On the benefits of walking backwards. Target Muscles: Glutes

On the benefits of walking backwards

Qigong exercises. Walking backwards

Qigong exercise "Walking backwards"- An effective remedy for back pain. Speaking of "tension of the muscles of the lower back", as a rule, they mean backaches, which in most cases negatively affect people of different age categories, but especially the elderly.

The main symptoms include spasmodic and/or dull pain in the lower back that is exacerbated by fatigue. Often this is not associated with any major malfunctions. internal organs but the symptoms themselves will not disappear with time. One of the most effective means the fight against pain is a combination of physiotherapy (massage, warming, etc.) and performance.

Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners often recommend this exercise to their patients.
Muscle tension lumbar of the spine, as a rule, is caused by weakening of the muscles and ligaments in the lumbar region and instability in the spinal cord. It is the regular execution qigong exercises "walking backwards" helps to train and strengthen the muscles of the back, making them strong and elastic. In addition, the practice of exercise improves blood circulation and energy circulation, as well as metabolism in the tissues of this area of ​​the body. Qigong exercise "walking backwards" does not have age restrictions, it can be performed by both children and the elderly.

Below are two options for performing the exercise, the most popular among the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom.

First option: "Walking backwards, hands are on the belt"
Stand straight, pull in your stomach slightly, place your hands on your belt, look straight ahead. Pay attention to the correct position of the hands: the palms should be positioned so that the thumbs are directed back and press on the symmetrically located shenshu acupuncture points (the points are located symmetrically to the right and left of the spinal column, 5 cm from the lower border of the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra, on lower back above the kidneys), and the remaining fingers point forward.

Raise left leg back and pull it towards the back as far as possible. First, lower your left foot to the surface, touching it only with the front of the foot, transfer the weight of the body to the leg and then firmly press the foot to the floor. Repeat the exercise, performing similar movements with the right leg. Alternate back steps on the left and right foot, while lightly pressing and rubbing the shengshu points with your thumbs each time you take a step back.

Second option: "Walking backwards while swinging the arms." Stand straight, pull in your stomach slightly, hands are freely located along the body, the gaze is directed straight ahead.
Steps back are similar to those described in the first option. Simultaneously with the steps back in time with the movements of the legs, gently swing your arms back and forth.

Important Points
1. Keep your torso absolutely straight; do not overdo it by pulling the leg back, the movements should be natural to you.
2. Pay special attention to the route of your path: to avoid injury and falls, perform steps only on a flat surface, free from obstacles.
3. For the greatest effect, alternate the options for performing the exercise “Walking backwards” (but you can perform one of the two options). The exercise time (or number of steps) depends on your physical condition.
As practice shows, the exercise should be performed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening - for 10-20 minutes.

Practice the Walking Backward exercise: even if you have sharp pains in your lower back, doing the steps helps to reduce such pain.

It is categorically contraindicated to perform the exercise for people with tuberculosis, tumors and diseases of vital organs.

AT Everyday life it is unusual for us to walk backwards. That is why this qigong exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the back, reduces the risk of stooping in adulthood, prevents and cures diseases.

In the cycle of daily employment, it is not possible to find time to maintain your body in good physical condition, so there is a need to look for an alternative to the gym. Walking for weight loss is a real way to lose weight and keep fit. In this article, you will learn what benefits this exercise will bring, how much you can throw off and how to “walk” correctly.

Benefits of walking for weight loss and health

Walking is good for the physical and mental state of the body:

  1. Normalizes blood pressure.
  2. The level of cholesterol decreases.
  3. Improves insulin production.
  4. Bones are strengthened.
  5. Reduced risk of disease of cardio-vascular system.
  6. Increases and maintains volume muscle mass.
  7. Reduces the effects of stress.

To improve health, you need to take 2 thousand steps daily - this is about 2 km. Gradually increasing the pace and distance traveled, bring the number of steps to 10 thousand. From this moment, the process of losing weight will begin. It is worth increasing the number of steps taken gradually - adding 100-200 each. Purchase a pedometer to measure the exact number of steps taken. Change your clothes to comfortable, athletic uniforms, and shoes to sneakers.

How much can you lose kg while walking?

While walking, a person loses from 3 to 8 kg per month. You can't start a hunger strike. You need to eat regularly in small portions 4-6 times a day. In order for the effect to manifest itself faster, a series of simple rules:

  1. Classes should be regular.
  2. Training time 30 minutes - 1 hour.
  3. Well, if you get shoes with cushioning.
  4. Best time for morning practice. You have not yet had time to eat fast-burning carbohydrates, which means that fat will go away faster. A morning walk after a light breakfast is allowed, in the evening no earlier than 2 hours after eating and no later than 1-2 hours before bedtime.
  5. First 30 sec. go to leisurely pace on the heels. So you give the body a signal to prepare for the load, otherwise glycogen will be burned.
  6. The next stage is 30–60 minutes in time. Your speed at this point is 6 km/h.
  7. In the last 5 min. exercise move to a relaxed pace.

Types of walking for weight loss

Walking is suitable for people with different levels physical training. You just need to choose the right type for yourself:

  • Fast.

The type of walking is suitable for busy people who do not have time to go to the gym. This exercise should be started if there is a desire to take care of oneself, and there are any deviations in health. Fast walk does not put a lot of stress on the body. The speed during the exercise should reach 7-8 km / h.

  • On the spot.

With this exercise it is best to start the course. main feature- start a rhythmic walk in place, raising your knees high to the level of your chest. While warming up, breathe deeply: inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. So you saturate the blood with oxygen, preparing the body for future stress.

  • Scandinavian.

This technique is available to people of all ages. Over the years, doctors may prohibit running to keep fit, but nordic walking there are no similar contraindications. To walk correctly, you only need special sticks and sportswear. The exercise is similar to a ski trip: you take a step with your right foot, at the same time throwing your left hand forward with a stick, leaning on it, and vice versa.

  • On the stairs.

Exercise is available, but has contraindications. If you have knee injuries or broken legs, then it is better not to walk up the stairs in order to lose weight. If there are no such health problems, then 10 thousand steps on the stairs will help strengthen the buttocks, the cardiovascular system, and increase daily calorie consumption. Checking if you are keeping the pace is simple: stop and try to say something out loud. If this succeeds easily and without obvious shortness of breath, you are doing everything right.

  • Sports.

If running puts a strain on the heart and is contraindicated for people with a violation of the musculoskeletal system, then brisk walking is allowed for everyone. Exercise will help get rid of excess weight, increase endurance, saturate the brain with oxygen. The step should be longer and faster than during a normal walk. Tearing off one foot from the ground, it is necessary to immediately put the second on the surface - contact with the ground must be maintained constantly. The speed of sports walking can reach 9 km/h.

  • With tension in the muscles of the buttocks.

As soon as you lift your leg off the ground, you need to tighten your buttocks. The back should be straight and relaxed. The exercise will strengthen and tighten small and large gluteal muscles.

  • Back forward.

A good choice for those who want to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and back. You need to stand on a flat surface, put your hands on your belt, pull in your stomach, straighten up and start moving with gradual acceleration.

Nordic walking with sticks

To get started with Nordic walking, you need to purchase training poles. The cost of this unit varies from 1000 to 4000 rubles. You should also learn the basic rules of Nordic walking:

  1. The back remains straight.
  2. Movements as when skiing: simultaneously move the right leg and left hand, then vice versa.
  3. As an additional load, change the exercise to jumping with running and movements of the right leg with the right stick and vice versa.
  4. The foot falls first on the heel, then on the toe.
  5. Move evenly.
  6. The first lesson takes no more than 25 minutes. Increase the load gradually.

Walking stairs uphill

The meaning of the loads is that the ascent and descent of the stairs is carried out in unfamiliar territory. The step on the stairs has a different height. This will increase the load, train the muscles of the legs, abs, back, lungs and cardio system. Before performing the exercise, the muscles need to be warmed up, only then the fat reserve will go into consumption. Training time is at least 30 minutes. To get into the rhythm, you should start with 15-20 minutes.

Walking along with exercises at home

Combine walking and additional exercises stands when you have already reached or stepped over 30 minutes. It is effective to do stretching at home in the interval of 15-20 minutes of running. If you have a goal of combining uphill walking with classic brisk walking, choose a route with elevation changes.

The interval set of exercises involves active walking, for 10 minutes, which is replaced by exercises. Then you begin to rotate your arms: 10 times forward and backward, 4 repetitions each. After raising your arms to the sides, perform turns (40 times). Having developed the back and arms, we move on to the knees. Exercise walking in place. Take 40 steps. go on running workout. Doing everything correctly, the result will be visible on the 5th day.

Fast walking on the track

On the treadmill, you can control the speed, load, incline. In a break from walking in the gym, it is convenient to use a weighting agent on your hands. Walking on a treadmill should take at least an hour. It is important that you are in the target heart rate zone for half (or more) of the training time. If you can't raise the readings, try increasing the incline.

Video: Proper Walking Technique for Weight Loss

Want to turn walking into a professional and effective workout for weight loss? Watch the video in which a professional instructor will tell you how to start classes, how to walk correctly, what shoes to choose, what to drink during training and in what mode. Happy viewing:

Nordic walking originates from Finland: once upon a time professional athletes decided not to stop training even in the warm season. Finnish walking comes from Scandinavia, so the second name of the sport is Nordic walking. In 1997, Mark Kantan, a Finn by nationality, patented this health-improving form of physical education, giving it a name - the original Nordic walking. And subsequently he published a printed edition in the form of a manual on Nordic walking.
Nordic walking with sticks is an amateur foot sport. A man, leaning on sticks, makes a walk. This widespread sports activity received on the territory of the Scandinavian countries up to North-Western Europe. Specially opened even tracks for training and practicing such a favorite sport.
For the first time, German doctors spoke about the benefits of Nordic walking, having conducted studies that showed a high healing potential. As it turned out, at race walking 90% of the muscular structure of the entire human body is involved, therefore, energy is burned 1.5 times more than with a normal step.

Walking technique

To master all the nuances of the technique, you need to follow our instructions:

Step one. Warm up.

Repeat each exercise 10 to 15 times:

  • resting the brushes on the sticks, make rolls from the heel to the area of ​​​​the toe of the foot;
  • alternately with each leg to carry out swing movements back and forth;
  • take a stick and put it behind your head, holding it with both hands and tilting your torso to the right, then to the left;
  • swing your arms while crouching on the supporting leg;
  • raise your hands with sticks up and start stretching the body.

Step two. Walking technique with Scandinavian sticks

  • the body with a straight back is tilted forward, the legs are bent at the knee joints;
  • rolling from the heel of the foot to the toe, follow the steps, at the same time helping with sticks when moving, as if imitating a skier;
  • if the left leg comes forward, it means: the right arm is thrown out with it, and vice versa;
  • when walking, sticks should not be spread far from the body, clearly following the preservation of the position along the body;
  • medium steps should be taken, a large and too short step can interfere with movement;
  • the brush unclenches in the rear position and contracts when it is in front;
  • walk, keeping the rhythm and pace of walking, evenly pressing the sticks;
  • inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth.

Step three. Completion of the workout.

After completing the journey, we perform the exercises:

  • hands up - inhale, tilt down - exhale (repeat several times);
  • muscle stretching - any set of stretching exercises.

Nordic walking with sticks: how to walk correctly

For beginners, on the advice of instructors, it is better not to overdo it, starting with 15-20 minutes a day, taking a break between workouts of 3-4 days, gradually increasing the pace. There is no need to bring yourself to exhaustion if there is no appropriate preparation or if the initial state of health does not allow you to perform heavy loads.
For all other lovers of Scandinavian movement, a standard training scheme is recommended - from 3 times a week, walking for 30 minutes, and more. Many people prefer and endure dynamic walks in a daily format of about 1 hour.

How to practice Nordic walking with sticks

Proper Nordic walking involves warm-up exercises before and after hiking.
Breathing is carried out (on the advice of instructors) through the nose, exhalation - through the mouth in a ratio of 1: 2, which means: for every two steps - a breath is taken, and after four steps - an exhalation.
After a Nordic walking lesson, a trip to the sauna, hammam or bath is recommended. If this is not possible, an ordinary bath with warm water will perfectly cope with the relaxation function. Muscle fibers well warmed up after the first workouts will not give pain.

Nordic walking with sticks for the elderly

Modern old women and pensioners no longer gossip at the entrance, but lead an active and eventful life, keeping up with the younger generation. In addition to the general strengthening of the body, Nordic walking is used for rehabilitation and therapeutic purposes, facilitates the course and helps prevent many diseases:

  • osteochondrosis, the most common ailment that occurs after the age of 40;
  • arthritis or arthrosis, even osteoporosis;
  • normalization respiratory system, with an increase in the volume of the lungs and maintaining their elasticity;
  • activation of the cardiovascular system, strengthening of the heart muscle, prevention of arterial hypertension; atherosclerosis;
  • stimulating mental activity and creating a cheerful mood.

Nordic walking technique with sticks for the elderly

For older people, it is necessary to follow all the same rules as for people of the younger generation, but there are some features:

  • All movements should be as smooth as possible, without sharp jerks and ragged rhythm.
  • You need to walk slowly, inhale the air deeply
  • Constantly monitor your pulse, blood pressure and blood sugar levels. In case of poor performance, it is better to postpone the training to another day.

Nordic walking with sticks: walking technique - video

Nordic walking with sticks: benefits and contraindications

According to scientific research, Nordic walking develops a sense of balance, increases the frequency of contractions of the heart muscles by 10-12 beats per minute, trains coordination of movements and improves posture.

Nordic walking with sticks: benefits for the elderly

There are many for older people positive effects from classes:

  • posture correction;
  • reducing the load on the joints and spine, preventing diseases of the musculoskeletal system;

  • acceleration of metabolism, contributing to the gradual weight loss;
  • improvement of blood circulation and the work of the heart muscle;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • decrease in the tendency to fractures, especially in old age;
  • availability and mass character: any sports uniforms available in the arsenal and special sticks;
  • improved mood and improved quality of life.
  • Nordic walking helps a lot when hiking in the mountains or walking through nature reserves: it is much easier to move around using sticks.

Nordic walking with sticks: reviews

The theory is confirmed by the reviews of fans of this sport, the technique really works on people who want to lose weight. The effectiveness of Nordic walking is much higher than that of ordinary walking or jogging. The explanation is the number of muscles involved - about 90% muscular system of the whole body. Reviews about improving well-being and the appearance of vigor, activity throughout the day after class - are heard from every lover of this physical culture:

  • Almost everyone has reduced symptoms of osteochondrosis, joint problems disappear.
  • Pensioners and the elderly cannot get enough of this technique, because they feel positive impact on the general tone of the body after the first week of training.
  • People communicate more when they walk with sticks together, which means they become more socially active.

No wonder they say: movement is life, and proper Nordic walking with sticks is the improvement of the whole organism as a whole and an improvement in mood!

Source: nordicstick.ru

Features of walking with sticks

According to one version, this type of physical activity was first described by a native of Finland, Marko Kantaneva. Nordic walking and running were used by skiers as training exercises outside of the winter season. In addition to helping athletes prepare for competitions, Nordic walking has been shown to have health benefits for people of all fitness levels.

Walking with Scandinavian sticks is a great way to strengthen the cardiovascular system, tone muscles, and get a boost of vigor and energy.

Consider some of the features of this lesson:

  • You move with extra weight. Sticks weigh little, but after 30-60 minutes even this small weight will seem much more than at the beginning of the walk. This means that the load on the muscles is more significant than with normal walking.

  • With every step, you wave your hand. And this means that, in addition to the legs, the shoulder girdle will work. For people with osteochondrosis and just a fixed lifestyle, this is a big plus: blood circulation throughout the body improves, muscles that are not involved in ordinary life are trained.
  • For breathing, raising your arms at each step will be very useful - it expands rib cage, and on lowering the hand - narrows. Thanks to this, the lungs are better ventilated. A plus to this will be an increase in lung volume due to increased load. As a result, increased endurance and better tissue oxygenation.
  • Do not be intimidated by the word "Increased load" in the previous paragraph. You can easily control the speed and activity of movements.
  • Significantly increases your stability on the road relying on sticks. Easier uphill climbs. For people who have begun to develop diseases of the musculoskeletal system, Nordic walking (it is also called so) will be much easier than usual. This is due to the fact that body weight is redistributed due to reliance on sticks.
  • And another plus associated with sticks is that when you get up to rest, you can lean on the sticks and throw a solid part of your weight on them. This significantly reduces the load on your back, which you will immediately feel.
  • There are no contraindications for Nordic walking. Nordic walking is considered one of the safest sports.

  • The Nordic walking technique is simple and does not require special skills and abilities.
  • This type of activity is very effective in terms of weight loss. Often people who lose weight are advised to run. But active running can interfere excess weight, unpreparedness of the cardiovascular system, problems with the joints and spine. But walking is possible for everyone. Here Nordic or Swedish walking with sticks helps a lot. In terms of calorie consumption, this activity will almost correspond to jogging. In addition, you can walk many times longer than run.

Answering the question what Nordic walking is, it is worth saying that this is not some special walking in Scandinavian, Swedish or Finnish. All people move the same way - on two legs. It's just that you're using a stick with every step.

We are more likely to walk with ski poles because people do not always have the opportunity to purchase special equipment for these purposes. Yes, and our winter is long, there is a lot of snow - ski poles are quite suitable for such conditions. True, you won’t knock on the asphalt with them - it will be inconvenient.


There is a lot of talk about Nordic walking today. Someone walks with ski poles, someone takes 2 canes, and someone buys extremely expensive equipment from leading brands. Later I will tell you which sticks are better, and how to choose them, in general.

So, what is useful Nordic walking:

  1. Improvement of blood circulation.
  2. Workout shoulder girdle
  3. Prevention of osteochondrosis: strengthening muscles, reducing the load on the spine.
  4. The possibility of a long walk at times increases all its beneficial features, in comparison with the same run. But negative factors, on the contrary, are less.
  5. Nordic walking for pensioners is one of the few sports that they can safely practice without risk to health.
  6. Nordic walking is good for the respiratory system - it has been proven that the lungs are trained and ventilated. And this ensures the prevention of respiratory infections.
  7. A consequence of the previous paragraph is the saturation of the blood with oxygen. O2 molecules will be delivered to every cell in the body. Enough 40-60 minutes of walking at an average pace.
  8. Proven (and it is being used with might and main today) rehabilitation benefits. Nordic walking is used as a rehabilitation after fractures of the hip, knee, and lower leg. People walk with sticks as with additional support - and better stability and less stress on the fused bones.


Nordic walking with sticks brings a lot of benefits. Everyone talks about it, everyone firmly believes that the occupation is absolutely safe. Basically, it is. As always, there are a few "buts".

And this is immoderate human enthusiasm, which can drive the heart even with such a harmless occupation. If you walk too hard with sticks, you can hurt yourself. In addition, if you do not dress properly, you can sweat and catch a cold. And you can also slip, break a stick, scratch on its fragment.

In general, there are many risks. But all of them are determined by a conscious factor, since Nordic walking with sticks has no contraindications, in the medical sense, as such. Of course, you should not give physical activity to people with serious diseases of the heart or musculoskeletal system.

To minimize risks, do the following:

  1. Choose sticks wisely.
  2. We choose clothes and shoes - everything should be comfortable and reliable. It makes sense to spend money on one pair good running shoes You can't save on this. High-quality shoes will absorb movement, sit comfortably on the foot, and will serve you for at least 5 years. In other words, one pair of good shoes is better than several pairs of bad ones.
  3. We pay attention to our well-being. If you feel weak, have a cold, are injured or overworked, it is better to stay at home and recover. Older people with heart disease or who have had a heart attack should walk slowly, gradually increasing the duration of walks.
  4. In contrast to the previous paragraph, you should not cancel walks because bad mood or household chores. Your health comes first. Let's not forget how Nordic walking with sticks is useful and go to the park!

Correct technique

Now the most interesting thing is the technique of Nordic walking. In this case, there is no special instruction. They did not expect? The only skill you need to get started is walking. Walking with sticks is essentially the same as walking without sticks. Only hand movements are added.

All technical aspects are aimed solely at improving the effectiveness of classes. You may or may not follow them.

Imagine you are skiing down the track:

  • The step is alternate, the arms and legs move in the opposite direction, that is, the left foot forward - the right hand forward and vice versa. In the same way, your hands with sticks will move during Nordic walking.
  • The movement of the arms comes from the shoulder, not from the elbow.
  • The height of the arm is about 45 degrees.

In general, this movement is natural, it will be difficult for you to start walking in any other way.

There is no such clear and unambiguous decree on how to properly walk Nordic walking (unless you are a Finnish skier, of course). All people walk differently. It depends on physical fitness. Someone throws sticks high and strides briskly, while someone who is weaker walks slowly and periodically drags them along.

Naturally, you need to lean a little on the sticks, straining the shoulder girdle. Otherwise, the whole point of taking them with you is lost. Then it's better to just walk around.

In large cities, training in Nordic walking is common. This is a whole direction in fitness, where you can not only train, but also sell the necessary ammunition. People often charge quite a lot of money for Nordic walking lessons.

Therefore, whether or not to attend a special school is up to you. Perhaps it will be more comfortable for you to work in a team where the coach will be your external will. If everything is in order with your motivation, you can do it on your own.

In Nordic walking, the technique of walking for weight loss is no different from other techniques that pursue other goals. The main thing here is to move actively so that the pulse rises a little higher than with normal walking. Then you can burn more calories.

Speaking about technique, we can say that for Nordic walking there is only one rule - to walk with sticks.

Do you need a workout?

Do we need to warm up before getting up from the chair and walking to the kitchen? Here you have answered the question.

Of course, warm-up movements will never be superfluous. Stretching joints and stretching stiff muscles is always helpful. Let's put it this way: let it not be a warm-up, but some kind of addition to Nordic walking in the form of exercises. Because it is very useful to stand in the middle of the forest and do such “exercises”.

Without fail, this type of activity does not require any preliminary exercises. Of course, if you are going to run with sticks, then you really need to warm up, just like before a sprint run.

In the case of a regular walk or workout for weight loss, it will be useful to vary the speed of steps. It is best to start small, gradually accelerating to 5-7 km per hour or alternating intervals of fast and slow movements.

At first, you need to walk slowly, slightly raising the sticks with each step. We do not make any special efforts to support. After 2-3 minutes we accelerate, and we raise the sticks higher. After 10 minutes, you can already move your arms to full amplitude. This is the perfect workout.

Doing exercises is better in the middle of walking or after it. They took sticks, put them together and did squats (a comfortable number of times), body turns, waved their legs, arms, you can even do fencing (just don’t kill anyone, the ends of the sticks have rather sharp metal teeth).

Thus, the warm-up before Nordic walking is walking itself.


For Nordic walking with poles, there are no instructions regarding clothing. There are tips. As well as no technique for Nordic walking with sticks.

If there is a walking club in your city, they will probably offer you special hats, sneakers, and pants.

In fact, you can buy clothes at any sports store. It is suitable for any hiking. You can wear normal comfortable clothes according to the season. Consider the degree of exercise you want to give - if you are actively moving and sweating, you need to dress lighter than in the case of a leisurely walk.

But with sticks it's more difficult. How to choose them is described in detail in this article. Just remember that it is better to take Exel or Leki, Ergoforce. And the length is selected based on your height - multiply it in cm by 0.68 (for the elderly by 0.66) and round up to a multiple of 5.

Effectiveness for weight loss

Walking with sticks for weight loss will be much more effective than just walking. For the same time, you will spend more calories, since you will have to move not only your legs, but also your arms. In other words, if you practice Nordic walking, the weight will go away faster.

Nordic walking for weight loss also has a number of advantages over jogging. For example, when it is painful for a person to run, this is the only way to burn calories on foot (yes, there is also an exercise bike).

For weight loss, the rules of Nordic walking are as follows:

  • Walk every day at about the same time.
  • The duration of the walk is at least 40 minutes.
  • Keep the speed around 5-6 km per hour.
  • Watch your pulse. The optimal pace will be such that you can not calmly carry on a conversation without stopping your breath. And you should be able to say a simple phrase.
  • The Nordic walking technique is simple - walk as you feel comfortable and move your arms.

From any physical training, including from Nordic walking, the benefits are much greater than the possible inconveniences. Therefore, try to move more, lead an active lifestyle and do what you like.

Source: FitNavigator.ru

Let's analyze the mechanics of the "northern way"

The walking technique called "Nordic walking with sticks" is based on a special movement mechanics. Thanks to it, you can use almost the entire muscular frame of the body, total which reaches 200 units. Analyzing the movements of Nordic walking, there are 3 factors:

  1. Physical load is a closed chain of "events": leg - a moving part of the body - an arm fixed on a support;
  2. 3 joints take part in the movement: pelvis, knee, ankle;
  3. The minimum load "falls" on the skeleton and other joints.

Particular attention is paid to the movement of the legs, which consists of two "stages": transfer and support. The first stage of "support" is a consistent emphasis on all parts of the foot: heel, midfoot, toe. Putting the other leg forward at this time, the athlete moves to the second point of support. Repeating the support stage, the load “starts” from the heel, then moves to the middle of the foot and toes. The body moves forward, and the other leg is taken back. This cycle is repeated during the entire walking process.

Let's analyze the movements

The Nordic walking technique is based on the usual stepping movement. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly use its main element - the step. To walk with sticks correctly, it is important to consolidate skills into muscle memory. This is done in 3 stages:

  1. The task is to "feel" the weight of the walking poles. To do this, you need to take them in the middle, and not by the handle. Walk like this around the room, slightly tilting your body forward. Coordinate the involuntary step so that the work of the arm matches the opposite leg.
  2. We are working on the rhythm. We repeat the movements of the previous stage, changing the position of the sticks: they need to be taken by the "lanyard". It is not necessary to push off from the ground, it is enough to “drag” them behind you at the moment of simulating Nordic walking. Devices move rhythmically, in time with the movements of the hands.
  3. Directly Nordic walking, in which sticks are used. At this point, the movement of the arms and legs should become habitual, so pushing off the ground with the help of devices will make it easier. At this time, the last stage of synchronization is being worked out: a simultaneous push of the heel and the stick in the opposite hand.

The Nordic walking technique instruction with sticks implies compliance with the following rules:

  • Support devices are used, holding them only at an angle;
  • You can not place the weight of the body immediately on the entire foot: it is important to “roll” it from heel to toe;
  • Taking a step, the legs are slightly bent at the knees;
  • Arms slightly bent, move up and down;
  • Walking is carried out only with a straight back;
  • You can not put much pressure on the devices: this will increase the load on the bones and joints;
  • Shoulders relax and drop down a little;
  • When the hand is pulled back, the hand is completely unclenched: the stick is held only by a special glove;
  • Hands when moving back and forth should be within forty-five degrees from the body.

After the basics of the technique are mastered, you can use walking by confidently increasing the pace of movement: increasing the amplitude of the swings of the hands, making the steps wider.

Nordic walking lessons for beginners include 3 techniques:

  1. Fast paced "triple" steps;
  2. Wide stride;
  3. Parallel movement of arms and legs (sliding of the left leg while relying on the left stick).

The “introduction” of each technique into technique training occurs gradually, as walking skills progress, in order to increase the load.

Proper breathing

Any physical activity is performed using breathing technique. Breathing during Nordic walking also plays an important role. However, in this case there are no strict regulations and rules. Inhalation while walking with sticks is carried out through the nose, exhalation - through the mouth.

To understand how to breathe correctly during Nordic walking, you need to forget about all the rules, relying on the natural functions of the body. Natural breathing is the main condition for outdoor walks in Scandinavian style.


In order not to "bring down" the breath, we follow this rule: we inhale and take 2 steps, exhale - 3.4.

As breathing exercise use conversations, singing or reading poetry while moving. With their help, blood flow improves, which helps tissues and organs to be better saturated with oxygen, quickly “leaves” subcutaneous fat, endurance appears.

Useful Video - A Complete Lesson on Nordic Walking Technique

Training preparation and completion

An important condition for obtaining a healing effect from Scandinavian movement is the use of a warm-up.

We list the exercises that are used at home. They are needed to warm up the muscles before training. Their task is to use the entire muscular frame of the body, which must work constantly.

  1. The stick acts as a projectile. She is lifted over her head. Slowly lean to the right, then to the left. Do 8-10 times in each direction.
  2. Put down the stick. Take a deep lunge with your right foot. Lean forward while pointing your arms back. Then change the position of the body: point your arms forward, and tilt your body back. After completing the exercise 10-15 times, change your leg for a lunge and repeat it 10-15 more times.
  3. Take sticks. Position them so that your arms are slightly back. Relying on them, do squats. Their number depends on the level of training of a novice athlete and varies from 3 to 15 squats.
  4. Lean on the walking aid with your right hand. Grab your left knee with your left hand. Standing on one right leg, gently try to bring the left leg, bent at the knee, to the buttocks. Stay in the achieved position for 10-15 seconds. Change the leg and support arm and repeat the exercise. Do 8-10 times.
  5. Slowly, without jerks, we raise our hands with support up, slightly spreading them to the sides 8-10 times.
  6. We put both sticks in front of us at a distance of straightened arms. We bend forward, arching the back. Repeat 8-10 times.
  7. With your right hand, take one end of the device and lay it behind your back. With your left hand, grasp the lower end of the stick in the region of the lower back, thighs. Slowly raise your right arm up until muscle tension reaches its maximum. Do 8-10 times with each hand.

Many Scandinavian walkers ask if they can supplement their workouts with their own exercises. The answer is definitely positive. Moreover, after long sessions, a person himself can choose exercises for warming up, because the needs of each “athlete” in warming up the muscles are different.

After warming up, Nordic walkers should check the poles and fastenings on them, adjust the length of the straps.

After graduation training process recommend doing exercises aimed at stretching the muscular frame of the back, hips and shoulder girdle. All movements after training are performed at the pace of "relaxation", slowly. Bath. Sauna or hot bath filled with aromatic oils - all these water procedures will allow the muscles to relax and reduce pain after exercise to a minimum.

Selection of devices

Since the main "assistant" in Finnish walking is sticks, for the effectiveness of classes, their correct selection is as important as the technique of movements.

For the first time, special devices were released in 1997.

Their length is an important selection parameter. She is selected individually. To choose the right sticks that are comfortable to hold, simple calculations are carried out. The growth of a beginner "athlete" is multiplied by a certain coefficient:

  • 0.66 - during recreational activities;
  • 0.68 - for fitness training;
  • 0.7 - for "serious" sports activities.

Since all fixtures have standard sizes that differ by 5 centimeters, the result is compared with the table and the appropriate option is selected. If the number is in the interval between the presented sizes, the choice is made based on the physical fitness of the person. For example, if he just started sports activities” or it has limitations due to diseases, choose a lower value. For a trained person, you can choose equipment that is “higher”, since in this case the load on the spine increases.


The best option for beginners are telescopic poles. Their size is changed during training. In addition, 1 pair can be used by all family members.

When choosing fixtures, pay attention to the material from which they are made. Carbon is reliable, strong and expensive. Aluminum is lighter and cheaper. Any kit is not cheap, so its choice must be taken responsibly.

Duration of training

An important rule of Nordic walking is compliance with the training regime and the correct distribution of the load.

How much to walk in Scandinavian style is determined individually. This parameter consists of the athlete's physical fitness, the presence or absence of diseases and the "experience" of classes. Average data, which recommend training for 40 minutes three times a week, cannot be taken into account: in each case, the “dosage” of classes will be different.

Video - 10 main mistakes of Finnish walking technique for beginners

Some rookie mistakes

Many lovers of sports movement try to start classes on their own, without joining Nordic walking clubs. This approach will significantly save your finances, however, without an experienced mentor, classes will not be effective.

We list the main problems of beginner athletes:

  • Poor-quality or improperly selected sticks quickly deform after a few workouts;
  • With the wrong position of the hands, the sticks “take up” the wrong position, going back;
  • Pressing on a stick with a brush leads to rapid fatigue with minimal energy consumption;
  • Uneven and incorrect load on the feet leads to the appearance of corns and rough skin on them;
  • Incorrectly selected or poor-quality shoes will lead to rapid leg fatigue.

Nordic walking - useful view sport that brings health improvement and a sea of ​​positive emotions. They can be practiced in winter and summer, autumn and spring. Team training will help you find new friends, prevent depression from developing, and maintain a good mood and well-being for a long time.

Therapeutic exercises of Chinese medicine Qingnan Zeng

8. Therapeutic backward walking for lumbago

Lumbago is commonly referred to as "lumbar overextension" and occurs most often in middle and old age. The severe pain of lumbago can last for a long time, but can be treated with exercise.

Exercise "walking back" strengthens the muscles of the back and lower back, increases muscle strength.

The exercise has its roots in a traditional taijiquan movement called "retreat monkey".

Overstrain in the lower back is mainly due to insufficient strength of its muscles and tendons, poor stability of the spine. "Walking back" helps to train the muscles of the lower back, increase their strength, increase the stability and flexibility of the spine. In addition, the alternation of tension and relaxation in lumbar muscles when walking backwards, it helps to improve blood circulation and metabolism in body tissues. When walking backwards, use your thumbs to massage the shen-shu points (located on both sides of the second lumbar vertebra, approximately two fingers wide away from the spine, at the level of the navel). It helps to nourish the kidneys, strengthen the lower back and heal lumbago.

This exercise has already benefited many people who have practiced it.

It is simple and easy to learn and can be used by all ages. The degree of physical activity depends on age and individual physical condition. Usually the exercise is performed twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, for 20 minutes. If you have an acute attack of lumbago, immediately begin to walk backwards, this will help relieve the pain.

Two options are described below..

1) Walking with hands on the belt.

Starting position: stand up straight, chest out, head up, gaze straight ahead, hands on the belt, thumbs pressing on the shen-shu points.

Description: Start with the left foot. Pull your left hip back as far as possible and take a step back. Shift your body weight back, first placing the foot on the ground with the ball of the foot, and then on the entire sole. Shifting your body weight to your left foot, start walking with your right foot. Move backwards, taking alternating steps with your left and right foot, pressing the shen-shu points with your thumbs with each step. The speed of movement is about 40 steps per minute, and at least 600 in 20 minutes.

2) Walking with arms swinging.

Starting position: stand up straight, chest out, head up, gaze straight ahead, arms down.

Description: leg movements are similar to those described in exercise 1. Swing your arms while walking backwards.

Important Points: The chest should always remain protruding, and the hips should be retracted as far back as possible.

What to pay attention to: You can choose one method and follow it, or use both alternately. The walking surface must be level and free of obstructions. Those who suffer from tuberculosis or inflammation should not do the exercise. Those with acute low back pain should first find out the cause and do the exercise if it fits their diagnosis. Plus, the exercise prevents stooping, as it increases physical tension in the back, stretches the torso, helping it not to bend either forward or backward.

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The content of the article:

On the planet a large number of people have problems with overweight. It is no coincidence that various methods and supplements that allow you to burn fat are now very popular. Some people quickly manage to get rid of extra pounds, while others are forced to make incredible efforts for this. To make it easier for them, scientists continue to search for the most effective method weight loss. One of these was the reverse run, which may seem strange to you. Let's find out what reverse running can bring - good or bad.

Reverse running and weight loss

Scientists from the UK are sure that running backwards is very effective. They claim that reverse running is beneficial for weight loss and is not at all harmful. For many, this assumption may seem funny, but it is difficult to argue with science and it is worth a try.

At the same time, the originators of the reverse run are not British researchers, but marathon runner Karl Twumi. He hypothesized a long time ago that running backwards can be beneficial, and British scientists have proven this in the course of their research.

It should be said that reverse running is useful not only for losing weight, but also harmless to the joints. Surely you know that during the classic run knee joints are exposed to a sufficiently strong shock load and it is dangerous for them. When a person uses reverse running, the shock load on the joints is negligible. In addition, it has been proven that this type of running allows you to burn 20 percent more calories compared to the classic one.

British researchers have calculated that the caloric expenditure of a 400-meter reverse run (the size of a standard treadmill in a stadium) is equal to the calorie expenditure of a classic six-lap or 2400-meter run.

Moreover, for effective fat burning it is absolutely not necessary to run and you can just walk. Scientists have made corresponding calculations of energy costs for reverse walking. If you walk only 100 steps backwards, you will burn as many calories as if you walked a thousand steps normally. Of course, the efficiency of running is still higher, but for starters, you can also try reverse walking.

It is clear that after the publication of these research results, almost all people were surprised, but today more and more Britons are actively using reverse running, the benefits of which have been proven and there is no harm. It should be noted that scientists have already paid attention to the reverse run, and this happened in the seventies of the last century. Then such training was recommended to athletes during the rehabilitation period after injuries.

After serious damage, many types physical activity are banned, but athletes need to recruit former form to the maximum short time. Most often, reverse running was used after injuries to the back and knee joints.

In our country, the reverse run has not gained popularity yet, and not many people know the results of research by scientists from the UK. But in the West, this type of cardio is becoming more and more popular. Moreover, back running became so popular that it was decided to create a federation marathon run back forward. Currently, active preparations are underway for the first major tournament.

Probably a run back to certain time will become popular with us, because it is not distinguished by high technical complexity. Although at first there will certainly be some discomfort, because you need to constantly turn your head. For this reason, you should probably start training with walking backwards, gradually moving on to running.

Evening run for weight loss

After reviewing the benefits of reverse running and talking about its benefits and harms, I would like to talk about classic running, namely the most favorable time for jogging. Many people prefer to run in the morning, but scientists have proven that running in the evening is most effective. Let's see what it is connected with.

If we talk about the difficulties of morning runs, then most of you understand that before work it is quite possible to force yourself to wake up earlier and go for a run. In addition, a morning run can significantly reduce your performance, which is completely undesirable before starting a new working day. But in the evening, a light jog can be a great way to relieve stress that has accumulated during the day.

If you decide to start jogging in the evening, then you should remember that you can’t put too much stress on the body so as not to disturb your sleep pattern. It’s worth starting with ten or a maximum of fifteen minutes of running. Then you can gradually increase the time of runs, while observing the state of your body. At the same time, you should not run in the evening for more than half an hour.

Very often, people go for a run only after they come home from work, have a bite to eat and rest. But this is not very useful for the body, which has already switched to rest mode, and jogging can become a significant stress for it. In this way, optimal time for evening runs is in the range from 19 to 22 hours. At this time, the body has already calmed down and you can relieve the remaining stress, but at the same time, it has not yet passed into the phase of passive rest.

If morning cardio loads are recommended on an empty stomach, then this should not be done in the evening. At the same time, you should not eat heavily if you are going to run then. An excellent example for a meal before an evening run is an omelet with boiled chicken or meat. If you do not want to have dinner, then fruits and vegetables are quite suitable.

But the warm-up before the evening run is also necessary, as well as before the morning. It should be noted that if you are going to play sports all the time and it is not a momentary hobby or a tribute to fashion for you, then warming up should be an indispensable element of any workout. Since you're going to be running, your warm-up should focus on your legs. A jump rope is very good for this. Also, do not immediately start running. Walk at a walk, gradually increasing the speed of movement, and then move on to a run.

We have already said that in the evening there is no need for serious loads and run on flat terrain. It is very good if there is a park near your house and you can run there. This will save you the trouble of breathing in exhaust fumes from cars. By the way, you should stay away from busy traffic.

Whatever time you run, it is very important to follow the rhythm of your breathing. During exercise, the body consumes in large numbers oxygen and therefore breathing is quite important. Often, with a lack of oxygen, people begin to breathe through their mouths, believing that in this way they can eliminate the oxygen deficiency. But in practice, the situation is completely opposite. Always breathe through your nose and so you can maintain the rhythm you need and fully provide the body with oxygen.

Today you learned about the benefits of reverse running and the absence of harm to the body with this method of movement. If you don't want to start using this one, it's still for us exotic look cardio loads, then you may be interested in evening jogging.

How to run with benefit, and not to the detriment of health, see this video: