if there is insufficient warm-up. Before starting work, you must perform 2-3 sets with light dumbbells, working with them at the bottom of the trajectory in order to warm up the muscles and stretch them thoroughly.
    • Don't throw dumbbells on the floor. This is especially true for the fair half of humanity, because abruptly dropping dumbbells, even if they are light, can cause injury to the shoulder joints.
    • Do not allow the dumbbells to collide at the top. Any sudden movements can cause a loss of balance, including falling off the bench. In addition, with such an aggressive technique, the muscles of the middle of the chest will be excluded from work.
    • Place your feet firmly on the floor. If you don’t do this, you can fall off the bench due to the distortion that has arisen on one side. Professionals press dumbbells with their feet on a bench, or even pressing them towards the top (a similar technique). But this is the lot of athletes with extensive experience, benching dumbbells In a similar way Not worth it for a beginner.

    Conclusion: the technique of performing a dumbbell bench press is not as simple as it seems; safety rules in this exercise must be strictly followed

    Dumbbell Angle Press

    The essence of the exercise is that the dumbbells do not move strictly upward, but in an arc. In the lower part of the trajectory, the chest muscles are stretched, as when performing flyes with dumbbells, and in the upper part they are reduced to the strongest peak contraction. And all this with much more weight than when performing regular dumbbell flyes.

    When pressing dumbbells at an angle, the load is simultaneously placed on the top and middle of the pectoral muscles, and areas that cannot be pumped using conventional methods are included in the work. I suggest you watch a story in which British fitness star Roman Lunsford remembers his training with Charles Glass and performs this version of the dumbbell bench press.

    Dumbbell Angle Press

    Conclusion: The angled dumbbell press allows you to pump up your pectoral muscles in an unusual manner and improve the shape of your upper region.

    Dumbbell bench press lying on the floor gym a rare guest, because this version of the exercise is deprived of the most important advantage - an extended trajectory of movement. But it can safely be called the best chest exercise at home. , it is ideal for these purposes. The dumbbell floor press allows you to use more weight than usual, thereby putting a lot of stress on the chest, shoulders and triceps.

    This chest exercise is useful to include in your arsenal for those who want to increase their results in the bench press. During its execution, a large load falls on the ligaments, tendons and small supinator muscles, such as the same shoulder rotators. The stronger they become, the higher their strength indicators will be. But it is necessary to perform such a press with dumbbells slowly and under control, so as not to hit your elbows on the floor at the bottom of the trajectory

    Dumbbell floor press

    Conclusion: This chest exercise requires perfect technique, otherwise it can cause serious injury to your elbows.

    Alternate Dumbbell Press

    Alternating dumbbell press is a version regular bench press, but performed with each hand in turn. Unilateral (performed with one arm or leg) versions of exercises are very popular among professional bodybuilders. This allows you to equalize the development of the left and right sides of the body and present to the judges a masterpiece packed in the armor of ideal muscles. This option is very unusual and stressful; the chest muscles react very well to it.

    Pressdumbbells alternately

    A similar technique for performing familiar exercises can be used not only to pump up the chest, but also for all other muscle groups.

    Conclusion: The alternate dumbbell press is designed to work the pectoral muscles in isolation; its effectiveness directly depends on the ability to select the correct working weight.

    Parallel grip dumbbell press

    Perform dumbbell press parallel grip possible with a wide stance. The load on the elbow joints during neutral grip dumbbells is significantly reduced. Therefore, this exercise for the chest can be recommended to people who come to the gym in adulthood, because it has its own characteristics.

    Close grip dumbbell press is The best way work out the middle of the pectoral muscles, since the muscles receive a very strong load during its execution. In this regard, the close-grip bench press is superior to both the crossover and the butterfly machine.

    If the exercise is performed on an incline bench, the load will fall on the very top of the middle of the chest, which is not involved in the work with a regular dumbbell press. Any exercise for the chest can be chosen as a replacement, but it is impossible to find analogues for the dumbbell press with a narrow grip with parallel arms position, performed on an inclined bench; it is exclusive.

    Close grip dumbbell press

    But if an exercise with a wide stance of the arms reduces the load on the elbows, then a bench press with a narrow grip, on the contrary, increases it. In addition, the load on the triceps increases.

    Conclusion: similar exercise must be performed with less weight than usual and only after a thorough warm-up of the triceps and elbow joints.

    Dumbbell press with supination and pronation

    One of best exercises for the biceps is (turning the hand towards you), and the most effective movement for the triceps is this, but with pronation (turning the hand away from you). These small movements of the hand allow you to reach the peak point of contraction and activate the work maximum amount muscle fibers, turning ordinary exercises into super effective ones.

    Dumbbell bench press with supination and pronation are performed according to the same principle. By rotating the dumbbells at the top of the movement, you can load the chest muscles in a new, unusual way and achieve peak contraction. The dumbbell bench press with supination and pronation can be performed while lying on both a horizontal and an inclined bench, thereby directing the load to the very top of the middle of the pectoral muscles.

    Dumbbell press with supination

    The second version of this exercise, with pronation, is performed similarly, but only in this version the grip of the dumbbells is not straight, but reverse (or neutral), but brought together, at the top point of the trajectory, not the lower edges of the dumbbells, but the upper ones. The impact of performing these versions of the dumbbell press can be increased by additionally tightening the chest muscles at the top of the trajectory, delaying the moment of full contraction of the pecs by 1-2 seconds.

    Conclusion: dumbbell bench press with supination and pronation is difficult exercises. But periodically including them in your chest training program can significantly improve the upper segment of the pectoral muscles.

    Dumbbell press on fitball

    The dumbbell bench press on a fitball is not aimed at rapid growth of muscle mass in the pectoral muscles; these are purely chest exercises for girls. It's great for keeping your chest, arms and shoulders toned and is a good fat-burning exercise because the body has to spend extra effort to stabilize the core during the movement.

    Dumbbell press on fitball

    Conclusion: Dumbbell bench press on a fitball is a chest exercise for girls, not for men. You should not expect growth in the muscle mass of the pectoral muscles, but with the maintenance muscle tone it does a great job.


    I hope that in my story you will find the answer to the question of what is better, the dumbbell bench press or the barbell press. And this will allow you to reconsider your set of exercises for the pectoral muscles and breathe a fresh breath into training process. May the force be with you. And the mass!

      Beautiful pumped up breasts are an important element in the figure of any athlete, be it a man or a woman. There are many effective ways work out this target muscle group. The dumbbell bench press is just one of these accessible methods. In the article we will tell you in detail how to do the dumbbell bench press correctly, consider different variations of the exercise (lying dumbbell press on a horizontal and inclined bench at an angle of 30-45 C), and suggest indicative programs and complexes for CrossFit using this exercise.

      Benefits of exercise

      The dumbbell overhead press is one of the basic exercises in CrossFit. Let's take a closer look at what muscles work when bench pressing dumbbells and what are the benefits of it. The biggest advantage of the exercise is that thanks to it you can effectively load the pectoralis major muscles. The triceps and front beam delt. The biceps, as well as the latissimus dorsi, play the role of stabilizers during the exercise.

      During movement, the athlete performs an upward pushing movement of sports equipment. The benefit of the dumbbell bench press for an athlete is that this exercise allows him to work out the chest area of ​​the body well, as well as increase strength in other exercises. This exercise Perfect for beginners and a good base for breast pumping. Working under the supervision of a trainer, a novice athlete can quickly take the first steps towards good shape. This exercise is a very effective way to start your training day.

      Professionals need to perform dumbbell bench press to increase strength in standard exercise with a barbell. Also, experienced athletes need to regularly change their exercise program. This exercise will help diversify the process of pumping the pectoral muscles. You can work out at the gym using the superset method. Combine the pressing exercise with dumbbell flyes, as well as push-ups with wide arms. Perform several sets of different exercises without resting.

      The dumbbell bench press on a horizontal bench is also suitable for women. Girls should work with a weight that is comfortable for them. Before lifting weights, you can build basic strength with regular push-ups.

      Technique for performing dumbbell bench press

      Most novice athletes who come to the gym for the first time make a huge number of mistakes. If you are a complete beginner in the world of weightlifting, be sure to use the services of an experienced mentor, because the technique of performing a dumbbell bench press is not as simple as it seems from the outside. The trainer will help you create a training program and also advise you on nutrition. Already at the first training session, you can learn about the technical difficulties of the dumbbell bench press and the rules for performing the exercise.

      Beginners are recommended to go to the gym with a friend for the first time. The dumbbell overhead press requires a special technique from the athlete. But if you do not have the opportunity to exercise with a partner, then remember a special algorithm for performing movements.

      Before starting the exercise, you must select dumbbells of the appropriate weight. Work with a light load at first. At first, the athlete needs to work on improving technique. After you can perform all the elements correctly, take heavier sports equipment.

      The technique for performing a dumbbell bench press is as follows:

    1. Lift the dumbbells off the floor onto your thighs. With a jerking movement, you should lie down on the bench and take your starting position.
    2. Make yourself comfortable. Bend your back slightly at the lower back. The head and shoulders should be pressed tightly to the surface. Direct your gaze upward. It is also important that your feet are firmly planted on the floor with full feet. Space them a little further apart than the width of your shoulders.
    3. Hold the projectile tightly in your hands. Elbows should be straight or slightly bent.
    4. Begin to lower the dumbbells synchronously as you inhale, and as you exhale, press them up.

      © Mircea.Netea - stock.adobe.com

    5. As you move, firmly fix the position of your wrists.
    6. The dumbbell bench press on a horizontal bench should be performed at the same amplitude as normal work with a barbell.
    7. After you have finished performing the exercise, carefully place the dumbbells on the floor. If you work out in the gym with a friend, he can take the sports equipment from your hands.
    8. Types of exercise

      To better work different parts of the pectoral muscles, experienced bodybuilders use different variations of the same exercise. You can perform the dumbbell bench press in different positions and different ways:

      Incline Dumbbell Press

      This exercise is ideal for pumping the upper chest. Before approaching, you should choose a bench whose incline can be adjusted. The most common variation of the set is the dumbbell bench press at an angle of 30 degrees (45 degrees).

      © Makatserchyk - stock.adobe.com

      This type of exercise is better suited for athletes who already have some experience in the exercise. The athlete's deltoids and triceps also receive additional load. The incline dumbbell press should be performed using the same technical principles as a regular exercise.

      The dumbbell bench press on an incline bench is also recommended for those athletes whose upper chest requires training. If you feel pain in your shoulders while performing the exercise, you need to slightly rotate the dumbbells. This will reduce the stress on your shoulders.

      © Dooder - stock.adobe.com

      Negative incline dumbbell bench press

      The negative incline dumbbell bench press is ideal for athletes who want to pump up the lower chest, as well as make the target muscle group more prominent. During the exercise, the athlete also uses the triceps and deltoids. In order to perform a set, you need to choose the right bench. The negative tilt angle should be 30-45 degrees.

      There are several nuances to the dumbbell bench press with a negative incline:

      1. Suitable only for athletes who have been visiting the gym for a long time.
      2. Athletes often experience dizziness. Do not stay upside down for long periods of time. Monitor your own condition.
      3. It is very important to breathe correctly, do it smoothly and evenly.
      4. The exercise can be performed on a special bench for the press.
      5. An alternative to dumbbells can be a barbell or chains.
      6. After finishing the set, rise carefully. You may need some insurance.

      © Dooder - stock.adobe.com

      Alternate Dumbbell Bench Press

      The exercise can be performed while on a bench with any incline. In this way, you can better work each hand in turn. Attention will be focused on the work of the left and right thoracic regions. The essence of the exercise is to raise your arms up not simultaneously, but one at a time.

      Common mistakes athletes make

      The dumbbell bench press is the main exercise for both beginner athletes and professionals. Many athletes who have been going to the gym for a long time continue to make many mistakes while performing heavy sets. Incorrect technique for working with dumbbells can not only negatively affect muscle growth, but also cause injury.

      To make your training process as effective and safe as possible and to avoid mistakes, use the following rules:

    • Before starting your training day, stretch your muscles and joints a little;
    • During the set, the legs and body should be in static position, so fix them as much as possible;
    • before performing basic movements, make a slight arch in your back; do not throw the dumbbells to the floor immediately at the end of the last repetition as you may injure your shoulder joint;

    • in the first classes, work with light weights and only after working out the correct technique, move on to more serious loads;
    • do not hit the dumbbells against each other at the top of the movement;

    • perform the work with the apparatus smoothly, feel the muscle;
    • squeeze the weight at the same time, watch the synchronization of movements;

    • the range of motion should be full - this way you can work out the pectoral muscles most efficiently;
    • Don't lift your hips off the bench. Strong bending into the “bridge” can lead to injuries lumbar region spinal body.

      These rules will help any bodybuilder achieve results in a shorter period of time, as well as protect themselves from injuries.

      As you know, the dumbbell bench press can be performed in different ways. To maximize the effectiveness of the exercise, perform the exercise on a bench that is not too wide, but not too narrow (your torso should be in a stable position). You should have a good chest stretch at the bottom of the movement.

      If you are working out in pairs with a friend, ask him to place the dumbbells directly on your chest. Insure each other when lifting heavy weights. By going to the gym with someone you know, you can increase your results. Your friend will motivate you, and you will try to show better results.

      There are shells that can be disassembled. If you train with dumbbells like these, you need to test their strength. Protect yourself from injury Don't be afraid to experiment. Change the angles of the bench, the amplitude of movement of sports equipment. You should get a good feel for the target muscle group. Squeeze the dumbbells using the efforts of the chest area, and not the biceps and the whole body.

      Training programs

      Athletes perform dumbbell bench presses during chest training. To work out the chest area well, a split dumbbell bench press program is suitable. This means that in one visit to the gym the athlete must work two muscle groups.

      Most popular programs:

      The most common method of pumping the target muscle group. During chest exercises, the triceps are also actively involved in the work. Start your session by targeting a large muscle group. If you first performed exercises aimed at pumping up your arms, then the dumbbell bench press will not be very effective for you.
      Exercise Sets x reps
      Incline Barbell Press4х12,10,8,6
      Dumbbell Bench Press3x12,10,8
      French bench press4х15,12,10,8
      Extensions on the upper block with a rope3x12
      During the training process, an athlete can combine the load on a large pushing muscle group with a small and pulling one.
      Exercise Sets x reps
      Bench press4х12,10,8,6
      Incline Dumbbell Press3x12,10,8
      Bench press in Hummer top part breasts3x12
      Lying dumbbell fly3x12
      Standing biceps curl4х15,12,10,8
      Alternating dumbbell lifts while sitting on an incline bench3x10
      Antagonist muscles are involved in the exercises. This means that the chest is responsible for a variety of pressing movements, and the back is responsible for pulling movements. In one lesson you can work out two large parts of the body at once.
      Exercise Sets x reps
      Smith Incline Bench Press4x10
      Dumbbell Bench Press3x12,10,8
      Barbell row to the waist3x12,10,8
      Traction upper block to the chest with a wide grip3x10
      Incline Dumbbell Flyes3x12
      Horizontal pull of the block to the belt3x10

      This way you will have Extra time for muscle recovery. This dumbbell bench press program will help both beginners and professionals. When performing dumbbell bench presses on an incline or flat bench, you must understand what the main goal of your exercise is. You can exercise for mass, strength and relief. To increase muscle size in your body, lift heavy weights. Raise the projectile up 8-10 times. At the same time, fully engage your pectoral muscles. If you take dumbbells of the maximum weight for you, you will work on strength. The athlete only needs to do the bench press for a couple of repetitions.

      You can also work out the relief of your chest. This type of exercise is especially suitable for athletes who want to dry off. Perform dumbbell overhead presses with a comfortable weight. Do about fifteen repetitions. The number of approaches is approximately the same for all types of training. It will be enough for you to do 4 sets. The rest between them should not be too long, keep your muscles toned.

      Can I do the exercise at home?

      You can and should play sports in any conditions. To perform an upward bench press, you will need a pair of dumbbells, as well as a special bench. You can replace it with a regular rug. But there is a problem that the athlete’s range of motion will be incomplete.

      It would be best to buy large dumbbells in the store that can be disassembled. Thus, the athlete will have the opportunity to vary the load on the target muscle group.

      If you do not yet have the opportunity to purchase sports equipment, at first you can replace them with heavy improvised means. But soon you will still need to buy a gym membership. In order to effectively build muscle mass, the load must constantly progress. If you just want to keep in shape and also slightly improve your chest definition, then doing a dumbbell bench press at home will be enough for you.

      Differences between dumbbell and barbell presses

      The dumbbell bench press is a basic exercise in bodybuilding and. This is what is included in powerlifting. To increase results in exercises with a barbell (for example, in), the athlete performs an upward press of dumbbells. There are several differences in working with these sports equipment. You can also highlight a number of advantages of training with dumbbells:

      • Safety. Exercising with a barbell in an empty gym is not safe. A heavy projectile can simply crush the athlete. If you exercise without a partner or trainer, and are not confident in your abilities, then use dumbbells. They can be easily lowered without causing injury.
      • Range of motion. While working with a barbell, the athlete is limited to a clear trajectory of movement. The bar connects the two hands. Thus, the athlete cannot increase the amplitude of the set. When working with a barbell, the pectoral muscles will not receive the proper load. By performing exercises with dumbbells, you will increase the mobility of your joints. These movements are considered more natural for a bodybuilder's body.
      • Opportunity to improve coordination of movements. Since the athlete will need to perform exercises with two sports equipment at once, he will be able to quickly and effectively improve the neuromuscular connection in the human body. The athlete will improve coordination of movements. This skill will also help in everyday life.
      • Independence. Possibility to work two hands in turn. This feature of the dumbbell upward press is very important for athletes after an injury. Additional load on the target area will help eliminate the imbalance in the development of different thoracic regions. During the barbell press, the main work will be done only by strong hand. Using dumbbells, the bodybuilder plunges the right and left sides of the body equally. Thus, you can quickly eliminate the imbalance in strength indicators, as well as in the proportions of the athlete’s figure.
      • Versatility. Using dumbbells, a bodybuilder can pump up all muscle groups in the body. Working with this sports equipment is safe and also very comfortable. The athlete has access to a huge number of both basic and isolation movements.
      • The ability to use the projectile in different conditions. Dumbbells are small-sized sports equipment that take up little space. They are very easy to store at home. You can also take this projectile with you during long car trips. This way you can always effectively maintain your physical fitness.

      In addition to the positive aspects, there are a number of disadvantages to performing the bench press with dumbbells. The most basic disadvantage can be considered the small weight of the shells. To exercise effectively, you must have a huge number of dumbbells. But the problem can be solved by purchasing a gym membership. Even in the simplest rocking chair you can find sports equipment, which is suitable for your studies.

    Hi all! It’s been a while since we’ve had any interesting technical articles, and today we’ll fix that. We are about to get acquainted with such a basic exercise for the pectoral muscles as the dumbbell bench press. We will analyze in detail the correct technique for performing it, consider the main mistakes made, as well as tricks that will help increase your results.

    Take your seats, we're about to begin.

    Dumbbell bench press. What, why and why?

    I think you are aware that the most favorite exercise of a green beginner (and not only) in the gym is. Such universal love is most often due to one’s incompetence in other movements (it’s not clear what and how to do) and just a stereotype that it is the best for developing chest muscles. In addition, you can notice that most people get stuck on the bench press, and this is where the “following the crowd” syndrome kicks in, i.e. like everyone else, so do I.

    Certainly, horizontal press This is a classic of the genre and a basic chest exercise, but you shouldn’t elevate it to an absolute and work only with it. There are a lot of incomparable (and sometimes superior in their pumping abilities) him exercises, in particular, about one of these - the dumbbell bench press, we will talk further.

    I want to say that I am not a supporter of frozen forms :), i.e. I don’t always follow what is accepted and what is considered to be truisms. Maybe that's why I don't like classic bench press for its universality. If we consider the latter from a practical point of view, then in some people the pectoral muscles are not fully felt in it, as, for example, in your humble servant. Therefore, if you have a similar situation, then you should not “punch” this particular exercise just because it is called the best. Everything is relative - for some this postulate is true, but for others it is quite the opposite.

    So, let's delve into the theory and look at the main muscle groups that take part in the work (see image).

    As can be seen from the figure, the main load falls on the pectoralis major muscle; deltoids, biceps and triceps also take an active part.

    The dumbbell bench press is a less coordination exercise compared to the barbell press. There is no need to monitor the movement of the bar in the vertical plane, so the athlete concentrates more on the main work (squeezing the projectile). The most powerful part of this exercise is the bottom, where the pectoral muscles receive maximum stretch and greater tension.

    The main advantage of dumbbells over barbells is that:

    • range of motion is much greater;
    • you can work on each side of the pectoral muscles independently;
    • you can work without an insurance partner;
    • the load falls directly on the chest, because you can change the position of the dumbbells at the top for more maximum sensation of the pectoral muscle;
    • exists a large number of execution variations;
    • Free weights are always available in the gym, and the barbell is often “clogged.”

    It's time to look at the kinematics (mechanism for movement) exercises.

    Main driving unit (prime mover) in the dumbbell press is the pectoralis major muscle, and the assisting (promotion engine)- anterior deltoid and triceps shoulder Stabilizing functions are performed by: pectoralis minor, coracobrachial and anterior serratus muscle. The abdominal and back muscles work to “neutralize” the rest of the torso. Raising and lowering the projectile involves movement in the shoulder and elbow joints.

    Main function pectoral muscles in this exercise – reduction to horizontal humerus or moving it to the center of the body in a horizontal plane. The front one performs the same function. deltoid, so you must keep the weight above your chest. This will allow you to perform the movement in the plane of action that is most favorable to the pectoral muscle.

    Execution technique

    Now let's learn the correct technique for performing the dumbbell bench press. Step by step it looks like this.

    Step #1.

    Starting position: take two dumbbells in your hands and, holding them with your palms facing inward, sit on horizontal bench. Lift the dumbbells off the floor and place them on your thighs (closer to the knees). Lean back and lift your knees up onto your chest. In IP, the dumbbells should be to the side (and slightly higher) from your chest. Forearms should form an angle 90 degrees with your shoulders. Bend your lower back and take a strong breath (chest it should seem to be bursting from the inside), place your feet firmly on the floor.

    Step #2.

    Exhaling, press the dumbbells up. At the top point, straighten your arms completely. The dumbbells should be brought either together or almost together.

    Step #3.

    At the end point of the trajectory (top of the elevator) make a second delay (tighten your chest), and then slowly lower the dumbbells back to full rep. Repeat the entire cycle for the specified number of repetitions.

    The picture gallery of all this disgrace looks like this.


    To build up pectoral muscle mass, you should perform dumbbell presses in the amount 3-4 approach to 8-12 repetitions, constantly progressing in weight.

    At first glance, it may seem that the exercise is from the category of “don’t hit someone who is lying down,” i.e. technically not difficult, but this is not entirely true, and even minor blots can lead to serious consequences. So don't make the following mistakes:

    • do not throw heavy dumbbells on the floor while lying on your back, as you can damage your shoulder joints;
    • do not move your legs when you press the dumbbells;
    • do not lie down with a “flat” back on the bench, but be sure to bend;
    • many squeeze dumbbells parallel to each other, but the trajectory of their movement is a diagonal;
    • initially, do not chase the weight and lift only the one with which the technique does not suffer;
    • do not allow the dumbbells to hit each other at the top point;
    • do not stop the dumbbells at the start/end points of the trajectory and do not take unplanned breaks;
    • Always do a warm-up before doing the bench press, otherwise you are guaranteed to get injured.

    As for the technical features, they are as follows:

    • in order not to waste energy on throwing dumbbells onto your chest, ask your partner to hand them to you;
    • the width of the bench should not be too wide, otherwise you will not be able to stretch your chest well at the bottom point of the trajectory;
    • Before doing a bench press, always check the structural strength of the dumbbells (if they are collapsible);
    • to get rid of the dumbbells, at the lowest point, turn them parallel to each other and smoothly lower them down;
    • You can get rid of dumbbells this way: repeat the process of throwing them in only in reverse order;
    • elbows (if you don't have any injuries) should almost always be below the shoulders (corner 60-70 degrees);
    • to feel your chest more strongly, experiment with the angles and trajectory of the dumbbell press;
    • throughout the entire movement, maintain a natural arch in the spine;
    • squeeze the weight not with your hands or with your whole body, but with tension in your pectoral muscles;
    • make sure the lifting and lowering of the dumbbells is synchronized - they should move simultaneously and in the same plane (perpendicular to your position);

    The peculiarity of the dumbbell press is the variability of this exercise. Those. you can not only change the work surface (change the angle of the bench), but also “play around” with the projectile itself.


    Many girls are afraid to do the bench press, so the dumbbell press is a great opportunity for them (you).

    Judge for yourself, with just one (okay, two) dumbbells you can perform several different variations of the pectoral bench press.

    So, we bend our fingers and count.

    Options No. 1-No. 4: 1) neutral grip; 2) different positions of the hands 3) one hand 4) press across the bench.

    Well, that’s probably all I would like to report on. Follow the instructions, and then many young ladies will envy the shape of your breasts :).


    Today we got acquainted with another basic exercise for developing the pectoral muscles - the dumbbell bench press. This means that now you have one more tool for transforming your own body in your Kachkov arsenal. As always, all that remains is to try it in practice and track the results, but you can handle this just fine without me. Until next time, friends, it was a pleasure to write for you!

    PS. Don’t ignore the comments and write down your questions, wishes, clarifications and other miscellaneous things, we’re waiting, sir!

    P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points towards karma, guaranteed.

    With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.