Elena Stoyanova’s diet – Sybarit cocktail: recipes and menu for the week. Cocktail recipe “Sybarite” for the active weight loss stage

All women should be beautiful and happy. A slim body Often for us it is the key to self-confidence. But not everyone wants to exhaust themselves with strict diets and experience a constant feeling of hunger. The Sybarit diet was created specifically for such people; it is correct, harmless and effective. The author of this diet is Elena Semenovna Stoyanova - academician, professor, holder of several diplomas, including medical. In 1998, her book “You Will Lose Weight Forever” was first published by the Moscow publishing house Perspektiva. The book went through several reprints, and each time new evidence was added to it that the author’s humane concept of losing weight was correct. The main example was Elena Stoyanova herself, she succeeded in a short time lose more than thirty extra pounds.

Video recipe for a weight loss cocktail

What is the secret of the diet

Elena Stoyanova’s “Sybarit” diet suggests making a special cocktail the basis of your diet, thanks to which you will lose weight. It consists of the simplest and most affordable products, can be easily prepared at home and looks like a delicacy. The main ingredients of the cocktail are cottage cheese and fruit. The drink is called "Sybarite". Apparently, Helen named him that because the Sybarites (tribal inhabitants of the Greek colony of Sybaris around 720 BC) were lovers of sumptuous feasts and achieved high skill in the culinary arts.

The entire diet is conventionally divided into two stages: the first is intensive weight loss, the second is consolidation of the achieved result. Although the method of losing weight is considered easy and “tasty,” you still have to limit yourself in food. For example, you will have to make do with one cocktail for breakfast and dinner. But this is not a problem, because cottage cheese saturates the body and gives it a lot of energy. So no one is in danger of fainting from hunger.

Magic cocktail recipe

The Sybarit diet offers a varied menu. You can even eat pasta, potatoes and legumes. The main thing is to take your cocktail on time and not eat after 18:00. To prepare a cocktail for one day, you will need half a kilogram of cottage cheese and 400 g of your favorite fruit. Cottage cheese should be low-fat, at least with a fat content of 0.6%. If it is difficult to get such cottage cheese, you can take regular cottage cheese and dilute it one to one with 0% kefir. The drink can be prepared immediately for the whole day and stored in the refrigerator until the evening. But if you do it in portions, you can use different fruits five times a day and enjoy different tastes.

For one serving of cocktail, you need to mix 100 g of cottage cheese with 80 g of fruit and turn it into a homogeneous mass using a blender - that’s the whole difficulty of preparing sybarite. No sweeteners should be added. By the way, its consistency is more like a curd dessert than a drink, so it’s convenient to eat it with a spoon.

The magical cocktail “Sybarite” saturates the body during a diet

First stage

  • Breakfast: unsweetened coffee or tea and one serving of sybarite (180 g).
  • Second breakfast: a salad of fresh vegetables with a minimum amount of vegetable oil and a portion of porridge (pasta) or boiled beans (beans, peas).
  • Lunch: a cocktail, and twenty minutes later the same salad as for breakfast, and your choice of fish, eggs or liver.
  • Dinner: cocktail. You need to have dinner no later than 18:00; if the feeling of hunger is very strong, then eat another portion of sybarite.

If a double serving doesn't satisfy your hunger, drink a cup of unsweetened cocoa without milk before bed. This menu should be followed for four weeks. During the diet, sybaritis is allowed to exercise athletics. If you feel that it is difficult for you, then make do with simple morning exercises.

Elena Stoyanova's diet saves you from one extra kilogram every day

Second phase

At the consolidation stage, you need to use the same cocktail, from the same products, but prepare it in different proportions. For 500 g of cottage cheese you need to take the same amount of fruit, respectively, the portion of sybarite increases by 20 g. At this stage, you make up the diet yourself, the main thing is that the food should not be heavy.

  • Breakfast: double portion of sybarite.
  • Second breakfast: any light dish.
  • Lunch: a drink and twenty minutes later any light dish.
  • Dinner: a cup of cocoa and two servings of the magic drink (cocoa can be prepared with milk and sugar).

Consolidation of results lasts two weeks.

Losing kilogram after kilogram, you don't feel hungry

Nutrition results according to Stoyanova

The Stoyanova diet at the first stage relieves you of an average of one kilogram every day excess weight. Everyone who has experienced this method of losing weight on themselves unanimously declares that it is easily and simply tolerated and does not interfere with nervous system and gives energy. Some women report how colleagues at work made fun of them, hinting that while on a diet they were eating more often and more than usual. The conclusion suggests itself: you will not have to suffer from hunger during the sybaritic diet.

Elena Semyonovna herself advises having a fasting day once a week and consuming only sybarite, even if you have already achieved your goal ideal weight. Don't forget about your beauty and femininity, love yourself and everything will be fine!

As part of this diet course, you will eat your fill of delicious and healthy dishes, while quickly losing extra pounds. The secret to losing weight is very simple: the calorie intake is reduced at a moderate pace so as not to create stress for you or your body. Also, the Sybarit diet, reviews of those who have lost weight are quite positive, focuses on consuming the most suitable products for weight loss. This is food enriched with fiber, proteins, vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances.

The goal of the diet is to establish a diet and develop new eating habits, thanks to which you can continue to lose weight and avoid regaining the pounds lost during the course.

This method of losing weight involves a combination healthy eating with performing a number of physical activities that you can choose for yourself.

The process of losing weight with such a diet will take from one and a half to six months. TO octail Sybarite has positive reviews.

Cocktail Sybarite: recipe

The author of this diet, Elena Stoyanova, suggests replacing one of the meals with a special protein-carbohydrate cocktail. It will reduce your total daily caloric intake while saturating your body with essential nutrients.

So, to prepare this cocktail, only fresh berries or fruits and natural cottage cheese are used. This combination will create a long-lasting feeling of fullness and moderate your appetite.

Since berries with cottage cheese can be considered a dessert dish, this will make it possible to reduce the craving for sweets, and milk protein and fruit pectin will help satiate the stomach and stabilize blood sugar levels. Having breakfast with this dish, you will be full until lunchtime.

To prepare the cocktail you will need the following ingredients:

  • 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • large apple/160 grams of berries/orange/nectarines.

You can use any fruit or berries in combination with cottage cheese. The main condition is that per 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese there should be about 80 grams of berries or fruits.

Take these ingredients and grind them using a blender. If you use apples for a cocktail, choose juicy varieties and grate them first. You should consume the resulting cocktail at a time - this is one serving.

Diet Sybarit Elena Stoyanova: products

It is recommended to start preparing the Sybarite cocktail only in the evening or before drinking. One serving contains 180 ml, use a measuring spoon/glass to prepare it. Eat the Sybarite weight loss cocktail slowly, preferably with a small spoon. This way you will saturate your body faster and enhance the taste. What foods are best not to eat on the “Sybarit” diet:

  1. Butter and vegetable oil. Only unrefined olive oil is allowed, no more than 1 tbsp. in a day.
  2. Nuts, except hazelnuts, almonds and walnuts.
  3. Fruit juices. The exception is lemon.
  4. Honey, sugar and its substitutes.
  5. Kiwi, pineapples. If you mix them into a cocktail, you will create a bitter taste.
  6. Potatoes.
  7. Carrots, beets, various pickles and pumpkin.
  8. Butter, smoked and sweet products.
  1. Low-fat cottage cheese and kefir.
  2. Fruits.
  3. Berries.
  4. Mushrooms.
  5. Legumes, including cereals: buckwheat, rolled oats, rice, pearl barley and millet.
  6. Pasta.
  7. Ground flaxseed.
  8. Olives.
  9. Lean meat and fish.
  10. Eggs.
  11. Cocoa.

Throughout the day you can drink tea, coffee or water.

Sybarite diet: menu for the week

  • first breakfast - “Sybarit” cocktail (eat slowly, with a teaspoon), a cup of unsweetened tea or coffee;
  • second breakfast - no more than 200 grams of any porridge cooked in water (rice, millet, etc.);
  • before lunch (approximately 20 minutes before) - half a serving of cocktail;
  • lunch - 150 grams of lean meat, fish or chicken (steamed, grilled or boiled), a large portion of vegetable salad dressed with a spoon of vegetable oil, a cup of tea or coffee without sugar (or other low-calorie drinks, with the exception of soda);
  • dinner - cocktail “Sybarite”;
  • before bed - a cup of cocoa without adding milk or sugar (you can use sweeteners).

Try to keep your daily menu as varied as possible - include as many different healthy dietary foods as possible. You can experiment with the Sybarit cocktail itself, choosing different types of cottage cheese, as well as different berries and fruits.

How to maintain weight with the Sybarit diet?

The Sybarit diet can be used both for weight loss and to consolidate the results obtained.

To do this, you are offered two food options: either you drink the Sybarit cocktail instead of breakfast and dinner, or you follow this diet:

  • first breakfast - half a serving of cocktail;
  • second breakfast - any low-calorie dish of your choice;
  • 20 minutes before lunch - half a serving of cocktail;
  • lunch - a portion of lean meat or fish, a vegetable side dish or light soup, a small portion of buckwheat porridge or baked potatoes;
  • afternoon snack - half a serving of cocktail;
  • dinner - half a serving of cocktail;
  • before bed - a glass of kefir or a cup of cocoa (without adding milk or sugar).


The advantages of the presented diet include the following points:

  1. Does not cause a feeling of hunger.
  2. Shows good results.
  3. The cocktail has a simple preparation.
  4. The diet is balanced.
  5. The permitted list of foods is quite wide, and all the food present in it has good benefits for the body.
  6. When drinking a cocktail, you will be able to give up sugary foods.


The disadvantages include:

  1. You will have to keep the amount of food you eat under control.
  2. There is a list of prohibited products.
  3. Daily cocktail preparation.


In essence, the Sybarit diet is a healthy low-calorie diet, so you can follow it without any fear. However, you must first make sure that you do not have allergic reactions to any types of fruits and berries, as well as lactose intolerance.

If you do not have any individual contraindications to such courses and food products, then the “Sybarit” diet will help not only get rid of excess weight, but also improve the health of the body, as well as accustom yourself to proper nutrition, avoiding further overeating and abuse of unhealthy high-calorie foods.

"Sybarite" and physical activity

Since during such a dietary course you will have to consume quite a lot of protein foods, exercise will be very appropriate. In addition, you will eat quite well, so you will have enough energy and strength for regular workouts.

Any will do physical exercise: yoga, swimming, aerobics, fitness, etc. All these activities will benefit both your health and figure.

Sybarite diet: reviews and results

The hero of the new novel by Marina and Sergei Dyachenko is charming and, without a doubt, talented. Friends cannot imagine themselves without him. His mother dotes on him. Women stand under his windows. Universal love has only one dark side - everyone who gets in its way risks their life.

Who will be able to cross the Valley of Conscience without loss?

Marina and Sergey Dyachenko
Valley of Conscience

...I'm a monster.

Outwardly, I am no different from millions of other people. I have a round face, brown eyes, dark hair, narrow lips and soft ears. In April, freckles appear on the cheeks. I don't seem dangerous. I often get sympathy.

Listen! I really need at least someone who knows the whole truth about me... Allow me to write to you? Just write? If you don't want to, don't answer...

I wasn't always like this.

Then somehow - later! - I will tell you…

Part one

Chapter first

Vlad had no intention of quarreling with Cuckoo.

As a matter of fact, he did not intend to be friends with Cuckoo either; Ideally, Vlad would not want to have anything in common with Cuckoo, but this ideal was unattainable. What remained common was space, teachers and change - especially change, time that was necessary and useful, but poisoned by Cuckoo’s presence.

Once upon a time, in second grade, they got into a fight. It was probably just a childish fight - with tears, snot, pokes and trips; Now Vlad thought that she even seemed funny from the outside, this memorable fight for both of them. But it was after her that Cuckoo stopped calling Vlad the very word that had so poisoned him the first time. school year: translated into human language, this short nasty word meant “the son of a walking woman, unnecessarily thrown under someone else’s door.”

And one more thing - after that fight, Vlad got the opportunity not to be at enmity with Cuckoo and not to be friends with him. He valued his independence and was not going to risk it, knowing full well that Now You won't have to fight the Cuckoo at all. Most likely, there will be no fight at all, but life will be turned into daily hell, like Zhdan’s...

Actually, it was because of Zhdan that everything happened. Because it was Zhdan’s birthday.

The downtrodden and despised also have birthdays. And the most naive of them sometimes hope to radically change their lives - on this very day; Zhdan came to school dressed in white and clean - an amazing thing! - a shirt and an old, but quite decent suit. Zhdan brought a bag of chocolates and a guitar; he hid both of them with some kind of fussy mystery behind a coat rack. Cuckoo watched with a grin; the day began as usual - Gleb Pogasy, who sat down with Zhdan on his own initiative, raised his hand at the beginning of the lesson:

- Can I change seats?

The cuckoo looked favorably. The girls giggled; Gleb muttered apologetically:

- I can’t, this boy stinks again...

“It’s always the same,” the mathematician said irritably.

Zhdan was not at all a weakling or a fool, and certainly not a fool. Zhdan, if he was overweight, was not too plump; he just didn’t make friends with Cuckoo in time - and he paid for it more heavily than others, because he had one unfortunate feature: he stank.

His sweat probably had some specific composition. He probably should have washed more often; The older Zhdan got, the more noticeable the smell became, the more fun Cuckoo’s friends joked, the more demonstratively the girls winced.

But today was Zhdan’s birthday, and perhaps the day before he had sat for two hours in a cooling tub with soggy soap in his hands (Vlad knew that in the quarter where Zhdan’s family lived, hot water was only available in tubs, and only if it had been previously you’ll warm it up in the boiler, and in these houses they treasure coal like the apple of their eye). One way or another, there was almost no smell from Zhdan, and Gleb’s demarche in the first lesson was just a circus to please the Cuckoo, however, as always...

During the big break, Zhdan rushed around the class, putting candy on the desks, two for everyone, and four for Cuckoo. Then, striking the strings with a convulsively crooked hand, he sang something - not bad at all; The cuckoo listened, chewing, and from the expression of his face it was impossible to understand anything - a strange indifference on the face of a twelve-year-old boy...

However, by that time Cuckoo was almost thirteen.

The hangers-on also chewed and listened - carefully forcing boredom onto their faces; it was not easy for them, because from under the feigned indifference the usual grin was creeping out. Linka Rybolov, Cuckoo's closest friend, whispered something in his ear from behind; Cuckoo nodded. When Zhdan finished singing, Kukushka pulled out a white wad of chewing gum from his mouth - but he shot it not at Zhdan, as many expected, but at the blackboard.

At least that's what he thought.

Just before the bell rang, the attendants hastily cleared the board and removed the candy wrappers lying around in the aisles; the remaining three lessons passed without incident, except that Zhdan distinguished himself by asking for an answer in geography and receiving a well-deserved A...

And after lessons, the same Gleb Pogasy for some reason came up to Zhdan to say goodbye. And he said goodbye long and heartfelt, so that the birthday boy was embarrassed; when Gleb walked away, clapping Zhdan on the shoulder for the last time, a piece of paper stuck with adhesive tape remained on his back.

Linka Fisherman hid behind the closet, covered her mouth with her hands and went into silent convulsions of laughter.

The others looked away. Someone giggled - and immediately wilted under Cuckoo’s gaze; Zhdan sensed something was wrong, but did not understand where the trouble came from. The birthday mood had not yet faded, the stupid thing still believed that Cuckoo could be bribed with four chocolates...

Those who did not want to take part in the joke - mostly girls - quickly ran away. Others rummaged through their briefcases, waiting for Zhdan to leave so they could immediately follow.

Vlad saw the sign when Zhdal was already at the door. The short, nasty word that meant poop eater was accompanied by a detailed ink illustration of exactly how, where and by whom this meal was taken.

Vlad studied in the same class with Cuckoo for several years and was able to speak not only in human language, but also in the biting “cuckoo” language - but he almost felt sick. He recognized the hand of Linka Rybolov - she had won prizes more than once at some competitions for young artists...

Zhdan walked along the long school lobby; Vlad suddenly had a terrible desire to meet one of the teachers along the way. To notice the white piece of paper on the black school jacket - and unstick it from the hunched back of the birthday boy.

And then a tedious “educational” hour will follow, lectures and clarifications, and Zhdan, again finding himself in the center of everyone’s mocking attention, will sit with his head pulled into his shoulders (after all, he tries not to cry in public!). And Gleb Pogasy will again explain that this boy stinks, and Linka Rybolov, a beautiful girl with an almost formed figure, will bat her long eyelashes and make remarks, as if making excuses, and half the class will fall under their desks laughing...

No. It would be better if Zhdan came home (three long streets later) and, taking off his jacket, discovered an artistic mark on his back. No one will see his face - unless his mother or sisters are nearby. Then guests will gather - adult friends of Zhdanov’s parents, they will drink loudly to his health, and Zhdan will lock himself in his room...

Vlad suddenly clearly realized that if he were Zhdan in such a situation, he would simply lie down and die. I would have died of shame and humiliation - listening to the toasts of drunken guests coming from behind a thin wall...

The school lobby was empty - the younger students had long left, the older ones were already in their seventh period. At a distance of twenty steps, Zhdan was followed, stifling laughter, by Kukushkin’s hangers-on. Zhdan pushed the front door.

Vlad had no intention of quarreling with Cuckoo. Now, if Dimka Shilo, Vlad’s friend, had come to school today, the two of them would have come up with something... But Dimka was taken to the doctor today, and he won’t be there. Vlad is all alone, and why should he get involved...

Zhdan's long laces trailed along the ground. It was easy for Vlad to accidentally step on one of them, so with Zhdan’s next step, the sloppy bow turned out to be two even less neat ropes.

“Your shoelace is untied,” Vlad said indifferently.

And when Zhdan bent down to restore the lost bow, he reached out and peeled the picture off his back. He crumpled it up and put it in his pocket.

- What are you doing? – Zhdan asked, catching something out of the corner of his eye.

“Nothing,” said Vlad.

Zhdan looked at him suspiciously. Then he did something he had never done in his life - he walked up to the triple mirror located at the entrance and looked at his back through it...

I didn’t see anything, shrugged my shoulders and went home. Celebrate birthday.

Losing weight without denying yourself delicious and, most importantly, healthy and satisfying food - isn’t this the dream of every woman? Inspired by the idea of ​​​​creating just such a nutrition system that will allow you to enjoy delicious food and, at the same time, part with kilograms, Elena Stoyanova created her unique sybaritic diet. It allows you to lose weight with truly sybaritic pleasure - easily, naturally, without denying yourself anything.

Sybarite diet: what is the secret of losing weight

The basis of this diet is a natural cocktail high in protein and carbohydrates. It is prepared independently, from affordable and simple products, and replaces a full meal. Due to the fact that the sybarite cocktail must be prepared exclusively from fresh fruits and cottage cheese, it can be considered an analogue of dessert, and this helps reduce cravings for sweets and, accordingly, reduce the amount of calories consumed.

The main principles of the sybarite diet from Elena Stoyanova are:

  • Mandatory performance, and you can choose the variety and intensity yourself, the main thing is that they are performed regularly;
  • Moderate reduction in the overall energy value of the usual menu;
  • Increasing the amount of foods containing in the diet a large number of proteins and fiber;
  • Building a proper diet;
  • Daily consumption of a sybarite cocktail.

Obviously, the diet is quite simple and does not require any severe restrictions, such as, for example, in, and all its requirements are not so difficult to fulfill.

All data is given for 1 serving of this unique carbohydrate-protein cocktail, which can replace a full meal. So, we will need:

  • 200 gram pack of low-fat cottage cheese(you need to choose only the freshest one, so it is not recommended to stock up on this product);
  • 1 “conditional apple”. By this, Elena Stoyanova means any fruit or berries, the main thing is that their total weight is 160 grams, that is, the weight of one large apple. You can choose fruits according to your taste and, of course, according to the season. Nectarines, peaches, plums, grapefruits - anything goes. It is only important to ensure that for every 100 grams of cottage cheese there are 80 grams of fruit.

All selected components need to be turned into a homogeneous mass using a blender - and a portion of the sybarite cocktail is ready.

Diet sybarite Elena Stoyanova: approximate diet

It is worth noting that this diet is only one of the possible options; everyone can independently combine it from those products that they prefer, the main thing is to remember the basic principles of this nutrition system, set out just above.

Breakfast. Coffee or tea without milk, you can use a substitute instead of sugar. 1 serving of sybarite cocktail - you need to eat it slowly, in small portions, using a teaspoon.

Lunch. Absolutely any porridge with water, serving weight – maximum 200 grams.

Dinner. 20-30 minutes before it starts, eat half a serving of sybarite cocktail - this will significantly reduce your appetite. Then you can eat boiled or steamed fish, chicken or pork without fat with a large portion of vegetable salad (ingredients to your taste), seasoned with a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Drinks – any with zero calories – coffee, chicory, tea, water.

Dinner: another portion of the sybarite cocktail.

Before going to bed, you can drink a cup of cocoa, but you need to prepare it without milk or sugar.

This diet is quite filling, so the feeling of hunger will not bother you. It has a similar effect, but it is much more strict.

How long can you use the Sybarit diet?

Since this nutritional system is balanced in composition and contains a large amount of both proteins and carbohydrates necessary for the normal functioning of the body, you can stick to it for a long time. In general, the Sybarit diet from Elena Stoyanova is designed for 2-3 months, but if you like it and you want to continue to adhere to the same diet, then you can only slightly change it and use it as a permanent system. In this case, it is recommended to eat a portion of a cocktail in the morning, for lunch there are any light dishes, as well as soup, meat or fish with a portion of side dish, salad. Instead of an afternoon snack and dinner, it is recommended to eat half a serving of a sybarite cocktail.

By eating according to such a simple plan, you can not only lose up to 2 kilograms per week, but also improve your health thanks to the increased content of food rich in vitamins and microelements in your diet.

There are no contraindications for following this diet, so it can be used even by those for whom other diets are not suitable for health reasons.

Did the Sybarit diet help you? Is it easy to follow? Tell us about it in the reviews!

This is a magical system, because everyone who loses weight with it no longer wants to return to another diet - it is so well thought out, and simply delicious.

The program is divided into two stages:

  • Stage 1 - Intensive lasts 6 weeks, you can lose weight from 3 to 15-16 kg.
  • Stage 2 - Maintenance regimen, you continue to lose weight, but not so rapidly.

Basic principles of the Sybarit program

In order to achieve maximum result At the intensive stage of weight loss, you must strictly follow all recommendations. As experienced Sybarites say, “the first intensive comes only once.” This means that in order to lose weight as much as possible, do not neglect the rules.

The basis of the program is the delicious Sybarit cocktail, it is made from soft cottage cheese and fruit, and is even tastier than ice cream.

During the day, Sybarites drink 2 liters of pure still water. Those who forget to drink water lose weight much more slowly. Remember: not tea, not compote, not coffee, not juice, but clean water!

Sybarites eat 4 times a day, the last meal no later than 18 hours. In the evening they drink cocoa.

Sybarites eat a lot of vegetables, consume only the right fats and prefer foods with a low glycemic index.

Intensive phase menu

During the day you should eat 4 times. The optimal intervals between meals are from 1.5 to 4 hours. For example: breakfast at 8, lunch at 10, lunch at 14, dinner at 18.


  • Cocktail Sybarite, 360 ml - you need to eat it slowly, with a small spoon.
  • Tea or coffee without milk and sugar.

Lunch- second breakfast.

  • A giant salad of fresh non-starchy vegetables (soup bowl with top) + 1 teaspoon of the right oil (see below).
  • Porridge cooked in water, without salt. sugar, milk. Volume is about a glass.
  • Nuts: 3 almonds or 2 walnut halves (not roasted). Can be replaced with three olives.


20 minutes before lunch - Sybarite cocktail, 180 ml. After your own lunch (so as not to burst!).

  • A giant salad of fresh non-starchy vegetables (soup bowl with top) + 1 teaspoon of the right oil.
  • Stewed, baked or boiled non-starchy vegetables + 1 teaspoon of proper oil.
  • Protein dish: lean meat, fish (stewed, boiled or baked without fat) or 2 eggs. The serving size is approximately the size of your palm without fingers.

Dinner- no later than 18-19 hours.

  • Cocktail Sybarite, 360 ml.

In the evening

After six you can't eat, but you need to drink cocoa. The drink is prepared from natural powder - something that does not contain sugar or other additives. You can use 2 teaspoons with the top of the powder for one large cup, or you can divide it into two: a small cup for 1 tsp.

Beginning sybarites sometimes don’t really like cocoa, but drinking it is very important. The fact is that cocoa helps get rid of cravings for sweets. In addition, it contains a lot of magnesium, which our body needs every day.

Perhaps you sometimes have an irresistible desire to eat chocolate? This happens when a magnesium deficiency has accumulated, and the body urgently requires replenishment. If you drink a cup of cocoa every day, the balance is maintained and the body behaves calmer.

If it doesn't taste good to you, you can add a little milk. But remember that the calcium contained in milk interferes with the absorption of magnesium.

Duration of the intensive stage

The intensive stage cannot last more than 6 weeks. No matter how much weight you have lost, you need to switch to a maintenance regimen. In the future, if necessary, you can take the intensive course again.

Maintenance mode

When you lose a lot of weight during an intensive program, you need to consolidate the results obtained and at the same time not fall off the nutrition program. Now the menu is not so strict, but it is important to follow certain rules.

  1. Before each meal (about 20 minutes) you eat 180 ml. cocktail Sybarite.
  2. In the morning - a hearty breakfast, dinner no later than 18-19 hours.
  3. Lots of vegetables.
  4. It is not advisable to eat fruits other than those included in the Sybarit cocktail.
  5. The composition of the daily diet is approximately this: 25% of calories from proteins, 50% from low-GI carbohydrates, 25-30% from healthy fats. However, you should consume no more than 30-35 grams of fat per day.

Authorized Products

Cocktail- any fruit and soft creamy cottage cheese with a fat content of 0-0.5%, protein content 8-10 g per 100 g. If the cottage cheese is ordinary, then it is high in protein, it should be diluted with low-fat kefir.

For the salad- any fresh vegetables, except potatoes. Fresh carrots and beets in small quantities.

For a vegetable dish for lunch- any vegetables except potatoes, carrots and beets. Stewed vegetables can be replaced with thick vegetable soup.

For porridge- large rolled oats, buckwheat, pearl barley, millet, brown rice. Porridge can be replaced with two slices of bread, which does not contain white flour, but does contain bran. You can also replace it with stewed or boiled beans.

Protein dish- beef, veal, chicken breast, lean fish. If the fish is oily, then minus 1 teaspoon of oil at lunch. Eggs are also possible.

The Right Fats- unrefined vegetable oil, flaxseed oil, extra virgin olive oil, cod liver oil.

Preparing the Sybarite cocktail

You need to prepare 900 ml of cocktail per day to get 2 servings of 360 ml and one of 180 ml.

You will need:

  • 500 grams of creamy cottage cheese (fat content no more than 0.5%), protein content 8-11 g per 100 g. If the cottage cheese is ordinary, then the protein content is approximately 18-24 g per 100 g, such cottage cheese should take 250 grams and add 250 ml low-fat kefir.
  • 400 grams of fruit. For simplicity, we consider the volume as 2.5 apples. You can have any fruit, just don’t overuse bananas.

Don't add sugar! Delicious cocktails are made from combinations of apple + banana + strawberries, apple + peach, apricots + strawberries, also from nectarines, pears, cherries, plums, raspberries, blueberries, watermelon, melon, etc. Oranges and tangerines should be taken together with partitions. Kiwi is undesirable as it has a bitter taste.

It is convenient to grind the cottage cheese plus fruit with a blender in a large bowl, and then pour it into three servings. Beer mugs and bouillon cups are suitable for 360 ml; a regular cup or glass will do for 180 ml.

The cocktail can stand in the refrigerator for up to 1.5 days; it is better not to store it longer.


  • It is required to prepare a cocktail daily.
  • If you work outside the home, you will have to carry your entire daily ration with you.
  • Eating also takes a lot of time, and you have to take another break for lunch.
  • If the program is not followed strictly, weight loss will be less than expected.


  • No feeling of hunger.
  • Encourages you to eat a lot of vegetables.
  • The daily diet is balanced, the body receives everything it needs: vegetables, fruits, calcium, magnesium, proteins, complete carbohydrates, proper fats.
  • Losing weight motivates you to keep going and going.
  • The program develops healthy eating skills.
  • Metabolism is restored, the pancreas, kidneys and liver are healed.
  • On the maintenance regimen, you continue to lose weight.

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